i J 7 f K v MWMWWWOWMWaMBMBMaMMWWMWWMllMW1MlH i Wl I M Why these grapes Because from the healthful grape comes the chief ingre dient of Royal Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Alum phosphate jfowdcrs are made with harsh mineral acids and must Lo avoided vrwrKBH j ran r 2SSS2seE23E CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets every flr8t and third Tuosday of tho month at 80 p m in Masonic hall CnABLES Li Fahnestook V M Lon Cone Sec e s II Occcnoxue Council No 10 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month ut800p m n Masonic hall Ralph A Hagberg T I M Sylvester Cobdeal Sec e a m King Cyras Chapter No 35 R A M meets ever first and third Thursday of each mouth at 800 p m in Masonic hall Claeencu B Geay H P W B Whittakee Sec KNIQHT8 TEUPLAE St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Emerson Hanson E C Samuel S Gaevey Bee EASTERN stab Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 p ni in Masonic hall Mrs Sabah E Kay W M W E Habt Sec modebn woodmen Noblo Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Ganschows hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julius Kuneet Consul J M Smith Clerk BOYAL NEIGHBORS Noble Camp No 862 R N A meots every Eecond and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschows hall Mbs Maby Walked Oracle Mbs Augusta Anton Rec w o w Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall CnAs F Mabkwad C C W C Moyee Clerk WOBKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall C B Gbay Rec Wm Wooton M W I M Smith Financier DEGREE OF nONOB McCook LodgeNo S D of H meets every second and forth Fridays of each month at 800 p m in Ganschows hall Mrs Lauba Osbdbn C of H Mbs MatieG Welles Rec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 2430 in Morris hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Bobnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIBEMEN AND EXGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meots every Saturday at 730 p m in Gans chows hall I D Pennington M C H Hdsted Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at SKXJ p m in Morris hall at 2W Main Avenue A G King C Con M O McClube Sec railway trainmen C W Bronson I odge No 487 B of K T meets Grit and third Sundays at 230 p m and eecond and fourth Friday at 730 p in each month in Morris hall Neal Beeler M R J Moore Sec Typewriter ribbons papers eto for sale at The Tribune office SaaeJaa at3gaETljJS irinrrTv MAiJwvwtrffaraynre gSSSlfirM SCiESHHaSiaK BAILWAT CAUUEN Yonng America Lodijo No 456 B R C of A moots on tlio first and third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall nt 7150 p ra John Hunt C C N V Feanklin Roc Sec MACniNIBTB Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets evory second and fourth Tuesday of tho month at 800 p in in Ganschow hnl Feed Landdeeg Pros M L Search Fin Sec Floyd Beret Cor Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M IS B o A meots first and third Fridays of each montl in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodgo No 42VK of P meets over Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall M Laweitson C C J N Gaaede K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets e verj Monday at 800 p m in Ganschow s hall W H Ackeeman N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets tho second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on tho firbt and third Fridays R S Light W Pros G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets th first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p ru in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G K DAUGHTEES OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and and third Tuesdays of each month at8 p ni in the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R JosEPniNE Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meots every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris ball Mbs V B Mills Commaudot Haeriet E Willetts R K G a b J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R moots on the first Saturday of each month at 2 30 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr Jacob Steinmetz Adjt BELIEF CORPS McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month- at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec L OF G A R McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Jessie waite Pres Mattie KNirPLE Sec P E O Chapter X P E 0 meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homos of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec p pifjr rvrfrrrftrrVfrrTrvM OPPORTUNITY Wo want the assistance of the ladins Those who assist us will be given a 42 piece Decorated China Dinner Set Do not miss an opportunity like this Send us your name and we will tell you all about it J C WOOD CO Expert Cleaners and Lincoln iNebrasl Dyers -31 ska I wUAAuaauijxvWuAa BEGGS CHERRY COUGH j SYRUP cures coughs and colds THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies wMr 8 Bv You dont have to stayuphalf the night to have a W v ABl good pancakes for breakfast No need to worry nor S Hi TSTy et nP one nnute earher than usual when you use p3 B Falcon Self Rising Pancake Flour 1 V fraiiTi B the most delicious cakes you ever ate 1JL J r M J W may be prepared while waiting for the EVTIT JRf JB kettle to boil lightest finest in flavor ijfSftj H j - Bv 3n at aPPeti2ing golden brows 3 J15 Il y iAff Directions on every package IS JsSsti mm Order of your crocer s3I vS Xv mmr W S mW Shannon Mott Company rj H MiUers cf Falcon Pure Foods ifPfflttbnf mr H Pi Des Moines - - - - Iowa llfllllSi - 4 - BEAD CHRISTMAS TREES Novelty Invented by German Woman Approved by Kaiser If natures supply of Christmas trees gives out as some people have feared it might there will still be Christmas trees as long as a German woman iu this city remains alive Out of green beads wire and tiny waxen ornaments she constructs miniature trees which have been thought pretfy enough to iPiilit BEAD CHIUSTMAS TKEE ble They may grace the court of Ludwig of Bava ria in his time and to amuse the children of Kai ser Wilhelm of Germany That was when the In ventor was living in her native i country Since coming to Amer ica she has made them for various well known peo ple One of the ad vantages of these trees she says is that they are al most indestructi be bent crushed packed into small compass and when they are wanted again it is only neces sary to straighten the branches oul into the original shape When the inventor was a girl fifty five or sixty years ago in Munich she went to one of those schools where German girls are taught to do as her daughter says everything mit the hands It was having to make wreaths out of beads that suggested to her the notion of making bead Christmas trees She set to work and fashioned innumerable tiny loops of green beads each at the end of a long slender wire She bound the loops to gether iu threes making trefoils and the trefoils into branches and the branches into a tapering trunk the trunk being formed of nothing at all but the individual wires massed to gether Then she trimmed the tree with candles and those tiny waxen fig ures which the Germans are adepts at making and lixed it in a pot of sand and melted wax Her parents were quite proud of it o one for th Christmas festivities at court After coming to this country she sent one to President Roosevelt and w grieved and surprised to find that he could not accept it I expect he thinks h gets some r namite said the daughter New Yoi Tribune Christmas Caution Is it customary to hang- up c stockin or de intiah pair on Christ v eve said Mr Erastus Only jes one answered ilfeV ami Brown If you Uiii mate you isn takin so cifcajrejf et on somebody hepin hisseg r we 7- stid o lea Yin iBreejcT i otai - vr - Jq 12 il - srn t sraMMtttetaesT tp Cbe f Christmas fr Stocking A Parody fay FRANK J BONNELLE N llow dear to this heart Is the stock ing of- chlldliood when fond recol lection pcesents It to view On Christinas St Nick came from frost - whitened wlldwood with every loved toy which my Infancy knew The wide spreading chimney the sled which stood hy It a horse and some books I remember them all a doll for my sister and baby house nigh It and then the full stocking which liungon the wall the Santa Claus stocking the bountiful stocking the Christmas morn stocking which hung on the wall The well stuffed envelope 1 hailed as a treasure as early that morn ing I opened my eyes and found there the source of an exquisite pleasure the purest and sweetest that nature supplies How ardent I seized It with hands that were glowing and back to my white sheeted bed wTent with all then soon with the emblems of love overflow ing was happy in what to my lot did befall the Santa Claus stocking the generous stocking the Christ mas morn stocking which hung or the wall How sweet through its round open top to explore it as poised on my knee it inclined to my view Not a - hot tempting breakfast could make me ignore it for longer at most than a minute or two And now far removed from the loved situation the tear of regret will intrusively fall as fancy reverts to my youths habitation and sighs oer the stocking which hung on the wall the Santa Claus stocking the plethoric stocking the Christmas morn stocking which hung on the wall But grown people find theres a later sensation as grateful as any they felt long ago It comes when they witness the glad exultation which on Christmas morning their own off spring show And now dear old Santa Claus let me petition your favor for children both large ones and small Bring all the bright hopes to the fullest fruition that rest in each stocking which on the wall the wealthy childs stocking the poor urchins stocking yes 011 every stocking which hangs on the wall hangs MONSTER CHRISTMAS CAKE It Was Seven Feet High and the Lar 1 gest Ever Made fe xucpiuuuitu ubiuw is a picture or ai mammoth Christmas cake said to buj the largest one ever made It was seen I last Christmas in a shop in stone England Some idea of its size may be gauged when it is stated that it stood seven feet high and weighed ncHeSs than 1GG0 pounds Those who may desire to turn out a rival cake may be interested to learn that the following ingredients were used in its manufacture One hundred and fifty two pounds of butter 132 pounds of sugar 325 pounds of flour 110 pounds of raisins 110 pounds of sultanas 110 pounds of currants 3000 eggs 3a pounds of citron peel 3a pounds of lemon peel 35 pounds of or- -Br i BABKING TVINDHIIiIi CAKE angd peel 40 pounds of almonds 30 pounds of milk 15 quarts 120 pounds of almond paste 100 pounds of icing