a w z National Bank Protection means a great deal to you as a depositor In point of work ing capital capital surplus and undivided proiits of 880 00000 The First National Bank of McCook ranks first among the banks of western Nebraska Our books are examined by National Bank examiners un der tho supervision of the Comptroller of tho Currency at least twice a year There is no better security than that For Your Savings Thrift is a simple thing but it means a great deal It is the foundation of financial success and contontment Save money and put it away safely for a rainy day Do posit in The First National Bank of McCook Nebraska 42 xm Wri By F M KIMMELL II Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET For President WILLIAM H TAFT of Ohio For Vice President JAMES S SHERMAN of New York tHv agwtj v3K 53Cw 5SSrSfce2sB For Governor GEORGE L SHELDON The Lincoln StarJ of September 19th haB an editorial on Speaker Cannon in which warning is given to members of congrcBB who are opposing him for Tho Star says re election as speaker auoh members will be left out in tho cold bo far as committee appointments nrn mncerned if Uncle 1oo wins out This is undoubtedly true but what kind of a coward would a congressman bo who would sacrifice principle for a piece of pie in nhape of a committee ap pointment It takes a brave man a in Wash man of nerve to stand up ington and buck tho speakers machine It is an easy thing perhaps to do at home but vastly different to Board the lion in his den ouuu from this district Norris the congressman trict has bad tho courage of his con victions and in tho last session of con gress came out in tho open against the speakers arbitrary suppression of legis lation proposed by President Roosevelt Ho introduced a resolution curtailing the powers of the speaker and at once becamo an object of disrepute in tne eye of tho machine and the opponents of Roosevelts policies The question is now ud to the people Will you stand by the man who has put principle above pie and who even in Washington has been brave enough to rik his own political future to be on the side of right Every voter regardless of his nolitical belief who is opposed to ma chine polities who believes in purifying our political methods who stands for tho square deal and the Roosevelt pol ices should vote for tho reelection of Judge Norris to congress Stockville Republican County Central Committee The following are the Republican county central committeemen and their post office addresses Alliance Sam Preroer Bartley Beaver Geo B Morgan Danbury Bondville HN Colling Indianola Box Elder W B Sexson Box Elder Coleman John N Smith McCook Danbury Driftwood East Valley Fritsch Gerver Grant Indianola Lebanon T F Gockley Danbury J H Wade McCook TJ GEtherton Bartley C M Goben Indianola C M Lofton Cedar Bluffs A M Benjamin McCook E S Hill Indianola J B Cummings Lebanon MUcnnri Ridco John Deveny Indianola North Valley Wm Wight Bartley perry Chas H Jacobs McCook Bed Willow F C Smith Indianola Tyrone L A Sheldon Lebanon Valley Grange A D Johnston McCook Willow Grove O all at McCook 1st prec 1st ward J F Cordcal 2nd prec 1st ward W C Allison 1st prec 2nd ward H W Conover 2nd prec 2nd ward Scott Odell Geo S Scott Chairman John F Cordeal Secretary After all those famous Cleveland letters are spurious Indiana has passed the local option bill by a vote of 55 to 45 And Senator Foraker is ready to say good bye The fire alarm wont be missed Our Unitarian friends aro getting their moneys worth out of this campaign- - Cambridge is one of tbe never aiea October loth she will receive an electric light service If Mc Cook were not our home we would be pleased to receive our mail at Cambridge The Tribune has no objection to the national bankers of Nebraska convening and resolving but it does here and now file a remonstrance against their masquerading under the name of the Republican state convention and at tempting to sneeringly and insultingly read into Democracy those who simply demand their rights a record Republican Faber CongkkssmanN orris is to bo com mended for his stand against Cannonism In a statement given out last Saturday Mr Norris says he is opposed to the re election of Cannon as speaker of the npxt house eiving as reasons because ho uses the power of his high position of legislation to prevent the consideration tion asked for by the people and desired of the membership of by a large body the House of Representatives It was Congressman Norris who introduced a resolution in the last session of congress to have the rules of the bouse araeuded so the progressive members could get some consideration in that body Cam bridge Clarion I am going to be elected is the con fident way William H Taft Republican nominee for president expresses him self after his tremendously enthusiastic reception in Lincoln and Omaha this week There is evidence galore that this is not a cheap country This is not conclusive however that we couldnt prosper satisfactorily with some items reduced in cost COMMITTEE HELD A SESSION Fifth District Republicans Are in Good Working Trim Holdrege Neb Sept 29 The first meeting of the republican central com mittee of the Fifth congressional district was held here today and a dozen or more of the eighteen counties were represented not only by committeemen but a number of the working republicans from the various counties were in attendance Congressman Norris was also here and a more enthusiastic and earnest meeting was never held in the district Plans for an active campaign during the month of October were outlined Mr Norris will spend the time until October 10 in Kansas and other portions of Nebraska after which he will devote his entire time day and night to his own district The sentiment prevailing at the meeting that his vote will be the largest he ever received Lincoln Journal Silas McBee for Taft Regardless of past affiliations stu dents of affairs delvers and thinkers for Judge Taft A are fast lining up recent example is that of Silas McBee editor of the Churchman of New York In an interview he says I am a North CaroliDan by birth and a lifelong Democrat I shall vote for Mr Taft because he has it in hi3 heart to bring my people of the South back into absolute union with the national life and to their historic place as a con trolling force in the nation and to do 1 rii tvmilH immortalize him as a statesman I shall vote for him because he more nearly represents my ideals of govern ment of social order and economic policy than any living Democrat or any man before the people to day save alone Theodore Roosevelt who is the only Re publican President I have ever voted for Mr Taft has administered every trust committed to him by the nation with an eye single to the nations good and for the highest interests of the people that compose the nation Rob Roy Hardin Saturday night September 28th Rob Roy Hardin gave a very interesting reci tal to a small but an appreciative audi ence at the Christian church Mr H will be remembered by some of our peo ple as having attended the Junior Nor mal school here a year ago and being quite active then in Christian Endeavor circles Mr Hardins selections were all of a high grade and he held the at tention of his audience during IiIb rather lengthy program He is preparing 10 pursue this line of work further and we predict continued and increasing success for him Communicated Educatln the Filipioo Woman Some Results of American Occupation The Task of Inducing Women to Learn Useful Accomplishments By ELEANOR FRANKLIN EGAN T HE visit of the American fleet to the Philippines agaiu directs at tention to these possessions of the United States It seems Impossible to believe that In ten years such a work could be accom plished as has been done by the Amer ican educators In the Philippine Islands for the Filipino woman The Filipino woman needs no apologist She is nat urally strong mentally Is pretty to look upon more often than not and she has a feminine weakness for pretty clothes trinkets aud innocent display But with all this tho so called civilized Filipino woman up to the time of American occupation in the Philippines was densely ignorant When the American educational de partment in the Philippines first began its work girls were in all the class es In the schools whatever the subject taught They were to be found after four or five years of preliminary edu cation working out the intricacies of advanced mathematics poring over dif ficult problems in physics peering through microscopes at mysterious 1k tanical specimens glibly expounding ethical culture theories and making themselves generally ridiculous in th eyes of everybody who knew that they had not yer learned the rudiments of civilized life for they had to be taught the dignity of labor For a girl to become superficially learned in th sciences and arts which could be of no earthly practical use to her was con sidered an honorable achievement But for this same girl to be called upon to perform some menial task the doing of which would oetter her own material condition and that of the people about her would have been to Insult her aft r Ir kL - x 56 t - aSwiSflySw flaWr V - XW 2tfiJi US 2E2faM 3ai the queen of the orient in inn FIMPINO CAItNIVAI Or 1303 AND SCENE AT A CLASS IX DOilESTIC SCIENCE most abominably for menial labor was considered disgraceful by the Filipino prior to the American regime Through literacy they have got rid of much superstition and have arrived at a proper estimate of themselves Now the bureau of education is putting these girls and women seriousiy to There have been installed classes in domestic economy and girls are being taught how to cook how to sew how to feed themselves and their children to the best advantage on what their resources allow They are being taught how to make their tropical homes homelike and sanitary They are being taught first last and all the time personal hygiene aud all such useful accomplishments as will make them propagators of a healthy race As in most nations the best material to work upon among the Filipinos ex ists in the ranks of the upper classes and it was almost impossible in the be ginning to get either a well bom wo man or man to make any personal ef fort Did the teacher ask Miss Carmen Rojos to bring a dish from the school cupboard in which to mix the omelet that was to be the object lesson in tut cpoking class Miss Carmen would turn to somebody of less exalted rank than herself or perhaps to her personal serv ant who would be always at her call commanding her to do the teachers bidding Then the teacher if she were diplomatic would carefully ex plain to Miss Carmen her duties and the dignitv which lay in the perform ing of them without protest If slip were not diplomatic she would say Carmen I asked you to bring the dish you are to do it at once and Carmen would very likely break it in her fine aristocratic rage or else swing on her little naked heel and leave the class room But the classes in do mestic science are rapidly becoming popular among that class of girls which It is most necessary to reach and it is safe to say that In the next generation there will be a vast decrease in infant mortality due to this education alone as well as the development of finer stronger and better balanced Filipinos Could there bo a stronger objective for education than this CORKS HAVE DISEASES Caused by a Small Worm Which Spoils tho Flavor of tho Best Wines To the average person a cork Is a cork said a well kuown restaurant man the other day But smell this cordial Would you believe Itr And he hold up a bottle supposed to have the bouquet of cherries all the way from the blossom to the pit The odor was musty and altogether unpleasaut lu fact it was decidedly bad He con tinued Xow tho man paying 20 cents for his tiny glass of cordial after dinner Is entitled to have it free from Imper fections If he bought a bottle of whin with that flavor he would say the wine was bad for ninety men out of a hundred know nothing about bad corks He would want another bottle of wine or his money refunded and he would be right The defect is in a tiny worm in the cork that is often invisible to the man cutting corks and sometimes cannot be seen after tho cork is drawn A tomer will taste me wiub im D Bid wine You explain about the cork and he will say Impossible That was a beautiful cork beautiful And yet we know that the contents of the bottle never could have that flavor uuder other conditions I tell you there are millions of dollars who can invent lars waiting for the man vent a perfect cork that will stand the test of vears for flavor and preserving qualities If it could be proved that his invention was perfect lie would make millions in a month New York Herald MRS ANDREW JOHNSON The Life In Washington Was Not a Happy Time For Her Mrs Johnson was so much of an in valid that outside of intimate family fiiends very few knew her She ap peared only twice In public during her husbands administration Still her Influence and it was fluence was a strong one ex rted in tho direction of toleration and gentleness A slight movement of her hands a touch on her husbands arm a Now Andrew made it easj to see that the Avonian who had helped him through his struggling youth and given her health to his service who had taught him to write and had read to him through long winter evenings in the little tailor shop that his active mind might be fed Avhile he va prac ticing his trade still held her place in his life She was a sweet faced wo man who showed traces of beauty through the sharpened lines caused by the old fashioned consumption which was wearing her out Her face was not unlike that of the late Mrs Me- Kinley The deatli or ner uiuil u which sho never was a blow from in Washing fully recovered The life time for her She ton was not a happy told me herself that she was far more content when her husband was an industrious tailor William II dustrious young Crook in Century Nubcr Pasha and the Pipes Cnmi nftor tllO OCCUPatiOll Of bv the British troops ADDITIONAL PERSONALS D E Whistler was up from Indian ola today on business Mr and Mrs W F Evkkist rejoico in n new daughter born on last Fri day Frank IIassler of No 1 spent Sundny of last week with tho homefolks in Exotor Cairo the late Xubar pnsim took a nrodisious fancy to the music of the Black Watch and had the idea of having a servant taught the use of the bagpipes Nubar dispatched a French friend who spoke English very well to interview a piper on the subject Donald replied Weel he micht I mioht no Bit let me tell ye it needs wind an mickle strength tae fill the bags o the pipes an keep blawin Sae if yin o thae Egyptian chaps took the job on hed need tae be bandaged a owre like yin o thae auld mummies or maybe hed burst him sel This conversation was reported to Nubar who took the pipers remarks serlouslv So he gave up the idea of his household having a skirler attached to hold as the use of the bagpipes was attended with the prospect of such darker to the performer Westminster Gazette Depth of Cyclones From the study of clouds an official of the United States weather bureau onnrliiflcs that ordinary cyclones which traverse our country from west to east are not more than two or three miles in depth although their diameter is many hundreds of miles In other words their motion does not affect the upper regions of the atmosphere In the case of hurricanes this authority finds that the depth is greater amount ing to as much as five or six miles But higher currents blow directly ncross the cyclonic and anticyclonic areas which produce storms and fair weather at the surface of the earth Chicago Inter Ocean Easy Money Theodore Hook was one of the Gar- rick clubs most famous members He generally arrived at the club late in the afternoon and never went home till morning He had been told by the doctors he said to avoid the night air A member of the club in Hooks time predicted the advent of the mil lennium at the end of three years All risht cried Hook Give me a five pound note now and I will repay you 30 at the millennium Dangerous Giles Hows your son gettin on up in Lunnon Garge Very well He tells me hes got a job partly behind the counter and partly out o doors Giles And what appens when the door slams London Telegraph Make Cowards of Us All There is uothing from which even the bravest man shrinks so pitifully as the lancet of the surgeon even when It Is wielded by the most skillful of his craft London Sketch Mrs EJ Ashcraft has gone to Conway lown to remain during tho winter Miss Edith Waite returned honioon No 1 Wednesday from visiting Lincoln and Crete Mrs Fred W Bosworth of Denver was guest of her daughter Mrs R J Gunn part of tho week Grandpa Dutcher returned to BurreBS early last week from visiting relatives in Red Willow county Taylor Cameron of our city has been drawn on the federal petit jury for tho session of federnl court which opens in Omaha October 5th A A KANNOwand family who have been occupying tho Lehn residence on North Main avenue departed Wednes day for Indianola whore he is running the Hour mill of that place Jacpr Crockford returned Friday from Goodland Kansas where he went recently to attend tho funeral of his son Bird Crockford who died very suddenly of paralysis Mr Crockford arrived in The Mrs Mary Whittakkr will lonvo noxt week to reside upon her homo stead near Otis Colorado Mies Alice Bradhury of tho electric light oflico visited tho homo people in Imporinl end of Inst week L II Lindemann arrived home last Friday night from a successful land excursion dowu into tho panhandlo country of Texas Mn and Mrs T J Lynch of Frank lin and Mrs G C Dako of Orleans have been guests of Mr and Mrs Thomas Mooro this week They aro old settlors of Franklin county Mr and Mrs W A Pickering of California cousins of Mrs Will Gather cole stopped in our city this week be tween trains on their way to Kansas City They noted a big growth and im provement in tho city during tho putt ton years Mr August a Anton leaves this week for Lincoln were sho will servo the McCook lodge as delegate in tho grand lodge sessions of tho Degreo of Honor After that sho will go to Dos Moines Iowa on a two weeks visit to her daughter J P Notley will leave bunday night for Williamsport Ponna whero he expects to meet and wed n lady of his choico Mrs Sarah Miller an excel lent widowed lady whom ho knew years ao They will be marriod somo time closo of next week and will return hero Goodland two hours late for the funeral soon tofmakeithoir homo in McCook Governor Sheldon Nebraskas manly and pro gressive young executive will speak on the issues of the national campaign in Menards Hall McCook on the evening of Tuesday October 13th The governor represents the Wests best progressive square deal Republicanism You Should Hear Him iniiPuiummMmi iHJ l B Bg hcientitici cola X v IH V Ik A IQUS M 5 Hast B Street j i qsq fc1 - ai iKi e it er I Millinery The new large and medium size fall hats nowest shapes and trimmings charm ing ideas with the dashing air always seen in LOVELL NIES We have a larger assortment than ever in Ladies Misses and Child rens Street and Dress - The machine that sets your tires while vou wait and does the work right ALL WORK GUARANTEED If not satisfied your money will be re funded We also do turning lathe work and general blacksmithing ARK WAD r McCook Nebraska g wwo QszstiS aaai 4s2CSE T9 p iH iifr V fAev ftJVSi V i W Wi Wrvi Jffikrjfijt vr Hats Dont fail to see them LOVELL NIES 111 BstW t