b Ul R ft - T i I Ll 5 if Di PRICES Bakin REHM Reserve Some Money for Christmas presents of use worth and solid comfort A perusal of the advertisement of The Pade Furniture and Carpet Co in this issue will show you where to go and what to buy for the house its queen or in fact for any member of the household Not baubles but the joy and convenience of a life time Colored and Black and White The Tribune has for sale a nice dis play of local view post cards in colors and in black and white Also a -well selected line of greeting and other post fcarfls Powder 4 grape cream of tartar powder Makes pure healthful delicious food No alum no lime phosphate There is an infallible test by which every housewife may detect the unhealthy fol alum baking powders Ttae label will fell Study the label If it does not say cream of tartar the baking powder is made from alum and must be avoided By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Thb winter meeting of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers association will occur in Lincoln January 12 13 1909 in connection with the annual meeting of the Nebraska State Historical society Write C S Paine spcretary treasurer station A Lincoln Nebraska for par ticulars Burlington Acquires the C S - New York Dec19 Leading interests in the Colorado Southern Railroad company including Ed win Hawley who is said to be the largest individual stock holder and Frank Trumbull the presi dent of the road announced today the sale of the road to the Chicago Burling ton Quincy Railroad company Information as to the price and other details of the transaction have not been told The acquisition of the road by the Burlington gives the Hill system the Burlington being owned by the Northern Pacific and the Great North ern railroad companies its long desired outlet to the Texas coast It will bear practically the same relationship to the Hill lines in the Gulf of Mexico territory that the Illinois Central bears to the Harriman system GRANT Alex Ellis threshed out over 100 bushels of millet seed for Jacob Wesch and sons last week Also some wheat for Abe Peters There was a dance at A M Benja mins Friday night and at James Mil lers Saturday night before in honor of Guy Clark and wife Fine time at both reported Ernest and Coleman Peters are haul ing wheat to Traer Kansas Gus and H H Blunck were out from McCook last week to see John Wesch Sr Gus has been employed in the ice house in McCook John Wesch and family attended the dance at James Millers on the 12th That must be a doodle of a hair tonic John H Wesch has found R F D NO 1 A number of young people members of the orchestra practicing for the Christmas music in the M E church Indianola were up at the Shadeland Sunday evening at a rehearsal The alfalfa seed threshers have finished at F S Loftons perhaps the last of the season Mrs Merle Craven of Juniata is a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs W J Porter arriving close of last week Nelson Downs sold his farm last Saturday the consideration being 6000 They will have a Christmas tree at I tYln Trnrolni anHnrvl Vinnaa Th tirarlnfr Until todays announcementhnwever IT j Vacation begins on that date and will it that James J wns generally supposed Hills plan to get to the gulf was by the purchase of the Missouri Kansas Texas railroad Real Estate Filings The following Teal estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Lillian C Snyder sing to William D Burnett Sr wd to lot 12 blk 10 1st McCook 600 00 Adelaide Streff sing to J A Streff wd to nw 500 00 William E Voiles et us to Phillip Voiles wd to lots 19 20 blk 3 1st Bartley 5500 00 Lincoln Land Co to Barnett Lbr Co wd to lots 3 5 blk 6 Danbury 300 CO Samuel Young et ux to Eugene U Gallatin wd to w hf se qr 33-2-26 2400 00 Lincoln Land Co to Hazel Hare Vahue wd to pt sw qr 20-3-29 500 00 H I Peterson sheriff to Frank Snethen S deed to lots 8 9 pt lot 7 in 4-3-26 3500 CO Citizen Bank McCook to Joseph Allen wd to lot 4 in 7-4-27 100 Lincoln Land Co to Ernest H Hibberd wd to pt se qr 19 3 29 4200 00 Hoye L Arbogast to Bessie L Arbogast wd to lots 11 12 13 14 15 16 in F Esthers Park 2000 00 United States to James H Bay stoh pat to ne qr ne qr 4-4-27 continue throughout next week Joseph Downs is improving quite rapidly now The shellers were at W P Broom fields last Friday The Christmas services of the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation will be held in the following order 230 p m Friday sermon 1000 a m Satur day sermon A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office You tax BACK GI7ES OUT Plenty of McCook Readers Have This Experience the kidneys overwork them They cant keep up the continual strain The back gives out it aches and pains Urinary troubles set in Dont wait longer take Doans Kid ney Pills L H Seybold living S E Cor of Third St and Railroad St Kearney Neb says I can heartily recommend Doans Kidney Pills to all sufferers of kidney complaint This remedy acted strictly up to the representations in my case and proved to be a kidney cure in every sense of the word My work obliges me to do a great deal of stooping and lifting and also exposes me to in clement weather These combined con ditions probably caused my kidneys to become disordered and backache was the result Though I did not take Doans Kidney Pills as regularly as I should have done they nevertheless benefited me greatly and I willingly give them my endorsement Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at L W McCon nells drug store and ask what custom ers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster JMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other i sz irlfcJi 2 Christmas With The PickwicMans N O chronicler of Christmas do ings has done It so inimitably us Dickens and nowhere has Dickens described them bet ter than in the Pickwick Papers One might reud the paragraph relating to the observance of the holiday half a hundred times and not become weary The Christmas spirit is everywhere evident In tho chapters devoted to the holiday making From the beginning when the herd his three friends and his faithful servant start for Dingley Dell to the hour of their return there Is Christmas In every sentence As brisk as bees If not altogether as light as fairies did tho four PIckwIckians assemble on the morning of the 22d day of December in the year of grace In which these their faithfully recorded ad ventures were undertaken and accom plished Christmas was close at hand in all his bluff and hearty honesty It was the season of hospitality merriment and open heartedness The old year was pre paring like an ancient philosopher to call his friends around him and amid the sound of feasting and revelry to pass gently and calmly away Gay and merry J was the time and right gay and merry were at least four of the numerous heart3 that were gladdened by Its coming After traveling through a wide and open country where the wheels skim oyer the hard and frosty ground slow ing up as they draw near a country town where the horses are changed then again dashing along the open road with the fresh air blowing in their -faces and gladdening their very hearts within them they arrive at Dingley Dell where we are introduced to that famous personage the fat boy He is an old acquaintance of Mr Pick wick but to Sam Weller his face is Btrange To follow this first meeting Having given this direction and settled with the coachman Mr Pickwick and his three friends struck Into the footpath across the fields and walked briskly away leaving Mr Weller and the fat boy con fronted together for the first time Sam looked at the fat boy with great aston ishment but without saying a word and began to stow the things rapMly away in the cart while the fat boy stood quiet ly by and seemed to think it a very in teresting sort of thing to see Mr Weller working by himself The conversation of these two char acters is too long to reprint here but not too much so to peruse with the greatest interest We must pass over the story of the wedding which was the day before Christmas event at Dingley Dell at which Mr Pickwick distinguished himself by a felicitous speech and get to the story of the dance Dickens description of the old sitting room is a gem The best sitting room at Manor Farm was a good long dark paneled room with a higli chimney piece and a capacious chimney up which you could have driven one of the new patent cabs wheels and all At the upper end of the room seated in a shady bower of holly and ever greens were the two best fiddlers and the only harp in Muggleton In all sorts of recesses and on all kinds of brackets stood massive old silver candlesticks with four branches each The carpet was up the candles burned bright the fire blazed and crackled on the hearth and merry voices and light hearted laughter rang through the room If any of the old English yeomen had turned into fairies when they died it was just the place in which they would have held their revels After the dance was over Mr Pick wick having acquitted himself with great credit the reader is told about the doings in the famous old kitchen Here hung the mistletoe and did its mission well in adding to the jollity of the occasion The