The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1908, Image 2

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Democratic Department
While H R 11701 a bill for
the revision of the criminal code
making it a misdeneaner punish
able with fine and imprisonment
for any Member of Congress to
accept a retainer fee from the
public service corporations was
before the House Mr Norris in
troduced the following amend
ment And any Member of
Congress who shall engage in the
practice of law or who shall de
liver a Chautauqua lecture for
pay or who shall engage in
farming or manufacturing or who
shall have any occupation what
ever or who shall patronize any
national bank by depositing any
money therein or who shall
patronize any railroad company
by riding thereon or who shall
buy any material from or sell any
material to any corporation shall
be hanged by the neck until dead
and thereafter be prohibited from
holding any office of profit or
trust under the government of
the United State
Geo W Norriss is indebted to
the Burlington Railroad company
for his nomination and election
as Judge of the District Court
and for three successive nomina
tions and elections to Congress
from the Fifth District Is it any
wonder that he introduced the
above amendment to the measure
that the people have been de
manding for years Mr Norris
wanted to prevent the passage of
this measure and resorted to
ridicule todefeat it and he suc
ceeded in defeating it
Isnt it about time that Mem
bers of Congress were prohibited
from receiving money for services
from corporations whose interests
are effected by national legisla
tion How can we expect to
geblegislation in the interest of
the people when our Members of
Congress are at liberty to hire
themselves out to these corpora
This one act of Geo W Norris
is enough to defeat him at the
polls this fall and will defeat him
If the people are looking after
their own interests they will keep
Mr Norris at home and send
Fred W Ashton down to Wash
ington He has shown by his
work in the State Senate that he
is for the people and against
special interests
No wonder Mr Bryan com
plains that he is running against
two candidates Taft and Roose
velt Yet unless Mr Bryan is
wholly neglectful of his opportun
ity he will not fail to point out
that if Senator Foraker had but
bowed to the presidents will he
would have been left as undis
turbed as Piatt and Depew Kean
of New Jersey Aldrich and
Wetmore of Rhode Island and
Cannon himself all tried and
true representatives of those
great and sinister moneyed
interests which has shown so
the president says such hostility
to the administration and now to
Mr Taft These same moneyed
interests be it noted contributed
freely to Mr Roosevelts election
four years ago at Mr Roosevelts
request through the agency of
E H Harriman
If Mr Bryan is wise he will
dwell too upon the fact that
Mr Forakers attitude toward the
Standard Oil was but that of his
entire party toward the business
interests a few years ago The
great corporations were the
special pets of the republicans
because the latter had created
them through the protective
tariff and because in the hands
of these companies rested the
prosperity of the country Mr
Forakers party has for years
held a brief for all the trusts and
for all manufactures It received
retainer after retainer from trust
and company and individual to
defeat hostile legislation and
create favorable legislation If
by the
Democratic Committee
The democratic platform says
Shall we take the duty off trust
controlled articles with arbitrary
prices fixed upon the customer
without regard to laws of supply
and demand all competition
having thus been throttled
The democratic platform says
Shall a reasonable tax be paid
by banks to create a guarantee
fund to protect depositors thus
preventing runs on banks and
money panics and thereby bring
ing into circulation hoarded
The democratic platform says
The scandalous and dangerous
corruption of the delegates by the
use of enormous campaign funds
points to the decay of a free
government Shall we know be
fore election through publicity
from whence and from whom
came these great contributions
The democratic platform says
Shall we have billion dollar
sessions of congress and a vast
army of officeholders dictating
presidential nominations
The democratic platform con
Republican platfojm necessari
ly silent
Depositors should insist on -security
The depositor knows
that the federal government re
quires security when it deposits
in national banks that the state
the county and the city likewise
demand security when they de
posit in banks he knows that the
fraternal orders demand security
and for what good reason can the
republican party oppose securing
all depositors
If you favor a law giving se
curity to the depositor vote the
One of the arguments in behalf
of the successful effort to increase
the salaries of Senators and Rep
resentatives in Congress from
5000 to 7500 was that such
increase was necessary in order
to permit the members to meet
the increased cost of living How
about those who have no vote
upon the question of increase in
salary and are compelled to pay
the increase in the cost of living
The Bryan and Kern club meets
every Saturday evening at 800
oclock in Diamonds hall on 2nd
Street West
r isp53fTH fSsi T
the head of the steel or a paper
combination wished the tariff
raised by congress he had mere
ly to go to Aldrich or Cannon or
Dalzell or Grosvenor and make
his wishes known precisely as
Mr Archbold favored Senator
Foraker with his views about this
nominee or that dangerous bill
In every case there was prompt
recognition of the rights of the
trust by virtue of value received
What wonder if Mr Foraker
failed to realize that it has be
come unfashionable for the indi
vidual to accept trust retainers
although still perfectly proper for
the party
Shall we tax large incomes in
America as is done in the pro
gressive republics of Switzerland
and France also in Germany and
The democratic platform says
Shall we elect United States
senators by a direct vote thus
making it difficult if possible
for millionaires to control the
nation through the upper house
Democratic National Ticket
For President
For Vice President
JOHN W KERN of Indiana
Democratic State Ticket
For Governor
Ashton C Shallenbergor of Alma
Lieutonant Governor
E O Garrett of Fremont
Secretary of State
Dr A T Gatewood of Arapahoe
State Auditor
William B Price of Lincoln
State Treasurer
Clarence Mackey of Ynsley
Superintendent of Public Instruction
N C Abbott of Tekamah
Attorney General
Harry B Fleharty of South Omaha
Commissioner Public Lands Buildings
E B Eastham of Broken Row
Railroad Commissioner
W II Cowgill of Holdrege
Congressman 5th District
Fred W Ashton of Grand Island
State Senator 29th District
Cecil Matthews of Bartley
State Representative 63th District
J H Hoppe of Bartley
County Attorney
Sidney Dodge of Marion
The Bryan and Kern Volunt
eers meet in the Diamond hall at
eight oclock every Saturday eve
ning Second street west
Conditions and the sentiment
of the people seem unmistakably
to point to Mr Bryans over
whelming success not only in the
State but the nation this fall
Indications are that the land
slide of 1892 will more than be
repeated and republican leaders
are becoming more aware of the
fact and are nearly daft in an
effort to stem the tide It seems
impossible that they can do it
even with the aid of the immense
slush fund which the steel trust
and other large corporations are
throwing into the campaign till of
the republican national com
Republicans who propose vot
ing for Bryan and they are legion
should bear in mind that in the
case of Mr Bryans election the
congress should be of the same
political complexion and these
voters of the Fifth Congressional
District must not overlook the
fact that Mr Bryan must have
Mr Ashton the democratic can
didate for congress elected with
him The present congressional
incumbent Mr Norris would
not support any reform measures
that Mr Bryan would recom
mend He refused to do so
when the recommendations were
made by President Roosevelt and
it is preposterous to assume that
he has changed his attitude or
would change it at the behest of
a democratic president
So it behooves every voter who
believes in the rule of the people
to cast his vote on election day
for Bryan and Ashton
At the meeting of the State
Bankers Association held in
Lincoln last week a resolution
was passed opposing the demo
cratic idea of the guarantee of
bank deposits That is an old
chestnut with the republicans
whenever they want an excuse
for the passage or defeat of a
measure according to the interests
which they the republicans
have served lo these many years
Let us have an expression from
the depositors and see how their
ideas compare with the ideas of
the bankers Let each depositor
in the several different banks of
Red Willow county mail a card
to the editor of this department
of the Tribune and have him
publish the list each week and
see whether the action of the
bankers convention represents
the sentiment of the people
The Chicago Record Herald of
September 28th reports Mr
Sherman the republican candi
date for Vice President as saying
in response to a question as to
what he thought of the opposition
to Speaker Cannon It is ab
solutely inconceivable to me how
any constituency could consider
for one moment the loss of
Speaker Cannons services in the
affairs of our government
What has Mr Norris to say of
Mr Shermans attitude He can
not consistently oppose Cannons
election as Speaker of the House
and favor the election of Mr
Sherman as presiding officer of
the Senate which he will be if
elected Vice President
Waking a Deaf Person
To waken a deaf person who wishes
to be called nt a certain hour is about
the hardest proposition a hotel clerk
runs up against 6ald a member or
that genial fraternity To ring tho
telephone is useless because the man
couldnt hear If you rang until dooms
day Knocking for the same reason Is
equally futile Now and then a guest
who has lost his hearing suggests that
he leave his door open all night so we
can walk right In and shake him but
even though he does appear to be a
dead game sport there are so many
chances of somebody else less guileless
than ourselves walking In ahead of us
that we cannot consent to that So far
the only satisfactory way found for
waking a deaf lodger Is to tie a string
to his wrist pass the string through
the keyhole and then tug away at it
at the appointed time That method
however is rather primitive It seems
to me that the man who can patent a
harmless artistic device for waking the
deaf is sure of fame and fortune not to
mention the gratitude of hotel clerks
New York Sun
The Mullahs of India
A mullah or as it is more properly
written mollah is a title given in In
dia and throughout the east generally
to a religious leader of any description
Thus the sultan of Turkey is a mol
lah because he Is the supreme head of
the moslem world And there are hun
dreds of others To most of the more
conspicuous among them we prefix the
adjective mad This however must
not be taken to mean that they are
Insane the word being used rather in
its oriental significance of inspired
The person of the mollah Is sacred
Not even the mighty Ilabibullah him
self would care to lay a sacrilegious
finger on one of these saintly person
ages If he were to venture such an
unheard of thing vengeance would
surely overtake him For it Is the
cardinal principle of the Ulima as
the mollahs are collectively termed
that an injury purposely caused to one
of their number can only be atoned
for by the death of the individual in
flicting it
Greatest Danger to Swimmers
It isnt cramp said a life guard
that carries off so many good swim
mers After all what is a leg or arm
cramp Couldnt a good swimmer
easily turn on his back and float till
the attack departed No cramp wont
account for the strange seizures that
in a twinkling turn a very fish of a
swimmer into a helpless speechless
drowning paralytic What accounts
for this business is water inhaling A
swimmer inhales spray through the
nostrils it passes through the pharynx
behind the epiglottis or windpipe guard I
and so down into the windpipe The
result is nearly certain death Swal
lowing water does you no harm but
breathing it may kill you How to
avoid accidentally breathing it though
that is a question nobody seems able
to answer Philadelphia Bulletin
Ice and Mice
For horses suffering from inflamma
tion of the lungs an old prescription
was a mixture of shot and powder in
milk This has even been applied to
human beings In Tdlehurst mention
is made of sparrow shot five or six to
the dose to be taken twice a day as a
remedy for brown kiters which is
believed by the Engboh farm laborers
to be caused by the lights their
term for lungs rising up the windpipe
The shot is supposed to weight them
down in their rightful place Sussex
England is the scene of Idlehurst
It was a Sussex woman who was or
dered by the doctor to put some ice in
a bag and bind it on the temples of her
sick boy Inquiring after his patient
the next day the physician received
the reply Oh Tommys better but the
mice are dead
Then He Got His
A young Lancashire lad joined the
array and soon after his arrival at
headquarters jrot Into trouble Ac
cordingly he nad to face his command
ing officer next morning
The usual preliminaries were gone
through when contrary to orderly
room etiquette the recruit commenced
to defend himself
Silence roared the adjutant
Thou shut up said the prisoner
Im not speaking to thee Im talk
ing to the old chap in the chair Lon
don Scraps
Too Much For Him
How true that old saying is about
a child asking questions that a man
cannot answer lemarked Popleigh
Whats the trouble now queried
his friend Singleton
This morning replied Popleigh
my little boy asked me why men were
sent to congress and I couldnt tell
him Chicago News
Did He
You never saw a man who under
stood women
Well I knew a man once who
claimed that he did
And did her
Well he never married one Hous
ton Post
Her Chin
Dawson The facial features plainly
indicate character and disposition In
selecting your wife were you governed
by her chin Spenlow No but I have
been ever since we married
Her Ears In Danger
Susie had left her toys about the
kitchen Mother picking them up
Susie if you leave these things about
the kitchen again Ill box your ears and
throw them in the ash pit
None but the contemptible are ap
prehensive of contempt Rochefoo
McCook Nebraska
t3 Asent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Oilico in PostofUce bnildiog
C H Boyle
C EEldred
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Jnne 41
Rooms 1 ana 7 second tloor
Postofflco Bnildlng
Mctoot Neb
mi Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr
A Chance for Boys and Girls
toEarn Money
We have a steam laundry at 312
West B street Every family in
McCook needs mono or lees work
done Begin with your parents
arid ask them to let you take
their laundry and ask your friends
to let you take their laundry and
if the amount of work you bring
in amounts to 35c wo will give
you 5c if it amounts to 70c well
give you 10c if it amounts to 9oc
we will give you 15s
All you have to do is to bring
us the packages with the name
and address on each package and
we will return tho package to
whom it belongs Any good
active boy or girl by following
these instructions can easily earn
several dollars before and after
school hours Try this and see
how easy it is to earn money and
how much pleasure you will find
in earning it yourselves
Collect your bundles and bring
them to the
McCook Steam Laundry
rcrlfg 3 jful Si i1
Visit the Old Home
Low rate excursions to eastern
cities and resorts Northern
Michigan Canada and New Eng
land daily until September 30th
See the West
Attractive low excursion rates to
tho Pacific Coast Yellowstone
Park Utah Colorado Big Horn
Mountains aud the Black Hills
Low Colonist Rates
Daily during September and Oc
tober to California Washington
Oregon and hundreds of inter
mediate points
Irrigated Farm Lands
Ready for Immediate
at Garland and Powell Wyo
Personally conducted excursions
to these lands tho first and third
Tuesdays of each month Govern
ment engineer nt Powell shows
the land Also deeded nnd Carey
Act lands
Write D Clem Deaver General
Agent Landseekers Information
Bureau Omaha for new folder
Its free Write a brief description
of your proposed trip and let us
advise you how to mako it the
best way at the least cost
icket Agent McCook Neb
L W WAKELEY g P A Omaha Neb
But the Goods Are All
Fresh Clean and New
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
lT1 n 1 1 vi i 11 i i i mi tipr f i p vvv v vvtvv v vvv a vvv Tm1 iMi iiYfifrrVrrtrv
Our Regular Prices Seem I
Bargain Counter Figures
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
These Are a Few Items
in Our Stationery Line
j Stationery Department
arthiiiitrttiiitiiUiitiiUiuiriuiitttrfitiAiii lAitiiUiitii iiWintVrtiif i t