The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 31, 1908, Image 8

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Treat the Gods Missed but Procurable
In tho Mohawk Valley
Something in the line of good things
to cat the gods never had consequently
the gods mlBsed a great treat And
by the way friend have you ever
booked up to a dish of schnltz und
NoV Thought so Few have in these
times and those who have hceu so
fortunate have just cause to recall a
delicious morsel time can never erase
Jrom the tablets of memory
You can order schnitz und klase until
you faint famished awaiting it You
will never get it in any public eating
place It Isnt on the bill of fare and
never will be
The up to date chef would give you
the laugh if you asked him to concoct
St for you Ten chances to one hed not
understand what schnitz und klase
could possibly mean Few know but
those who do know It know it well
A good lug ham bone Is the central
portion light dumplings and dried ap
ples Anything else would spoil it
The ham Lone gives the dish a
smoky flavor the dumplings give it
Body and the dried apples give it color
and tartness as well as sauce
Put the ham bone in cold water and
open the dues and let the pot boil
While the pot is getting Into good and
ready shape make your dumplings and
jnake them as light as possible
Tut the dried apples In a separate
dish and stew them down to a nicety
When the pot with the ham bone bub
bles and froths drop in the dumplings
one by one No you do not stir the
contents of the pot That would spoil
the consistency of the dumplings and
make a mess
Any one who has watched a pot boil
knows when dumplings are done to a
Take a deep platter fish out the
dumplings carefully with a drain spoon
and place them about the ham bone In
the center of the platter Looks dry
hut when you pour over all the dried
apples and their nice sauce wow
Thats schnitz und klase as you may
have had it years ago when living
with a German family in the Mohawk
valley You can eat it until your eyes
start out and your waistband gfTps your
middle It will stay by you through a
hard days work and if there is any
left over you hit It again for supper
Ever try It New- York Sun
But It Made Good Advance Informa
tion For the Reporter
Neils Olsen who was for forty years
a trusted employee of the New York
Yacht club was always courteous to
newspaper men and glad to give them
such information as he could with
propriety make public lie was sorely
beset by news gatherers while the Dun
raven trial was going on and often
said to the reporters with a smile that
lie regretted his ignorance On the
evening of Feb 27 1S0G when the
members of the club met at the old
clubhouse in Madison avenue there
was much quiet excitement because it
was well known that the question of
Dunravens expulsion would come up
An enterprising reporter stopped Olsen
as he came through the door and asked
Do you think theyll expel his lord
Olsen said How do I know and
then added Did you ever read this
and handed to the young man a clip
ping from the Tribune which read
or Dunravcn never tumbling still is
grumbling still Is mumbling
In his lordly ancient castles over on the
distant shore
ind his talks have all the seeming of a
daft and jealous seaman
And the X rays through him streaming
show hes unfair at the core
And because the Yacht club knows him
knows hes unfair at the core
He will race here nevermore
Half an hour later the meeting was
called to order and within twenty
minutes a resolution was adopted
stripping Dunraven of his honorary
membership privileges When the re
porter saw Olsen he said That was
good advance information to which
he replied 1 never give information
that was a guess New York Tribune
Only the Odd Ones
Tery few of the American tourists
who come to England fail to visit
Westminster abbey The long history
of the venerable pile appeals strongly
to our visitors from the other side of
the Atlantic 0i lady student while
within the abbey looked about with
the particular object of inspecting the
tomb of King Edwud II Failing to
discover it afrr patient search she at
last asked the verger to direct her to
it Im sorry madam replied the of
Jicer with a 1ne of deep regret but
we aveat Edward II here as we oul
ave the odd numbers London Ex
flaking a Show
A man has to draw it fine thes
What do vuu -mean
Staying ten minutes after ollici
Sours each day will probably make a
good impression but staying fifteen is
liable to excite suspicion that you aie
monkeying with your books Kan
gas City Journal
The Maid Do you believe its un
lucky to get married on a Friday The
Abominable Bachelor Certainly Why
should Friday be an exception Black
and White
The Denial Habit
Do you take this woman to be your
iawfnfwedded wife
No sir theres no truth in the ru
morthat is to say I do Pittsburg
Samoas Talking Man
Samoas talking man or tolafall la
a character All the affairs of state
ol the village in which he holds office
are carried upon his shoulders In or
dinary he Is the chief adviser per
suader convincer and restrainer of the
leading chiefs Having the gift of elo
quence he makes the most of It He
enjoys immunity from many things
He cannot be spoken of in ordinary
terms If it should be necessary to
3peak of his eyes or his mouth or his
limbs special honorable words must
be used words which attach to him
alone and have never been applied to
the personal parts of ordinary men
As lie stands to deliver his soft per
suasive mellifluous oratory with staff
of office in his hand any one can see
that he Is a man of great importance
or If this is not apparent from his at
titude it may be gathered from the at
tention paid to his utterances by gray
haired chiefs and by youth and maid
ens If the talking man is a clever
fellow and understands his business
he is the chief ruling power in his
tribe although the nominal headship
is always vested in a chief or patri
archal figurehead
How Wyckoff Was Revealed
The late Professor Walter A Wyck
off of Princeton had a passion for
knowledge at first baud and will be
best remembered as the college pro
fessor who studied labor conditions by
becoming himself a laborer Starting
in 1S91 in Connecticut with no money
and with a suit of overalls he worked
his way through nearly every state in
the Uniou after the fashion of tho
floating laborers of this country so
many of whom ultimately become
tramps Wherever there was a possi
bility of work he applied for it wheth
er it were digging ditches wrecking
houses or factory work For awhile
his incognito usually worked well but
as soon as his fellow laborers saw him
at table they at once began to suspect
him His manner of eating his way
of holding knife and fork at once set
them speculating Once he was seen
drinking tea at a fellow laborers
house in Chicago He lifted the saucer
from the table held it in his hand and
forgot himself so far as to drink with
out noise I knowed then his host
afterward said that he was a swell
masquerading Harpers Weekly
The Most Beautiful Flag
In a village school in the Acadian
region of Nova Scotia the young lady
teacher who was from a portion of
Canada more remote from the United
States than the section she was in
was on ope occasion preparing for a
little celebration of empire day Call
ing one of the boys she gave him a
coin and said to him
Take this please and go out and
get us the prettiest flag you can find
She had no idea of course of his
procuring anything else than a British
flag and her astonishmont was great
therefore when the boy came back
with a small edition of the stars and
What have you there the teacher
asked sharply Did you suppose I
sent you for anything else than the
flag of your country
Why answered the boy you told
me to get the prettiest flag I could find
and there was nothing else so pretty as
The boys judgment was unpreju
diced at any rate for he was a Cana
Oh Wait Till He Returns
Why my dear exclaimed the good
friend on finding Mrs Newed in floods
of tears what is the matte
The young wife wiped her eyes and
tried to compose herself and be in
humanly calm
Well she began with folded
hands you know John is away for a
Yes dear helped the lady friend
Well he writes to me regularly
and in his his last letter he tells me
he gets my photo out and kisses it ev
ery day
But that is nothing for you to cry
about exclaimed the good friend
Yes it is cried Mrs Newed
bursting into tears afresh be because
I took my piciure out of his ba bag be
before he started ju just for a jo joke
and put one of mo-mo-mothers in its
Why They Dont Desert
Instances of desertion from the
army in Mexico are very rare and for
the best of reasons said Senor Jose
de Minaldez of Nueva Leon
The reason lies in the almost sure
capture of the fugitive and the certain
ty that he will get not one but numer
ous floggings on his bare back These
lashings are done in the presence of
the comrades of the deserter and when
the men see how great is the suffering
of the miserable wretch who tried in
vain to quit his military obligations
they are forced to conclude that it is
better to stick to the army than to un
dergo such a terrible ordeal Balti
more American
Audiences Have Changed
They dont write comic operas like
they used to said Mr Stormington
Barnes They used to have jokes
then that made people laugh
Yes answered the manager but
you must remember that in those days
they had audiences who could be made
to laugh Memphis Commercial Ap
Not Deluded
Do you want employment
Lady answered Plodding Pete
you means well but you cant make
work sound any more invitin by usin
words of three syllables Washing
ton Star
Brave actions never want a trumpet
Italian Proverb
Until HI IHJBM Oillui
n giitTTMimni
Tho Rain Was Hot
Mi Goitt had been waiting for a
week or more to give her rear porch a
good scrubbing but she was always
afraid of incurring the keen displeas
ure of the people In the flat below
who It seemed were never off their
porch and who would get all the drip
pings of her scrubbing operation
When it rained though Mrs Goitt
saw what she thought was her oppor
tunity The people down below surely
would not be out on the porch during
the rainstorm and all the water that
dripped down would be attributed to
the rain She filled a bucket with boil
ing hot water threw in a sallow cake
of soap and got busy
But she had reckoned wrong for the
people down below were on their porch
enjoying the shower In a minute Mrs
Goitt heard a womans voice below
saying Why Martha the rains com
ing through from the porch above The
roof must leak
And then Martha observed with a
gasp Yes And oh heavens had you
noticed that the rain is hot Did you
ever hear of such a thing Arent ter
rible things happening All these aw
ful murders and now hot rain But its
the Lords doings and we must sub
mit Cleveland Plain Dealer
Early Lamps and Wicks
It would be hazardous to conjecture
what the first wick consisted of but
when we come to consider the iron
lamp or crusie we know that ce
wick commonly used was the piti i
the rush which was gathered aiwl
partially stripped of its outer green
covering cut into proper lengths dried
and tied up into bundles ready for use
The iron lamp was hammered out of
one piece of iron In a stone mold This
was usually done by the blacksmith
and the molds are still to be seen in
museums in the hands of private col
lectors and no doubt at some of the
country blacksmiths shops They are
of one uniform shape with some slight
varieties The lamp consists of two
cups one suspended above and inside
the other The suspender is so fixed
and notched as to enable the upper
cup which holds the oil and wick to
be shifted to keep the oil constantly in
contact with the wick The lower cup
catches the drip of the oil which can
be easily replaced in the upper cup by
lifting it off until the oil is poured into
it The upper cup has sometimes a
movable lid Chambers Journal
Carnegies First Investment
It was due to Thomas A Scott that
Andrew Carnegie made his first invest
ment ten shares of stock in the Adams
Express company valued at 300 This
he did with considerable trepidation
He had labored hard for the money he
had saved up while he had worked as
a telegrapher It is part of railroad
history how ho later fell in with the
inventor of the sleeping car saw the
enormous advantages which that man
ner of traAel held out to passengers
and promoters and how lie interested
others in the invention of Mr Wood
ruff This occurred shortly after his
return from Washington when the
problems of transportation were still
uppermost in his mind He was now
on the road to success and wealth as
he then pictured earthly possessions
The Pennsylvania oil fields yielded
large returns when Carnegie and oth
ers turned their energies in the direc
tion of the newly discovered territory
In one year land purchased for 40000
increased in value so that it paid a div
idend of 1000000 Exchange
Reading a Horses Face
Every horse carries an index to his
temper and intelligence in his face
The teachable tractable animal is
broad and flat between the eyes the
bony ridge of his face dishes slightly
from the point where the face narrows
toward the nostrils His ears are well
set sensitive and far apart with a
well defined ridge of bone extending
across the top of the head between
them Always feel for this ridge in
judging a horse The eye should be
large clear and bright with a prom
inent ridge of bone along the inner and
upper edge of the socket London An
Where Swallows Go
The swallows all spend the winter in
Central America and the south part of
Mexico They appear in the southern
states as early as the middle of Feb
ruary but seldom get as far north as
New England until the month of May
The robins winter in the southern
states and in northern Mexico They
are to be seen in flocks the winter
through in the gulf states Exchange
The trouble with this tooth said
the dentist probing it with a long
slender instrument is that the nerve
is dying
It seems to me doctor groaned the
victim you ought to treat the dying
with a little more respect
An Unhappy Answer
The Curate Good gracious Giles
Whatever makes you keep such a spite
ful old cat as that Giles Well sir
you see its like this Ive felt a bit
lonely since my old woman died Lon
don Opinion
At the End of the Voyage
Jonah disembarked
The only trip I dont have to tip the
steward he exclaimed
Therewith he regarded the whale
half approvingly New York Sun
Different Points of View
Its hard to be poor sighed the
seedy pessimist
Thats queer replied the ragged
optimist I always found it easy
Successful guilt Is the bane of so
ciety Syrus
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drug9 McConnell
Picture framing The Idenl Store
Hammocks at McMHIens drug store
Mary Harrison nurso Phone black 28G
Fruits of nil kinds nt nil times nt
Pnul Antons meats are guaranteed to
save you dental bills
Leave your repair work at the Vierson
Standish shoe hospital
While out riding stop at the Mission
Inn We will do the rest
Drugs you buy of McConnell you can
depend upon Theyre pure
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott nbout it
Dr Hnre examines eyes free nnd guar
ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses
No office is completo without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
Walk half a block nnd snve a dollar
still means go to Viersen Standish for
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Godfrey Co nre operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
T C Beardsley scientific optician
office with Leach the jeweler Saturday
of each week
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Try the Mission Inn home made ice
cream and pure soda water West room
Walsh building
Fresh box candy chocolates and sweet
tpoth confections nt Woodworth
Cos Druggists
Dr J Elsie Logan in postofiice
building Office phone 303 residence
phone 45 Palmer hotel
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Smoke 5 cent cigar
Delicious crisp appetizing potatoe
chips Magner Stokes sell them
Better than mother makes
Make it a point to watch Viersen
Standish windows It means money in
your pocket when buying footwear
Twenty thousand new post cards col
ored views of McCook made in Germ
any just received at Barnoy Hofers
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
A kodak will make your vacation
complete We have them from 500
up You should take one with you to
make your vacation a real pleasure
L W McConnell Druggist
Our repair mans name is Sass but
youll find him one of the most accom
modating men you ever met He has
charge of the new shoe hospital at the
Viersen Standish Shoe Parlor
Only a few remnants which we will
close out at half price If you contem
plate papering this fall or next spring it
will pay you to see these papers
Yours truly
L W McConnell Druggist
Rozell Barger have just received
M Born Cos Blue Book and are
prepared to show you and take your
orders for tailor made clothing for the
biggest and best clothing manufactur
ers on the globe
Epworth League at the Methodist
church Sunday evening August 2nd
at 700 p m will be led by Miss Mabel
Cumberland and Mrs J S Chambers
Subject How Jesus Masters Our Pre
judices You will get something good
if you come
City mail delivery is soon to be estab
lished in McCook This will be a great
convenience to our city To insure de
livery when no one is in the house to
receive mail a letter box should be put
in some convenient place You can get
these boxes at H P Waite Cos
hardware store
It is the experience of many farmers
in this vicinity that early fall plowing
is best These farmers get onto the
ground with a Moline or some other
good gang or sulky plow just as soon as
possible after harvest so the soil may
be in proper condition to receire the
seed H P Waite Co can fit you
out with the best plows
On August 10th will close the entries
of races to be contested at thn State
Fair Lincoln Augast 31st to Septem
ber 4th There will be fifteen harness
races of which the 235 and 221 trotting
and the 230 222 and 211 pacing are
for purses of 1000 each The 3-year-old
trot the 3-year-old trot for Nebraska
bred the 230 225 and 217 trotting
and the 235 225 21S and free-for-all
pacing are each for purses of 5C0 A
3-year-old pace and a 3-year-old pace for
Nebraska bred each for a purse of 300
There will be nine running races one of
which is a four and one half furlongs
for 2-year-old Nebraska bred with a
purse of 200 another is the Nebraska
Derby 1 1 1G miles and the remainder
are from one half to one mile
McConnell fills prescriptions
Special prices on wall paper at Mc
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 223 per
box Hubers
A new line of Austrian China at Mc
MHIens drug store
Crackers that are crisp in spite of tho
weather Ask Scott about it
Wellorette tho best cigar 5c will buy
for sale at Woodworth Cos
McMillen druggist carries a large
line of local and other postal cards
Go to Viersen Standish for the best
of everything in footwear nnd shoo find
If you want n good home made candy
go to tho Mission Inn west room Walsh
Tho sun can not harm complexions
protected with McConnolls Fragrant
The market does not have anything
in the cattle line too good for Paul
Antons customers
For burning smarting sweaty feet
McConnells Foot Powder Instant re
lief Price 25 cents
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Some people talk of quantity some of
cheap prices but Viersen Standish
consider quality foremost when speak
ing of their stock
Any thing you require for summer use
in the line of drugs and drug sundries
can be obtain of us at the lowest price
Woodworth Co Druggists
List of Candidate Filings
Up to the hour of our going to press
tho following candidates havo filed in
the county clerks office
For Representative Frank Moore
Republican Chas FLehn Democrat
For Commissioner T F Gockley
Republican W V Miller Republican
George B Morgan Republican Frank
S Lofton Republican
For State Senator John F Cordeal
Republican I A Sheridan Democrat
We are informed that an entire Social
ist ticket will bo filed tomorrow
There are several more filings to be
made tomorrow which is tho last day
for filings for the primary election
September 1st
Misdirected Enterprise
A case of misdirected enterprise was
brought to our attention recently
The one in point was that of an employe
of one of the city store distributing on
tho side a large consignment of cata
logs of an eastern house
The employe was promptly given an
opportunity to devote his undivided at
tention to the catalog house
There ought to be a decent sense of
loyalty between the employe and the
employer It never will be easy and
never should be to serve two masters
with honor
Hard Fought Game
The basket ball contest on the Swasti
ka court last evening between River
tons and Swastikas was perhaps the
warmest exhibition of tho game ever
seen in McCook It was witnessed by a
large body of admirers Tho score was
marked by considerable dissatisfaction
the merits of the case being obscure to
the writer The visitors were all taller
and most of them heavier than the local
team a fact which seemed to be in their
favor The locals are fast and strong at
goal throwing
McCock Annexed Them All
This has been tho locals week in the
base ball field
Mondays and Tuesdays games with
Red Cloud were taken into camp in 2 to
0 and 7 to 0 order
Wednesday and Thursday the Cam
bridge team was the chopping block
They escaped with a score of 7 to 3 and
2 to 0
Comfortable Surroundings
The band concert was enjoyed by a
large crowd last evening in the city
park under most comfortable circum
stances The program was an especially
popular one and its appreciation was
warmly indicated
McCook Markets
in McCook at
Merchants and dealers
noon today Friday are paying tho lo
lowing prices
Corn 75
Wheat 40
Oats 60
Rye 50
Barley 575
Hogs is
Butter good -
Crackers that nro crisp in spito of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Tho best line of mens work shoes in
tho city at the Viersen Standish Shoe
Use Fly No on your horses and cows
It keeps the flie3 off For sale at
Woodworth Cos Druggists
Finish your own vacation photos We
for the work
have all necessary supplies
Kodak tank developers powders trays
film clips printing frames papers etc
L W McConnell Druggist
The reader will note the advertise
ment of Dallas Divine in tho paperelse
where in this issue He guarantees you
good automobile livery service at reason
able rates day or night Honk honk
Dr J A Colter
Room i Postoffice Building
Night or day trips
made anywhere
Prices Reasonable Good Service
Fly Nets at 130
per pair
All JGoods at Lowest Possible
Market Prices
Whole Wheat Rye and Graham
Flour Special prices on lots of
ten sacks or more
SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food un-
excelled in 2 lb packages
All kinds of Mill Feed
Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc
Orders Promptly Delivered
McCook Milling
E H DO AN Proprietor
Phone 29 McCOOK
Stock Reducing Sale
Must have more room and
to make it will sell for the
Next Twenty Days
All Furniture in Stock
Look at these prices
82500 Com Book Case at 2000
1450 Com Book Case at 1250
3000 Buffet at 2250
83500 China Closet 2800
82200 China Closet 17 50
82000 2 in Continuous Post
Vernis Martin Bed 1500
830 Genuine Leather Chair 2300
Dressers from 81050 up
Chiffoniers from 8350 up
Mattresses and everything else in
Situated in Driftwood fprecinct
Red Willow county Nebraska
For particulars address