The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1908, Image 5

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School Days
Are near at hand again and the boys will need a new suit We
have the largest line of
Youths and Boys
Clothing V
of any house in McCook which we will sell for less money than
our competitors care to sell at
Owing to the fact that we will surely move what stock we
have left on August 29th this is the last month and if you want
to saye yourselves good money on your
Fall and Winter Clothing Overcoats
Underwear Shirts Hats
and Caps
Come and see us We will hold nothing back Everything
goes at greatly reduced prices We would sooner give the people
the benefit of a low price than to pay it out to railroads
Phelps Clothing Co
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Time 1027 p M
2 522 am
12 715 am
14 942 pm
16 725 p M
No 1 Mountain Time 950 a m
o ii 1142 p M
57Arrives S35 p m
13 1025 am
15 1217 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 p m
No 175 departs 710 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write R E Foe Agent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
Robert Burns Monday
Engineer Whitney is on furlough and
Clyde Scott has his run
Switchman Howenstein of the local
yard is on the relief list
Engineer and Mrs W H Dungan
and children lefc on Monday for a vaca
tion of several weeks
Dispatcher T B Campbell accomp
anied Mrs E J Kates and baby home
to Lincoln Sunday morning returning
home on 3 same day
Oscar E Pearson arrived home Sun
day night fromspending a couple weeks
in the west on a vacation He returned
to work as car distributer Monday
The Burlington lost a million and a
half dollars Monday by a fire in Chi
cago which destroyed the dock transfer
wharehouse at Canal and Sixteenth
streets 100 box cars and elevators E
and F
John Hedges who has been a clerk in
the master mechanics office departed
on Saturday night last for Kansas City
Mo where he goes into his brothers
office the brother being engaged in
some line of manufacturing in the city
on the Kaw
The Nebraska Military Acad
emy Lincoln
A high grade Military Boarding School
for boys Ideal location outside the
city vet close enough to derive all city
benefits Large well equipped build
ings forty acres of campus drill
parade and athletic grounds
Strong faculty the best academic
military business and industrial train
ing Preparation for college university
or business A clean and inspiring
school home Careful attention given
to health habits and home life of boys
Special department for boys under 12
years of age School opens September
10 190S For information address
B D Hatwaud Superintendent
Box 153 Lincoln Neb 7-3-mo
The 2705 is receiving drop pit repairs
this week
The steam dome on 2013 is receiving
repairs this week
Switchman H O Andrews was up
from Red Cloud Friday
The 1019 and 350 are both receiving
steam pipe work this week
Tar felt roofing material is gradually
replacing shingles on the roundhouse
Conductor Neal Beeler returned to
work last Saturday after a months
Conductor George Martin and wife
returned close of last week from their
eastern trip
Conductor Carmoney and Brakeman
Dalton went to Hastings Tuesday
after second No 3
Conductor T E McCarl laid off for
the Bloomer ball game Monday and
Burney had the car
Brakeman H F Glaze went down to
Red Cloud Friday night to relieve
Hunter for fifteen days
Mrs Frank Johns and young son
from Hendley are guests of Mr and Mrs
I E Converse this week
Conductor T A Malen of the Hastings-
Red Cloud run is laying off and
Humphrey is relieving him
Engineer Walter Stokes left for the
mountains Tuesday seeking relief from
his usual summer dose of hay fever and
Conductor Scott went in to Lincoln
Saturday to accompany home the wife
and baby who have been visiting there
for a fortnight
Switchman William Overleese of the
Holdrege yard is absent in the moun
tains on vacation of two weeks and G
C Warner of our city is subbing for
Master Mechanic Culbertson has
been away all week going over the Al
liance division He expects to go into
Lincoln end of the week with Mr
William Jappert successor to Mr
Beard as general car inspector was at
headqaarters here Thursday Beard is
now supt of the car shops at Platts
Mrs T J Cain and little babe re
turned to McCook Monday after hav
ing been the guests of Mrs Cains
niece Mrs A A Johnson for over
three weeks During most of the time
Mrs Cain was here her infant daugh
ter was very ill with spinal meningi
tis During the past week however
the little one improved greatly and she
seemed practically well at the time of
their departure Holdrege Citizen
Condr Geo Pearce returned Tues
day from his outing in Colorado
Brakeman A F Irwin returned Tues
day from an extended visit in Illinois
Condr Carmoney was doing extra
passenger work first of the week and
Scott had his car
Brakemen Chilten and Neubauer are
home from their Missouri visit and re
turned to work first of the week
The boilers in the round house are be
ing provided with new asbestos jacKets
and covered with Russian sheet iron for
ornamental purposes
For Saee A ladys saddle not a
side saddle Make inquiries at this of
fice for price and particulars
For Sale 3 room house and two
lots Some fine trees Price 8900 In
quire of Barger at the clothing store
For Sale or Trade One Ideal hot
water heater good as new We have
been using it to heat our residence and
greenhouse but as we have a large
greenhouse and boiler room under con
struction and have purchased a 50 horse
power steam boiler we have no further
use for the heater It is the exact size
and make as used in the residence of
Mrs Dr Easterday Will trade for a
good carriage or horse or anything that
I can use or will sell cheap for cash A
real bargain L M Best
Land to Rent G10 acres 60 acres
broke 260 tillable no improvements 5
year lease situated 2 miles west and 8
south of McCook
William Deere McCook Neb
Lost A pair of nose glasses and
small chain attached Finder please
leave at C J Ryans store
Lost Thursday night in city park
open face gold watch with metal fob
Finder rewarded by leaving at Marshs
meat market
Lost One black coat size 37 be
tween McCook and D E Whistlers on
the McCook Danbury road Finder
please leave coat at Bee Hive McCook
or News office Danbury
Lost July 25 a childs white linen
coat Finder please return to this
office or C L DeGroff Co
Mrs R E Benjamin
Dressmnking Telephone 191 eve
ings Mrs F R McIntyre SS
Wanted Boarders and roomers at
207 2nd street E Home cooking and
Terms In Science That Belie the Prod
ucts to Which They Apply
There are terms In certain depart
ments of science fhat positively mW
name the products to which they aw
The wofl oil n its more compre
hensive and indiscriminate uses t
made to Include hydrocarbons like pe
troleum and also many other sub
Btanccs that have an oily appearance
like oil of vitriol which is not oil ui
nil hut sulphuric acid
Strictly speaking the mineral oils
Including all petroleum products are
not oil although we speak of coai
oil and kerosene oil
The best classifications of oils do not
Include mineral hydrocarbons like
naphtha pnrallln and petroleum but
treat only the two well defined groups
fixed oils ami fats and the essential
or volatile oils
Copperas Is not copper but sul
phate of iron Salt of lemon has
nothing to do with the fruit of the
lemon tree but is potassium blnoxalato
or potash treated with oxalic acid
Carbolic acid is not an acid but a
phenol In structure it is allied to the
nlcolmls and has only slight acid prop
erties Soda water has no trace of
soda Sulphuric acid contains no
sulphur Sugar of lead is innocent
of sugar
Cream of tartar has nothing to do
with cream nor milk of lime with
milk German silver is a stranger
to silver and black lead is not lead
at all but graphite Mosaic gold is
a sulphide of tin
These misleading names have come
down from the vocabulary of an early
and inexact chemistry As popular
science extends the old terras a e
yielding to the more scientific nomen
How Private John Allen Got Himself
Elected to Congress
Here is Champ Clarks defeuse cf
humor if it needs one
The dry-as-dusts solemnly assev
erate that humor never did any good
Now lets see How did Trivate John
Allen of Mississippi get to congress
Joked himself in One bit of humor
sent him to Washington a national
lawmaker Opposing him for the con
gressional nomination was the Confed
erate General Tucker They met on
the stump General Tucker closed one
of his speeches as follows
Seventeen years ago tonight my
fellowr citizens after a hard fought
battle on yonder hill I bivouacked un
der yonder clump of trees Those of
you who remember as I do the times
that tried mens souls will not I hope
forget their humble servant when the
primaries shall be held
That was a strong appeal In those
days but John raised the general at
his own game My fellow citizens
he said what General Tucker says to
you about bivouacking under yonder
clump of trees is true It is also true
my fellow citizens that I was a vedette
picket and stood guard over him while
he slept Now then fellow citizens
all you who were generals and had
privates to stand over you while you
slept vote for General Tucker and all
of you who were prirates and stood
guard over the generals while they
slept vote for Private John Allen
The people caught on took John at
his word and sent him to congress
where he stayed until the world was
filled with his renown
Aid For the Explorer
Peary said a geographer of Chica
go never started on one of his explor
ing expeditions without receiving by
mail and express all sorts of packages
from cranks cowhide underwear tea
tablets medicated boots and what not
Peary once told me that George Ade
a few days before the start of one trip
wired him to expect an important pack
age by express
The package came It was labeled
To be opened at the farthest point
Peary opened it at once however
It was a small keg inscrihed
Axle greese for the pole
Shouldnt Overfeed Hubby
Hint for young wives who desire to
have their husbands retain their boy
ish slender figures In an addiess at
Vienna on the subject of food Pro
fessor Karl Van Noorden one of the
greatest medical experts in Europe ut
tered an emphatic piotest against
wives who overfeed their husbands
He declared that the reason so many
begin to get fat immediately after they
have married is that their wives give
them their favorite dishes on every
possible occasion
An Inducement
Is there anything I can do cried
an exasperated west side mother to
induce you to go to bed
Yep responded the small boy
Well for goodness sake what is
Lemme stay up an hour longer
Cleveland Leader
His Mark
Hewitt Gruet cant write his own
name Jewett I know it Whenever
he sees a man showing another man
how to make a cross on an Australian
ballot he thinks he is forging his signa
ture New York Press
The Pampered Pets
Ilortense call up Mr Do Millyuns
and ask for Fido
Yes me lady
Carlo wishes to bark to him over
the Herald
If the brain does not sow corn it
plants thistles German Proverb
onLonnet ges
-Vie rs
Isit keepirjg cool tJpe easiest vy to cooL
lotlpipg is so rot s Ipot old clotfyes
Fres Iigfyt fleecy sunder clothes irjke
you look well too
Is tlpere 9y resoQ wy you should iot
put kside tlpose old clothes id get 9ew 09es
izt you C9 buy for tlpese prices
LV9S wortl 7 8 9d 9 ee9ts
90 v 4 1 1 ce9ts
Oye lot sunder goods formerly 10
id 15L 1 SL ce9ts 90 v 8 ce9ts
09c lot summer goods formerly 18
vr 9d 5L5L ce9ts 90 v 151 ce9ts
Otlper lots 16 10 SSL d9 cetX
Founded in 1882
Hastings is the fourth city of Nebraska having a population of over
12000 and is supplied with handsome public buildings elegant resi
dences metropolitan stores and beautiful churches It is also an import
ant reilroad center being located on the C B Q St J G 1 C nnd
N W and M P railways There are also three branch lines of the
Burlington route so that access is easy from any quarter
It consists of twelve cultured men and women representing eight
different universities and colleges Post graduate work at Harvard Chi
cago Princeton Yale Berlin and Heidelberg gives their teaching and
scholarship unusual breadth and thoroughness
The College offering two courses for degrees with many electives
The Academy offering high school training under college pro
The Normal School issuing teachers certificates under state
The Conservatory of Music with courses in voice piaa pipe or
gan violin and musical theory
There are four buildings Ringland Hall a mens dormitory and
refectory McCormick Hall the principal recitation building Alexander
Hall a womens dormitory Carnegie building the library and scientific
work are unsurpassed and all buildings have steam beat and electric light
Next year begins Sept 8 190S Handsome catalogue aEd illustrat
ed souvenir free upon application to
A E TURNER LL D President
White House Grocery
Fone 30
McCook Neb