Q n l r ft Li ry L f T I kh ffeSf I H wmiwffiwmnii CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A Y A M McCook LcxIro No 135 A F fc A M moots ovory first nud ttiirtl Tnomlay of tlio -month at 8 00 p in in Masonic hull Uiiaules Li Faiikcstock V M Lon Cone Sec R 8 M Occouoxoo Council No 1G It St S M moots on the Inst Sutunluy of ouch mouth nt800 p m n Mubonic hail Ralph A IIagiikro T I M Stlyehtec ConnnAi Sec It A M KiiiR Cyras Chapter No 35 H A SI moots ovory unit and third Thursday of each mouth at 800 p in in Maeonic hull CiAurNcn H Gray II P Clinton B Sawteu Soc KNIQIITH TKMrLAU St John Coniinniidery No 10 K T moots on tho second Thurtdny of each month at 800 p in iu Masonic hull ISmcuson Hanson E C Sylvester Corokal Kec i ASTERN STAR Eurokn Chnptor No faC O 12 S moots tho socoud nud fourth Fridnys of ouch mouth ut 800 p in iu Masonic hall Mrs Sarah E Kay W M F M Kimmell Soc modern woodmen Noblo Cnmp No CCJ M V A moots ovory second nud fourth Thursday of ouch month nt 830 pm in Ganscliowa hull Puy nssossments ut Ytliito Jloiibo Grocory J M Smith Clork S E Howell V C ROYAL NEIGIIDORS rtomo unnip ixo buz ji in a moots ovory second and fourth Thursday of ouch month ut 230 p in in Gauschows hull Mrs Mary Walker Oraclo Mrs Augusta Anton Kec w o w Meets second and fourth Thursdays nt 8 oclock in Diamonds hall W C Moyer Clork workmen McCook Lodjjo No 01 AOUW moots every Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hall C B Gray Bee Ww Wooton M V I M Smith Financier degree op honor McCook LoiIko No 3 D of II moots every second and forth Fridays of each mouth at 800 p in in Gauschows hall Mrs Laura Osruen C of H Mrs MatieG Welles Roc locomoxive engineers McCook Division No 023 B of L E meets ovory second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Rurnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN McCook Lodgo No 599 B of L meets every Saturduy at 7150 p m F iu E enow s null I D Pennington M Geo A Caih dell Soc RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the eecoud and fourth Sundays of oach month at 300 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenoerger C Con M O McClure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodpo No 4S7 B of R T moots first and third Sundays at 230 p m aud second and fourth Fridays at 730 p in each month in Morris hall Neal Beelec M R J Moore Sec RAILWAY CARMEN Young America Lodfio No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Thursdays of each mouth in Diamonds hull at 730 p m John Hunt C C N V Franklin Rec Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets every second aud fourth Tuesday of tho mouth atSKK p m in Gauschow hall - - - D O HswiTT Pres W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets ovory Wednesday at 800 p m iu Masonic hall M Lawritson C C J N Gaarde K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F moots every Monday at 800 p in iu Gauschows hall W H Ackerman N G V A Middleton Sec eagles McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets tho second and fourth Fridays of oach month at S00pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on the first aud third Fridays R S Light W Pros G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets tho first and third Tuesdays of each month at S00 p in in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and and third Tuesdays of oach mouth at S p m in tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hivo No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Ganschov hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willktts R K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on tho first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yaegee Adjt relief corps McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every second nnd fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vanderhoof Sec l of g a e McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Jessie Waite Pres Mattie Knipfle Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each moutn at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mes C H Meeker Cor Ssc ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofiice July 31 190S LETTERS Cahill Mr Thos Brown Mr W W Gollaher Mr F D Garton Mr Willis Lewis Miss Gillie Meredeth Master Tom Perkins Mrs Pearl 2 Meredith Miss Laura B Procter Mr R S ShepardsonMiss Jennie Walls Mr R V CARDS Adams Dr A G Althouse Mr Amos Blake C Bauman Miss Minnie Hastens Mrs Theressa Hill E L Johnson Mrs A A Johnson Mr George Korns Mrs Mary E Patcher Mr Jno W Jr Wagner Mrs John When calling for these please say they were advertised S -B McLean Postmaster imMTfurMKifffiiTrT CHURCH TOWERS They Aro c Distinctive Feature of tho Mexican View There is no country better worth vis iting than Mexico It Is very striking In crossing the border from the United States to note how completely every thing changes Ilere there hardly seems anything man has constructed which harmonizes with its surround ings there everything seems to bo en tirely a part of the country It is more foreign than Europe Is now and constantly reminds one of the east Hiding In some of the little traveled districts I could hardly believe that I was not in India The dust In the road the thorn scrub on both sides with that pungent smell of the blos soms all reminded me of the country about Ahmedabad The plateau In winter the dry season is very much like the desert long stretches of coun try with purple mountains In the dis tance without a tree in sight except where there is a town or where irri gation has kept a little green and a few trees have been planted Often the horizon Is so distant that the mountains melt into the sky and per haps one catches a glimpse of the snow on one of the volcanoes The color is that of its own Mexican opal greens blues and reds Everywhere the distinctive features aro the church towels and tiled domes rising above the towns The exteriors of these churches are always pictur esque and interesting but the interiors are usually disappointing for they have suffered much during many revo lutions and perhaps even more from senseless renovations There are a few still untouched where one can see them as nearly all were once entirely covered with richly carved wood heav ily gilded Gold was used thickly ev erywhere till the carving looked like solid metal I have seen much gold in churches but none to equal that in Mexico Lock wood do Forest in Cen tury NO ALTERNATIVE The Jury Had to Teach the Pompous Judec a Lesson A certain trial judge in a certain state became so unpopular that the only way he could get a verdict for the state was to nia ke his charge in favor of the prisoner When matters had reached thisjitasa a famous feuU fight er was arrested o a ehargeif murder and brought to trial Thecase which was the judges first murder trial at tracted much attention and the judge whose unpopularity arose from his vanity and pomposity greatly enjoyed his role as umpire of the law The case was a clear one against the de fendant and his guilt was so conclu sively proved that the judge even pre sumed to charge accordingly The jury retired and when they filed back into court it was noticed that they avoided the prisoners eye and looked unusually solemn Gentlemen said the judge waving the clerk into silence have you reached a verdict We have said the foreman The judge opened a paper bag and drew out a black cap Yitn an im portant look around the courtroom he placed this on his head and pulled it down until it met his ears Prisoner ho said arise and look at the jury Jury arise and look at the prisoner Gentlemen what is your verdict The jurymen who had been whisper ing to each other nodded cheerfully at the prisoner Not guilty said the foreman Of course he said later when ev ery one had shaken the innocent mans hand he was guilty all right and that was going to be our verdict but when the little judge put that black cap on his head and pulled it down over his ears like that there was only one thing for us to do and we did it New York Sun Graveyard Neighbors The agent for a cemetery company was expatiating on the good points of a certain lot Presently the prospec tive purchaser interrupted with the enumeration of several prominent fam ilies owning property there Is this lot near theirs she asked The agent admitted that it was quite a distance off Then said the woman I dont want it Id rather pay more and get in a good neighborhood The agent collapsed Has it come to the point he said where people consider their next door neighbors even in a graveyard New York Sun Business Sense In new lines of goods is where the profits lie The old standbys that ev ery dealer keeps have the prices all cut to pieces on them Get the new things ahead of the other fellows and make money on them Frequent change of the arrangement of your show case gives the effect of new goods received The same old arrangement month iu and month out no matter how many new goods looks like the same old stock Printers Ink Persuasive Your wife is somewbat strong mind ed isnt she Littlejohn Strong minded A furniture polis peddler came here yesterday and ii five minutes she soid him some polis she had made herself London Tele graph An Easy Way One of the easiest and most effective ways of escaping the hardships of prison abuses is found in the simple old process of keeping out of prison Chicago Record Herald Honor the troa that gives yon shelter -Danish Onu uiiihhmwiihi i TWTLawmugj A BIT TOO SHREWD Venture In Which the Captain Overreached Himself One of Uncle Sams customs officials noted for his success In unmasking smugglers said the other day iu a dis cussion of a customs olllcers duties One must be shrewd but not too shrewd otherwise one overreaches oueself like Captain narrow of Isles borough Captain Harrow of Islesborougb was trading at Key West In a small vessel Business took him up the coast to Tampa bay and he bought twenty dozen chickens from a farmer at 4 a dozen The chickens were all sizes some a few days old and no bigger than ca nary birds some fat and large like turkey gobblers The captain expect ed to make a lot of money out of them lie was very shrewd ata trade Well at Key West a hotel man came aboard aud looked the chickens over They are fine birds he said How muck If you pick them out yourself said Captain narrow shrewdly Til have to charge you G a dozen If 1 pick them out I can let you have them for 3 All right You pick them out said the hotel man Captain Harrow picked out a dozen chickens of the canary bird size Here you are twelve prime broil ers he said with a leer Go ahead said the hotel man calm ly another dozen The next dozen was of necessity larger Go on said the hotel man Keep on picking them out And the third dozen was larger still The captain looked at his patron anx iously Keep right on The next dozen was fine and plump and the next comprised the biggest and fattest of the chickens Keep right on picking them out captain Then at last Captain Harrow saw how he had overreached himself The hotel man bought his whole lot oT chickens at 3 and thus the captain lost on tli speculation 20 in cash to say nothing of feed and labor Cin cinnati Enquirer THE WORLD DRYING UP Possibility That the Human Race Will Die of Thirst We are to die of thirst Compara tively few persons know the suffering involved in a thirst for which there is no help at hand The consuming thirst more than the pain of any wound makes the battlefield a hell Yet death by thirst is the doom forecast for the race by grim scientists Geologists find that the fresh water supply of the globe Is failing They have data which point to the gradual withdrawal of the streams and other bodies of water from the surface Both in Africa and central Asia and indeed in all the great levels the water beds are drying up A great number of lakes well known in the historical age have en tirely disappeared- For example Lake Chiroua in Africa has vanished with in recent years as has also Lake Ngamj discovered by Livingstone Lake Tchad is more than half dried up For centuries bodies of water In central Asia have been evaporating and the deserts extending Where 2000 years ago great cities stood in east Turkestan there are found only vast and depressing stretches of sand The river Tarim once a principal Asi atic route is almost gone and Lob Nor formerly four times the area of Lake Geneva is now but a shallow marsh The same sad conditions are noted in European Russia Novgorod the most pushing city in the czars dis tracted realm was surrounded by wa ter in the middle ages While we may be sure that the fate which the geolo gists suggest for humanity is very far away the facts recited to show the drying up process are convincing proofs of the need of preserving our forests with more care St Paul Pioneer Press A Test Case Im a beauty doctor announced the stranger with the hand satchel full of cosmetics and massage machines Do you think I could get any practice around here Yeou make ugly things pretty dont ycou drawled the old farmer in the speckled shirt Thats my business sir Waal If yeoull go down back of my barn yeoull find an old slate covered cow with one eye and one horn and wrinkles like canals all over her face Shes the ugliest cow in seven states and if yeou can make her pretty Ill agree that yeou be a beauty doctor an give yeou a dollar Chicago Xews Apparent Pardon me began the new ac quaintance but are you tho Mr Cad ley Nuritch who wrote that magazine article last month for us Yes interrupted Nuritch but of course youll understand that I dont make a business of that sort of thing Of course I know that I read the article Philadelphia Press Scientific Loafing Chess checkers and whist are mar velous inventions says the philoso pher of folly They enable a man to waste his time and still have the feel ing that he is accomplishing some thing intellectual Cleveland Leader Making Faces Saucee I saw a man in a window making faces today Symple What was he doing that for Saucee For a couple of clocks He is a jeweler London Fun INDIANOLA Bnbo Burt has the diphtheria Mrs Elmer Thompson is on the sick list Mr and Mrs Ora To2l were town vis itors first of tho week Mrs Robt Leo enjoyed a visit from her mother last Sunday Mrs L B Corbin who has been dan gerousty ill is very much improved Mrs M Baxter has been suffering with rheumatism for tho past few days Henry Crabtree and wife accompan ied by their two little nieces arrived home Sunday night from their trip east Mrs Tim Haley and son Arthur havo gone to Ohio to visit relatives Mr and Mrs Farmer of Arapahoe wore tho guests of Mr and Mrs Thomas Haley Thursday and Friday Mrs George Burt came homo from Omaha this week in response to a tele gram announcing tho illness of her son Lightning struck tho Duff elevator oflice during the storm Wednesday ove ning demolishing the stove pipe and twisting the top off tho stove Chet Mytsrs and John Kerns who wore in the ofiice at the time were not injured The boys think it was a close call and say they do not hanker after another experience of the kind Harry Wyrick and Miss Pearl Lyman drove up from Bartley Sunday after noon and visited with Indianola friends A Pennington of McCook called on friends in Indianola Saturday night and Sunday Miss Georgia Wolborn has returned to her home near Trenton Missouri after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Indianola A hold up is the latest sensation in the way of news this week James Mal leck being the victim Late Monday night while on his way homo from town he was met on the river bridge by some men oeiongmg to a gypsy gang l that had been in camp along the river for several days They intercepted him and when asked to step aside they at tacked him and gave him a severe beat ing beside relieving him of most of his cash Mr Mallecks young son was with him on his bicycle so he rode back to town as quick as he could and gave the alarm A squad of men went out and brought Mr Malleck to town and the doctors patched him up The gyp sies have decamped Reverend E S Hill preached an ex cellent sermon from the Congregational pulpit Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Thomas Haley drove out to the J Ryan home Monday and spent the day visiting Rev Bodine of the Congregational church left Thursday morning for Michigan where they will make their home in the future Leonard S Smith is in Wyoming seeking relief from hay fever Rev E S Hill of California came middle of the week for a visit with his brother E S Hill The little granddaughter of F S Strockey arrived home Thursday even ing from York where she has been vis iting relatives BARTLEY G W Jones made a trip to McCook this week A J Crawmer is recovering from his injury received on the 4th of July and will soon be able to attend to business in the store Harold Cochran fell from the up per barn floor Tuesday and dislocated his elbow joint Hickman Fritz take possession of theHoover livery barn this week Mr Davis of the Davis Garrett firm of painters has moved into Bartley and is located in the Farrer property A cousin of Fred Huntwork has moved to Bartley from Oklahoma and will put in a plumbers stock The Bartley band is receiving some new instruments Will Kites son died very suddenly last Saturday and was buried Monday Rev Hageman preached the funeral Dr Hathora has ordered an automo bile Mrs G W Jones is recovering from her sickness Wedding bells will ring soon when fortunes Smith Durbin is putting up house in the west part of town the promise of a bird as soon cage is ready a new He has as the R F D No 1 Frank Dudek returned Monday from Colorado leaving his father there much improved in health Mrs McNeil of Indianola and Mrs Beggs of Pittsburg Pa were guests of Mrs W P Broomfield Tuesday Herman and Edmund Ramelow are visiting Culbertson friends this week Miss Margaret Evans is having a stone foundation put under his farm house Threshers are operating in this neigh borhood The yield per acre is very small in most cases The Tribune all home print BOX ELDER Fred Satchell has gone to Imperial on business A W Campbell attended tho lecture at Spring Creek last Friday evening Misa Pearl Campbell visited her aunt Mrs A T Wilson tho latter part of tho week O II Mundy had a wind mill put up last week Mrs D B Boyle and Mrs Evert Rut ledgo returned last Friday from their visit at May wood Leo Poterson of Spring Crook visited Rev Miller Monday J C Ball put up a now windmill wheel for G A Shields in placo of tho one blown down in tho high wind a couple of weeks ago Mosdamos Otto Pate J C Ball and McDonald visited Mrs Georgo Shields and mother Friday afternoon Wm Doyle and family returned last Sunday night from Oregon A number of tho peoplo gathorod at tho parsonago Monday evening to re mind Rev Miller that he had reached anothor milo stone in his lifo A very pleasant evening was spent and enjoyed by all present Ice croam and cake were served during tho evening PLEASANT PRAIRIE Harvest is over but most of tho grain will have to go through tho sweat before threshing Corn is in fine condition and tho prospect was never bettor for a big crop W E Witt has considerable fall plowing dono already C D Olmstead expects to go out to his homestead in Colorado first of next month to put up hay Mr Young has hi3 new houso well under way Mr and Mrs J E Dodgo of Marion visited with Mr Lants family Sunday Tho parties from tho West Side that persist in Sunday base ball playing and trying to entice tho young peoplo from the Sunday school might at least stay in their own territory Mr Austins team ran away from him Saturday night coming from Mc Cook Fortunately ho was near homo and aside from a severe shaking up and a few bruises no damage was done Some corn has been plowed since har vest but most of it is too big to plow DANBURY II V Lord has gone to Lincoln for medical treatment Will Mosss baby has been quite sicfe Essie Phillips has typhoid fever Mr and Mrs Dan Cashen and Mrs G W Billings havo been visiting north of McCook Frank Burbridge of Orleans was in Danbury about an hour Monday The Misses Kate and Dora Greenway started to Villisco Iowa on Wednesday of this week for a visit with relatives S H Stilgebouer and Mrs Hiram Plumb were county seat visitors Mon day Mrs Lavegne who has been visiting her son W A Minniear and daughter Mrs Rex Miles returned to her home in Indiana first of the week Mrs Miles and her two younger children ac companied her to visit relatives Mrs Sewall and Mrs O B Woods started for Sidney Nebraska for a visit with Mrs Walter Pate Mr and Mrs B N Leisure have re turned from their visit with their daughter Mrs Theissen at Pawnee City Mrs McKee who has been quite sick is better at this writing Farmers Attention I am receiving cream for the Fair mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb Biing your cream to me and 1 will guar antee good results You get your checks every shipment To those part ies that are delivering cream to other creameries if you will divide give one- GERVER Miss Emma Dickenson was at R 10 Lanta foro part of this week Tho Sunday school was pretty woll attended tbo 2Gth Harvesting is about over and peoplo fool more like turning out Mr and Mrs J E Dodgo visited at Lanta Sunday Joo oxproasod tho idea that tho iiro at Marion last week which consumed tho meat market hotel nnd drug store nud from which his own store was only saved by tho heroic efforts of both largo and small was of incendiary origin Firo bugs and crazy anarchists bolong in tho same category nnd should havo oxtondod to them tho most extromo penalty Alox Ellis expects to thresh for R E Lant soon Quito a number of tho boys played bail at Traor Sunday and sufforod do feat Win Tuttle iindd moro favorablo harvosting weather hero than in Okla homa Josh Rowland was compollod to loavo his heading for E B Nelson as ho was called to Herndon Kuns whoro his sister Clara Halfnor is dangorously ill SAINT ANN Nick Kolbot hns put up a now wind mill and pump on his farm noar here John Braun helped Jos Harr hoad wheat last week While Arthur Zimmor wns driving over a bridgo across tho Red Willow creek his toam became frightened and jumped off tho bridgo Zimmor foil tween the horses recoiving a bad bruise on his head but with tho help of friends escaped alivo Fred Kolbot is helping Alfred Draik head wheat this wook A few of tho neighbors gathered nl tho homo of Joseph Harr last Sundny and enjoyed a social time and suitable refreshments EH SUMMER VACATION TOURS To the Pacific Coast Daily low round trip rates to Portland Seattle Tacoma San Francisco Los Angoles and San Diego Slightly higher to includo both California and Puget Sound One whole business day saved by our new schedule to tha Pacific northwest To Eastern Resorts Daily low excursion rates to Can ada Michigan Wisconsin Min nesota Massachusetts and New York tourist resorts also low ex cursion ratesto tourist resorts in Main New Hampshire Vermont To Colorado and the Rocky Mountains Daily low rates to Colorado Utah Wyoming the Black Hills and Yellowstone Park 1000 Families Wanted For newly irrigated lands in the Big Horn Basin Wyo No cy clones or floods Water your land as needed Soil is rich Timber and coal plentiful Price 40 to 850 per acre Personally conducted excursions first and third Tues days of each month Write D Clem Denver General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau Omaha for new folder Its free Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at tho least cost half to me I think after a few ship- L w WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb ments you will bring it all to me M Walsh R E FOE icket Agent McCook Neb SBsimm MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE two of our voun folks will unite their Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition aaoieis ivumii xuuucy vuiujicu vuuicra uiuicr ncdvc rever nog uoicra iDieis JOIU rawucr Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets Sold by AiMcVULLEN McCook Nebraska j rv a - t u 0 emeoi stooe wofk II l i - - - IUII 11 m L -I lllTT gJTI III 11 I have purchased the plant of the McCook Cement Stone Company on West Dennison street and am prepared to fill any and all orders ior cement stone blocks and work Also Sidewalk Curbstone or Cement Work of any kind phone Red i96 H jsj Rosebush VVVMVIWM