til v l 1 JMVr 9 W1 TrjBMWBlilMMHHMPHlii - - ti f i j w - mm ii 1 1 1 TEE 9 No 6 VI No 1 3 201 Main Avenue In order to make room for our line of Spring Goods which will begin to arrive in a short time we are making some exceedingly low prices on all lace boots warm lined shoes slippers and heavy winter shoes We cant afford to carry over our winter goods Ladies warm lined Shoes in all latest styles and lasts at 150 A large lot of Ladies fine Shoes both patent and kid all up-to-date lasts in all sizes and widths at from l504o 250 We have a large line of Ladies seven and ten button Gaiters in various colors Also Misses and Childrens Jersey Leggins Mens Lace Boots good quality 350 Mens warm lined Shoes many different styles ranging in prices all the way from 150 to 250 One lot of Mens 450 and 500 dress Shoes patent and kid will all goat 300 Mens heavy work Shoes best quality box calf and kangaroo i 50 to 250 Where a Careful Examination Reveals the Fortunate Fact that Injuries though Painful Are Not Serious Brakeman I E Graves of Conductor Neal Beelers crew was jerked off the top of a freight car at Edison Monday evening receiving painful hip injuries in the fall and scramble to escape the approaching cars By rarest good fort une he escaped serious injuries ordeath While shunting cars at that station in spite of his bracing himself an appli cation of air or a sudden stopping of the train threw him to the track between the steel rails He was ablB to scramble off the track and thus escaped the wheels Mr Graves was brought to the city on train 5 same evening and taken to the Southwestern Nebraska hospital where a careful examination revealed the fact that bis injuries painful as they were were not of a serious nature General Supt W S Perry of build ings and bridges Liucolu was at head quarters yesterday Fred Landberg was off duty a few days on account of a lame back return ing to work Wednesday morning Tom Mclnroy a Burlington engineer of the olden day9 was in town Wednes day He has been visiting a daughter in Arapahoe A bulletin was posted this week making A C Wiehe round house fore man general foreman And Augustus will be Johnny on the job all the time Supt W M Weidenhamer of the Sterling division was called home to Galesburg Illinois last Saturday by news of the death of his mother who was stricken down by heart disease The family accompanied him P1L A large variety of Boys Shoes both for work and HBweswswgsrpw dress at 150 to 175 Boys High grade at These are genuine bargains a look will convince you of this The sale lasts through the month of Jan uary Dont fail to get some of these good things Yours for Bargains Cuts best 250 Misses and Childrens School Shoes -- These are all of most excellent quality and are built for wear During the sale at from 125 to 200 5 1 - f Time Card McCook Neb The Enjoyment of a Prosperous NEW YEA R will depend upon the circumstances that you can control One of these is your standard of health iour health cant be the best if teeth are not doing effective work The quick changes that teeth good or bad often make is really surprising Little decays grow into the larger kind and increase the risk of total loss One evidence of satisfaction that my patients enjoy they hac a sreater interest in their teeth that have been restored than the fee it has taken to make them so Let us have a pleasant chat about your teeth 14 16 Dr H J PRATT Dentist Over McConnells Drug Store MAIN LINE BAST DEPaET Central Time 1027 P M 500 a m 715 a m 942 p m 400 A si MAIN LINE WEST DEPAKT Mountain Time 950 A M 5 Arrives 13 15 IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time No 175 departs 1142 P M S3 P M 1025 A M 1217 A M 505 P SI 710 A si Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information timetables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Agent R E Foe of Red Cloud visited in the city Sunday R L Lyon was with the folks in Treuton New Year day John Murray was in Omaha Friday and Saturday last on business Dave Knowles spent New Year day wiib his parents in Culbertson Agent O E Engstrom of Holdrege was at headquarters Tuesday Mr and Mrs W L Bass arrived home last Saturday from their visit of six weeks in Texas The Standard Oil Co is building a supply depot at Red Cloud on the track just west of the stookyarde Wire Chief and Mrs C F Heber were guests of Mr and Mrs R G Knowles Culbertson New Year day Engineer R E French has been en tertaining his father John French of Clay Center Nebraska since last week Sunday 81 cars of stock were received at Red Cloud from the west for consign ment to Omaha Kansas City and St Joseph Conductor E O Scott and family ar rived home last Thursday morning on 2 from their visit to her parents in Fresno California BRAKEMAN GRAVES HURT Is Jerked Off the Top of a Freight Car at Edison Monday Evening BROUGHT TO THE HOSPITAL IN McCOOK Conductor Neal Beeler is in Lincoln A this week Tne painters are brightening tkiugs up interiorly at the depot this week C Hull of the freight claims de partment Omaha succeeds W S Tom linson as assistant to Claims Agent Hanson Hull will made Sterling the principal source of his activities Tom linson has resumed his position in the train service McConnell for drugs Dill pickles at the White House Buckwheat at the White House Dill pickles at the White House Buckwheat at the White House McConnells Balsnm cures coughs Use McMillens Cough Cure 25c Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers Big Clearing Sale of shoes at Viersens Mrs J JacKson nurse Phone red 251 McMillens Cold Cure will break up your cold Typewriter ribbons pnpers etc for sale at The Tribune office Put your feet against oni of our 8100 hot water bottles It is solid comfort L W McConneli Druggist F0R0RNTJETC For Sale or Rent House at once 401 east 6th st See Will Neill at house in evenings Fou Sale 160 acres of improved land seven miles south of McCook Neb Price 82200 Mrs M E Battershall owner 12 22 its Okarchp Okla For Sale Dwelling near high corner 2nd west and G street Phone black 312 12 25 4 For Sale A 8325 piano cheap quire at this office In- For Rent 5 room house modern ex cept furnace close in good neighbor hood bargain to right party J R Stassberry For Rent A 7 room dwelling with large barn Inquire of Diamond at the Stein clothing store For Kent Four room cottage J I Lee Phone 43 Mrs fc A QUEER WOOING Whtttlers Offhand Wedding and th Brides Scant Trousseau Laboucheres claim that lie brougb about the marriage of Whistler is thus recorded in the Life of Whistler I believe I nin responsible for Whis tlers marriage to the widow of Mr Godwin the architect She was a re markably pretty woman and very agreeable and both she and he were thorough boheminns I was dining with them and some others one even ing at Earls Court They were ob viously greatly attracted to each oth er and In a vague sort of way they thought of marrying So I took thp matter in hand to bring tilings to a practical point Jimmy I said avIH you marry Mrs Godwin Certainly he replied Mrs Godwin I said will you marry Jimmy Certainly she replied When I asked Oh some day said Whistler That wont do I said We must have a date So they both agreed that I should choose the day what church to come to for the ceremony provide the cler gyman and give the bride away 1 fixed an early date and got the then chaplain of the house of commons the Rev Mr Byng to perform the ceremony It took place a few days later After the ceremony was over we ad journed to Whistlers studio where wq had prepared a banquet The ban quet was on the table but there were no chairs So we sat on pa king cases The happy pair when I left had not quite decided whether they would go that evening to Paris or remain in n studio now unpractical they were v- shown when I happened to meet t1 bride the day before the marria rc iii the street Dont forget tomorrow I said No she replied I am just g Iig to get 1113- trousseau A little late for that is it not I asked No she answered for I am only going to buy a new toothbrush ami t new sponge as one ought to have nw ones when one marries DONT FIGHT THE WEATHER Try the Plan of Being on Friendly Terms With It What a great misfortune this is the habit of considering the weather of thinking that we must consider the weather It is largely due is it uot to clothes No mention is made of rain In the garden of Eden but we must not therefore contend that rain wm disagreeable and omitted We must recollect that Adam and Eve did not need to consider rain Furthermore In blessed ignorance they did not know that It was anything to be considered To mind the rain no more than tin May sunshine but to plunge into it and let the drops pelt as will to accept snow without a thought of dis comfort but rather to enjoy the thronging presence of it to pursue ones daily stint regardless of whether the sky be dun or blue this is a state which we especially of the cities long long have lost We regain It some of us in the wil derness camp where we hunt or fish if the day be dark or if the day be bright and where we find that the dash of the soft rain on ones face is not death after all that wetness and dryness are merely relative terms All the centuries of fussing and fum ing with the weather have not affected the weather one particle It still rains and snows and sleets and blows just as dictated by circumstances There fore whats the use Are your puny diatribes or mine of any greater po tency than those of others gone be fore Evidently not Accordingly trv the plan of being friendly with the weather of agreeing with it instead of fighting it and pen my wercl pres ently it will be agreeing with yru E L Snbin in Lippinc otts Knninic We ran out c 1 - wiU in the CanaCia - i a -man Our giIiy j u - khiie ami ve rt I d 1 - i v v days It wasnt brd KiiiI i is t ir 1 r f fi red willow You y it - v it tip It ich i - The Indian is v cant get roi i - -stand that re - i Camtdhr Jc -v i with Snakes C - Jnic F d The ngT i 1 - - - - In tv the aheiie J t l r - like mr v r ter - - rte kwj - ii Vs rica it is rite fr iiiir ts haers Thei kiiw how to redrr tli - r Idly uisn cciuus by pre--ii-- its not- with a linger TIr iet anpears to throw -the reptile into catalepsy in which it as stiff as an iron rod The Horological Revenge They were looking over their wed ding presents He pointed to a small bronze dock Seems to me he said that I have seen that before You have she returned serenely You gave it to my first husband and For Rent Furnished room ligntme for wedding present When we and bath Phone red 255 or call at 309 i dlTide3 tne things after the divorce he 2nd street W For Rent Suite of four steam-heated room with private stairs and hall Inquire of McCook Hardware Co kept the clock and now he Is sending It back to us New York Press Sharp and Blunt Cora She has such keen perceptions EtTRAYED Bay pony mare about Dora And such a blunt way or coo three weeks ago Notify this office 2t S them Puck - - V - Look at DeGroff 3 IT PAYS Clearing Sale of Cloaks Overcoats Furs and other Winter Goods Now On Ji jNrmnEFmfflHRnna j JLe mJ CGROF FCO bit rfntl J kLLLiLAtuiiUXktUJ Aq h fcUijAjl U Jtt it it q tl ttJJ jMlLiL i J i 11 HTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTVTTVTYTTTTTTTYK 4 Piano Bargains j We have a few of the genuine Schaeffer Pianos which we are going to offer at extremely low prices during the next two weeks and if you have been contemplating the pur chase of an instrument for your home in the next year we will make it an object for you to buy now Come in and let us show you the instruments and hear the price and terms we will make to you D W COLSON 223 Main Avenue McCook Nebraska iraaiBBSUim - 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 M 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