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houso on corner G and 2nd street W Five rooms and large pantry Good bnrn and buggy shed Phone black 312 For Sale Three room dwelling House and lot S700 or with two lots 8900 Terms easy Stop paying rent and own your own home in a few years Inquire of Barger at the clothing store Fon Rent One front furnished room 510 4th street E 4 tf Lost In McCook childs red bear skin cloak Finder please leave at the Bee Hive Wanted A young man to work in drug store L W McConnell Wanted A good young fresh milk cow ot once E H Doan at the mill Wanted Gooa set of double driving harness Call at this oflice Wanted Party having a good 160 acre farm within five miles of town may find buyer by addressing as below Give price terms and full description in first letter H II Baeb Sterling 111 The Tribune all home print Everything in drugs McConnell Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 2SG Use McMillens liver granules and be well Kodaks and kodak supplies Connell Mc- Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 223 per box Hubers A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 tola days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it Bend 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 72 Wheat 76 Oats 43 Rye 65 Barley 53 Hogs 5 90 Butter good 20 Eggs 16 gagit TBlfeJgS MMOTaJBMMa IMMBM III mi mi Iimilllll HI U lmLiiiU UMI JIMI FUIH Wl MWMWJWH IIU1 S Best 1 Wk US B the World m a H l Union Made 1 iiyi LSSvl IS fPy WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THESE CELEBRATED PH SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY gj I FOR MEN j 350 350 350 j HII WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS j 1 The Bee Hive McCook Twains Emancipation An honorary degree was once con ferred on Mark Twain by a humble In stitution in a Missouri town that had known him when he was playing Tom Sawyer there in real life It happened that the degree confer ring cermonies took place one lazy day In June when newspapers generally were suffering from a total collapse of everything In the way of news One New York news editor raked the land with a figurative fine tooth comb and got a dry haul for his pains Then recalling that Mark Twain was getting his honorary degree that very day it occurred to him that a message direct from the famous author might relieve the situation in the news Aft er much scratching of the editorial I idea factory he evolved this query 1 which was transmitted to Mark Twain by wire How docs it feel to be a doctor of laws Plcase wire answer at our expense After a wait of several hours thin characteristic response came hot over the wire from Missouri It feels like emancipation from ignorance and vice MARK TWAIN Riding a Camel In the Desert Dr Nachtigal the celebrated African explorer was the guest of a rich Ham burg merchant The merchants sou a young man of a somewhat sentimental temperament said among other things that his dearest wish was to ride across the desert on the back of a camel He thought such a ride must be very poet ical Indeed My dear young friend replied the explorer I can tell you how you can get a partial idea of what riding a camel on the deserts of Africa is like Take an oflice stool screw it up as high as possible and put it in a wagon without any springs Then seat your self on the stool and have it driven over rocky and uneven ground during the hottest weather of July or August and after you have not had anything to eat or drink for twenty four hours and then you will get a faint idea of how delightfully poetic it is to ride on a camel in the wilds of Africa He Gave Her a Present When I was a young inun Lady Jer sey was one of the leaders of fashion and her house was the resort of poli ticians and others With her lived her daughter Lady Clementine Villiers a handsome and clever girl The custom had been established that all friends should give the latter a present on her birthday and these presents were set out in an antechamber Among tjlese friends was Lord Brougham then an old man He called on a birthday but had forgotten what the occasion was and had brought no present Seeing a mass of presents laid out he seized one of them and took it in as his present rightly counting that the young lady would not remember that it was ono that already had been given to her And very proud he was of his pres ence of mind But then he was an ex lord chancellor London Truth Many Languages of Mexico During the fiesta of Christmas or the week of All Souls and All Saints when the Indians swarm down from the mountains with their holiday wares for sale visitors in the City of Mexico may notice the strange language that the venders use in addressing each other Even when they turn to serve the purchaser their Spanish is neither Castilian nor Mexican but is frequent ly broken by peculiar syllables and accents This is merely an illustra tion of the fact that the Indian lan guages of old Mexico have not been entirely submerged by the conquering Spanish and in some of the most re mote districts of the republic various and distinct languages handed down from the pre Columbian era are still spoken in their pristine purity by many tribe members Mexican Herald Easy House Moving House moving is an easy task among the Lakas a tribe living near the La goue river in the French Kongo Af rica This tribe which is one of the most superb examples of the savage black race lives in conical shaped huts constructed of plaits of tough straw When a change in location is desired both the women and the men put their shoulders to the task and carry the roofs of their homes to the new site sometimes many miles distant The circular walls of the huts are rebuilt Who Whips The clergymans little sou was tell- the small son of a parishioner of the dreadful fights which he and his sister indulged in You dont mean to say that minis ters children fight replied the horri fied little layman Oh yes Who whips Mamma Exchange A Sure Test The schoolmaster put to his class thd question Two jars of gas one con taining nitrogen and one carbon di oxl le are given How may the gases be iscrimiuateel ne eager little pupil said Get a man and let him take a deep breath of both When he gets the carbon di oxide hell die Thats the way to tell His Status Is that ex New Yorker who likes London so well a naturalized English man No answered Miss Cayenne merely a denatured American His Only Chance Mother crossly Tommy havent 1 told you you must not talk when I arc talking Tommy But mamma you wont let me stay up after you go to bed Sketch j Great Values In Suits Here is an unusual chance to get your new suit or coa chance to SAVE money and get the garment you W The new styles we are showing this season have delighte every customer Everything about our suits style materia workmanship fit makes selection easy and satisfactory Give us a call Our prices range from 1000 to 3500 Each Visit Our Dress Goods Counter And see the handsome things we ate showing in all the new weaves colors and shades The Correct New Hats for Fall CcLBmUrtSrCt Cutago MINOR ITEJ1S OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Fruits of all kinds at all times at Hubers Read the library notes elsewhere this issue Then heed World beaters Curlee pants and So at Eozell Bargers in S2G0 Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar- J ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses Just received shipment of famous John G Miller suits Rozell Barger Godfrey Co are operating a feed mill See them for feed of all kinds at right prices Double - strength Heinz vinegar imitated by all equaled by none for sale by Magner Stokes Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Smoke 5 cent cigar The Ratliff farm now owned by A A Borg has been leased by V H Cooper who recently returned from Kansas If you want a screen that is superior in every way to a factory made screen and at the same price then leave your order with C W Graves Pure flavoring extracts and high grade spices for pickles preserves etc The best is the cheapest Better qual ity less quantity Try our spices L W McConnell Druggist The McCook Cement Cos machine is laid up for repairs for a few days ac count of a broken cog wheel in the miser This delays the footing work on the temple opera house The young peoples societies of the different churches will meet together at the Christian church at 700 oclock Sunday evening the 20th with special music by Miss Dougan O E Pearson president of the Epworth League lead will A special rate of 30 cents for the Daily State Journal from now until after election is the best newspaper offer made Send Id cents if you want the Sunday also No matter what other papers you have been reading you should take advantage of the Lincoln Journals cut price offer It is the experience of many farmers in this vicinity that early fail plowing is best These farmers get onto the ground with a Moline or some other good gang or sulky plow just as soon as possible after harvest so the soil may be in proper condition to receive the seed H P Waite Co can fit you out with the best plows Are and seen here in scores scores of charming designs in Our Millinery Department The large fiat hat huge in size and indescribably smart in style treatment is a favor ite innovation but aside from these we are showing a great variety of smaller shapes A size a shape and a color for every figure at exceptionally moderate prices Dont overlook this department when in search of the RIGHT things in millinery at the RIGHT prices H p Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings Phone 56 222 Main Ave McCook HfluuuMnnHILII I LI II J lrnllimiHI -A LMMMBJgMMPgmnTj nnjim McConnell fills prescriptions Picture framing The Ideal Store Shades of Pocahontas what war-bonnets Huber is still selling Wedding Break fast Coffee McCooks literary club are preparing for the winters readings Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office Barney Hofer has received 20000 new colored post cards of McCook No office is complete without a Red Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower rheubarb etc constantly on hand at Hubers A band concert and Salvation Army convocation were Main avenue attrac tions last evening Dr J Elsie Logan in postoffice building Office phone 303 residence phone 45 Palmer hotel Delicious crisp appetizing potatoe chips Magner Stokes sell them Better than mother makes Our Colorado peas corn etc are as near perfection it is as possible to ap proach in canned goods Huber Twenty thousand new post cards col ored views of McCook made in Germ any just received at Barney Hofers Corduroy school pants and a large as sortment of other special goois for the boys just received at Rozell Bargers The west B street rooming house is now under the management of J R Burke formerly of the lower Main street news stand City mail delivery is soon to be estab lished in McCook This will be a great convenience to our city To insure de livery when no one is in the house to receive mail a letter box should be put in cnrrifi pnnroniont l r ullul inuw xou can get vuD UUAe3 ac ii if waite hardware store Co Stetsons Uncle Toms Cabin i3 the title of a really big company which under the personal management of Mr Leon Washburn whose name has been long and favorably associated with up to date amusements i3 to appear at Menards Opera House on Friday evening September 25 The company comprises twenty five people including a dozen specialty artists two quartettes a superb orchestra and many colored comedians who add to the big produc ton not little by their spontaneous wit and clever sinmnT nn 3 Seats now nn sale - Price 50 cents at McConnells If w 1 t 11 u A I 1 I I 0 A V V i w A u 1 u 1 VV i