1 v V S n B AJ I 1 1 ksSSfesf No 0 a 12 14 16 Time Card McCook Neb MAIN TINE EAST DEPART Central Tlmo KSr 1027 r si 500 a it 715ia w 942 p M 400 r M MAIK LINE WEST DEPABT No 1 MonntnlnTImo 950 A M 3 1142 p m Arrived 830 p m 13 1025 am 15 1217 am IMIEKtAL LINE No 170 nrrlvns Mountain Time 505 p u No 175doparts 710 A M SIoepIrjR dining and reclining cliair enre Runts froo on through traiux Tickets sold und Ijokkoko chocked to any point in tlio United Slates or Cannda For information timetables maps and tick ets cull on or writo 11 12 Too Agent McCook Nebraska or L V Wakoloy General Passen Ker Agent Omnlin Nobraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Vorn Funk has chargo of the round bouse laundry box Engineer Radclif 19 having n residence built on 3rd street west J B Wade has purchased Engineer W C Scbuncks residence Engine 1910 is over the drop pit this week for the usual repnirs George Campain a brother of A W is a now helper is the backshop Engineer and Mrs Lambert Rodstrom visited Holdrege enrly days of the week The dinky and No lOGGaroboth down on their discs and will shortly bo ready for service The 112J is receiving now brasses and othei light repairs this week in the backshop Engineer W C Schenck of the run was in town Tuesdny on business Mrs C E Benedict of Curtis arrived in town close of last week on a visit to McCook relatives George Phillips steam pi po man who has been visiting in Palisade is back from his vacation and at work Boiler No 3 of the steam plant is receiving some new flues in preparation for the increased demand for tho winter The railroad bridge across Coon creek came near burning Friday morning but was saved by qnick work on the part of the station help nnd citizens of the town Indianola Reporter Engineer and Mrs Harry Weiden hamer of Galesburg 111 arrived in town end of last week and have been guests of his brother Trainmaster W M Weidenhamer Harry drives the Kansas City cannon ball expresB being one of the Qs crack enginemen Engineer F J Zajicek was at head quarters last Monday He has been running on tho Republican Oberlin branch He has taken a 30 day lay off and with his wife will visit his relatives in Wilber Lincoln and North Platte On his return he will run out of McCook but the family will remain at Oxford The train on the St Francis branch last Saturday was stalled on the western end of tho line not by snow but by Russian thistles The cuts were full of the thistles and the engine was unable to plow through them as it would when the cuts were filled with snow The funny part of it is that the train men did not think ofburningthe thistles and saving a whole lot of trouble Beaver City Tribune Save onsy You save money by blanketing your horse -with a famous 5A Horse Blanket He saves the cost of his blanket ou liis lessened teed bill J 5A Blankets are warm strong and 1 noted for length of wear Ask your dealer for 5A Buy a 5A Bias Girth for the Buy a 5 A Square for the Street We Sell Them Stable J McCOOK HARDWARE CO js3toMjmjL MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE F S Wilcox had business in Omaha end of week II T Ciiuucii of Ilyattville Wyom ing is hero on a visit Mrs Harris of Alliance is visiting her mother MrB Adolo Pholan Mrt and Mit Albrrt Bahnett went in to Omaha Sunday night Mits Frank Kendlen returned end of week from her Lincoln Hastings visit Rev Edward J Mullaly the Paulist father of Chicago is delivering lectures in Indianola Mrs II A Bealk left on 2 this morning for Lincoln on a visit to her sister of that city Miss Florence Johnston arrived on 1 yesterday from Ainsworth on a visit to the old home and friends Georoe Kkaly came up from Hold rege Wednesday to look after some property interests in our city II P Sctton and family are now living in their new bungalow J H Snyder are occupying the old Sutton home Mrs Stultz mother of Mrs A R Scott was called to Eastern Nebraska this week by the severe illness of a sister S W Christy of Edgar- the well known and popular politician and Burlington attorney had legal business in the city Monday Frank T Hawks of the Wray Gazette came down on No 2 this morning to meet Mr Bryan who speaks briefly nt Wray this afternoon Miss Florence N Johnston county superintendent of Brown county has resigned that position It became ef fective October 12th Mrs Leroy Klkven Mrs J E Morrissey and Misse3 Ethel and Gert rude Morrissey went night on a short visit Mrs W F Jones was called to Norfolk Tuesday noon by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her father She left on 1 J It McCarl has purchased the lot between the Menard and Merle resi dences on 1st street east and will build a modern home thereon J C Gammill tho next state senator of the 29th district attended the Gov ernor Sheldon meeting and visited among hfs friends Tuesday Contractor Bergolte arrived from Marshalltown Iowa Sunday and lined up the work on the brick construc tion of the temple theatre first of the week Rev W J Kirwin O M I of St Patricks officiated as deacon at the funeral of Mrs Mary Murray at Indian ola