m DAY AT WEST POINT - yrP J j 4- - - Kevomtlonnry days West Point IN which Is now in the public eye because of the hazing eplsod was known as the Gibraltar of the Hudson Washington saw the itrategic advantages of the place and tt was through his urgings that it was rortifled and hold After the war he aullined the plan of a military acad emy there but It was not until the be ginning of Jeffersons term that the ichool was actually opened Even then It had Utile discipline or elliciency and It was sixteen years later in the presi 3ential term of James Monroe that the West Point of today began to take form Monroe appointed as superin tendent Colonel Sylvanus Thayer wno Is justly known as the father of the Military academy Thayer remained superintendent for nearly sixteen years and under his able management the West Point of fame came into exist ence On a June morning recently the writ er took a boat at Cold Spring and chugged across the broad river to West Point I had previously made an ap pointment by telephone and was told that I would be placed under tho charge of Captain Charles the acting adjutant for the day There were so much sunshine and scenery on the river that by the time the boat was across my civilian mind had forgotten Just what oflice Captain Charles was supposed to be holding and finally con cluded it was officer of the day On landing I found bunches of cadets all along the way surveying There were about forty seven of these squads oat on this particular morning West Point Is the most surveyed spot of ground on earth Op inquiring where Captain Charles the officer of the day could be found I was informed that he was probably over at the summer camp which was up a very tall hill and across a very broad ground about a mile as the crow flies but about three miles and a quarter as a man walks it on a hot morning On my way to the summer camp 1 was waylaid and halted several times ES tf5lp3j STOW NORTH BARRACKS WEST POIHT by the scenery On the top of Trophy Point where stands the simple and fine column known as Cattle monu ment there is one of the most magnifi cent views on the planet Looking north up the nudson one beholds a sweep of the majestic river reaching ten miles or more to Xewburg On each side are the mountains of the Highlands Bull hill and Breakneck on the right and Crows Nest and Storm King to the left Jutting out into the river are Constitution island Stony Point and another green isle which makes a dot of verdure in Newburg bay When I got into the middle of this scene I not only forgot all I had ever heard about the office held by Captain Charles but also where I was or what I was there for I am as much in love with the nudson and the Gateway into the Lowlands as a man is with his best girl and when I got this new view of them I was real ly irresponsible Upon arriving at the summer camp I was told that I must report at the guard tent I did not know what in fraction of discipline I had been guilty of but learned I was only to go to the guard tent because the guards are not supposed to talk you know When I asked for Captain Charles one of the cadets was called to conduct me over to that officers tent With chest out shoulders back chin in you know the formula this young man seized a musket slammed it against his chest about faced and with the magnificent carriage of a pouter pigeon drilled across the ground with yours truly following humbly after We found that Captain Charles was not in Thereupon we about faced once more and drilled back to the guard tent Nobody knew just where Captain Charles could be found but It was thought he would be around about 11 oclock As I wanted to see the mu seum I said I would go over there and come back A guard pointed out the jU vcn4cvka museum building which lies at tho far side of another very broad plain I was told that I was to go to this build ing and enter the first sally port I did not know exactly what a sally port is but by that time I had my Ignorance somewhat under control and knew better than to ask dumfool questions So I marched In as digni fied a manner as possible across the long parade ground I could not do it In as proud and imposing a way as my Z2 W H m J 2fc4 yMojmcrLiuAyimKvff3sssxBxu ik vrr TVfrjrs nrMfryz 7r a CADETS AS DARIXG HORSEMEN pouter pigeon friend the cadet but still managed to cover the distance Arriving at the museum I found that a sally port is really harmless if you know how to get along with it and approach it in an unconcerned man ner as though you had been used to sally ports all your life I could do this all the bettor inasmuch as It looked like a tunnel under the subway with which I had been on terms of enforced intimacy To describe the museum itself and to do justice to its wonderful historical collection one needs an entirely fresh supply of adjectives out of a dictionary that has never been soiled by the hand of man In it are trophies from all our wars also a large collection of guns whose brothels may become trophies in Avars that are not yet pulled off There is the flag reared by Ellsworth at Alex andria there is a part of the flag staff at Sumter there are old wooden cannons taken from the Filininos there are two handed Chinese swords csiitured at Pekin there are relics from Santiago and Manila there are civil war relics Mexican war relics Indian war relics and reiics from tho two wars with our hands across the sea cousins the English which they are trying to forget as much as we are try ing to remember The museum at West Point is well worth any mans time to see If he takes it all in it will give him a headache and a higher ap preciation of his countrys glory On this particular morning however I had a stern duty to perform Cap tain Charles was still undiscovered Parading back to the guard tent in my best form I was told that he had not yet shown up but an orderly who just then happened along said that the cap tain was probably down at the bat teries where a lot of cadets were shoot ing cannons at the side of a nearby mountain and were occasionally hit ting it This Avas down near the dock and on walking back I found the dis tance had increased from three and one quarter miles to three and seven eighths doubtless due to the expansive poAver of heat in the middle of the day Upon reaching the barracks we found that Captain Charles A as not there had not been there and nobody acted as though he kneAV or cared Avhether he Avas going to be there or not The target practice is really very in teresting especially to the people at the other end of the line The West Shore railroad had to construct a tun nel so that the trains could dive into a hole when the cadets becanm tno enthusiastic in shooting at the loco motive and the passengers One of the biggest guns Avas trained on the top of a mountain and made tho dirt and stones jump up in a mos exciting manner The only reason the top of that mountain had not been all shot away was that the gunners had not hit it often enough I asked them what happened to the people on the other side of the mountain when the balls missed the entire landscape and went tearing up the atmosphere beyond The orderly told me he did not know but as there had been no complaints he supposed either that nobody had been hit by the stray shots or if they had that they had been killed instantly so that they did not know Avhat had struck them I still rr1vaAiI ffrfc - Ji iW figures at West Point where mathe matics Is the chief study The Increaso this time I found to be due to the fact that it is a longer distance up a hill than in a straight line At the guard tent nothing had been heard of Cap tain Charles and a cadet A as again sent to his tent making the manem er In the same splendid fashion as before It was all in vain Captain Charles was not there I began to have doubts of that officers corporeal existence re garding him as a myth like William Tell or the man who landed on that other celebrated William surnamed Patterson Most famous people I find are named Bill The guard officer told me that my last chance of finding a trace of Cap tain Charles Avas to go to the officers clubhouse Avhich he pointed out across a parade ground in another direction On the door of this building I found an admonition to keep out on pain of deatli or the guardhouse I do not re member Avhich Just then a colored mail carrier hovo in sight however and as mail carriers like policemen and editors are supposed to thing I asked him and at last was set right Yes there was a Captain Charles he Avas an actual flesh and blood person and Avas acting adjutant He AA ould be found at the headquar ters seven buildings up and four to the left Upon discoAering Captain Charles my troubles were over Doors that had before been shut suddenly opened I Avas shoAvn all over eAerything from the clean and up to date kitchens to tho clubhouse and the library Better than all I Avas invited to lunch and met the other officers from Comman dant noAvze Avhom I had roasted edi torially in a NeAV York newspaper the year before dOAvn the line I aais even thaAved out to the extent that I told the commandant about having roasted him and he did not seem to mind it at all What is the use of abusing anybody if he doesnt knoAv about it or pays no attention At the West Point library are manu scripts and famous letters that would set the average collector crazy There are autograph letters from Frederick the Great all down the line including the original of General Grants imme diate and unconditional surrender There are original full length paintings of Presidents Jefferson and Monroe Most notable of all however are me morial tablets to James A MacNoill Whistler and Edgar Allan Poe both of whom were students at West Point but neither of Avhom graduated nor be came a soldier Yet it may AAell be that the fame of Whistler and Poe Avill be kept green after that of all the Avar riors turned out at West Point has faded so much greater is it to create even though it be but a painting or a poem than to destroy J A EDGERTON BRISTOW FOR SENATOR Postal Fraud Investigator Named Republicans of Kansas by Joseph L BristoAA the investigator of postal frauds for the United States government who has been made the Republican candidate for United Slates senator from Kansas to succeed Ches ter I Long after a bitter fight in the primaries throughout the state has a striking record as a public official Mr Bristow first gained national fame because of the able and impar tial manner in which he investigated the great postal frauds in Cuba The result Avas the prosecution of Xcely and Rathbone Three years later anil still a fourth assistant postmaster gen eral he was named by President RooseAelt to rip out the fraud be lieAcd to exist in branches of the post office department in Washington And Bristow ripped no matter hoAv many high and mighty statesmen or politi cians sought to protect their friends As a result Bristow six feet tAvo and as thin as half a fence rail loomed up pretty big as a national figure eAen as a vice presidential possibility During McKinleys administration Bristow incurred the enmity of Mark JOSEPH Ij BRISTOW Hanna and everybody in Washington Eaid Hanna would get Bristows scalp But McKinley stood by Bristow and Kiid to Hanna I guess Ill try Bris Ioav aAvhile longer which meant that BristoAV could stay in tho postoffice department as long as McKinley Avas president When complaints Avere made to Roosevelt about Bristow by poAverful politicians Roosevelt said The one thing against Bristow is that he is so infernally honest had to discover Captain j Bristow has long had senatorial am- Charles and having mached down the hill I marched up again in reverse or der from the famous king of France The distance to the guard tent had now groAvn to four and five sixteenths miles One must be accurate in his bitions He was for years a newspa per oAvner aud editor After editing the Salina Republican he became pub lisher of tho Ottawa Kan Herald Born in Kentucky BristoAV is uoav fifty-eight years old The Adored One He is a confirmed bachelor In fact his attitude toAAard women is almost that of a mysogynist His particular bete noire is a new acquaintance of his sister Miss Blank He met her in the street the other day and seeing no way out of it stop ped and spoke to her She saAV how he Avas fidgeting to get away and said You seem A ery preoccupied Ah I know You are thinking of the one you adore I adore no one was his stiff re joinder You cant deceive me I know you1 are deeply in love Besides your sis ter showed me a photo of the object of your devotion only last night It isnt a type I admire But there every one to his taste I wont tell any one Goodby And before he could reply she was gone When he reached home he said to his sister What girls photo did you show Miss Blank last night Xot any The only photo I showed her was one of yourself Then it dawned upon him Avhat Miss Blank was driving at London Scraps Automatic Salt Works About a hundred miles north of Lima near the town of Huacho is one of the great curiosities of nature a salt factory on an automatic plan When the tide comes in it fills a lot of shallow basins and the AA ater is pre Aented from flowing back into the sea by closing the gates The atmosphere is so dry that the water e aporates rapidly and leaves a sediment of salt in an almost pure state Avhich is scrap ed up packed into sacks and shipped to market Within the coast a little farther tho percolation of sea Avater through the porous rocks into pits and hollows has caused immense deposits of salt to accumulate The salt is taken out in blocks six or eight inches square and sold In that form As soon as the salt is excavated the water comes in again and in a year or two has solidified and Is ready for the mar ket Wells driA eu Into the sand dis close strongly impregnated Avater at a depth of feet which seems tobe a great deal heavier than the sea water and Is drawn off into vats for evaporation rrr JTg tfga fcjr i A BAD PLAN Of TRAVEL Tho Scheme That Worried One Woman on Her Trip Abroad When I hear of people joyfully mak ing plans for their first trip abroad said a man who has made many a transatlantic voyage I am tempted to gh e them a little bit of advice based of course on my own observations but particularly upon a remark made to me by a middle aged Avoraan Avhose seat in the saloon Avas next to mine on my return trip last summer This avo man had a husband and it aaus to him that she referred in ausAvering my question one day I asked her Avhat she had been doing on the other side She looked half quizzically half re proachfully at her spouse aud said Well my principal occupation Avas trying to keep track of John It developed that her concern was MicMleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska Haft Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook not over what John might do In Euro 1 Wator Works Oflice in Poatofllco building pean capitals but simply related to the difficulty each had in meeting the other after pursuing their several ways in a strange city she to broAvse among the shops and he an inA eterate sightseer to visit this that and the other spot of interest Their general scheme as I Avas informed Aas to di Aerge say in the morning folloAving their respective bents and arranging to meet at a certain place at a certain time The plan sounds feasible but it is experimental and as both of them found it AAas an experiment that didnt work AAell First one would be delayed and then the other and if you have ever AAaited for a person in a foreign city jou can appreciate the particular variety of anxiety that comes in about ten minutes Theres a feeling that something has happened to the missing person for one thing and for another theres an increasing realization that you yourself are AA asting time If you start out to look up the delinquent the case becomes practically hopeless The needle in the haystack is easy com pared to that search When the re union does come at dinner time in the hotel or pension explanations are re ceiAed wifh tears or haughty disdain Oh I know Ive been through it Now York Fress A Kaleidoscope of Fashions For my part I commend a quick changing fashion and could I haAe chosen my period would have fixed on the fickle years of the first empire Avhen fashions shifted from Aveek to week and that too with such fine shades of difference that only the most friAoJous could follow them Then the great conqueror brought to Paris finery from the ends of the earth muslins from India garlands of roses from Bengal stuffs shining with gold and silver from Cairo from Turkey of course turbans and from the far east shaAvls shawls from Kashmir from Persia and from the Levant shawls particolored blue bright blue and red and green and black and the clear yellow of the sun shaAvls patterned Avith all the interlacings of Asian ca price and fit not only to hang from the shoulders of the fair but to giAe a coquette of eastern fancy day long visions of the orient Prom the past for all time as AAell as all the earth was then Napoleons came the fashion of the troubadours chapeaux a Cre neaux sleeves a la mameluk cheveux a Ienfant lending to a very modern period Avho can say what charming Gothic airs Hoav do not such revolu tions of fashion enlarge the feminine heart and teach it to live in all ages and all climates Lucy M Donnelly in Atlantic CHBoyle C EEldked BOYLE ELDRED Attobnets at I aw Long Distance Ione 41 Rooms 1 nnrt 7 second tioor Postoffice Building MClOOK Neo 8 Ui b9 DENTIST PncNE 112 Oilice Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh BIk McCook GATEWOOD VAHUb a DENTISTS Office over JIcAdams Store Phone 1 90 H P SUTTCXN JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS Mccook Nebraska V FRAHKUH eo Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location jnsfc across IlnCfflr I street in P Walsh buildintr L ilvOUK THE McCook Laundry Not only excells in fine linen Avork but also does family avashing Avith a degree of ex cellence that marks all work coming from The McCook Steam Laundry PHONE 35 West Dennison St - timLwi Wanted n mm wants correspondence XtlC nrnninctS m frnm Porry and uoiomuu - - fact from any pnrc 01 u Write the paper is not nted now u ommfcrv where the publisher to day mm SPECIAL RATE BULLETIN To the East Daily low excursion tickets to eastern cities and resorts Northern Canada and New ern Michigan England To the West Attractive low excursion rates to tho Pacific Coast Yellowstone Park Utah Colorado Big Horn Mountains and the Black Kills Low Colonist Rates Daily during September and Oc tober to California Washington Oregon and hundreds of inter mediate points Irrigated Farm Lands Ready for Immediate Settlement In the Big Horn River Valley Wyoming watered by completed canals Small cash payment and terms covering nine years Round trip faro from Missouri RiAer and Nebraska points 3400 Write D Clem DeaAer General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau Omaha for new folder Its free Writo a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost R E FOE icket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb FURNACE MID FITTINGS OUR SPECIAL OFFER Absolutely a 5500 class furnace either upright or horizontal capa city to heat 8000 to 12000 cubic ft with pipe regis ters and fittings S5500 A40 rach furnacecapacity to heat 12000 to 16000 ft 6500 Larger furnaces at correspond ingly low prices We make 25 dif ferent furnaces first SDF5 fnll wiiS I and can ship even thing ready fitted so that any liandy man can install a furnace ia two davs I Bovee Grinder 4 Furnace Works liinsireec Waterloo iowa ri rri -- i - Any time you find yourself in need of OF McCOOK NEB 1 1 Supplies for your Office i i i just drop in and see if we do not have exactly what you want whether it be a box of paper clips or the latest improved filing system The TRIBUNE Office mi 1 1 1- lTrrfV A V FRANKLIN President A O P A C EBERT Cashipr JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 c 000 t DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE SSiStulSSSS A C EBERT i V J il r 1 1 y rd i J V 11 It UK a