Si II C fe SI v rn 35 V i J muTrnrrTwrW 3S35fS iWyWPPLWWafcBWUllilllMMllillWWWft a ulki 4fc npl - uiHFisMlWfMJM - y t j7gr y v BAKIN 6REHM ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ings remain uncalled for at the McCook jysstoffice November 13 190S LHTTEHS Aliubrson Edgar Easpbell Mr W S Hfcasherty Mr G W JHBMr J DixES M E lEcilin Mr H T Start Mr W H WcdTMissMaye Baird Mrs Mellie 2 Day Mr A P Fiecbter Mr E R Johnson Eflie Palmer Mr W B Schultz Mr C E Sturdcvnnr J N Wright J CARDS jffijiLF II Bankston Mr Doll 2BasMr Fay - -Hayward Mr Beeco Staler b r When calling- forvthese please say titoj were advertised X- S B McLkan Postmaster Oiiiricii Perfectly pure unquestionably whole some A pure food factor ante dating all pure food laws Indispensable for raising finest cake biscuit and pastry No Alum No Lime Phosphates Be on guard against alum in your food Prof Johnson of Yale College says he regards the introduction of alum into baking powders as most dangerous to health Read tlie label Buy only wliere Cream of Tartar is named GERVER Shis is about as severe a cold snap as 5 remember having for some time Good time to butcher though Born to Mr and Mrs Cbas Lofton Saeaday a bouncing boy All doing There wasnt a very good turn out at BEasksville literary last Wednesday sight on account of the unfavoruble oeather We suppose Kelleys dance will be sssll patronized from here Saturday Eigat Henry Albrecht finds attractions in Sie direction of Banksville Sussel Lant reports corn near Arcadia aajielding from 30 to 50 bushels per acre A wedding took place at August Reachs over in Grant Wednesday 22 contracting parties were Miss Belle Wesch and Mr Lewis Schreider of aer Kansas Well wishes CULEMAN Oliver Strawder went to Furnas coun ty on a visit to relatives He started to go Friday but either train was too fast or Oliver was too cifew The pound social at Zion hill Friday sagbt was almost a failure The crowd cssae bringing their pounds but it US getting late when the pastor got Sere from Culbertson and the crowd Bad gone home 36hu Smiths visited with relatives racth of the river Sunday Charlie Nelsons spent the day with tSjH Bargers Sunday Urs Earl Barger came out to her asters Mrs John Clark Saturday re tSxroing Sunday evening Orlo Campbell spent the day with Sis brother Guy Sunday There will be preaching again at Zion S31 Sunday at 330 p m All those who have any corn to husk 3ts trying to get ahead of the jack rabbits now Mrs John Smith spent the afternoon YKth Mrs Feakm Tuesday blisses Bertha Droll and Marcella 35shen called on Mrs Guy Campbell 3iesday afternoon Literary at Coleman school house a itry Tueday night BOX ELDER Chas Wilson and wife and baby visit ad his parents Mr and Mrs Wilson Ssnday Mr and Mrs F G Lytle visited with Sfcvand Mrs G A Shields Sunday Mr and Mrs W Y Johnson visited shsir daughter Mrs Charles Wilson ZFsesday afternoon 35ra Henry Thomas of McCook is TSating her brother G A Shields a few dls this week before moving to T M Campbell sold his big team last 2i3sday to a horse buyer in McCook There will be preaching at the church tsrat Sunday morning IflDIANOLA Burr Henton of Danbury was in town Thursday of last week Mart Carruthers of Lincoln county visited last week with Indianola friends and relatives Jack Ough of Benkelman visited Sat day and Sunday with his friend George Hamburg Irene Bailey of Arapahoe spent Sun day with her friend Leona White Bert Powell of Danbury was an In dianola visitor last Thursday Mrs F S Phillips returned Jhome from Colorado last Friday where she has been visiting her daughter Mrs Julia Lyttlo Frank Marsh and family left Wednes day night for Bloomfield Nebraska where they will make their future home E S Bjfield and wife spent Sunday and Monday in McCook George Newland of Lebanon was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Will Sheets of Bartley was in town on business Monday Mr Bloom of Ludell Kas is here visiting his son-in-law M F Akers Sam JMinniear of Danbury made his weekly visit to our little town Sunday W P Elmer has erected a engine house at his ice pond The revival meetings at the Christian church conducted by Rev Gregg came to an end Tuesday night Mr Gregg is an able talker and he drew large crowds to hear him The Indianola Roller mills has again resumed business after an enforced de lay of several weeks while new machin ery was being put in DANBURY Dan Clouse of Indianola was a busi ness visitor Monday James Cumming and wife of Lebanon were over Sunday visitors at the parent al home Archie Foley and Erma Roberts were united in marriage Wednesday Nov 11th Congratulations Newt Graham and family of Abilene Kas arrived here Friday for a 6hort visit They are on their way to Cali fornia Webster Dowler of Wilsonville was up Friday O L Overstake of Lebanon was a business visitor between trains Friday W C Shockley is on the sick list W A Minniear who has been visit ing in Lincoln for the past few days returned home Sunday Ed Ruby of Marion was down on business Saturday Roy Thomas was a Beaver City visitor from Monday until Tuesday A large number from here attended the B T Murphy sale Tuesday Ben expects to move to Texas in a short time Mr and Mrs J L Sargentof Indian ola were business visitors Tuesday The Red Willow County Teachers association will be held at Lebanon Saturday Nov 2Sth Everybody cor dially invited to attend W T Henton was an Oberlin busi ness visitor Monday PLEASANT RIDGE Tom Cain and wife have moved up north where Tom has a job shucking corn There will be a big hunt next Satur day The winners will eat Thanksgiving oysters at the expense of the defeated Mrs Lizzie Pimperton left for Iowa last Saturday Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office Blunders of the Types Ever since the introduction of type setting errors weird or comical have emanated from printers olllces The mistakes are not always to be shoul dered on to the compositor for bad handwriting must be taken Into ac count Here are a few instances of actual blunders collected by a proof reader In the course of his dally work Ills blushint bride was transform ed Into his blustering bride A major was stated to have served with destruction In the army The writer thought he used the word dis tinction v The Galley I Love was the descrip tion of a picture entitled The Galley Slave Speaking of theatrical folk a critic wrote that nearly all have husbands or wives The paragraph printed read hundreds of wives They sailed for three days around the cape and finally slaughtered a small Italian should have been sighted a small island One more In conclusion He takes delight In talking on his family shame was a shameful thing to say when favorite theme was meant A Three Legged Bison In 1SG7 Small Eyes a Blackfoot who had come down from the north and joined the Arapahoes and lived with them told Black Kettle a Cheyenne in George Bents lodge about bavin killed between the Cimarron d Beaver creek a tributary of the r tli fork of the Canadian a buran Lull which had only one hind leg Accord ing to Small Eyes story it did not ap pear that the bull had lost one of Its hind legs but rather that it never had had more than one The hind leg was very large seemed to be in the mid dle of the body instead of at one side and there was no sign of any missing leg It looked as if the two hind legs which the buffalo ordinarily has had in some way fused together The war party with which Small Eyes was traveling was passing along near a hollow when the bull came up out of it and some of the men ran ahead got around it and shot it with a gun It was not able to run fast but rather hobbled along Forest and Stream Saved by a Photograph A very remarkable incident occurred at Rio de Janeiro A passenger on board one of the large liners took a photograph of the harbor It included a small yacht which had sailed in the morning with two men in her but returned in the evening with one only The survivor said his companion had fallen over board but his statement was not be lieved lie was tried and sentenced to death The matter had by this time come to the ears of the photographer who remembered that the picture had been taken ou the day of the crime or accident and that the scene em braced a yacht On examining the print more carefully he noticed a small speck on the sail and in order to de termine what it was had an enlarge ment made It proved to be the figure of a man falling It was shown to the authorities at once and the condemned man was released Dropsical Oysters With a sneer the oyster opener point ed to a brownish smear upon a Saddle Itock shell Some fool said he has been try ing to fatten up a batch of Saddle Rocks with cornmeal You might as well try to invigorate flowers with corned beef hash But it is a common error to believe that cornmeal or oat meal will fatten oysters I continually find oysters with their shells stained with those grains It makes me laugh As a matter of fact there is no such thing as fattening oysters All you can do is swell them up with water pre cisely the same as water swells a sponge You put them iu fresh water which being less dense than the soft they are accustomed to by the princi ple of osmosis penetrates and distends their tissues gives them as you might say dropsy For my part I dont like fattened oysters New Orleans Times Democrat For a Brides Dowry There is a very pretty custom in some of the northern parts of Europe There the white poplar in good soil increases a shilling iu value every year The trees are generally cut down at the age of twenty years as they are then supposed to have attained their full growth When a daughter is born iu the family of a well to do farmer the father as soon as the sea son permits plants a thousand young trees and these are to constitute the dowry of the maiden which grow as she grows and increases in height and value as her virtues and beauty in crease Out to Work What society needs is a clearing house What do you mean I wish 1 didnt have to go to the Van Squawks ball next week The Van Squawks- wish they didnt have to ask me Why cant we exchange certificates and call the thing even Kansas City Journal Why He Barked A witness in an Irish court talked so loud that Charles Philips who was counsel on the other side said Fel low why doyou bark so furiously Because said the man looking hard at Philips I think I see a thief Retribution Tommy Pop what Is retribution Tommys Poi Retribution my son is something that we are sure will even tually overtake other people Phila delphia Record ffji frjftftirtffl fi V - a dte J vfc C ftS t - Did the Best Ho Knew Geordic Horn was a character well known among the country folk of the Scotch highlands twenty tlve years ago He belonged to a class rather hard to classify for he was neither a tramp nor a farm hand although frequently following the habits of both Wan dering from farm to farm the greater part of the time he was kindly treated and hospitably entertained generally While he was a man of unusual strength he was mentally weak and exceedingly lady Hes a gle cute chlel though slow in the uptack understanding was the way a good many described him One day he arrived at his friend the doctors and complained of a severe pain in his breast The doctor handed him a plaster with instructions to put it on his chest without delay Geordle gave him one of his knowing looks and took his departure The doctor met him a few days later and inquired how lie was feeling now Geordle re plied Nae better Did you do as I told you with the plaster the doctor went ou Weel no not exactly I done the best I could I didnt have a chest sae I stuck it on my bandbox hat box An Expensive Dollar Not long ago in this town a kind friend of the family gave one of the kids a dollar Of course it was too much to let the kid get out and spend for candy and gum so it was reli giously put up cu the sideboard or some other safe place to be kept just for what the deponent saith not In about a week the juvenile owner of the big round coin remarked at the breakfast table Papa mamma spent my dollar 1 esterday The head of the house took the hint and fished up another dollar which like Its prede cessor was placed in a good safe place to keep During the next month by a careful ly tabulated record which he kept on his cuff he repaid this elnsive dollar just thirteen times So at the end of the month you will not be surprised to learn that our friend sent the donor of the original dollar this curt note Dear Sir Inclosed you will find a check for 1 Its the dollar you gave our youngster I return it simply to avoid bankruptcy Already It has cost me some where between fifteen and twenty Lamah Mo Democrat Dollar Fish Have you any dollar fish here a woman asked of one of the attendants at the aquarium While the question may seem curi ous it was really very simple for the dollar fish is only a j oung moonfish The moonfish is a curious but beau tiful creature almost round in shape and extremely thin and having the loveliest of pearly sides It swims on edge so that it always presents its sides of pearl to view It takes Its name from its shape and because further in color It suggests the silvery moon Young moonfish of the size of a standard silver dollar and they are scarcely any thicker are called dollar fishes because of their resemblance to that coin in size and shape and color and the woman making the inquiry about dollar fishes was duly informed that there was none In the tanks at the present time but that they did have them occasionally New York Sun Three Sabbaths Each Week In Tangier Morocco is a country of many Sab baths The first three days I spent in Tangier were all Sabbaths Arriving on a Thursday night the next day was Friday the Mohammedan Sabbath which was followed by the Jewish Sabbath the Hebrew element in Tan gier is considerable and strict in re ligious observance and that in turn by the Christian Sunday Subsequent comparison however revealed little difference between any days of the week On the Mohammedan Sabbath a black flag is hoisted on the minarets at the prayer of dawn instead of the white flasr that announces the time of devotions on other days It remains up until the middle of the forenoon by which time everybody is supposed to have found out what day it is New York Post The Word Charlatan Charlatan a writer in the London Chronicle is companion to quack in our vocabulary and of this word the origin is certainly Italian It is ciarlatano merely a chatterer and describes the traveling doctor in his cart who used to offer in an over whelming torrent of talk his pills to villagers in the market place lie was a dentist as well as a physician and wrenched out the tooth in public The genus is not yet entirely extinct A Word Breaker Fine looking old gentleman Yes but he was never known to give a man his word that he did not break it Dishonest eh Nope he stutters Houston Post Dignity and Ignorance So you have decided to call in an other lector I have was the reply The ab surdity of the man prescribing linseed tea and mustard plasters for people of our position A Noble Parent In writing a sketch of Washington a pupil ended her essay by saying Washington married a famous belle Martha Custis and in due time be came the Father of His Country Delineator Kind words are benedictions They are not only Instruments of power but cf benevolence and courtesy blessings both to the speaker and hearer of them Frederick Saunders Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in tho county clerks office since last report Couuty Troasurer to R C Fidlertd to 5 in Esther park Mrs L J Furrow et cons to Maude R Stokes wd to 9 in 21 2nd McCook 850 00 United States to Reuben C Gorver pat to su qr 29-1-29 Emma E Caulkins to James Ryan qcd to pt 18 19 3 27 50 00 Jay II Snyder et ux to M S Modrell wd to 2 in 211st Mc Cook - 2S00 00 Wesley M Rozell et ux to Peter Nelson wd to 0 hf se qr 29 1 30 1590 00 Peter Nelson et ux to Wesley M Rozell wd to u hf nw qr 1500 00 Lincoln Land Co to Hazel Hare Viihue wd to pt se qr sw qr 20329 250 00 James A Finnegan et ux to An drew J Crawmer qcd to lots 11 12 blk 48 Hartley 100 00 Citizen Bank of McCook to William Tuttle qcd to s hf 29-1-29 1 00 Lincoln Land Co J E Kelley to The Masonic Temple Craft agreement to lots 3 4 blk 1G McCook B R Askey et ux to Ed Steu bor wd to lots 4 5 blk 7 1st add South McCook 350 00 Win B Wuittaker et ux to S S Garvey wd to lots 48 4V 50 blk 2 South McCook 1400 00 A J Pearson et cons toStophen A Austin to nw qr sw qr e hf sw qr nw qr se qr 11-1-26 8000 00 Frank Stillman et ux to W E Bower wd to nw qr so qr e hf sw qr lot 1 in 23 3 29 4000 00 James Hammond et ux to Milton II Hammond qcd to seqrll 2 30 700 00 United States to Wnlmm II Mitchelmoro pat to e hf sw qr se qr nw qr sw qr no qr 6-3-30 Joseph II Cline et ux to Wil helmina Ochse wd to lot 7 blk 30 lot 12 blk 31 Indian ola 150 00 A Poor Defense Speaking of a poor defense said a lawyer reminds me of the valet who was accused of drinking his masters wine To this valet the master said Look here you I believe that you have been at this decanter of claret and then filled it up with water Oh no sir said the valet in an aggrieved tone Well it tastes like it said the master and he set down his glass with a wry face Oh no sir said the valet excited ly In the first place sir I never drink wine in the second place when I do drink it I never think of filling the bottle up with water and in the third place when I do put water in I always am very careful to add a little brandy so that the wiue may not lose its strength Two Great Orators As an orator Demosthenes was head and shoulders above Cicero the Ro man The great Athenian stands in a class all by himself if we are to be lieve the consensus of learned opinion Cicero it is said prided himself on his faculty of extemporizing at need but probably trusted little to it on great occasions while with Demosthenes it was the rule never to speak without the most careful preparation The speeches of both were spoken without manuscript They would never have made the reputation they did if they had been tied down to their notes New York American mince words here I felt m w tunas HHiir 4liII WW0V CX BAKING POWD CHICAGO CALUMET BaklngPowder must give you satisfaction It must prove that it is the equal in every way and superior in some to all other baking powders or you must have your money back You cannot set your standard of quality too high to suit us Insist on Calumet and dont let your grocer give you a bubstitutc Received Highest Award Worlds Pure Food Exposition Chicago 07 W C T U Entertainment The ladies of the W C T Uwill give an entertainment in Methodist cburcb November 24th Following is the 1ROGKAU Music High School Band Prayer Rev Hawkea My Country Tis of Thee Audience Reading Georgo Kearns The Guileless Witness Stella Faus Music Band Reading That Old Sweetheart of Mine Mrs Gary Reading selected Mabel Hegonberger Music Dorothy Dungan Leta Monks Reading Gertrude Morrissey Reading Lona Phelps Music Band Refreshments will be served in church basement after the program Both pro gram and refreshments for 25c Either worth the price -Come Make Your Own House Buy one of our Cement Block Ma chines and make your own blocks this winter For information write Beebe Cement Paving Co 1023 New York Life Bldg Omaha Nebr 10 23 4 Colored ana Black and White The Tribune has for sale a nice dis play of local view post cards in colors and in black and white Also a well selected line of greeting and other post cards MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PKICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone StuTener Tablet Sold by AMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska imrrrrwrnT rai inn Tuna EVHSSSJH iSSESZ3NaV33V3ESES SSVSS 5JSSN3SsaxC NEENS ONE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time Builard Lumber Co HSKva3ENBMNN ENSrsENSENSSN ETxHHsEMsHN EJSfirsErESJFsarsxa iz vrtsiss V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER J JAS S DOYLE YlCE PRESIDENT 9 THE CI rv ZENS B DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 V FRAHKLIH A 0 EBERT Wu 16 f fvi J J