V j h V r U V CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook LoiIko No iiS A F A M meets ovory llrat ami tiilnlTuosday of tlio mouth at 800 p m in Mnsonlc hall Ciiauluh L Fahncstock W M Lon Cone Soc It H M Occonoioo Council No 1C H S M moots on the last Saturday of ouch mouth utS00 p in u MubouIc hull Ralimi A Haodeko T I M Stlvksteu Couuhal Soc B A M Kins Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M moots every Jirnt and third Thursday of ouch month ut 800 p in in Mubouic hull ClAUUKCKH Gbay II P Clinton B Sawyeu Sec KNIGIITa TEMPXAU St Johu Comniiiudury No 10 K T moots on tlio second Tliurcdity of ouch month ut 800 p m in Masonic hull Emekson Hanson E C SylvesteuCoudeal Hoc I EA8TEEN HTAB Eurokn Chapter No fc6 O E S moots the socond and fourth FridnjH of each month ut 800 p m in Masonic hull Mns Saeah E Kay W II F M Kimmeli Soc MODEEN WOODMEN Noblo Cnmp No 063 M W A moots every second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at 830 p m in Gunschows hull Puy ussossments ut Whito ilouso Grocery J M Smith Clerk S E Howell V C iioyal NEiannons Noblo Cnmn No 8C2 R N A mnnts hocond und fourth Thursdny of ench month u 210 p in in Gnnpcliows hull Jlns Maby walkee Oraclo Mes Augusta Anton Rec W every Dr J A Colfer DENTIST Room 4 Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office t w o w Meets second und fourth Thursdnys at 8 o clock in Diamonds hall Chas F mapkwatv r r C Moyeu Clork AOEKMEN McCook Lodge No CI AOTJW moots ovory Monday at 800 p in iu Diamonds hall C 15 Gbay Roc Wm Wooton M W I M Smith Financier DEOEEE OF HONOR McCook LodsroNo 3 D of II meets every second and forth Friduys of each mouth at800 p m iu Gauschows hall Mrs Lauea Osbuen C of H Mns Matie G Welles Rec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E moots ovory fcucond and fourth Saturduy of each month at 230 in Morris hall Waltee Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE firemen McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets every Saturduy at 730 p m in Gaus chows hall I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C second and fourth Sundays of each 300 p in in Diamonds hall moots the month at Joe Hegenbeegee C Con M O McCluee Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge- No 4S7 B of R T moots first and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each month in Morris hall Neal Heeler M R J Moore Soc RAILWAY CARMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets ou the first nud third Thursdays of each mouth iu Diamonds hall at 730 p m John Hunt C C N V Franklin Rec Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets ever first and third Thursday evenings of each mouth in hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Gauschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yaeger Adjt RELIEF CORPS McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a e McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Jessie Waite Pres Mattie Knipple Sec P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mes C H Meeker Cor Sec AUTOMOBILE LIVERY DALLAS DEVINE Prop PHONE 166 MCCOOK NEBR Night or day trips made anywhere Prices Reasonable Good Service Guaranteed Made Old A SHORT SPEECH by an Indian Chief In Reply to a Government Agent the bead chief of Mille Lac brought all his warriors to defend Fort Klpley Iu 1SC2 The secretary of the Interior and the gov ernor and legislature of Minnesota promised these Indians that for this net of bravery they should have the special care of the government and never be removed A few years later a special agent was sent from Washington to ask the Ojlbways to cede their lands and re move to a country north of Leech lake The agent asked my help I said I know that country I have camp ed on it It is the most worthless strip of land in Minnesota The Indians are not fools Dont attempt this folly You will surely come to grief He called the Indians in council and said My red brothers your great father has heard how you have been wrong ed He said I will send them an hon est man He looked in the north the south the east and the west When he saw me he said This is the hon est man whom I will send to my red children Brothers look at me The winds of fifty live years have blown over my head and silvered it with gray and in all that time I have never done wrong to any man As your friend I ask you to sign this treaty Old sprang to his feet and said My friend look at me The winds of more than fifty winters have blown over my head and silvered it with gray but they have not blown my brains away That council was ended THE NECK RUFF at80OT m in Ganschow hail J I marks a year The reign of Edward D O Hewitt Pros W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGnTS OF PYTniAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P moots every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall M Lawritson C C J N Gaarde K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at S00 p m in Gauschows hall W H Ackerman N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on the first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the first and and third Tuesdays of each month at S p ra in the Morris hall Anna Haxnan G R Josephine Mullen F S It Reached Its Full Glory In the Six teenth Century One of the most peculiar and inter esting evolutions in historic fashion is the growth and development of the ruff In England This ruff began its career as a humble little something like a tuck running along the top of the chemisette from shoulder to shoul der You can see it grow in the portraits of royal personages slowly but surely like a great linen flower opening its plaited petals from genera tion to generation During the reign of LTcnry VII it was scarcely more than a budding excrescence but with Henry VIII it had outgrown its tuck stage to the extent of reaching up to the ears and was beginning to sport a mild flare Those were the days of such strict sumptuary laws that in or der to wear black geuiet you must be royal to wear sable you must outrank your viscount neighbor to wear mar ten or velvet trimmings you must be able to show an income of over 200 VI and Queen Mary merely fostered the ruff without encouraging it to any greater development But Queen Eliza beth seeing in it possibilities for off setting her red hair and clear skin fanned it into vigorous life In the six teenth century the ruff burst into full bloom Men and women even tiny princesses were overshadowed by the stiff rays of the ruff on all great occa sions Even over France Germany and Italy it spread its white pinions and held unquestioned sway until it fell with the Roundheads The Burnt Cork Circle Mistah Middleman Ah has ah rid dle Mr Bones we shall be delighted to have you propound it Yessah but hit aint nothin lak dat Ah jest desires to ax yo what am de difference between ah storekeeper whose business is improvin an a man who selects feathers fo sofa pillows Thats a pretty hard nut to crack Mr Cones Now what is the differ ence between a storekeeper whose business is improving and a man who selects feathers for sofa pillows De storekeepers business is pickin up an de other mans business is pickin down Mr T X Orr will sing the pathetic ballad He Married Himself to a Mar cel Wave an Now Hes All at Sea Harpers Weekly Swankers A number of our contemporaries ap pear to be somewhat exercised as to the precise meaning of the word swank Swank though usually called by other names is the leading characteristic of Englishmen French men used to talk of perfidious Al bion It was simply another way of calling us swankers To swank is broadly to make the thing that is not seem as the thing that is London Globe Not Shall we marry darling or shall we knot was the short and witty line an ardent lover dispatched to the idol of his heart But where the strangeness of the matter comes in the girl replied I shall not You may do as you please Moral Lesson Lost Good for Squillips 1 hear that Since he quit drinking he has got rich Its too bad to spoil that story but its the other way Since he got rich he has quit drinking Chicago Trib une Much Easier Candidate of Ideals Wouldnt you rather be right than president Prac tical Friend Certainly It is so much easier to be right Baltimore Ameri can Honesty is the best policy but it is the sort of policy that has no sur render value Philadelphia Inquirer LINCOLN MCONNELL the brilliant masterly powerful orator loftier than his six feet two would indi cate at the McCook chautauqua INDIANOLA Vote for Taft Weather cooler High winds accompanied by much lightning and a very littlo rain was our apportionment Saturday night Mr and Mrs Frank Marsh and baby have gone to Guide Rock on a visit to Franks parents Thelma daughter of John Strunclc has the diphtheria The family is quar antined Miss Nellie Crocker was the guest of Mrs Tom Ilaley Saturday night and Sunday Mrs E S Byfield came home Sun day morning from the chautauqua where she had been for a couple days A L Miller returned from Oklahoma last week bringing with him a bride Mr and Mrs N J Uerling are enter taining some friends from the east A calf belonging to Daniel W Schoen thal was killed by lightning Monday night Chris Jensen was also loser by the storm Lightning struck and killbd a fine horse belonging to him J F Helm living on the Willow had the misfortune to lose a very valuable horse by lightning during the storm of Monday night Indianola has been well represented at the Cambridge chautauqua this week Ira Horton left Monday morning on 13 for the west where he has a claim Mr and Mrs John Balding of Edison are in this neighborhood visiting relat ives and friends Two thousand two hundred and fifty feet of new sidewalk has been laid recently on our streets Earl Glandon of McCook was an In dianola visitor Tuesday William Taylor departed for St Jo seph Missouri Tuesday night where he expects to xemain for a while Mr Schamels house south of town was considerably damaged by lightning during the last electric storm Miss Gracie E Smith was the guest of her cousin Anna Smith Saturday night She with relatives attended the chautauqua Sunday The fakir show has er pastures and fairer were witn us a week Ralph Samms made a flying trip to McCook Saturday night going up on 5 and back on 14 Mr and Mrs Ira Pennington arrived home Saturday evening from their wedding trip They were met at the train and treated to a liberal supply of rice gone to fields green They Frank Moore has invented in Cam bridge property We hope ho will not decide to move to Cambridge as our town would not like to lose Mr Mnnm and his estimable family George Wyricks barn was struek by lightning Monday night and set on fire but prompt action saved it Mrs Wm McCool left Tuesday for Maywood to attend the funeral of her nephew who died in Utah a few days ago Mrs C L Walker and children of J McCook were passengers on 12 Sunday I morning eurouce tor Stamford in re- week for sponse to a message stating that her sis- ter had hfipn imnrorl in nnrrn DANBURY Rev Shopherd and wife spent a few days at Cambridge Ia9t week Jim Springer and Ralph Boyer have typhoid fever Mr and Mrs F G Stilgebouor and daughter Bornico of Bnrtloy visited friends in Danbury first of tho week Sam Minniaar is under the doctors caro threatened with fever Mrs Annis went to Kanona last week to visit with II L Ruby and family Mrs Stono went to Oberlin last Sat urday to visit her sister Mrs Pierro McFee Mrs Earl Peacock is over from Mc Cook visiting Tho baseball game between Danbury and the Arkansaw Travellers resulted in a score of 5 to 4 in favor of Danbury This section of the country was visit ed by another fine rain Monday night Mr and Mrs Reese Williams of Shel byville III are visiting the Stilgebouer families Mrs Williams is a niece of S W Stilgebouer Mr and Mrs McMain from near Bart ley visited with Mrs J E Dolph and Mrs McMains mother the latter part of last week A slight blaze at tho east elevator one day last week caused considerable ex citement Fortunately it was quickly extinguished Rev Richards who has been in Den ver recovering from tho effects of ty phoid fever will be in Danbury to take up his work again next Sunday The McCook chautauqua will open Saturday afternoon August 22 and con tinue nine days Arrange to attend Season tickets now are 200 after chautauqua opens 5250 Miss Gayly Miles run a splinter into her foot about ten days ago They sup posed it was all extracted but her foot continued to give her trouble She was taken to Dr Campbell and the foot examined with X rays part of the splin ter was still in her foot and was cut out by Dr Green of Beaver City At pre sent 3he is getting along nicely Clarence Reed resigned his position as manager of the DeMay lumber yard at Marion his place will be filled by Will DeMay a nephew of the Dr Mrs Mose Young and Mrs W S Minniear start today on a visit to her brothers at Cherry ville Kan for a two weeks visit BARTLEY Dr Arbogast was called to Freedom Sunday night to attend a man cut up with a meat cleaver by a Mr Easton Mr Earnests son living south of Bartley fell on a reaper and crushed his skull and caused a bad scalp wound Dr Premer was called and reports tho boy in a serious condition but thinks he will soon recover The McCook chautauqna will open Saturday afternoon August 22 and con tinue nine days Arrange to attend Season tickets uow are 200 after chautauqua opens 250 Dr Hathorn has a new Franklin auto which he recently purchased Ball Brothers of Holbrook were here Monday making arrangement to put in a large hardware stock Mr and Mrs Bernard Hillers of In dianola were visiting with Mr and Mrs H L Brown Sunday Dr Mackechnie was down from In dianola Tuesday on business connect ed with the Havana Telephone Co Robt Fischer is having his store building raised and a concrete floor put in the cellar Monday evening Dr Arbogast and family had a close call Lightning struck the house going from top to bot tom tearing up about half of the roof and two rooms Allen E Pennington was in Bartley Wednesday looking after his interest as candidate for representative on the Republican ticket Mr and Mrs Reilly of this place left on 13 Wednesday for Yuma Colo for a short visit with Mr Reillys sister The new residence of Smith Durbins is being pushed rapidly to completion The passion play moving pictures by McCook parties will be exhibited in the opera house here Saturday evening this week Will Lyman and wife will leave this u itlluu auu vK Wednesday aaiSeui aim lamuy were among those who enjoyed a pleasant outing on the chautauqua grounds last week C S Quick and two daughters Flora and Angie arrived home Tuesday night from their Colorado outing Miss Jennie Eozelle of Hastings ar rived in Indianola Tuesday evening for a visit with friends and relatives Fred Dow and Asa Wolfe went over to Danbury on business Tuesday morning Miss Mamie Mann entertained a few of her young friends at a six oclock dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs Ira Pennington of McCook A play will soon be given in Shorts opera house entitled On the Little Big Horn Home talent will be employed in giving this catchy little play a visit to Denver and other Colorado points Adam Grass of Hastings Mrs Walker will stay a couple of weeks Ami nhoofonn - Teel of Indianola were Bartley callers A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Four New City Views and an attractive assortment of greet ing and othej tasteful post cards re ceived this week at The Tribune office Something new every week Typewriter ribbons papers sale at The Tribute office etc for GERVER Hollo Central Wore thodo not fine rains Most of us will have somo corn yet Cane couldnt do hotter Lightning played a number of pranks Monday night Knockod tho bottom out of J II Relphs tank struck Chas Loftons windmill and our Dr Simons had a oloso call tho shock having forco enough to knock down one of his horaes Joe Relph was selected by Undo Sam to carry tho mail on tho route just estab lished to run from Cedar Bluffs Mrs Davis Mitchell of Ilaiglor passed through on her way to Cedar Bluffs Tuesday Somo of our boys assisted Cedar Bluffs in being defeated in tho game with Lebanon Saturday A new ball ground was established on tho Beck place Saturday This will bo a Saturday ball ground and it is hoped to divert the minds of tho boys from Sunday playing The report of a Sunday school picnic at Marion tho 13th came too late for any preparation on tho part of our school However that doesnt hinder us from going and enjoying tho day There was a social dance at Al Ben jamins Thursday evening Report has come that wo are going to have a new neighbor in tho porson of John Mcintosh who has rented Claude Fowlers farm just across tho line Wheres your partner John R E Lant was in Marion with a load of hogs Tuesday Geo Miner of Cedar Bluffs has boon buying cattle in this and Grant pro cincts Tho McCook chautauqua will open Saturday afternoon August 22 and con tinue nine days Arrange to attend Season tickets now are S200 after chautauqua opens 250 We laud this as an era of rapid tran sit both as regards passengers and news But still a country correspondent will report a dry spell and by the time tho paper is printed wo are soaked with rain We report a rain and vice versa Dont brag RED WILLOW Dean Smith came on Monday to make his annual visit with his uncle F C Smith Tho little bull dog which Dean Smith toou from John Longneckers last sum mer was awarded first premium in the Dog Show at Lincoln They refused 35 for him Mrs Smith gave their young folks a delightful family picnic on the river Thursday Wading in tho river plenty of fried chicken ice cream and cake O my Then REST yes rest in capitals much appreciated this warm busy time The McCook chautauqua will open Saturday afternoon August 22 and con tinue nine days Arrange to attend Season tickets now are 200 after chautauqua opens 2 50 The stork visited at Will RandePs on Friday and left a 10 pound girl Gladys Randel has been very sick with tonsilitis but is better Mrs Korns Carl Miss Madison a little granddaughter and her neighbors all drove out to call on Mrs Johu Long necker on Sunday afternoon Ruth Calvin is spending some days at Owens Longneckers and Blossom is staying with her Such fun the little girls have riding around rolling down straw stacks etc Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office R F D No 1 Mrs Amos O Rogers is improving now Mrs John Breitling has gono to Au rora Nebraska on a visit to relatives Rev Finstor of Culbortson is visiting Rev Ramelow Sam Hughes markoted a carload of cattle in Omaha last Friday with sat isfactory results to himsolf Frank Dudek has returned from Colo rado He roporta his fathor as improv ing but it will bo somo timo boforo ho will be nblo to return homo Tho McCook chautauqua will open Saturday afternoon August 22 and con tinue nine days Arrange to nttond Season tickots now aro 200 after chautauqua opens 2 50 G F Randel nnd wife Mrs M J Stroud nnd daughter Mrs Alice Horroll and children wore gupsts of Jacob Randel last Thursday Notwithstanding rabbits aro tho only gamo that can bo shot at this time of tho year hunters nro out in numbers killing prairie chickens and quail W E Bower and Amos Bower nnd wife havo gono to Denver ou a short trip A D Johnston has harvested his wheat on tho divide nnd it averaged twenty bushels to tho acre Henry Schamels houso was struck by lightning Monday night Inst but wo aro unablo to report what damage if any was caused Josoph Downs and Arthur Shepherd are covering the school house in dis trict 19 with tin roof sides and ends Otto Rnndel was a visitor at G F Randels Sunday GRANT Tho rains put glad hearts into tho farmer for their corn nnd plowing Geo Sigwing and A A Towlo aro plowing for fall wheat II Blunck August Wesch and family and Gus Blunk Mr Poppor and Miss Freze visited at Jacob Woschs Sun day Danco at Charles Lees last Saturday night Supper served at a lato hour All had a good time A A Towle of Banksville Neb is often drawn over to Chas Leos Sun days Plenty of rain and crops are growing fine P A Blunck nnd family woro visitors 1 at Jacob Weschs Sunday Miss Minnie Friehe of Culbertson 13 staying with Mrs Jacob Weschs this week Duke Guinn is threshing for August Wesch this week Fred Pepper came out from McCook Sunday to Jacob Weschs to see his best girl The dance over to Clamps and Lees were well attended Saturday i The Nebraska Military Acad emy Lincoln A IiiKliBrade Military Hoarding School for boy- Ideal location outside tho city jet doe enough to derive all city benelits Lar well cfiuiiiped build ins forty acres of drill parade and athletic ground- Strong faculty the foe t academic military and indu trial train ing Preparation fur college utmer ity or bn ines A clean and inspiring home Careful attention gm n to health habits and home life of boys Special department for boy- under 12 year- of age School open- September It 1108 For information address 15 D Hi bd Superintendent Rox lV Lincoln Neb 7-X-mo S7SI3VZN SNSSSVISNSSS ONE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the host Lumber and Coal Concerns in a Xo ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone Xo OXE when you will be informed that you can get Xo OXE lumber Xo OXE coal Xo OXE service Xo OXE treatment in fact Xo OXE first last and all the time W C Billiard SRVSSPsSSSBSSV BVSSZuSSVSETS EVESXQSSNSSS E3SSSS7sSHSSN - i i i 1 i i i i I i i MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffcner Tablets Sold by AMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska asavV ifoVses5ofby Cement Stone Work I L I have purchased the plant of the McCook Cement Stone Company on West Dennison street and am prepared to fill any and all orders tor cement stone blocks and work Also Sidewalk Curbstone or Cement Work of anv kind phone Red 96 H N Rosebush VVVViVtV