A GOOD INVESTMEN Nebraska Reaps Large Returns From Republican Rule In the State When a man invests his money In any enterprise he usually does so with the expectation of reaping something of profit of drawing something In the way of dividends from his investment The people of Nebraska have Invested in the re publican party in recent years It is reasonable that they ask what have been the profits to the people what dividends have the people re ceived for their investment of con fidence in the republican party To name all the valuable returns the people of Nebraska have received would require a volume The Nebraska republican platform of 190G contained seven Important pledges to the people of the state everyone of which were redeemed by being enacted into law by repub lican votes in the legislature and ap proved by overnor Sheldon The principal pledges were 1 A memorial to congress to en act a law compelling railroads to pay their taxes at the same time and in the same manner as private persons are compelled to do Twenty four republican senators fifty six republican representatives a majority in each house enacted the bill 2 T5feat Primary Law republican senators republican representatives a majority in eachj house enacted the bill 3 Anti Pass Law Twenty live republican senators sixty three republican representatives a majority in each house enacted the bill 4 ftalhvay Commission Law Txvegtsls republican senators sixty two republican representatives a majority in each house enacted the bill 5 Employers Liability Law Twenty republican senators fifty nine republican representatives a majority in each house enacted the bill G Municipal Terminal Taxation of Railway Property Twenty republican senators fifty one republican representatives a ma jority in each house enacted the bill 7 Pure Food and Dairy Law Twenty six republican senators fifty six republican representatives a majority in each house enacted the bill Each and everyone of these meas ures were promptly approved by the republican governor of Nebraska Hon George L Sheldon who has again been selected by the republican elec tors of the state at the recent direct primary election to head the repub lican state ticket as the candidate of the party for re election to the high office he has so ably filled during the past two years The legislative vote above given by which these important measures were enacted shows plainly that the repub lican party is alone responsible for this progressive legislation and is en titled to the credit for these meritori ous laws While the time since their enactment has been comparatively short it has been long enough to in dicate conclusively the enormous im portance of these policies to the peo ple of the state and many of the direct benefits flowing from them to all the people of Nebraska The Rail way Commission law alone has al ready proven to be of immense im portance and has without injury to the railroads in theirlegitimate earn ing powers saved to the people of the state millions of dollars in freight and passenger rates cutting off the free pass evil and equalizing railway charges between persons and places on a practical square deal plan whereby the humblest receives sub stantial justice and the most powerful are helpless to force an unjust dis crimination in their own special in terest If the Railway Commission alone were the only achievement of the republican party in the past two years the people of Nebraska would have been well repaid for their investment of confidence in the re publican party of this state But this is not all the republican record in fact but a fraction of republican achievement of the same period The careful business like and economical administration of all state institutions under republican state officers has kept them all at a high standard of efficiency as the people desire them -to be yet at a cost demonstrating careful and economical supervision state funds have been kept Invested earning larger interest returns by thousands than ever before in our history the state debt has been re duced from two and one third millions to less than half a million In a thou sand other ways too numerous to knention here the people hyo profited by their investment of cappdfhcg in the republican PTiy optebraskaT GIANTS OF THE FOREST Hio California Big Trees Which Were Threatened With Destruction Among the wonders of the world are the big trees of California and no little ntcrcst was occasioned by the news hut fire threatened with destruction the remarkable giants of the forest tnown as the Calaveras group The langer aroused all the forest rangera i ml residents of the section who rallied i to their protectiou California has forests covering an irea larger than that of the states of Sow Hampshire Vermont Massachu setts Connecticut Rhode Island m sr v v mzxZu kh3im 82m JS jlwK FTCiu rtsfi Vjw r 81111 TWO VIEWS OP A CALIFORNIA BIO TIEE ware and Maryland combined Seven uational forest reserves in the state cover an area of Soll794 acres The big tree of California Sequoia gigau tea is the largest and is supposed to be the oldest of growing things on earth Some of these trees reach 323 feet in height and 3S feet in diameter and their age Is believed to be about CL000 years The great fallen hulk known as the mother of the forest 327 feet long and 7S feet in circumference was in the path of the fire which recently broke out Muir never saw a big tree that had died a natural death The only living specimens of the Sequoia gigantea are those found in California and the Calaveras grove contains the most remarkable examples of the spe cies IN MEMORY OF A PUGILIST Monument In New York In Honor of Featherweight Champion It is rather unusual for a monument to be erected in a public thoroughfare in honor of a pugilist But that is what has been done in a street in New York And the monument takes the form of a fountain from which flows nothing stronger than water The pugilist was not one of the amateur or millionaire kind cither but was a plain profes sional fighter and a colored man at that In short he was George Dixon the late negro boxer and one time champion featherweight of the world At first the committee appointed to de vise some way of perpetuating the memory of the boxer suggested placing a handsome monument over his grave It was decided that a fountain in a public place would serve the purpose best and in due time the funds were raised and the permit from the city for the erection of the monument was ob tained Terry McGovern Young sj s y o m isas iws ssF5 wwKSRy wammssmte SrS ferSVi 1 P 5 iettAVZGZK Kp ffei x THE DIXON TOUNTAIN IN NEW YOKK bett and Joe Humphreys were the priu cipal factors in collecting subscriptions The fountain Is of a simple and beauti ful design The side facing the side walk provides water for thirsty human beings who may be passing by and the opposite side that facing the street contains a watering trough for horses An inscription reads In Memory of George Dixon Erect ed by His Friends 190S The Reason of It I assure you I had the hardest Avork Imaginable to get my tailor to accept 5 from me this morning How Avas that He wanted 20 5 I Are Cut Short Do all artists believe in long hair Tonsorial artists dont Kansas City Times LAST OF THE PASCAGOULAS An Indian Legend From the Shores of the Gulf of Mexico An Indian legend of the Pascagoulas is told by the fishermen and oyster men down on the shores of the gulf of Mexico A point reaches out into the gulf near the mouth of the Pascagoula riv er The pine trees on it come almost to the waters edge and between lies a strip of white sand across a marsh a border of light green swaying and rustling grasses and beyond a gray cypress swamp the hanging moss of the trees swaying in the wind To the south the blue waters of the gulf stretch away with little waves lap ping on the chalk white clam shells of the shore There in the evening during the short twilight one hears soft music as if it were the notes of a violin insist ent changing sweet ft Is the song of the Pascagoulas Long years before the Pascagoula Indians had lived upon this point The white men the Spaniards came in numbers and with them the hostile warriors of other tribes to make wai and to drive the Pascagoulas out of the country Coming from the inland the enemy took away all chance of fight and hedged them in on the point The Pascagoulas fought for days and nights in the dark pine woods against outnumbering foes Then they saw that all was useless that they could not overcome and starvation stared them in the face The Pascagoulas called a council of the tribe and talked long together To give themselves up meant lives ol slavery or death and to fight to the last man was to leave the women and children to the mercy of tlie white men and their allies The next morning the Pascagoulas put on all their paint and trappings and burned their wigwams The men women and children slowly deliber ately unflinchingly backed step by step into the water behind them sing ing Not one faltered They died with their faces toward their enemies brave and free and now in the even ing when the wind blows over the marshes the pines and grasses sing the song of the Pascagoulas New York Post THE LAND GF WORSHIP The East Believes Too Utterly to Care if Others Disbelieve Trayer pervades the east Far ofl across the sands when one is travel ing in the desert one sees thin min arets rising toward the sky A desert city is there It signals its presence by this mute appeal to Allah And where there are no minarets in the great wastes of the dunes in the eter nal silence the lifelessness that is not broken even by any lonely wandering bird the camels are stopped at the ap pointed hours the poor and often rag ged robes are laid down and the browD pilgrims prostrate themselves in pray er And the rich man spreads his car pet and prays and the half naked nomad spreads nothing but he prays too The east is full of lust and full oi money getting and full of bartering and full of violence but it is full ol worship of worship that disdains con cealment that recks not of ridicule oi comment that believes too utterly to care if others disbelieve There are in the east many men who do not pray They do not laugh at the man whe does like the unpraying Christian There is nothing ludicrous in prayer Ir Egypt your Nubian sailor prays in the stern of your dahabiych and youi Egyptian boatman prays by the ruddei of your boat and your black donkey boy prays behind a red rock in the sand and your camel man prays when you are resting in the noontide watch ing the faroff quivering mirage lost in some wayward dream And must you not pray too when you enter certain temnles where once strange gods were worshiped in whom no man mw believes Robert Hichens in Century Scrred by Frcgs It is sail to bo owed to the frogs ol wetern Australia that that part of the empire is English and not French About ISOO a party of prospective French coonists landed on the wesl coast of Australia but on the first morning they Ave re alarmed by the loud croaking of the frogs Avhich they took for demons and retired with ail speed to their ships Western Austra lia might have preferred the frog tc the SAvan as her emblem just as Rome might haA e preferred instead of the eagle the goose that saved the capital in His Line Im surprised that you should be so interested In watching those silly 1 dudes Force of habit I guess Im presi dent of a real estate improemeul company Well Well theyre a vacant lot Phila delphia Tress Paid In Full Hiram coming to the point Sally Ive been apayln my respects to yoi fer fiAe years come next August aini I Sally blushingly Yes indeed Hiram Hiram Well all Im a goin to say Is that Im durn sick uv the in stallment plan Sally in his arras Pas agreeable Hiram St Louis Re public Pdissionary Work So you once liA ed in Africa Sam Yes sah Ever do any missionary work out there Sam Oh yes sah I was cook for a can nibal chief sah Pick-Me-Up UWtjMEdnasvti KoB3i Another Way Out of It Nobody had ever had reason to ac cuse Abel Pond of being dishonest but he was as sharp a man In a bargain as could be found In the county When the building committee applied to him for a site for the new library he was ready to sell them a desirable lot but not at their price I couldnt feel to let it go under G00 he said with the mild obstinacy that characterized all his dealings with his fellow men It wouldnt be right You ought to be willing to contrib ute something for such an object said the chairman of the committee If its worth six hundred why not let us have it for five hundred and call it youve given the other hundred Mm no I couldnt do that said Mr Pond stroking his chin but 1 tell you what I will do You give me seven hundred for it and Ill make out a check for a hundred and hand it over to vou sos you can head the list of subscriptions with a good round sum and kind of wake up folks to their duty Youths Companion A Real Apology When the late Joel Chandler Har ris was an editor here among us said an Atlantan I called on him one day and found him very willing to correct an error about me that crept into his columns We talked about newspaper contra dictions public apologies and the like and Uncle Remus took down a scrap book and read me an apology that was an apology indeed It had happened he said in a Transvaal paper Ill nev er forget it I agreed with Mr Har ris that it was the finest specimen of the public apology and retraction ex tant It aid I the undersigned A C du Plesss retract hereby everything I have said against the innocent Mr G P Bezuiden hout calling myself an infamous liar and striking my mouth with the exclamation You mendacious mouth Why do you lie so I declare further that I know noth ing against the character of Mr G P Bezuidenhout I call myself besides u genuine liar of the first class A C DU PLESSIS Hie Cough Cure In my boyhood there came to our town said a clergyman a gentle min ister who the very first Sunday of his Incumbency stopped effectually his coughing congregation It was a congregation too singu larly addicted to coughing Rattling volleys of coughs ran over it every few minutes The minister indeed that first Sunday could hardly make himself heard He had rather a weak voice Well after his sermon had proceed ed for ten or twelve minutes now au dible enough now drowned under great waves of coughs he took a resolution I and when the nest outbreak was at its height he ceased preaching I At once the coughing ceased There was a profound silence The minister smiled My friends said he it seems that when I stop you stop From that day in that church they coughed no more Queer Wedding Effigy There is a curious custom still prer alent in the Bellary district of India in connection with the wedding cere monies among certain Brahman fam ilies Just prior to the close of the feasting a hideous effigy of a male figure fantastically robed in rags sup posed to represent the bridegrooms fa ther is carried along the streets in procession under the shade of a sieve adorned with tassels of onions and margosa leaves Every few yards dur ing the procession the feet of the effigy have to be reverently washed and its forehead decorated with a caste mark by its living spouse the bridegrooms mother The bridegrooms other fe male relations have several mock at tentions paid to them by the women of the brides party St James Ga zette Restaurant Affiliation The waiter in the light lunch cafe looked expectantly at the first of five men Avho had just entered Bring me a coffee cake and a cup of coffee ordered the first man Ill take some milk biscuit and a glass of milk said the second Tea buns and a cup of tea please remarked the third A piece of cocoanut pie and a cup of cocoa said the fourth The waiter passed on to the fifth man Dont say it dont say it he plead ed I know what you want You want a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of chocolate No I do not protested the fifth man I Avant a plate of ice cream and a glass of ice Avater Judges Library An Odd Legacy Thomas Jefferson the founder of the Jefferson family of actors Avas re membered curiously in the will of Yeston Avho Avas himself an esteemed member of Garricks company Wes tons will contained this item I have played under the manage ment of Mr Jefferson at Richmond and received from him every polite ness I therefore leave him all my stock of prudence it being the only good qualitj I think he stands in need of Not So Blind Miranda I Avant to ask you to mar ry me and to tell me Oh Geprge this is so sudden to tell me what date you and your mother have decided on for our wed ding Brooklyn Life Publicity Twas in the newspaper and all the world now knows it is the motto of a leading adA ertlsing agency The very truth hath a color from the disposition of the utterer Eliot JOHN E KELLEY- ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska 33Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Wntor Works Offlco in Postoflko buildintr C H Uoyle Rooms 1 and 7 Fecoad floor PoetoUJco BaUding K P SUTTON N C EKldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance T one H Mccook Neb JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS PIcCOOK NEBRASKA mi Updike Grain Co KOU COAL Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr A Chance for Boys and Girls tofjEarn Money READ THIS Wo have a steam laundry at 112 West U street Every family in McCook needs mono or lees work done Begin with your parents and ask them to lofc you take their laundry and ask your friends to let you take their laundry and if the amount of work you bring in amounts to 31c we will give you ue if it amounts to 70c well give you 10c if it amounts to 93c we will give you 15c All you have to do is to bring us the packages with the name and address on each package and we will return the package to whom it belongs Any good active boy or girl by following these instructions can easily earn several dollars before and after school hours Try this nnd see how easy it is to earn money and how much pleasure you will find in earning it yourselves Collect your bundles and bring them to the McCook Steam Laundry PHONE NO 35 Miclcileton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed McCook Nebraska Phone 182 3EGGS SLOOaPBHIFIER CUKES ctarra oi tns IIS SEPTEHBER - EXCURSION RATES GO NOW Visit the Old Home Low rate excurbions to eastern cities and resorts Northern Michigan Canada and New Eng land daily until Soptember 30ch See the West Attractive low excursion rates to the Pacific Coast Yellowstone Park Utah Colorado Big Horn Mountains and the Black Hills Low Colonist Rates Daily during September and Oc tober to California Washington Oregon and hundreds of inter mediate points Irrigated Farm Lands Ready for Immediate Settlement at Garland and Powell Wyo Personally conducted excursions to these lands the first and third Tuesdays of each month Govern ment engineer at Powell Bhows the land Also deeded and Carey Act lands Write D Clem Deaver General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau Omaha for new folder Its free Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost D F HOSTETTER ticket Agent McCook Neb L w WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb B 1 fmmmefm Ik rrrriv v v c tr n i tw y i rv v r i i v v v tnrfirFlnirvvvvWfni v v v lypWrrpTTTi - - Our Regular Prices Seem Bargain Counter Figures But the Goods Are All Fresh Clean and New McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands These Are a Few Items in Our Stationery Line THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department 1 yjjtittiiAiJUJUtaiiHtliliiittti ililililil Jitil ktijAjldj - 5 3 I Iti 4 hi rati W w m w It A J II it li Ii V I it i A If r ft i