I 1 I jjfesaK POLITICAL ADVERTISING YYTYTTTTYTYTYTTYTTTYTTTTTTYrYTTYrTTTTTTYYTYTTTTTTTTM t t Democratic Department X Conducted by the Democratic Committee 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A FINAL WORD Election is upon us and wo beg to leave with the voters of this county a final word First The Republican administration of this state is making a good deal of political capital out of the economy features of its term Hero aro some figures that are particularly interesting to tho farmers of this county The taxes on Red Willow county farm lands according to the figures given below and they are taken from the tax books of this county show an increase from 1904 to 1908 of 75 percent The assessed valuation of Nebraska railroads from 1904 to 1908 shows an increase of not quite 16 percent Railroad stocks during the past four years have increased more than half their value Let Gov Sheldon and his economy administration show the reasons for this condition of affairs in Nebraska READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY The following list of farm lands with the assessed valuations for 1 904 and 1 908 were taken from the tax books of Red Willow county NCT DESCRIPTION 1904 PRECINCT North Valley Alliance Fritsch Box Elder Coleman Perry Willow Grove Red Willow Indianola East Valley Tyrone Missouri Ridge Bondvillo Valley Grange Driftwood Grant Gorver Danbury Beaver Lebanon N B wont lie Second s NE W 21-4-27 NEJ4 NEJ4 24-4-29 and SEJ4 134 29 NWJ4 27-4-30 NEJ4 13-3-30 NWJ4 21-3-29 Sec 30-3-28 NWJ4 NWJ4 NWJ4 SWH 15-2-27 NWM 10-2-28 NE and NWJ 7-2-29 S 1-2-30 SWM 22-1-30 SWJ4 15-1-29 SWM 21-1-28 SEM 21-1-27 SWM 26-1-26 TAXES IMS TAXES OWNER 680 S 1830 Lyman Jennings 1756 5291 Edward Shurgroe 1040 1994 Martin Morris 1S06 5665 Albert T Wilson 1081 4177 E M Easterday 1123 3284 W N Cheney 956 4870 II II Mitchell 4393 9G9S Jas Hatfield 972 2752 W Dutcher 1122 201S Jas H Carr 1053 1064 Geo E Coo 774 12S0 Edward Erwin 10S5 29S6 H W Keyes 5311 1260S W S Morlan 3142 11S61 I H Wasson 550 1000 Abram Peters 795 2S22 Chas G Wilhelm 715 2635 Jesse Smith 1320 2036 John Tauber 1060 2172 Walter DeVoe This is no roorbach If you doubt the correctness of these fig ures we invite you to go to the county records and verify the same for yourself Dont you think it is about time for a change of administration Signed RED WILLOW COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE There is an old saying Liars will figure but figures You may take this adage for just what it is worth The Republican party is seeking to step into office again by coerc ing and intimidating the American laboring man You dont believe it Hat do you think of this If Bryan is elected we will not build our proposed yards at Fortieth and Ohio streets Omaha and we will reduce our force of men considerably Grove Wharton Construction Co Omaha Neb But here is something that puts a crimp in such contemptible methods If Bryan is elected I will give employment to forty nine out of fifty men that I understand are employed by the Grove Wharton Co These forty nine men will be employed by me if they are discharged because of Bryans election George F Hughes contractor Council Bluffs Iowa MORAL A bluff loses its power when it is called At Mingo Junction Ohio Judge Taft delivered a Prosperity speech He later discovered that he was speaking from the steps of a great mill that had been closed for nearly a vear throwing 2000 men out of work And yet they say that Bryan if elected will bring hard times If they claim that the election of Bryan will bring a panic why not make Taft give bond that he wilPgive us four years of prosperity Such arguments as these are nothing more than political slush MORAL A man cannot fall out of bed when he is sleeping on the floor Third Judge Norris says that he is agin Joe Cannon for ever and a day Nowwhat do you think of this Norris voted for Cannon three times and he has not promised that he will oppose him on the floor of the house He is an ardent supporter of Sherman the vice presidential candidate an avowed supporter of Cannon Sherman and Nick Longworth have been stumping Cannons district lor Cannon and yet the rank and file of the Republican party look upon Joe Can non as a disgrace to the party Now Sherman stands for Cannon and Norris stands for Sherman MORAL Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other It is said that one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence after affixing his signature to the document said Now we must all hang together or we shall hang separately If you are a Democrat a Roosevelt Republican all sane Republicans concede that Roosevelt HAS been a better Democrat than Republican a LaFolletto Republican a Socialist a Prohibitionist or Mugwump -who has the best interests of his country at heart regardless of party lines HANG TOGETHER or we may have the delightful sensation of hanging separately It may be remarked at this point that the Republican legislature of Nebraska eight years ago HUNG for sixty days at the rate of 85 per day or more till the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads decided whether D E Thompson or Edward Rosewater would make for THEM the better U S sena tor They could not agree and Governor Dietrich of Hastings was snatched up by the scruff of his gubernatorial neck and slammed into the senatorial chair at Washington MORAL The Republican national convention voted down the proposition to elect U S senators by direct vote of the people by an overwhelm ing vote of SS6 to 114 G VV NORRIS THE LITTLE JOK ER HOW HE GOT THIS TITLE While H R 11701 a bill to amend the criminal code making it a crime for a member of congress to accept a retainer fee from a public service cor poration was under consideration in the House our congressman took a stand against it In order to empha size his opposition -to it he introduced an amendment and from that time on has been dubbed the Little Joker This amendment reads as follows Any member of congress who shall engage in the practice of law or who shall deliver a chautauqua lecture for pay or who shall engage in farming or manufacturing or who shall have any occupation whatever or who shall patronize any national bank by depos iting any money therein or who shall patronize any railroad company by rid ing thereon or who shall buy any ma terial of or sell any material to any corporation shall be hanged by the neck until dead and thereafter be pro hibited from holding any office of prof it or trust under the government of the United States Mr Norris considered it a JOKE for members of congress to be prevented from representing railroads and other public service corporations while they were drawing salaries as representa tives of the people This is the same Norris who thought that members of congress were not receiving pay enough and voted to increase his sal ary 2500 each year -After the salary increase Sir Norris still thought each member ought to be entitled to draw a salary from the special interests from the fellows they were elected to legislate against Mr Republican Voter are you will ing your representative should take such a position against the people and still continue to draw his salary as your member of congress If so vote for Norris If not vote for Ashton POLITICAL ADVERTISING Democratic National Ticket For President WILLIAM J BRYAN of Nebraska For Vice President JOHN W KERN of Indiana Democratic State Ticker For Governor Ashton 0 Shallenberger of Alma Lieutenant Governor E O Garrett of Fremont Secretary of State Dr A T Gatowood of Arapahoe State Auditor William B Price of Lincoln State Treasurer Clarence Mackey of Ansley Superintendent of Public Instruction N C Abbott of Tekamah Attorney General Harry B Fleharty of South Omaha Commissioner Public Lands Buildings E B Eastham of Broken Row Railroad Commissioner W II Cowgill of Holdrego Congressman 5th District Frod V Ashton of Grand Island State Senator 29th District Cecil Matthews of Bartley State Representative 65th District J II Hoppo of Bartley County Attorney Sidney Dodge of Marion Democratic Rally a Success Tho rally and speaking held in Me nards opera house on the evening of the 23rd inst was certainly a success in every particular The house was crowded to its capacity and many came from out of town The High School Band furnished music for the occassion and was up to the mark set by Meister Geo Scott Mr John Jones president of the Bryan and Kern club called the meeting to order and introduced tho speaker of the evening Ex Congressman W E Williams of Illinois Mr Williams at once launched into tho discussion of the points at issue touching as fully as time would permit the tarilf election of Senators by direct vote of tho people campaign contribu tion publicity before election tho currency question together with an ex planation and defense of the guarantee deposit plan and the physical valua tion of railroads In discussing the tariff he quoted the exact language of the republican plat form The republican party declares unequivocally for a revision of tho tariff by a special session of Congress immediately after the inauguration of the next president He went on to show that this declaration alone was indirectly the whip that was intimi dating the American laboring man in this campaign His remarks on the question of U S Senators by the people were very force ful and to the point Notwithstanding the popular demand by all intelligent republicans this feature of the plat form was defeated in the national con vention by a vote of 8G6 to 114 During tho discussion of campaign contributions the auditors were favored with listening to a series of petty in terruptions from Mr L H Lindemann ofthis city This erudite disciple of Republicanism sought to pose in the role of a self constituted inquisitor and his efforts brought forth an invitation to step up on the platform and debate the matter in the proper manner Mr Williams attitude toward the gentle man was the very acme of platform decorum and his answers lacked noth ing in the line of sound logic and plain phraseology Mr Williams closed with a peroration in which he stated that the present campaign was more a struggle for civic honesty and social good than for poli tical supremacy alone Some there were who in the language of the camp meeting experienced a change of heart At the conclusion of Mr Williams talk Mr Fred W Ashton the demo cratic candidate for congress was intro duced The hour was late and Mr Ashton stated that it would be beyond reason to ask the audience to listen to an ex tended talk and that he would beg only ajfew moments of their time Suffice it to say that Mr Ashton is one of the best speakers of the present campaign He asked the people if Norris had ever come back and told them why he voted against the reduction of the tariff on wood pulp of which print paper is made Thirty democratic congressmen offered their vote to the opposition and Norris stuck with Cannon He asked the people if Judge Norris had ever come back and told them of his famous and rather notorious joker amendment He asked whether or not Norris had come and told the people here whether or not he would oppose Cannon on the floor as well as in the caucus Ho asked Norris to explain his posi tion on the infamous Aldrich Vreeland Currency Bill against which LaFollette battled for 18 hours He told the people of McCook that he could and would get them a Federal building as quick as Judge Norris could His remarks were at ever- point per tinent and hard to back away from Mr Ashton is a clean cut intelligent young gentleman and he is tho kind of a man that cant be bull dozed bv anyone Mr Sydney Dodge also made a few remarks on the race for the county attorney ship after which the meeting adjourned POLITICAL ADVERTISING ASHTON FOR CONGRESS William J Bryan will be elected president of the United States and as president he Is entitled to a congress that will support his policies We therefore urge every voter who casts bis vote for Mr Bryan to vote for the fusion nominee for congress Fred W Ashton is our candidate in the Fifth district Remember to cast your vote for him Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of Guaranteed Bank De posits Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Two Cent Rate Bill Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Maximum Freight Rate Bill Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Anti Pass Bill Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Pure Food Bill Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Physical Valuation of Railroads Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Election of U S Senators by the Direct Vote of the People Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of Publicity of Campaign Contributions Every vote cast for Ashton is a pro test against Joe Cannon and his meth ods Every vote cast for Ashton in a pro test against Ship Subsidies and Spec ial Favors Every vote cast for Ashton is a pro test against the Aldrich Vreeland Cur rancy Bill Every vote cast for Ashton is a pro test against Government by Injunc tion Every vote cast for Ashton is a pro test against the Action of the Last Congress Every vole cast for Ashton is a pro test against Trusts and Trust Mag nates Every vote cast for Ashton is an en dorsement of the Work of the Last Legislature A vote for Ashton is a vote for the people and reform The congressional campaign in this the Fifth district is hourly becoming more interesting The republican con gressional committee has gradually awakened to the fact that it has been over confident about Norris It devel ops that candidate Ashton his demo cratic opponent has not been asleep On the other hand Ashton has been going after the McCook statesmans congressional record and showing it up in a manner that is causing the voters over the district to sit up and take notice Ashton is proving an ag gressive and effective campaigner and has sprung a number of sensations in the way of hypocricies and deceptions perpetrated by Norris on the voters in congress In 1S9G Norris carried the district by 1700 majority This does not in the least scare Ashton who is comment that he can convince more than 1700 republican farmers and busmes men in the district that Nor ris record in congress on the tariff as weu as outer issues 01 vital impor tance to the individual citizen that it is to their interest to vote for a change Norris was one of the pals of Joe Can non and this one fact alone should cause the voters in the Fifth district to administer an overwhelming defeat to Norris Norris has been so confi dent of success at the polls the coming election that he has a McCook archi tect at work drawing plans for a mag nificent summer mansion at a lake re sort in Wisconsin The editor of this paper got these facts from an influen tial citizen and business man of Mc Cook who has seen the plans and his word can be relied upon Now the question is where did Norris accumu late all this wealth to lavish on a sum mer residence at a lake resort It is the same old story In ability and men tal caliber Norris is not weighty enough to represent this big district in congress It is known positively that he is egotistical enough to believe he can perpetuate himself in congress Hastings Republican THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS A new boiler has been ordered fcr the West school to replace the old one which has developed defects mak ing the purchase necessary Next week the city public schools will be closed on Wednesday Thursday and Friday to enable the teachers to attend the state teachers association meeting in Lincoln Tho superinten dent and the entire teacher corps will attend Supt Taylor is on program and has a toast response at the big ban quet as has former superintendent Mr G H Thomas of Harvard The array of banquet speakers includes such men as W J Bryan Senators Burkett and Brown Governor Sheldon Chancellor Andrews and several others of more than state fame It is expected that 1200 will be seated at the banquet in the auditorium Our Colorado peas corn etc are as near perfection as it is possible to ap proach in canned goods Huber JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTKACTEB McCook Nebraska tangent of Lincoln Lnml Co and of McCook VYntar Works Oflicoin PostofDce bnildlnir C II Boyle mccook V C EEldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Lour DJHtnnco P nne U Rooms 1 anrl 7 second floor Poetofjico Building H P SUTTON McLoot Neb JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA x Updike Grain Co COAL Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr MicMletoii Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska We Cant Do It for what some others do your work for But We Can Do hotter which is more important to you as the life of your Shirts Collars Cuffs are lengthened by our process of laundering them LET US TRY A LOT FOR YOU McCook Steam Laundry Phone 35 Vkl3 J fiA H Hi J il Go in October MM iramiHni WINTERIN CALIFORNIA while the low colonist rates are in effect Daily through tourist sleepers via Denver scenic Colorado and Salt Lake Go ahead of the rush at the end of the month I Secure an Irrigated Farm The best chances of the day in the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley Gov ernment irrigated lands one tenth down remainder pro rata in ten years without interest Corporation irri gated lands equally cheap and favorable A paramount and ruling fact in this region is the never failing water supply Do not make your new home in any irrigated region without a full study of the water snpply Write D Clem Deaver General Agent Land Seek ers Information Bureau Omaha or D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb usmsMmsswrnfiisKR 1 i ti n ivttt 11 11 n c vv v v v v T fifr 11 r kii ii i v v v vvvvvvtiH5 j Our Regular Prices Seem - Bargain Counter Figures J But the Goods Are All Fresh Clean and New McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands These Are a Few Items in Our Stationery Line THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department gji1 li iUlilifttil 1 li t4ii U AMititim1 ii 4 i rfltf I1 il l AAMdIjijJUJjJUULLJ3 V f j 1 3 Z n