The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1908, Image 6

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Conducted by the McCook W C T 0
lempcrance Crusade in Ireland
A grant temperance crusade bus boon
undertaken throughout tho south and
woBt of Ireland by the Roman Cntbolic
bishops and ovory Sunday for tho Inst
fow months pastoral mesonges con
demning tho vico of drunkenness have
boon read nt the churches at all the
services Tho latest pronouncement
has boon mado by tho Right Rev Dr
Hoarom bishop of Ardagh who attacks
the practice of drinking nt wakes and at
tho farewell parties given in honor of
doparting emigrants Tho drinking at
wakes ho declares is not only harmful
to tho living but disrespectful to the
dead Drinking at harvest was also
attacked and tho bishop appealed to
tho clergy and the people to do all in
their power to discountenanco these
Tho bishop of Ferns has also issued a
pastoral letter condemning the practice
of supplying drink nt threshings and
appealing to tho people to join the anti
treating league and to wear tho sham
rock badgo as a reminder that they are
soldiers in tho great army that is fight
ing to win Ireland from drunkenness
Cablegram to Bee
Over two hundred persons represent
ing forty counties were present at the
Baptist church when the state conven
tion of the V C T U was formally
In addition to the regular program
Mr Teoters of Falls City prohibition
candidato for governor delivered the
Mayor Miles welcomed the white
ribbonors to the city extending a special
invitation to them to drink freely of
aqua purn which is provided at the
watering places in the business section
Mayor Miles advocated the temperate
use of all things
In hor response Mrs Medora Nickel
of Beatrice declared No man ean
stnnd for the legalized liquor trafiic un
less he has an appetite for or an interest
in tho business
Reports show that Beven new counties
bavo been organized that twenty
two countiesin thestatejiredry twenty
cne counties have but one saloon Forty
counties in the state are organized into
V C T TJ Unions They report 1317
new members
Resolved that we commend the action
of the Nebraska Board of Agriculture in
their efforts to give us a clean stato fair
and we apprpciate the courtesy extended
our State W C T U by giving it a
place on their daily program held in the
new large fair auditorium tho notice of
which was given in the official program
Resolved that whereas we hail with
delight the decision of the Nebraska
State Journal Co to the effect that no
contract for liquor advertisements of
any kind will be renewed that no more
such advertisements will appear in
either the Nebraska State Journal or
the Evening News after the expiration of
existing contracts Therefore be it
Resolved that we the members of the
thirty fourth annual convention of the
Womans Christian Temperance Uuion
do hereby most heartily commend this
action which to the extent of our know
ledge is the first to be taken by any
great secular newspaper in the north
and we pledge our hearty support
Resolved that the array of temperance
clippings from Lincoln Stato Journal
and Evening News which have been
published during six months clipped
and prepared by Mrs Corey of Lincoln
to hang on these walls as part of our
decorations is before you as unmistak
able evidence of an alert woman and
rapidly growing public sentiment along
temperance lines
Miss Christine Hollister of Manches
ter Conn will arrive in the city in
time to take charge of the 3rd grade
west next week She will make the
2oth teacher in the system an increase
of two since the opening of the school
Another room is being finished in the
new high school huilding ana Miss
Green of the 3rd grade west will be in
charge of the same which will be known
as the 1st grade east and will be made
up of pupils from the east and west
ward buildings
The school board at its meeting Mon
day took action looking toward more
stringent quarantine regulation enforce
ment where the occasion warrants the
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 toll
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
Bend 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Four New City Views
and an attractive assortment of greet
ing and other tasteful post cards re
ceived this week at The Tribune office
Something new every week
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Prencbing at 11 a ra and 8 p m C E
at 7 p ni All are welcome
R M AiNdWORTH Pattor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m nnd 730 p
in Sunday school at 10 a m All
aro welcome to those servicer
E R Eakle Rector
Catholic Order of services Maaa
4 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a in
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunda
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M 1
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Evon
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitntion is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p
m Meetings held in tho Morris block
Room open all the time Science litera
ture on sale Subject for next Sunday
Aro Sin Desease and Death Real
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in tho court
room of the McCook court house every
Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans
and Russians cordially invited
Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
G B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon by the pastor at 11 Class at
12 Epworth Leacue at 7 Sermon at
8 preached by Rev O T Moore of
Lincoln Prayer meeting every Wednes
day night at 745 Good music and a
cordial welcome at all these services
M B Carman Pastor
Evangelical LutheranJCongrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Among certain authors of the
present time there is great rivalry as to
who can cover the maximum of paper
with the minimum of thought
Since the editor of Public Libraries
has given expression to tho above criti
cism it seems worth while for us to give
it some consideration
It is true there aro reams of paper
covered on which there appears no
thought and nothing to stimulate
thought The authors of ouch books
must have settled with their commer
cial conscience only and on tho ground
that thoy are producing some of the
best sellers of the season Their
spiritual conscience only must be uneasy
ordormant We are thankful however
that there are some authors of the
present time who are writing not mere
ly to fill space but to give to tho world
the best their minds can produce Such
writings are A Summer Hymnal
The Divine Fire The Sky Pilot
Tom Grogan The Blue Flower
Mrs Wiggs A Singular Life The
Son of Royal Langbrith and others
Novels Yes and love stories most
of them Emerson himself has said
All mankind loves a -lover and the
story of faithful love will always hold
its charm Penelope unravelling her
web at night to prolong her weaving
until the return of Ulysses is one of the
oldest of love stories but it has served
as the type for many another We get
some of our best ethical teaching from
fiction and the influence of much of
our fictitious literature has been for
good and many novels have their
message setting the world to thinking
and often times proving themselves
prophets of the progress which follows
Depth of Cyclones
From the study of clouds an official
of the United States weather bureau
concludes that ordinary cyclones
which traverse our country from west
to east are not more than two or three
miles in depth although their diameter
is many hundreds of miles In other
words their motion does not affect the
upper regions of the atmosphere In
the case of hurricanes this authority
finds that the depth is greater amount
ing to as mueh as five or six miles
But higher currents blow directly
across the cyclonic and anticyclonic
areas which produce storms and fair
weather at the surface of the earth
Chicago Inter Ocean
Easy Money
Theodore Hook was one of the Gar
rlck clubs most famous members He
generally arrived at the club late in
the afternoon and never went home
till morning He had been told by
the doctors he said to avoid the night
air A member of the club in Hooks
time predicted the advent of the mil
lennium at the end of three years
All right cried Hook Give me n
five pound note now and I will repay
you 50 at the millennium
Now Moorish Ruler Who Is a Bono tf
Contention In Europe
rilncc Mulnl Hafid of Morocco caused
a note of discord In the concert of the
powers In his efforts to upset the
throne of his brother Abdul Aziz the
personality of this aspiring young man
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has assumed leading international in
terest It Is not that the world hi gen
eral cares so much whether Morocco is
ruled by one brother or the other It
is bound to be ruled badly in either
case But the powers of Europe agreed
upon certain policies with respect to
Morocco at the Algeciras conference
and Mulai having come along and tak
en the throne aAvay from his brother
the situation is somewhat cuinfud
dled so to speak in consequence
France has eyes on Morocco and Ger
many has eyes on France The kaiser
is jealous of French interference in the
affairs of Morocco and it was this in
part that made it difficult for the pow
ers as represented in the Algeciras
conference to agree on a policy which
would assure their respective commer
cial interests in the empire of the
Moors and keep its principal ports
open for business with the world with
out giving the French too much to say
about ruling the domain The agree
ment which was reached was supposed
to have adjusted the matter satisfac
torily but now that Mulai has defeat
ed his brother in several battles and
practically established himself in pow
er tho peace of Europe is again threat
ened by the question of how when
and where the recognition of the more
powerful of the two contestants for
the throne should be accomplished
Abdul Aziz who of course ought
now to call himself Abdul Aswas hav
ing served about sixteen years as sul
tan Is loath to give up the job which
in spite of its attendaut dangers has
afforded Mm considerable sport Lie
has amused himself a good deal with
bicycles cameras automobiles and oth
er novelties of the age and his brother
Mulai who claims to be more orthodox
in the Mohammedan faith proclaims
all such things Christian deviltries
Mulai has succeeded in replacing his
brother in the affections of the Moors
iu part by representing that Abdul
Aziz has fallen from grace However
even Mulai fell once when he allowed
himself to be photographed a proceed
ing contraiy to the teachings of the
Koran He only permitted a likeness
of himself to be taken on the under
standing that no copy of the picture
should be made public in Morocco
which goes to show that like many
other people he thinks it not so bad to
in if only you are not found out
The Federal Government Is Introduc
ing Tlicm In Kcva Hcspitcd Service
Two new srciuier ambulances were
recently delivered to the United
States navy department for ue in the
service of vi fcoiviitnls One was
for the- n vtI bo pi at Xew Tort
Lyon Cclo itl tho oilier for the hos
pital at LliIiaUoIpha The drtage
of i ir ambrlmiro propelled by
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steam electricity or gasoline is now
being generally recognized It is found
that as a rule better time can be
made with ambulances so propelled
than horses and that less danger
to pedestrians in the streets is in
volved Hospitals of all kinds are be
ginning to make use of the automobile
Try It as an Antidote For tho Ills of
the Strenuous Life
In the choice of motor power allow
me to suggest the cx The horse leans
forward to pull and cvvn helps himself
nlong by bobbing his head He jerks a
load out of a hard place by plunging
bodily against the colhir stopping and
lunging again lie strains through a
hard place and then starts suddenly
forward at his release He works him
self Into a lather and you if you arc
the right kind of persou cannot help
feeling for him and assisting him with
toward stress and strain
The ox does not bob a horn He sim
ply journeys and the load goes along
When he comes to a tough place his
pasterhs do not bend dowu he does not
squat to pull he does not pinch along
ou the toes of his shoes he seldom
blows and he does not know how to
sweat He does not exert himself at a
patch of woven soil and then hurry up
when he is past it The chain becomes
stlffer and the yoke sits solider to his
neck and that Is all There is no sign
of effort The earth may grit its teeth
and crunch as It swallows the plow but
the ox stalks on his way With the
share deep or shallow or lifted entirely
and hanging from the axle whether
he Is plowiug earth or air it makes no
difference to him His most ponderous
task Is still himself and ho heeds no
He is out for a stroll He does not
allow work to interfere with the even
kuui ui un iij ins iuuuuil j iiiu IS
ged to his outstanding rump bones like
so much spar and tackle and he goes
along by interior leverage Inside his
old woman hulk is the necessary en
gine work and he will neither go slow
er for this thing nor faster for that
There is much about him besides his
disposition that is sslf contained He
Is the antithesis of the automobile To
ride on his back is a cure for indiges
tion to iAq behind him As a rest for
the mind A course of ox is an antidote
fior the ills of t4ie times Charles D
Stewart in Atlantic
Get One That Is Smooth Inside the
BovI Says a Smoker
A collegian who prides himself on
the sweetness and color of his brier
wood pipes and pretends to know a lot
more about them than auy ordlnarj
smoker spent half au hour In a tobacco
shop making an addition to his already
large collection
Some pipes he discarded because of
the grain in the wood There was too
much stripe or too much birdseye he
remarked When he found one which
suited him he put it aside until he had
gathered three or four which appar
ently were all right and then came his
final test to pick out the best of them
He held each with the bowl toward
the light then slowly rubbed his little
finger inside Two he discarded then
repeated the operation with the others
until only one remained out of the dis
card That one he boucht
Want em smooth inside he ex
plained A brier pipe roughly fin
ished inside the bowl isnt worth both
ering wuu i wouldnt taue one tor a
gift wouldnt take the trouble to try to
break it in for it will never be any
good It wont cake up right and itll
never be nice and sweet
Ive got a theory that when the in
side of the bowl is rough all the little
edges and pointe of wood char and
burn the first time you smoke it and a
burnt pipe is no good Thats why I
always take a pipe that has a bowl as
smooth on the inside as on the out
Then it doesnt char but cakes up
evenly and gets good in a little time
Maybe the theory is wrong but it has
worked out well in my own experience
and some of my friends who have tried
It agree with me New York Sun
One Industry of the Pesky Ant
Out in Burma and the far east where
sandalwood is worth its weight in sil
ver the pestiferous ant is a valuable
assistant to the loggers of that precious
timber The hard and fragrant heart
wood alone has value but as the tree
grows this valuable heart is overlaid
by a soft and worthless layer forming
two thirds of the trunk When a tree
is felled and cut into lengths the log
gers let the timber lie At once the
ants begin work upon the soft wood
which is sappy and sweet enough to
attract them In a few weeks less
than a month in the case of the largest
butts the ants deliver the heartwood
free of all the worthless sapwood
Aha Mose What are you doing
with those chickens
Is dem yo chickens boss
You got them out of my coop
What kiuda chickens is dey boss
They aro Rhode Island Reds What
are you doing with them
Why boss I done bought some
Rhode Island Reds fm a man yestiddy
an 1 come ovah to git some o yo alls
chickens to see ef mine was Ink yo alls
Ah doesnt lak tu git cheated boss
Houston Post
Tricking the Hens
Chinamen have a way of tricking
hens so that they assist in the hatching
of fish Fish eggs are carefully placed
in an eggshell which is then sealed
and placed under an unsuspecting hen
In a tevr days the spawn is warmed
into life and the contents of the shell
are then cast into a shallow pool where
the sunshine completes the work
Saw t
Theres been a conflagration hero
said Cumso looking at n tall building
How do you know rsked Fangle
I saw the fire escape Kansas City
Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous
for McCook People to Neglect
The great danger of kidney troubles
is that thoy get a firm hold before tho
sufferer recognizes them Health is
gradually undermined Backache
headache nervousness lameness sore
ness lumbago urinary troubles dropny
diabetes and Brights disease follow
in merciless auccession Dont neglect
your kidneys Cure tho kidneys with
the certain and safe remedy Doans
Kidney Pills
Mrs M J Wyatt Minden Nebr
says For eight years I suffered from
acute attacks of backache brought on
by a disorder of my kidneys My con
dition was such at times that I was
hardly able to stoop and to go up and
down stairs was an action attended with
much misery If I exerted myself a
dull aching across my back would be
come so acute that I would bo forced
to lie down and rest The secretions
from my kidneys were also too frequent
in action and annoyed me a great deal
I became tired and languid was restless
nights and arose in tho morning all
worn out A few months ago I began
taking Doans Kidney Pills and found
such prompt and gratifying results that
I continued their use until completely
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at McConnells drug
store and ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo X Y solo
agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Real Estate Filings
Tho following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
Fred Duckworth et ux to Sarah
M Duckworth wd to lots 13
14 15 1G 17 blk 23 Indian -
ola 1200 00
A C Seeley et al to Richard E
Hatcher wd to n hf no qr 32
4 28 22C0 00
Anton Johnson to X H Kron
quest wd to s hf re qr w hf
1350 00
Sylvester J Rouse et ux to Roy
E Walkington wd to lot 1
pt lot 2 blk 3 Esther Park
Bartley 1200 00
Marion Powell et al to William
S Bartholomew deed to lot
5 blk 5 Marion 250 00
Henry C Shouse et ux to Roady
Jones wd to lots 22 23 24
blk2S Indianola 1260 00
Anna Koons wid to Wesley
Childers wd to sw qr 25 1 2G 4000 00
Henry Shouse et ux to Roady
Jones qcd to lot 21 blk 28
Indianola 100
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
Perfectly pure unquestionably whole
some A pure food factor ante dating
all pure food laws Indispensable for
raising finest cake biscuit and pastry
No Alum Mo lime PhosrMcf
Be on guard against alum in your Toed Prof
Johnson of Yale College says he regards the
introduction of alum into baking pevvders as
most dangerous to health
Read the label Buy only where
Cream of Tartar ij named
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across TknC rrr
street in P Walsh building ItOOK
iWiddlcton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
WWfk A WET awss ET I
PPOSL 1114
Al A A 1 - -7
fa o
Old Hickory 2 pIy Rubber Roof
ing per square complete includ
ing Rubber Cement and Broad
Headed Nails 225
American Rubber Roofing 1 ply
per square complete including
Lap cement Tin Caps and
Nails 195
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 15000
a a