National Bank Protection iA means n great deal to you as a dopositor In point of work ing capital capital surplus and undivided profits of 80 00000 The First National Bank of McCook ranks first among the banks of western Nebraska Our books are examined by National Bank examiners un dor the supervision of tho Comptroller of tho Currency at least twice a year Thero is no bolter security than tha For Your Savings Thrift is a simple thing but it means a great deal It is tho foundation of financial success and contentment Save money and put it away safely for a rainy day De posit in The First National Bank of McCook Nebraska- By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET NATIONAL For President William H Taft of Ohio For Vice President John S Sheeman of New York STATE Governor George L Sheldon of Nehawka Lieutenant Gocrnor M R HorEWELL of Tckatnah Secretary of State George C Jcnkin of Smithfield Auditor R BAutox of Grand Island Treasurer Law son G Brian of Albion Superintendent E C Bishop of Lincoln Attorney General William T Thompson of Central City Land Commissioner Edwakd B Cowles of Fairbury Railway Commissioner J A Williams of Pierce Congressman 5th Dist George W Noreis of McCook Senator 29th Dist John C Gammill of Stockville COUNTY Representative 65th Dist Frank Moore of Indianola Attorney Prentiss E Reeder of McCook Surejor Charles W Kelle of McCook Commissioner Frank S Lofton of Valley Grange Isnt It a Name to Conjure With The Tribune has not so far been suc cessful in fathoming the omisson of the name of the Hon William H Taft in speeches made in this city this cam paign As the leader of the Republican party in this campaign it is but natural and to be expected that his would be a name to conjure with not to ignore Whats the matter with Taft The Tribune believes he is all right the best equipped man for the presidency the party has ever nominated if exper ience of the widest possible scope is to be considered as valuable to a candidate for the presidency Congressman Norris is running against a check book in the Fifth dis trict but is making it look about as sick as Congressman Boyd is making the Third district check book Omaha Bee Mill IWWWl H For Governor GEORGE L SHELDON 3r Important Facts Congressman G W Norris is being opposed for rc olection by a Mr Ashton of Grand Island and tho fusion press bureau is wasting much good ink in trying to show that this Mr Ashton is a great lawyer and a sure enough re former Their claim that Judge Nor ris is not a Roosevelt supporter and progressive Republican has fallen flat because every well informed and honest votor in every party knows -that Con gressman Norris has stood for worked for voted for and now stands for the Roosevelt policies Ashtons claim that Mr Norris is for Cnnnonism makes tho voters smile Even tho Democrats are saying Why dont he shut up Every voter in tho district knows that Congressman Norris has publicly pledged against Mr Cannon for re election as speaker of tho House of Representatives and has given good reasons for his position Ashton stands on his record in the 1907 State Legislature where be repre sented Hall County in tho Senate in asking for votes Let us examino his record let us see that of which he boasts and find out whether ho stood for the people or the machine interests Here are the facts Ho voted NO on the PRIMARY LAW II R 40o Senate Journal p 1169 Passed 30 to 3 He voted NO on the ANTI LOBBY LA W a law to clean the corpor ation and other lobbyists out of the State House II R 18 Senate Journal p1196 Pased 23 to 9 He voted NO on tho RAILROAD TERMINAL TAX LAW S P 201 Senate Journal p 879 and 1029 The passage of this measure meant an increase in the railroad taxes in practically every county in tho Fifth Congressional Dis trict of more than a thousand dollars The LAW GRANTING EQUAL PRIVILEGES terms and facili ties of transportation sidetracks etc from railroads to all shippers HR 28G Mr Ashton dodged He answered roll call tho day the vote was taken but DID NOT vote for the measure Senate Journal p 13W The LAW REQUIRING RAIL ROADS TO SELL 100d MILE BOOKS good in the hands of any holder the measure urged and worked for by the Traveling Men of Nebraska II R 220 Mr Ashton dodged He answered roll call the day the vote was taken and was not excused but DID NOT vote for the bill Is he a great lawyer Information from Grand Island shows that he has tried but one case in the district court in the last four years Mr Voter what do you think of this record Every reform measure voted for by Mr Ashton he was pledged to vote for before his election if ho had not been pledged what might have hap pened judging from the- foregoing facts Is he for the Interests or for the people It takes but one guess to place him where he belongs on anti reformer a machine candidate and no friend of the people Mr Ashton you cant even fool the Democrats Tafts Injunction I ask that every responsible and fair minded labor leader every responsible and right minded member of a labor or ganization read these Tafts injunc tions for himself If he will do so in stead of condemning them he will heart ily approve of them and will recognize this further astonishing fact that the principles laid down by Mr Taft in these very injunctions which laboring people are asked to condemn are them selves the very principles which are now embodied in the laws or practices of every responsible labor organization The principles which he therein so wise ly and fearlessly laid down serves as a charter of liberty for all of us for wage workers for employers or the general public for they rest on the principles of fair dealing for all of even handed just ice for all They mark tho judge who rendered them as standing for the rights of the whole people as far as daylight is from darkness so far is such a jndge from the time server the truckler to the mob or the cringing tool of great corrupt and corrupting corporations President Roosevelt Congressman George William Nor ris of the Fifth district of Nebraska was in the city jesterday en route to Wellington where he spoke under the auspices of the Republican committee last night He made a brief visit to the Eagle office and expressed himself as very well pleased with the politicial situation Dotn in jebraska and in Kansas Judge Norris is a Buck eye and naturally as well as politically a strong Taft man He has been in Nebraska for probably a quarter of a century and the fact that he has been county attorney there three times judge of the district court two terms and a congressman for three full terms indicate his strength in his home com munity He is one of the ablest of the western congressmen and like Victor Murdock he believes in the pol icy of making friends at home among his own people rather than at Wash ington He also believes with him that the speaker of the house has too much power attached to his office Judge Norris in youth was a poor boy and he climbed the ladder by his own - M 1 FrankMoore Nominee for Representative Tho Republican nominee for repre sentative frank Moore has claims on tho voters of Red Willow county which Tije T iubune takes pleasure in urging A cleaner squarer more frank and straight forward citizen wo do not have the honor of numbering among our people as all will attest who know him A native of Ohio where he was born about G3 years ago at the ago of 12 years ho came to Illinois whore ho grew to manhood Answering to his countrys call ho served in com pany F of the 140th regiment of Illinois volunteers After tho war he com pleted a high school course which was supplemented by a course in the Bryant and Stratton Business College in Daven port Iowa After this ho taught school for several years Coming to Nebraska and Red Willow county in 1880 this has been his home ever since And he has always been identified with the best interests of this county serving with satisfaction and success ono term as county judge A life long Republican of the highest and best type and now in sjmpathy with all the measures and reforms of his party now the advanced element of the country ho may claim the votes of not only all Republicans but of those who believe in tho measures set in mo tion by President Roosevelt in national affairs and the splendid business ad ministration of Governor Sheldon with whom Mr Moore stands four square Frank Moore has the ability and the courage to do the right as he finds it He is on the right platform and believes in the right policies He should receive the votes of every Republican in R9d Willow county He will represent us with honesty and purity of purpose DONT FORGET The attention of our readers is again called to the two constitutional amendments which will appear on the official ballot on election day One of these amendments will permit the in vestment of our permanent school fund in Nebraska school precinct and municipal bonds and thus avoid the necessity of sending the money out of the state for investment as we have been compelled to do in the past The other will bring about a long needed re organization of our supreme court by substituting four additional judges for the six commisioners now consti tuting a part of that court The com missioner system is wrong in princi ple and very unsatisfactory to all par ties including the commissioners themselves The system is a make shift but it will have to be continued until the court is enlarged as it is ut terly impossible for three judges to do the work Recognizing the necessity for these two changes in our constitu