The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 06, 1908, Image 5

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J - - JJCjj
hbh IIH HBKhH BB h BHhbK jB Hhh y
jv HbflH bb B B HN B B HhH m ii
H m
1 The Last Day of the REMOVAL SALE i
0 m
H Your Friends are All Going ARE YOU j
Jyi irf
Time Card pjjj
McCook Neb
Central Time
Monti tain Time
1027 v
500 A
715 a
942 P
400 P
No 17S arrives
No 175 departs
Mountain Timo
Slnnnintr Hinintr and recliniutr
930 A M
1142 P M
8S0 P M
1023 A M
1217 A M
55 P
710 A
soats free on throuRh trains Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write K E Foe Agent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General Passen
ger Agent Omaba Nebraska
Every Day Articles
Simpson and American prints 5c
Good bleached muslin 5c yd Best
apron ginghams 6c Lonsdale cam
bric 120 Best table oil cloth 15c
Peerless carpet warp 22c American A
2 bu grain bags SlJoC 6 big turkey
red hdfs for 25c Mens black fleeced
underwear 50c Yard wide black taffeta
silk 69 S115 81 35 19 inch black
satin Rhadame silk 29c yd Childrens
bearskin coats 235 Heatherbloom
petticoats 225 in black and colors
Childrens ribbed union suits 25c to
100 each Mens good blue bib over
alls with stout drill pants pocket 39c
pair Jumpers to match 39c Big full
length aprons with sleeves 65c Band
aprons 20c each Mens muleskin gloves
ISc pair Solid calfskin gloves 50c
15 styles mens hats at 150 Mens
suits 500 to 1500 1000 other inter
esting cash items The Thompson D
G Co One price plain figures cash
Rankln Bower
Miss Ella M daughter of Mr and
Mrs W II Rankin and Mr Edward
B Bower were united in marriage Wed
nesday noon November 4th at the
home of tho brides parents at 812 2nd
street W These esteemed young peo
ple will make their home on a farm
three miles southeast of the city where
a home was in waiting The members
of both families and a few close friends
witnessed the ceremony There were a
number of useful and pretty presents
A fine wedding dinner was served Rev
M B Carman officiated The congrat
ulations aDd well wishes of many
friends attend the young couple
Thousands Of Them
That new post card case in this office
contains thousands of post cards and
exhibits hundreds of them to view Just
turn it around and make your selection
Pancake flour at Scotts
Halloween Dance
Mrs C W Corey and Miss Marie
Wallace gave a Halloween dance in the
Menard opera house Saturday evening
in which about 65 couples participated
with pleasure in a regular program of
ten numbers and four extras first ex
tra Matching Hearts second Moon
light waltz with Mr Francis Colfer
singing Dreaming which was much
appreciated third a chair dance won
by Miss Ruby Fitzgerald and Mr Rollo
Cathcart the prize being six large yel
low chrysanthemums fourth Moon
light and snow shower
The decorations were seasonable con
sisting of jack o lanterns corn stalks
and streamers of green and red draped
to form a cauoply In one corner of the
hall was a booth fashioned of corn
stalks with an iron kettle of sweet cider
pendant from the center The stage
was done in red and green and bauked
with corn stalks and pumpkins A
jack o lantern and stalks of corn wera
hung in each window Mr C W
Corey was master of ceremonies of the
Winter Chautauqua
November 16 17 IS 19 the dates
This is probably the only lecture and
entertainment course McCook people
will get to hear this winter
First night Monday Robley Male
Quartet with Bayard E Robley imper
Second night Tuesday Mrs Guth
rie Tongier lecturer
Third night Wednesday Charles T
Stalker orator and cartoonist
Fourth night Thursday Sziskosky
Entertainment Co in music readings
and crayon work Five people
A soason ticket for the four attrac
tions for 100 Siugle admission will
be 35 cents
Held in the Methodist church under
auspices of the Epworth League
Sunday School Rally Day
The members of the beginners class
of the Congregational Sunday school
last Sunday morning gave an interest
ing program of graduating exercises at
the regular morning hour quite a num
ber of the tots graduating into the reg
ular primary class of the school The
program consisted of songs recitations
drills etc
Entertained Swastikas
Miss Maude McBrayer and Miss
Hattie Schmidt entertained the young
ladies of the Swastika club Wednesday
evening at the McBrayer home in most
approved social fashion at an oyster
Pure maple syrup at Scotts
Mince meat at Scotts
Death of Mrs Williams
Mrs L L Williams passed away last
evening at 9 oclock at the faniih timi e
on Second Ave after an illness of two
years The deceased was 66 years old
She leaves to mourn Jut I js a hus
band a son A L Williams and a
daughter Mrs A P Bonnot both of
this city
Tho funeral will bo hold Monday after
noon at 3 oclock from the residence
the Rev P H Finley ofiiciatinj Inter
ment will be fit Forest Hill cometery
Before her death Mrs Williams re
quested that friends bhould not send
Mrs Williams was born at Leroy
Lake Ohio October 23rd 1S42 In 1S65
she was married to Mr L L Williams
and they moved to Augusta in 1S69 In
1S81 they moved to Eau Claire wheie
they have since resided Eau Claire
Wis Daily Telegram Ooctober 31
Plants and Cut Flowers
Chrysanthemum plants in bloom 50c to
1 00 each Chrysanthemum cut blooms
75c to 125 per dozen Carnations 75c
per dozen Chinese Sacred Lily buibs
20c each Boston Fern- 50c to 125
each Also a fine lot of parsley crisp
and tender
Phono 91 McCook Gi EhsnousE
Note Date of Address Slip
Note the date on your aticress slip on
The Tribune If you hav not paid
your subscription for 1908 kindly call
at office or mail amount due No paper
will be sent to those more than one year
in arrears and such accounts after due
notice and no response will be placed
for collection
Ladies and Childrens Cloaks
We are now showing ladies from
475 to 16 50 and childrens from 235
for bearskins up to 900 each The
Thompson D G Co Actual euh val
Just the Same Every Week
This week like last week The Trib
ute contains matter of local interest on
each of its eight home printed pages
Same every week
About Satin Messalmes
Theyre popular Theyre showy and
elegant See us for them and for satin
surfaced novelties Oursare27 inches
wide 100 yd The Thompson D G
Co Actual cash values
Election Is Over
and you will still find a complete line of
base burners soft coal heaters and
ranges at McCook Hardware Company
See their line before you buy
Dress Skirts
from 200 to 1250 at The Thompson
D G Co Alterations free
CapisTn Derby Provided Literally For
Figurative Expression
Among the pieces which made up
the quaint output of Captain Derby
whose too early death deprived Ameri
ca of one of the most original humor
ists was one entitled A New Sjstiiu
of Engish Jrauimur It seems never
to have attracted much attention but
though there are in the volume con
taining it articles more broadly amus
ing there are none in which wit and
wisdom are more fully blended After
the lapse of years the exict words and
the particular illustrations employed
escape me in part but the line of rea
soning adopted will not vary material
ly from what is about to be given
The humorist proposed to have all
descriptions and epithets marked on a
sufficient scale of comparison wot the
beggarly three to which we are now
limited but to a number large enough
to indicate every variation of charac
ter in the object under consideration
and every possible degree of human
conception in regard to its nature The
lowest conceivable amount of any hu
man quality consistent with its being
at all would be indicated by 1 Its
maximum would be represented by
100 Here then would be a wide
range between the perfection of the
idea expressed by the one number and
Its bare existence merely implied by the
other as well as the feelings of the
speaker about it in which all shades
of thought and feeling would be fit
tingly represented By prefixing to
each epithet a figure between 1 and
100 the precise truth in regard to it as
it appears to him uttering it would be
conveyed to him hearing it For ex
ample you are asked about your
health Instead of replying pretty
well tolerably well very well or some
other ambiguous expression you would
say bearing in mind that 100 indicates
perfect health I am 15 or 50 or 75 or
90 well or any other number as the
case may be By this means the in
quirer learns definitely what he wants
to know lie has not been put off with
formulas of speech whose general ap
plicability to different conditions of
bodily health conveys nothing precise
to the mind The moment this meth
od of expression comes into general
use we shall speedily become exact
mathematical truth telling in the high
est degree
How well the rule would work can
be best illustrated by the narrative of
a simple incident of news communicat
ed by a man to his friend in some such
words as these
On a 70 fine morning I was 55
slowly walking down the 33 clean ave
nue when I chanced to meet the 22
young and S5 charming Miss Smith
about whom you ask We at once ex
changed the 91 usual meteorological
observation It Is a 7G beautiful day
I remarked Indeed it is a 95 beauti
ful day she renlied and I am 97 glad
loTnifvo met you for It Is a Ion
time since I have seen you I felt 77
flattered by words like these coming
from a 79 Iovel3 girl but proceeded to
make the 71 usual Inquiries about her
health for I knew that on that point
you had been S9 anxious She told me
in reply that it had been 78 poor but
she was 1C0 glad to say that it was
now S7 good Professor J E Louns
bury in Harpers Magazine
A Large Salary
Mr X a prominent lawyer of Phil
adelphia was much addicted to the
habit of lecturing Lis office staff and
the office boy came in for an unusual
share of admonition whenever occa
sion demanded and sometimes when it
did not That his words were appre
ciated was made quite evident to Mr
X one day wlien a conversation over
heard on the elevator between Tommy
and another office boy on the same
floor was repeated to him
Whatcher wages asked the other
I get 10000 a year said Tommy
Aw gwan ejaculated the other
boy derisively Quitcher kiddin
nonest I do said Tommy 4 a
week in cash and the rest in legal ad
vice Harpers Weekly
A very famous victory was that of
Blenheim which is our corruption of
Blindheim the village on the upper
Danube where John Churchill won his
dukedom his magnificent palace in
Oxfordshire and his yearly pension of
5000 This is still enjoyed by his
heir the present Duke of Marlborough
who annually places a French
flaglet over the bust of his ancestor
in the guardroom of Windsor castle
the condition of his tenure of the
estate of Blenheim London Answers
The Comparative Method
Theodore had twice been sent to
wash his hands and was now return
ing for the second inspection
My child said his mother compar
ing tha two hands critically your
right is just as dirty as your left
What have you been doing all this
Why mamma explained the youth
last time you said that my left hand
was cleaner than my right so I tried
to make them even Ill go again
Youths Companion
Get One of Those
beautiful base burners at McCook Hard
ware Company and keep your home
warm and pleasant
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thf
Tribune office
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
t - gfe f wwpw - - - ---- nrr m
- w
R F D No 1
Mrs Peter Voge entertainrd Mrs Arjs
Mrs Joseph Crocker Mrs A E Poo
Mrs John Reint rs Wednesday after
noon It was Mrs Voges birthday
Mr Calvin was up from IndiancLx
Tuesdaj taking home with him a oak
recently bought of Mrs Miry SchlagiL
Fred Ehrmau and family of Java
D are visiting J B Frichtner Sha tt
a sister of M rs C G Orman and Mr
Schlect whom they will also visit
Mrs J B Frichtner Mike Fritz a
Fred Ehrman and family visited w
School creek Tuesday
W C T U Announcements
The regular meeting of the W C Z
U will be held at tho homo of Mcc
Robt Cole November 13th at 305 g
m This will be a mothers meetk
with Mrs G E Thompson a3 Jeacac
The mothers are especially invited
There will be a literary entertainrcsaa
given under the auspices of tho iZ
T U sometime during this month
Colored and Black and White
The Tribune has for sale a nice dis
play of local view post cards in eofarc
and in black and white Also a i
selected line of greeting and other jisj
Pure maple syrup at Scotts
Mince meat at Scotts
4 M 1
ilenilid Blankets
Ask your dealer for a
5A Blanket ihey are
known the world vcr as
the best and strongest and
the longest wcnrVr M an fr
ets made Look for iL
trade mark
Buy s 5A Bi C
Bjj a 5A
- 1 jtab
We Sell Them
i jB