The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1908, Image 1

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Congressman Williams
of Illinois will speak at
Menards Opera House at
800 on the evening of
October 23rd
Congressman Williams
is under the direction of
the National Democratic
Campaign Committee and
all men of whatsoever
party will do well to hear
Had to Be Reinforced
The subway piling bridge just west of
the ice houses showed evidences of being
inadequate to the strain of the com
panys largest engines recently and the
structure was reinforced It is to be re
gretted that concrete and steel wers not
osed in this construction
Colored and Black and White
The Tribune has sale a nice dis
play of local view post cards in colors
and in black and white Also a well
selected line of greeting and other post
As a Last Resort
McCooks 400 hardly recovered
from a conniption fit before going into
3 genuine spasm Wo will have to turn
them over to the anti saloon league yet
Only the Best
Only the best is just good enough for
the discriminating public that patroniz
es Marshs meat market And that is
Jris motto and practice
Such Was Achieved in the Production
of A Modern Woodman by
Local Talent Last Week
Tho putting on the hoards Thursday
end Friday of last week of A Modern
Woodman served two good purposes
placing in the Woodman treasury a neat
sum for tho promotion of tho log rolling
meet in McCook next fall and providing
two evenings of good clean entortain
tnent for tho people of McCook at pop
ular prices
That the efforts of those engaged in
the piny were appreciated is evidenced
by the presence and applause of good
audiences on both appearances
Lieut Waltor M Ellis author of the
play gave a finished production of Ned
Burke tho returned Rough Rider
Dr S C Beach as John McFarland
tho absconding cashier quite divided
tho honors with the lieutenant
Teddy of the 400 found in George
Kearns a quite inimitable and popular
expression Dont you know
Ray Rhriners Schlitz who hates
the Iridh was exuberantly Doutsch
hearty and redolent of Wienerwurst
Itay is a Dutch doodle aint it
As Conklin a cowboy Frank Pious
sard had a fine swagger and the air and
freedom of the plains in heroic degree
Howard Finity gave a dignified and
successful offering of William Noble
the Woodman
Master Robert Smith played the
character of Willie Noble a newsboy
in a most creditable manner
Chester DeLoy made a distinct hit
a big black spot as George Augustus
Snow a 6on of Ham
Clifford Burbridge as mail carrier No
1 U S government was prompt and
pert as you please
Miss Ethel Morrissey as Alice the
bankers daughter played a strong and
difficult part well and Miss Gertrude
Morrissey in the role of Jennie the
Woodmans daughter was not a whit
Maggie who hates the Dutch was
-given splendid treatment by Sadie
Everist an Irish sketch artist of recog
nized local ability
Mr3 Fred Scbagel gave a subdued
and quiet performance of the Wood
uans widow
Clifford Burbridge doubled very nice
ly as policeman 41 of the force
E S Howell as consul of camp No
725 Julius Kunert advisor G H
Watkins banker JohnM Smith clerk
all made good and furnished one of the
best scenes of tho evening in Act 1
Woodcraft by officers of Camp 633 and
team of Foresters
One of the features of the evening was
the drill by the team of Forertsrs undar
command of E S Howell The team
is composed of C F Knosp Don
Walters Lou Knoche Leon Hileman
Fred Ebert Lee Stevens Harry Hamil
ton George Whittaker Charles Turner
Bud Browne Kirk Marshall
Miss Ruth Wiehe did acceptable work
s pianist being assisted by Mr Harvey
Snyder on the closing evening
The play was given under the auspices
of Noble Camp No 663 Modern Wood
man of America to boost their log-rolling
The moral was Take out a Wood
man policy
Price Current on Staples
American and Simpson prints includ
ing tho new side bands and the Hazel
brownn and Carminios 5c yd Best
apron chocked ginghams 6c Best
table oil cloth 15c Fine 30 inch black
taffotta silk G9c Mens muleskin wcrk
gloves 18c pair Ditto solid calfskin 50c
pair Yard wide muslin bleached and
unreached 5c yd Childrens ribbed
fleeced union suits 25c each Ladies
ditto 35c Fur scarfs with six tails 50c
Mens stout bluo overalls with bib and
swing pockets 39c Jackets to match
39c Mens suits 8500 to 1500 Peer-
loss carpet warp 22c lb American A
16 oz 2 bu seamless grain bogs 21e
Fleischers German knitting yarn 25c
for J4 lb skeins
hats at 8150
You Can Heat
five rooms with a Garland base burner
more satisfactorily and with less ex
pense than any other method and what
a pleasure to see one of these stoves in
action Nothing cheers the home like
one of them Sold by
McCook Hardware Co
At Pastime Theatre on
Saturday Matinee from
230 to 530 P M Rip
VanWinkle To Children
under 12 5 cts Matinee
Only October 17th
It Takes Cash
to buy it but you have the satisfaction
of knowing that you get what you want
especially if you are looking for the
best How You are a good guesser
D C Marsh is the boy
Just the Same Every Week
This week like last week The Trib
une contains matter of local interest on
each of its eight home printed pages
Same every week
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
15 styles mens fur
Mens heavy blanket
lined coats 8100 to 250 sheep lined
with fur collar 8500 Childs bearskin
coats 823u Hoods to match 50c
Leggins to match 81 00 Izzor home
made bed comforts 8185 to 8300 Mens
black fleeced underwear 50c each 1000
other items at equally compelling prices
Yes its all for cash Money is what
counts Join the procession of cash
buyers always headed for our store
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Pure blood is the basis of all health
and energy When the blood is impure
or impoverished digestion is imperfect
the kidneys are over worked and the
system impaired
Cleansing the blood means that the
activity of all the vital organs will be
renewed and the health will be better in
every way
McConnells Sarsaparilla and Bur
dock is a modern and effective blood
remedy It makes new rich blood It
builds up strength and energy and cures
debility skin eruptions indigestion
liver troubles and rheumatic disorders
Price 8100
LW McConnell Druggist
Under New Management
The deal has been closed between
Mrs Sarah Kay and A Davidson of
Wymore whereby the management of
the Commercial hotel -will on nest Mon
day pass to Mr Davidson The new
lessee is an experienced hotel man and
will doubtless conduct that hostelrie
with satisfaction to the public and with
financial success to himself
The management of the B M eat
ing house is still retained by Elmer
Dr and Mrs Kay will remain in our
city and will occupy a suite of rooms in
the Walsh building
Chalk Talk
Rev A Ward of Chicago will hold a
street meeting on Saturday evening of
this week at 8 p m in the cause of tem
perance All those who are interested
are requested to meet at the M E
church at 7 p m He will also address
the children from 3 to 1 p m and the
parents from 4 to 5 p m at the M E
church on Sunday afternoon Oct 18th
On Sunday evening there will be a
mass meeting in the Congregational
church conducted by Rev A Ward of
Chicago the great temperance speaker
To Tribune Subscribers
We have commenced mailing to all
delinquent subscribers statements of
account and expect prompt response
It would save us considerable unneces
sary expense and labor if those delin
quent would call and prepay their sub
scription and not wait for notices No
paper will be continued to any subscrib
er who owes for more than one full
year Get the habit of paying for your
home newspaper and paying for it in
advance The Publisher
Miscellaneous Shower
Miss MatieUerling entertained at the
home of her mother riday evening last
in honor of Miss Maude Goble giving a
miscellaneous shower Miss Goble was
married yesterday at her home in this
city to Craig McDonald of McCook
The groom is the son of Frank Mc
Donald a former resident of Adams
county Both bride and groom were
born near Ayr and have a legion of
friends who extend best wishes They
will live at McCook Hastings Demo
crat Oct 9
Remnants Remnants
Yes remnants for a number of rooms
in our wall paper department at greatly
reduced prices Now is the time to
make your selection before the choice
papers are all gone
L W McConnell Druggist
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our thanks to the
Degree of Honor friends and neighbors
for their assistance during the illness of
Mrs Godfrey and Fanchon and for
flowers rent us
Mr and Mrs G W Godfrey
Accounts Must Be Paid
Having disposed of our dairy business
to Flitcraft Clark all accounts due
us must be paid within 30 days either
in cash or by note
Eikenberry Clark
Tribune Is All Printed in McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the eight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
