The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1908, Image 3

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What a Collision Means to the
Man at th Throttle
The Chances He Has to Take and His
Fate Should Ho Become Crippled In
a Smashup There Are Some Things
Worse Than Physical Pain
I junt dropped In to tell you thnt
the coroners Jury has exonerated you
from all blame for the wreck They
are going to hold the block tower
The old engineer turned his pain
drawn face toward me A white cap
ped nurse gently brushed back the
wild hairs from his forehead
Thank you miss he said and you
too sir for the good news I knew
they couldnt blame It on me because
it was white at Mentor Poor Denny
hed tell you so too if he was alive
All white he shouted when we came
round the curve and I gave him the
answer All white and pulled her
wide open Then we struck the emp
ties on the siding and well you know
the rest lie wiped a trembling hand
across his eyes as if trying to blot out
Eome horrible vision
His eyes began to sparkle and a bit
of color flashed into his pale cheeks
I suppose you fellows think I opened
her up and went into those boxes just
for fun A smile flitted over his lips
and then he grew serious Say did it
ever come to your mind that an en
gineer might be as anxious about his
own life as he is about the lives of
those who are riding behind him My
wife and little one dont you suppose
my life counts for something with
Did you ever stop to think what a
collision like that at Mentor means to
the engineer Just try to tigure your
self In his place He rides in four
square feet of cab room surrounded
by a mass of levers rods and the like
Ahead of him is about three miles of
boiler pipe carrying 200 pounds of
steam pressure and enough hot water
to cook the meat off his bones In a
jiffy Clatteriug at his back Is G000
gallons of water and 20000 pounds or
coal Under him Is 200000 pounds
of engine and behind there is
G00000 pounds of train Altogether he
Is running along ahead of 800000
pounds of steel hardwood and brass
held to an eighty pound rail by three
quarters of an inch of wheel flange
Why when one of those big Rus
sian battleships fired a broadside at
the Japanese the whole thing
amounted only to 24000 pounds so the
papers say And that 24000 pounds
traveling eight miles a minute would
strike a Japanese ship eight miles
away with an Impact only one tenth
of the force we lilt the empties at
Of course I was the engineer and
they depended on me There is al
ways a lot of fine talk about engineers
having the lives of several hundred
passengers in their hands Thats ail
very true but you dont want to over
look the fact that the engineers life
is right there along with the others
We all take chances the train crew
as well as the passengers only our
chances are slimmer I had one
chance in 500 of being killed or one in
twenty five of getting right where I
am now but a passenger on the train
had one chance In about 3000000 of
being killed and one in 130000 of
being hurt
I see that a lot of people were killed
and a whole lot more hurt I dont
want to be a grumbler but it appears
to me that you fellows have kinder
overlooked the fact that both of my
legs are gone Of course that might
not mean much to you but if you
realized as I do that for the rest of
my life it is going to be my job to
hobble out into the middle of some
country road and wave a white flag as
every train goes by if you could real
ize what that means to an engineer
to hear the mocking toot of the whis
tle as she comes up to the crossing and
to see the sympathetic salute of the
engineer and fireman as they go flying
by I tell you my boy there are some
things worse than physical pain
His eyes filled with tears The nurse
gently wiped them away and softly
stroked back the hair
I wouldnt talk any more now she
All right miss he replied putting
out his hand to me I always obey
orders B R Wlnslow in New York
A Free Translation
And you say the idiot of a teacher
told you that you had an extravagant
fool of a father
Thats what he meant
But what did he say
He said it was criminal folly to
waste money on the education of such
a chump as I am Cleveland Plain
Nothing Left
Have you asked the judge of a
recently convicted man anything to
offer the court before sentence is
No your honor replied the pris
oner my lawyer took my last far
thing London Tit Bits
The Last Word
Conductor This here transfer expired
an hour ago lady The Lady digging
in her purse snappishly No wonder
with not a single ventilator open in the
whole car Puck
If you would relish your food labor
tor it Danish Eroverb - -
Vhy a Scotch Farmer Refused a Por
tion of Dessert
Could the funny saylugs and Inci
dents at the tenants dinners in Scot
land be collected they would make an
unrivaled book of humor Mistakes of
amusing and sometimes embarrassing
nature occur frequently at such func
tions One story Is told of u guest at
a Scottish tenants dinner who tasted
ice cream for the first time on that oc
casion lie pushed n large spoonful of
the frozen mixture into his mouth and
jumped from his chair with agony ex
pressed on his face He let out a yell
and cried out Ow ow ma rotten
tooth and could not be Induced to
eat any more
At another Scottish affair of the kind
a good old farmer was seated next to
the hostess She served him a bit of
savory omelet which seemed to cause
the old man deep disappointment His
Idea of an omelet had always been a
dessert with sugar or fruit or jams
and after tasting the sample before
him he turned to the hostess and said
Weel ma lady I cauna compliment
you on your puddins
The late Duke of Buccleuch told a
story of a tenant at one of the farmers
dinners on his estates who was asked
by the duchess If he would take some
rhubarb a dish she was fond of The
fanner was surprised but answered
politely Im muckle obleeged to your
grace but I dlnna need It
Lost Articles Are Always Crying Out
For Their Owners
When one is on the public thorough
fare or in the street car or train or
boat and picks up an object that is
valuable is it his
True he maj find something which
Is too small and trifling to warrant
searching to find the owner such as a
handkerchief a pair of gloves etc
But when lie finds something of value
it is not his until be has done every
thing in his power to find the owner
The street railways and trains are
so systematized today that if when
one finds an object of value he re
turns it to the companys representa
tive it is almost sure to catch up with
its owner Every person of intelli
gence knows that the first place to
inquire for it is at the lost and found
When however one Is on the street
and finds something which if he lost
it himself he would very much like to
have returned there are the columns
of a newspaper In which to advertise
If he fails to find the owner after
this then he can rightfully call it his
own and have a clear conscience but
if he avoids looking over the lost and
found columns and fails to do his part
toward finding the owner he is almost
as dishonest as if he took the goods
Chicago Record Herald
Serious For Once
An army captain on returning home
from India brought with him a goodly
stock of souvenirs Among them was
a pair of laughing jackasses which he
intrusted to one of the sailors Tom
Alas The unaccustomed shipboard
life did not agree with the creatures
and in spite of all Toms care they
pined and finally died
When he discovered the catastrophe
Tom was in despair
I darent tell the captain
Dont shirk it mate said his pal
Break it to him gently Youll find
Itll be all right
The advice seemed sound and Tom
sought the gallant captain
Scuse me sir he said you know
them things below what you call
Iarfin jackasses Well sir they aint
got nuffin to larf at this morning
London Scraps
His Choice of Weapons
M Victor Noir an illiterate bully
of the time of the second empire for
no real reason whatever sent a French
statesman a challenge to fight a duel
Noir was a densely ignorant man
and nearly every word in the challenge
was misspelled The statesman re
sponded with the following letter
Dear Sir You have called me out
without any good reasons I have
therefore the choice of weapons I
choose the spelling book and you are
a dead man The duel was never
Counting It Up
There is a son of Erin in Newton
Mass who is quite a character He
has a number of children and was
asked one day how long he had been
married Well he said theres Eu
gene is forty and Norah thirty five
that makes sivinty five and Lizzie is
thirty two and how many do that
The Wise One
Thin Boarder I dont see how you
manage to fare so well at this board
ing house I have industriously court
ed the landlady and all her daughters
but Im half starved Fat Boarder
I courted the cook Kansas City Inde
Arrangements Complete
Arrangements for the wedding are
all complete
Everything attended to
Yes we have even made a deal
with a photographer to have his cam
era smashed Louisville Courier
The Cards Are Out
Ysobel do you think you could
learn to love me
Learn to love you Oh Reginald
f could give lessons in loving you
St Louis Republic
Fortune brings in some boats that
are not steered Shakespeare
GUiDlUR hue
How the Treasury Vaults at
Washington Are Protected
Always on Duty and Always Prepared
to Shoot to Kill Never Has a Dol
lar Been Taken From Them by
Force One Daring Scheme
Not a dollar has ever been taken
from the United States treasury by
Perhaps the nearest approach to loot
ing the vaults of the treasury was the
time Martin Broadfoot had his plans
about perfected This was back in the
eighties and the plan was to get Into
the building by means of the great
sewer which runs under and near the
treasury and is known as the Fifteenth
street sewer and which grows larger
as it enters the Potomac about three
quarters of a mile from the White
Broadfoots plan as developed after
his arrest was to get into the building
crack the safes and place the money
In large rubber bags and float them
down the sewer to the Potomac where
his pals would be in waiting These
bags were found in his room when he
was arrested and secret service men
had often seen him walking along the
shores of the Potomac near where the
big sewer empties This sewer is
about nine feet In diameter where it
passes the treasury A man could
easily make his way up the sewer
through a stream of water which un
der normal conditions is only about
twelve inches deep By entering the
tunnel or sewer at the river the jour
ney to the treasury could be made by
keeping a sharp lookout When the
man or men in the sewer reached the
Fifteenth street sewer nothing would
separate them from the gold coinTind
bullion except about eighteen feet of
earth and not too secure stone wall
It was Broadfoots scheme to dig his
way through this obstruction and to
let the earth float or wash down the
sewer It would not have taken one
man more than two weeks working
only at night to have made an opening
large enough for a man to crawl
through Of course Broadfoot knew
the exact location of the vaults and
when he once reached them he would
have had no trouble in getting the gold
coin and bullion It was evidently his
purpose to fill the rubber bags with
the precious stuff and float them down
the sewer to the river where they
would be looked after by his confed
erates This was the only really well
laid plot ever made to loot the treas
ury and just why Broadfoot was
never given a trial has never been
known to the public He was an intel
Jigent man and suspicion was first
aroused against him by his frequent
visits to the money rooms and vaults
and by the questions he asked watch
men and messengers as to the hours
of duty when the time locks closed
and what time they opened and all
such questions That he could have
successfully carried out his plans so
far as getting into the building and
the vaults are concerned there is no
question for men have been in the
sewer and conduits who say that it
would have been easy work The most
difficult part of the job would have
been in getting away with the money
and bullion for it would have required
hard work to secure it and get away
About the only chance would have
been to bury it somewhere in Virginia
for if It had been placed on boats it
would have been easy to recover it
It is the opinion of the secret service
men that many celebrated cracksmen
have from time to time contemplated
the conversion of a few million treas
ury notes to their own use but after
careful study they have decided that
the undertaking was too colossal in
character Secretary Folger when he
assumed his duties was not slow in
deciding that the treasury was not
properly and safely guarded There
was not an oleetric alarm in ie build
ing the watchmen were isol od an
had no facilities for calling and
the safes were of the old time I u i and
key sort scattered aluiost ll tiver the
big building The secretary went to
work to bring about a prober erudition
of affairs Ht luiI the watch system
completely changed and reorganized
putting them tner the strictest disci
pline Elaborate and extensive alarm
systems were installed Tr old safes
were replaced by modern steel affaire
with time locks and intricate combina
tions The gold and silver vaults were
fitted with steel casings and tinw
locks different parts of t combina
tions being distributed a man- various
officials so that the vaults could be
opened only with the concerted
of all of them and then only at the
stroke of the hour for whlcn the rime
locks had been set But without a per
fect system of watchmen to guard the
safes the treasury could be easily rob
bed for the most perfect safe ever
made is not proof against the profes
The watch force of the treasury is
perfectly organized and the least in
fraction of rules means a layoff or dis
charge The men seem to realize the
heavy responsibilities resting upon
them and they are careful almost to a
fault The watch is divided into three
reliefs the tour of duty lasting for
eight hours However the watch does
not anticipate an attack by robbers
but they are prepared for any emergen
cy and they will not be caught nap
ping should one ever be made either at
night or by day Each watchman is a
regular walking arsenal and the In
structions are to shoot and shoot to
kill Los Angeles Times
Titus Oates and Daniel Defoe Both
Suffered In It
In the year 1S37 the British parlia
ment passed an act that put an end to
punishment by pillory Previous to
the conquest this particular instrument
of correction was In use in Englaud
and went by the name of the stretch
neck It consisted of a wooden frame
erected on a stool In which were three
holes for the head and arms For
days together offenders agaiust the
common law were thus exposed to pub
lic view From historic accounts It ap
pears that this particular form of pun
ishment was meted out to those con
icted of frauds of every description
not only In Eugland but in nearly
every country in Europe In the days
of the star chamber when religious
feeling ran high the pillory was the
ordinary punishment meted out to
those who offended against the church
In KJSn Titus Oates was sentenced to
be pilloried for five days in every year
during the rest of his life Another
famous sufferer was Daniel Defoe the
author of Robinson Crusoe who
stood for three days In the pillory In
Cheapside It happened on occasions
that the offender died while under
going his sentence During the time of
exposure the condemned man was not
allowed to receive food of any sort or
description The last occasion on
which a pillory sentence was passed
was in ISM London Globe
The Mania of Frederick William I
For Collecting Giants
Of all the manias that afflict man
kind the most ancient and curious is
probably that for collecting The vic
tims collect pretty nearly everything
from books to shoe buckles and front
pots to postage stamps but giant col
lecting was the hobby of Frederick
William I king of Prussia
Nature designed him for a recruit
lug officer destiny made him a mon
arch All were fish who camo to his
net Saxons Austrians Hessians
Turks Swedes Englishmen Irishmen
Africans provided they were at least
two yards long Some of his speci
mens were seven feet long Now and
then he obtained one still more pro
The Saxon cabinet minister Wack
erbarth foreseeing the possible ad
vantages of standing well with so near
a neighbor in 1715 dispatched to Ber
lin a recognition of his Prussian maj
estys birthday Aug 14 no less flat
tering than unique since it consisted
of a large bundle of tobacco leaves
two handsome Turkish pipes and a
bagful of fragrant Latakia all com
mitted to the hands of seven foot pas
sengers with a missive imploring the
kings gracious acceptance of these
trifles and the Cupid who bore them
St Louis Post Dispatch
A Smile From a Stranger
Most of us owe debts of gratitude to
strangers whose kindly smile has sent
sunshine into our aching hearts and
has given us courage when we were
It is a great thing to go through life
with a smiling face It costs little but
who can ever estimate its value
Think how the pleasure of life would
be increased if we met smiling faces
everywhere faces which radiate hope
sunshine and cheer What a joy it
would be to trSvel in a gallery of liv
ing pictures radiating hope and cour
Who can estimate what beautiful
smiling faces mean to the wretched
and the downcast those whose life
burdens are crushing them
Many of us carry precious memories
of smiling faces which we glimpsed
but once but whose sweet uplifting
expression will remain with us forever
Success Magazine
She Was Deliberate
It is said that Dinah Mulock Cralk
the famous author of John Halifax
Gentleman made a habit of leaving
at her bank the manuscript of each of
her stories as soon as it was completed
It would remain there perhaps six
months and then she would call for it
and see how the story affected her
after that lapse of time If it pleased
her the manuscript was sent to the
publisher Otherwise it was rewritten
cr thrown away
Ear Wagging
Only animals with long and drooping
ears are able to wag them A rabbit
for instance can do what it likes with
its ear dropping one or both and lay
ing them flat along its back when
dashing through thick cover Hares
are still more brisk in ear movements
But short eared beasts like weasels
and stoats are unable to wag their
ears in any degree although they have
enough ear to wag if they had the
See here landlord said an angry
tenant after he had signed the contract
for a year this house is full of sewer
Yes thats what I told you
Told me
Yes You asked me if there was
gas in every room and I said there
ivas London Answers
His Right Hand
My husband said the fair bride
says I am his right hand
I hope rejoined her mother that
he isnt like that man who never lets
his right hand know what his left
hand does Chicago News
Easy to Suit
Mrs Eastend Youll not find me dif
ficult to suit Nora Nora the new
maid Im sure not maam I saw
your husband as I came in maam
Pittsburg Observer
Comic Effects Frequent In the Day
When Bad Copy Was the Rule
Typographical errors that produced
weird or comical effects are described
by the St Louis Republic In an article
recalling the days wheu all of hat
newspapers type was set by hand be
fore the Introduction of typesetting
machines when the copy instead of
being typewritten was turned over to
the printer In an Infinite variety of
good bad and Indifferent chlrography
Comparatively few of the errors
were allowed to contribute to the giy
ety of the subscribers as the majority
were squelched In the house of cor
rection as the proofroom was face
tiously termed From a collection
made by a proofreader the following
instances of ridiculous misreading of
copy are taken
Ills blushing bride was trans
formed into his bluBterlug bride
A captain was said to have served
with destruction in the Confederate
army but the writer thought he
wrote distinction
Two pictures entitled The Galley
Slave and Each In Their Turn
were referred to as The Galley 1
Love and Enoch In Shin Town
Having in mind the influence of
former citizens of the land of the
shamrock upon the political destinies
of the town what more natural than
that the printer man should set up an
Irish district court where It had
been the first district court
Professor Frank Geeks was men
tioned as hving rendered violent se
lections rather than violin selec
Somebody was quoted as saying that
all the singing folks on the vaudeville
stage have hundreds of wives but
the copy when carefully examined
was found to read husbands or
wives and a sensation in the the
atrical world was averted
They sailed for three days around
the cape aud finally slaughtered a
small Italian was corrected to read
sighted a small island
On one occasion the reporter wrote
of certain dwarfed and hungered chil
dren who were made to appear per
haps more pathetic when the composi
tor substituted the words doorfed and
He takes delight in talking on his
family shame was a shameful thing
to say about him for favorite theme
was meant I
Red Cross Society Will Fight Cor
bett was the way the typesetter trans
formed the copy concerning a crusade
against cholera
He Would Not Paint a Lie Even For
a Napoleon
There was no love lost between the
Emperor Louis Napoleon and his
cousin Prince Napoleon whom the
Parisians called Plon Plon The
prince used to make abusive speeches
against the emperor which people
were only too ready to repeat to him
Let him alone Louis Napoleon would
reply He is too well known No
one would turn me out to place him on
the throne
The emperor was correct for no one
said a good word about Plon Plon
lie was commonly believed to have
shown the white feather in the Crimea
and never exposed himself where the
lead was falling An English lady
who in her younger days mingled with
French society tells in her Foreign
Courts and Foreign Homes a story
as discreditable to Prince Napoleon as
it is honorable to a French artist
While the artist was painting the
historical picture of the battle of the
Alma which the emperor had ordered
Prince Napoleon called at the painters
studio to make known to him the facts
On leaving he said he wished the
prominent figure in the battle to be
himself mounted on his white charger
He sent the horse to the artist so that
he could paint its exact portrait
When the picture was finished and in
vitations were sent out for a private
view the white charger was seen a
prominent figure in the battle but
without a rider
On hearing of this terrible omission
the prince sent an aid-de-camp to ask
the reason The honest artist said the
horse should remain if the prince
wished but no rider would be on it
Tell the prince I have never yet
painted a lie The hint was taken
The prince ordered the horse to be
rubbed out
Fortunate Indeed
Cook Taylor was always a fortunate
man but doesnt it seem wonderful
that his luck should stay with him to
the very last
Raleigh How was that
Cook Why he was operated on for
the removal of a pearl which he had
accidentally swallowed while eating
oysters and when the pearl was ex
amined it was found to be valuable
enough to pay for both the operation
and the funeral Judge
A Favored Fowl
I has been told said Miss Miami
Brown dat de parrot is one of de
longes lived birds dat is
De statement replied Mr Erasmus
Pinkley is strictly ornithological
I wonder why
I specks dat one reason why de
parrot lives so long is dat he aint good
to eat Washington Star
Giving Money
The difficulty which is faced m
America in connection with philan
thropy Is not to find the people who
have th money to give but to discover
the ways In which money may be
given wisely Ideas for wise giv
ing are much scarcer than money
awaiting opportunity Chicago Trib
County Commissioners Proceeding
McCook Nohraskn July 10 1WX
The board of county comiiiiioiior nmtp
sunnt to adjournment sreent F S LofUxC
H Irny nnd S Irrmr r county CoininIwtler r
and Clin Sknlln county clerk
The clerk ImviiiK adcrtil for tctilod Gln
for the or bridtus in the county fciruV
comliiK jenr nnd September Sntl tit 2 ar
belnjf the tinio wt for the ttticiiJiiK Mild Aii
the bonril proceeded to ojmti the bid t tfio
The boanl found the bid of the Canton li air
ComjHitiy of Omaha tho Western Contractor
Supply Co of Oniiihu and the Standard lirlhyn
Company of Oiiiaha on file aud on motion dm
board accepted the bid of the Standard lliiic
Co ns the lowest aud hot and contract onl ntS
entered into with said company
The following claims wore audited ntiljir
lowed and the clerk wut intruded to fetxv
warrants on the county Kenerid fund Imyilf
1108 as follows
S Ireiuur services as coiiiiiiioiicr J ln
Kfa Lofton jjiso
On motion board adjourned to meet
ber 15 HOS F S Lun on Chnteurju
Attest Ciias Skalla Clerk
In the county court of Ited Willow cowsry
Nebraska In tho matter of the estate of Ota
rnd ietiiiun deceased
You are hereby notified that I will sitsim
county court room in iloCook in -aid countouw
the 20th ilny or ilareli U0t at nine oekrit a
in to receive and examine all cluimaxiiifie
mands against said estate with a view toirKar
adjustment aud allowance The time lrotfiel
for the presentation or claim- jicainst
is six mouths Irom the lith day of Sm
ber 1j0 and any claim not presented by C4C
time shall be forever barred - Ov its -
skaiI J C Muom County Juieu
1 K Kelley attorney
In justice court before II if IVrryjutrMl
the peace
J II Iratt defendant will take uoticfl ali
on the 3rd la or August lKte II II lSesrt
justice of the teiicu of Ited Willow countyAH
brasku isMied an order of attachment f -
Mini of tfKt in an action pemhiu lieforoJiuu
wherein ieoiKe S Hcott jIaintitl andXi
Pratt is defendant and t tint property if tixs
defendant consisting of inonej duo aud trtttx
in the hands of the Chicago liurlinl Jn
Quincy Huilroad Company riiishee iikw h
for work aud labor performed ly said U4xt
ant for said ICnilrond CimiiU has Ihhhc
tached under said order of attht iunent iVuiii
cause has been continued for hearing to tMZtau
day of ireptembvr 1108 nt nine oclock juiiu
k h 3ts Ufcoitos S Soocn
Notice i hereby Riven that on the 28th d n
May 11MIS tho articles of incfrprntioii -of He
Masonic Temple Craft or McCook NeliraAu
were amended in the following
Article Four thereof was aii uded to raitua
follows The general nature of the
to be transacted and the object t this
shall be to purchase real estate in
Nebraska upon which to erect a huildiiijr ti br
known as a Masonic temple and to ftirnisA in
said bmldiuK a room or rooms to he usniirc
Masonic purposes and rooms for ollices jAjt
and other purposes and to furnish said ava
and storerooms and to construct ami erorr ha
said building an opera house and to lease uvJ
receive the rent of said building and anyasffi
all parts of it and to operate and maiaruiei
said opera house nnd to receive tho ictritn
therefrom This corporation shall Inue rfci
power to contract for and complete said ljjfd
HiK to raise and borrow monej for aid pur
poses by pledge ot its corporation proiierfjronr
Article Five thereof was amended increMRg
the capital stock to forty live thousand doicc
Article Eicht thereof was amended to rcihins
follows Tho board of directors of this cor
poration shall declare dividends during the
months of January and July or each year pro
vided the surplus profits remaining atter tifc
payment of all current liabilities of this cor
poration are suflicient to pay the divideirki
at least two aud one half percent and if at free
times said profits are insuflicient to pay axJx
dividends dividends shall bo declared lrjtix
directors as soon as suilicient profits accumu
late to pay such dividends no dividends fail
be declared which will impair tho capitil g
this company B SMZZZZZ
seal of M Cook NcniiAam t
Pr ZZ 8 Uy C L Fahnestock IrcsiAsnl
Attest Lon Cone Secretary
Elizabeth Kilgore James V Kihsire
Sarah Kilgore Florinda J liengic
George L Berber Emma Hohnsjitu
Arrillsi Vandervort Silas Vanderwsrc
Marv Kimerling Marion Kimerling Ol
iver P Whitted Margaret J WliiSfed
James A Whitted Mrs James A Whic
ted his wife Arthur EStone SarsA
Jones Saniantba Potts and James P cfEt
defendants will take that Gcgs
E Evertson plaintiff herein has fik
his petition against the abne namfed de
fendants in the district court of Ike
Willow county Nebraska the oojes
and prayer of which are to quiet thet
title of the plaintin in the East half uk
the East half of the West half of Sec
tion thirtv threo ITh Township three
3 Range twenty eight 2S Red Wiftiw
county Nebraska and for i decree afesfc
the defendants and each and all of tins
be decreed to have no interest in orangr
claim lien or title to said premisesusr
any part thereof and that they may Ihs
barred and excluded from making asjp
claim thereto ZZ
You are required to an Aver -aid jts
tion on or before Mondav the 23ti4SHw
of September 1908 ZZZ
Dated this 21st day of August lSDt
By Boyle it Eldked PlaintiaL
his Attorneys
Dr J A Golfer
Room 4 Postoffice Buildtac
bring your waenti
to the MILL 5
will pay ye a
premium above the market for all gwiS
milling wheat
All Goods at Lowesf Possible
Market Prices
Whole Wheat Rye and Graham jJ
ti oi - nt -
iluuu oituiai jjines uu luia ui
ten sacks or more uj5S
SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food lira-
excelled in 2 lb pack5i
El All kinds of Mill Feed sBiH
CornBarey Chop Bran Shorts efc
Orders Promptly Delivered
McCook Milling
E H DOAN ProprietG
Phone 29 McCOOK
CURES catarrh of the stomach