sion all of the political parties gave both amendments their unqualified en dorsement at the primaries In order however to insure their adoption at the coming election every voter should be careful to vote FOR both amend ments DONT FORGET Frank Lofton For Commissioner One of the solid reliable young men of Red Willow county worthy in every respect competent and experienced Frank S Lofton present commissioner of the 1st district is before the people of the 1st commissioner district for re election His record has been satis factory His administration of county affairs has been careful and judicious He is entitled to re election by a decisive majority Remember his just claims on November The supreme court this week sustain ed the validity of the Nebraska statute known as the Sunday law A vote for John C Gammill for state senator is a vote for an old soldier as well as a farmer who has always been a patriotic hard working square and de serving citizen Just remember him on November 3rd The real question is to cure the abuses which have crept into big business not to destroy business to promote prosperity not to kill pros perity to rngulate not to annihilate The Republican promises are to destroy the bad to correct abuses to regulate wherever needed and to conserve all honest business and promote prosperity Which plan is best The Ashton political press bureau is working over time to try to defeat Con gressman Norris and among other things claims that he is a supporter of Speaker Cannon and the notorious rules of Speaker Cannon Without the knowledge or consent of any press bureau the Times Tribune has a clipp ing from the New York Press a paper cot interested in Nebraska politics in which it says on May 17 before the campaign had opened Representative Norris of Nebraska today introduced a resolution to reduce and restrict the power of the speaker over the house The resolution if adopted would so amend the rules that the standing com mittees of the house would be appoint ed by the rules committee instead of by the speaker and the rules committee it self would be composed of fifteen mem bers chosen by the house through geographical groups The speaker tcnnlrl hfi trmlimhln tn mnmhorohin on genius industry and determination j this committee Beaver City Times Wichita Kans Eagle Tribune UNDER FALSE TRETENSES In local democratic newspapers two weeks ago Fred W Ashton fus ion candidate for congress In this district published a statement which clearly indicates his willingness to seek a public office of responsibility and trust under flagrant and ialse pretenses In tho heat of party contests there is no need so greatly required and so often lost sight of as that of honesty In dealing with measures of moment to the welfare of the country at large The public good is of more Impor tance than the aspirations of an in dividual Too seldom we Inquire will this course benefit my country too often we ask will it help me or my party Candidate Ashton is be set with this evil He is selfish he is not frankly honest open and above board he is clamoring for an office and he is guilty of making use of false pretenses in his effort to secure it He enumerates a number of pro positions which he favors implying thereby that Mr Norris opposes them The regulation of railroads the elec tion of senators by direct vote of the people a proper valuation of rail road properties which is a feature of regulation and the publicity of cam paign contributions Mr Norris and republicans generally favor and more than Mr Ashton for the reason that Mr Norris introduced and se cured the passage of a resolution in the house looking toward a con stitutional amendment that would permit popular election of senators and he was so active in promoting railroad reform legislation in con gress that he earned the hostility of Burlington and Union Pacific inter ests which are cordially supporting Ashton in the present campaign A vote for Ashton is a vote for special interests and a vote for Norris is a vote for the people Mr Ashton favors guaranteed bank deposits Mr Norris favors making bank deposits safe There is a diff erence The first is a vote catching expedient on which to ride into office the second is a remedy based on sound economic principles tried by experience tested by time contribut ing to the well being of the whole people as well as strengthening tlfe honesty of all parties of interest to the enactment Air Ashton says he favors revis ion of the tariff He does not for if he is a democrat a simple follow er of Mr Bryan he favors free trade The question of the tariff offers an open field for a clear division of opinion between republican and dem ocratic principles The republican party is not in favor of free trade it believes in the