The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1908, Image 6

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Hundreds of McCook Readers
What It Means
For making quickly and perfectly
delicious hot biscuits cake and
pastry Renders the food more
tasty nutritious and wholesome
No alum no lime pliosphate
The government and food authorities have
enabled the housekeeper to protect her
family from the alum baking powder
They require that the label shall give her
warning She m ust buy from the label and
decline any powder which the label does
not show to be made from cream of tartar
The past week baa brought some
accessions to our shelves A set of ten
7olumes of The Worlds Famous Ora
tions presented by Mr Louis Suess
a member of tho Library Board is a
most wolcome addition and will prove a
pleasing help to patrons of the Library
who are looking up work along that J
line Mr Suess has our sincere thanks
ior trie gift There has also been one
7olume added by purchase A Ken
tucky Cardinal by James Lane Allen
This story and itssecfuel Aftermath
aro most delightful as stories filled with
bright conversations and exquisite
touches of nature and while having a
pathetic ending the reader knpws it
was the only way the intense lover of
The kidnejs are overtaxed
Have too much to do
They tell about it in many aches and
Backache sideache headache
Early symptoms of kidney ills
Urinary troubles diabetes Brights
disease follow
William Slote living at tho S E Cor
of Twenty Ninth St Avo A Kear
ney Neb says My wife was subject
to attacks of kidney complaint off and
on for years becoming worse as time
passed She had dull pains across her
loinsand was bothered by the frequent
action of the kidney secretions I fin
ally procured Doans Kidney Pills and
my wife began using them They
proved very effective in her case and we
consider them well worthy of recom
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at McConnells drug
store and ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents
Foster Milbum Co Buffalo N Y sole
agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Kote Date of Address Slip
Note the date on your address slip on
The Tribune If you have not paid
your subscription for 190S kindly call
at office or mail amount due No paper
will bo sent to those more than one year
in arrears and such accounts after due
notice and no response will be placed
for collection
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p in All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
nature could return to his habits of j A most cordial invitation is extended to
wandering in his favorite woods and
devoting himself to solitary study with
out breaking a tender heart and sacri
ficing a beautiful life
Tho Saturday afternoon gatherings
3C the lower reading room have been a
very pleasing innovation in the library
work of McCook The first one was in
charge of Miss Sweeney of the west
school and her audience of little people
were delighted and happy and went
away in the spirit of wanting more good
times Last Saturday Miss llannan of
the west school had the story hour with
the children of the fourth grade This
ime the children themselves were given
3 part in the story telling
On Saturday afternoon October 31
at three oclock Mrs Willetts will have
charge devoting the afternoon to James
Whitcomb Riley and his works Some
thing of the man and the author will be
told and several of his best poems read
Children from seven to seventy all enjoy
Riley and all will be welcome what
ever age or grade A good time is sure
to be on hand for all who come
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eakle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
3chool 230 p m Every Sunday
War J Kirwin O M I
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m find Wednesday at 8 p
m Meetings held in tho Morris block
Room open all the time Science litera
ture on sale Subject for next Sunday
Everlasting Punishment
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in the court
room of the McCook court house every
Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans
and Russians cordially invited
Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching it 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
G B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Rally Day for Sunday school Preach
ing by the pastor at 11 Subject Our
Young Folks Class at 12 Sunday
school Rally Day program at 8 Ep
worth League at 645 Prayer meet
ing every Wednesday night at 745 All
are cordially invited
M B Carman Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran f Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev Gusta v Henkeljiann
505 3rd street West
Judge Williams claims that through
his efforts the state of Nebraska has
been saved G000000 by the reduction
of freight rates The judge does not
explain who has been benefited by
that 6000000 but he says that the
railroads have not felt the reduction
to any great extent that their net
oarnlngs are as great as before the cut
in rates owing to the Increased volume
of business handled by the railroads
since the 15 per cent reduction Now
may be the judge is right so lets not
jump at conclusions but let us figure a
little and see First example Sup
pose a school teacher is employed to
teach a school at 40 per month the
school consists of forty scholars which
would be a rate of 1 per month Now
40 per month is not too much for the
teacher but 1 per scholar per month
is too high a rate for patrons of the
school say Fifty cents per scholar
per month is sufficient and the board
of directors notifies the teacher that
50 cents per scholar per month is all
that she is allowed but that she may
maintain the 40 per month by in
crease volume of business that is she
can take eighty scholars instead of the
forty as before I guess the judge is
right the increased volume of bunre s
would maintain the net revenue i Hie
teacher all right but dont you t ink
that che teacher would feel the reduc
tion in rates If an individual had
contracted to perform some specific
work for a given amount let us say for
example to carry a fifty pound sack
of flour a certain distance for 21 cents
per sack and was able by reasonable
physical effort to make ten trips a
day his requirements lor sustenance
of himself and family being 250 per
day his employer getting less for
handling the flour found it necessary
in order to continue in business to cut
the carrying price to 20 cents per sack
The individual doing the transporta
tion would necessarily have to take an
other sack on his back on some of his
trips and if the price was cut to 12
cents per sack he would have to carry
100 pounds instead of fifty At the
same time neither he nor his employer
would be benefited by the reduction
although someone else undoubtedly
would be Under the circumstances it
is very plain to be seen that the indi
vidual transporting the flour and the
one furnishing the capital have mut
ual interests and must stand together
to proetct each other or both suffer
and those with whom they have no
business relations profit by their not
doing so as the selling price of the
flour may be controlled by an entirely
different combination The railroads
are the employees and the farmers and
citizens are the employers The de
crease in freight rates does not mater
ially effect the local merchant The
freight on a pair of shoes or a suit of
clothes a yard of cloth or a pound of
merchandise is very small indeed and
the reduction effecting it would be in
finitely small but in the aggregate it
is the very life blood of the railroads
Neither does it effect to any great ex
tent the farmer The curtailment of
service the lack of facilities and the
stopping of developement will how
ever very materially effect him not
only in his daily business but in the
prospective enhancement of his lands
The broad minded farmer can appreci
ate that if the times are good money
plentiful and the consumers have the
wherewith to purchase He will pros
per The railroads are the very arter
ies through which the commercial life
flows If they are restricted or har
rassed stagnation follows and will seek
out those who imagined they were only
spectators Many are now astonished
to find that their financial and even do
mestic affairs are concerned although
they cannot connect them with the
railroads It is the great mercantile
and office holding class the non-producers
that are grasping more than
the lions share
The wage earner finds it more diffi
cult to save a few dollars now than
ever before and the opportunities to
get ahead are not as much open to him
as a few years ago The non working
class is continually using his skillful
combinations and shrewd business
sagacity to make further inroads on
the modest share rightfully belonging
to the producer the transporter and
the consumer Neither the farmer or
the transportation companies are get-
Iting more for the production or
portation of beef mutton or pork but
THE FIGHT THIS YEAR WILL1 the consumerthe railroad emplovee
BE TO CARRY OUT THE amongst them is paying much more
mr wr ouixu wt i iavc er pound for it Flour potatoes but-
OU UMtn KfcCtAltU MY I
for fTrc rm1 rttlinv nopnocitioc nf tifn
TRV TIC OE TUCdl IC trr I ion
1 are on the increase
- -
J Bryan In Welcoming the Bryan
Home Guards and Traveling Mens
Club on their return from the National
Convention Saturday July 7 190O
Tribune Is All Printed In McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the oight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
Neither the farm
er or the railroads are getting more for
the production or transportation
someone certainly is getting more and
it is this class that will never be sat
isfied he wants more and will get it
from either end unless held in check
Nebraska with her two great thorough
fares running from one end of the
state to the other pouring into the
laps of the citizens tribute from China
Japan India Australia the Pacific
northwest and California which in
cludes the greater percentage of the
business handled paying thousands of
dollars daily to its citizens not pro-
duced in the state has little occasion
to antagonize these great Industries
and those who are advocating this will
find and are finding that they are not
popular The tide is turning from the
very force of justice and right think
ing which is always a predominating
element in the American people Un
til conditions reach their normal it is
absolutely necessary for all citizens
without reference to class organiza
tion or political affiliations to stand
united In opposition to these policies
that tend to deminlsh their welfare or
prosperity by adding additional bur
dens to their daily task Now fellow
countrymen according to the above
figures and figures dont lie Judge
Williams is right in claiming that the
increased volume of business will
maintain a certain amount of net rev
enue but let us consider the burdens
accompaning the increased volume of
business Be careful indeed in voting
for railway commissioner next Tues
day Vote for W H Cowgill of Hol
The attention of the entire middle
west is now attracted toward the great
National Corn Exposition to be held in
Omaha Nebraska December 9th to
19th inclusive This coming Carnival
of Ceres which has already gained
such wide popularity is unique in its
distinction from the ordinary exposi
tion Its purpose is the Betterment
of Agriculture and its aim is to pro
mole this feature in an attractive and
entertaining way A few facts about
this great show will no doubt interest
all our readers
Buildings cover three blocks
Prizes aggregate over 50000
A complete model ketchen
Alfalfa palace
A full line of experiments by the
United States Department of Agricul
Lectures every day
An exhibition of corn wheat oats
and alfalfa never equalled
A complete moving picture enter
tainment showing scenes all over the
United States
Bands orchestras and parades
Every one in this county who can
should attend this great fair as noth
ing like it has ever been seen before
and it will be of a vast amount of
good and consequently needs the en
couragement of all
A number of exhibitors from this
county will be there to show what can
be done in the county Get in line
and help
Nebraskans demand economy in the
administration of state affairs and un
der Governor Sheldon and republican
state officers they have had economy
in a degree never before attained in
the history of the state yet coupled
with the utmost efficiency and prompt
careful and businesslike conduct of
every department of the state govern
ment Take the insurance department
of the state auditors office as an ex
ample and compare with like depart
ments of other states In Nebraska
a total of three officers and employes
conducted this department efficiently
at a total cost of 5090 for the year of
1907 They supervised the operations
of 343 companies and collected cash
fees of 4407 Keep those figures in
mind For the same year the Kansas
department employed six persons
cost 12500 and collected 42S52
Colorado employed five persons cost
22000 supervised only 3CG companies
and collected in fees 5C242 North
Dakota employed five 25000 and col
lected fees 213S5 Minnesota em
ployed nine cost 21675 while Mis
souri employed nine cost 2S250 for
supervising 329 companies fourteen
fewer companies than were looked aft
er by the Nebraska department and
costing that state 231G0 more than
the Nebraska department for the same
year Doesnt that make a fine show
ing of economy and efficiency for the
republican state administration of Ne
braska During the past six years of
republican rule in Nebraska there has
been collected and turned over to the
state treasurer in insurance fees and
taxes the sum of 5C50S434 Should
not that record please the tax payer
and influence him to cast his vote for
the republican candidates in order to
retain that quality of honest able ef
ficient and economical state adminis
tration Beaver City Times Tribune
Make Your Own House
Buy one of cur Cement Block Ma
chine and make your own blocks this
winter For information write Beebe
Cement vt Paving Co 1023 lev York
Life Blig Omaha Nebr 10 23 1
Just the Same Every Week
This week like last week The Tkiu
une contains matter of local interest on
each of its eight home printed pages
Same every week
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
tho Smoke 5 cent cigar
Scale books on sale in The Tribune
stationery department
A Sailors Christening
The late Bishop Potter ome In his
early days had occasion to officiate at
a christening in a small fishing village
on the Massachusetts coast says a
writer In Harpers Weekly The
proud father n young fisherman awk
wardly holding his firstborn daughter
was visibly embarrassed under the
scrutiny of the many eyes In the con
gregation and his nervousness was not
decreased by the sudden walling of the
infant as they stood at the front
When the time for the baptism of
the babe arrived the bishop noticed
that the father was holding the child
bo that its fat little legs pointed toward
the font
Turn her this way he whispered
but the father -was too disconcerted to
hear or understand
Turn her feet around the bishop
whispered again but still there was no
response Tho situation was fast be
coming critical when an ancient mari
ner in the back of the church came to
the rescue Putting his -weather beaten
hand to his mouth he roared across
the room Head her up to the wind
Throw Em Down Babies
I wonder mused the young father
what there is in a babys makeup
that prompts him to drop things It
isnt really dropping though Its
throwing My baby is good about
sleeping and behaving when there Is
company but everything he can snatch
he immediately llings to the floor Ive
noticed and known a lot of others too
who do the same thing Its not only
the joy of throwing but the delight In
seeing somebody pick the stuff up
Babies certainly seem to take a fiend
ish delight in watching their fathers
and mothers or nurses pick up the
toys and other things which they
throw out of their beds carriages and
chairs My boy used to be quite pleas
ed -with a rubber toy attached by a
string to his carriage so that it just
escaped the ground He would grin
and dangle it for hours Now he yells
as soon as he discovers it is fastened
and the minute we give It to him loose
bang it goes on to the ground while
he laughs aloud in his joy Theres
probably a reason and the psycholo
gists will discover it some day Ex
The Holy Grail
From a book reviewed a passage is
quoted in which mention is made of
tho holy grail the sang real or true
blood of God This used to be a com
mon mistake and so learned a man
as Thomas Warton in his Remarks
on Spensers Imitations From Old Ro
mances writes The holy grale that
is the real blood of our Blessed
Saviour But this is wrong It is
the holy grale or vessel and does not
mean real blood though it contained
the real blood collected by Joseph of
Arimathea It was made from a dia
mond and emerald which fell from the
crown of Satan when he fought with
Michael M do Villemarque who has
written about Armoric legends says
that this jewel -was a diamond The
-word greal is old French as I under
stand for I have no knowledge my
self that it is so In the legend of
rercival it is shown that the grail is
a vessel The holy grail Fercival
heard whispered by one voice after
another Then from the shining ves
sel streamed an endless supply of the
costliest dishes and wines London
Notes and Queries
To Tribune subscribers
Wo havo commoncod mailing to all
dolinquont subscribers statements of
account and expect prompt response
It would save us considerable unneces
sary expense and labor if those dolin
quont would cnll and prepay their sub
scription and not wuit for notices No
paper will bo continued to nny subscrib
er who owes for moro than ono full
year Get tho habit of paying for your
homo newspaper and paying for it in
advance The Puiilisher
100000 V
Given for any substance In k
ff jurious to health found in food
B resulting from the use of M
Calumet p
Baking M
Powder ML
iLiiJaliilf VlaiHrtlii
A4fcftflfr4 VAJ A ki
Attention Farmers
Make your corn crib of
When through with the
crib it makes a fine
Investigate This
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
UTT TTtl T f
ktVfcVfc SQSQSqs
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 5000
iQQZS SSrtirtbVbSrsSZQl
The Kansas City Stars Great Campaign Offer
From Bate to 30th Nov 1908 100
We will upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR mail The
Kansas City Star Morning Evening and Sunday from date
received to 30th November 190S
The Star reported the Republican and the Democratic
Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper
If you want facts about all parties accept this offer and a
read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in
Send along your dollar today together with your name
and address written plainly Address
The Kansas City Star - Kansas City Mo
Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE office for both
the Daily and the Weekly Star