The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 06, 1908, Image 3

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ts I
Chribtian Biblo Bchool nt 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a in and 8 p m 0 E
at 7 p in All aro welcome
R Ai Ainswoktu Paetor
Episcopal Pronchinp sorvicos at St
Albsns church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday echool at 10 u m All
aro welcome to those services
E R Eakle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p in Every Sunday
Wm J Kikwin O Al 1
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing sorvico at 800 13 Y P U at 7 p ra
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Christian Science Sorvicos Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday nt 8 p
m Aleetings held in the Morris block
Room open all the time Science litera
ture on sale Subject for next Sunday
Adam and Pullen Man
German preaching sorvices in the court
room of the AlcCook court houso every
Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans
and Russians cordially invited
Rev Wm Bkukogeman
G07 5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching nt 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services Rev E S BicKford of Tren
ton will preach both morning and
G B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon by pastor at 11 and 8 Special
sermon at night Class meeting at 12
Junior Lengu at i Epworth League
at 645 Prayer meeting every Wednes
day night at 745
AI B Carman Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E nt 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev Gustav IIenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
been made in the county clerks
since last report
Philips Voiles et ux to William
E Voiles wd to lots 19 20
blk 3 1st ad Bartley 75 00
John Dunning et ux to Rich
ard Dunning wd to lot 15
blk 39 Indianola 35 00
Affa CSeeley to John and Rich
ard Dunning wd to w hf nw
qr 5 e hf no qr sw qr ne qr
6327 1000 00
Clint Hamilton Lor Co to C
L Adams wd to lots 7 S blk
23 McCook 2000 00
Vance AIcManigal to The Mc
Cook Electric Co wd to pt 3
in 323 29 1000 00
Edmund S Cavanaugh to Fed
eral Union Surety Co assign
ment to se qr 12 ne qr 13 2 2G 1 00
L AI Howard et ux to James
H Howard wd to lot 160 in
Indianola cemetery 10 00
N L Cronkito wid to Albert G
Bump wd to lots 4 5 blk 25
2nd AlcCook 625 00
Jacob Steiumetz et ux to Ona
Steinmetzwd to lot 8 blk 10
West AlcCook 100
James A Porter et ux to Wise
Wiggins wd to lots 6 7 blk
4 Lebanon 3000 00
Russell Koons et ux to William
C Alorris wd to lots 13 14
blk 6 Lebanon 350 00
Llona Turner et cons to Wil
liam C Alorris wd to lot 15
16 blk 6 Lebanon 200 00
Bert D AlcCarty et ux to Wil
liam Sullivan wd to pt sw qr
1400 00
City of Indianola to T M Ho
ward cert to lot 160 in In
dianola cemetery
The McCook Electric Light Co
to The AlcCook Electric Co
deed to lot 5 n hf lot 2 blk
22AIfiCook 100
The AlcCook Electric Co to
The International Trust Co
trust deed to lot 5 n hf lot 2
blk 22 AlcCook 25000 00
United States to Joseph W
torer pat to e hf nw qr 1 2
in 30426
Alfred Carter et ux to Emma
H Carter wd to nw qr ne qr
ne qr nw qr 24-3-29 2000 00
Syren J VanAleter et ux to
May Martin qcd to se qr nw
qr7339 100
In Justice Court before H H Herry jus
tice of the peace
Claud Barber defendant will take notice
that on the 22nd day of September 190a H H
Berrv a instice of the neace of Red Willow
county Nebraska issued an order of attach- I
ment for the sum of 1715 in an action pending
before mm wherein u Li XJeurou cc company
is plaintiif and Claud Barber is defendant and
that property of the defendant consisting of
money due and owing in the hands of the
Chicago Burlington and Quincy Bailroad
Company garnishee as wages for work and
labor performed by said defendant for said
railroad company has been attached UDder
Miid order of attachment Said cause was
continued for hearing to the 7th day of Novem
ber 190S at 9 oclock A M
10-23-3 C L DeGeoff Co
Incomplete Returns Indicate Plurality
of 10000 for Bryan
Lincoln Nov 5 Returns on Tues
days election while far from com
plete are sufficiently definite -to con
firm and emphasize the first report
that the Democrats have made a
sweeping victory in Nebraska While
the pluralities for the victorious party
are not phenomenally large they are
complete the state ticket and candi
dates for congress in most instances
running parallel with Air Bryan who
was expected to lead the ticket by sev
eral thousands Complete returns
from a third of jthe counties and scat
tering precinct returns from most of
the remainder show that Bryan will
liave a plurality of not less than 10000
r 1 Shallenberger Democrat for gov
ernor and the balance of the Demo
cratic state ticket will have hardly a
thousand less
But the Democratic victory does
not stop there At least three prob
ably four and possibly five of Nebras
kas six congressmen are Democratic
only one Hinshaw in the Fourth dis
trict being assured of escaping from
the wreck Nearly complete returns
from every county in the Fourth dis
trict shows that Hinshaw has won by
nearly 700 votes although his district
gave Bryan a plurality There is a
close fight in the Fifth district be
tween Norris Republican and Ash
ton Democrat with the chances fa
voring the Democrat Not enough re
turns have been received from the
Sixth to base an estimate but the
trend in the distriot is Democratic
The greatest surprise of all is the
overwhelming majority the Democrats
will have in the legislature Of the
133 senators and representatives elect
ed the canvassers of returns could
find but sixteen Republicans who had
Avon These of course are incom
plete but the Republican state com
mittee concedes the Democrats will
control both branches Lancaster
Lincoln county which has for thirty
years elected none but Republican
members to both branches this year
sends four Republicans and three
The defeat he sustained did not
weiih heavily on Mr Bryan He was
one of the most cheerful of those at
hishome and laughed and joked good
naturedly with his many visitors
Jamieson Elected to Congress From
Eighth Iowa District
Des Alqines Nov 5 More complete
returns received indicate that Tafts
plurality in Iowa will pass the 70000
mark The estimate is based on prac
tically complete returns from two
thirds of the counties and it will prob
ably be sustained by complete returns
This plurality of 70000 is G000 more
than was given to McKinley in 189C
and is more than a normal Republican
Hepburn was defeqted in the Eighth
district by Jamieson Democrat
Hulls majority in the Seventh dis
trict will be 6000 Cummins for United
States senator has won by an over
whelming majority Returns from
nearly every county in the state indi
cate his election over Lacey by at
least 25000 The complexion of the
next Iowa legislature will be pro
gressive Republican
Shenandoah la Nov 5 Complete
returns from the eleven counties in
the Eighth congressional district show
that W D Jamieson Democrat de
feated William P Hepburn Republic
an 439 votes Jamieson is thirty five
years old and is a native of Iowa He
has conducted a newspaper here for
the past seven years and two years
ago was elected to the state senate
Air Hepburn was first elected to con
gress from Iowa in 1880 and has
served continuously with the excep
tion of six years between 1SS6 and
Kansas Still Republican
Topeka Kan Nov 5 Returns from
fifty nine counties have been received
These give Taft 22024 and Bryan 16
417 Later returns are reducing the
estimated plurality of Taft and of
Stubbs for governor Stubbs plurality
is placed at 20000 and Tafts about
3000 more The election of Joseph L
Bristow to the United States senate is
assured Returns show the election of
thirtj nme Democratic representatives
and five Democratic senators seventy
Republican representatives and thirty
Republican senators This leaves six
teen representatives and five senators
still in the coubtiul column The Re
publicans have a majority in the legis
lature or fit sx net counting the
doubtful members ajid of thirty five
counting all the doubtful encs the
Democratic column
Detroit Nov 4 V th Tart au i
Sherman carrying the state by rrje
majority estimated at aoout lOuuGO
the successful candidate ior governor
of Michigan is not known this morn-
ing Returns frora the slate ara sov
er than they have been for ycrrs
publican candidates fcr rcnroc Lsv r
been elected in all but tlic First dis
trict where the votes have not been
counted and the result is not Irnown
Taft Wins in Sccth Dakota
Pierre S D Nov 4 This state has
been carried by Taft by a plurality es
timated at 30000 In 1904 Mr Roose
velt received a plurality of 50114
Robert S Vessey Republican candi
date for governor has been elected
Bryan Loses in Utah
Salt Lake Nov 4 Mr Bryan has
lost Utah by a majority estimated at
5000 52500 of the states 100000
votes going to Mr Taft William Spry
Republican hasbeen elected governor
by a small majority j
Tafts Plurality Will Bo About Seventy
Trenton N J Nov 4 Revised re
turns Indicate that Mr Tafts plurality
in New Jersey will be 70000 The Re
publicans elect seven of the ten
congressmen the Democrats two the
Sixth district which is now represent
ed by a Democrat William Hughes be
ing very close and in doubt The
Democrats elect their congressional
candidate Kinkead in the Ninth dis
trict and Hamill in the Tenth Thomas
Foxhall Is the Republican candidate
in the doubtful district The Republic
ans have re elected Loudenslager in
the First Gardner in the second Low
ell in the Third Wood in the Fourth
Fowler in the Fifth Parker in tho
Seventh and have elected Congress
man Wylie in the Eighth which now is
represented by a Democrat Pratt The
present congressional representation
is now six Republicans and four Dem
ocrats so that the Republicans gain
one and possibly two congressmen
Usual Democratic Majorities Returned
In Dixie
Guthrie Okla Nov 4 Oklahoma
has continued loyal to the Democratic
party but the majority has been re
duced materially and Bryans lead is
estimated at only 25000 The five
members of congress four Democrats
and one Republican have been re
elected The legislature Is two thirds
Democratic insuring the re election
of United States Senator Thomas P
Gore the blind orator
i exas
Austin Tex Nov 4 William H
Taft did not make as good a showing
in this state as President Roosevelt
who polled 51242 votes in 1904 The
vote this year is approximately as fol
lows Bryan 220000 Taft 20000
Thomas M Campbell Democrat has
been re elected governor
Atlanta Ga Nov 4 Georgias thir
teen electoral votes will be cast for
William J Bryan and the states rep
resentation will continue solidly Dem
ocratic The state election was held in
September The Taft vote in this state
fell 10000 below that of Mr Roose
velt which was 24003
Louisville Ky Nov 4 Kentucky
has gone Democratic by a vote of 230
000 in a total vote of 430000 The Re
publicans have lost two of their con
gressmen giving the state now nine
Democrats to two Republicans There
was no state election
Jacksonville Fla Nov 4 Albert W
Gilchrist Democrat has been elected
goveror of Florida and the Demo
cratic national ticket has carried the
state by a majority of 25000 the Re
publican vote showing a loss of 3000
since 1904
South Carolina
Charlestown S C Nov 4 The Re
publican party polled only 2000 of the
58000 votes in this state running
slightly behind the figures of four
years ago M F Ansel has been re
elected governor without opposition
Richmond Va Nov 4 The Old Do
minion is still safely within the Demo
cratic ranks by a very large majority
Taft polled only 30000 votes in a total
of 130000 a Republican loss of 17SS0
since 1904
North Carolina
Raleigh N C Nov 4 The Demo
cratic natioual ticket has carried North
Carolina by a majority of 25000 the
total vote being 210000 W W Kitch
in has been elected governor
Montgomery Ala Nov 4 Bryan
90000 Taft 13000 are the election
figures in this state Mr Taft polled
9472 fewer votes than Mr Roosevelt
did in 1904
Little Rock Ar1 Nov 4 Arkansas
has given Mr Bryan a majority of 30
000 an increase of 12436 over the vote
polled by Mr Parker in 1904
Nashville Tenn Nov 4 Tennessee
is still strongly Democratic by a ma
jority of S0000 The Republican vote
of 1904 was greatly reduced
Jackson Miss Nov 4 Mississippis
ten electoral votes will go as usual to
the Democratic candidate There was
no state election
flOTlc TriTr A A r l
isiana is solidly Democratic by a very
uiiac uiujuiiijr mere was no
natonai election
Bryan Carries Nevada
Carson City New Nov 4 Nevada
has been carried by the Democratic
party reversing the result in 1904 Of
the states 10000 votes Mr Bryan has
received 7000
Montana Goes for Taft
Helena Mont Nov 4 The three
electoral votes of this state will be
cast for Taft Norris Democrat has
been elected governor
G O P Wins in Idaho
Boise Ida Nov 4 Idaho has gone
Republican on both state and national
issues James H Brady has been elect
ed governor
Gavo Him AM tho Lot
So that is your final word said tho
rejected one Very well then Ara
bella In your presence I will end the
life you have blighted
He drew forth a stnall bottle la
beled Poison drank off the conteuts
and fell senseless at her feet Did she
sink beside him sobbing with remorse
No She hastily left the room and in
two minutes had returned and was
kneeling beside him Then she forced
between his lips the following Half a
cup of turpentine one pint of milk a
cup of warm soapsuds a tablespoouful
of aromatic ammonia a cup of black
coffee a glass of mustard and water
a gill of vinegar thy juice of a lemon
the beater whites of six eggs and one
cup of Hour and water
Algernon she observed coldly as
he slowly opened his eyes it Is evi
dent you had forgotten that I am n
graduate of a correspondence course
in first aid My one regret is that as
I could not on the instant ascertain
whether you had taken an acid or an
alkali I was compelled to administer
all the rntidotes I had learned Lon
don Scraps
A Picture Romance
It Is jsald that one of the most beau
tiful ladies in French society today
was tirvt revealed to her husband on
the waUs of the salon It was Avhile
visiting the salon in 1S7S that the
youthfui Murquis do C was strurk by
the chldish beauty of si young girl
one of the prominent figures in si pic
ture of si village fete Her tumbled
golden locks her dancing blue iws
and tiie freshness srul grsif oful aban
don of her figure so fsii cinsited him
that he sought out the artist siud ru
ed from him that the Iittlo wit h
was the laughter of si poor peasant
near Avranchcs where the picture wis
painted To seek out the peasant ami
to make the acquaintance of bis fas
cinating daughter child of nine wrn
merst was soon accomplished and the
marquis lost his Iiesirt eveu more com
pletely to the real than to the pictured
maid Willi the fsilhers apTrovil he
had the girl educated at one of the
best schools in Paris and nine years
on her eighteenth birthday the
maid of the village fete blossomed
into the still more lovely Marquise
do C
Ivory Jelly
The jelly wsts singularly pale It al
most resembled junket
It is ivory jelly said the invalid
My English cousins sent me a case
of it from Sheffield
Put why is it called ivory jelly
they inquired
Precisely because it is made of ivo
ry A third of Englands ivory goes to
Sheffield and in the process of grind
ins and cutting it for knife handles
and so forth si lot of ivory dust re
mains a lino dust similar to tho best
flour Of this the Sheffield folk havo
made jelly for many years
The jelly for some reason is nour
ishing extremely so The doctors pre
scribe it for the anaemic And of bite
a Sheffield firm has taken to manufac
turing it on a large scale Sheffield
ivory jelly is now on the market
Out of courtesy to my cousins I
tried it To my surprise I found it
good My doctor sampling it found it
good too He told me to take the wholo
case Buffalo Express
An Intsresting Book
A French marquise whose country
house is crowded with guests during
the hunting season hit upon the origi
nal idea of placing a register at the
disposal of her visitors in Avhich to
record their desires and criticisms
The pages of the richly bound book
soon began to be covered with notes
such as
Count de It still owes 2 louis Ue
knows to whom
The green peas yesterday were
Baroness M flirts unfortunately not
with me
The marquise has withdrawn the
Parents Hairs and Heirs
It is possible to predict from the hair
of parents tho form of their childrens
hair Two blue eyed straight haired
parents will have only blue eyed
straight haired children Two wavy
haired parents may have straight
wavy or haired children but the
chances of curl hair are slight Two
curly haired parents may have chil
dren with either straight wavy or
curly hair but the proportion of curly
haired offspring will probably be large
American Nsituralist
The Bolster
Thp crusaders are said to have
brought home with them the bolster
and according to Dr Cantile their
wives in ignorance of the only ration
al way of using the article i e
lengthwise as a support for the back
of a person when lying on his side
and not knowing what else to do with
it put the bolster where it is still
found on the bods of those who have
not learned the wisdom of discarding
it altogether under the pillow Lon
don Chronicle
Truth In a Turkish Bath
Judge said the colored witness
Im houcry now 1 beeu tellin de
truth fer two hours
Is that the longest time you ever
told it
Yes sub an its had me sweatin
Atlanta Constitution
Always Counting
Your husband says that when he Is
angry he always counts ten before he
ppeaks said one woman
Yes answered the other I wish
hed stop it Since he got dyspepsia
home seems nothing but a class in
Hurrah for Taft
Miko pJWly left Friduy night for
Oklahoma to visit a while with homo
Quito tv number of school children at
tended corn growing conluat at McCook
Tho High School gavo an oyster
supper Thursday October 29 to help
raiBe money to buy n piano for tho
Sydney Dodge of Marion was in
Indianola a few dnys last weok
Bill Mnckey come in from Colorado
Saturday night to visit with homo folUe
Bort Hawkins of Cambridgo spent
Sunday with Indianola friends
A few of our young people wont to
Bartley Sunday on No 12 returning
on No 13
George Kearns of McCook spent Sun
day with E S li field and family
MartNutt of Danbury was in town
Mrs T A Haley cninu home Mondaj
night frcm Arapahoe where she has
been visiting for tho past weok
Holloween passed tlT very smoothly
this ear no dainnon being clone al
though tho fcinall boy with his prankn
was very much in evidence
A melodrama entitled Home Sweet
Homo was rendered in Shorts opera
hou e Monday night to a very largo
Ilirnm Parker of Danbury was in tho
city Sunday
Charley Byfield and family of Mc
Cook spent Sunday with his brothor
Hon G W Norris was shaking hands
with old friends tho foro part of tho
Mrs V IT McCarrick and children
of Oklahoma returned home Friday
night after n months visit with her
pareuts Mr and Mrs W II Smith
Anna Smith accompanied her home for
a short visit
Mr McFann of McCook was an
Indianola visitor Monday
Jerret Curry of Cripple Creek Colo
rado stopped off between trains Wednes
day enroute for the eastern part of tho
Mr and Mrs Roy Uindman of Marion
came over Friday for a visit with Mrs
llindmans parents Mr and Mrs R
Y Axtell
Oltis Farrer was in Bartleya few days
last week settling up his business be
fore departing for Oakland California
where he will make his home Mrs
Farrer preceded him to that place a fow
weeks ago
Cain Flint was in town a few days
last week visiting the home folks
ElmerThompson and wife of Indianola
visited here Saturday with Mr and
Mrs I A Lyman
Michael Huutwork returned from
South Dakota last week
Art Bastin from Old Mexico is here
visiting his mother
Mr Talcot returned from Europe
recently and is here looking after his
Henry McKean bought the Bert
Stevens farm last week for S40C0
Mrs Phillip Lemasters is visiting here
while Mr Lemasters is in Dakota looking
for a farm
Henry Burton of Wauneta visited
relatives and friends here last Friday
Ross Grisell returned from the west
last week and is getting ready to put up
a residence for himself
A F McCori attend church in
Indianola Thursday evening to hear
Evangelist Gregg
Mr and Mrs Loton Duckworth were
down from Indianola Thursday last
attending the birthday anniversary of
Mrs Duckworths mother
Mackecknie Hill and TJerling were in
from Indianola a short time Friday
The Royal Neighbors had a Hallow
een social Saturday night
Thebojs played their usual pranks
Halloween night Some took it crood
naturedly and others were hotter than
a little red wagon
Bernard II liars and family were down
from Indianola Sunday visiting with
Mr and Mrs H L Brown
James Carnaban left for Iowa
Wednesday morning to visit his son
Frank and family
The Home Sweet Home Opera
Company was the best we have had
Geo Sheppard of Indianola was a
Bartley visitor Wednesday
Election passed off quietly A large
vote was polled which resulted in a
plurality of five for Bryan
Election bets are being paid and some
of the enthusiasts are poorer but wiser
In the County Court within and for Red
Willow County Nebraska
In the matter of the Estate of Eliza 31
Hamilton Deceased To the Creditors of
said estate You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court room in McCook
in said County on the 15th day of May A D
1P00 at 1 oclock P M to receive and examine
al claims against said estate with a view to
their adjustment and allowance The tunc
limited for the presentation of claim3 ajrainst
said estate is six months from the 13th day of
November 190S and the time limited for the
payment of debts is one year from said 13th
day of November 190S
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 20th day of October 1MW
Seal J C Moore
10-23-4 County Judje
AMWAJilfeSji fc
DENTIST 11cnb its
Offlco Room 3 nml S Wnlili flU McCook
Office over McAdams More Phone 1 9
Dr J A Golfer
Room i Post office Huildino
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnolls drug
store McCook Nebraska
J M Rupp
FOR ALL KINDS OF Rrjftf fjpfc
P O Box 131 McCook Nobraska
A Edgar Hawkins
Phone Red 103
- ft CTT r -
TJ - if lUtkU
II R Evanr
Phono Red 2U
Contractors and Builders
Plans drawn and estimates furn
ished on application- 1 21 2m
McCook Nebraska
Night or day trips
made anywhere
Prices Reasonable Good Service
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGroffs
Phone 13
in iiii
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
NOW location JUSt acro trC rnr
Qtrot in P WuLh lwVWJv
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead ana Sewer Pipe 3rass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Tnmmngs
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Pcstoffice Building
1 trJ lsi 7-
vea 1 rTtrai st cu-
i tion Euaraiiieel or jour
r - fV11otrTi2 nir --
- V UHVtm inwvuv HUtlJr VIV
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S wit srinr CfvAiU Ill rpalsh I ryl MM
timtm c csw1jT r r
- TV dt Fr b K ttU ai iljw
jrdiit T u
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K toTrrtK3 ri I I Ot tkj Tlicl gf In
W f Uul PopiM tochr with ti M X1ftr34 lor h W
Jm il ul w t IWIb r j mat E- XcLj -1 - hrj Jt
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lUlocim hra luilp Lu 1 ft u i l J
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