October 2- preaching an eloquent sermon Vic Seymour of the Young Mens Republican Club of Lincoln came up to McCook Wednesday night to meet Senator Beveridge aud accompany his special on to Lincoln Mrs C W McKenna and Miss Sadie Evans departed this week for Chicago to be absent this fall and winter while Mr McKenna completes his course in the Northwestern Dental School L W McConnell went into Omaha Sunday night on 6 to meet representa tives of eastern wholesale houses and make purchases of goods for holiday trade He returned home Tuesday night A R Scctts father and mother ar rived in the city Tuesday morning of the present week and will make their home here Mr Scott is an engineer and will be employed in the electric light companys plant James Williams departed from Dan bury Tuesday night for his new home near Norwood Missouri with two cars of stock and furniture His son H T Williams and William Maguire also left for tho same place on that date loading one car of stock and furniture SENATOR TOOK THEM BY STORM One of the Warmest Pithiest Thirty Minute Speeches Ever Heard in This Cit3r THE MENARD WAS CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING And Hundreds Were Unable to Get In The Senator Reiterates His Unanswered Question to Hon W J Bryan in His Brief but Convincing Address Tho speech of United States Senator ies and stated that many of them wero Albert F Beveridge of Indiana in the opposed to many of tho choicest theories opera houseThursday morning was the and plans of Mr Bryan and would not most inspiriting incident yet of a support many of his measures if Mr ional campaign quite lacking in active enthusiasm Arriving on his special train from Denver at fl50 in the morning an auto mobile was in waiting at tho depot to convoy him and party to the opera house which was alieady overflowing with an audience full of eagerness to hear him Ho was most briefly introduced by Chairman McCarl of the Congressional committee and was received with warm est and heartiest applause Realizing the briefness of iiis oppor tunity Senator Beveridge at once 4got down to the ground as the senat ir ex pressed it and warmed up to his sub ject in vigorous fashion The senators speech was pithy prac tical pointed forceful devoid of the charm of his matchless and polished or atory so well known to the platfoim and press of America but carrying home to tho minds of his hearers the telling facts presented Covering the past seven years of Re publican part Irstory and marvelous accomplishment under President volt enumerating a fow of the laws up to Denver last Dont fail to hear Con gressman Williams on Friday October 23rd at Menards Opera House at 800 P M passed ana now ueing enrorcea me pure food act railroad legi laion labor laws etc the senator repeated his question propounded to Hon Wm J Bryan at Portland Oregon recently namely Whether he Mr Bryan if elected president would repeal any of these laws or any material part of the same Senator Beveridge stated that Mr Bryan had not as yet replied Senator Beveridge placed the Demo cratic U S senators in the position of being the most pronounced Main Street Shut Off A three inch conm ction water main was laid for the new temple opera house building yesterday afternoon which made it necessary to shut off tho water on Main avenue for a few hours The connection was made from the hydrant line jusc above the building corner of Main and 4th street FOR SALE FOR RENTJETC For Rent Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping Inquire of Mrs James I Lee phone 43 For Rent A Phone red 239 new six room house For Rent Seven room house near new high school building Phone No 5 For Rent A good barn Inquire of Julius Kunert For Rent Four rooms furnished or unfurnished after October 15th Mrs S A Rowell For Rent 5 room cottage also furn ished rooms for light housekeeping Mrs J I Lee phone 43 Wanted Good set of double driving harness Call at this office Lost A short gray jacket between town and J L Rogers place Please leave at Mc Adams store The Nebraska Republican Conven tion of 1907 which gave its unqualified approval of the splendid work of the last Republican legislature and which nominated that magnificent Nebraska jurist M B Reese for judge of the Supreme Court was the first stale convention in the United States to declare for William Howard Taft for President It should be a matter of pride on the part of every Nebraska Republican to see to it that Nebraska approves this endorsement at the polls cext November mr I I T imart Up-to-Date Hats at LOVELL NIES Special Millinery Prices ONE WEEK We have decided to continue for one week our sale of Mammoth Stock of Trimmed Hats FOR Ladies Misses Children BEGINNING Monday October 19th Dont fail to give us a call Ill West B Street JTZW Mp yi - V StX th - -- - - - - Bryan should be elected president Senator Beveridge clinched one of the greatest thirty minute speeches ever de livered in this city by stating that no individual or coriKmition over discharg ed a tried and true servant who made good without cause and placed in his position another untried inexperienced servant who could only claim that he could do better The Republican party with a brief interval to which oven the Democracy cminot point with satisfying pride has made good in America for forty years There is no good and cient reason why Democracy should now be given its position at the helm of state simply because the Democrats claim they can do betterand in the face of the fact that many of their leaders theories in the past have been abandon ed and cast aside by themselves and further that their present theories and plans arc for the most part untried and sentimental while the Republicans pro mise a continuance of the known and approved policies of President Roose velt With a godspeed tho senator hoped the voters would remember their famil ies themselves and their country at the polls in November intimating clearly where their votes should go to accomp lish their best good The senator answered questions giv ing good matrimonial advice to our en thusiastic young friend Frank Colfer who wanted to know He was hurriedly autoed to the depot and his special at once pulled out for Oxford his next stop The McCook band played on the ave nue while the crowd was assembling in the opera house Veterans Favor Taft Sheldon and Norrls At a special meeting of J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R the following resolutions were adopted We the members of J K Barnes Post No 207 Grand Army of Republic of McCook Nebraska believing that our interests nnd the iuterests of our fellow citizens can best be subserved by the election of the Honorable William II Taft to the presidency of the United States and of the Honorable George L Sheldon to the governorship of the state of Nebraska heartily endorse the candidacy of each of them and bespeak for them the support of our brothers in arms and our friends We believe the wide experience ac quired by Mr Taft in the various posi tions he has so creditably filled qualifies him above all other men to become chief executive of our nation and that his invaluable service to our beloved land entitle him to the high office which he aspires We believe the honest capable and fearless administration of the affairs of the state of Nebraska by Governor Sheldon should command the respect and admiration of right minded citizens and that a continuation of the policies inaugurated by him is indispensably necessary to the welfare of our common wealth Dated Oct 13 1903 J M Henderson Commander J A Wilcox Acting Adjutant We the members of J K Barnes Post No 207 Grand Army of tho Re public of McCook Nebraska desiring to give expression to our appreciation of the services rendered by the Honorable George W Norris as a representative in the congress of the United States un qualifiedly endorse his candidacy for re election We commend Mr Norris for his at titude on all legislative questions affect ing the interests cf his constituents We know him to be a man of irreproach able character We admire him for his fidelity to principle and his patriotic devotion to duty We believe him to be a true friend of those whom love of country led to respond to their nations call and we are grateful for his untir ing efforts in our behalf and in behalf of our comrades Dated Oct 13 1903 J W Henderson Commander J A Wilcox Acting Adjutant McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 8 75 Wheat 80 Oats 45 Rye 60 Barley 55 Hogs 5 00 Butter good 25 Eggs 23 ul feel that the country Is Indeed to tee congratulated upon the nomination f Mr Taft I do not believe ther could1 bt found in all the country a man so well fitted to be President President Roosevelt on learning of Secretary Tafts nomination Uj vSET ey jet5 get redy for winter JieSgibncl Jr - - Co- 1 f Ave you rekdy for Wilder If 9ot ny we renvoi you trpt Vipter will 5009 be lere Just 90W our stock of Vi9ter yd FJI garnets re 09 slpow Sit our store tay be you would like to conje 9d see ten Ve respectfully i9Vite you to do so Ve 90W ldive full Ii9e Ladies cots t 500 to 2500 RerQernber we sell everytlg you wisi to wer 9d nLternxIs fron wlpicl to rnke ten Cordially C L DeGROFF CO MTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrsra -4 -4 X For Sale Chea l Fine Business Close in Farm - A AAAAliAiAAAiAiilAAAAAAllAiiAAAiiliAAAAiii V jA - n2J2i 4 Good Residences -4 w McCook Roller Mills 90 barrels good running order good patronage - excellent location - Eighty acres fine farming land T5 acres in alfalfa Splendid build- ings new modern house seven rooms and bath completed three rooms - p unfinished hot and coldwater furnace heat two miles from this city My residence corner of D and 5th street E 1C0 feet front and house and lot corner A and 4tn street E about CO feet front both 110 feet deep J I wish to sell any or all of this property at once on account of sick- ness in my family - E Ho Doan Pro No 310 5th Street E McCook Nebraska - A A A 9 i n - i g iii Mil III Ml 111 I lllllll tfii TMIII 1 I II White House Grocery A Splendid Line of Fancy HANDPAINTED CHINA Fone 30 McCook Neb f 5J