sugar 5 pounds of fresh lemon juice 21 pounds of mixed spices 1 pound of nutmegs and 1 pound of essence of lemon Fortune For Toys For the Poor The poor children of Pittsburg and Allegheny are to benefit through the expenditure of an estate valued at 31000 left by the late George B Nutt The will provides that the es tate shall go to the wife during her lifetime and then is to be divided among his children equally If the Her father who children all die before their mother at was director of the Hofgarten in iu nich showed it to his royal master I her death the estate is to be spent for the purchase of gifts and playthings and King Ludwig immediately ordered for poor children esneciallv rlmso in institutions It was the wish of the decedent that the money be expended in small sums to distribute it over as large an area as possible and benefit as many children as possible Origin of the Christmas Tree There is a legend in Germany that when Eve plucked the fatal apple im mediately tht leaves of the tree shriv eled into needle points and its bright green turned d nrk It changed its ua rrre and hPcait the evergreen in all seasons pvcacliin r the story of mans fall Onv on does it bloom irry rtli c hts and become beau tiful - fv -ruts The enrse is turn- - Ijir fe L ugat the coming cf i il r f mil we have oar ---is jsv Ml llll II 1111 II mm Winter Excursions Low Rates WINTER TOURIST RATES - Daily reduced rate excursions to Cali fornia Old Mexico Southern and Cuban Resorts HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS -First and third Tuesdays of cicfe month to many points west south and southwest PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION TO FtORIDA by Superin tendent Public Instructions of Nebraska Mr J L McBrien leavinr Lincoln and Omaha December 19th Write G W Bonnel C It A Lincoln for itinerary GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS in the Big Horn Basin an Yellowstone Valley One of the last chances to secure good fartm from the Government at low prices Go with Mr D Clem Deaver on the next personally conducted excursion He will help you secure TSSSSSSSSSTj f IMmm IlllliHISalBI H B HjjJYJjjyH MCCOOK one of these farms No charge for his services Excursions first and third Tuesdays D F IIostktter Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W Wakeley G P A Omaha H P SUTTON NEBRASKA E D BURGESS PI umber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewei Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment o the Posioffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA - IBs BaJ5 BVJHSafsEfs Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRr EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now locntioD just across flnCrmh street iu P Walsh bnilding L UAUUK E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 BVHgsavNarvBs3RS22NBN AUTOMOBILE LIVERY DALLAS DIVINE Prop PHONE 166 McCOOK NEBR Night or day trips made anywhere Prices Reasonable GoodJ Service Guaranteed WE HAVE i ifWWht TO BURN Barnett Lumber Co Phone S SSJ iS FHONE III4 1420 24 LAWnmcg DEWEa COLO iKiiWPifVWvy v v yy1p7yytaF it I Dr J O Bruce V JEVELER I OSTEQPATH MUSICAL GOODS Telephone 55 McCook Neb Office over Glecrlc Theatre on Main Ave ililJilkMtkAdkAif LtM i Updike Grain Co i COAL Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr v V V WWf tVifWlii iHMiy r tiV J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance I r Office over Marshs Afpit rUn1 -I jbrtti tij n aiituia ajy AtO GATEWOODVAHUfe DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone m m 3 HI Jli mm DENTIST paox iu Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walfib Blk McCook Dr J A Colter DENTIST Room - Postoffice BuiLuiKr Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska Bigent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Poatoffice building C H Bottle c E Eldeed BOYLE ELDREB Attorneys at I atf Long Distance Ione 44 Booms 1 and 7 eecond Hoor Postoffice Building MCLOCi Keo A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnelis drug store McCook Nebraska YOU WOULD DO WiLL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OFPmJ tfML uHoi tx vs ui r P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska Middleton Ruby PLUMBING ami STEAM FITTING All work guarirtecrf Phone 182 McCook Nebraska Heart Strength KtSlStrellthorertWeakness mcansXer Strength or eve Weakness nothing mor Po itivelyjnot one weak heart in a hundred is in it- t j j j -it as almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault This obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Nerve simply needs and must have more power mors stability more controllint mnn 1th houtthattheHcart nust continut to fail and the stomach and kidneys alio hav these sama controlling nerves This clearly explains why as a medicine Dr Ehoop s Lestorative has in the past done so muck for weak and ailing Hearts Dr Ehoop first sought the cause of all this painful palpitating suffocat ing heart distress Dr Shoops Restorative this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centera It builds itstrengthens it offers real genuine heart help you wouia nave strong Hearts strong di jrestion strengthen these serves re establlsi them as needed with Dr Slioops Restorative A Mo MILLEN BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds