ft w y V i jlnTwm i r t iS 3 rn Ci v X o 5 33 3 ro 00 I x o o c 3 2 i ii wiaa ft r s uwis Wo M l J M Ti rp home JOURNAL PAITERISIS anta Claus is Comin ONLY FIVE DAYS LEFT In which to complete your Christmas Shopping We- are showing a BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PLEASING GIFTS perfectly adapted to the wants and requirements of every Santa Claus in town We are waiting to please you with presents that are APPROPRIATE -POPULAR PRACTICAL and in every way desirable in the line of Pillow Tops Table Cloths Laundry Bags Lunch Cloths Glove Cases Dresser Scarfs Cravat Cases Bed Spreads Pin Cushions Aprons Umbrellas Hand Bags Fur Scarfs Backs Combs Muffs Barretts Silk Scarfs Belts Mufflers Brooches Gloves Collars Mittens Pins Shirt Waists Cloaks Dresses Suits Skirts Petticoats riuslin Garments Sweaters Fascinators Hose A fine assortment Nothing missing Everything the newest and best 25 per cent J Ladies Mi Discount on All sses and Children s 0 A jTf fl - t - ---U I M I1 - fl H STE ri ix- For these five days before Christinas we offer this unusually great cut on our entire stock of Coats There could be nothing more ate as a Christmas gift Dont miss this opportunity of securing A GOGD COAT AT ALOWPRICE R a r m w 14 JisCJp j Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings 5home journal PATTBbJS KTTVTTTTTVTTTYTTTVYTTTYTTVYVTTTVVTTTYYyTTYTTYTTTTyTH -4 E I he Rush is On Get in the Push CHRISTMAS PRESENTS GOING FAST SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY COME GET YOURS SMALL PRICES AND LARGE ASSORTMENT MAKE THE AT TRACTION TO l Woodworth t DRUGGISTS Co MlAAAAiAAAAAiAUAAiAAAJLAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Phone 56 222 Main Ave AlcCook 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AAAAAA3 aiW 3IrrrffH fsmk McCook Neb a s o to IU o X if S o -V line Card MAIN LIKZ ZaST 1 JdET No 0 Central Time 1027 p M 2 500 a m 1- 715 am 14 942 p m 16 N 400 a m MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET o 1 Mountain Time 950 a m 3 1142 p M 5 Arrives 835 p M 13 1025 am 15 1217 A m IMPEEIAL JINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 p M No 175 departs 710 a m Sleeping dinin and reclininf chair cars ieats free on through trains Tickets sold dud baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetier Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General fabsener Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS The 1239 is having cylinder work done this week Clarence Enlow of Cambridge is a new brakeman with a run on the Or-leans-St Francis branch Conductor V H Solliday has been tussling with rheumatism lately and coming out of the scrimmage a second rater Mr and Mrs MS Parkes departed Wednesday evening for their future home in Red Cloud where we are in formed he will engage in business Charles Shelley of Cambridge em ployed in the Wilsonville coal sheds was struck on the face by the large iron windlass Monday sustaining a fractur ed nose and painfully lacerated face Conductor E O Scott departed on No 13 Wednesday for California to be absent until the first of the year visit ing relatives The wife and boy now there visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J J Garrard at Fresno will return home with him Public Sale Having soldiuy farm and going to Colorado I will soil at public auction where I now live lU milos west of Perry on Honday Dec 21 1908 commencing at 10 oclock a m the following described property 1 1 Head of Horses 1 team of dun horses 1000 lbs each 6 and 7 years 1 team of horses bay and black 1200 lbs each 5 and G years 1 stallion 1100 lbs 6 years 1 bay horse 1200 lbs 9 years 1 stallion 1050 lbs 6 years 1 mare 900 lbs1 9 years 1 mare 900 lbs 3 years 2 yearling colts 1 last spring colt 1 year ling jacit u genets 19 Head of Cattle 8 milch cows some fresh now rest to bo fresh soon 1 bull 2 years old 7 spring calves 3 sucking calves Farm Implements 2 discs 1 riding lister 1 walking plow 1 sulky plow 1 Patteo cultivator 1 two row Badger cul tivator 1 feed grinder 1 harrow 1 one horso cultivator 1 Superior press drill 1 hay rake 1 mower 1 top carriage 1 tight box wagon 1 header and boxes nearly new 1 U S cream separator Feed 175 bushels of barley 75 bush els of potatoes some hay and corn oth er articles too numerous to mention FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms Sums under 10 cash on sums of 10 and over a credit of nine months will bo given purchaser to give note drawing 8 percent interest from date with approved security 5 per cent discount for cash on sums of 10 and over WILLIAM VOGT J H Woddell Aiict V Franklin Clk IflDIANOLA Matt Rolins of Arvada Colo visited with relatives iu ludianula last week Mr Avery formerly of Cambridge is holding down the position of night man at the depot Harry LoBaron has been traibferred to Cambridge Harry Lb Huron of Cambridge spent Sunday in Indianoiu Rev A D Burress left Friday mo n ing for EdUun co assist in revival niect inys at that place J O Puckett should be proud of his window dresser He tins a display in his show window which is second to none in Red Willow county Mr Mc Williams eft Monday night for Texas to look up an investment Florence Middleton of McCook spent Sunday with her sister Mrs E S By field Ruby Ruzell left Tuesday morning for her home in Hastings after a fev weeks visit with friends Mr and Mrs Ward Quigley are tLe proud parents of a baby girl oorn De cember 14 Frank McNeil left Tuesday night for luuituu Dame Rumor says he will bring back a bride with him FrinU Noal and Chet Strokcy spiMit Sunday on Ash Creek Tom Jones and wife of Colby Kansas are vioiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J P Riter tuis wei k Mesrs Wilbur Hadley Quick and Reiter each had a carload of curu shipp ed iu this week Mr Hilltr of McCook was in our city Wednesday working in the interest of the German Mutual Fire Insurance I Co The little five months old daughter of Mr and Mrs E b Peters who raids north of town died Monday of lunir fVer and was btirit d Tuesday in the Dry Oieek cemetery th Quite a numberfrom here attended e show at Bartley Tuesday night The becond number on the lpcture course the lecture by Father Nagle the hite House Change m Foreman The retirement of Maehit eshop man JohD D Young from the compan service is Ueenh regretted by all with iu and without the service all i ing and respecting him as a Christian gentleman and as a conscientious em ploye well qualified for his position He has no plans for the immediate fu ture and for the present will retain his home here His probable successor Gary Dole now foreman for the company at Den ver needs no introduction here where he has in the past given a most satisfac tory account of himself in every capaci ty in which he has served It is understood that the change will be made about the first of the year An endless variety of apples for Christmas at the White House fone 30 Floyd Stayner is home on a visit Pearl Hammell is a new helper In the machinesbop j Engine 1965 is over the drop pit for repairs this week The Denver switch engine No 1461 has been returned to duty Switch engine 1662 is just out of the backshop after an overhauling Mrs J E Moss and daughter are spending part of the week in Omaha j Engine 1339 is ready for the word to go into the backshop for an overhauling J W Rhoades machinist Dusty is now working for the company at this j The Imperial engine No 350 is now ready for the road after a thorough overhauling in the backshop E S Howell has received notice of his election as a member of the advisory board of the Uurlington Relief and Em ployment Department electoral divis ion No 6 embracing McCook Wymote and Sterling divisions Conductor and Mrs William Hegen berger arrived from Orleans first of the week and will make their headquarters here now He has been running on the Orleans St Francis branch but will be on the main line hereafter flgipT rt q A r - www mmmmmBaaBmtmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmaa I UvTrrT fr Tgt w X V Ivsa - I although uot largely attended canie up to tio expectation oi an wno were pre i sent - hjT John Reiter and Louis Brahler Mag ir gie and Marv Reter and Mr and Mr Tom Jon s spent Sunday at the home of If- D A Richmond living noith of Bartley iff Maple s rup that is the real artick For Practical Gifts try DeQroff Cos I No Om t l B Jrr f V IW t f5T you get Linfcn Hand Bags Combs Collars Hoso y Umbrellas Dress Goods Drawn Work Doilies all are appropriate e tveeos an Equal HjlO MUdUiJUjJi saUUifc4wAAiJUiyiJL iUUt AjA ilU Jkttilii Cojynghr ttrf bf Hit Oun D n nJ 149lics Jo Only A Few Days More before Xmas Come Now We can help Furs Table a useful gift Ladies Bells FOR AT TI1 CHRISTMAS N TON FANCY BON BON BOXES SPECIAL XMAS CANDIES HOME MADE CANDIES NUTS SHELLED and HULL Finer A splendid tine of Christmas Nuts and Candies Oranges Apples Bananas and Grape Fruit Sweet Oranges that are Fone 30 SWE ET White House Grocery See our line of HandPainted China Nothing more appropriate for Christmas iniiuj mm McCook Neb ZK323C1