r j National Bank Protection means a great deal to you as a depositor In point of work ing capital capital surplus and undivided profits of 80 00000 The First National Bank of McCook ranks first among tho banks of western Nebraska Our books are examined by National Hank examiners un der tho supervision of tho Comptroller of tho Currency at least twice a year There is no better security than tha For Your Savings Thrift is a simple thing but it means a great deal It is the foundation of financial success and contentment Save money and put it away safely for a rainy day De posit in The First National Bank of McCook Nebraska By F M K1MA1ELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Taft enrried Ohio by a large majority but tho Democrats scooped the govern orship The only fact that can at all reconcile Red Willow county Republicans to the measly little majority Congressman Norris received in his home county is the measlier vote of Furnas county his former home for years Both of them ought tc do penance Nebraskas congressional delegation was bard bit in the landslide of Tues day Congressman Norris of the Fifth Congress Hinshaw of the Fourth Con gressman Kinkaid of the Sixth of the delegation of six escaped and they by narrow margins Among the notable Republican con gressmen who fell by the wayside in Tuesdays battle are C B Landis and Jesse Overstreet both of Iudiana and Hepburn of Iowa Of the 391 congress men 205 are Republicans 168 Demo crats with 18 districts to heHr from While the re election of Congressman Norris by even a meager majority is a matter of supreme satisfaction to many citizens of McCook of Red Willow county and of the Fifth district yet this pleasure has a distinct tinge of humiliation and regret that McCook and Red Willow county should not have made his majority in his home county at least 500 The defeat of Governor Sheldon is to be most sincerely deplored and re gretted Not as some would style it a calamity for no man is so essential to the state as that his absence can become so real and his loss so damaging but nevertheless a loss a step back ward Governor Sheldon has stood for clean business like anti grafting art ministration of the states affairs His record is fair and clean and able his ideals progressive and high To serve the best and truest interests of the collective people has been his aim and ambition his goal That he has succeeded the books will show No one can gainsay the facts His administra tion is a creditable epoch in Nebraskas history Not a modern Daniel come to judgment but a sane safe whole some young American who has per formed well his part He deserved better at the bands of the people of Nebraska Precedent and fairness and fact should have made his re election by a generous majority There is absolute ly no valid reason or excuse for his de feat by the people whom he served with conscientious fidelity or by corporate interests who have been justly and fairly dealt with COURT H0DSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report B H Hawkins 28 Ida Wilhelm 19 both of McCook Edward B Bower 23 Ellen M Rankin 38 both of McCook Ernest K Hamilton 23 Culbertson Neb Artie Sylvia Beebe 17 St Ann Neb Married October 31st by County Judge J C Moore Social Postponed The Ep worth League informal social announced for Friday night November 6th has been postponed until further notice gacac cjBSSSLsbSmmme - kKi ijfe -- lm wiumwntiiiTTTTfMfttl TAFT BY OVERWHELMING VOTE W J Bryan Is a Third Time Defeated for the Presidency in a Most Decisive Vote NEBRASKA HOWEVER DROPS OUT OF THE glNE Bryan Carries the State and the Democrats Elect Practically All Their State Ticket Secure the Legislature and Three Out of the Six Congressmen While all Nebraska Republican are rejoicing over the over whelming and triumphant election of Taft to the presidency the loss of Nebraska while feared is nevertheless an unexpectedly severe blow involving practically everything state ticket legislat ure three congressmen all going down in the Bryan landslide Gammill state senator carried Red Willow county and is elected Moore representative is also elected together with the commissioner Lofton Reeder is defeated by Dodge and Kelley by Barber Both constitutional amendments carried almost unanimously Returns are coming in slowly from the northwestern part of the state but those received cut down the lead of the Democrats on president and to a less extent on governor Eighty one count ies on president with only a few of these abort a precinct or two give Taft 118 G99 and Bryan J21080 a total lead of 2381 The same counties eight years ago gHve McKinley 115447 and Bryan 107153 The remaining counties are in the northwest or the west and are small counties It is expected that they will cut down the lead now shown a trifle so that Bryan may not finish with more than2f00 majority in the state On governor seventy eight counties give Shallenberger a lead of 7661 over Shel don His vote is 1175 13 and that of Sheldon is 109882 Two years ago Sheldon received in these counties 86 175 and Shallenbeiger 76395 Sheldon is just about holding his own in the short grass country With six counties still to be beard from it seems that Kinkaid is going to win from Westover These counties not yetjreported wero so strong repub lican two years ago that they gave Kin kaid 656 majority At present the totals of the two men are 17656 for Kinkaid and 17312 for Westover If Kinkaid can break even in these counties where he had such a majority before ho will win In the Fourth Hinshaw has a safe margin with about 700 votes as he estimated on Wednesday evening In the third Latta wins by 155C In the Second Hitchcock gets away with 2115 majority the heaviest majority in any district In the First Maguire still stands with a safe majority The legislative ticket is fully two thirds democratic Peter Mortonsen who was running for the legislature in Valley county was beaten by his democratic opponent NORRIS REELECTED Majority Will be Small but Claimed to be Sufficient to Return the Congressman OFFICIAL COUNT IS REQUIRED To Determine Jusl How ManyAll the Counties but Adams Have Been Heard FromCount There Now In Progress As The Tribune eroes to press this afternoon the result in the Fifth congressional district is still up in the air At Republican congressional headquarters in this city the reelection of Congress man Norris of our city is confidently claimed by a small but safe majority Official returns are lacking from Adams county The canvass in that county is now progressing A Protest from Hayes Center to McCook Prom time to time McCook has ac quired numbers from among our first and best citizens whom she now holds within her limits as most valued and es teemed compatriots and fellow towns men Forever boasting her superior ad vantages without so much as a friendly nod of recognition or a polite By your leave she has now absorbed our oldest settler of them all Mr Charles Bailey Before Hayes Center was or any of us old timers had performed the long journey to this land of promise from our far eastern homes Mr Bailey WAS When Hayes county was organized finding Mr Bailey already upon the ground he was duly elected to the high est office an honor to which he did not at that time aspire and for which he did not qualify Another was appointed upon Mr Baileys refusing occupancy of the office However as time pro gressed and the infant county grew more strong and wealthy Mr Bailey served with commendable prudence in the capacity of sheriff and of county clerk By enterprising thrift Mr Bailey has accumulated a fortune owning thous ands of acres of the most choice of Hayes countys prolific soil fine farm buildings and acres of alfalfa Add to these one of the best residences in town an automobile and a comfortable bank account and you have an example of what Hayes county can and will do for an individual of tbe right sort nor will you wonder that we rebel and yield with reluctance and protest our prior claim upon Mr and Mrs Bailey to McCook When tbe nearness of their departure was mentioned by Mrs Bailey to some of her intimates these friends craved permission to invite a company of old timers for a last meal and visit at her Hayes Center home Mrs Bailey noth ing loth gave ready assent The before mentioned friends made baste to notify a company of ladies that they were to dine with Mr and Mrs Bailey on Fri day The guests were chosen from the households of old timers all gentlemen excluded except R E Counce Ladies and babies were whom Mrs Bailey en tertained at a most sumptuous banquet at high noon on last Friday Mr and Mrs Bailey have upon nu merous occasions proven themselves most hospitable and handsome enter tainers but this parting feast was the crowning glory of them all A huge turkey done to brown juicy crispness crowned the board Cranberries dress ing and gravy O my Vegetables del icacies sweets and condiments of which none knoweth the names and prepara tion thereof unless highly skilled in culinary art All that numerous company chatted gaily and laughed merrily and tried to cheat themselves into having a good time but with all the feasting and mirth an undercurrent of sadness pre vailed and like Banquos ghost would not down The innocent jest the merry quip or witty sally often arrested the smile on tbe lips of one while an other with suspicious moisture of eyes spoke the oft repeated words And now Baileys are going away Prompted by kindly regard for Mrs Bailey the ladies made purchase of and presented her with a valuable memento which was accepted with thanks and protestations of being forever treasured more lovingly for the clustering happy memories enfolded than for intrinsic worth and beauty We give them Godspeed and wish them in their newly acquired home a continuation of the success and popular ity that was so deservedly theirs in the mrny years tkey have been with us Communicated MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Rev B L Webbers father is a guest in the home here J A Lafferty was over from Dan bury on business yesterday Jud Babcock of Cambridge was a city visitor last Saturday Mrs T B Campbell has been a Den ver visitor part of the week P E Eeeder county attorney went in to Omaha last night on business C E Cone is up from Kansas City on business and to visit relatives and friends A E Allen of Danbury delivered the Missouri Ridge returns Wednesday morning Mrs W A Mitchell went down to Lincoln last Saturday night to spend a week or two with the family Mrs Simpson Finnell of Hamburg Iowa is visiting her sister Mrs James Stokes arriving Wednesday night mimiM iTiiliiWiTtnTi r smsOS Xit aTH ij fM sss - I Special Sale of 4 fc jLik4nftvimr Trimmed Hats eginnieg Saturday Noveoib er 7 These are not thrown together factory made hats but all the production of our own workroom and mostly copies of imported patterns and expensive models all strictly hand made Ladies right now is your grand opportunity to obtain a hat at a ridiculously low figure I II I I III I 1 1 II III TT 500 to 700 375 to 450 150 to 250 675 to S 50 925 to 1100 HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS 3398 298 98c 498 675 750 to 900 1150 toi5 00 1800 to 2100 2100 to 2800 950 to 1050 HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS 575 925 1275 1798 865 M n miii iiJMt WE ARE ALSO CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF HAIR GOODS iss Anderson McCook I QV Miss Lizzie McAdams is home visit to the family Mrs William Suess who has been visiting her son Lewis returned to Crete end of week Mrs C D Ritchie enjoyed a short visit from her father Mr LeGore of Lincoln Saturday Sunday last Henry McKean and J II Huntwork both of Bartley brought in the East Valley returns Wednesday morning Mrs W H Allen of Indianola has been spending part of the week with her daughter Mrs Ed Jeffries East Me CooK C J Ryan is home from the sani tarium for the week to return again Sunday night He is sadly afilicted with a severe nerve trouble Driver Hamilton of DeGroffs and Driver Shirley of Scotts delivery wa gon service departed the city Monday night for the land of somewhere Dan OBrien is here from Colorado and on the 15th will don Uncle Sams pretty gray uniform for city carriers and deliver on one of the three routes within the city Roy GoHEENand Jacob Rost two young men who have been working for J I Lee departed on Monday night for the west expecting to see the coast and Northwest Mr and Mrs C R Woodwouth re turned Sunday night from their ab sence of a few weeks at his home in Ohio he looking much benefited by the visit and vacation from business J R McCarl chairman Republican congressional committee went down to Hastings last night to secure the re turns for Congressman Xorris from Adams county they being necessary in determining the result E M and B H Stewart enjoyed a brief visit close of last week from their brother J T O Stewart of Omaha who was in the city attending the farm ers institute in the interests of the cern exposition at Omaba next month Mr and Mrs S D Bolles of Box Elder are profiting by a little laxity on the part of Saint Peter who allowed a little nine pound cherub to wander be yond the celestial precincts last Friday evening Mother and babe are with her mother Mrs Margaret Oyster on north Main W T Coleman of Seattle Washing ton who has been hobnobbing with the plutocrats of the effete east for the past few months to consummate a large financial matter spent a few hours in the city last Friday morning on his way home to Seattle and gave us an in spiriting breeze as fresh as a Coney Island zephyr I ESSggBgana J At my farm 5 miles northwest of Lebanon in Missouri Ridge precinct Sale to commence at 1000 oclock a m Tuesday November 1008 I will offer my farm of 1G0 114 acres into wheat all smooth G acres rye rest in pasture land all level good hog lot -4 room house closet buttery outside porch good garden and young orchard fenced chicken tight barn 38x36 good corn shed good windmill and cistern This is one of the best improved farms in Missouri Ridge precinct 5 miles from Lebanon 4 miles south of German Luthern church mile from school Telephone in house Indianola R F D No 3 by door Steam Threshing Outfit I will also sell my steam threrhing outfit Reeves 13 horse compound engine N W separator with Woods self feeder and blower water tank and wagon all in good repair Machinery One new Deering Binder S foot One McCormick mower 3 foot One new Deering hay rake 10 ft One new John Deere lister One John Deere riding cultivator Two tongue weed cutters Four4 section steel harrows One Grand Detour gang plow 2 plows Two 16 inch walking plows One Superior press drill One VanBrunt disc drill One hoe drill One DeLavel cream separator 700 pounds per hour Two bay racks Horses One Norman stallion 9 years old weight 1400 lbs good colt getter One sorrel horse 11 jears old weight lloO lbs One sorrel horse weight 1100 lbs One black mare years old Three young colts S years old with foal 9 Miscellaneous Household goods Some cane hay Other articles too numerouss to mention FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS All sums of 10 and under cash On all sums over that amount a credit of 10 months time will be given purchaser giving note with approved security bearing 8 per cent interest from date 5 per cent discount for cash on all sums over 10 No property to be removed until settled for EMU PFALZGRAF FRED WIGGINS Auctioneer E E DEV0E Clerk m at v i - v J m n l fl 1 1