F 1 i 1 1 J s 5 CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodge- No las A F A M moeto evory first nui third Tuomluy of tlio mouth nt 809 p m in Masonic hnll CllAUMM L FAHNESTOCK W M Lon Conk Soc b B M Occouosoo Council No 10 R S M meots on the last Saturday of ouch mouth at 800 p in ti Mnsouic hull Ralph A Hagiieuq T I M SYLVESTER COEDKAL Sec It A M Kins Cyrus Cliaptor No 35 R A M meota evory llrat and third Thursday of each mouth at 800 p in in Masonic hall - JuHTtN A Wilcox II P Clinton D Sawyeii Soc KNIOnTS temflak St John Coiutiinudury No 10 K T meets on tho second Tliurt day of oach inontli at 800 p ru in MuHonic bull Emkbson Hanson E C StlvestkiiCokdeal Hoc eastern stab Enroka Cliaptor No 88 O E S moots the second and fourtli Fridays of ouch month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mrs Sarah E Kay W M V 31 IVIMMKLL bee MODERN WOODMEN Noblo Camp No 083 M W A meets evory second and fourtli Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Ganschows hall Pay ussossmouts at White House Grocery J M Smith Clerk S E Howell V C ROYAL NEianiJORS Noble Cump No 602 It N A meets every second aud fourth Thursday of each mouth at 230 p in iu Gaupchows hall Mrs Mary Walker Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Hoc w o w Meets second and fourtli Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall CnAs FMakkwad C C W C Moyer Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodtfo No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hall C B Gray Rec Wm Wooton M W I M Smith Financier DEGREE OF HONOR McCook LodsoNo 3 D of H meets evory second and forth Fridays of each month at 8 -00 p in in Gauscliows hall Mrs Laura Osbuen C of H Mrs Matie G Welles Roc LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No C23 H of L E meots every second and fourtli Saturday of each month at 230 iu Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets every Saturday at 730 p m in Gaus cliows hall I D Pennington M C H Husted Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvoy Division No 95 O R C meots the socond and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall at 304 Main Avenuo A G King C Con M O McCluee Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meets fimt and third Sundays at 230 p m and eecond and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each month iu Morris hall Neal Beeler M RJ Moore Sec EAILWAY CARMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first aud third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall at 730 p m John Hunt C C N V Fraxklin Rec Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at SaTO p in in Gauschow halL D O Hewitt Pres W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meots every Wednesday at 800 p m iu Masonic hall M Lawritson C C J N Gaarde K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday aoSaX p in in Ganschows hall W H Ackerman N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 500 pm in Diamonds hall Social meotings on the first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month atS00 p m iu Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Feank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the first and and third Tuesdays of each month atS p m in the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADr MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first aud third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Haeriet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p in Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yargee Adjt BELIEF CORrS McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets overy second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 pm in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec L of g a e McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Jessie Waite Pres Mattie Knipple Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each montn at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pros Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice October 2 190S LKTTEKS Adams A L Bones D L Campbell J W Dickens Mr Vivian Gunson Geo W Orleans Mr Chas Woods Guy D CARDS Auld Mrs J S Jeffries Mr Donald Johnson Mr G R Kerr Addie Mallorv Harley W Moore J E Stakely Mr Hayes Thomas Mr Ross Woods Mr Guy D 2 1WOKAGES Konkright Mrs Qora When calling for these please say they were advertised S B McLkan Postmaster A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thh Tribune office THE SCOURING RUSH A Queer Plant That Can Bo Changed Into a Mineral The scouring rush Equlsetuni hle male Is an interesting plant which baa boon put to practical use In old times its hollow lllnty stems were in great repute for kitchen cleaning purposes The steins are hollow and are easily separated at the Joints If oue would satisfy himself as to the peculiar prop erty that first suggested the use of this rush for scouring purposes he has only to draw a Joint across the edge of his teeth to find It like a hie A very pretty chemical experiment is frequently made with the rush If one takes a small vial of nitric acid into which any ordinary lead is Im mersed he will quickly see It dissolve literally eaten up by the acid But what does the scouring rush do under such circumstances Immediately upon its introduction to the acid the sizzling process begins The green pulp of the1 stem Is grad ually consumed the tube however still retaining Its shape becoming paler and paler hi color until after a few hours the specimen Is transformed into a pure white alabaster like column which defies any further attack from the acid On taking it from the vial and wash ing It carefully In running water the operator holds In his hands a beauti ful tube of pure glassy flint or silex an object of great microscopic beauty of construction The scouring rush Is no longer a vegetable but a mineral and in observing its skeleton of stones the secret of Its utility as a scouring brush Is easilj understood New York Tribune DUTCH STREET CARS The Conductor Carries More Docu ments Than a Congressman Countries may be known by their street cars The rush and jar ef our big cities are exemplified In the rapid rude transit of its inhabitants So the character of orderly little Holland may be gathered from observation of her car service Says J U Higinbotlram in Three Weeks in Holland and Bel glum Street car fare in Holland Is 3 cents a trip and for 4 cents you receive a return ticket The conductor carries more documents than a congressman For every fare he opens an aluminium box about 4 by 6 and hands out a re ceipt or a return ticket as the case may be When the passengers pay their tick ets he places the tickets In a leather pouch hung by a strap round his neck It is important that you retain the re ceipt given you for at uncertain in tervals a controlleur gets on the car aud examines all receipts puts his O K on them with a rubber stamp and compares the result with the man ifest or log carried by the conductor It is quite the correct thing to tip the conductor with a Dutch cent or two Each car has a card inside stating how many places there are and on each platform is another saying how many people may stand thereon When the seats and both platforms are full the sign Vol is put up and no more are permitted to get aboard Our car probably had thirty people in it and on the platforms and was turn ing business away at every crossing Color Of the light rays that fall upon an object some are taken up by the object and others are reflected It is to the reflected rays that we are to turn for the explanation of color For instance a sheet of white paper is white be cause all the seven kinds of light are reflected from its surface while the sunflower is yellow because when light falls on it the violet indigo blue and green rays are selected for ab sorption and yellow principally is re flected The reflective rays received by the eye produce the sensation of color This is an explanation of near ly all the colors that exist Poison Hemlock Water hemlock is a deadly plant common in most country neighbor hoods Its roots are eaten often in spring by mistake for some edible root and death frequently results Cattle are often poisoned by drinking water in marshes where it grows The poison hemlock from which the Greeks made poisons is a near relative to the water hemlock It stands from two to seven feet high and has clusters of small white flowers and large parsleylike leaves The stalk being hollow is of ten made into whistles by country boys and many children are poisoned in this fashion Handicapped What profession do you think our boy Joe had batter adopt asked Mrs Brown I dunno answered her husband Joe is rather handicapped by circum stances The only profession hes nat urally adapted to is that of a capital ist and I dont quite see where heV goin to get the money A Tip Look as If you was feelin pretty good today James said the first waiter Yes tiptop replied the other Some streak o luck maybe Yes tiptop tip Kansas City In dependent An Empty Form Little Willie Say pa what does it signify when one woman kisses an other Pa About as much as when one man in business calls another old chap my son Stray Stories It requires little exertion upon our part to bring misfortune upon our selves Menander IflDIANOLA James Kennedy of Geneva visited with the Maisol family north of town a low days last week John Goring and family of Rawlins Wyoming are in this neighborhood visiting friends and relatives A large delegation came down from McCook on the special Wednesday af ternoon to take in the sights at the fair Mrs Hethcote and Mrs Charles Rogeraof Danbury visited Mr and Mrs Loonard Hethcote last Wednesday John Townloy and daughter Alice arrived homo from their trip to England Tuesday They report a pleasant time while gone A son was born to Mr and Mrs Koy Mann Wednesday the 30tb Mr and Mrs W II Smith visited with relatives near Trenton last of the week John Harrison is attending the races at Stockvillo this week PatKeegan went down to iloldrege Monday on business Andy Lord is having a cement walk laid in front of bis hardware store Ollie Colling and William Carmichael havo gone to their claims in Colorada where they expect to remain perman ently Percy Bell of McCook helped George Mick in his barber shop during the rush of last week George Hill who has been a visitor in the parental home left for Cripple Creek Friday afternoon Mrs James Boldman arrived home last week from Republican City where she has been making an extended visit John Harrell and wife left this week for their home in McComb Illinois af ter a visit here with friends and rel atives Mrs W A McCool is entertaining her sister Mrs Hamilton of May wood Arthur Haley came down from Mc Cook last week and visited a few days with his uncles Tom and Tim Haley Messrs Lewis Sargeant J C Puck ett Frank Neel and Mr Mitchell were McCook visitors Monday evening Miss Adelaide Streff was a McCook visitor Monday Orville Woods drove over from Dan bury Tuesday and transacted business in town A large delegation went fromhere to witness the ball game recently enacted between Cambridge and Denver Mrs Lizzie Northrup of McCook was an over Sunday visitor with Mrs Leo nard Hethcote Danburys entire school came over for the fair last Thursday A heavy freeze visited these parts last Saturday morning An equinoctial storm gave us a sud den blow Friday evening Miss Vonnie McDonald came down from Denver a week or so ago and will visit with the home folks for awhile James McCIung and Joseph Hariison have taken their fair cattle to Colorado for exhibit Mrs Hoff of Omaha who has been a guest of hersister Mrs E S Hill left on 13 Friday for a short visit with her brother near Stratton Miss Lucy Brown living near Dan bury was the guest of Mrs Kessler dur ing the week The new store building of L Sargeant is nearing completion and will be a dandy when finished Clark McCIung and Art Crabtree have gone to Denver to be absent awhile Little Opal Horton died Monday night of diphtheria The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of all in their bereavement BARTLEY Mr and Mrs J E Ford are rejoicing over the advent of a fine daughter at their home the first to bless their union Joo Burton returned from Denver Saturday morning where he had been looking for a location in the barber busi nass While there he purchased a shop well located in which he expects to do a fine business He goes to Denver Tues day next to take possession Joe is a good fellow and has a host of friends here who wish him success in his new location Mrs Sarah E Crosby and daughter Rosa were business visitors at Indianola last Saturday Hon J C Gammill was in Bartley Friday last greeting his many friends J E Ford was a Cambridge visitor over Sunday Bartley and near vicinity now have six automobiles Bob Lierley being the last possessor of a new Reo We auto be proud of our enterprising citizens Several wagon loads of show tents and trappings were taken from here to Stockville Fair Monday Frank Ball senior partner of the Bal Brothers firm was up from Holbrook Sunday He is well pleased with their business here The traveling men are highly compli menting the new management of our fine hotel Two parties from the east this week looking for farms Cliff Sips is home on a visit from Wauneta Corn was on the move down hero one night last week Jim Sipo missed a load from his cribs at the elevator He followed the trail a little over a mile west and found the corn at the place whore tho Schimp family reside Ho got an ofllcer and brought the corn back to the elevator Tho question now before the court is how did that corn get from the crib to Scbimps home Mr and Mrs Chas Catlett left for their homo in Lincoln Tuesday evening on No G Mr and Mrs C M Babbitt went down to Atlanta Sunday morning re turning in the evening with the baby who had been at grandmas a few days C 111 Matthews is in Arapahoe this week finishing up some jobs of plaster ing after which he will campaign until election BOX ELDER Mr and Mrs George Shields visited Mr and Mrs Fred Satchell Sunday Mrs J A Modrell visited Mrs J S Modrell Tuesday Mr and Mrs S CKing visited their pon Ben at the Willow last Sunday Mrs C H Mundy has been on the sick list Wm Doyle and son Thurston and Geo Younger returned lattter part of last week from a two weeks outing in tho sand hills W J Miller left last Monday morn ing to attend conference st Gothenburg Miss Rosa Peterson of Spring Creek is staying with Mrs Miller during his absence at conference The Porcelain Secret The porcelain Industry of Germany is comparatively young says tho Berlin Morgen Post and its development was rapid Although it is generally believed that the Chinese kept their processes of manufacture secret Julians transla tions of their voluminous encyclopedia show that this is not true All who could have read the work might have known also the porcelain secret But evidently no German fathomed the me chanical mystery until the apothecarys apprentice Boettgar 200 years ago made the first German porcelain at Dresden Some years before he had attracted attention by proclaiming the discovery of a method of changing base metal into gold King Frederick I gave him orders for the precious metal which the sixteen-year-old in ventor could not execute and in fear he fled to Dresden and became a sub ject of King August the Strong While endeavoring to make gold he discover ed the porcelain secret and inscribed his door thus Into a potter was changed by Almighty God a man who thought he could make gold A Puzzle In Figures Take any number of three different figures as 471 under it place the same figures in reverse order subtract the lesser number and you will find that the middle figure of the result is in variably 9 Why it is so is something that only the most learned mathemat ical scholars can explain Here is our case worked out Taking any number say 471 Reversing figures 174 Subtracting we have 2D7 Further still we can now reverse this number 297 in the same way and add the two numbers and the result will always come 3089 Thus Taking 37 Reversing 792 Adding we have 10S9 Why should the answer always come out the same Ileres something for you to work over A Friend In Need A speaker in the recent Shropshire England election relates the follow ing incident One night he spoke in the poultry market at Whitchurch The next morning a young man stop ped him in the street and said I was looking well after you last night The speaker expressed surprise at the necessity The young man continued his story I saw a young man come into the meeting with his coat pockets bulging out in a way that made me suspicious Two of us followed him in He stood at the back of the room and we stood one on each side of him Gently but firmly we pressed against him There was a faint crackling sound of break ing eggs and the man was out of ac i tion Arms Legs and the Man now many of us we walk with our arms as well as with our legs Sitting on a grassy slope overlooking a seaside promenade I was struck by the mechanical swing of the arms of the stream of passersby the right arm always keeping position with the left leg and the left arm with the right leg By attempting to reverse the order of the swing I found that I had a tendency to progress like a crab while the effort to keep them fixed by j the side was like the shutting off the steam from the engine Arms and the man must be amended to arms legs and the man London Chronicle VVVkfc SVSVS - SbLUiND AfW UAL PRODUCTION - Hastings Frontier Festival OCTOBER 14-15-16 Morning and Evening Program Free Attractions Daily One of the features will be the handsomest matched draft team exhibited for which a beautiful set of harness has been F hung up S Write J R Corey Secretary Hastings Nebraska for pro grams and fuller particulars fltt lr r xw w Nix ImW iM SEPT 2 3rd1 - TO -- OCT 3RD I90S DAY PARADE SEPT 29 5AR BEN LlfESTIVITieSJ UiTIATiA NIGHT PARADE SEPT30 FIREWORKS OCT I CORONATION BALL OCT Zi CHiLDRENS BALL 0CT3 The Kansas City Stars Great Campaign Offer From Date to 30th Nov 1908 100 We will upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR mail The Kansas City Star Morning Evening and Sunday from date received to 30th November 190S ACCEPT THIS REMARKABLE OFFER TODAY The Star reported the Republican and the Democratic Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper If you want facts about all parties accept this offer and read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in expression Send along your dollar today together with your name and address written plainly Address The Kansas City Star - Kansas City Mo Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE office for both the Daily and the Weekly Star jssssai fefeVfeWfeVfeHfefc TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment 01 BLUEBELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothiaf Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by AMaVilLLEN McCook Nebraska NBNXS83SaSs SXV KSffiSHXHSJSEN NOBSJiNp rTvTir U UfNti U1NC UINC That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE when you v ill be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time W C Buliard KSSBSSQNBSBES CSSSSKSS7aSS STSBSKSHSSN GiS33SS0S3S Ma ati Best Advertising MediumTHE McCOOK TRIBUNE Venice Too Wet For Her A woman who recently returned from a trip to Europe says wet weath er hasnt bothered this country at all in comparison with what she saw abroad She says that they ran into a town named Venice where the water covered everj street and you couldnt get anywhere except in boats She added Tou bet we only stayed one day in that slosh Kansas City Star mu 9vfefefe3sQi2 QTty1ZZi3SQSSr j r j rr r a r cement rtone worK We are prepared to fill any and all orders for Cement Stone Blocks and work promptly and guarantee satisfaction Sidewalks Curbstone etc Phone Red 196 The McCook Cement Stone Co m u O -A -- W