Buggies Spring Wagons
and surreys at special low prices and
harness to go with them
McCook Hardware Co
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening October i6 1908
An Open Air Meeting is Required by the Crowd Which
Gathered to Hear Him
Audience Included Many from Adjoining Towns and from
Over Red Willow County Music by High School Band
Governor Sheldon was given a hearty
welcome and greeting in our city this
week Tuesday on the occasion of his
speech on the issues of the state and na
tional campaign While the occasion
owes some of its importance and unusual
features to the fact that the personage
involved is the governor of this common
wealth at least two other elements en
tered into it theoplendid personality of
the speaker and the fact that the govern
or is easily recognized as one of the level
headed and reliable thinkers among the
young men who have come to the front
as progressive and square deal Repub
licans of late years and that he is a
doer of things as well The crowd
could not be accommodated in the opera
house and so arrangements were com
pleted for the governor to speak at the
corner of Main avenue and 2nd street
Here a magnificent audience assembled
and gave the governor close and patient
hearing during a speech of quite two
hours duration Among the crowd
were individuals from various parts of
the county and surrounding towns as
far west as the state line were represent
ed so the occasion took on more than
local color and assumed the proportions
of a district meeting
The governor arrived in the city on
No 1 shortly before noon and was
met at the train by the members of J
K Barnes post No 207 G A R the
McCook high school band and several
hundred citizens After cordially greet
ing the old soldiers and others the gov
ernor was escorted to his hotel having
spoken at Omaha the night before and
been on the train all the morning hours
While the greeting without planor1
ostentation it was spontaneous and
In the evening the governor faced an
audience to delight the heart of any
speaker at corner of Main avenue and
2nd street after being fittingly intro
duced in brief word by G S Scott
chairman of the Republican county
central committee His text might be
stated as Performance versus Promises
And along this line he amplified both
in state and national affairs
In the state he gave the record of the
different departments as to efficiency
and economy Reduction of state debt
from Sl917000 to 8600000 passenger
fares from 3 to 2 cents per mile express
rates 25 per cent freight on grain live
stock fruit lumber and coal 15 per
cent saved shippers and passengers
86000000 without reducing wages or
preventing fair earnings on capital in
vested increased value of railroad pro
perty for municipal taxes increased
value of same for general taxation 85
654441 abolishment of pass evil enact
ment of direct primary law control of
railroads and fixing of rates through
commission put an end to rebates and
discrimination in rates made it neces
sary for roads to get permission before
changing rates placed telephone tele
graph express and street railway comp
anies under commission supervision
the pure food law added one per cent to
interest rate on state funds made roads
liable to employes for injuries resulting
from negligence of fellow servants and
other employes and repealing the
statutory provision limiting to 85000
the amount recoverable for death by
wrongful act etc
After making an appeal to the voters
to return to congress our honored citi
zen Hon G W Norris and expressing
the hope that Hon John C Gammill
and Hon Frank Moore would be respec
tively chosen state senator and repre
sentative all of them on their records
or the platforms they occupied he re
verted to the national issues
It is not within the scope of this art
icle to relate the arguments advanced
for retaining in power the Republican
party and tho election of William H
Taft to the presidency In fine he cov
ered the accomplished facts of the
party during the past forty and more
years and contrasted them with the
promises of the opposition in a most
convincing manner The history of
America for the past forty years is
largely built about the history of Re-
Tryjaicanism for that tinia It is enough
to state that he made a strong and con
vincing case and met with tho approval
of his audience
The meeting was the best of this
campaign and was the first symptom we
have had of the existence of a national
campaign in the country
The high school boys played on the
platform as the crowd was assembling
in the evening
The opera house was in readiness
decorated in attractive national color
ings etc but was inadequate entirely
to the crowd
The governor is a big hearted big
framed boy with a frank face and a
common hearty style that just fairly
captivated the old soldiers
Besides meeting many citizens of Mc
Cook the governor made a trip through
the Burlington shops during the after
We fill mail orders promptly serving
residents of the surrounding towns and
country who need anything in drug
store supplies
Mail orders have prompt attention
and can usually be filled the day of
If it is inconvenient orrimpossbie to
come to our store in person you can
still have advantage of our wide assort
ment and high grade goods by sending
to us by mail for anything wanted
Further If goods received do not
entirely please you may return for cred
it or exchange
L W McConnell Druggist
Majestic Ranges
are never found in a second hand store
as everybody knows age does not hurt
them and they are quickly grabbed up
They are made for business and long
life and sold by the
McCook Hardware Co
Church In Turkey
Deacon Lazare Gurgon a missionary
was canvassing the business portion of
the city for subscriptions to a fund to
build a Christian church and orphan
school in Jello Turkey Tuesday with
some success
It Is Time
to get out those fall and winter clothes
and to have them cleaned and pressed
The McCook Steam Laundry can do
the trick for you well and promptly and
reasonably Try them
Dont fail to hear Con
gressman Williams on
Friday October 23rd at
Menards Opera House a
800 P M
Commerclal Club Meeting
The commercial club held a session
Monday evening with but a small at
tendance of members
Tho Chautauqua proposition was dis
cussed at some length after which the
club deoided to stand on its recent
guaranty offer to the bureau manage
ment and in the event the Redpath
people do not accept the matter will bo
turned over to individual effort and
Banquet bills were allowed
The question of securing a billiard
table and equipmont was taken up
Messrs F A Pennell HP Sutton and
A G Bump were named by Vice-president
Fahnestock as a committee to
ascertain and report probable cost of
suitable table and appurtenances
The water works park committee was
continued in service
Club rooms wero tendered for
ceiving election returns
The membership committee was in
structed to get busy
The club adjourned to meet again on
next Tuesday evening to receive and
and act upon the report of billiard table
It is very desirable that members shall
take time from other affairs to be present
So important a change of plan and so
large an expenditure of funds should
receive the attention of a full member
To Patrons of McCook Electric Co
It is being circulated about town by
some parties that people will have to
re wire their houses and stores when
our new plant is built on account of
changing to alternating current
This is an absolute lie and the parties
who started it are very ignorant or are
doing it for personal benefit
The wiring for alternating and dir
ect current is the same
We aleo have on the market at cost
price the Tantalum and Tungsten lamps
which save you about one third on your
light bill compared with the carbon fila
ment lamp
Remember the wiring does not have to
be changed
McCook Electric Co
A RScottrfManager
Our 875 Ladies Coats
One of them is lined throughout with
good satin and trimmed very nicely with
silk braid 50 inches long Semi fitted
back Another style is lined to the
waist It is a heavier and better cloth
than the first coat and very handsomely
trimmed with fancy silk braid The
third style is an American mills kersey
trimmed of straps of the same material
and the value all in the cloth This
style comes in black brown caster and
navy We ask your inspection of these-
garments as well as our others at from
8800 to 82250 The Thompson D G
Co Actual cash values
McCookites at the Land Drawing
McCook is well represented at the
land drawing in South Dakota this
week at ONeill Among the railroad
people there are A C Wiehe round
house foreman Engineers LS Viersen
M H Hammond and C M Smith
Conductor Wilber Fisk Switchman F
A Munden and Dispatcher R G
Knowles Mr Wiehe left on Sunday
morning and the others on No 2 Tues
day morning
The Bullard Lumber Co
The Bullard Lumber Co is the title
under which the W C Bullard lumber
yards in this section of state will here
after be known Mr Bullard having re
cently incorporated his yards under
that name In no other way is the busi
ness effected They are still at the old
stand No 1 phone 1 and number 1 in
every respect
Note Date of Address Slip
Note the date on your address slip on
The Tribune If you have not paid
your subscription for 1908 kindly call
at office or mail amount due No paper
will be sent to those more than one year
in arrears and such accounts after due
notice and no response will be placed
for collection
The Play Instinct
At the Nebraska Scate Teachers as
sociation meetings Lincoln Nov 4 5
6 one of the topics scheduled is The
Use to be Made of the Play Instinct
G W A Luckey of the University of
Nebraska will present the subject
which will be discussed by Supt C W
Taylor of our public schools
On Saturday October 17 at 3 oclock
I will sell at public auction at the
National hotel in McCook Nebraska
several overcoats together with other
articles C G Bosworth
Ladles Beaver Shawles
We have them at 8190 and 8225
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Here to
Wo havo just ontored tho sec
ond year of tho lifo of this institu
tion and wo expect to bo horo in
tho banking business for years to
come We aro a fixture here and
take this opportunity of
ing to tho people our appreciation
of tho confidonco and good will
manifested Wo ask for a con tin
uanco of the samo and will try by
strictly adhering to common
sense business rules to bo worthy
of the patronage of tho people
We will never say to a man or
woman be they patrons or not
when applying for a loan that it
will be contingent upon tho elec
tion of any presidential candidate
We will mako loans to any
worthy applicant when good and
sufficient security is given regard
less of tho outcome of any presi
dential election and wo dont be
lieve the people of this community
will endorse tho course of any
business man who imposes such
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Moore Family Reunion
An event of a life time was the re
union of the Mcoro family in our city
last week it being the first time in
thirty years the members of tho family
had been together
The reunion was held on Wednesday
at the home of County Judge J C
Moore of our city and included aix
brothers and two sisters Frank Moore
of Indianola Robert M Moore of Chi
cago Will H Moore of Chicago J II
Moore of St Louis O T Moore of
Lincoln Miss Florence Moore of Minne
apolis Minn and Mrs Lou Buttorfield
of China Calif
A Point of Pride
Our yard wide black taffeta silk at
G9c is a point of pride with us Its lus
tre is not a point inferior to the 100
ones Its weave is just as perfect and
uniform as any silk Its weight is sur
prisingly good when its other featurs
are remembered Wo claim to save you
31c a yard on the silk Oh yes it takes
cash to get any of it We solicit your
inspection Tho Thompson D G Co
Actual cash values
Murdered in His Bed
Harry CRisley of ChattanoogaTenn
a brother of Mrs G W Predmore of
our city was billed in his own bed Sun
day October 4th while the rest of the
family were al church The house had
been forcibly entered and the deed
committed while Risley was asleep both
barrels of a shotgun doing the deadly
work No trace as yet has been found
of the assassin
Settled weather
No gnats or flies
Better penetration
Better drying weather
No dampness or moisture
For good results use Lincoln A P
paint A McMillen Druggist
A called meeting of Eureka chapter
No 86 O E S is requested for next
Monday evening to prepare by rehearsal
for the meeting with the grand matron
on the following Friday afternoon All
members are urged to be present
Keep It Out of the Newspapers
Some people are more than anxious
to keep it out of the newspapers
Which reminds us of Abe Hummels
advise Never make Ioe through an
ink bottle
A P Bodwells Duroc Sale
Lebanon Neb Oct 30 2 p m
Pigs of royal breeding conformation
and individuality Good enough to
head a registered herd Write for
A Few Stove Bargains
left in second hand ranges cooks and
heaters Just as good for service a3
new and you can save a good many dol
lars McCook Hardware Co
Gospel Meetings
every night at 210 Main stmtf upstaira
Everybody welcome it
1 j