The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1908, Image 7

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F AN American who
had not seen much
of the world should
awake on Christmas
morn while a German
French English Ital
ian Swiss or Danish
Christmas celebration
was in progress in his
vicinity he would imag
ine himself within the
exclusive confines of a
home for the mentally
The A merican Christ
mas is a matter-of-fact
festive occasion People begin buy
ing presents a week before they pre
sent them Christmas morning and the
next day return to work the entire
affair forgotten until the following
brings the season around again
Not so in the countries across the
water They observe every tradition
in the mother lands they plan for
weeks and the festivities which mark
the birth of Jesus Christ are carried
on for a week or more The Christ
mas tree in Germany is allowed to
remain decorated far into the next
year extending over a period of sev
eral months
Unique ceremonies grace the Danish
French Swiss and Scotch Christmas
celebrations and that which the Teu
tons foster have been handed down
from ages In Mexico one of the treas
ured customs is the breaking of the
Fmata a tradition being connected
with the little ceremony which ushers
in Christmas day A queerly con
structed effigy of a woman is hung
up in a corner of a room and a child
blindfolded armed with a stick pro
ceeds to dislodge the old woman from
her position close to the ceiling When
the feat is accomplished the presents
contained under the covering of the
J dress of the figure are distributed
The beauty of that little game is
the uncertainty attending the possibility of the
woman being dislodged and second the uncertain
ty as to whether the less favored of the family
circle will draw any presents from the treasure
Diuic ucucttiu me onii is ui mtj woman
Christmas of course is observed only in Chris
tian countries but some heathen in fact nearly
all ot them have one day or another on which
j to receive and send presents to their friends and
omers wno are not mends in countries ruled
by absolute monarchies the rulers are sometimes
afraid to open their gift receptacles for the rea
son that oftentimes treasonable persons inclose
fancy little bombs not marked in the invoice Of
course such undesirable persons do not have any
more Christmases to celebrate affairs being ar
ranged in that manner if they are caught
i While the Christmas idea is practically the
same in most countries of the globe which ob
serve tie day there is a great variety of presents
and a certain nations desire for gifts made in
wide variance to that which the next door neigh
bor believes in Germans as a rule give the chil
dren presents most of which are made in this
country while Americans are always particular
jabout buying the babies toys marked made in
A Frenchman told a clever little story at a
Christmas banquet in Paris a year ago which ran
along on that line He was enamoured with a
beautiful young lady whose home was on Rue de
iBoulevarde She was of artistic taste so he stud
ied her desire in painting creations for three
iweeks before Christmas At last he came to the
conclusion that probably an oil painting by a
noted French artist might please her He took
special pains to hunt out a store where he might
procure one He did and put several weeks
salary into the gift
He had it delivered Christmas morning and re
ceived a cordial note of thanks from the young
lady who unfortunately had not thought to pur
chase anything for him This of course was em
barrassing to both parties but that evening while
fondling the creation in his presence she hap
pened to scan the back of the portrait It said
Made in Hoboken N J She was in the midst
of thanks and an embarrassing explanation of
why she hadnt sent him a present when she
noticed the birthmark of tte oil painting She
stopped and they havent spoken to each other
since according to the story
All of which goes to show that the value of a
gift more than the spirit which the giver exhibits
l hl t4rrsmmmMmmmm ami miimmKsssmmtimi i
1 I feiif taSSSMmSi JL tefflfflBB II I
N teSMBCYfXIf ggSSiSy TSJ immzfflmmBMEStzMi a
K Wl llll r - i niiim ii i ii n iiw tiMri - in TYJrf -
iVmiTi X
is taken into consideration by some persons The
young man probably was sorry for the abrupt
termination of his friendship with the young lady
but perhaps it was for the best That was his
version of it anyhow
Most English speaking nations celebrate Christ
mastide just as we Americans do but each has its
little self made variation In Italy they celebrate
with a grand dance as a rule and they take great
pains to be attired in gaudy raiment The Danish
are very deliberate about their Christmas festivi
ties and great fetes and gifts are the order of the
day The Swiss are fervent in their worship of
the Saviour on that day and the little children
dressed for gala affairs parade the streets in or
der that their parents may look at them and com
pare them with the kids next door
Many persons who have read much history and
who have been able to persuade themselves that
the present century is all wrong as to the date
of the birth of Christ are skeptical as to whether
we should observe the sacred day when we do
Estimates as to when Christ was born extend
clear from June to January 26
Prior to the fourth century Christmas was not
observed on December -25 for there was no period
of uniformity in observing the day among theo
early churches The skeptical persons who have
studied the thing from end to end say that on
December 25 it rained in Judea and thin attention
is called to the Biblical statement that shepherds
were watching their flocks when Christ was born
Now how could they watch their flocks when it
was raining is the argument of the unbelievers -that
December 25 is the correct day of feast
One person who is not skeptical declared that
perhaps they didnt have sense enough to come in
out of the ram in those days But of course that
is no argument The chances are the calendars
have been changed so much that the origial
December 25 if hunted down would be feu id
flirting with May 1 Of course the correct day
upon which to worship has much to do with the
feeling of Christians in the matter but at Tie
same time if the event is properly observed tie
time of observance is but a detail
Many good churchmen who seldom attcpd
church on Sundays find Christmas an excellent
day to attend church because it only falls on Sun
day once in seven years and it doesnt break in
on their weekly holiday morning nap
Millions of dollars are spent ever year in every
country of the globe for presents It is declared
in mercantile circles that the United States in
- W Je
proportion to population is the biggest
national distributor of gifts
There are many concerns in Ger
many England and France which con
fine themselves exclusively to the manu
facture of gifts such as are exchanged
only during the celebration of the
-birth of Christ Besides being a holi
day which should be devoted to worship
of Jesus Christ it is a day which is
looked forward to by merchants as a
big source of profit
In other countries as in America
there are many small Christmas trage
dies enacted because of the dislike
which some folks take to gifts and be
cause of the thoughtlessness of others
in omitting some of their friends Some
make it a rule and advertise it well
that they have decided to confine gifts
to the immediate family circle so that
none will take offense if they receive
no gifts from their hitherto cherished
friends Of course the ones who are
notified of the change in the routine
are careful to scratch off the names of
the friends who have eliminated them
so that when Christmas comes there is
no needless embarrassment
The poets once sang It is not the
gift but the spirit of the giver and
also Dont look a gift horse in the
mouth There are dozens of little
Christmaslide axioms of that kind which are used
and misused toward the end of the year That
first saying has been cleverly shifted about in
this manner It is not the gift but the price
which the giver putteth into the gift
The proper Christmas spirit as told from the
pulpit is far from that which many follow out in
selecting presents Mother countries exhibit less
interest in costly gifts than does America Travel
ers in countries of the old world have been sur
prised at the great number of Christmas presents
which are home manufactured Several weeks be
fore the glad event the families sit themselves
down in their rooms and start secretly work upon
the Christmas gifts In the country districts of cer
tain parts of America this custom is still retained
Long a Temperance Worker
Mother Stewart who died recently was 92
years old She devoted her life to the temperance i
canse Mrs Stewart established the first W C T
TJ in Ohio at Osborn in 1873 In 1876 she visited
England and organized the first W C T TJ in that
country Following the civil war she lectured ex
tensively in the southern states on behalf of the
war sufferers
Five years ago Mother Stewart became inter
ested in the teaching of Alexander Dowie and
visited Zion City where she remained one year
since which time she lived with friends at Hicks
ville Until five years ago she resided in Spring
field O where she led in many temperance cru
sades Scarcely a woman in America could boast
of the praise from pulpit and press like Mother
Sees Great Future For Siberia
More than 500000 persons emigrated from Eu
ropean Russia to Siberia in 1907 Vice Consul Chan
ler of Dalny reports and of this record breaking
TinmllDr tVmn PVOr Viofn ria n ttiot
homes Every colonist arriving in Siberia receives
37 acres of land free paying no taxes the first
three years and only half the regular taxes the next
Siberia imports 10000000 worth of goods by
caravan from China annually almost entirely tea
while Siberia exports to China only 750000 worth
of articles annually and many of these originate in
European Russia
j r4
- A
100 Reward 100
The readers of this parcr nll be pleased to learc
jure Send for list of testimonials
Address F J CHENEY fc CO Toledo O
Sold by all Drucelsta 75c
Take Halls Family rills for constipation
She Spoke Too Quick
Mr Crimsonbeak I see by this pa
oer that women are barred from the
sland of Ferdinand de Norouha be
onging to Brazil
Mrs Crimsonbeak Thats like the
selfish men Dont want the women
ro have any privileges
I forgot to say dear that the island
s only used for convicts
Starch like everything else is be- j
ng constantly improved the patent i
Starches put on the market 25 years
i igo are very different and inferior to
hose of the present day In the lat-
st discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals are omitted while
he addition of another ingredient in
rented by us gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands
There are nearly 88000000 sheep
in Australia and New Zealand 10000
000 cattle and 1871000 horses
Lewis Single Binder the famous
straight oc cigar always best quality j
xour dealer or Lewis factory xeona in
Good harvests make men prodigal
but bad ones provident W Penn
AVegeteble Preparation for As
similating he Food and Regula
ting HieStomachs and Bowels of
y i J
li WI
Promotes DigestioCheerful
Opium Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
Recipe cfOldDrSAMUEimCffER
fTtmpkin Sit a -
jflx Senna
Wnrprtit Ffavcr
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion Sour StoinachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company
guaranteed under the Food arc
Bract Copy of Wrapper
Postal Ckik StcnccrapUf yjiwnier etc Only
School Education Rcqicrrd SfJt rn J Oppor
Lturotj Permanent Pmi lion Bir Pay Suistu Instruction ty
tGovt ExanuwLijO EtJK f i urU tnYean
f Scccesful StwJents Sairpc Jutiti and
- Positions Are Secured wrt Frtt CiCi
LITER STATE StKOClS 74 6iwaAriir Riufc Irra
Positively cured by
these Little Pills
They nlho relieve Din-
dlkenionui Too Hearty
Hiitlng A p rfoct rrm
ctly for Disziccsn Nan
flci BrowKlncHM Hud
TuMc In t he Mouth Coat
ed 1iiin i tltu
They regulate the Honda TureJy Vtgctnbld
Mrs Whim Yon neednt say woman SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE
las no mechanical genius
I can do i
mythlng on earth with only a hair
pin j
Mr Whim Well sharpen this lead-
pencil with it
An Experienced Walker
Champion Hayes of Marathon fame
praised at a dinner in New York a
He Is a walker someone said
Yes said Mr Hayes and the next
race he enters mark me he will win
Why I didnt know he had had
any experience as a walker said the
other in a puzzled voice
Mr Hayes laughed
No experience as a walker eh
said ho And the fellows owned an
80 second hand motor car for the last
two years
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature
45 to 50 Bu of Wheat Per Acre
have been grown on farm lands in
fttbitm uanaua
Much lets would be
sausfcctoiy 1 he gen
eral aciafcc ii above
twenty buihels
Allarc cud in their
prnists cf the trrcnt
crop nnd that won
derful ciuntry hr-
trict from ccrrespondfrte AjKrjj BlitcrtM
Association cf August 103
It is now possible to secure a hcrrcriead of 160
ihat there la at least dreaded disease that science I
one nnl 1 f0 it S3 GO uer
nU rnrirr IOU acxe i Juu per acre
us been able to cure in all Us slant and that Is 5resIref anofr
Satarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive Hundrcdi have paid the cost oi Ihcir tarmt il
ure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh purchased and then had a balance ol from 1 000
Jonal treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In- i to I iOU per acre Iron one crop Wheat bailey
I ernally actum directly Upon the blood and mucous oats flax all do well Mixed frrmisc i a peal
nrfaccs of the sjstcm thereby destroylnc tho i j j l li r i i r I
oundatlon of the disease and fdvlns the patient success and dairying is highly protitaUc tscel
trensth by bulldlnc up the coiigtltutlon and assist- lent climate splendid schools and churches rati
ne nature In dolne Its uork The proprietors have i Ji I i
district within reach
much faith in its curative powers that they offer way blnG mosj every easy
jne iiunuren uouars lor any case mat it iaus to or matter iauway ana laru cempames nave
I lands for sale at low prices and on cosy terms
Last Best West pamphlets nnd maps sent
free For these and information ns to now
to secure lowest railway rates apply to
Superintendent of Inimiention Ottawa
Cannila or the authorized Canaalan Govern
ment Agent
831 New Xork Lite Duildinu Crssba NcSrasJta
J j fl
SMeadsc f
and a
May all ceme
called also Lancrs Tea
is a herb Tonic Laxative nul
will cure constipation and the
ills that come from it
It is a great blood medicine
and one of the best for all
stomach kidney and bowel
mies cured ix o to 14 davs 1 1
IAZO OINTMENT Is Kuaranteed to euro any case V rnmrlnint
if llchlnK Blind Bleeding or Protruding Mies In A
0 to 14 days or money refunded 60c 0 All druggists 20 and 50 Ctj
Give some people their pick and
theyll pick flaws every time
Mrs TVlnslowB Soothlnc Syrnp
For children teething softena tho guns reduces in
flammation all j s pain cures wind colic jc a bottle
Sometimes a woman is known by
the company she avoids
It Cures While Yon Walk
Allens Foot Eli forcornsand bunions hot sweaty
cailnnsnchinufpf t 25cdl DrucKists
The proportion of left handed people
is one in six
fruit alfalfa anil garden 10 tc C uric linlr Ajenti
wanted Paul Rotsicr C36Ijnctl Sjh ruicao CL
N U OMAHA NO 51 1903
- H 9XJB1 cbB mt HI m Ui H H MLmi
Por Infants and Cliildren
The Kind Yoy Have
3 Bought
Bears the
Signature jMi
f Jf Use
Jt For Over
Thirty Years
H U B Ilialif 1
Tmc ctRTAun eoamurr Km Teas cirr
A Flavoring t makes
a syrup better than