artist whose pic tures appear on his pages has done ex cellent justice to Dickens text From the center of the ceiling of this kitchen old Wardle had just suspended with his own hands a huge branch of mistletoe and this same branch of mis tletoe instantaneously gave rise to a scene of general and most delightful struggling and confusion in the midst of which Mr Pickwick with a gallantry which would have done honor to a de scendant of Lady Tollinglower herself took the old lady by the hand led her be neath the mystic branch and saluted her in all courtesy and decorum Wardle stood with his back to the fire surveying the whole scene with the utmost satisfac tion and the fat boy took the opportuni ty of appropriating to his own use and summarily devouring a particularly fine mince pie that had been carefully put by for somebody else It was a pleasant thing1 to see Mr Pick- wick in the center of the group now pull ed this way and then that and first kiss ed on the chin and then on the nose and then on the spectacles and to hear the peals of laughter which were raised on every side Finally we come to Christmas day which was cold and cheerful and good skaiting weather The party all went to a pfetty large sheet of ice where Mr Winkle having assumed the airs of a man who could skalt and having shown his ignorance there of was smartly reproved by Mr Pick wick Meanwhile Mr Weller and tho fat boy having by their joint efforts cut out a slide all hands participated Says tho chronicler of the days sport It was the most intensely Interesting thing to observe the manner In which Mr Pickwick performed his share In tho ceremony to watch tho torture of anx iety with which ho viewed tho person be hind gaining upon him at the Imminent hazard of tripping him up to seo him gradually expend the painful force which ho had put on at first and turn slowly around on tho slide with his faco toward the point from which ho had started to contemplate tho playful smilo which man tled on his face when ho had accomplish ed tho distance and the eagerness with which ho turned around when he had dono so and ran after his predecessor his black gaiters tripping pleasantly through the snow and his eyes beaming cheerful ness and gladness through his spectacles and when he was knocked down which happened upon tho average every third round it was the most invigorating sight that can possibly be imagined to behold him gather up his hat gloves and hand kerchief with a glowing countenance and resume his station in the rank with an ardor and enthusiasm which nothins could abate Mr Pickwick unfortunately breaks through the ice and gats a good wet ting but being taken on a smart run to the house put to bed and given un limited quantities of hot punch finds himself none the worse next morning when the party departs from Dingley Dell Thus does Dickens tell us of one of the merriest Christmases that a reader could desire There is no touch of sad ness in the chronicle and all that one could wish for is that the story were longer Long live the tale and long may we enjoy Christmas with the Pickwickians LONG WALK FOR SANTA Tree Burned Father Goes Eight Miles For New Toys Gifts Intended for his eight children being destroyed when his lighting of the Christmas tree just before mid night caused a fire which damaged his home in Cleveland Alfred Ham mermeister trudged eight miles through snow before he could rouse a store- I- -- J R PICEv7ICK WENT SLOWLY AND GRAVELY DOWN SLIDE WITH HIS FEET ABOUT A YARD APART THE keeper and gather another supply of presents so that the childrens faith in Santa Claus might not be lost The children were asleep when Mr and Mrs Hammermeister completed decorating the tree The father de cided to light the candles as a test They burned so did the cotton snow balls The blaze awakened the chil dren Santy here they piped Is it mornin The parents gathered them in their arras and rushed to the street Firemen brought out a lot of fire ruined presents from the house Santy been and gone and our things is burned up the children cried Hammermeister began his weary search for an open store Ho em ployed the infrequent street cars for long stretches but trudged mile after mile in fruitless search Finally he routed a storekeeper from his bed and burdening himself with a new supply trudged home to turn sorrow into joy Hunting Christmas Ghosts Ghost hunting bids fair to become the rulintr passiou of Washington so ciety The fortunate owners of a peaked house roped with ivy and densely surrounded by trees are issu ing cards for a Christmas specter hunt The Christmas ghost hunt is imported from England where the houses are ancient enough to harbor specters who were there before William the Con queror The comparative newness of this country leads some to predict that the fad over here will fail There are exceptions however for even in Wash ington there is one of the treasure guarding ghosts an out and out bucca neer of the Spanish main variety with cocked hat gold lace ruffles high yel low boots red jacket and an odor of antiquity Those acquainted with him say that he clinks his chains of stolen doubloons Washington Star A Christmas Sentiment However sincere we mav be in our efforts to spread Christmas cheer our charity is none the less a testimony to our sense of the fact that peace and good will have not come upon the earth Poverty and wretchedness are not to be offset by yearly gifts of bas- kets of food and outgrown clothes We ought to make the spasmodic kindliness of Christmas one of the constant forces of our industrial world Equality and fraternity are born not of charity but of justice Instead of commercializing Christ mas we ought to Christmasize com- mercialisin New York Mail j fe COLEMAN t I Stock bnyors are going through tho country but most farmers are witch holding on to their cattle Charlie Nelsons spent Sunday with John CI ark 8 Tho Shilz boys tiro shelling corn this week Preaching at Zlon Hill Sunday at 3X p in DAflBURY Chnuncy Mcssnorhnd nnjoporntion performed on his middle linger whilo at Kuubtis City Inst week MM Young and family and Rogers and family Sundayed at Hen Amnns Several from here left for Texas Monday ovening Mitch Young who has been in custom Kansas for tho past few days returned homo Monday Robert JlcWillinms of Indiauoln was over Monday Thcro will be a turkey shooting match hero Saturday Everybody come and get a nice Christmas turkey B B Smiley arrived Tuesday with 10C0 sheep which he intends to feed this winter YV C Shockley left Monday for a few days visit nt Sioux Falls Iowa Alyin Dow and J L Sargent of Indianola visited at the J E Noo home Sunday O L Ovorshiko of Lebanon was in town ou business Friday Emmitt Ervin who has been in the sand hills for tho past four months arrived homo Tuesday Mrs Davo Boyer is on tho sick list this week Miss Kate Ervin of Lebanon Sundayed with tho homo folks There has been considerable mischief going on in these parts during tho last week J J Ynrnnll tho section foreman purchased a new thrce wheelor The spostoflico inspector was here Tuesday and Wednesday looking over this office and establishing a rurul route fp Question mtfSP as to the H MIL Superiority iPlr f Baking Powder Received Highest Award Worlds Pore Food Expcsitioa Chicago 1907 Vlfl Ami g v Vv i HT i i V feSr32 REFEREES SALE Bv virtue of an order issued from tho District I a decree in an action wherein Minnie Luke is plaintilt and Anna Loiini Herman C Luke John Luke Clarence C Beckett and William Beckett as Guardian of Clarence C Beckett a I minor are defendants directed to the under J signed as Referee I shall offer at public sale aim sen to tne niKnesc Didder lor casli nt the east front door of the court house in the City of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 4th day of January JC09 at the hour of One oclock P M the following described real estate to wit Lot Number One 1 in Block Number Thirteen 13 and Lot Number Nino 9 in Block Number Twentv one fn nil in rh tt - j rirst aaaiiion 10 tne uiry ot McLook Willow conntv Nebraska f i - 5nsaytfeJMBWMitSswr Red Dated this 2nd day of December K08 J F COkdeal Referee Boyle Eldred Attorneys ESP ZIREFEREESISALE ZIn the DistrictlCourtCof Hed Willow county Nebraska k ZIZZ - Milton H Hammond plaintiff vs James O Hammond Lily M Hammond Ada A Ham mond Mary E Dutlon hoy Dutton Josephine M Hammond and Arden H Purvis defendants By virtue of an order issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Milton H Ham mond is plaintiff and James O Hammond Liiy M Hammond Ada A Hammond Mary E Dutton Roy Dutton Josephine M Hammond and Arden H Purvis are defendants directed to the undersipned as referee I shall offer at public sale and sell to the hichest hidefor fnr cash at tho east front door of the courthouse in the City of McCook Red Willow county Ne braska on the4th day of January 1009 at the hour of One oclock P M the following de scribed real estate to wit the Southeast quarter of Section Eleven 11 Township Two 2 North of Ranee Thirty SO West in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 2nd day of December A D 1908 J S LnHEW Referee John E helley Attorney Public Sale Having sold my farm and going east I will sell nt