The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1908, Image 3

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i vvflnmsMt
Names Noted In the News
Harry Payne Whitney and His Fa
vorite Sports The Sponsor
For the Battleship
North Dakota
I- ft
A It It Y P
who was n
conspicuous fig
ure at the recent
Vanderbllt cup
race on Long
Island is one of
the joung multi
millionaires who
get much sport
out of automo
billng He had
entered a car in
the cup race but
its steering gear
broke on the
way to the track
and thus the ma-
J - chine was pre-
nAimY payne vented from
key starting
Mr Whitney is a sou of the late
William C Whitney who was secre
tary of the navy under President Cleve
land and one of the best known men
In the hitters cabinet Young Whit
ney was graduated from Yale univer
sity with high honors for scholarship
in the class of lSJl lie was consid
ered one of the most brilliant men in
his class and received the popular vote
for the brightest man in 91 Upon
graduation from Yale he entered the
Columbia Law school but did not fin
ish the course After a tour of India
whither he went to shoot tigers and
where he was the guest of the viceroy
Mr Whitney returned to New York
and became associated with his father
in the development of his large finan
cial operations He is a keen sports
man one of the cleverest polo players
in the country and takes an active in
terest in racing stables and stock
farms as well as aulomobiling lie is
also a well known yachtsman and has
owned racing craft of several classes
since his graduation from college Mrs
Harry Payne Whitney was Miss Ger
trude Vanderbllt
1 Miss Mary L Burton the sponsor aj
the launching of the North Dakota on
Nov 10 is a leader in the younger
set of society in Fargo N D and a
type of the enterprising aspiring wom
en who have been so largely responsi
ble for the progress made by the states
of the northwest in industry education
aud advanced ideas generally The
battleship North Dakota is of the Del
aware class being of 20000 tons and
510 feet in length She has ten twelve
inch guns and an armament which
makes her one of the most formidable
vessels yet constructed Miss Burton
was designated as sponsor for the
namesake of the state by Governor
Isaac Guggenheim whose name has
figured in the proceedings connected
with the trial of Charles W Morse the
Ice trust magnate is a member of a
family which has acquired fame in a
number of widely separated fields The
founder of the house Meyer Guggen
heim came to this country from
Switzerland over sixty years ago and
settled in Philadelphia where seven
sons were born to him Isaac Daniel
Murray Solomon Benjamin Simon
and William The brothers do busi
ness now under the firm name of M
Guggenheims Sons Simon is United
States senator from
Colorado The tnth
ers contn 1 very ex
tensive intuMrL in
terests aioux then
the Amcrkrn Svelt
iug and KHniv
company common 3k3
known as the smelt- x7 j
er trust Isaac- jLggt
gcnh M i tivsrr
er of tlis firiHUT
tion lie is
preside r of the
Mexican liioi rilrorul managing di
rector if to Gn jiiiin Exploration
company tr of th American
Smelters Steamship company and in
the directorate of a number of banking
At the M rce trial Mr Guggenheims
name came up in connection with the
pools formed by Mr Morse for mak
ing profits out of transactions in ice
trust stock Mr Guggenheim was In
some of these pools He referred
facetiously in his testimony to some
of the deals saying that Morse had
told him in answer to a demand for in
formation as to why the second pool
had not been successful that James R
The Guggenheim Brothers Wilbur
Wrights Honors A Romance
of the Fleets Visit
to Japan
Keene the sportsman had handled it
which accounted for Its failure
One of the romances of the stay of
the American fleet in Japanese waters
tvas the marriage of L Calvin Berto
lette lieutenant communder of the
battleship Vermont to Miss Lucille
Meigs of San Francisco The groom
who is scheduled for early promotion
to the rank of commander cabled his
father at Wilmington Del informing
frMrfrf 7
t mwt
V Vs
JVJjfff j 4V
AS w v
him that he had
taken a wife
The wedding
ceremony which
was performed
in the United
States consulate
in Yokohama by
Consulate Chap
lain Evans was
the result of a
romance that be
gan in San Fran
cisco when the
fleet stopped
there a few
months ago
Lieutenant Com
mander Berto
lette then formed
the acquaintance
of Miss Meigs
and the engage
ment was an
nounced the
ranged to take
pace upon
return of the fleet from the trip around
the world It afterward was arranged
that Miss Meigs should go to Yokoha
ma in time to meet the fleet there so
that the ceremony could be performed
at that time She sailed from San
Francisco in September in the steam
ship Korea
The action of the Aero Club of Paris
In getting up a dinner in honor of Wil
bur Wright and In deciding on the
presentation to him of the clubs 190S
medal mark the acknowledgment by
foreign navigators of the air that Mr
Wright stands foremost among them
His achievements have won honors
which he is bashful at receiving for
the social attentions which go with
prominence in the field of aeronautics
abroad are not exactly to his liking
lie has been accustomed to live in
very simple fashion and put up with
out many things which people often
consider the necessities of existence
While making their experiments the
Wright brothers have had to manage
as they could in order to live and go
on with their study of air navigation
Their success and the orders they have
received for aeroplanes place them be
yond the necessity of undergoing the
hardships they have cheerfully met in
the past But success has not turned
their heads or animated them with a
desire to shine in the social world
While Wilbur Wright upholds the in
terests of the family abroad Orville
Wright takes care of the home affairs
lie is now slowly recovering from the
injuries he received in the accident
to his aeroplane during the army tests
at Fort Myer Va but it is found that
In consequence of that accident and
the breaking of a thigh one of his
legs will always be shorter than the
Orville Wright is looking forward to
the return of his brother from abroad
this winter It had been thought that
Wilbur Wright would go to Italy when
his contract in France was completed
but in view of the accident to his
brother he probably will return to this
It may be that Wilbur will complete
tbe aeroplane contract for this govern
ment in place of Orville If this is
3one it will be in the interest of time
It will depend however on whether
the brothers carry out a plan they
have had in mind of getting a place in
th south where experiments can be
carried on the year round It is possi
ble they may select TexaB or Florida
T7io Yrfrong Horse
Bridget had been In America only a
few months but she believed in tho
principle of pretending to linow what
she ought to know She had been en
gaged as laundry girl In a small family
of well to do people When asked if
she understood all the details of her
work she unhesitatingly replied Sure
I do maam
Her mistress was not quite satisfied
however and while she was busy with
her flrst washing looked In upon her
Bridget seemed to be doing all right
aud she left without offering sugges
Next morning the Ironing was in or
der and Bridget was hard at it when
her mistress looked in to say As you
get the clothes ironed just throw them
over the horse
All right maam the busy laundry
girl replied without stopping to raise
her eyes from her work in hand
The laundry room was located in an
outhouse adjoining the barn and occa
sionally the neighing of the family
horse and the merry voice of Bridget
resounded throughout the house
Returning to the laundry house a
couple of hours later the lady could
scarcely believe her eyes nor restrain
her mirth when she beheld the fam
ily horse standing patiently beside
Bridget loaded down with newly
ironed sheets pillowcases tablecloths
and lace trimmed waists and skirts
With an anxious look on her honest
face Bridget observed Im glad
youve come maam for Ill have to
have another horse
Working Too Hard
The owner of the farm had been en
joying himself at the county fair while
his hardworking wife stayed at home
to see that the farm suffered no loss
in his absence
Well Sarah said the owner upon
his return Im about all tired out Is
the cows in the barn
Yes long since replied his wife
barely looking up from the task then
in hand
Is the bosses unharnessed an fed
Chickens locked up
Wood chopped for mornin
Wagon heel mended an ready t
start in th mornin
Well then concluded the exhaust
ed owner with a sigh of relief let mc
have my supper Im goin to turn in
Farmins beginnin t tell on me New
York Herald
The Popular Coral
The dealer held up two strings of
coral They were of equal size but one
was dark and dull in hue the other
beautifully pink and translucent
The dark one he said is worth
50 cents the pink one Is worth 300
That is what makes coral so popular
It suits all pocketbooks All over the
world it goes These strings of rough
uncut beads are for the dead of India
They are put round the necks of the
bodies about to be burned in the ghats
These large and blood red beads go
to Africa They are much liked by
the natives whose dark skins they
perfectly suit Here are a lot of coral
hands with fingers extended in a V
the gesture that wards off the evil eye
The coral hands are for Italy where
the belief in their efficacy is wide
spread Buffalo Express
He Would Return
Marlow was three years old One
day his mother said to him Now
Marlow you may go outdoors to play
for awhile but if I see you crossing
the street to play with that naughty
little boy AVillie Burr again Ill give
you a hard hard spanking
Half an hour later the mother looked
out after her boy and saw him playing
with Willie Burr She raised the win
dow aud called with forced gentleness
Marlow come here to me
Marlow came but as he did so he
turned to his companion and said
You stay wight here Willie Im
doiu in to det spanked Ill be wight
back Delineator
Catching Rats
The best way to catch rat is to put
any animal substance well perfumed
with oil of rhodium into a trap This
induces them to enter readily and even
draws them from a considerable dis
tance as they are extremely partial to
this oil An ounce of oil of rhodium
will cost you oO cents Catnip to a cat
is nothing like rhodium to a rat Oil
of rhodium is made from a species of
bindweed and is used in perfumery
New York Press
The Wrong Shoulder
In a timber yard two workmen were
carrying a large piece of wood when
the manager who happened to come
up at the time accosted one of them
Joe said he youve got that batten
upon the wrong shoulder
I know that was the ready reply
It should be upon yours London
Extending Zone
Teacher says exclaimed the preco
cious child that we live in the tem
perate zone
Yes answered Colonel Stilwell
and if these Prohibitionists keep go
ing itll be worse than that Wash
ington Star
Worrying Is one of the greatest
drawbacks to happiness Most of it
can be avoided if we only determine
not to let trifles annoy us for the
largest amount of worrying Is caused
by the smallest trifles
Let him who has bestowed a benefit
be silent Let him who received it tell
of it Seneca
County Commissioners Proceedings
School District No 82 um of building for
election 3 00
Al Wugy Judge of electionValloy Grange
product 3 00
Sam Hughes judge snine i 00
Kd IliHHpni judge Miuie 3 00
Elmer Rogers clerk same 3 00
G R Johston clerk Mima and return 5 40
School District No 31 use of building for
election 3 00
A D Johnston hauling out new booths 1 00
ON Rector judge of election 1st ward
1st precinct 1 00
George Elbert judge sninu 4 CO
J M Henderson judge same 00
FrnnkColfcr clerk snmo 4 00
N J Cnmjbell clerk same 4 00
Commercial Hotel use of building for
election 5 00
V E Hart judge of election 1st ward
2nd precinct 4 00
M J Clark judge same 4 00
J G Ormnn judge satno 4 00
W A Middluton clerk same 4 00
George Stulken clerk same 4 00
V W McMillen use of building for elec
tion 5 00
Joe Sullivan judgo of election 2nd ward
1st precinct 4 0
Chns Weintz judge same 4 00
S D McClnin judge same 4 00
Geo Burgess clerk same 4 X
L Thorgrimson clerk same 4 00
J W Spencer judge of election 2nd ward
2nd precinct 4 00
KHOdell judge same 4 00
Jacob Steintnetz judge same 4 0
A C Hippie clerk same 4 00
J R Burke clerk same 4 00
H II Berry n e of building for election 5 00
J F Cordeal canvassing election returns G 00
Francis Coll er same 0 00
H I Peterson salary for October 100 00
II I Peterson stamps posting election
notice distributing ballots and mileage 41 50
II I Peterson serving road notices and
mileage 1113
Geo Fowler salury as janitor for October 0 00
Chas Skalla ollice expense September 22
toNoxemberll 23 10
Chns Skalla compiling 1103 tax list 3G2 0
B Lehn house rent Mrs Vnnderoort 5
incntlis 20 00
H V Lord supplies to Overseers 14 33
E E Fiechter nails 140
Ball Brothers merchandise and supplies C 44
V IMVhittaker viewing Road No 424
and mileage 9 70
C R Fowler carrying chain Road No 421 5 23
William Burns same C 23
and on the County Bridge Fund levy of 1G03
as follows
Standard Bridge Co balance on new rher
bridge 40S0 20
Standard Bridge Co 1st payment on
smaller bridges 1000 00
and on the Road Funds of the respective Com
missioner Districts as follows
John Ernst road work Commissioner
DistrictNol fi 00
J B Goreley same S9 35
J B Goreley same 13 00
John H Schallert same C 00
PN Faugh same 34 CO
Win McTaggart same G CO
T J Sammons same 15 00
H Springer same 75 00
TFBallsame 12 00
Joseph Junker Jr same 4 30
Issac Kurtz same 4 50
N Downs hauling lumber claimed at
S1800 allowed at 12 00
S J Hughes road work Commissioner
DistrictNol 12 00
E J Baker same 43 00
AEbert same G 00
Joshua Rowland same 10 30
A Peters same 3 00
John Hesterworth same 28 73
Oscar Schmitz 3 75
Winfricd Schmitz same 73
Charles Shear same 3 00
J H Wade same 3 00
G J Armstrong same G 00
Earl Schwintz same 3 00
Roe Wasson same 3 CO
Ed Jacques same G CO
Chas Wasson same 3 00
M Fosscn road work Commissioner
trictNo2 27 00
Peter Fosscn same 2G 00
FB Marts same 1G 50
James K P Frye same 15 00
August Margarin same 41 30
P D Brooks same 41 30
Elmer Turpin same 1 50
Mat Tines same 4 30
D L Beaman same 3 00
Fred Porter same 10 30
Mose King same 6 00
John Harry same 3 00
J H Huntwork same 9 CO
Walter Burk same 1 50
F M Williams same 3 00
Ed Sullivan same 1G SS
H J Casfordsame 10 fcS
I M Beeson same 3 00
James Bru h same IS 00
Guy Ritchie same 9 75
Elcie Bush same 7 50
WDBushsame 3 00
Lewis Harte same 5 25
H Kornhaus same G CO
Joseph Ogorzolka same GOO
George W Wheeler same 117 36
Win Ebbeka same 3 00
B C Bowman road work Commissioner
DistrictNo3 2 00
E J Baker same 3 00
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
vided the Board on motion selected the follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for the term of the District Court which is to
commence Noember 30th 190s
Commissioner District No 1 Beaver pre
cinct T EJMcDonald W A Minuicar Soreu
Simonsen Botulville precinct Herman Reiuers
Fred Wagner Sr Danbury precinct E E
High B B Smiley Driftwood precinct Joseph
Schmitz Gerver precinct D W Bailej Grant
precinct Andrew Anderson Lebanon precinct
E E Devoe I N Horton HEWaugh Thomas
Boid Missouri Ridge precinct John GErw in
Tyrone precinct L A Sheldon Valley Grange
precinct A Wagy
Commissioner District No 2 Alliance pre
cinct J G Burke J A Barnhart East Valley
precinct W O Finch Lewis S Harte Robert
Lierley A B McQuilkin Fritsch precinct JF
Cannichael Archie Hatcher Iudiauola pre
cinct Henry Conrad E S Dutcher F B Duck
worth B A Jones Merle Powell North Valley
precinct Charles Bell Richard Burton Red
Willow precinct F C Smith J F Helm
Commissioner District No 3 Box Elder pre
cinct George Younger James Modrell Cole
man precinct AD Green Perry precinct Wm
Predmore Willow Grove precinct Alfred
Carter W K Bixler Samuel Ball Jacob Ball
Wm J Porter P M Bell H J Cox A F
Clark H E Culbertson E M Day DEEiken
berry Maurice Griffin Ed Hall J E Nelms
O E Pearson Frank Real J H Stephens JD
Young J G Schobel Win Spencer Harry
Rogers Mart Osborn
On motion the Board adjourned to meet No
vember 11th 190S
F S Lofton Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla Clerk
McCook Nebraska November 11 190S
The Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners and
Chuf Skolla cgunty clerk
Tho minutes of the mcotliijM held In Septem
ber and on October 0th were rend nndon motion
Tho report of the fees earned by E F Ortborn
deputy bheriff from Janunry 251P08 to October
1 1WW amounting to fJTO50 which amount was
turnod Into tho County Treasury was rend and
on motion approved biid ordered placed on file
KIopp Bartlctt Co same
Klopp fc Bartlctt Co election supplies
E F Osborn draying
E F Osborn jailor fees
E F Osborn boarding prisoners
E F Osborn salary for October
Albert Kemp jury fee February term
Patrick Callan same
L E Naden fees as registrar 3rd quarter
Y H Smith same
W A Middleton same
McCook Electric Co light for October
W M Rozell additional assessing in Mc
Cook City claimed at 600 allowed at
C A Rodgers otfice expense
C A Rodgers third quarter salary
C A Rodgers appointing 115 judges and
clerks of election and stumps for reg
istering appointments
James Roouey work on court house roof
J C Moore ollice expen e
FS Lofton services as commissioner
S Premer same
10 00
1 10
1 75
40 50
31 fO
25 00
1 VJ
3 4
C 25
12 75
3 0O
2 45
100 DO
40 25
25 00
1 91
28 00
23 10
CBGraysame 39 50
On motion the Board adjourned to meet De
cember 22nd 1103
F S Loftok Chairman
Atte t Crrv Skalla County Clerk
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Oihtmejt fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in C tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Thousands Of Them
That new post card case in this office
contains thousands of post cards and
exhibits hundreds of them to view Just
Office Roonu 3 nod 5 Walah Blk McCook
It npiwariiiB to tho Bonrd that lot 12 and the
south bnlfoflot 11 in block Lebnnou Village I -
TrMI7r a 17 ruria
were assessed for the yeur 1W7 as improved j A I KWl V IX riimLM
lots when the buildings on said lots were
moved from said lots prior to tho 1st day of
April 1D07 and w ere as ossed for that jenr in
that new location tho Board on motion ordered
the County Treasurer to striko from the lJUT
real estate tax list the sum of 180 from lot 12
block t Village of Lebanon
The claim of I J Brinegar of 1500 for
damages caused by tho location of a new road
was on motion rejected for tho reason that said
claim was not filed in tho time limited by law
The claim of Chas Picklum of t0U for Ihery
to the Connor farm aud Cedar Blulls was on
motion rejected
Thopetitiou of G J Breitliug and others
asking for tho establishment of a public road
was read and considered the Board find- that
all owners of land nlong tho Hue of the pro
posed road have given their con ent thereto in
writing and that the public good require- it
on motion samo was granted establishing a
public road as follows
Commencing at the northwest corner of the
southwest quarter of section 17 township 2
range 2 nnd running thence southeasterly in n
straight line one half mile to the southwest
corner of section 17 said south termination to
be G rods east of the starting point and termi
nating thereat and that tho public road now
on said half mile between sections 17 and IS in
township 2 range 28 be acated said new road
to bo known us Road No 125 and the Clerk
was instructed to notify tho Overseer of High
ways to open said road
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the Road Fund of Commissioner
District No 1 us follows
Herman ltcincrs road a ork 32 00
Jacob Unger samo 110
Henry N Colling same 20 Ml
Herman Schneider same 2 00
John Trnester same 10 50
Henry Schamel same 12 01
Henry Ebert same i 00
John Breitliug same 1 7 50
Win Baumbach same 19 50
Julius Hinz same 150
August Lehn same -1 50
Henry Kisker same 10 50
The following claims were ordered paid out
of tho Road District Fund of Road District No
11 by the Oterseer
JohnGiHcn i 00
John Fiechtner 3 Wl
Fred Wagner Sr 25 00
Fred Waguer Jr 12 00
FredTroester 3 W
Tho following claims were audited nnd al
lowed and the Clsrk was instructed to draw
warrants on the County General Fund levy of
1908 as follows
Burnett Lumber Co lumber 10 1U
Barnett Lumber Co same 110 J5
Barnett Lumber Co samo 8 15
Barnett Lumber Co coal Gunderman 1 25
E G Caino Co coal Mrs Morgan 8 25
E G Cainc fc Co coal Mrs Vandeioort 4 25
Billiard Lumber Co coal Mrs Tuttlc A 00
Billiard Lumber Co lumber 10140
H P Waite Co supplies for county 42 73
J E Ludwick chairs and desk for county
attorney 13 50
W H Campbell work in court house and
four ballot boxes 9 00
John Shepherd work in court house 11 80
George D Burgess work in court houe
and grate bars 10 00
C W Graves work in court house 5 j
George Elbert hanging paper in county
attorneys room 17 05
T A Clapp cementing in court house
basement 10 80
Dr H J Arbogat 2nd quarter salary 190S
and nntitoxiue 22 00
C L Fahnestock 2nd quarter salary 10S
and expenses 3150
F M Kiminell printing ballots forgeneral
election 101 50
F 21 Kimmell stationery for county clerk is 05
F M Kimmell blanks for county attorney
F M Kimmell 5000 personal tax blanks
F M Kiminell printing for county treas
FM Kiminell notices of election 2 50
F M Kimmell printing and blanks for
LcHew J P 3 50
McCook Republican printing delinquent
tax list 109 20
McCook Republican printing for county
superintendent 5 Wi
McCook Republican printing
sisners proceedings 23 40
McCook Republican printing road notice 18 O
McCook Republican printing delinquent
tax notice V
McCook Republican stationery for
tj judgo 2 00
State Journal Co 190S tax receipts steel
election booths and supplies 220 u
State Journal Co records nnd supplies in
September 47 50
Office over McAdaras Store PiunedSO
Dr J A Colieev
Phone 37S
Postokkick Buicmijcc
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnell dnj
store McCook Nebrnska
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
A Edgar Hawkins
Phone Red 193
3 r rfs Srri ScoJk
H H Etuae
Phono Bod
Contractors and BuildeE
Plans drawn and estimates furn
ished on 1-2-1 2m
McCook Nebraska
Night or day trips
made anywhere
Prices Reasonable Good Servks
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofft
Phone 13
Mike Walsk
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Casfc
Now location iust across
3 street in P Walsh building 1
turn it around and make your selection Jtm
I w al i J I a Mm 1 1
Myt M iim i
Plumber and g
Steam Fitter
B Iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass r
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trmmings p
m Estimates Furn shed Free Base- K
7 ment of the Postofftce Bu a ng t
2i JT
3 EJfcxksS tes f7
r rvncccnri rc irrFFn SHlft
r iff TiuIU ew Uuilnei A
tr lvri1 ii kifu iKTC ncatn Wt
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ii iiiu y niundc d Yv
- awa mixi J f m t i y
ten uripe UTtcLtL rAzr ujv vr
III Spnlih IrU SdU Spmw fB
CroeufCMoaodof Aar t l3oU n
yrtlnu Dirwla Talis nmt Tulip xnm C u
- Tnlp Oi U Frtsi Eua 3 Cutca UJlcitJ
v 7r to day Mention this fan
8olb rotpH toctihf lti mj lz WnrM trtrnKlT ft
5 Bwk TJ U U it B-
i vifStdiBuiadFU3t M
21 In CcnmeniOTatlcn f ercUnocet butof
id ilac Jell I l 1 p M ft ctciiz z U ti - - J
JO rap -- jb
JfM cf Itt i TUBalble U wenfc quarter JB
VlTIWflftigfii TTiiSffiK 1