The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 21, 1908, Image 4

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Paid on
of Deposit
23 Years
Start a savings ac
count next payday
and save regular
ly for some defin
ite purpose You
will be surprised
to see how fast
your account will
grow when you
Get the Saving Habit
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
For President
of Ohio
For Vice President
of New York
At the very urgent request of many
Republicans I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the nomination of
county attorney before the Republican
primary to be held September 1 1908
S R Smith Chairman
Republican Co Central Com
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re nomination for the office of
County Attorney at the Republican
primary on September 1 1908
P E Reeder
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Commissioner of the First dis
trict subject to the decision of the Re
publican primary election September
1st 1903 T F Gockley
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of county commissioner for the
First district subject to the Republican
primary election September 1st
George B Morgan
I hereby announce my candidacy for
renomination for county commissioner
of the First district subject to the de
cision of the Republican primary elec
tion September 1st
Frank S Lofton
for state senator
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of state senator from the
29th senatorial district of Nebraska on
the Republican ticket subject to the
decision of the primary election to be
held September 1st 190S
John C Gammill
Stockville Nebr
for representative
At the request of numerous voters I
hereby offer myself as a candidate for
the nomination to the office of represen
tative for Red Willow county on the
Republican ticket subject to the decis
ion of the primary election to be held
September 1st
Indianola Neb July 24 1908
Frank Moore
I wish to announce myself as a can
didate for state representative from Red
Willow county subject to the decision
of the Republican primary election of
September 1st 1903
Allen E Pennington
Lebanon Red Willow county Neb
Tis claimed that Dundy countys
corn crop for 190S will exceed any in her
It seems that the black menace is
more in evidence in America than the
yellow peril
The Inter State Live Stock and Horse
Show at South St Joseph Mo will be
held this fall on September 23 28
The railroads in declining to give
Nebraska and Kansas special or reduced
rates to their state fairs are handing
the twins lemons tobesuro but are
acting within their prerogatives It i3
perhaps asking too much of the man
agements to be generous when it is not
easy for them to be just and fair
Supreme Court Amendment
It should prevail at the primary elec
tion September 1st and at the general
election November 3rd
So many of the constitutional amend
ments voted upon in Nebraska fail be
cause the voters do not give them at
tention and study that The Tribune
feols impelled to urge in a special man
ner the importance of carrying the sup
reme court constitutional amendment
this year
The supreme court as now organized
is composed of three judges These
three judges are not able to handle the
grnatly increased businss of the court
This fact has been recognized by the
selection of commissioners Of these
there ore six sitting in two departments
The commissioner system is a make
shift however though effective so far
as it goes Wo have no criticism of
their work But the weakness and in
sufficiency lies in the system Commis
sioners are merely advisory clerical
They can but recommend The three
judges still have to finally pass upon all
decisions the judgments must be
theirs So it clearly appears to the
render and voter that the state of Neb
raska has the expense of nine judges to
meet while the work accomplished is
not at all equal to what nine duly and
constitutionally elected judges can ac
The commissioner system is the best
possible perhapsunder our present con
stitution But it should be under
stood that it is far from satisfactory or
adequate its delays unavoidable under
the system are most exasperating and
often expensive to the litigants The
system is unscientific and should be re
placed by an enlarged supreme court
Thero are many technical objections
to the commissioner system but we
have not referred to them in this article
they could do little good in this con
nection but might obscure
This fact however stands out pre
eminent and clear A court consisting of
seven judges all located at the state
capital and performing their duties in
the state house would obviate quite all
the objections and shortcomings of the
present commissioner system
Let the voters of Red Willow county
intelligently and without prejudice con
sider this matter the result can hardly
be other than a quite unanimous vote
for the supreme court amendment
Will Merwin Stand For It
Bro Kimmell of the McCook Tribune
s one of the brainy pditors in the state
Here is one of his mighty efforts
Merwin is neither mooney nor
ready And that do settle it
Now anyone who can write as brilliant
an editoral as that should receive due
recognition and he would if his brains
were only in his head instead of his
feet Col Ready in H C hyphen
Pennington for Representative
Allen E Pennington of Lebanon an
nounces in this paper his candidacy for
representative subject to the decision
of the Republican primary election
September 1st
Camrridge is so delighted with its
cbnutauqua expertpnce this year that
they are incorporating a permanent
Chautauqua association with 810000
john F Cordeals candidacy for the
state ssnatorship nomination is progres
sing satisfactorily as he becomes better
known over the district and his prin
ciples and character are better known
and appreciated by the people
The people and by the people we
mean its clean thinking rational pop
ulation those who love mercy seek jus
tice and honor God and His creatures
are the salvation -of America and The
Tribune believes in referring public
matters to them for initiative We are
more and more convinced of the wisdom
of requiring public servants to go on rec
ord before election It is no reflection
on honor ability or character of pros
pective candidates It is simply an act
of reasonable precaution It avoids
misunderstandings misconstructions
Relieves legislators of lobby pressure
and insolent insistence
For twenty of the past twenty two
years Furnas and Frontier counties
have been honored with furnishing the
senator of this district and they show
no disposition to give the other counties
a chance to be represented This year
John F Cordeal of Red Willow is a can
didate for this office and the Republicans
of the western counties should give him
their united support We believe it is
the duty of every man to be loyal to his
own community when it can be done
without a sacrifice of principle A vote
for Mr Cordeal is a vote for a man well
qualified for the office and one who will
be a credit to the district Trenton
Window Glass
All sizes carried in stock or will cut
to order any size wanted
L W McConnell Druggist
We Are Sized Up Again
in the Wilson Bros soft shirts with and
without collars and can meet any want
in that line Rozell Barger
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
TflnWTrTfT g
Wm Huscnetter For Commissioner of
Public Lands and Buildings
At a meeting of the Republican Coun
ty Central Committee held in David
City on May 30tb 1S03 the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted
by said committee
Bo is Resolved By the Butler county
Republican committee that wo most
heartily endorse the candidacy of Wm
Husenetter of Linwood for the office of
public land commissioner
In support of his candidacy we wish
to mention some of the services he has
rendered his party Ho has been pres
ent at every county convention for thirty
years He has served the senatorial
district on the state committee for ten
terms He has represented this county
as a delegate in every state convention
for 22 years He has served three terms
on the stale executive committee Ho
has served two terms as chairman of
our Republican county central com
mittee and is now serving the third
time He has never accepted a polit
ical office carrying a salary with it In
these various capacities be has always
stood courageously for the best interests
of the party He has been thoroughly
in sympathy with the recent policies of
Roosevelt and two years ago was a
strong advocate for tho election of Gov
Sheldon Mr Husenetter has a com
mon interest with the farmers and ship
peas of the state in the enactment of
the Roosevelt policies as he owns and
operates a large ranch at Linwood and
is a vigorous advocate of these interests
In this endorsement of Wm Husenet
ter for land commissioner we wish to
call the attention of the voters of Ne
braska to the fact that Butler county
since its organization more than forty
years ago has never had a state officer
nor a deputy
Mr Husenetter has been a resident
here for forty years and we do not hesi
tate to present his name as we consider
that it is only justice to his long service
for the party
Attest L B Fuller Secretary
Frank Moores Position
In accordance with a very general de
sire that legislative candidates define
their positions on some very important
measures I gladly submit the following
To the Voters of Red Willow County
I heartily approve of the primary law
anti pass and railway rate legislation
and would be glad to support other leg
islation along this line
I am in favor of permitting the people
to vote upon any question of public int
erest Therefore I am in favor of
County Option and will work and
vote for such a law if I have an oppor
tunity to do so
I believe in some law that will furnish
a way for the establishment of good
country roads
I am a Roosevelt Republican and be
lieve in the policy of the square deal
I solicit your support at tho primary
election to be held Sept 1st and promiso
if elected to work and vote for the inter
ests of Red Willow county
Frank Moore
Candidate for Representative
Indianola Nebr
Manager Orchard of tho McCook Chau
tauqua who is also a star performer
county court
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Gary Hayden 27 and Ida Arnold 18
both of Kersey Colorado Married by
county judge August 4th
Charlie Albee 21 and Elizabeth
Schroeder 20 both of Indianola
Jay Sorric 22 of Almena Kansasand
Jeannette Sturgeon 18 of Franklin
Nebraska Married by county judge on
August 4th
William M Craven20 of Juniata and
Fay Porter 20 of McCook
F C Smith 24 and Lulu E Nash
21 both of McCook
Daniel E Tirrill 23 and Estella M
Cox 19 both of McCook
Theodore Bryan 40 and Mrs Belle
Stephenson 40 both of McCook
Four New City Views
and an attractive assortment of greet
ing and other tasteful post cards re
ceived this week at The Tribune office
Something new every week
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
itUnTfi BMtrtu
McCcok Anti Saloon League
To the Voters of Red Willow County
You are no doubt interested in the
highest welfare of our county and state
If so September 1st is tho time to show
it By far the most important issue
which will figure in this election will be
that of the saloon
The so called Merchants and Manu
facturers association of Omaha which
is notably controlled by tho brewers
havo been sending out their literature
and have asked you to support this
traffic Their plea is based on personal
liberty and taxation This plea deserves
your consideration for the county rec
ords of Red Willow county will show
that the tax payors of tho county have
been taxed recently to the extent of sev
eral thousands of dollars for court ex
penses and that was brought on with
out the consent of the voters of the
county for cases growing out of this
whiskey business
It would seem wise then on the part
of every voter to look after the candi
dates and find how they stand On the
legislative ticket both for senator and
representative there are good and true
candidates in both parties who believe
in the county having the privilege of
speaking in this matter They are op
posed to leaving to tho towns the decis
ion of this important question in which
the whole county is vitally interested
A large portion of the voters of the
county are disfranchised on tho saloon
question while paying heavy taxes for
court and other expenses caused by the
saloon Is this right County option
will surely win if the people come out
and vote We ask you to come to the
primaries September 1st and urge your
neighbors to come The only hope for
the saloon crowd is in a small attendance
at the primaries Your attention is
called to those candidates who are
pledged for county option for the offices
of state senator representative and
county attorney They are right not
only on this proposition but are known
to be right upon every other public
question and are clean capable men
Let us work together for their nomina
tion Signed Press Committee
McCook Anti Saloon League
Miss Inez Styer of Benkelman is a
guest of Miss Arlene Allen
W A Mitchell is up from Lincoln
visiting wife and daughter
Mr and Mrs R J Gunn arrived at
home last night from their outing
Mrs Peter Miesen and Miss Mamie
returned this morning from their visit
in South Dakota
Mr and Mrs E J Kates baby is
very ill--with spinal meningitis though
slightly improved today
Rev G B Hawkes and family will
arrive home end of week from their va
cation in New England
W B Mills was confined at home
early days of week by sickness but is
about again and at business
Mrs H T Groves and Miss Mary
Rozell who have been visiting Hebron
relatives arrived home last Friday
Mr and Mrs L M Copeland who
have been visiting their daughter Mrs
J G Schobel returned to Minden Tues
day morning
Mrs Jos Campbell of Yuma Colo
briefly visited Mrs T B Campbell this
week Thursday Friday on her way
home from the east
Miss Josephine Mullen accompanied
her little niece Jeannette to Denver
Thursday morning to meet her father
Will Mullen of Sheridan Wyoming
Linus Stoll who has been marooned
for a few weeks with a case of diphther
ia was given his liberty and a bill of
health yesterday much to bis relief and
the satisfaction of friends
John Maisel was up from Indianola
Wednesday seeking repairs for his
threshing outfit He reports some
wheat averaging as high as 20 bushels
per acre others much less
Rooms for rent over electric theatre
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale A baby buggy
C Cole phone3 red 29
Mrs R
Lost Two keys Finder please leave
at First National Bank and receive re
Lost A pair of gold bow nose glasses
with chain last Sunday Return to
this office
For Sale A ladys saddle not a
side saddle Make inquiries at this of
fice for price and particulars
For Sale 3 rooni house and two
lots Some fine trees Price 5900 In
quire of Barger at the clothing store
For Sale Dwelling house on corner
G and 2nd street W Five rooms and
large pantry Good barn and buggy
shed Phone black 312
For Rent Cottage everything con
venient furnished or unfurnished rea
sonable to right parties Inquire at
this office or No 811 1 and 3rd street W
CURES catarrh of the stomach
A Good Wagon
tho same as a GOOD Y0
is a good investment just and tho
Younow the JOHN
New Moline W
is made by the same firm for hard use and
dry country just liko tho
Sharpies Tubular
j7 Si2
and tho
When you buy you might as well have the best
so come and see us
McCook Hardware Co
w b mills phone 31 R- B- simmons
B3sBBBaaanBaa ssbb esaciBBaBS an at bob ss gsK s aej e B1
lf 0 Aff Clriffo
1111 at 1 I I
3 A3 o Ull Oil oMl to
If you are in need of a well made stylish and durable skirt
Saturday Aups
t 22
and youll find the bargains of your life If you dont believe
it just listen
Best Chiffon Panama latest cut and best man- d A A
tailored regular price 1400 now only p 1 J0 X
Novelty Panama Pleated Skirt a jewel at -4 A
1250 now 1 XjvZO
Plaid Skirts best ever for street wear latest J A
cut valued at 1000 now 03j
Mohair Skirts in various colors and styles
500 to 700 values now 450 to 3e 3
The FAMOUS McLAUGHLIN BRAND of coffee now at
GRANNIS We have the full line ranging in price from
20c to 40c per Pound
This coffee speaks for itself the name it bears is an absolute
guarantee of perfect satisfaction
even sounds good doesnt it This coffee is properly aged
perfectly blended and comes straight from plantation to cup
What more could you ask except for another cup of coffee
K a