m a as I N r t Republican County Central Committee Tho following oro tho Republican countj centrnl committeemen nnd thoir poet office addressee Alliance Snin Prenior Tinrtley Beaver Geo 11 Mo win Dnnbury liondvillu II N ColliiiK Jtidinuoln Box Elder W 13 Soxhon Box Elder Colointiu John N Smith McCook Dnnbury T F Hockley Dnnbury DrUtwood J II Wade McCook East Valley U O Ethcrton Burtloy Fritsch C M Goben Indinnola Gorver C M Lofton Cedar Muffs Grant A M Benjamin McCook lndianola E S Hill Indinnoln Lebanon J B Cummins Lebanon Missouri Hidgc John Deveny Indinnola North Vnlloy Wm WiBlifc Hartley Perry Chns II Jacobs McCook Red Willow FCSmith lndianola Tyrono L A Sheldon Lebnuon Valley Grange A D Johnston McCook Willow Grove P O all at McCook lst prec lst ward J F Cordeal 2nd prec Ittvnrd W C Allibon lit prec 2nd ward II W Conover 2nd prec 2nd ward ScottOdell GiO S Scott Ulmirinan John F Coudkal Secretary SHELDONS SUMMARY What the Republican Party Has Done for Nebraska Since 1906 To the People of Nebraska I submit for serious consideration the following statement showing what the republican party under the pres ent administration has done in Ne braska since 190C for good government and the public welfare Reduced the state debt from 1917 000 to 000000 Reduced passenger fares to two cents a mile Reduced express rates 25 per cent Reduced freight rates on grain live stock fruit lumber and coal 15 per cent Saved shippers and passengers in reduced rates 0000000 without re ducing wages of employees or pre venting reasonable earnings on capital invested Increased the value of railroad property for municipal taxes in cities and villages by means of terminal taxation law 1SG27525 Passed an act to prevent corrupt lobbying and corrupt practices affect ing legislation Abolished the free pass evil by en acting and enforcing the anti pass law Enacted a state wide primary law requiring political parties to nominate their candidates including congress men and United States senators by direct vote of the people Controlled railroads and fixed rates through the railway commission Put an end to rebates and discrim inations in transportation of freight and passengers Compelled the railroad companies to get permission from the railway com mission before changing rates Established the rignt of the state to enjoin corporations from violating state laws to the injury of the public Placed telephone telegraph express and street railway companies under the supervision and control of the railway commission Stopped the sale of short weight packages and adulterated food by en acting and enforcing the pure food law Increased the rate of interest on state funds deposited in banks one per cent Increased the state revenue by fees imposed on foreign and domestic cor porations 40000 Increased the rate of interest on bond investments of the permanent school funds one half of one per cent or 10930 a year on investments since January 1907 Abolished speculation in unpaid state warrants and increased the per manent school funds with the interest thereon Kept the state institutions in a first class condition provided the best of care for the wards of the state and managed the institutions economically Passed and sustained in court a law to prevent unfair discrimination in trade for the purpose of driving a com petitor out of business Made railways liable to employees for injuries resulting from negligence of fellow servants and other employees and repealed the statutory provision limiting to 5000 the amount recover able by death by wrongful act Enacted laws to create a juvenile court with power to provide proper care for neglected children to pro vide free high school privileges nor mal training in high schools and to assist weak school districts in main taining school at least seven months each year to prohibit pooling by bridge contractors and compel them to produce books and papers to re move officers for wilful neglect of du ty and failure to enforce laws and to require railroads to furnish equal fa cilities to all shippers of grain and other commodities Care lias been taken to have the laws of the state properly observed and caution has been exercised in the use of executive clemency This is the record briefly given of legislation and administration during the last two years through the repub lican party All this has been done in the interest of the people of this state The republican party contin ues to stand for those things In leg islation and administration which will promote good government and pro hibit any person or corporation from enjoying special privileges at the ex pense of the public Our concern is to deal with all questions as they arise in a way that will best promote and conserve the general welfare of our state There shall be no retreat I ask that the record of the repub lican party of deeds done in this state during the last two years be placed for consideration beside the democrat ic promises of the past and the pres ent and appeal to the people of this state to stand by the new deal and for the party and the men who stead fastly with honesty of purpose and without malice have done so much for the common cause of good govern ment GEORGE LAWSON SHELDON Kead the eight pages all home print THE FARMER P T R 00 K A POUT IPC uD If the Pocket Book is to Remain Filled The Farmer Most Protect it With His Vote The fanner vote has always been backbone of republicanism New York state has always been a pivotal state New York City has alwayB been democratic The Tammany tiger has dominated the city Re Jpeaters and other fraudulent prac tices have kept the big city demo cratic What the state would do has depended upon what the honest farmer vote of the up country did and this Influence has nearly always favored the republicans so that only t wlce In forty eight years have the democrats won The great agricul tural states of the west have always been Glbraltars of republicanism This year more than ever before In the history of the country the farmer finds reason for supporting republican policies He never was so prosperous Never did he receive Bitch high prices for his products of every kind He will therefore cot vote for a change for he doesnt want a change The Tribune herewith gives some figures that contain overwhelming arguments on the farmers side showing why ho doesnt want a change The farm value of the corn wheat and oat crops of 1907 was TWO AND ONE HALF TIMES LARGER than of the same crops of 1896 In 1907 they were worth 2258000 000 and In 189G they were worh 943 000000 The value of the corn crop alone for the four years of the first Cleve land administration 1884 88 was 2570000000 for the next four years under Harrison 2831000 000 an INCREASE of 201000000 for the next four years under Cleve land again 2182000000 a DE CREASE of 649000000 for the next iour years under McKinley 2434 000000 an increase of 252000000 For 1907 alone the value of the corn crop was the enormous sum of 1337000000 Four years of that kind would make it worth more than 5000000000 or more than twice as much as for any previous four year period Let the comparison be reduced to n simpler form involving merely prices and not the incomprehensible BARTLEY The mother of Mrs Utter who has been making an extended visit here re turned to her home in Indiana Thurs day Mrs Jennie Catlett returned from the country this week and reported a fine little daughter at the homo of her daughter Mrs Sam Walkington Mr Otto has completed the stone work on Dr Browns new store building and the carpenters are radidly com pleting the buiiding Dr Mackechnie was a Hartley caller Wednesday The Home Sweet Home company are billed for the opera house Tuesday evening The democrats had a meeting at the opera house last Friday and the repub licans this Friday afternoon Sidney Dodge candidate for county attorney was in this section this week He has many old timo friends here among the republicans who will vote for him Election bets are being frequently made here this week Improvements are being made on the parsonage property of the Christian church Mrs Shippee returned from the west this week Little Son are busy this week plastering the house of Mr Gallatin Mrs Borden of Atlanta came up Wednesday evening on 5 to visit her daughter Mrs C M Babbitt Mr and Mrs Roy Hoover of Wauneta are hero visiting Mr Hoovers parents and others It is reported Mr Hoover has bought the McCollum livery barn and will soon move to Bartlej The opera last Friday night was one of the best we have had Jas Beason has returned from his visit to Colorado Will Sheets and Ira Ritchie went to Wilsonville Wednesday to do some house moving The ladies of the Christian church will serve dinner and supper election day and evening Arrangnients have been made to have telegraph and telephone reports placed on the bulletin board at Harry Browns restaurant all next Tuesday night giving election results GRANT John H and Charles Wesch and the Witte boys were McCook business visitors Saturday Jacob Wesch and sons have had a new windmill erected to replace the one destroyed by the high wind of Sunday night Charles Wesch and A A Towle at tended the dances Friday and Saturday nights last Miss Lizzie Daugherty visited Mrs Jacob Wesch Tuesday figures showing total values anJ the matter of the farmers present splendid condition becomes the more easily understood Taking Fremont Neb prices as a fair average for all Nebraska inland markets as quoted in the Tribune for the date of October 10 in three dif ferent years the contrast is so marked as to be startling Fremont prices Oct 10 1890 Wheat 3D Corn 12 Oats 10 Hogs 205 That year Candidate Bryan said I cannot understand how a man liv ing upon a farm can be deluded with the idea that the gold standard has anything but misery and suffering tor him Havent you independence enough to leave your party in order to save your homes and your families from the gold standard Fremont prices Oct 10 1900 Wheat 59 Corn 30 Oats 18 Hogs 465 That year Bryan for the presiden cy again and prices of farm products going up steadily But that year Imperialism threatening to change the form of our government as he said and no more 4fh of July cele brations if the democrats lost Fremont prices Oct 10 1903 Wheat 89 Corn 66 Oats 40 Hogs 560 This year Shall the people rule Bryan again and the farmers get ting 550 per cent more for corn 280 per cent more for wheat 400 per cent more for oats 210 per cent more for hogs than they did under the last democratic administration when Pryan warned the farmers they would go to the poor house if they didnt elect him president The farmers know they are a long ways from the poor house Neither the gold standard nor imperialism has captured their home or their families They know their safest course to be in supporting Taft and the policies under which they have prospered as never before Fremont Tribune D ANBURY Ruby Weyenetb who has been visit ing at Grand Island for tbe past week returned home Saturday County Treasurer Naden wife and baby from McCook visited at the pareutal Dclph home the first of the week Harley Woods who has been in Tripp county S D tbe past few days re turned home Saturday Mrs Jack Miles uho has been visit ing with her daughter Mrs James Springer returned to her home at Lebanon Monday night Hal DeMay returned to Wilsonville Monday evening to attend school Had a two weeks vacation W T Hontou who has boen in Ark ansas and other points for the past two or three weeks returned home Monday night with four cars of cattle Mrs E E Hayes is on the sick list but is better at this writing Tho Sumnct Davis Co gave a musical entertainment in the hall Thursday evening Mr and Mrs W J Stilgebouer and son Cecil and Mr and Mrs S W Stilgebouer departed Tuesday evening for Brawley California where they ex pect to remain about six months Cliff Tandy and Ed Ruby of Marion were on our streets Tuesday Clarence Yarnell has accepted a position with the Olmsted meat market Rob Cathcart having resigtuil S E Ralsten of Lebauun was in town Tuesday on business Ed Woods of Devises Ktmsas who has been visiting with his sir ter Mrs Jas Dolph returned home Tuesday Katie and Sadie Greenway visited with tho McDonald girls who are at tending school at Beaver City Friday and Saturday Geo Gill who is working in the depot at Beaver City was visiting in town Saturday afternoon going back on the stock train Mrs Dan Boyer left Wednesday nnon for Atwood for a short visit with her parents The State Journal is trying awful hard to get people to give that daily a trial Its offer now is to send the paper from date until January 1 1909 for only 50 cents without Sunday or 75 cents with Sunday The publishers feel sure that anyone who tries The State Journal will stick However they have adopted an absolute rule of stopping every subscriber when his term is out If there is anything that makes a man mad it is to subscribe for a city daily and then have to fight with the publishers to get it stopped or pay for something he doesnt want The Journals new plan will be popu lar BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds DONT FORGET The attention of our readers is again called to the two constitutional amendments which will appear on the official ballot oielection day One of these amendments will permit the in vestment of our permanent school fund in Nebraska school precinct and municipal bonds and thus avoid the necessity of sending the money out of the state for investment as wo have been compelled to do in the past The other will bring about a long needed re organization of our supreme court by substituting four additional judges for the six commisioners now consti tuting a part of that court The com missioner system is wrong in princi ple and very unsatisfactory to all par ties including the commissioners themselves The system is a make shift but it will have to be continued until the court is enlarged as it Is ut terly impossible for three judges to do he work Recognizing the necessity for these two changes in our constitu sion all of the political parties gave both amendments their unqualified en dorsement at the primaries In order however to insure their adoption at the coming election every voter should be careful to vote FOR both amend ments DONT FORGET This year the Republican state ticket will be supported in the cam paign by the best record made by any administration in the states his tory The Democratic ticket will ba supported by the political agents of the great railway corporations doing business in the state The voter must decide whether he will face forward under the banner borne by Governor Sheldon and his Republican associates or face to the rear beneath the banner of the allies democracy and the rail roads The speech of Permanent Chairman Clayton of the National Democratic convention was an assault upon the integrity of President Roosevelt Clayton was chosen because he was the personal choice of Candidate Bryan for the place If the Democrats approve of the Roosevelt policies why do they In speaking officially to the American people denounce him and his policies Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been madp in the county clerks office since last report RoE Walkington sg to Simeon R Grisell wd to pt lot 1 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 190 00 Roy E Walkington sg to James M Brovn wd to pt lot 1 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 13G 00 RoyEWaikington sg to Jhn F Hagerman wd to pt 1 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 131 00 RoyEWaikington Eg to John F Hagerman wd to pt 1 2 in 3 Esther pk BartW 131 00 Roy E Walkington sg to Otto Webber wd to pt 2 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 131 00 Roy E Walkington sg to Harry Brown wd to pt 1 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 130 00 Roy E Walkington i g to Otto Webber wd to pt 1 2 in 3 Esther pk Bartley 151 00 Roy E Walkington sg to The Village of Bartley wd to pt 1 2 in 3 Esther pk 1 00 Roy E Walkington sg to The Village of Bartley wd to pt 2 in 3 Esther pk 100 Bartley Mutual Telephone Co The Public Articles of In corporation John G Avers to Amelia Avers qcd to nw qr 35-1-20 nw qr Mary ivimerling etal to Georee E Everston qcd to e hf w hf ohf33 3 23 1C0 Florinda J Berger et ux to Geo E Everston qcd to o hf o hf 100 Lincoln Land Co to Adam Baker wd to 3 in 9 7th Mc Cook 175 00 B F Murphy et ux to Samuei S Graham wd to 12 in G Dan bury 1500 00 Emeline G Watbon et cons to Rov J Hoover wd to lots 7 S 9 blk 62 Bartley SCO 00 Wm Voet et ux to Francis Cain wd to p qr nw qr 2 3 pt n hf nwqrl9 3 30 5000 00 S W Sluits et ux to John W Jolly wd to pt nw qr se qr 17-1-25 42--0 00 NOTICE To Mabel Martin Non Resident Defendant Yon are herebv notified that on the day of October 190S Crary J Martin plaintiff filed a petition against you iu the District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have willfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for a term of more than two years last past You are required to answer said petition on or before Mondav the 16th day of November llOS Dated this 2nd day of October 1P0S Crauy J Martin Plaintiff By Boyle Eldred his Attorneys NOTICE OF SUIT James C Hammond Lilly N Hammond Ada A Hammond Mary E Dutton Roy Dut ton Josephine M Hammond and Arden H Purvis defendants will take notice that on the 21st day of October A D 1903 Milton H Hammond plaintiff filed a petition in the district court of Red Willow County Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree or judgment con firming the title to the undivided one sixth in terest each of the plaintiff and the defen dants James C Hnmmond Ada A Hammond Josephine M Hammond Mary E Dutton and Arden H Purvis under the will of James M Hammond deceased in and to the Southeast quarter of Section fill Township Two 2 North of Range Thirty SO Red Willow County Nebraska and for a partition of said real estate according to the respective rights of said parties or if the same cannot be equit ably divided that said premises be sold and the proceeds thereof divided between the parties according to their respective rights You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday November 30 190S Dated this 21st day of October A D 190S Milton H Hammond Plaintiff 10 234 By J E Kelley His Attorney I Joint Public Sale Wo will sell at public sale at our farm one mile west and two miles north of McCook on Thursday Nov 5 1908 commencing at ton oclock a m the following described property SEVEN HEAD OF HORSES One gray horse 0 years old woighs about lHOO one roan mare 14 years old weighs about 1400 one team of gray geldings G and 7 years old weigh about 2200 one span of mules 11 and 12 years old weigh about 2500 one yearling colt TWO MILK COWS FARM MACHINERY One S foot McCormick binder one 2 row cultivator two Western Belle rid ing listers one walking lister two discs one 4 seetion harrow one walking plow one 1 horso drill one 10 hole press drill one 12 foot Piano header and boxes one lumber wagon one 1 hole corn shellor three sets of work harness two sets of fly nets FEED Six or seven tons of cane one hun dred shocks of kalir corn lot of fine corn fodder fourteen bushels of millet seed Eighteen chickens thirty guineas household goods and other articles too numerous to mention FREE LUNC H A T N O O N TERMS Sums under 810 cash on sums of S10 and over a credit of ten months will be given purchaser to give note drawing 10 percent interest from date with approved security 5 percent off for cash on sums of 810 and over Fred John Cheney J II Woddell Aucr P Walsh Clerk M W als DEALER IN POULTRY EGGSJ Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across rnCrrr street in P Walsh bnildinff l UUUIV g NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the County Court within and for Rod Willow County Nebraska In the matter of the Estate of Eliza 31 Hamilton Deceased To the Creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in McCook iu said County on the 15th day of May AD lJOO at 1 oclock P M to receiie tid examine all claims against said estate vitii a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said e tate is six months from the 13th daj of November lHte and the time limited for tiie payment of debts is one year from said 13th day of November lJu Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 20th day of October 100X Seal J C Moore 10-23-4 County Judge NOTICE In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska To the creditors of and to all per sons interested in the etatc of John Sutton de ceased You are hereby notiiicd that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in aid county on the first day of May A D IV 9 at 9 ociock a in to examine all claims and demands filed against said estate with a view to their adjust ment nnd allowance On the same day at the hour of 1 oclock p m I will hear the application of Addie Iarvin ex ecutrix of said estate for final examination of her report as executrix and for her discharge from such trut The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six mouths from the 30th day of October A D 1908 and any claimnot presented on or before that time shall be forever barred Dated this 8th day of October A D 190S seal J C Moore County Judge J E Kellcy Attorney LEGAL NOTICE In Justice Court before H H Herry jus tice of the peace Claud Barber defendant will take notice that on the 22nd day of September lite H II Berry a justice of the peace of Red Willow county Nebraska issued an order of attach ment for the slim of 1715 in an action pending before him wherein C L DeGrolT A Company is plaintiff and Claud Barber i defendant and that property of the defendant consisting of money due nnd owing in the hands of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company garnishee as wages for work and labor performed by said defendant for said railroad company has been attached under said order of attachment Said cause was continued for hearing to the 7th day of Novem ber lftJS at 9 oclock A M 10-23-3 C L DeGkoff Co LEGAL NOTICE Fred J Wilson Mrs Fred J Wilson his wife lir t name to plaintiff unknown Mr Samuel G Thomas first name to plaintiff unknown wife of Samuel G Arthur M Stark and Edwin W Mother Stark Mo her part ners and J M bharon whose full and true name i John M Sharon defendant- will take notice that John It Brown ha tiled his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska against the above named defendants the object and prajer of which are that the above named defendants and each of them be required to set forth the claims they or any of them may have in or to the Eat Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty Seven 27 the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter the Northea t Quarter of the North west Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty Four CM Township Two 2 Range Twenty Seven 27 in in Red Willow county Nebraska that a certain trust deed appearing of record against aid K4 bw1 bee 2i Ai MS1 ana Mt jnwi bee 31 Twp 2 R 27 given on the third day of February 1S93 by the plaintiff John R Brown to the defendant Fred J Wilson trustee for David Brown recorded in book 17 page of the deed records of said county to be decreed not to be enforceable to be canceled and set aside and the cloud upon plaintiffs title by reason thereof removed that a certain mort gage appearing of record against said XEi NEK Sec 34 Twp 2 R27W given on April 20 lhSl by Andrew J Reeves and wife to Arthur M Stark and Edwin W Moslier defendants recorded in book page 252 of the mortgage records of said county to be decreed not to be enforceable as a lien upon said premises and that tho same be canceled and discharged of record and the cloud upon plaintiffs title by reason thereof be removed and that all claims of the said defendants or any of them adverse to plaintiffs title may be determined by decree of said court and that each and all of said de fendants be adjudged to have no estate or inter est in said premises and that they be forever barred from any right title or claim thereto and that plaintiffs title to said land may be quieted against said defendants and eachof them You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of November IPOS Dated this 15th day of October A D 190S JonN R Brown Plaintiff By his attorney J E Kelley DR R J OUNN DENT15T ine Offlco Rooms 3 and 5 Walili Blk McCook GATEWOODVAHUt DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 191 Dr J A Colier DENTIST Room Postofkick Ulmldino Phono ITS McCOOK NISMCASICJL A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnolla drug store McCook Nobraskii YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF fipjn J P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska A Edgar Hawkins Phone Red 193 H H Evaac Phono Red 2SK HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builden Plans drawn and estimates furn ished on application- McCook Nebraska AUTOMOBILE LIVERY DALLAS DIVINE Prop PHONE 166 MCCOOK NEBrU Night or day trips made anywhere Prices Reasonable Good Semes Guaranteed E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 F D BURGESS 9 Plumber and Steam Fitter L Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe 8rass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base- fa ment of the Postoffice BuIdmg McCOOK NEBRASKA SiSSslNSrS5ISSSBJffls2yS2 2S2SfS2 4 TJCSEtS EUL SUCCEED j if SPECIAL OFFER 14 Ihk to UuliJ IJiixIitis A Vg4j i - liit if J f I - fcft r rl t a- v 1 gle Vl I 1VJ - -- 19 -- cwJ ti - tf4 w 7enr uoilcctica u l titure emptl l awl it i e t i XCATKEI TO IIK K 1 it m r iv At ton tnis Pxner j SL2sL 25 CENTS i - itr TJlz tU iJLaI ii ni - i - 1 -- t x - - - f tfc 1 19- ItU lt3 al9 14 r4n qj rir i - I VI 11111 BOC5BES S7 jgH W SucHbSS ft yj rwcxrcio nz 3 A Li TT1 brins your wheat VdL 111015 to the MILL We will pay you s premium above the market for all good milling wheat All Goods at Lowest Possible Market Price 91 Patent the Best Whole Wheat Rye and Graham Flour Special prices on lots of ten sacks or more SHAIOLIA A fine breakfast food excelled in 2 Ib packages All kinds of Mill Feed Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc Orders Promptly Delivered McCook Milling Company E H DOAN Proprietor Phone 29 McCOOK