pj V 1 It- h in J TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR Some Official Totals Beforo going to press wo aro nblo to securo some official totals GOVERNOR Oahlmnn D 24 Bergo D 72 Shailenborger D 252 RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Aarons It 128 AbuottR 79 HcdlundR ICO Karr R 103 Van WiBnou 14 Wallace 08 Williams 101 SECRETARY OK STATE Gatewcod D 250 Mattes D 79 STATE SENATOR Cordeal R 510 Gaomiill R 321 Matthews D 105 Sheridan D 158 REPRESENTATIVE MooroR 458 Pennington R 395 Hoppo D 174 Lohn D 153 COUNTY ATTORNEY Eeeder R 510 SmithR 33o For county commissioner Almeron Heed of Danbury Democrat received 20 votes hence is the nominee Lost Cue coat containing pocket book with 1500 in cash one note for S500 dated ibout September 4th 1907 due about September 14 1908 signed by Francis Zander and wife in favor of W J Fleisehman and a certificate of deposit on Citizens bank and other papers Pocket book and coat returned to Citi zens bank with contents except cash and no questions asked Notice is hereby given that said note will not be paid to any one but undersigned Above lost between my farm and the Perry school house W J Fleischman September 4th 1908 Will Banquet Soon For the good of the order or in qUjoc language to encourage and stim ulate a more vital esprit de corps to create more interest and concern in the club to increase its membership to en fereje and reinforce its efficiency to aid uu developing the social side of the mem tbefship in fine to boost the McCook Commercial club up to a point where it will be able to render McCook adequate service in its development and growth St is nronosed to crive a banquet in the cear future with appropriate particu lars as to toasts music and other et cet ras The Tribune is a warm supporter of this proposed plan not so much for its gastronomic possibilities as for its social advantages and in the hope of securing a more numerous and united club constituency Let more of us boost and boost to gether Plight Have Been Serious Miss Mary Sawhill sister of Mrs Margaret Oyster was painfully burned Monday morning at the new Oyster Tesidence in a fire which originated among some clothing in a closet in an ucexplainable manner The house was but slightly damaged but considerable clothing did not escape Miss Sawhills -burns have proven in no wise serious o the incident has proven fortunate in its results Miss Sawhill extinguished the fire unaided At Arapahoe A base ball tournament will be held at Arapahoe Nebr from Sept Sth to 12th inclusive 5900 in purses with such good teams to compete for it as tiicCook Cambridge Oxford Friend -and Seward Morning games start at IO30 and afternoon games at 330 Dances and other amusements each evening Five consecutive days of fun See big posters VARNISH FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK This varnish is one of the leading pro ducts of The Sherwin Williams Co and is made with the greatest possible care -Its clean clear easy working long swearing varnish for general use L W McConnell Druggist Chase County Fair The 190S meeting of the Chase County iFair association will be held at Imper ial Thursday Saturday September 17 i9 Write C W Meeker secretary Imperial Nebraka for speed programs 3tC Let Us Take Your order for a tailor made suit of clothes We are McCook agents for the great M Born Co house of Chicago Wo will be glad to show you their Blue ffiook Rozell Barker Cash Only Sept 1st beginning with Sept 1 bundles will loe delivered for cash only McCook Steam Laundry After September lSih On and after September loth will sell milk only for cash ElKENBERRY ClaRK iHcd0h The Games With Red Cloud The visitors won the opening game last Friday afternoon between Red Cloud and McCook in 4 to 2 order Summary Red Cloud 0 110 2 0 0 0 0 4 McCook 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 02 Hits Red Cloud 0 McCook 8 Errors Red Cloud 1 McCook 5 Bat teries Red Cloud Clark and Hall Mc Cook Bennett and Ritchie SATURDAYS GAME FORFEITED Saturdays game with Red Cloud was an eleven inning proposition and a four score tie Red Cloud had her first in the eleventh inning and the locals were nt bat One man was on base and four of our best batters were in line Catch er Hall for Red Cloud was hurt at this juncture and they refused to go on with the inning The game was declared forfeited to McCook 9 to 0 Sum mary Red Cloud 0000010300 0 4 McCook 1200100000 04 Hits Red Cloud 5 McCook 4 Er rors Red Cloud 5 McCook 4 Bat teriesRed Cloud Clegg and Hall McCook Barr and Ritchie School Days At the beginning of the term there aro so many items needed by the schol ars that its nest to impossible to start out on the first day of school fully equipped each day seems to demand something new Wo are carrying a stock of school sup plies in such variety that we can supply your needs at all times and our prices are the lowest You will find here all the school books that are used in our public schools as well as such necessary articles as PENCILS PENS PEN HOLDERS ERASERS INKS CRAYONS PENCIL BOXES COMPOSITION PAPER WRITING PADS DRAWING PAPERS ROLES PASTE MUCILAGE SLATES ETC L W McConnell Druggist Died While Parents Are Avay The seven-months-old baby girl of Mr and Mrs William Mueller of the South Sido died Tuesday morning tif ter a short illness The remains were buried in Riverview cemetery Wednes day afternoon Rev G L Henkelmann of the German Congregational church conducting brief services at the grave The distressing part of this affair is the fact that both ihe father and mother are absent in Omaha where the mother was recently taken for an operation for appendicitis Neither of them know of their Dabys illness or death Elect Officers For Next Year The following officers of the South west Nebraska Log Rolling association have been elected President George S Scott vice president P J Mor risey secretary C A DeLong trea surer E S Howell members of ex ecutive committee Lon Cone T F Rowell W C Allison I M Smith H M Finity A rustling committee will be chosen next week New Fall Skirts You will be pleased with the range of styles colors materials and prices in cluded in the newly arrived lines Everything desirable from S1250 down to 8200 Alterations without extra charge The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Mixed Fruits I will have a carload of mixed fruits on track McCook last of this week or first of next consisting of peaches pears grapes plums which will be sold at lowest market prices John Randel Married In Danbury Clifford Chester Brown of our city and Anna Lorena Russell of Shenan doah Iowa were married in Danbury August 26 They will be at home after October 1st 910 1st street W Paint That Pays Thats Lincoln paint Why Be cause it covers more surface- wears longer and looks better than other high- grade paints Get our free color card A McMillen Druggist You Will Never Know True Happiness until you own a phonograph Edison and Standard phonographs and all the latest records for sale at McConnells Druggist All For a 5 William School suits for the boys consisting of coat two pairs of pants a cap and pair suspenders at Rozell Bargers for tu Apprentice Girls Wanted Call at Miss Andersons millinery store the former ODonnell ODon nell store AFTER SEPTEA1BER 15TH On and after September 15th we will sell milk only for cash Eikenberry Clark McCOOKS FIRST CHAUTAUQUA It Came to a Close With Last Sunday Evenings Program In the Methodist Church SUBSTANTIAL ENCOURAGEMENT WAS EXTENDED To Return Next Season About 350 Season Tickets Being Subscribed For at the Closing Session People Feel They Received Their Moneys Worth With Good Interest The opening year of the McCook Chautauqua closed on last Sunday even ing It has been a success Not that the attendance has been all that was desired or even what was expected not that the program was without fault or blemish or that some failures and dis appointments were not suffered but all in all the instruction and entertainment and education received by all who at tended and which was available to all was worth while of a high order pleas ing inspiring of a quality to make the fhinkinrr and patriotic citizen more thoughtful and a greater lover of his country The Tribune has but one re gret worth mentioning namely mat tho attendance was not greater and this for two reasons first for tho advantage of the people and second that the financial success might have been more pronounced to tho Redpath system The musical numbers were not quite all the people expected partly charge able to train failures and this may be stated of the moving picture feature of the program However -the Hespor ians the Hungarians and the Sterlings gave a good and satisfactory account of themselves and the Kirksmiths delight ed everybody And this brings us to the meat of tho program the lectures Carl Thompson gave the opening number of this feature of the program He is a preacher and legislator He handled his subject Christian Social ism with an earnestness which has made him a force in his state Michigan One of the strong men of the system a substitute on the McCook program by the way was Judge Alden of Boston Ahlo virilp pnthusiastic brainy ne Awl 0s Entertain The Awl Os entertained at home of Miss Ona Phelps Tuesday evening Progressive whist was the entertainment feature of the gathering and a three couise luncheon was the gastronomic triumph of the evening Among the club guests of the evening were Mrs John Madison of Denver Colo Mrs A B Kellogg of Bertrand Neb Miss Elizabeth Thompson of rmoi 3oh Miss Mabel Ritchie of lJJtll ll v- Broken Bow Nob Miss Ethel Perkins of Lincoln Neb Miss Essie Benson City guests were Mrs C D Ritchie Miss Edna Waite Miss Carrie Peterson Miss Bernice Rector Miss Maude Jones Directors Let the Contract This week the board of directors of the Masonic Temple Craft association let the contract for the new temple opera bouse to F Borgolte of Waterloo Iowa the price being 23500 for the work embraced in the contract which does not cover a completed building Just as soon as materials are on the ground work will be commenced and vigorously pushed by Mr Borgolte Annexed Them Both McCook acquired both games at Cam bridge Tuesday The morning game score was S to 7 the afternoon 1 to 0 a shutout for Cambridge We Are Sized Up Again in the Wilson Bros soft shirts with and without collars and can meet any want in that line Rozell Barger After September 15th On and after September 15th we will sell milk only for cash Eikenberry Clark and picturesque and thoughtful and humorous A Democratic leader on the floor of the house and a leader in Amer icas best thought along many lines Of him there is but one regret he should have been on the night program and should have had a large hearing of men for whom his address had peculiar purpose Dr Markley is of the oratorical type Ilis idealism was appealing and he was not without sense of humor His refer ences to the topicMusic were espec ially enjoyed Henry George Jr is somewhat pro saic and his subject matter anticipates the day by several years perhaps never the less you get his point of view clearly and his pictures clinch the matter Lincoln McConnell is of the Sam Jones type and one must be able to ap preciate the type to give him adequate treatment He is a powerful and effec tive sample of the type but not as ap pealing in his surgery as the more deli cate and refined evangelists and preach ers His cuts aro raw by choice And Thomas Brooks Fletcher He is a whirlwind a roaster in excelsis He is a disappointment and a surprise His opening would do violence to a soph omore in a literary debate and his finale would do credit to a dramatic orator of highest standard He held his audience long beyond the time limit and they were ready to hear him longer We would hoar more of him again As an entertainer Gilbert JMdredge lills the bill without doing violence to taste His impersonations are genuine Tn David Harums horse trade he was I at his best and he is good enough any l where I of Manager Orchard is the systems left perhaps the strongest impression any on his hearers Whether as formal handy man a clever fellow who lectures ad in- introduces talent or any other old thing lecturer or as platform manager and does them all well desired required terim he left little to be The addresses of J Mohammad AH chautauquettes were especially worthf ul pleasing and Shortly after the afternoon program the tent was blown down Sunday big instructive He brought a new message on an old topic and it had the added doing considerable damage to the fine force of native knowledge and canvas The evening program was ience and was given with the fluency given in the Methodist church of a cultured high class Hindu of After the evening program in the Christian education Methodist church Sunday about 350 Then our own Judge Lee Estelle of season tickets were subscribed for next Omaha the juvenile court man He years Chautauqua Perhaps no one individual m tho city has an appealing word and it comes with irrisistible power to the heart of has been so potent a worker m the in terest of the chautauqua as Rev M B ad- all lovers of boys He is a superb vocate of the indeterminate sentence Carman to whom much of the credit is fh nnrnlB laws both of which due for the system being represented should become laws And Champ Clark Tiprn thiq vear No sacrifice of time or Well he is able effort was too large for him Vote on County Commissioner Below we give the vote on county commissioner which though not official is practically correct aDd the result will not be changed by the official canvas Gockley Lofton Miller Morgan Beaver 5 Bondville 0 Danbury 4 Driftwood 0 Gerver 3 Grant 0 Lebanon 13 Mo Ridge 1 Tyrone 1 Vy Grange 0 Totals 7 3 9 S 13 24 IS 9 6 3 35 123 0 4 19 2 1 0 10 2 0 0 33 mti b ttWf MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 4 1908 42 8 7 3 0 0 30 14 1 0 105 P 0 Hours Labor Day It may be of interest to the public to know that next Monday will be Labor Dav and that tho McCook postollice will observe the day The open hours will be S to 9 in the morning and 1 to 2 in the afternoon Star and rural routes will make their usual trips Starr and Reeder Dissolve Yesterday the law partnership of Starr Reeder was formally dissolved and their business relations are being closed up Had a Fine Crowd The Swastika club dance in the opera house last evening drew a fine crowd and gave a dandy time After September i5th On and after September 15th we will sell milk only for cash Eikenberry Clark Franklin Won Franklin girls won from tika last week 13 to 7 in fine game the Swas a snappy Favor Chautauqua Next Year A special session of the McCook Commercial club was hold Monday eve ning to consider tho mattor of having or not having a chautauqua another year It was the quite unanimous wish to have the Redpath system roturn with their chautauqua talent next summer Messrs Orchard and Smith of tho Bystem were present and paced their offer before the club In fine they asked the club and tho people of Mc Cook to guarantee tho sale of 700 sea son tickets At the closing session of tho chautau qua in the Methodist church Sunday evening about 350 season tickets were guaranteed During tho meeting of the commercial club Monday evening this guarantee was increased to about 425 It was deemed advisable to appoint a committee to canvass the city at once it being the common sentiment that the required 700 season tickets could be Becured without much delay or diffi culty Rev M B Carman II C Clapp Dr C L Fahnestock Mrs Rose Bayless and Mrs Augusta Anton were named as the committee They aro expected to take up this matter at earliest convenience as tho chautauqtua management is anxious to secure our decision at earliest possible date Up to last night tho soliciting com mittee has secured a total of 550 tickets subscribed for next years chautauqua The committee hopes to reach the entire 700 sales this week Tho advantage and profit of such a system are evident to all who attended the sessions here last week The man agement promises even a better program next year and of course may bo expect ed to profit by some of its experiences of this season as to train schedules delays and failures Tho chautauqua system offers a cheap plan for securing entertainment and in struction of a high character Patrons of the Public Schools The city schools of McCook will open Monday morning September 7 It is very desirable that all pupils bo entered promptly the first days of school Tho same organization of tho schools will bo carried out this year as last The beginners who have never attend ed school beforo will go in the after noon only Those living east of Main street and north of the railroad will go to the East school Those west of Main street and north of tho railroad will go to the West school Last year beginners or the A class preparatory will follow tho same arrangement but go to school in the mornings The work will be divided among the buildings as follows Central grades 7 8 and high school East grades prepar atory 1 2 3 4 5 and G West grades 1 2 3 and 4 South preparatory A number of promotion cards un claimed may be had by calling at the superintendents office in the Central school any time from nine oclock in the morning till four in the afternoon Trial to oe Held Next Thursday Harry Trommell was arraigned beforo Justice Berry yesterday charged with mortgaging to the First National bank of this city property he never possessed the amount involved being 400 and the alleged crime having been committed about two years since Tremmell asked for a continuance until Thursday of next week which was granted and he was placed under bond in the sum of 8700 in default of which he was return ed to the county jail Tho bank has been searching for Tremmell for some time and recently run him down at Kearney this state from which point he was recently brought here to answer for his offense Old Settlers Will Meet Tho nlrl cpttlcrs and their friends will gather on the Willow one mile north of Red Willow station for annual reunion and picnic Thursday September 10 1908 W S Fitch President Mrs Kate Thomas Secretary A New Reo Touring Car Dallas Divine has this week added a superb Reo touring car to his automo bile livery He is now better than ever prepared to give you the best service possible in that line Night or day trips and rates reasonable Laundry at Barber Shops All five barber shops of the city will receive and deliver laundry work left with them for the McCook Steam Laundry AFTER SEPTEMBER 15TH On and after September 15th we will sell milk only for cash Eikenberry Clark A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the Tribcne office page for sale at The NUMBER 15 A BUSINESS LUXURY A Checking Account is indeed a business necessity and he who trios to get along without one is nt a great disadvantage It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of busi ness in order to opon an account Professional men farmers and even many womou aro running checking accounts If you have never done business in this way and are not familiar with tho plan come to us and wo will got you started THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK A HOME BANK A GROWING BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Prts C J OBrien Cshr WANTEDApprentice girls at Miss Andersons millinery store successor to ODonnell ODonnelltf Returns Incomplete Up to this morning at tun oclock when tho canvassing board commenced tho work of canvassing tho roturns of tho primary election of Tuesday but meager and incomplete returns aro avail able Many of those bringing in the returns from tho county- precincts did not hnvo an outsido report of the returns they brought Tho regular returns of courso being sealed and not available Returns unofficial aro available on tho state ticket in only 11 precincts out of tho total of 23 Auditor Alden 121 Allen 51 Anthes 12 Barton 173 Cook 28 Hayes 21 Mc Kenoon 2S Pierce 32 For Superm ton dent Bishop 223 Carrington 77 Del zell 44 Martin 39 For Land Com missioner Cowles 233 Husenetter 23 Sams 28 Shivoley 125 For R R Com missioner Aarons 93 Abbott 42 Hed lund 93 Karr 07 Van Wagenen 4 Wal lace 39 Williams 103 In 19 precincts For Senator Cordeal 403 Gammill 2S9 Hasty 39 In 18 precincts For Representative Moore 3S9 Pennington 370 In 17 precincts For County Attorney Reeder 4S2 Smith 332 In 8 precincts For Senator Mat thews 79 Sheridan 81 In 8 precincts For Representee Hoppe 85 Lehn SO In 8 precincts For Governor Borge 4S Dahlraan 13 Shallenberger 128 Death of Baby Clark Floyd Roy aged sevon months baby son of Mr and Mrs Will Clark of South McCook fell a victim to a summer ill ness Sunday last Services were con ducted at the home by Rev M B Car man Tuesday morning after which in terment took place in Riverview ceme tery The parents have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors Labor Union Picnic There will be a basket picnic held in the water works grove next Monday Monday is Labor Day and we would like to have that day observed by the working people of McCook Bring your baskets and spend an enjoyable day with us Congressman Norris and other prominent speakers will address us Committee 25 Per Cent Discount We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount on all straw hats summer underwear summer pants and two pices suits Come and participate in the saving Rozell Barger r lillinery Opening- Note thn advertisement of Lovell Nies and remember the date Thursday and Friday of next week from 2 to 11 oclock p m Pressing- and Cleaning- We are prepared to do pressing and cleaning promptly and to your satisfac tion at the McCook Steam Lacsdry Wanted Good agent to represent art work Good proposition Call after 6 p m 705 1st street W opposite H S bldg After September 15th On and after September 15th we will sell milk only for cash Eikenberry Clvpkv Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell