The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1908, Image 5

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Z5 i L ti
Wednesday November 25
At tlie Blue Front Livery Barn
Sixty four head of Pure Bred Poland China Hogs of the
prolific quick maturing easy feeding type strong in the
blood of Chief Perfection II 42559 Foundation stock per
sonally selected by Mr Seed from the best herds in Illinois
Are closely related to the great Vexer 141 23 champion at the
Iowa state fair this year
Fifty spring pigs boars and gilts twelve good strong late
winter boars two matured herd boars by Buster Brown
10632 1 a son of Perfection 2nd
The entire offering may be seen at the Blue Front Livery
Barn two days before the sale
TERMS OF SALE A credit of six months time will be
given purchaser giving note with approved security No in
terest will be charged if note is paid at maturity if not ten
per cent from date of sale will be charged Crates will be
supplied at cost
C A SEED Owner
E J Mitchell and J H Woddell Auctioneers C H Boyle Clerk
Time Card
McCook Neb
No G CentralTimo 1027 p m
2 500 am
12 715 a M
14 9J2 P M
16 400 am
main line west depaet
No 1 Mountain Time 950 A M
3 1142 p M
Sar p m
1025 A M
1217 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 55 P M
No 175 departs- 710 a m
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggutje checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Mrs V T Lyons was an Omaha
visitor Monday
The company laid steel rails in the
yard at Danbury last week replacing
the old iron
Master Mechanic II E Culbertson is
in quarantine with two cases of scarlet
fever in the family
Conductor Wilbor Fisk returned to
work last Saturday after being off
nearly two months with an injured
Trainmaster Weidenharoer and Chief
Dispatcher Pate have been going over
the division this week with the new
L II Knoche resigned from the ser
vice and departed last Saturday night
for Osawatomie Kansas where he goes
into the Missouri Pacific service
O Ii Boman agent at Wilson ville
has resigned from the service He will
engage in the general merchandise busi
ness at Holbrook with H G Miller
James B Austin an old conductor
on the Lincoln Ravenna line has been
appointed trainmaster on the Lincoln
division with headquarters in Omaha
The wrecker in charge of Gus Budig
was sent down to Sutton Monday night
to assist in picking up the disastrous
accident at that place of early part of
the week
The Burlington railroad is shortly to
commence the work of installing the
telephone throughout its system in the
Black Hills This is in line with the
policy of the road in other sections
of the country where it has been dem
onstrated that the telephone is more
effective in running trains than the
telegraph line The Burlington op
erates nearly 200 miles of road in the
Hills and it is planned to have the
new system in operation before the
The tender of 350 is undergoing re
The drop pit holds the 1092 this
The October pay roll at Havelock
was about 55000
Way car 11219 is being thoroughly
overhauled and repaired
The 2020 is having work done on her
driving brasses this wepk
The agent at Akron has resigned and
gone into Looniis office in Denver
The dinky engine is now in service at
the shops with Roy Zint as engineer in
Engine 1461 a Denver switch engine
1572 and 350 are in the back shop for
general overhaliog
W E Painter formerly trainmaster
at Denver has been appointed loading
inspector at Lincoln
Si McCreary returned Wednesday
from his visit to the wife and son back
in that dear old Galesburg
Engine 2S14 is undergoing repairs in
the round house She will receive new
flues be repainted all over etc
A burned off journal on the west end
last Friday morning delayed traffic
somewhat bnt nothing serioas
George Scott went up to Akron Colo
Wednesday night to temporarily act as
agent at that station for a few days the
regular agent having resigned and the
extra agent not being at once available
E E Young the retiring superin
tendent of this division was handsome
ly remembered by the men of the divis
ion before departing for the seat of
bis new activities on the Sheridan
The officers of the I A of M are
Fred Laudberg president George
Enoch vice president M L Search
financial secretary F M Berry corres
ponding secretary Joseph Kubicek
It will be a matter of more than
passing satisfaction to the people of Mc
Cook to learn that Supt Koller of the
McCook division expects to make Mc
Cook his home as well as to continue it
as the official headquarters of the
The Burlington had a disastrous
freight wreck in the Sutton yard last
Saturday morning about four oclock
Fireman C F Quick of Lincoln was
killed and three others -were injured
Engine 2000 was demolished and ten
carloads of merchandise were burned
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
ower had been paying atten
tions to Aunt Sarah Hender
son widow for two years
Each heard that the other was stub
born and each was watching and wait
ing for the other to exhibit the trait
Thanksgiving brought the crisis - The
widow invited the deacon to dinner
There was no question about tliy dea
con taking the head of the table but
when the matter of carving came up
the widow took knife and fork in hand
and said
I can do it so much better than you
you know
I fall to see how or why ho re
Because I have always carved It
was an eccentricity of mine even when
I was a girl No doubt you can slice
ham or pork but when it comes to
carving a turkey
I have carved thousands of them
V vCit 5
By Caspar Dullon
Copyright 1908 by American Press
ft -ft -ft
r5 - f
- o l iv1 i i
as you must know interrupted tin
deacon with considerable asperity
Dont jab the fork into the bird like
that Thats like a hired man jabbing
a pitchfork into a heap of hay
I was not jabbing -In order to
start carving you must get a firm hoKi
of the bird
Then take it by a leg
Never How would you look hold
ing the bird with one hand while you
sliced away with the knife If you
have always carved that way
I have and its the only way to
carve There you are jabbing again
One would think you were a soldier
bayoneting an enemy
Deacon Silas Lapkam you are talk
ing like a child When I think I need
to be told how to carve a turkey I will
call on you for advice I simply get a
firm hold with the fork and then
And then jab jab jab A woman
has no business with the carving knie
and fork when there is a man present
I will carve this turkey
I beg your pardon but you will sit
there and see me carve it Dont for
get that I am in my own house and
that I am still my own boss
You invite me to dinner and then
humiliate me do you shouted the
deacon as he shoved back his chair
Now dont be a schoolboy chideu
the widow as she flourisipd the kivfo
around Having got a 1rm hold with
the fork I now proceed to cut around
the thigh joint thus
But you are sawing Instead of cut
No Im not
Widow Henderson
Deacon Lapham
If I was a swearing man
Youd get off a swear word on this
occasion Yes you look as if you were
swearing to yourself this minute
I haint sworn a single swear but
when a man has to sit here and seo a
Thanksgiving turkey jabbed and poked
and stabbed and sawed and butchered
the Lord would surely forgive him for
one or two swear words
Deacon Silas Lapham she replied
as she rested from her labors I said
I could carve a fowl
Then why dont you
I am doing it and if you would
keep quiet for five minutes I
This is too much widow too
much said the deacon as he started
for his overcoat and hat You invite
me here and then insult me I heard
about your obstinacy
And I heard about yours
And your wretched temper
Same to you
But I thought it a slander Now
however I can no longer doubt
Neither can I
It was ray place to carve that tur
key In your obstinacy you continued
to saw and jab and butcher without
regard to my feelings My only re
course is to bid you good day and
take my hat and leave
If you will act like a boy I cant
help it
And never come again finished
the deacon as he got on his over
The widow ate her Thanksgiving
dinner alone but that turkey was
never carved to form a part of It
After the deacons departure she re
turned to the carving knife and even
tually managed to saw off a piece of
the meat but she had no sooner tasted
it than she started for the kitchen to
interview the hired girl
It was throe or four days before the
mystery was solved for there was u
mystery The turkey which had been
killed three or four days ahead of time
and hung up to freeze had been cut
down and devoured by cats and to
save himself from reproof the hired
man had killed a peacock and hung it
In its place
And so you see I had to saw and
jab explained the widow as the wid
ower was sent for
I see
Mii sv U 7 1
tXiT i N is m -
And you would also have had to
saw and iab
And though you went away you
didnt miss your turkey
N o
And all things considered
Yes all things considered
The deacons fur had to be rubbed
the right way for a time but he purred
at last and on this Thanksgiving day
he will do the carving and his wife
will pass the cranberry sauce
Our Thankfuiest Thanks
Copyright 190S by American Press Association
H we are thankful for manifold
Thankful for life and for home and
for health
Thankful for turkeys with savory dress
Thankful for progress and wisdom and
Thankful for corn and alfalfa and clover
Thankful for money and faith in the
Thankful so thankful election is over
That is the source of our thankfuiest
One year in four is a leap year remember
This is one of em and many a man
Sworn to stay single if this were Decem
Now would give thanks to be freed of
the ban
Yet theres a bother thats still more dis
One year in four all the rest it out
Namely election which keeps us
Now that its over our thankfuiest
Man can escape from the maiden pursu
Man can resist the Importunate miss
Simply a system of shunting and shoo
That will avoid matrimonial bliss
But there is never a man so evasive
He can escape the political tanks
Always a drip with ralaver persuasive
Now that theyre quiet our thankfuiest
Season of roaring and ranting and raving
Period when it is perfectly plain
Every mans uppermost duty is saving
Washingtons country from bondages
Time when your friend or your father or
For his opinions you class with the
Now for four years we cannot have an
So let us offer our thankfuiest thanks
Maybe twas tariff and maybe twas labor
Maybe twas courts that so split us
Maybe the trusts so affected your neigh
That he dissevered himself from your
Maybe injunctions or guaranteed banking
Any or all of the partisan planks
v7ell it Is over so now for the thanking
Now for reunion our thankfuiest thanks
Oh we are thankful the nation is living
Thankful the dear old republic is still
Sure of a hand to proclaim a Thanksgiv
Thankful so thankful his front name Is
Thankful are we that Columbia Is leaping
Four years away from political pranks
Such a relief is occasion for heaping
Thus on Thanksgiving our thankfuiest
gW -doves coroe io verg
2unbonnet 0cxDie
- ii mm it tsv
ZS 1
Copjni Ti 6 llid 5rlinr Cfei
Ve sellfour gloves out so fest tljt tle
stitches dorjt rot 09 our shelves
Tints wy youklwas get good gloves
our store TIe resoQ vly ve sell tlen ontf
so fdist is tlis Riglt I9 tle begi99i9g we
nke tlpe prices riglpt 09 gloves
Do9t you tlpiik tlese prices re rigfpt
Service Kid Gloves
La Force
Perry Kijlt Golf Gloves
- 10I
- 5Lcc 9d 5 Dec
Ve are tlpe glove Iped quarters for tlis
The Leading Real Estate Agents of Yuma Colorado
We have nice smooth land unimproved at 500 to 1003
3 per acre also a few improved farms for 1000 per acre
Relinquishments from 5000 up according to improve-
3 ments and location We can locate you on a government j
4 homestead for 2500
3 This is all good choice land and will grow all kinds of crops
such as corn oats both spring and winter wheat rye barley
millet cane alfalfa in fact all kinds of crops that are raised
in any of the middle western states
If you are looking for a home it will pay you to see us or s
write us at Yuma Colorado
White House Grocery
Fone 30
rtrajMfrfnaa - 1 nrwwjfa
That cook up dry and
mealy - Good boiled
baked or any way you
want to cook them --
McCook Neb
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplier