f i V i j i s h g Powder lodcrate pi BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds Tribune Is All Printed In McCook You will find local or county news of interest on each of tho oiuht unices of Tuibujjk oflice Thk Tuihunk nil homo print REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE McCook National Bank McCook Nebraska Ciiaiiteu No 8S23 Ovardrafts Mjcureil ami unsecured U b Houris t eecnro circulation Premiums on TJ S Bonds Bonds securities Banking liotibo f nmiuire and fixtures Duo from National Batikb not ruaorvo agents Sue from Suite Bunks and Bunkers Duo from npuroved ropcrvo neurits unecKs ana oilier casJi items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper curroncj nickels and cents Lawful Monet Reserve in Bank viz fk iiu - I Specie 11209 10 Lofjal tondur notes 00 11574 10 Redemption fund with US Treasurer 5 per cent of circulation 1425 00 NOTICE Notice is hereby ghen that on the 28th day of May 1908 the articles of incorporation of the Masonic Temple Craft of McCook Nebraska were amended in the following TARS RELIGION William Taft is Catholic Is it IT AN ISSUE POLITICIANS PRESENTING RELIG IOUS ISSUE DENOUNCED BY EMINENT EDITOR Philadelphia North American Scores Politicians Who Would Deny the Constitutional Right of Lib erty of Conscience The un American and indefensible attempt of democratic politicians to make a partisan political issue out of the religious beliefs and church at tachments of William H Taft has re ceived the following deserved and this paper every week It is nil printed I fittmS condemnation from the editor at homo No patent print Read all of the Philadelphia North American Typowriter ribbon for sale at The I one of the best and most intelligently edited newspapers of the United States The North American says We have received numbers of let ters inquiring about the religious be liefs of Taft The two which we print below we have selected as fair samples because they raise the two questions which constitute the basis of all similar communications la the State of Nobraska at tho clote of m iya To the Edltor of tlle North American iiusfc September 23 in I TSESOURCES Loans ami Discounts 122970 44 It is rumored in this place that a staunch Roman true If so can 28rOoo Americans and especially those born 1JGti J7 8271 u on American soil support him fop 3 018 4S president as he would be subject to MrPil a foreign potentate 1010 ui i ami as tl oo 155 00 S2C9 JOHN B MYERS Hanover Pa June 10 To the Editor of the North American I have heard a report today in Pittsburg to the effect that the Hon Total S21G0G0 91 William H Taft is a Unitarian and liabilities does not helieve in the divinity of our Capital stock paid in oo Jesus Christ I do not wish to Surplusfuud 2000 00 Icise or Question the wisdom In Undivided profits less excuses and i se- HjniianoiutaidV ngnm lecting our candidate for presidency Due to State Hanks aud Bankers 5018 02 but desire to call it to your Demand cortificatos of deposit 1060 u Uon ana trust you will make proper 5t Instigation and let the facts be Cashiers checks outstanding SQ 0J known promptly Total 216060 91 jf he js an unbeliever we cannot State of Nebraska County of Red willow J ss nope to elect him at a general IC J OBrien cashier of the nbove named tinn tn tb npooMonnn f rv UOn l0 tne Of o Christian bank do solemnly swear that the above state 1 Presidency a mentis true to tho best of niy knowledge and country and I trust you will see the belief C J OBeien Cashier Correct Attest advisability of a proper investigation P Walsh Director C P Lehn Director and se your powerful influence toj Subscribed nd Csworn to biforeme this 2Sth PlCe a mm with Pr0ner standinS a day of September 1903 Peter Foxen the head of our ticket We cannot seal J Notary Public I My commission expires May 11 1912 count on tne support of a Christian people for an unbeliever D B Jeannette Pa June 15 EVANS Article iour thereof amended to read was as rjn AXnxn t u r follows The general nature of the business dlsP0Se Of questions which to be transacted and tho object of this sTirmlrl nnt 1 vo acL nj n -ii o tion shall be to purchase real estate in McCook I vu o om Nebraska upon which to erect a building to be possible let us say that Mr Taft known as a Masonic temple and to furnish in j t said building a room or rooms to be used for JS not a Roman Catholic He is a Masonic purposes and rooms for oflices store member of the Unitarian and other purposes and to furnish said ofiice ummuau church and store rooms and to construct and erect in That was the church of his parents said building an opera house and to lease and I recehe the rent of said building and any and and ne nas never separated himself nil parts of it and to operate and maintain s tt a said opera house and to recehe the profits lrom Hls wlfe however is an therefrom This corporation shall have the Episcopalian and he worships more power to contract for and complete said build 1 r amo mun ing to raise and borrow money for said often beside her in her church poses by pledge of its corporation property or otherwise These are the facts which are Article Five thereof amended increasing was torlw and qhcninfai the capital stock to fortj fivo thousand dollars absolutely unimportant Article Eight thereof was amended to read as The matter of a mans religion has follows The board of directors of this poration shall declare dividends during tho HO rightful place in consideration of months of January and July of each year pro- v ji x vided the surplus profits remaining after the mS fitness for the presidency The payment of all current liabilities of this constitution of the nation ordained aiuuu ui uomcu poration are suflicient to pay tho dividends of at least two and one half percent and if at said and established to secure the bless times said profits are insufficient to pay such I dividends dividends shall be declared by the ings Of liberty to ourselves and our directors as soon as suflicient profits accumu 1 iif raci i t Q late to pay such dividends no dividends shall Posterity expressly places the very be declared winch will impair the capital of suggestion of such thought outside is company seal Masonic Temple Craft of McCook Nebraska By C L Fahnestock President Attest Lon Cone Secretary thp rnnrfc house in the City of McCook in said County at which time ou may show cause if any there be why said account and petition should not be allowed It is further ordered that notice of such hearing bo given by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune for three succes sive weeKS prior 10 me aaie oi suiu iieanuB the pale of patriotism No words can be clearer than these from nnr pmintrve fnn1iTnoTitoi low j v nx xr XT rt roHtrinilc toef Ckvar cTioll Trk ORDER OF FINAL HEARING lQ uc lc In the County Court of Red Willow County quired as a qualification to any of- AfBructaDeccedMntter rtheEstate ofla fice or public trust under the Tjnited To all persons interested in said Estate You States are hereby notified that ou the 30th day of Sep- i tembcr 1908 John F Helm administrator of Tne numerous queries about Mr the estate of Ella A Buck deceased filed his rpjo i i ie i final account and petition for distribution of j Taft s religious belief show Simply said estate and petition for discharge of such the extent to which his enemies have v iinto a administrator and such account w ill be heard j on the 17th day oi uctooer haw at tne nour oi gone to rouse some prejudice against Nine oclock A M at the county court room in iiiiu oiucb uitiie was no spot upon his whole clean record of private conduct and public service to which they could point to Tafts detriment they displayed their willingness to In witness whereof I have hereunto set my I descend to anv aeln Ot petty COW Imnd and affixed mv official seal this 30th day I of September 190s ardly contemptible attack that might sjEAlI J C Mooee County Judge Boyle ldred Attorneys do him harm Now it was not because Mr Taft NOTICE TO CREDITORS S born oi a Unitarian family that In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of An- It was thought possible to dissem drew R Hammell deceased I Notice is hcrebv Given that 1 will sit at the Inate a false sentiment His enemies county court room in AIcUook m said county on the 27th day of March 1S09 at the hour of ten oclock a m to examine adjust and allow all claims against said estate The time limited for the presentation of claims against said es tate is March 23 1909 and any claim not pre sented by that time shall be forever barred The time limited for tho payment of debts is one year from September 19 190S Dated September 23 190S seal J C Moore County Judge Cordeal McCarl Attorneys In the county court of Red Willow county state of Nebraska In the matter of tho estate of David K Bertolette deceased State of Ne braska Red Willow county ss To all persons interested in the estate of Da vid K Bertolette deceased You are hereby notified that on tho 24th day of September 1908 Myra C Cratty adminis tratrix of the estate of David K Bertolette de deased filed in said county her final acconnt as said administratrix and petition praying for a decree of distribution of the residue of said es tate now in her possession to the persons en titled to receive the same and that said final account and petition may bo heard by the coun ty judge at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county on the 10th day of Octo ber 190S You are hereby cited to appear at the time and placo above designated and show cause if any such exists why said account should not be allowed and tho prayer of said petition granted Itis ordered that a copy of this notice be published in the McCook Trib une a newspaper printed and published in said county once each week for three snecess iva weeks prior to the date set for said hearing Dated this 24th day of September 1908 J C Moobe County Judge saw their chance in the fact that Taft when governor general of the Philippines adjusted for all time a diplomatic question of such extreme delicacy that handled by any other American representative it would likely have rankled for half a cen tury a source of danger and dis pute The disposition of the friars lands Involved besides important finances religion in Europe and this country and revolution in the Islands The place to do business is at headquar ters Taft went to tne Vatican And in two days talk he settled the con troversy upon lines so fair so broad But Taft went to the Vatican That was his first offense I The second offense was having hia picture taken beside the -pope Thai picture has been reprinted and dlsj the letters we have received show- that this had some effect even in ai Those two incidents constitute the foundation for all the censorious gossip that has been set going con cerning Mr Tafts religion The first won for American statesi manship and American fair dealjingi the approval of the world Nor can we see a semblance ofj excuse even for covert attacks by unscrupulous enemies in the recog nition of an American representative by Rome or in dignified deference shown by that representative to tho head of the oldest Christian church the revered chief of 230000000 Chris tians throughout the world including 11000000 loyal Americans The attempt to hurt Taft by essayf ing to identify him with the Roman Catholic church we place on the same plane as the attempt to censure him because he has refused to turn from the church in which his mother knelt Both are kindred appeals tq the bigotry which we hold in utter detestation We had thought as we have hoped that the day of religious prejudice in national yolitics was done in this country What better proof could we have asked of the disappearance of that vicious error than the re ligious complexion of Roosevelts cabinet No sane man believes that the president chose any adviser save for his fitness certainly not because ol his religion So we have seen the Dutch Reformed churchman surround ing himself with Root the Presbyter ian Taft the Unitarian Straus the Jew and Bonaparte the Roman Catholic And not because of their varying faiths but because not one word was spoken of the religion of any as a qualification or a disqualification we thought we had reason to believe that the prejudices which never should have existed were dead at last The North American yields to no one in Its Americanism And in the spirit of the normal but intense American we say that if Mr Taft were a Roman Catholic or a Hebrew or the adherent of any other faith our support of his candidacy would be no less ardent because he chose to worship God according to the dic tates of his conscience What the man murmurs with bowed head on Sunday matters much to his soul But what concerns us In the filling of an office with which re ligion has no affair is that not on one day but every day with his eyes facing all men the every act of this man has proved him the God fearing patriot who has done Christs own work in earning the title of the secretary of peace That religicus prejudice has sur vived so long under this government whose basic principle is civil and re ligious liberty has puzzled the deep est students True much of this is the inherit ance of the ages In parf it all dates back to the barbarous martyrdoms of Catholics and Protestants in turn as each in turn gained dominance We can trace it through the prompt shifting of the Puritans from cuted to persecutors Knownothing ism the fruit of a long growth left a bad bitterness not yet wholly ob- literated But while much of the prejudice may thus be accounted for in our judg ment the feeling is kept alive and nurtured less by the persecutors than by the persecuted themselves There is no ethical difference between sup porting a bad man for high civic place because he professes a certain religion and opposing him or any other man because of his religious faith Any man who is not a good and upright citizen is not a good and up right follower of any religion What ever altar the betrayer of public itrust kneels before he is a Judas And he is far less worthy the sup port of members of the faith to which he is a traitor than of the votes of those indifferent or opposed to the creed he speaks but in acts denies Church members lose claim to good citizenship and honest religion when they approve the man who gives color to the charges of the enemies of their faith and promote instead of rebuking the dissembler who dis graces their urch Nor is that uie worst By their ac tion they foment and foster this same religious prejudice which has eo impartial as to win for America i bloodied the pages of history They The Lincoln and Dowlas Debates j i supposedly sane and civilized Commemorating the Anniversary of an tion i Event Which Stirred the Country Fifty Years Ago sJ EXT year will be notable for the celebrations in honor of the centennial of Abraham Lin colns birth In the uieanthno this autumn brings the semicentennial anniversary of the famous Lincoln Douglas debates which had so much to do with crystallizing sentiment in the north ou the slavery issue and defining the questions which were to be settled a few years biter through a resort to arms These debates between Lincoln and his opponent as a candidate for the United States senate from Illinois Stephen A Douglas began at Ottawa 111 on Aug 21 lSoS and continuod at intervals of a few days in the towns of Freeport Jonesboro Charleston Gales burg and Quiney and ending with the debate at Alton on Oct lo The occasion for the debates the struggle for the senatorsbip was felt even at the time to be an important one though just bow fraught with im port It was could not be realized until the flight of years enabled the histo rian to show how many and great events hung on the issue of the contest and its sequel Ior Lincoln did not win the senatorsbip Had he done so possi bly be might never have been presl dent Douglas was then a candidate for senator to succeed himself He regard ed the election as a stepping stone to the Democratic presidential nomina tion in 1SG0 But in order to win the senatorial election in Illinois where anti slavery sentiment was strong be bad to make some concessions to this sentiment In doing so be offended the south and lost its support in the con test for the presidency two years later At the time of the debates Lincoln was little known outside of Illinois and Dougkis had a national reputation s a C - J ferilifMlai UUp mm m mi IiINCOriN AT THK TIME OF HIS DEBATES WITH DOUGLAS AND THE 1TV HAIiti AT AIiION AVHCBE THK CONTEST ENDED brilliant orator and a great statesman He was not in harmony with Buchan an and was opposed by the agents of the administration at Washington Many Republicans advocated the elec tion of Douglas on the ground that in view of the differences in the Demo cratic ranks be and bis faction of the Democratic party might be won over to the Republican side on the ques tions becoming of greater and greater moment Illinois had always been car ried by the Democrats in a national amass up l this time and everybody epected Douglas to win in the sena torial campaign He did win but by a very small margin and the result as arterward appeared meant bis speedy elimination from politics Lincoln who was then forty nine became a na tional figure at once and the strength he showed marked him out as the fu ture leader of the party which was to carry to a successful issue the princi ples he upheld in this famous contro versy The debates occasioned great outpourings of the people as many as 1C00 sometimes assembling in the open air to hear the battle of words between the orators The accompanying portrait of Lin coln shows him as he appeared about the time of the debates and Is from an ambrotype taken in Springfield shortly afterward The OAvner W P Brown of Philadelphia gave this account of it This picture along Avith another of the same kind was presented by Pres ident Lincoln to my father J Henry Brown deceased miniature artist aft er he had finished painting Lincolns picture on ivory at Springfield III The commission was given my father by Judge Read John M Read of the supreme conrt of Pennsylvania imme diately after Lincolns nomination for the presidency One of the ambrotypes I sold to the Historical Society of Bos ton and it is now in their possession The miniature referred to is now own- the honor and admiration of the do mora than aught else could toir ri Ti t hierarchy of the Catholic church yet justify the persecutors and the engraved by Samuel Sartain and wide making no concession ihat ever yet persecutions they cry out against ly circulated before the inauguration has offered a loophole for censure iFor their own solidarity In wrong After Mr Lincoln grew a beard Sar by the bitterest opponent of Roman cause forces a faotional alignment of tam Put a beard on ns and the Catholicism all who think unlike then I engraving continued to sell extensively His Own People The negro blood wherever It Is de clares Ray Stauuard Baker In Ameri can Magazine supplies an element of light hearteduess which will not be wholly crushed In illustration he tells this story of a very light mulatto of Tennessee A number of years ago It came to him suddenly one day that he was white enough to pass anywhere fr white and he acted instantly on the inspiration ne went to Memphis and bought a first class ticket on a Missis sippi river boat to Cincinnati No one suspected that he was colored ne sat at the table with white people and even occupied a stateroom with a white man At first he said be could hardly restralu bis exultatiou but after a time although he associated with the white men he began to be louesome It grew colder and colder he said In the evening he sat on the upper deck and a3 he looked over the railing he could see down below the negro passengers and deck hands talking and laughing After a time when It grew darker they began to sing the Inimita ble negro songs That finished me he said I got up and went downstairs and took my place among them Ive been a negro over since The Elder Robert Fulton Robert Fulton was born at Little Britain Lancaster county Pa Nov 14 17G3 His biographers have called him a self made man and have made but brief reference to bis par entage It is noteworthy that his fa ther the senior Robert Fulton in a failure to leave financial patrimony to his children lias not been accorded the mention of other achievements not slight in those primitive days His an cestors crossed from Scotland to Ire land prior to the time of Cromwell From Kilkenny Ireland the Fulton family came to America before the year 1735 The senior Robert Fulton was among the prominent men of Lancaster his name having been on record upon all the town organizations which existed at that period He was a founder of the Presbyterian church the secretary of the Union Fire com pany and a charter member of the Juliana library of Lancaster the third library established in the American colonies GtaJrury The Fourmilion In the Sahara said an explorer there Is a little insect that throws sand and its volleys slay They call it the fourmilion The fourmilion digs Itself a funnel shaped hole of the cir cumference of a silver dollar It lies hidden and watchful in the bottom of this bole and when a spider or ant or beetle comes cautiously prospecting down the steep and slippery sides the inhospitable fourmilion launches upon its guest volley after volley of sand a hail of stinging sand so abundant so suffocating so blinding that the visitor loses his head He rolls unconscious for the nonce to the bottoii of the hole and the fourmilion calmly dis members him before he has time to come to himself again and puts him in the larder for the next meal Blooms but to Die The taliput palm Corypha umbracu lifera of Ceylon whose leaves are put to such numerous uses by the Cinga lese bears fruit but once during its life This elegant tree measures about ten feet round the trunk and attains a height of about ISO feet The flowers the appearance of which presages death to the tree are inclosed in a tall spathe which bursts with a loud re port disclosing a huge plume of beau tiful blossom The inflorescence is suc ceeded by equally conspicuous bunches of fruit When these have ripened the tree withers rapidly and in tho course of a fortnight may be seen prostrate and decaying on the spot it adorned He Might Have Married Fitz Greene Halleck never married yet as Mr Howe reminds us in his American Bookman he could not have been without attractions for a certain superior lady is reported to have de clared If I were on my way to church to be married yes even if I were walk ing up the aisle and Hailed were to offer himself Id leave the man I had promised to marry and take him To this perhaps should be joined his epigram written for a younsr lady who had asked for his autograph There wanted but this drop to fill The wifeless poets cup of fame Hurrah There lives a lady still Willing to take his name Playing to the Cook Mr Subberton yelling to kitchen Sawdust and milk crust Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck em On the cantaloupe Draw one Make it three all round Mr Townley Great how pardon me old chap but whats it all about Mr Subberton Sh Weve got a former restaurant cook a peach and we have to order that way to keep her on the job Puck Pleasant For the Bride At the close of a wedding breakfast a gentleman noted for bis blunders rose to his feet causing keen anxiety to all who knew him Ladies and gentlemen he cried genially I drink to the health of the bridegroom May be see many days like this Poor Board I see said Mrs Starvem that a certain scientist claims well soon get a palatable food from wood Well growled the cranky boarder it seems impossible to get it out of board Philadelbpia Press It Is a brief period of life that Is granted us by nature but the memory of a well spent life never dies Cicero iwmiwi OH R J GUNN 1 DENTIST PlICNH UK Office Roomi 3 nnd ft WhMi Jit AlcCook GATEWOODVAHUb DENTISTS Office over McAdarns Store Phone 1 90 Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postokficb Btiiia McCOOK NEBRASKA A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells dm store McCook Nebraska YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rp fl Qfe P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska A Edgar Hawkins Phono Red 103 H H Ev2a Phone Red 2U HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builders Plans drawn and estimates furn ished on application McCook Nebraska AUTOMOBILE LIVERY DALLAS DIVINE Prop PHONE 166 McCOOK NE3R Night or day trips made anywhere Prices Reasonable Good Service Guaranteed E F QSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGroJFs Phone 13 svssrsarsarves F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brase Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA t 0- tn bV v rn i rr tvx xtcp rr rCf rPECAL Or FER j5 ntfl V- H A 11 IfZ C fcl -- a - - tn wil on r rrrr J ft - tia t irt crar VU iiy rli - J iSj - Souvenir J 4 i aft i U J9 hy -Fear f - 3 fai viakr ilj i k I 1 rents i SarpC - i V La Vf 3i I bI t V VL - - Irn Umi tn 1 li - m l - i M aNCI ic i a Px ZtV u ibcui tb imiimM1 i OJ s Ilr wer fci si Q Itf uv t o wo iiri Tuitp 1 T r fl rl 4 f v 1 I T u k jiAr 5 t 8 7 i aB 1- TT iK alii ia r - ft r i C Wit H -- ---- - - tO t Btrcnrrc s T KOCZFCED HI ifji - TJ srrfci Farmers bring your waiC to the MILL IJe will pay yoc s premium above the market for all goal milling wheat All Goods at Lowest Possible Market Prices Whole Wheat Rye and Graham Flour Special prices on lots of ten sacks or more SOIOLIA A fine breakfast food excelled in 2 lb packers All kinds of Mill Feed Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts eas Orders Promptly Delivered McCook Milling Company E H DOAN Proprietor Phone 29 McCOOK iJ I V 3 II f i i