The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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Some Matters of Interest Taken Up and
Disposed of by the Members
Tho McCook Commercial club was in
session Monday evening and several
matters if moment and interest wore
taken up discussed and disposed of
Tho banquot committeo reported pro
gress and was instructed to complete
arrangements along the lino indicated
by tho committeo As tbo matter now
stands tho banquot will bo given in tho
Monto Cristo cafe on Tuesday evening
October Gth Plans contemplato a ban
quot toasts music and a general reign
of goodfellowship all tending toward
securing better community action in af
fairs having for their purpose a bigger
and a better McCook
The water works park committee was
not able to mako report of much pro
gross perforce of tho absence of import
ant parties in the consideration of the
The chautauqua committeo reported
reading among other matters a com
munication from tho management revis
ing tho offer of the club The revised
offer of tho management was not favor
ably considered by the club which de
clined to take action on tho guarantee
of the company Tho matter was referr
ed to tho committeo and the club secre
tary for further information
John CordealandF MKimmell wore
appointed a committee to revise the con
stitution and by laws of tbo club
Every Day Items
Yard wide muslin bleached or un
bleached 5c Simpsons and American
prints 5c Best oilcloth 15c Best apron
ginghams 6c Six big red handker
chiefs for 25c Yard wide black taffeta
silk 69c China silks 30c and 50c
Mens and boys very good overalls and
jackets 39c each Heavier ones C9c
Mens suits 85 to S15 Boys suits S125
to 9 50 Mens extra size pants up to
50 inch waists Heatherbloom skirting
35c yd Good warm bed blankets 75c
I air All calf skin gloves for men 50c a
pair Mens knit jackets S1T5 to S2 50
300 pieces of wool dress goods to select
from Long sleeved aprons G5c The
Fleischer German Knitting yarn 25c for
Jri lb skeins 1000 other items at actual
cash prices Tho Thompson Dry Goods
Co One price plain figures cash only
Dental Society Meeting
The Southwest Nebraska Dental Soc
iety meet in our city yesterday and
disposed of a very interesting program
of clinics and papers besides having a
social gathering of much pleasure and
profit to some fifty members present
The new officers of the society are
President J M Prime of Oxford Sec
retary WAMcHenry of Nelson Treas
urer J A Gainsforth of Holdrege
The next meeting of the society will
be held in the fall of next year
The Democratic County Central Com
mittee has purchased space in The Trib
une during the remainder of the cam
paign in which to present their side of
the questions involved in this campaign
The committee will of course be res
ponsible for views presented and not
the publisher
The Moon
reflects the sunny rays and measures
out the night by days as time so swiftly
paces The horse reflects tho thought
of speed and soon responds to every nod
if he but wins tho races Race meet
McCook Oct 1 2 3
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be glad to show you their Blue
Book Kozell Barger
At special prices Como and look
them over and make up your mind to
take a little comfort and save money
during this sale
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale or Rent
The s 2 s e J4 sec 17-4-30 Red
Willow county Address owner
A Landgren Sioux City Iowa
than ours
Li W McCoxnell Druggist
jt All parties not having paid 5
It their real estate tax for 1907 If
c should pay same on or before 3
Oct 1st next if they wish to
save advertising fees -as all un
paid taxes will be advertised on
that date This notice also ap
plies to the special sewer tax
of the city of AlcCook
C NADEN Co Treas
n iittUt ii ii ii ii attitMi i u
At Work on Subway
Tho company has been pushing tho
work on the subway between original
town and West McCook tho past week
and tho enterprise is now well advanced
The bridge is already completed and a
force of men and scrapers is disposing
of tho excavation question as fast as
possiblo This feature of tho work will
require considerable time as a large
amount of dirt will have to be handled
in removing the grade and making
properly graded approaches to the sub
Tho bridgo is covered with heavy
timbers and a road bed of cinders has
been laid over them thus relieving any
danger from fire and making the road
bed practically continuous earth
When tho work is completed and tho
grading done on both approaches there
will be provided travel from both east
and west a safe and easy grade access to
tho city as the subway will connect
with roads from both west and east
One of the most desirable results of
the subway will be the removal of the
dangerous grade crossing in West
Good roads should be at once graded
loading to this subway
Both company and community are to
bo felicitated
The Ttiijuxe is advised that work on
the viaduct will go over until another
year at least and perhaps until more
propitious financial conditions exist
Return Cards Promptly
The banquot committee of the com
mercail club hai sent out forewords and
cards te tho members of the club re
questing that the members of the club
write on tho cards whether or not tho
members addressed can and will attond
the banquet It is urged upon the
members that they attend to this mat
ter at once returning tho cards to the
committee at earliest possible moment
for the guidance of the committee in
arranging for the number of plates with
the caterer
Celebrated Their Anniversary
The members of Rebekah lodge met
with the I O O F Monday evening
after tho regular session of the parent
order and celebrated the 57th annivers
ary of the auxiliary The ladies served
light resfreshments and the social hour
spent was joyous and jolly in keeping
with the customary affairs of these or
ders which always extract a good time
time from these joint gatherings
Clark Endsley
Miss Nettie Endsley and Mr Grant
Clark of Albia Iowa were married on
Wednesday afternoon at the home of her
sister Mrs Will Broomfield in presence
of near relatives and friends RevG B
Hawkes officiating Refreshments were
served They left for their new homo
in Albia the same night Both are ex
cellent young people and they have the
best wishes of many friends
Successful County Fair
The fair at Indianola this week has
been one of tho most successful held by
the association for years They had a
large attendance fine display of agric
ultural products an unusually excellent
and large display of stockand very good
races McCook as usual helped mate
rially in the crowda special train boost
ing the derby day attendance Wednes
day afternoon
Lot us show you how easy it is to
make your exposures into a perfect neg
ative Kodak film -tanks Prenio film
pack tanks Various sizes in stock
We are agents for all Eastman kodaks
and supplies Premo cameras and film
L W McCoxnell Druggist
Note Date of Address Slip
Note the date on your address slip on
The Tribune If you have not paid
your subscription for 190S kindly call
at office or mail amount due No paper
will be sent to those more than one year
in arrears and such accounts after due
notice and no response will be placed
for collection
Ho For the Races
the races the races The runners the
trotters and horso that sure paces
Tho fun of tho speedway the glory of
winning The swift running bay horse
that sets ones head spinning Race
meet McCook Oct 1 2 3
Accounts Must Be Paid
Having disposed of our dairy business
to Flitcraft Clark all accounts due
us must be paid within 30 days either
in cash or by note
Eikexberry Clark
Wheat is High And
it should bo put in right with good tools
Do not half put in your crop when you
can get all the good tools needed ac
McCook Hardware Cos
McCook Race Meet Entries
Oct 1235 Pack
Lndy ViiuDuran MrsW E Davust Omaha
Greeloy Ilnl J L Gray Ft Collins Colo
Fay Menard D A Lord Hoggin Colo
Sir Ensley O II Sholes Holyoke Colo
Jack Denton V F Everist McCook
Cleo C Dale Hclshne Pliillipsburg Kus
Oit l Trot
Big Chief V L Hill Arapahoo
Genuine J P Lnrimore Beukclinan
Jim Underwood II J Cox SlcCook
Oct 2223 TnoT
Rig Chief V L Hill Arapahoe
Ask Mo Not O II Sholes Holyoke Colo
Teddy Goodwin J Alput Fort Collins Colo
Nick Wright J P Lnrimore Hcnkelinan
Flower Girl I L Ough McCook
Virginia M0U Y Hatch Iliillipsbiirg Kas
Oct2 Pack
Jessie D T E Dearmont Wrny Colo
Mission Relic Hussell Haymaker Ft Collins
Carter G Wm JeiTcries McCook
Chorister John Rrown Laird Colo
Louise Me E A Wilson Iliillipsbiirg Kas
Dryfus Henry Yotter Pliillipsburg Kas
Oct i 320 Pace
JcssioD T E Dearmont Wrny Colo
Lady VanDoren Mrs W E Davust Omaha-
Greeley Hnl J L Gray Ft Collins Colo
Mission Roll Russell fc Haymaker Ft Collins
Lulu Hurst Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Fay Renard D A Lord Hoggin Colo
Chorister John Rrown Laird Colo
Louiso Me E A Wilson Pliillipsburg Kas
Oct 3 245 Tbot
Alma Roberts J C Marshall McCook
Mont 10 O Hay ward Palisade
Ask-Me-Not O H Sholes Holyoke Colo
Nick Wright J P Larimore Renkelman
Flower Girl D L Ough McCook
Toddy Goodwin J Alput Ft Collins Colo
Rig Chief W L Hill Arapahoe
Tho Republican Win Tounoy Wray Colo
Paderewski A K Langstatt Greeley Colo
Virginia MeG W Hatch Pliillipsburg Kas
Oct 3 Trot oa Pace
Jim Underwood H J Cox McCook
Carter G Win Jeffries McCook
Fay Renard D A Lord Roggins Colo
Mission Roll Russell Haymaker Ft Collins
Lulu Hurst Russell fc Haymaker Ft Collins
Genuine J P Lnrimore Renkelman
Louise Me E A Wilson Pliillipsburg Kas
Dryfus Henry Yetter Pliillipsburg Kas
Important Water Notice
Water tax for the third quarter 1908
becomes due and payable October 1
The attention of consumers is called
to Section 13 of Ordinance No 136 pf
the City of McCook which is as follows
Water rates shall be paid
quarterly on the first day of Jan
uary April July and October and
unless taxes are paid within fifteen
days after the same becomes due
ten percent shall be added thereto
for the expense of collecting the
Attention is called to this provision of
the Ordinance early for the reason that
the penalty will be added as provided
by the Ordinance
For the convenience of patrons tho
office will be kept open until eight
oclock p m October 11th and 15th
9 28 3ts J E Kelley Supt
Izzer Bed Comforts
Right now is when you want to get
posted on bedding We make izzer bed
comforts We use 11 yards of cloth and
72 ounces of izzer batts That makes a
comfort 6 ft wide and 7 ft long thick
and warm The price runs from SI 85
up to 3 00 according to the cloth used
We havo shipped these comforts as far
oast as Red Cloud and as far west as
Akron Colorado If you dont know
about them just ask your neighbor The
Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash
But No Tragedy
A runaway farm trio and a team of
horses attached to a scraper doing street
work furnished the participants in a
stirring Main avenue incident Saturday
afternoon No one was hurt nor were
the horses injured much and the dam
age was practically nil But events
transpired fast and furiously for a few
minutes and there was the setting for a
We make a specialty of tablets and
believe we have not only the largest
assortment but also that we give the
best values in size or quality that has
ever been offered for the money
Come and see if this isnt so
L W McCoxnell Druggist
There Is No Way
to heat an ordiuary size house more sat
isfactorily than with a good base burn
er You will find the Garland Jewel
and Riverside stoves at McCook Hard
ware Cos and they are stoves that give
the best of satisfaction Call and select
one while the assortment lasts
Easy Money
if you are speedy with tho horse and
not too greedy and you keep up exer
cises for the horse whos always ready
while the driver holds him steady is
the horse who wins the prizes Race
meet McCook Oct 1 2 3
Forget It
It seems to be the ambition of the
average deadbeat to have the mind cure
operate on his creditors to the extent of
Thorough instruction on piano or or
gan Special attention given to begin
ners 705 1st street W
5itn4ir ibai
Anti Saloon League Rally
Tho Christian church was entirely
inadequate to the attendance upon tho
Anti Saloon League rally Sunday eve
ning Seats were all filled standing
room utilized and many wero unable to
secpre admittance It was indeed a
rally of temperance forces of the several
churches of tho city with an uncommon
measure of earnestness purpose and
Rev G B Hawkes delivered tho ad
dress of the evening and acquitted him
self creditably presenting tho cause
with vigor and effectiveness His speech
was well received
A successful effort was made after tho
service to secure pledges and collect
funds to meet the expenses of tho recent
raid made by the league on the disrepu
table resorts of the city whoro tho
Slocumb law of the stato and tho ordi
nance of the city have been fractured
with persistent regularity and impunity
President II E Culbortson of tho
league expressed his thanks for moral
nnd financial aid extended the league
by the people of McCook who aro inter
ested in temperance civic purity and
law enforcement
To the Business Men of McCook
It will be much appreciated by tho
boaid of directors and those interested
in tbo driving park if tho business
houses can bo closed in the afternoons
Thursday Friday and Saturday during
tho races
The driving park people have not
found it necessary to solicit funds for
some time but upon the account of the
largo purses offered 6270000 for this
meeting in order to get good horses it
will be necessary to have large crowds
and for each race to be well filled to
prevent the association from coming
out in debt at tho close of tho present
Our people are attending the Indian
ola meeting this week in large numbers
which will result in a good feeling all
over the county and will be a great ben
efit to those managing tho Indianola
fair We hopn all will feel like being as
liberal at home and by so doing you
will make our meeting a success
4 A Barnett President
C B Gray Secretary
Singles Prey of Benedicts
The long and loudly heralded game of
base ball between the married and un
married members of McCook lodge No
12 Knights of Pythias was pulled off
yesterday afternoon in a dust and wind
storm before a large crowd A parade
of most extraordinary particulars prece
ded the gameengaging the talent of the
rube band tho high school band and
numerous individual talent of head
liner altitude this feature attracting a
numerous presence and voluble apprec
iation Other pressing matters preclude
our giving the unhallowed harrowing
particulars more than to state in con
clusion that the benedicts walloped the
unregenerate singles G to 2
Books have been written in an endeav
or to explain what the sense of smell is
and why certain ordors are pleasant
while others are unpleasant The mat
ter is not yet decided and tho decision
can wait as long as wo have odors that
can be enjoyed as thoroughly as the line
of imported and domestic perfumes we
These are the choicest of the worlds
finest makes and tho variety offered is
such as to make it worth while to come
here when anything in perfume or toilet j
water is wanted
L W McConxell Druggist
36 Inch Black Taffeta Silk 69c
You will be glad to know that we have
something extra good for you at a very
modest price If you remember as you
may the sensation we made in the silk
trade with a yard wide black taffeta silk
for G9c two years ago You will be int
erested now when we tell you that this
is easily two grades better We are wil
ling to rest our reputation as value
givers on that statement We also as
tonish you with our 6115 and 1 35
grades You are cordially invited to in
spect them The Thompson Dry Goods
Co Actual cash values
You Will Attend the Banquet
Of course you will Just as certain
to do it as you are to go to Marshs for
first class steaks and other meats You
are just as certain to get a good time
at the former as you are good meats at
the later place
The Comet
has a firey tail while Ive a tale to tell
about the race McCook will place twill
please you very well Race meet Mc
Cook Oct 1 2 3
Do You Need Large
drills We have some at special bargain
prices that you cannot afford to pass up
McCook Hardware Co
- Jtfe jaL
Favor Rev Carmans Return
As the time for holding tho annual
Methodist conference in Gothenburg ap
proaches interest in tho filling of tho
local pulpit for tho ensuiug year in
creases This interest is not oonfined
to tho local church for members of
other churches nnd non church mem
bors aro with tho marjority of tho local
church in tho desire for Rev Carmans
return Tho conferenco convenes in
Gothenburg September 30 with Bishop
Mclntyro one of tho new bishops of the
church presiding
As one interested in tho roturn of
Rev Carman because of his good work
in and outside of tho pulpit The Tri
bune takes pleasuro in noting somo
facts in connection with his pastorato
hero during tho past fivo years
Tho church record shows that ho has
received 108 members into tho church
since his advant hero Tho total pre
sent membership is 130 Of this num
ber 311 have como into tho church under
his ministration Tho not increase has
bten 250 members in fivo years or more
than an average of one for each Sunday
during tho live years when services
were held
In tho regular lino of endeavor and
duty ho has preached G15 sermons sol
emized 99 marriages and officiated at 100
funerals having a record of only ten
Sunday absences during tho five years
The record in church property ac
quisition is equally as remarknblo At
tho begining of his pastorate October
1st 1903 tho church and parsonage
property was valued at SI 500 Tho old
church which in this total is valued at
S2500 was sold to the Adventist breth
ren for 5800 Tho present total valu
ation is S20000 all free of debt
Effective as has been his work in
tho church it has not been confined
there He has been an active and ef
fective booster for overy thing tending
to the citys betterment and advance
ment and growth in morals in educa
tion and commercially His efforts for
civic purity and temperance have been
invaluable In furthering the idea of a
bigger and better McCook ho has
been second to nono
To the community at large his services
as a speaker on Memorial occasions in
matters social fraternal and commer
cial havo been valued and his responses
willing and numerous
Viewing his success as pastor and his
accomplishment for tho community
and considering the work yet to ba done
by him adding to it the fact that ho
desires to return for another year and
that a large majority of our people ear
nestly wish for his return The Tribune
has personal pleasuro in furthering the
desire of many that Rev M B Carman
be returned to this pastorate for an
other year hoping that Bishop Mcln
tyre will respond to tho call promptly
and willingly
Early Morning Fire
Fire in the basement under J II
Grannis store about 230 oclock Mon
day morning called out the department
and gave renters in that block a scare
The fire was located in and confined to
a lot of cotton batts The damage by
fire and water is about 8200
The breaking of a kerosene lamp
Saturday afternoon was the cause of
the fire Although it was thought the
fire among the batts was extinguished
and frequent visits wero made Satur
day night and Sunday there was evi
dently a smouldering spark which final
ly broke forth again Monday morning
The Izzers Are Here
most everybody knows that now and
what they are No disputing after these
active ten years during which izzers
have gone into every home that they are
the best cotton batts for comforts and
general use They unroll and open out
easily almost like a piece of cloth They
are soft and fluffy yet compact and hold
together They weigh 12 oz and sell
for 12c Made exclusively for The
Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash
Congregational Association
The Republican Valley Association of
Congregational Churches will be in
session in McCook Tuesday and Wed
nesday of next week It is hoped these
sessions will attract not only Congrega
tionalists of the city but that many
others may find it profitable to drop in
at the sessions morning afternoon or
Dont Miss It
Rob Roy Hardin will give a recital at
the Christian church Saturday even
ing Sept 26 1903 He has given sev
eral pleasing entertainments in eastern
points this fall Admission for child
ren 15c adults 25c
Gospel Meetings
every night at 210 Main street upstairs
Everybody welcome It
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
In these strenuous days
of political discussion wo
havo to offer an irre
futable argument one
with which evory 0110
will acquiesce
first liberality next both
aro ossontial to success
ful banking If you aro
satisfied with our plat
form como and seo us
P Walsh President
C F Lkhv V Pres
C J OBkiex Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Senator Norrls Brcwn Tonight
In tho spoech of United States Sen
ator Norris Brown tonight McCook is
to enjoy a political address of an unusu
al order Tho Sonator will sponk at tho
county fair at Indianola this afternoon
nnd tonight will deliver an address in
our city
On this occasion the McCook Hiirh
School band will pJay Tho boys will
surpriso you too
Cloaks and Skirts
If you will lend us your ears a moment
and fetch in your eyes any day soon we
aro confident you will endorse our claims
to having tho most desirable assortments
of tho above garments in McCook Coats
from 8235 for childrens bearskins to
82250 for ladies 50 inch coats Skirts
from 82 up to 81250 Alterations free
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual
cash values
Settled weather
No gnats or flies
Better penetration
Better drying weather
No dampness or moisture
For good results use Lincoln A P
paint A McMillen Druggist
Local W C T U Meeting
The W C T U will meet at tho
Baptist parsonage October 2nd at 300
p m All members are requested to at
tend as this will bo a business meeting
and each ono will havo their work as
signed them for the year There will
also be the report from tho W C T U
State Convention at Hastings
Herrlck Meeting Cancelled
For reasons not disclosed the Ifer
rick meeting advertised for McCook
next Monday evening September 23th
has been cancelled Pass the informa
tion around as this meeting has been
quite widely advertised and the fact of
cancellation should be made known
with equal energy and thoroughness
Band Concert Sunday Afternoon
The weather not permitting the con
cert last evening the program for that
occassion with suitable exceptions will
be given in the city park next Sunday
Apples on Track
A carload of choice hand picked fall
and winter apples Grimes Golden
Jonathan Ganows will be on B M
track Saturday September 2Gth
John Cox
Dr Duncan Will Resume Practice
Having been disappointed in his suc
cessor here in the practice of medicine
Dr Duncan will resume his practice in
McCook beginning next week
Is That Old Stove
burning up all the fuel you can buy
Then get a Majestic Quick Meal or a
Jewel range at McCook Hardware Cos
and settle the question
Institute a Court in Alliance
A dozen or so of the members of Court
Granada Daughters of Isabella of our
city instituted a court in Alliance first
of the week
If Interested
ask for a tank development booklet
L W McConxell Druggist
Buckeye and Hoosier
five hoe or disc drills at McCook Hard
ware Cos These are good drills
You cant beat our line of work 3hoes
Viersen Standish Shoe Parlor