doctrine of pro tection the tariff schedules are high ly specialized difficult of adjustment and should be changed along scien tific lines to meet new conditions as they arise Sir Norris favors sucn a revision Mr Ashton does not and as a democrat committed to the doctrine of free trade he is dishonest when he says he does Air Ashton enumerates a number of propositions which he says he op poses implying thereby that Mr Nor ris favors them which is a childish clumsy trick for a grown man to re sort to He opposes all trusts gov ernment by injunction centralization of power ship subsidy and asset cur rency and so do most other men He believes in certain features of all of these things just as all other reas onable men do for they are a part of our existence only he wishes to be lost from sight in a cloud of dust which he virtuously raises The very things he opposes are the ones the Roosevelt policies were directed against and he well knows the help Mr Norris rendered the president in that fight in congress As a member of the state senate he says he advocated and voted for the reform measures of the last legislature That legislature was a republican legislature tnose meas ures were republican measures they were introduced by republican mem bers considered in republican com mittees passed in republican houses and signed by a republican governor Mr Ashton and his democratic col leagues had no more influence with the enactment of this legislation than a snow ball in hades Was ever false pretender so bare faced and shameless in his claims of political virtue Fred W Ashton stands for noth ing but desperate greed for office He is without personal convictions He is a political parasite seeking to sponge approval to his own cause from the achievements of his oppon ents f it- fS - l h A t A cv T A V WW LV - r s v jf rf iIk -I t MP n r i THI3 LABEL 3TAHD3r03 S3 YEARS ur 1UPWING HCTW gf ttaur He brings Congressman Norris to tho bar of public opinion for exami nation Charge No 1 In that ho voted for a ship subsidy Answer Ho did at the request of Secretary Root and President Roosevelt to bring South L America closer to the United States to save the need of sending mall to England before it might go back six thousand miles to its destination It was not subsidy it was a transaction of immeasurable honor and credit to the government of tho United States Charge No 2 He voted for the Aldrich Vreeland currency measure Answer He did The president re quested It It was not a perfect measure but it was not all bad It was better than nothing Charge No 3 He voted to over ride a veto of President Roosevelt Answer He did President Roose velt requested that such action be taken as the quickest and easiest way to correct a mistake he had made Oh the virtue and the poli cal chastity of this man Ashton who rushes thus blindly to the defense of his beloved president Charge No 4 He voted for Speaker Cannon Answer So did every other republican in the house So would Mr Ashton have done had he been a republican member of the house Mr Norris had previously announced his opposition to the speaker as ho has done since Mr Ashton is knavish in making such a charge for he attributes a falseness to an act that he well knows is not representative of Mr Norris Charge No 5 He has followed the leadership of Speaker Cannon An swer He has not The accusation is a deliberate misrepresentation Mr Norris openly opposed the speak er but by fair means as a gentle man would do and in a way that would accomplish a public good and not end his usefulness as a member of the house Charge No G He refused to join with the democrats Answer He did refuse he always will he is not a political contortionist nor a traitor ous demagogue His decency and self respect compel that he select the political company he keeps Charge No 7 He refused to fol low the leadership of Senator La Follette Answer Senator LaFol lette is a member of the upper cham ber of congress while Air Norris is a member of the lower house Of course the relation of leader and fol lower is an impossible one Mr Ash ton knows he wants to do Mr Norris some dirt but he seems to have not a glimmer of an idea as to which chamber of congress lie seeks mem bership in Senator LaFollette it may be remarked is in the field do ing valient service for the republi can ticket and Air Ashton can get no crums of comfort from him The court will find November 3 that each and every indictment arMnst Congressman Norris was the pl a of a baby crying for the moon in no single instance was there a charge based on a thread of fact and that Fred W Ashton sought of fice under false pretenses And He Has Succeeded The Democratic comptroller of the state of New York is reported as hav ing said at a reception to the Demo cratic candidate for governor The president has always wanted to dash out into the limelight for res cuing purposes He rushed up San Juan hill to save the United States and he rushed to the governorship to save the state He accepted the vice presi dency to save himself and for the past two weeks he has rushed to the front to save his party As President Roosevelt met with considerable success in those of the above mentioned roles which belong to history it is difficult to see wherein any consolation for Bryan is discern ible in the flippant utterances of Comp troller Glynn Note Date of Address Slip Note the date on your address slip on The Tribune If you have not paid your subscription for 190S kindly call at office or mail amount due No paper will be sent to those more than one year in arrears and such accounts after due notice and no response will be placed for collection Apples of all kinds at Scotts YOU CANT LOSE WITH US for our guarantee that STEIN BLOCHv Smart Clothes will fit you and wear you is backed up letter for letter by Stein Bloch and their label which stands for 54 years of Knowing How Rozell Barger Clothiers to the People -1 vtiiiiil9fiHtt3ii OUR NEXT STATE senator 5TE36SS Republican County Central Committee The following are tho Republican county central committeemen and their post office addresses Alliance Sam Preiner Hartley Beaver Geo B Morgan Dnnbury lionchille II N Collintf Indianola Box Elder W B Soxson Box Elder Coleman John N Smith McCook Dnnliury T P Hockley Banbury Driftwood J II Wade McCook East Valley U OEtherton Hartley Frits ch CM Ooben Iiidinnola Gencr C M Lofton Cedar BIufTs Grant A M Benjamin McCook Indianola E S Hill Iiidinnola Lebanon J B Cuniiiiings Lebanon Misouri Hidc John Deveny Indianola North Valley Win Wfcht Hartley Terry Chas II Jacobs McCook Bed Willow FCSmith Indianola Tyrone LASheldon Lebanon Valley GranKo A I Johnston McCook Willow Grove I O all at McCook 1st prec 1st ward J F Cordeal 2nd ircc lst ward WCAllison Kt prec 2nd ward II W Conoier 2nd prec 2nd ward Scott Odelt Geo S Scott Chairman John F Cordeal Secretary M0 YEMEN fS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs visitor S D Hughes is an Omaha Mrs G S Scott and children are away on a visit Howard Hileman spent part of the week in the city Miss Ruth Campbell is visiting in Aurora this week George Eluert and family are now enjoying the comfortB of their new and larger homo C W Meeker postmaster at Imper ial lawyer and politician on the side was a visitor Tuesday Mrs Harry Tyler and Master Har old were up from Orleans Wednesday on some business matters Mrs Bickford of Stratton and children are guests of Mrs Hawkes while the gentlemen are at Seward Mrs B E Burke of Joliet Illinois and two children are visiting Mr and Mrs J R Burke of West 2nd street Mrs C A Littel and daughter were down from Culbertson Wednesday the daughter to receive medical services John Randel and Peter Karthauser returned home Monday from a visit down in Missouri the Ozark mountain country Mr and Mrs Chapman have gone to Laird Colo They have been living ab Carter this state He has consider able land near Laird LOREN ElKEIJERRY SOn of M W Eikenberry of Kokoma Indiana is here to spend the fall and winter witn his uncle D E Eikenberry Mrs J C Moore and her mother Mrs N A Baker departed last even ing for Amsterdam Missouri on a visit to a sister daughter J II Bennett came out from Omaha Tuesday night and spent a few days in the city his former home on business and to meet old time friends Galen Perry came up from Lincoln Monday night on No 3 on a short visit to his young friends here returning home on No 2 Tuesday morning Mrs J G Schohel departed on 2 Sunday morning for Chicago where she will devote the next three weeks to post graduate work in a leading art studio Mrs Bert Thompson has been a city visitor part of the week She leaves for Denver today and will at once pack up preparatory to moving to St Louis where she will make her home with her daughter Fred Ashton Democratic candidate for congress Fifth district has been in McCook and this part of tha state most of the week looking after hia political affairs Prof C H Miller who was in charge of the music of several of our Junior Normals narrowly escaped death a few days ago in Lincoln from a defective gas stove in the bath room of his residence Mr and Mrs A G Terrill of Mar avatio Mexico arrived in the city Tuesday on No 13 and are guests of Mr and Mrs A G Bump during their stay in the states He ha3 considerable interests in this city Mr and Mrs F D Burgess and son Carl arrived home last Saturday morn ing on No 2 from their absence dur ing the summer in California Mr Burgess reports he feels ten year3 younger Carl has not been so much benefitted h f t i ti d