The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1908, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
No C ContralTimo 1027 P M
2 Mah
715 a m
912 p M
400 p m
No 1 Mountain Timo 9W a m
I 11 12 1 M
5 Arrive 8150 p M
13 102T A M
15 1217 A M
No 17Cnrrivos Mountain Tttno 505 p M
No 175iloinrU 710 a m
SloopitiR lining and reclining chuir cars
sontD froo on through tmlnn Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any oiut in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tahlos maps and tick
ets call on or write H K Foe Agent McCook
Nebrnskn or L W Wnkoloy General Passim
ger Agent Omulin Nobrasku
S It Irwin has boon transferred from
Trenton to Reaver City ns agent
Waycar 14110 has been put in service
with Conductor Cassell in charge
Mrs Frank Hawkswortli came up
from Lincoln la9t Saturday on a short
W J Klein hns been transferred from
Oxford to Akron in the companys ser
Conductor McCarl wont to Hastings
with tho band Tuesday and Van Horn
had his car
Conductor II A Bealojias commenc
ed work on his new residence on north
1st street east
Engineer and Mrs Ernest OConnell
and daughter departed Tuesday for
their homo in Canada
Trainmaster W M Weidenhamer
this week commenced work on his now
residence on north 3rd street east
Bridgo 273 just east of Strntton wrs
completed this week and a crew went
up yesterday to pick up tho outfit
Conductor Bagley is doing oxtra pas
senger work on tho second section of
No 3 this week and Scott has tho 131
Conductor Pearce was a Denver visit
or closo of last week and has been
doing extra passenger work since his re
turn Ryan has his car
Mr John Bagley and wife aft9r sever
al weeks visit hero with relatives re
turned to their home in Curtis Nob
last Monday Mrs Georgo Bagley ac
companied them as far as McCook where
she will spend a week with her son
Frod Akron Pioneer Press
The friends of Mr and Mrs It Law
ritson in Beaver City greatly regret
that they have been transferred to
Trenton Neb where Mr Lawritson
will continue in the employ of the
Burlington in the capacity of station
agent They left on Wednesday eve
ning for their new home It was at
the request of Mr Lawritson that the
change was made the work at this
station being very heavy and tho oper
ating force being reduced he felt that
it was more than he could successfully
handle We are very sorry to have him
and his family leave us In their stay
of more than fivo years they have made
many friends and Mr Lawritson has
maintained his reputation for being one
of the best station agents of the Bur
lington on this division Beaver City
Times Tribune
W J Krauter who has been fore
man of the Akron round house and
yards for the past three years has tend
ered his resignation a3 foreman which
will take effect at once Mr Krauter
intends to work at his trade as machin
ist in the McCook shops and has con
templated making the change for some
time past We are sorry to see Mr
Krauter leave us for at all times he has
shown himself capable to meet all diffi
culties and when it comes to work he
was certainly there with the goods
for his reputation as a worker is known
all over the McCooK division The
man who relieves Mr Krauter is J W
Klein from Oxford Neb Mr Klein
took charge of the round house here
about a month ago while the present
foreman was away on a vacation and
while here it was plain to be seen that
he understood his business and no
doubt will be a foreman as able as Mr
Krauter has been
Splendid Biankeii
Ask your dealer for a
5A Blanket They arc
knovn the world over as
the best and strongest and
the longest wearing blank
ets made Lock for the 5 A
trade mark
Bay a 5 A Biis Girth fcr the Stable
Buy a 5A Squire fcr Jh j Street
We Sell Them
Trophies of tho Chase
In the dnys when buffalo still roam
e0 the plains of Kansas In countless
numbers a great many hunting parties
came over from Europe to have a hand
In their slaughter One party was com
posed of a Frenchman named Auguste
Ilouzand the first husband of Christine
Nllsson the prima donnn nnd an Eng
lishman a Mr Blackmore from Lon
don They arrived at Dodge CItyone
day In the fall with a carload of equip
ment including every sort of delicacy
that the market afforded and several
large trunks full of bright new butcher
knives A detachment of the Sixth
cavalry from Fort Dodge was detailed
to accompany them and probably no
command ever fared better than that
one did The Englishman shot a few
buffalo and the soldiers slaughtered
them by the hundreds But the French
man didnt kill one Instead as fast
as the animals were shot lie would
take one of his brand new butcher
knives plunge it into the slain animal
until it was smeared with blood wrap
It carefullj In tissue paper and put It
back in the trunk as a trophy of the
chase to exhibit when he got back to
Paris as proof of his mighty prowess
as a lrmter That was his idea of
sport Kansas City Star
Thread Used In Surgery
Are you aware that the modern sur
geon employs in his work dozens of
different kinds of thread for sewing
up cuts and wounds Among them
are kangaroo tendons horsehair silk
and very fine silver wire Many ol
these threads are intended to hold for
a certain number of days and then
naturally break away The short
tough tendons taken from the kanga
roo which are used for sewing seven
wounds will hold for about four
weeks before they break away Silk
thread will remain much longer some
times six months while the tine silver
wire is practically indestructible
With the entire outfit a surgeon i
able to select a thread that will last
as long as the wound takes to heal
and will then disappear completely
To accommodate this assortment of
threads special varieties of needles aro
required Besides the needle craned
in different segments of a circle sur
geons use needles shaped like spears
javelins and bayonet points St
James Gazette
Just Names
She had passed a season abroad and
in London she said modestly her suc
cess had been unprecedented The
earl said he could readily believe that
The dinner she resumed that
Lady Feathcrstonhaugh
Excuse me The name is pronounc
ed Freestonhay said the earl
Well at the dinner Lord Dalzell
Though written Dalzell it it pro
nounced Deal But pray go on
He and Sir Dugald Colquhoun
You mean Calhoun Yes
And Lady Leveson Gower and Mr
Lewson Gore and Boone are tho
correct pronunciations But Im inter
rupting you
Not at all All these persons and
Lord St Maur drank
Not St Maur Seymour Well
Oh I forgot what I was going to
say Youve quite put me out with
your corrections
And your story was just getting in
teresting too said the carl regret
fully New Orleans Times Democrat
Frofecscr Elackies Opinion
A correspondent sends an anecdote
concerning the attempt of a serious
minded ladv to Jure Professor Blackie
into giving his opinion of Sankeys
hymns at a time when they had an
enormous vogue The lady was giving
the professor lunch and he tried to
fob her off by praising a Stilton cheese
on the table time after the lady
sent him a copy of Sankey and a niece
of the cheese hoping thus to draw
him She succeeded to the extent of
these four lines of verse
Thrice blessed is she that hath done what
she could
To make a lean man fat and a bad man
Tor the body cheese for the soul San-
For Loth thankee
Glasgow nerald
A Polite Turn Down
Sir Algernon West in his reminis
cences tells this story of Kobert
Browning When he had become fa
mous some oue wanted very miu h to
meet him A kind friend arranged a
meeting and the guest besieged
Browning with questions and conver
sation during dinner and even after
dinner he continued buttonholing his
victim Come said the poet this
will never do They will say I am
monopolizing you
Soda and Water
For sheer simplicity of phrase and
conception few have surpassed that
delightful old lady who with a shrewd
twinkle in her eye inquired whether
soda water should be written as
two separate words or if there should
be a siphon between them
The Wrong Heart
Mr Bubklns said the proud father
Shaking the young man warmly by the
Land let me tell you that you are a
man after my own heart
Oh no sir protested the blushing
suitor Im after your daughters
London Answers
No Leak
Suppose hissed the villain sup
pose our plot should leak out
Thats all right said his accom
plice consolingly It cant Dont you
remember telling me five minutes age
that it had thickened
The wealth of a man Is the numhei
of things he loves and blesses which
he is loved and blessed by Carlyle
ssBswffiiSgraiff rnsui
WMWII JHIi ilJIJljHlEHliwjBpriMlj
BilFrfrJIfrl hHr
What the Republican Party Has Done
For Nebraska Since 1906
ft I submit for serious consideration tho following statement show- S
g ing what -the republican party under the present administration has p
g done In Nebraska since 1906 for good government and the public a
a fare e
Reduced the state debt from 1917000 to 600000 C
Reduced passenger fares to two cents a mile A
Reduced express rates 25 per cent
Reduced freight rates on grain live stock fruit lumber and coal
15 per cent
Saved shippers and passengers in reduced rates 6000000 with
out reducing wages of employees or preventing reasonable earnings on
capital invested
Increased the value of railroad property for purpose of general
taxation 5654441
Increased the value of railroad property for municipal taxes In
cities and villages by means of terminal taxation law 1S62752
Passed an act to prevent corrupt lobbying and corrupt practices
affecting legislation
Abolished the free pass evil by enacting and enforcing the anti
pass law
Enacted a state wide primary law requiring political parties to
nominate their candidates Including congressmen and United States
senators by direct vote of the people
Controlled railroads and fixed rates through the railway commis
Put an end to rebates and discriminations in transportation of
freight and passengers
Compelled the railroad companies to get permission from the
railway commission hofore changing rates
Established the right of the state to enjoin corporation from vio
lating state laws to the Injury of the public
Placed telephone telegraph express and street railway companies
under the supervision and control of the raihviy commission
Stopped the sale of short weight packages and adulterated food
by enacting and enforcing the pure food law
Increased the rate of interest on state funds deposited in banks
one per cent
Increased the state revenue by fees imposed on foreign and do
mestic corporations 40000
Increased the rate of interest on bond investments of the perma
nent school funds one half of one per cent or 10930 a year on invest
ments since January 1907
Abolished speculation in unpaid state warrants and increased the
permanent school funds with the interest thereon
Kept the state institutions in a first class condition provided the
best of care for the wards of the state and managed the institutions
Passed and sustained in court a law to prevent unfair discrimina
tion in trade for the purpose of driving a competitor out of busi
Made railways liable to employees for injuries resulting from neg
ligence of fellow servants and other employees and repealed the statu
tory provision limiting to 5000 the amount recoverable for death by
wrongful act
Enacted laws to create a juvenile court with power to provide
proper care for neglected children to provide free high school privi
Mrs J n Thomas departed on No
G last night for Missouri on a visit
Mrs William McCallum of Indian
ola was a brief visitor last Saturday in
tho countys chief city
Mks Matie Welles who has been
spending the summer in the east ar
rived home Thursday
Ms and Mrs W J Eisell and
daughter Mildred visited fricrds in
Lincoln first of this wpek 2JT j
Mks W F Jones returned home
Wcdnrsday on No G having been called
away by the illness of her father who it
recovering from an attack of appendi
J Floyd Wkluokn of Indianola has
been re elected president of the Colorado
Iron and Fuel Co which recently
passed from the Gould control into the
hands of Rockefeller
Harold Heckman came down from
Bouider Colorado Wedne day morning
Harold likes Boulder 1 ut McCcok
looks so good to him that he may re
main indefinitely
Mr andMks W Jones enter
tained a company of friend last Fri
day afternoon to meet Miss Florence X
Johnston who was in the city on a visit
while on her way to Colorado her future
I Frank Vakce of Allegan Michigan
arrived in the city Saturday and was
the iruest of his brother Dr Earl O
Vahuo over Sunday Mr Vahue is a
Knight of the Grip operating in the
Mr and Mrs SW Stiloebouer of
Danbury departed Tuesday for the
Imperial valley lower California to
spend their winterjthere Brawley in
San Diego county will be their post
office a son being located there
Mr and Mrs J A Goheen of Clarks
ton Idaho spent Monday in the city
visiting their son Roy and friends of
their formerjhome They are east on a
visit to their several children leaving
on 14 same night for Atchison Kan
MissJFlorenceN Johnston departed
last Friday night for Colorado Springs
Colorado where onfcWednesday of this
week she was united in marriage
with a Congregational minister whose
pastorate is at Sulphur Springs on the
leges normal training in high schools and to assist weak school q
tricts in maintaining school at least seven months each year to pro-
hiblt pooling by bridge contractors and compel them to produce books
and papers to remove officers for wilful neglect of duty and failure 5
to enforce laws and to require railroads to furnish equal facilities to
all shippers of grain and other commodities
Care has been taken to have the laws of the state properly oh-
served and caution has been exercised in the use of executive q
ency 5
This is the record briefly given of legislation and administration jj
during the last two years through the republican party All this has y
been done In tie ftterest of the people of this state The republican
party continues to stand for those things is legislation and
tratlon which will promote good government and prohibit any person Q
or corporation from enjoying special privileges at the expense of the g
public Our concern is to deal with all questions as they arise in a
way that will best promote and conserve the general welfare of our
state There shall be no retreat
I ask that the record of the republican party of deeds done in this 55
state during the last two years be placed for consideration beside the O
democratic promises of the past and the present and appeal to the 2
people of this state to stand by the new deal and for the party and ft
the men who steadfastly with honesty of purpose and without malice Q
Q have done so much for the common cause of good government X
6 G3sG2GSQ3GS03ffiGSGffiG3Q303O5Qe0SGG0SaG0G0 G
D C Marsh made a i hipment of cut
tle this week
Mrs IIoisson hag been up from Lin
coln part of tho week
Mrs II A Dealk went up to Denver
last nieht to be absent a few days
E C Underhill entertained a bro
ther from Cornell Hitchcock county
first of the week
Mr and Mrs C F Herer returned
yesterday morning from their wedding
trip to California
Mr and Mrs E D Perkins are mak
ing Fairmont relatives a visit this week
going down on the Norris special Tues
Mrs Ira E Converse and little
daughter arrivod home last Saturday
from visiting Des Moines Iowa rela
Mr and Mrs J D Young entertain
ed the Thursday whist club last night
Mr Barney Hofer carried away the
Inspector C F Dutton of Hastings
Cime up Sunday niiht on his way up
the Imperial branch on postofiice in
spection work
Dr J E Hathorn drove up to Mr
Cook yesterday from Bartley in hid
handsome Franklin auto the finest art
icle in the county
E E Burke of Joliet Illinois joined
the family here this week in a visit to
his brother J R Burke they will re
turn home Saturday night
Mrs Marietta Hawley and Missi
Nellie Bassett of Galpsburg 111 went
up to Denver on 13 yesterday -to be
absent a few days on a visit
Dr J O Bruce has decided to lo
cite at McCook He has a good prac
tice here but wishes a wider field
Beaver City Times Tribune
Mesdames Stevens McBride Finity
Inglis attended the National WCTU
convention in Denver Mrs McBride
having the honor of being appointed a
Mr Fred Bortfelt the well known
piano tuner is in the city in the line of
his work Orders received at H P
Suttons jewelry store will receive
prompt attention
Mrs Harry Rogers gave an informal
at home Wednesday afternoon to meet
her cousin Miss Nellie Bassett of Gales
burg Illinois who has visited here on
former occasions
-e - --
i Fine Business
WWT wmijw
Get Busy
Be Wise
Buy Now
Close in Farm
W U I 1
t ror ate une
Good Residences
McCook Roller Mills 90 barrels good running order good patron4
excellent location
Eighty acres fine farming land 53 acrf s in alfalfa Splendid bulii
ings new modern house seven rooms and bath completed three room
unfinished hot and coldwater furnace heat two miles from this city
My residence corner of D and oth street E 100 feet front and
and lot corner A and 4tn street E about CO feet front both 110 feet deep
I wish to sell any or all of this property at once on account of sick
ness in my family
White House Grocery
Fone 30
This will doubtless
be your last oppor
tunity to secure cab
bage in quantities
this fall --
McCook Neb
No 310 5th Street E McCook Nebraska