public auction whore I now live 8 miles northwest of McCook and about 80 rods cast of tho Coleman schoolhouso on Wednesday Jan 6 09 commencing at 11 oclock a in tho following proporty Three Head of Horses 1 four-year-old about 1100 lbs 1 bay horse about II years old 1200 lbs 1 bay horse about 12 years old 1000 lbs Ten Head of Cattle J good milch cows somo fresh now others will bo in soon 1 heifer coming in soon somo little calves Five Head of Hogs sows 1 male pig 4 good brood Farm Implements 2 McCormiok binders ono nearly now 1 gang plow 1 riding lister nearly new 1 riding and and 1 walking cultivator 1 sod plow 1 good disc 1 threo soction harrow 1 horse stalk drill lwagon with rack 1 good Empiro cream separator household goods and other articles too numerous to mention About 20 tons of good cano and some foddor FREE LUNCH AT 1130 Terms S10 and undor cash on sums oyer 810 a credit of 8 months will bo given purchases to irivo bankable nanor I drawing 10 percent interest from dato I until paid 5 percont discount for cash on sums over SH No proporty to bo re- moveu untu settled lor B TOBEN Owner J HWoddell Auct F A Ponnell Clk Double - strength Heinz vinegar imitated by all equaled by none for sale by Magner Stokes ORDEIt OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR In tho County Court of Red Willow County iSebraska State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To the heirs and to nil persons interested in the estate of George G Snoke deceased On reading the petition of Samuel Snoko praying that the administration of said estate be granted to Donnld S Snoke as administrator It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter mny and do appear at tho county court to be held in and for said county on thoaith day of December A D 1908 at nine o clock a in to show cause if any there be why tho prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof bo Kiven to all persons interested in said matter by IlUDImhinir innv F Hc r1n ti r a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said duy of hearing Witness my hand and seal of said court this 8th day of Deccmbor A D 1008 seal J CMooke County Judge Boyle Eldrcd Attorneys Court of Red Willow county Nebraska under ORDER OF HEARING ON PFTITTON FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR Tii the C ounty Court of Eed Willow county Nebiaskn State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss Jo James G Wygant and Sarah E Van Wie and to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Ifabcock deceased Onreading the petition of James G Wypant prnyng that tho administration of said estate bcKrantcdtoJ W Habcock as administrator His hereby ordered that you mid 11 persons interested in said matter may and do appear at tho County Court to be held in nnd for said county on the 20th day of December A D 1908 at One ocloek P M to show cause if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a cony of this Order in the McCook a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successho weeks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand and seal of said court this thdaj of December A D 1908 VscrAVli County Judge i Royle Eldred Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Isabelle Saund ers Deceased To the Creditors of said Estate are neercDy nouiied that I will sit in the saiu estate with a vmw tn thoi oom m -cook 1 said County on the 29th day of May 1909 at 1010 oclock A Jv to rcccivo and examine all claims acainst Off S1C and allowance The tinio KmirHrl rr entation of claims against said Estae is Six JfSlths1fronthe28thday of November A D iios and the time limited for paiment of debts is Oneiear from said 28th day of November 19C8 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 21th day of November 19t seai1 J c Moore County Judge Royle Eldred attorneys 11-27-It TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH tnitTY SUgh Pile Rcmcdy Mans Pain Liniment o RI nwn bLUL3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tome Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothins Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by AMcflHLLEN McCook Nebraska VfiTVRVKVJPSTi Wlfe r n vfe bm Tia arVgTViT TVaBSTV NJM1gVjgl OINE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time Bullard Lumber Co BNHSaEKMJSJPsflES RNSSSNaNJEXW SEMSETsSSSSSEX 1 KSSSSSXslSJVv4i a--- V r KANKUN PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR nTT7FK VJ BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 15000 V FRANKLIH - DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE rt A 0 EBEXT J - ii i I i i Y v i A