rt f k W VI si J h b TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR Notice to ihc Pu Wlt MEAT SMOKED IN A MINUTE The modern method of smoking meat by use of our liquid smoke accomplishes everything the old method can and has advantages that the old method has not Saves time Saves loss Saves money The meat is preserved better it is bet ter protected against mold and insects it is not shrunken in weight and there is no danger of loss from fire or theft McConnells Liquid Smoke Price 25 cents A Cutting Affray What might have been a serious af fair was rather neatly turned to pleasure in the Square Deal Lumber yard the first of the -week A party by the name of Lemuel was loading lumber and after he had his load on he approached Stansberry in an excited and threatienng manner He was swinging an old sock that was apparently loaded Stans berry says I cut the price when Lem extracted a roll from the old sock paid his bill and the two men were happy Read Stansberrys add Mrs J W Jones Father Dead L K Barnes of Salem Nebraska father of Mrs J W Jones of our city died at his home January 2 1909 In terment was made at Union Prairie Nebraska Jan 3rd Both Mr and Mrs Jones were with him at the end The departed was ill for some time before his death in which Mrs Jones has the consoling sympathy of many friends at home Four Months of Winter yet are you provided with good stoves Ten per cent reduction on all base burners and soft coal heaters at the Mc Cook Hardware Co You can save money and the danger of exposure Buy now Just Arrived A new shipment of fancy suits for young men just received at Rozell Barcers They are dandies too The prices are reasonable They fit the purse and person Mrs W T Wootton Burned Mrs W T Wootton was seriously burned this week She fell while carrying an oil lamp receiving very severe burns of an extensive nature Get the Boy a New Suit and let him wear the old to school Be gin the now year right Rozell fc Bar ger can be of great help to you in the correct clothing line For Sale by Dorwart Mewlon A choice 1G0 acres of bottom land fairlj well improved most all under cul tivation 2 miles from town For short time at 4300 For Sale By Dorwart Newlon Some cheap pieces of town property One third cash balance easv terms Childrens Underwear irom Tc up fleece lined in The Thompson G Cos clearing sale Great Reduction On stoves at McvJook Hardware Cos We need the money aid you need the stove Plush Skating Caps 125 in The Thompson D sale frssr Jr The partnership relutidiT formerly existing between the undersigned for tbo conduct pf u dental business in the city of McCook Nebraska under the Arm name of Gatewood Vabue hav ing been dissolved Doctor Gatowood re tiring from said business notice is here by given tha all accounts in favor of said firm are now payable at the oflices of Cordeal McCnrl attorneys and all firm obligations are payable by Dr Earl O Vahue who will continue in the dental business in the offices formerly occupied by said partnership Dated January 5 1909 Dr Robert II Gatewood Dr Earl O Vahue Mrs Gordon Entertains Mrs Matella Gordon gave her annual dinner Thursday of laBt week to a large number of lady friends with the usual pleasurable particulars Guests were Mesdames F A Ponnell S P Hart J M Somerville C W Britt C W Wilson Viola Kenyon C W Jac obs C H Husted D E Eikenberry L W Stayner W S Morlan W P Everist Vina Wood W R Starr HH Berry Walter Stokes Elizabeth Walk er H P Sutton Grandma Sutton R M Munson Albert Barnett Earl M Snyder A O McDonald CW Barnes I L Rodstrom Miss Fay Stayner and Miss Lila Lamb D G Cos clearing For Sale Flour feed and seed business articulars see C J Ryan For nA Jit CITY SCHOOL NOTES Several rooms in the west frame school house have been too cold this week and the pupils have been dismissed This condition is caused by the building of a new chimney the old flue being too Hmall for the new boiler recently install ed This state of affairs will be over come just as soon as the chimney is completed Hence patrons are request ed to be as patient as possible Miss Florenco M Stephenson of the Peru state normal is the successor of Miss Elizabeth Bettcher in the 6th A and 7th B grades central school this week Miss Stephenson is a graduate of the normal and has had a years ex perience in teaching in addition Miss Elizabeth Bettcher succeeds Miss Leta Stetter as high school assist ant Miss Leta Stetter high school assist ant up to the holidays was united in marriage in New York city New Year day with Mr H L Hollings worth who is an instructor in Colum bia university where he is also taking a post graduate course Both of the contracting parties are graduates of the Nebraska university The bride has a host of warm friends in McCook who will join in heartiest congratulations THE BOTTLE OF COMFORT is a hot water bottle If there is any one thing that the human body likes most it is warmth Cold feet for a single night costs more in discomfort than the cost of a hot water bottle that would keep the feet warm for a thousand nights Every member of the family should have one Considering their durability the cost is but a trifle We have the good kind L W McConnelx Druggist A Watch Party Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe entertained theA O W club New Year eve at a watch party Mrs George Enoch Mrs A G Bump and Miss Ona Hend rick assisted A five course dinner was served The evening was ono of the pleasantest of the season Dr Gatewoods New Offices Dr R H Gatewood has opened den tal offices in the McNeely block over McMillens drugstore where he will be pleased to receive dental patrons old and now Phone No 1G3 Both 0 K The cash system and the edible life strengthening quality cf D C Marshs meats And they go well together You pay for what you get only and get only what you want Base Burners of the Garland Riverside Jewel and Moores makes to be sold at great re duction You can heat your house with great satisfaction and economy with one of them At McCook Hardware Cos Cash Plus It is cash plus the goods and courte ous prompt service that places D C Marshs meat market easily in the first rank in its line Everything seasonable Have You Seen the Michigan water power washer at the McCook Hardware Co It does the washing while you read or do other work and only needs a little water Fur Skating Caps can be made out of those 29c fur selling in The Thompson D G clearing sale scarfs Cos 1250 Large Fox Scarfs for 699 in The Thompson D sale G Cos clearing FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Ladies 12 50 Dress Skirts for 699 in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale Ladles 875 Long1 Coats for 499 in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale ADDITIONAL PERSONALS E O Vahue will arrive home Sun day from his sad mission to Michigan Leonard IIammel is a new employe in the Barnett Lumber Co office begin ning with the firit of the year Miss Virgina Bowlbt high school assistant is out of school until Monday being threatened with pneumonia Mies Pearl Zint spent part of the holidays in Denver with her parent re turning home first of this week Mr and Mrs H J Cox have been entertaining their married daughter from near Wray Colorado during the holidays Ramky Allen and Will Morris were College of Pharmacy ni c COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Harvey M Snider 2G aud Alice Eliz beth Amen 20 both of McCook Mauford Adams 23 and Eva V Schoonover IS both of Center Point Neb Married by county judge Louis A Fallert 21 and Dora M Mulford IS both of llolbrook Neb Married by county judge Ernest L Harding 21 Beaver City and Verna B Wonderlish 21 Cam bridge Married by county judge Interesting Announcement You need not wait longer to have those large trimming buttons the size of a quarter made Tne moulds have ar rived and you can get the buttons while you wait The Thompson D G Uo Wilson Bros Shirts A new shipment of the famous Wil son Bros shirts just received at Rozell Bargers Come and see 175 Misses Dress Skirts for 99c in The Thompson D sale hton in The Thompson D sale mk G Cos clearing Mens 1250 Suits for 899 passengers for Omahn Sunday night on Childs Pony Skin Plush Coats tor 199 inThe Thompson Dry Goods Cos ing sale clear- 6 where both entered the Creig G Cos clearing McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING JANUARY 8 1909 STOCKHOLDERS AtoJAL MEETING Held in McCook Commercial Club Rooms Monday After noon Marked by Lively Interest of Shareholders ENTIRE OLD BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE ELECTED And the Old Building Committee Is Re Appointed by President estock Receipts Exceed 2000000 and the Expenditures Are More Than 1700000 Up To Date The stockholders of the McCook Ma sonic Temple Craft association held their annual meeting for the election of a board of directors Monday afternoon January 4tb at two oclock in the rooni9 of the McCook Commercial club The large number of individual stock holders present and the large percent of paid up capital stock represented indi cated the existence of a lively and signi ficant interest in the proceedings and enterprise involved Of the slightly over 2000 shares of paid up capital stock about 1650 shares were represent ed - V xne final result of toe election ior board of directors was the reelection of the old board by the following vote the first three being chosen for three years the second three for two years and the third three for one year THREE YEARS Fahnestock 1617 Gray 1646 Cone 16276 TWO YEARS Barnett 1614J4 McConnell 1582o Walsh 1552 ONE YEAR Sutton 1533 McClure 1520 Kimmoll 1363 After the adjournment of the stock holders meeting the board of directors met and reorganized reelecting the old officers C L FahneBtock president M O McClure vice president Lon Cone secretary C B Gray treasurer President Fahnestock then announced the -appointment of the old building committee Barnett Walsh McClure Sutton and McConnell The business statements and reports of the old board Avere presented before the meeting of the stockholders for their information The financial report showed that al most 21000 has been received on stock sales and that expenditures for all pur poses up to date have been about 17 000 The meeting disclosed the fact that the project is progressing satisfactorily and that with a pull-all-together the en terprise will be finally consummated Every patriotic McCookite should be a stockholder in some amount and the amount should be dictated by the indi viduals ability to help on this enter prise which means large things for the citys progress Clapps Muslin Underwear Sale begins Monday morning at 8 oclock Better bo there early and get your share SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA HOSPITAL McCOOK NEBRASKA I NOW OPEN for the care of MEDICAL and SURGICAL CASES Newly equipped with modern fittings TELEPHONE 126 For rates and further information write to DR S C BEACH Supt for Winnetka Hospital Association Ltd Clapps Muslin Underwear Sale is for one week January 11 to 16 bnt you better go early before the best garments are taken PASTIME THEATRE Saturday matinee and Saturday night The Big Auto Races A special childrens picture for the matinee The Mysterious Knight Children 5 cts to matinee Special Meeting ot J K Barnes Post McCook Nebraska January 7 1909 There will be a special meeting of J K Barnes post on January 1G at 230 oclock in the afternoon for the purpose o making arrangements to observe the one hundredth anniversary of Abraham Lincolns birth All members urged to be present J M Henderson Jacob SrEiNMETZ Commander Adjutant Aged Father Dead County Assessor T A Endsley re ceived word Sunday announcing the death of his agedfather in Ohio Mr Endsley spent several months with his aged father last summer and fall hence did not go east to attend funeral 1650 Ladies Long Coats for 899 in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale ribntie Held Annual Meeting- The members of the Gorman Congre gational church hold their annual meet ing last evening with a full attendance and activo interest Roports showed Baptisms 13 burials 13 confirmations 17 marriages 7 missions 21781 num ber taking communion during year 346 incidental church expenses 7970 Sun day School oxpenses 5551 church membership 130 members in Sunday School 150 Election of officers Conrad Kriegor secretary Jacob Frank deacon Jacob Bauer trustee Henry Lonhart treas urer John Fahrenbruck supt Sunday School Carl Fahrenbruck treasurer Sunday School John HofF secretary Sunday School Rev Henkelmann who has been tho pastor during tho past few years was continued in the aervico whero ho is doing excellent work The question of a now church will be determined in the spring Winter Meetings of State Agricultural Associations Seventeen different societies to hold annual meetings at the University farm and Agricultural school January 18 23 1909 With the new Stock and Grain Judg ing Pavilion the Womans Building and the new Veterinary Building the State Farm is better able to accommo date the people who attend these meet ings than ever before Twenty five hundred farmers and etock growers are expected to attend Prominent men from other states will take part on the programs The evening sessions are ex ceptionally strong You can not afford to miss these meetings 8 2ts See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tribune has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we devote 210000 a year free to this purpose we expBct those re ceiving tho benefit to keep the cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise wo shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards LET THE OTHER FELLOW WEAR THE CORNS Dont allow yourself to be annoyed by corns because they are unnecessary Lightning Corn Cure takes out corns every time Those who dont know about this remedy will have to go on wearing corns but there is no reason why you should now that we have told you how to get rid of them Costs but ten cents Illustrated Lecture Sermon The second illustrated sermon on The Life of Christ will be given at the Con gregational church next Sunday at 8 p m Many of these pictures are re productions of The Masters and will show scenes from the Judsean and Gali lean Ministries of Jesus This lecture is free and all are cordially invited Auspices Mens Sunday Evening Club Special Meetings Special meetings will begin at the Congregational church January 20 un der the leadership of Rev Perry A Sharpe pastor of the Congregational church at Marshall Minn who is al ready favorably known to many McCook people through his wort here three j ears ago New barber Firm Monday F J Nugent and L R Woolley took possession of the Com mercial barber shop having recently acquired the business from Messrs JJ Baker and John Keegan The new owners come from Eaton Colo Ladies 1000 Long Coats for 599 includes those heavy fur collar coats that afford the utmost protection in rid ing Come right in and bring a neigh- bor The Thompson D ing sale G Cos clear- Has Given Bill of Sale II H Tartsuh has made Mrs Ger trude Morgan of Plattsmouth a bill of sale to the Tarteh stock of clothing furnishings etc the consideration named being 32000 Jlajistic Ranges are Made of Malleable and Char Coal iron Do not rust or scale with cobs wood or coal They are worth twice as much as a cheap range but do not cost twice as much At McCook Hardware Cos Thirty Dollars Buys a combined range and heater at McUook Haadware Cos Keep fire all night and get breakfast on the same fire Ladles 200 Dress Skirts 139 in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell NUMBER 33 How Do You Spend Your Money Are you doing it in a way to re ceive substantial benofit Aro you laying aside something for a rainy day If not you will never have a hotter timo to begin than now Tojretauicklv started begin the easiest way Como to THE Mccook national BANK and make a deposit Dont wait for a largo sum for it may never come just deposit whatever you have to spare no matter how small the amount Wo will glad ly assist you in gotting started P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna A Seasonable Garment Naturally men and boys think of an overcoat The next thought is a rea sonable price Rozell Burger dont make the weather but thoy do set the price and its reasonable and right on overcoats as well as all other items in their line They Are Irresistible Rozell Barger have just placed on their sales table another consignment of those popular and stylish suits for young men They are irresistible One Minute and Motor Washers at McCook Hardware Cos run easier loaded than others empty cost ten dol lars and saves their price every six weeks For Men and Boys Caps mittens gloves woolen sox etc A full line at Rozell Bargers We can fill your every reasonable want A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the Tribune office page for sale at The Ladles 200 Union Suits for 139 in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale Buckwheat at the White House Dill pickles at the White House McConnells Balsam cures coughs Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 28G For Farm Loans Dorwart Newlon Stoves are cheap at McCook Hard ware Cos Buy now Shoes are almost one half less during Vier6ens Big Clearing Sale Fresh vegetables on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the White House List your property with Dorwart Newlon Office under Citizens Bank Enders Safety Razor one dollar fully warranted McCook Hardware Co Remember DrGatewoods new offices over McMillens drug store and phone number 1G3 Keen Kutter Safety Razors at Mc Cook Hardware five dollars Take advantage of Cos Three fifty to We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in JlcCook The full Reid bur dock line HUBER Shoe Sale at Viersen tho their big ad for the figure- Big Clearing Sons See The W C T U will meet as the home of Mrs J C Moore Jan 15th at 300 p m Subject Temperance Liter ature We are just in receipt of a nev and well selected fresh and up to date stock of neckwear and mufllers Come in and see Rozell Barger You never before purchased such values in shoes for the money as Vier sen Son are offering during their Big Clearing Sale See ad The reception held at Mrs Fishers on New Year day was well attended Those present report a good time Mrs Mills Mrs Thomas and Miss Florence Rosebush furnished the music Dr R H Gatewood has opened an office of his own over McMillens drug store He has every modern facility for the prompt and efficient conduct of the modern dental profession Phone 163 Black Coney Fur Scarfs 29c ia The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale