The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 13, 1908, Image 1

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A Great Crowd and- Much Enthusiasm
Speech toy CongressmanFireworks
The Republicans of McCook celebrat
ed the victory of Congressman NorriB
over his Democratic opponent Fred W
Ashtoh in a characteristically enthusi
astic manner The court room of the
court house was crowded There was a
parade fireworks a speech by Congress
man Norris music by the band and the
malo quartet and a grand glorification
This Certificate
cut and brought to our store not later
than Saturday November 21st wilt en
title the holder to purchase the follow
ing lot of goods 2 yds best black elas
tic 1 doz each of 3 sizes best nickled
aafoty pins 1 thimble 1 GO inch tailors
tape measure 3 papers Roberts Para
bola needles 3 ladies nice lawn hdkfs
2J4 yds best apron gingham 1 cube blk
ping a total value at regular prices of
1 for the interesting figure of 69c Do
not ask for this deal without presenting
thiB certificate as it depends absolutely
on the certificate Yon are cordiully in
vited to participate The Thompson D
G Co Best goods Lowest prices
is protected against the effects of hard
water alkaline soaps and the wear or
stain of regular or disagreeable work
Once used always used
Worth many times their cost for dih
Better got a pair today while the mat
ter is in mind
We have a fine new lot at 75 cents
a pair
L W McConnell Druggist
Will Meet Here in April
Word from Supt J O Lyne of Min
den president of the association states
that the Southwest Nebraska Teachers
association will meet in McCook in reg
ular session in April nest accepting
the invitation extended by the McCook
nrmmorfial Hub Jt isthe mirpose of
the club acting with the local teacher
corps to make the meeting successful
and notable in the associations annals
Federal Building Site Selected
Yesterdays Omaha Bee contains news
that the lots south of the Carnegie libra
ry have been bought by the government
for the site for its federal building The
price is 8565000 and sis lots or 150x110
feet is included in the purchase This
splendid location is we believe satis
factory to most citizens of McCook
When Is a Button
not a button When it is made by in
esperienced operatives or upon an inac
curate machine Every one a button
is our motto At the present moment
we can supply 18 ligne and 24 ligne sizes
and we look daily for the moulds for 30
lignes and 40 lignes The Thompson D
G Co Do it right and right off
The Majestic Manufacturing Co
of St Louis Mo will have a man at
the McCook Hardware Co store all next
week who will show you how to baka
biscuits brown top and bottom in
three minutes Dont miss this chance
of seeing the great cooking wonder
Underwear Underwear
Jack Frost is calling your attention
to the need of warmer underwear
Rozell Barger have Coopers the
Globe and the popular non shrinking
Duofold Better call and esamine
It Takes Cash
to buy it but you have the satisfaction
of knowing that you get what you want
especially if you are looking for the
best How You are a good guesser
D C Marsh is the boy
Do Not Put Off Buying
that Base Burner or Heater get it now
and enjoy the comforts of a warm house
which you will always have if you get a
Garland Jewel or Riverside Stove at
The McCook Hardware Cos
Accounts Must Be Paid
Having disposed of our dairy business
toFIitcraft Clark all accounts due
us must be paid within 30 days either
in cash or by note
Only the Best
Only the best is just good enough for
the discriminating publio that patroniz
es Marshs meat market And that is
his motto and practice
To the Public
Special reductions in heating stoves
and ranges for the nest thirty days
Graves First door east of DeGroff s
Biscuits Baked Right In Three
minutes every day nest weeK at the
store McCook Hardware Co
Special Fur Sale
at H C Clappe Thursday
19th Dont miss it
Death of Joseph Dudek
Joseph Dudek one of the early settlers
of Red Willow precinct this county
died at his homo about five miles south
east of this city late Monday night af
ter a prolonged illness Funeral services
were conducted in the Methodist church
of our city Thursday morning by Rev
Carman after which the remains wore
laid away in Riverview cemetery
Most of the children were present at
the funeral They have the sympathy
of all in this sorrow
JoBeph Dudek was born in Bohemia
December 2 1838 and moved to Johnson
county Iowa when he was 18 years old
He waB married in Iowa to Frances Ho
rak and to that union was born twelve
children of which seven are now living
He and his family moved to Red Willow
county Nebraska in 1879 where bis
wife died the following year He was
married the second time in 1882 to Mrs
Eliza Phillippi The deceased was 69
years 11 months and 8 days old at the
time of his death He leaves a wife and
seven children to mourn his loso
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional churoh will give a Dinner and
Supper in Diamonds hall on west B stf
Thursday November 19th Begin serv
ing dinner at 1115 supper from 5 to 8
Roast Beef with brown gravy
Stewed Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Cabbage Salad
Corn Patties
Brown and White Brejid Pickles
Apple and Pumpkin Pie with Cheese
Escalloped Meats with gravy
Cold Meats
Potatoe Salad
Baked Beans
Brown and White Bread
Jelly Pickles Slaw
Fruit Salad Assorted Cake
Tea Coffee
Price 25 cents for each meal You are
all cordially invited
The Winter Chautauqua
Commencing next Monday night
there will bo a winter chautauqua of
four dates in the Methodist church
under auspices of the Epworth League
This will bo one of the best entertain
ments of the winter and should be
generously patronized
Monday night the Eobley Male Quar
tet with Bayard E Eobley as imper
sonator will appear
Tuesday night Mrs Guthrie Tongier
will lecture
Wednesday night Charles T Stalker
orator and cartoonist will be the
Thursday night Sziskosky Enter
tainment Co in music reading and
crayon work five people
Season tickets 100
Here is a splendid array of talent for
the money and no one should fail to
take advantage of them
You Spend a Third of Your Life
in bed Comfort there means health
Most important to that is the tucking in
of the covers They must be ample Our
Izzer home made comforts are that
They are 6 feet wide and 7 feet long
contain 14 yards of cloth and 6 unequall
ed Izzer batts are well tacked and
hemmed Prices S185 S20 S2 25
S250 and 300 We keep 50 made up
or you can pick out your own patterns
of silkalenes outings etc and await the
making Do it now The Thompson
D G Co Absolute cash dealers
Thanksgiving Day Service
The Thanksgiving Day service will
be held this year at the Methodist
church at 1030 a m The sermon will
be preached by Rev E M Ainsworth
of the Christian church In connec
tion with this service an offering in
money food or clothing will be taken
for the poor of the city It is hoped
that there will be a large attendance of
thankful people and a generous offering
will the recipient be with one of those
pyrography pieces from McConnells
A nice assortment of useful pieces
stamped ready to burn They make
appropriate inexpensive gifts
L W McConkell Druggist
There Is No Smoke
to ruin your paper if you use a Garland
Hard Coal Base Burnerand it is a pleas
ure to look at those bright coals all win
ter long Nothing makes the home so
cheerful See them at
The McCook Hardware Cos
Drop In and Have a Cup
of coffee and hot biscuits at our store
any day next week Will be glad to see
you if you intend to buy or not
McCook Hardware Co
Stag Social
McCook Council K of C will en
joy a stag social oyster supper and pro
gram next Tuesday hv pnins
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Kozell
to88 g
Masonic Temple Theatre Building Passes the First Stage
in the Progress of Its Construction
The Parade Numbered a Half Thousand in Line There Were a iiunarea
Visiting Masons Formal Ceremonies Followed by Entertain-
ment of Grand Lodge Officers and Visiting
Brethren at Supper and Smoker
Saturday afternoon last was consummated and- commemorated
the initial incident in the historic chronicles of the erection of the
McCook Masonic temple theatre building in the corner stone laying
by the members of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska Masons and local
brethren It not only marked an epoch in local Masonry but will
be recorded in capitals in the annals of the city as the event natur
ally took on the strength and interest of the community rinding
expression in the presence of several thousand people and numerous
fraternal organizations
The formal work of laying the corner stone was performed by
William A DeBord grand master Omaha Francis E White
grand secretary Omaha John B Dinsmore grand treasurer
Sutton Henry Gibbons grand junior warden Kearney Samuel
D Dutch er grand chaplain Omaha Thomas M Davis grand
junior deacon Beaver City Robert E French grand custodian
Special deputized members of the grand lodge members of the
local bodies the McCook band and members of the Sunshine club
assisted in the impressive ceremonies
Shortlv after the stated hour of two oclock the parade was
formed and proceeded west on C street to 2nd street south on 2nd
atrPRi tn TC thence east to Main avenue and north on the avenue
to the temple site corner of Main avenue and west D street The
order of the parade was as follows
The McCook Band
Ancient Order of United Workmen
Modern Woodmen otApissa
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Royal Neighbors
Brotherhood Railroad Carmen of America
Awl Os
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R
Escort of Knights Templar in Uniform
McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M and visiting Masons
Officers of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska
This parade was over two city blocks in length and included in
its numbers perhaps 500 people
The formal ceremonial was of course replete with symbolisms and
had all the solemnity of the ancient order the plumb and square
the corn and oil and wine all having prominent place in the pro
ceedings together with the grand chaplains prayer and grand
masters declaration Music and fanfares had their significance in
the proceedings
The customary casket was placed in the corner stone Its con
tents were announced as follows by Grand Secretary Francis E
White of Omaha
deposited in the corner stone of the Masonic temple Nov
ember 7th 1908 A L 5908
Souvenir Book of the Semi Centennial of the Grand
Lodge A F A M of Nebraska
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge A F A M of
braska 1908
The Law of Free Masonry in Nebraska 1908
The Law of Royal Arch Masonry in Nebraska 1906
Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
of Nebraska 1907
Proceedings of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar
of Nebraska 1908
Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select
Masters of Nebraska 1907
The Law of Cryptic Masonry in Nebraska 1907
The Nebraska Masonic Home Record of Annual Meeting
of Stockholders and Trustees December 23 1907
Holy Bible deposited by McCook Lodge No 135
Roster of McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M
By Laws of McCook Lodge -No 135 A F A M
Roster By Laws and History of King Cyrus Chapter No
35 Royal Arch Masons of McCook Nebraska
Roster and By Laws of St John Commandery No 16
By Laws and Roster of Council No 16
Royal and Select Masters
Officers and Members of Eureka Chapter No 86 Order
Eastern Star
Grand Lodge of Nebraska with Roster of Past Grand
Masters 1857 to 1907 inclusive
Letterhead of Masonic Temple Craft of McCook Nebras
ka with Seal
Blank Certificate of Stock Masonic Temple Craft
Picture of Brother George W Norris who Delivered Ora
tion at the Laying of the Corner Stone
City Directory of McCook Nebraska 1907
Copy of McCook Tribune November 6th 1908
Copy of McCook Republican November 6th 190S
The oration delivered by Congressman and Sir Knight George
W Norris was a splendid effort eloquent and earnest breathing
forth lofty sentiments of fraternity and charity and love the funda
mental tenets of the great and ancient order of which he is a
-- -
W C T U Entertainment
The ladies of the W C T Uwill give
an entertainment in Methodist church
November 24th Following is the
Music High School Band
Prayer Rev Hawkes
My Country Tis of Thee Audience
Reading George Kearns
The Guileless Witness Stella Faus
Music Band
Beading That Old Sweetheart of
Mine Mrs Gary
Rnarliiifr selected Mabel Hecenbercer
Music Dorothy Dungan Leta Monks
Reading Gertrude Morrissey
Heading i iona rneips
Music Band
Refreshments will be served in church
basement after the program Both pro
gram and refreshments for 23c Either
worth the price Come
Child Severely Burned
Mary the six-year-old daughter of Mr
and Mrs George Poh of South McCook
was severely burned Thursday evening
of last week and for a while her recov
ery was in doubt but she is now doing
quite well Her clothes caught fire
from a bonfire burning in that neighbor
hood The child ran shrieking home
but her clothes were practically burned
from her person before the flames were
extinguished and her body in places was
burned to a crisp It is thought now
she will recover without any serious af
tereffects or results
People often neglect to use a laxative
when they need one because they cant
swallow pills or tablets and have an
aversion to bad tasting liquid remedies
The remedy to use in such cases is our
This is a bright sparkling beverage that
tastes like lemonade and its use is en
tirely devoid of any griping or sickening
Our citrate of magnesia is always
fresh and reliable Price 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
United in Marriage
Miss Estella Fuller and Mr Leonard
D Bennett were united in marriage
Tuesday afternponat four oclock by
County JudgS Moore Miss 1uner
needs no introduction to Trirune read
ers being highly esteemed by a large
circle of admiring friends Mr Bennett
is popular as the able pitcher ofMc
Cooks great ball team last season
Mrs Bennett will retain her position
with J E Kelley for the present They
have the well wishes of all The Triu
une joining
Rheumatic People Ahoy
Scarlet underwear of warranted coch
ineal dye and guaranteed absolutely pure
wool for S125 a piece is one of our best
values in this department Also a very
soft tan colored grade of pure wool made
double breast and double back for 8125
each those for men For women theres
a corresponding fine tan vest and pants
for 125 each and a grey wool at 81 00
each We guarantee these to fill all reas
onable expectations in the curing line
The Thompson D G Co One prioe
Plain Figures Cash only
In Hands of Mortgagee
Notice was posted Thursday morning
by Mrs Frances Morgan that she had
taken possession of the Tartsch stock
of clothing furnishings etc and the
stock will be sold by special sale by the
That is the famous and popular Duo
fold underwear No i t c h i n g or
scratching Rozell Barger sell them
Finest thing on the market in union
Fire All Night With Cbs
in a Coles Hot Blast Heater and they
are the only stove that will do it Be
sides this they burn less coal than any
other They are the Original Hot Blast
Stove Accept no substitutes
McCook Hardware Co
I have changed my7 office quarters
from the McNeely building over Mc
Millens drug store to upstairs in the
Citizens Bank building Entrance on
B Dennisonl street west
Dr W E McDivitt
Carload of New York state apples
in barrels or in smaller lots Hand
picked and hand assorted On track
at Burlington station
A Long Cold Winter
in sight but if you have one of those
elegant Base Burners sold by McCook
Hardware Co vou will not realize that
it is cold They are certainly beauties
We Are Giving Free sr50
worth of ware at our store next week
See advertisement in this paper for par
ticulars McCook Hardware Co
I Mince meat at Scotts
IF our rate of interest on deposits
is high enough
IF our rate of interest on loans
is low enough
IF tho accommodations we afford
aro satisfactory
IF our business is safely managed
and wo think it is
IF you aro not already a customer
then wo invite you to become
A home bank
A growing bank
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Prcs
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
City Free Delivery of Mail
As tho McCook postollice on next
Monday inaugurates free city delivery
attention is called to some of the rules
of tho Postoflice Department regarding
carriers and patrons
Carriers are not required to go to tho
side or back doors to make delivery nor
to wait an unreasonable time for a re
sponse to his ring or other alarm Pa
trons who repeatedly fail to respond
promptly to carriers ring will be re
ported to the postmaster
Carriers are not required to deliver
mail to residences where vicious dogs
aro permitted to run at largo Persons
keeping such dogs must call at the post
oilico for their mail
Carriers are permitted to receive
letters and other small ai tides for
mailing when postage is properly pre
paid but are not required to accept
packages which are cumbersome on ac
count of size shape or bulk
Collection boxes will bo erected at an
early date at convenient points in the
city for the convenience of the public
in mailing letters each box bearing a
printed schedule of the hours of collec
It is recommended by the Depart
ment that patrons provide mail boxes
at their homes for the receipt of mail
in order to facilitate speedy delivery
and insure the delivery of mail when no
one is at home
As the installation of this service re
quires an entire change in the working
system of the postoflice it is urgently
desired that each patron cooperate with
the carriers and postollice to get the
service in operation with the least
possible friction
S B McLean Postmaster
If Blankets Could Talk
no doubt they might gossip a deal We
have some very high toned white cotton
blanket3 with fine white silfe binding
and handsome pink and blue borders
very thick and plush large and
roomy who3e talk consists mostly of
how thev have never been priced below
5350 a pair until this season when the
late panic enabled this store to price
them at 62 35 Every word true too
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
We have several pairs of shoes that
are repaired for different ones and are
still uncalled for We shall be obliged
to sell these shoes for the repair bill
unles they are called for before Decern
1st The Bee Hive
Xou Can Heat Your House
provided there is not more than five
rooms to heat with less trouble and ex
pense with a Garland Base Burner than
by any other method They only need
attention once a day See them at
Tho McCook Hardware Cos
Carloard of Choice Apples on track at
McCook tomorrow and all next week
Prices right and reasonable
J W Thomas
Why Buy a Cat in a Sack
At our exhibit next week we will
show you a Majestic in acual operation
McCook Hardware Co
Slight Snow Monday
A slight snowfall Monday and night
with drizzles betimes of rain Both
helpful to small grain conditions
You Are Invited
to attend the Big Fur Exhibition and
Sale at H C Clapps next Thursday
Pancake Hour at Scotts