f it V f s I A H F Lv I fW n TURNING OF THE WORM HIb Plain Blunt Straight to the Point Talk to His Wife Mrs Lambert I think wo will have to cut down expenses remarked Mr Lambert timidly To his intense surprise she made no replj Then he grew bolder And I am certainly of the opinion that you are spending too much money on gowns and hats Again no answer Ills bravery jump ed up another notch And Mrs Lambert I must say fur thermore that we will have no more teas or receptions Silence Mr Lambert grows daring courageous It is simply an outrage the way you lavishly expend my hard earned mon ey You have no consideration and al low your extravagant ideas to carry you off your feet Do you realize that wc are living beyond our means No answer Do you know that I am making 100 a mouth and you are deliberately spending 200 Cant you see the fam ily hi bound to land In the poorhouse Silence Mr Lamberts fortitude Is unbounded I have stood your Impositions ions enough Mrs Lambert Do you under stand You have henpecked mo until life is now unbearable Now I Intend to take hold of the reins I will man age affairs and you will obey There was a sudden crush then a yell Mr Lamberts head came into contact with the bedpost as Mrs Lam bert shook him furiously and she ex claimed Cant you keep your mouth shul when you are asleep What in tlic world are you dreaming about any way It is simply barbarous the way you disturb my rest after I work so hard all day keeping the house in or der And you know I am worn out from tea this afternoon yet And Lambert realized it was all a dream and began nursing the slowly swelling bump on his head Bohemian Magazine MUSIC LOVING NAPLES It Has the Poorest and Happiest People In the World It is estimated that a quarter of a million people in Naples live from hand to moutli and there are hundreds of children who subsist out of the gar bage boxes and who sleep in churches and on doorsteps The taxes in to provide war ships and to keep the nation on a war footing with the other powers are real ly stupendous There is a tax on ev erything says the Delineator grain in the field fruit on the vine old bottles Fuel and foodstuffs are very dear Only labor is cheap For the very poor meat is a luxury unheard of and even macaroni Is too dear to be indulged in often There are any number of per ambulating street kitchens where va rious kinds of soup cakes and fruits are sold in portions costing 1 cent And yet these people seem very happy Bands of musicians are always play ing in the streets the guitar and the mandolin are to be heard every where on the boats in the hotels and the stranger is lulled to sleep by a soft serenade under his balcony The story teller thrives in Naples as there are so many idlers there He col lects a little crowd around him and proceeds in the most dramatic way gesticulating wildly and working his face into the most excruciating ex pressions to relate stories of adven ture or other events much to the edi fication of his hearers who to show their appreciation are often betrayed Into giving a sou which might have been better spent for bread or polenta The public letter writer is another street dignitary of importance and in great demand especially with timid and buxom maids of all work who have themselves neglected to learn the art of writing Of such the public letter writer holds all the secrets of their loves and is often their adviser as well as amanuensis Pineapple Juice Garlic eaten raw will cure a cold in the head grip or influenza in the first stages but in cases where prejudiced people refuse to test its virtues Irish moss lemonade made after the well known flaxseed lemonade recipe and taken for both meat and drink stands next on the list Pineapple juice will relieve inflamma tion of the throat in the most advanced and chronic cases and will cure all or dinary attacks In both membranous croup and diphtheria pure pineapple juice either raw or from the canned fruit will cure when the entire apothe cary shop has been tried and found wanting National Magazine Von Huttens Misery Very sad was the fate of Ulrich von Hutteu one of the greatest writers Germany has ever produced Unable to earn a living he was reduced to tramping through the country begging food and shelter from the peasants One bitter winters night both were re fused and next morning he was found frozen stiff and cold in the drifting Enow outside the village The only thing he died possessed of besides the rags he wore says his biographer Zuingliu was a pen The Nub of the Thing Man runs to cliques audibly rumi nated a grizzled citizen He thinks pretty well of his country of his stale or province of his town of his own street and then we get at the nub of the thing the man thinks pretty well of himself Kansas City Newsbook When a man is being operated on by a barber it is best for him to keep his mouth shut The case is different when the patient is in the dentists chair PSYCHASTHENIA A Physician Says This Is Ono of tho Causes of Panics The panics that start In Wall street often begin In the morbid financial fears of overstrained bruins psychas thenic Psychasthenla makes panics writes Dr Clarence riughes In the Alienist and Neurologist We once knew a mind overburden ed brain overstrained man suddenly conclude he was coming to want and would not be able to pay his tuxes when his Income was -10000 annual ly lie milked his own cow he har nessed Ids own horse and cared for it sold the others dismissed all his servants and his wifes and had in somnia but finally recovered complete ly Others with less income or more fall through bruin overtax into the same morbid way of feeling and think ing One kind of insunoid is a man who under mental stress of any kind acts as though he were insane but has not the disease of real insanity to ex cuse ills actions He hovers on the verge but does not pass over into real mental aberra tion as he appears to be going He does and says such odd unreasonable and annoying tilings that his friends often wisli lie would pass into genuine insanity so that he might bo properly and lawfully restrained or that he might happily extinguish himself by suicide Sometimes he does commit suicide or become really insane and wo then know where to place him A LITTLE BIT BEHIND The Old Man Was Not Very Well Posted on the News In the midst of the heated dissension on points connected with certain his torical sensations which their teacher had sought to impress on them tho two grandchildren appealed to their grand father who sat musing and puffing his pipe In the corner for support Grandpa cried the eager brother who was it killed Caesar Cassius or Brutus I say Cassius Waal replied the grandfather sud denly becoming grave and taking his pipe from his mouth it war ono or tother Let me see Yes I guess twar th man you said And sis says it was Marie Antoi nette who got put to death in France again cried the youth triumphantly glancing toward his sister but I say it was Mary queen of Scots Now you may be right there too ventured the involuntary vindicator after fidgeting in his chair Come t think of it twar Mary queen of Scots that war electrocuted in France At this the young girls eyes flashed Grandpa declared she stepping be fore him and eying him sternly you dont seem to know anything about It The old mans head went up as if shocked Th truth is children he then admitted as he passed his free hand over his head helplessly your grandfather aint read th newspapers very careful this week Im a leetle mite behind Bohemian Magazine An Unwelcome Gratuity An American merchant bitterly op posed to the custom of tipping public servants for each inconsequential serv ice was astonished to find the practice in Europe more general than in Ameri ca While in Loudon he had occasion to employ a cab and upon being driven to the desired destination drew forth a handful of change counted out the exact fare and tendered it to the driver Beg pardon sir exclaimed the cab by in a tone of injury Ow long ave ye been saving up for this oliday Suppressing his annoyance at the drivers effrontery the tourist sought a restaurant and upon receiving the din ner check again tendered the exact amount of his bill The waiter bowed assisted his guest into his coat then selecting a bright new sixpence of fered it to his patron with Beastly weather sir Eres coach fare Lippincotts Magazine The Rat The rats sins are manifold The damage which he does in a year to crops cargoes stores granaries poul try and game dairies and outhouses foundutions walls and drainage can not be calculated exactly but it must be enormous He is ubiquitous He swarms iu fields hedges coverts farm yards cellars sewers docks and ships ne is clever in getting out of difficul ties extremely courageous able to exist on almost any kind of food and horribly prolific London Spectator The Retort Direct See here cried the artist who had come to complain about the materials he had bought I cant imagine any thing worse than your paints Thats strange replied the dealer Dont you ever use your imagination on your painting Exchange Hopeless We wish madam to enlist your aid in influencing your husband for the public good He holds the key to a very interesting situation and I dont see how I can be of any as sistance to you John never could find a keyhole Houston Post Frenzied Arithmetic Teacher Now Tommy if your fa ther had twenty dozen eggs in his store and found that eighteen of them were bad how much would he lose Tommy Nothin You dont know pa Pathfinder The Mean Part Phil O Sopher Dont worry old man Chickens always cflme home to roost you know Discouraged Friend Yes after they have laid their eggs In some other fellows barn Judge miimini limtlimi lyiiTfT mi CRYSTAL GAZING If You Want to Try It This Will Tell You How to Proceed Having sutisfied myself that some people really would see hallucinatory pictures in a glass ball or in water I examined the ethnological side of the question I found by studying works of travel and anthropology that many savage and barbarous races gaze into water polished basalt rock crystals and so on for the purpose of seeing distant events foreseeing the future detecting criminals and so forth If docs not seem to me credible that so many and so widely separated peoples should agree with ancient Greeks and the races of western Europe iu staring away if they did not see hallucinatory pictures So I believe that some peo ple do see them Nor is this fact now denied by professors of psychology I huve never been able to foresee from character complexion habit of mind and other indications what per sons would prove capable of descrying even fancy pictures in a glass ball The best gazers of my acquaintance those who hit on pictures coincidental with actual events unknown to them or with the secret thoughts of a com panion are both of them not unfamil iar with other curious experiences But I have tried with the glass ball two or three other friends who have seen what are vulgarly culled ghosts in haunted houses and in the glass ball they can see uothiug while people who never saw ghosts do see coinci dental pictures in a glass ball If any readers cure to make experi ments they can begin by purchasing a bail or of course a glass jug of wa ter will do or own a teaspoonful of Ink in some cases but both are incon venient and may spill Having got the ball it is best to go alone into a room sit down with the back to the light place the ball at a just focus in the lap on a dark dress or a dark piece of cloth try to exclude reflections think of anything you please and stare for five minutes say at the ball That is all If after two or three trials you see nothing in the way of pictures In the ball you will probably never suc ceed Andrew Lang Circumstantial Evidence During a discussion in regard to cir cumstantial evidence a lawyer told of a remarkable case which he said ap pears in the Virginia reports It was this A man was discovered drawing a knife from the prostrate form of an other man near a roadside The wit nesses rushed upon him and took the weapon from him It was still drip ping with the warm blood of the vie tim He Avas accused of the murder but asserted his innocence He claim ed that he had happened along the road but a few moments before and saw his alleged victim struggling with another man Before he could come up the unknown had driven his knife home and had fled into some brush close by Seeing tho knife still in the breast of the fallen man he stooped over and drew it forth just as his ac cusers came on the scene That was his story The knife being identified as the property of the accused no cre dence whatever was placed in his tale He was tried convicted and hanged A year later the man who had really committed tho crime while on his deathbed confessed that he was the murderer and told how he had stolen the knife from the iunoeent man who had been sent to the gallows A Perfect Marriage Most people know and admire the work of the versatile William Blake poet and artist but few people know the story of his perfect marriage for a perfect marriage it was indeed In 17S0 Elake fell in love with a pretty girl called Clara Woods but she did not care for him and the blow was a severe one to the impressionable young man He left London and took up his abode at Richmond whore he loilgc d with a nursery- gardener n imed Mr Boucher had a beautiful daugh ter Catherine and aho became tli confidant of the poets love affair and her generous sympathy chccTl Blakes mental JtifTariiigs tliar io fell in love with the gutk g His aCection ws warmly rcturnc I and Catherine Ir icr maril Wil liam Blake on A j IS 1TS2 It was an ideal union The yenr ssjd took a deigat in iO cLi3 his wife who was a I e scrnc to learn aa the modest diirlitor be came eventually a cultured vosaar who was an ardent hero worshiper ol her clever liiyban i and who cheered his life more thm any one else could Mrs Blake learned to color her hus bands dravi rr J was extraordi narily adept in ie work Disccvcry cT Cclcrpslhy The man wh recovered orteopnlhy was a grcit smVaror from iu adacli said a man who claims to know lie tried every remedy on earth almost but could get no permanent relief One day he had a terrijle hsadache and went out nto his front yard to lie un der the shade of a big tree and rest his throbbing herd on the cooling grass Suspended from a limb of the tree was a rope swing used by the children The man lay under this swing for awhile and finally put the rope under his head io act as a support In a few moments he was surprised and pleased to find that his headache was much better la half an hour the pain had gone He began an investigation ne discovered that the rope swing pressed on the nerve in the back of the head This pressure stopped the headache With more study he decided that many pains could be relieved if nerves could be given the proper treatment a mas sage He started an osteopathic school and has made a grand success Nashville Teunesseean BIRDS AS THEY SLEEP Quail Form a Dense Circlo With All Heads Facing Out The nightcap preparations of tho chubby liitlo quail are very interesting Each evening the covey forms iu a new place and this selection of the spot entails serious efforts Bobwhlte nev er quite loses remembrance of the many dangers which make his life in a wild state one great fear A white throated male with soft clucks calls together a dozen of Ills comrades and for a few minutes they all huddle to gether but soon from the farther eud of the aviary a clear Whew bobwhite rings out and off scurry the whole band this time perhaps to settle for the night in the new place a dense circle of little forms heads all facing out just as In their native stubble they rest facing in every direction so that at the first hint of danger from any point of the compass the covey may explode and go booming off in safety Poor little fellows their wild life is strenuous indeed Well for their race that every nest holds from ten to eight een eggs instead of three or four The woodpeckers sleep resting upon their tails even the flickers invariably following this custom although during the day the flickers spend much of their time perching in passerine man ner crosswise upon a twig Small birds such as thrushes and warblers sleep usually upon some small twig with heads tucked behind wings in orthodox bird fashion but they occa sionally vary this in a remarkable way by clinging all night to the vertical wires of their cages sleeping apparent ly as soundly in this as in the usual position of rest A bluebird in a small cage slept thus about one or two nights out of each week Any explanation of this voluntary and widespread habit among perching birds would be difficult to suggest The little hanging parrakeets derive their name from their custom of sleep ing always in a reversed position and when distributed over their roosting tree they resemble some strange pend ant green fruit rather than sleeping birdsOuting Magazine THE BLUE JAY Why Should He Be Selected as Cane Bearer to Satan It is said and believed by many that all the blue jays disappear every Fri day and not one can be seen until the next day and this disappearance is ac counted for by the statement that the birds are under a compact with Satan and that they devote each Friday tc delivering him a supply of sand to heat his caldron at the point of tor ture But why should the blue jay be select ed as sand bearer to Satan when there are so many birds of stronger and fleeter wing There are many super stitions that have a reasoning basis but this particular one has nothing whatever to go on The origin of it lies in the fact that the blue jay is a most particular home builder He knows how to build his house and he takes a great pride in it ne doesnt hang his nest to a limb nor glue it lo a tree Instead lie selects a substantial fork or crotch of a limb lays down a few twigs of goodly size and strength and on these he superimposes a strong foundation of cluy with layers of pa pers between and when his nest is fin ished it is as substantial iu proportion as one of our modern steel structures Thus fitted and finished it is admi rably adapted to the rearing of a strong and healthy brood and the blue jay goes about his business with the earnest energy that characterizes all his movements He raises his young and leads them about from tree to tree and from bush to bush until they have tried and found their wings and then his re sponsibilities being over he proceeds with his career of gayety a veritable practitioner of rough fun and stage humor Uncle Remus Magazine Pounds and Weights Here is a question that will tax tho arithmetical powers of a youth Sup pose that for some reason or another a shopkeeper who sold goods by pouuds and half pounds but never in quantities exceeding twenty pounds at a time was told that he must transact all this business with four weights only what must these four weights be The answer is half pound one and a half pound four and a half pound and thirteen and a half pound With these it will be readily seen that any weight from half a pound to twenty pounds may he determined in pounds and half pounds Gateway Magazine Pleasant Anticipation The Rev Dr C M Lamson once president of the American board of for eign missions was called as a pastor over a parish and was undergoing ex amination before a council when the question was asked him Do you be lieve in a hell The retiring clergyman of the parish sat beside him and giving him a nudge said Tell them yes If you dont now you will before you have been here six months Argonaut Just the Other Way Fortune Teller Beware of a short dark woman with a fierce eye She is waiting to give you a check Visitor despairingly No she aint Shes waiting to get one from me Thats my wife Baltimore American Carries Weight Fa said Freddy what is a social scale Generally speaking replied pa Its a place where they weigh money Bohemian Magazine Advising Is easier than helping Rochefoucauld PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Tho following pronoiod junontunent tc the constitution of the State of Ne braska as hereinafter set forth In fall is submitted to tho electors of tho Statr of Nebraska to bo voted upon at tht general election to bo hold Tuesday No vembor 3rd A D 1908 A JOINT RESOLUTION to nmciil Sec tions two 2 four I five 5 six l and thirteen 13 of Article six G ui the Constitution of the State of Ne braska relating to Judicial Power Bo it Resolved by tho legislature of tht Stato of Nebraska Section 1 Amondmont proposed Thai Section two 2 of Article six C of tlu Constitution of the State of scbra Ki be amended to read as follows Section 2 Supremo court judges jurisdiction The Supremo Court slial consist of seven 7 judges and a ma jority of all elected and qualified judge shall be necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce a decision Tht Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction ii all cases relating to the revenue cll cases in which the state Is a part mandamus quo warranto habeas corpus and such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law Section 2 Amendment proposed That Section four 4 of Article six of ih Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows Section 4 Supreme court judjos election term residence The judvi s ol the Supreme Court shall be IceWd 1 the electors of the state at large uno their teims of office except as lnrinatier provided shall be six years And saw Supreme Court judges shall during theii term of office reside at the place where tlie court Is holden Section Amendment proposed Thai Section five 5 of Article six f tht Constitution of the State of Nebaska in amended to read as follows Section f Suprome court judges election term chief justice That at the general election to be held in tie state of Nebraska in the year 11VJ a tt each six vearx thereafter there shall U elected three judges of the Supreme Court who shall hold their office tor th period of six years that at the genfra election to be held in the state of Ne braska in the year 1911 and eacn si vears thereafter there shall be elected three C judges of the Supreme ourt who shall hold their office for the period of six years and at the general election to be held in the state of Nebraska in tim venr ml and each six years there after there shall be elected a Chief Ju tice of the Supreme Court who shal hold his office for the period of s years Provided that the member of tht Supreme Court whose term of uffic ex 1 nires In January 1U14 shall he On- f J County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Neb July S3 jyjs The county Imnrd of eipudintion mot puKu ant toSndjotirtiiucut Present F S loficmS Preiner and C H Ory cimiiiilMtoiior VI EndleyJcounty rtfotwor P K Kcoder n U attorney and CJintOkitllii county clerk The iiiiiiutftior the lut iiiretintr were il and on mot ion npprnud Tin tale board of cquali7iition not irofra made itn report to the county the county tru adjourned ti lmiut AugiihtS IK V S Lop ion diMfaurut Attest CiiAnii h Skaiia Clerk McCook Nebraska July SH 1W4 Tie board of county conimiionor iimtjiu sunlit to adjournment Present F S IoftuS Ireiner anil C H Cray ctimuiiiVuon xxdi Cluis Skfilln county clerk The minutes of the hist meeting were ronJil and on motion approved Tho semi annual report of the county stlx iutendeut on the rondition of the county iil tuto fund was examined ami approved aui ordered plan d on file On motion K F Ncwlou who apHtintet ur stable of Willow Jroe precinct to 1111 vaoMtey The following claim was audited iiihI i8 Jovtcd and the clerk win instructed to ilnw warranlsou the road fundi of tho rttttpeotite commi Monc r districts as follows H V Harry Mfg Co 71 inch culvert 21 feet WtiQ Henjiiuiiii Schamel road work W Thomas Plumb snme K3I J E Dodge same supplies rorTro5sctiJtt0 FM Yeater road work T F iocklcY same Frank iockluy same W T Clark same Cha Hoiihnm same BertMoore same Recce Arnold same C Kiuni ou same Frank Premer same TF Stroud 2 Liicfc T F Stroud ii Co t buck T F Stroud t Co t buck scraKJr scrapers bcrnpers U A Folden palatini signs ou bridges iifi SCO I6S M 2M i 30 If 3161 sice 51 A SOS On motion board adjourned to meet Augvxtl 150 s F S I on o Chairman Attest CitAs SkaxIa Clerk REFEREES SALE Iy virtue of an order of sale to me iireete by the clerk of the district court of Red Wittww usuce ui in- ouii vwv ctv the siale of Nebraska on a Jo i 1 winn nl I1IC riVlll III - - lime uiiin me i ii nui i - - i menr rendered in said court in the cause wla office And provide furt or Iiat upon n juiK Sll Ulv piahitiir and Saltif nn n nntimi ni inoM iiiieiiiiuie ii- i in- i - r - I r I 1 iic ----- - ii n electors oi wie u1 t niiitli iliiv ol lata iieitoiiaiiis iiu lju7 IWIS for the immediately upon Issuing Ills au of ie following d riied real estal tion declaring said amendments aaopteii T l stlttii in block tuciiU Mw appoint four I judges of the buprenu j tmn r McCofc lied Willow Court two t oi wuum siuu ue i pointed to hold said office until their successors shall be elected at the general election in 1900 and have qualified am the other two 2 shall hold lb oris until their successors shall be lee ted at the general election held in 1911 and have qualified Section -1 Amendment proposed Thai Section six C of Article six C of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows Section C Chief justice The Chlfl Justice shall serve as such during all the term for which he was elected le shail preside at all terms of the Supreme Court and in his absence the juiges present shall select one of their number to preside temporarily Section 5 Amendment proposed That Section thirteen 13 of Article six 0 oi the Constitution of Nebraska be amended to read as follows Section 13 Judges salaries That liwlfresj of the Sunreme Court shall eacn receive a salary of 4500 and the Judge of the District Court shall each receive a salary of 3000 per annum payable quarterly Approved April S 1907 I Geo C Junkin Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska do herebj certifv that the foregoing proposes amendment to the Constitution of tht State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed bill as passed by the Thirtiet session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska as appears from said original bill on file in this office and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of tho state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the 3d dav of November A D 1903 In testimony -whereof 1 have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska Done at Lin coln this loth day of July In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Kight and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirtv third and of this State the Forty second GEO C JUNKIN Seal Secretary of State NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of Red Willow count v Nebraska In the matter of the estate of James H Short deceased Notice is hereby given that the creditor- of the said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate before me county judge of Red Willow county Nebra ka at the county court room in said county on the ifcth day of Janu ary 1909 at one oclock p in each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examina tion adjustment and allowance Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the administratrix to settle said estate from the 11th day of July lWS This notice will be publi Iied in the ilcCook Tribune for four weeks successively prior to the 18th day of January 1909 Witness my hand and seal of said court this 11th day of July A D lOS sual J C Iooke County Judge Hard and Soft Paper in convenient sizes for desk use in fig uring and making notes at the Tribune office Very reasonable price rW - xrz r e twootsr partition uetf ty Nebraska I will olfer for sale to the ife est bidder for cash on the fourth day of IHiS at the east front dour of tlR oosrt house in said county at two oclock in tiw afternoon the feal cstatb Dated this thirtieth day of June VMS P E RiiioEi Referea LEtiAI NOTICE In justice court before II if Perry justicari1 the peace O W Dewey defendant will tat notice that on the nd day of June lJs 1L IL Perry a justice of the peace r Red WiHo county Nebraska ijsued an order of attach ment Tor the sum of irU in an aclioit vwlnt before him wherein Royell i Hnrcer are iJaia tilTs and O W Dewey defendant ami that property of the defendant consisting of iiKnej due and owing iu the hands of the Chicago Rurlingtou and Qtiincy Railway Company garnishee as wages for work and labor tor formed by -aid defendant for said Railway Company has been attached under said order of attachment Said cause has Iwen contiiiHed for hearing to the 8th day of August 190S at U oclock a ni L E Baihjex ORDER OF HEARING In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska State of Nebraska county of Rel Willow To Frank Magner Hattie Morris fieorge Thump on anil toall persons interested iu the estate of Penelope Thomp ou deceased On reading the iKtition of Nellie Weston pray ing that the admiui tratioii of said estate li granted to her or to such per on a- sh e map de ignate as administrator It is hereby order ed that jou and all persons intere ted in sait matter mav and do appear at the coHHtf court to be held in and for -aid county on the 1 th day of August A D IOM at one oclock p in to show cause if any there he why the prayer of the imtitioncr should not be grantL and that notice of the pendency of said i titioi and that the hearing thereof be given tost per-on- interested in said matter by publi hijtc a copy of this order in the JlcCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county far three successive weeks prior to said day eC hearing Witness mv hand and seal of said court this 22nd day of July A D lJO i J C Moore Couny AwvT John C Stevens attorney for petitioner Jseai1 NEILL BROS Contractors and Builders Estimate IS Furnished Free Phones Shop IJIack 321 Residence IJJack ZS uly Updike Grain Go rtfkAl FOB Phone iG0 S S GARYEY Mgr f UUlLJMimMJHW HWJI HIHJJJUUWI HIIL - UJUJU 1 J JW LK MJ1II 1 IMUi II That is the Xo of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal in a No OXE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone Xo OXE when yon will be informed that you can get Xo OXE lumber Xo OXE coal Xo OXE service Xo OXE treatment in fact Xo OXE first last and all the time BsasssMzvas au HSJSGSSSSSSB5EVS3VESsaSN KISiST ETSSSHSCXEEN NffliSVSSff ONE VV C Bullard svasasnsass esjTJsevsnkx ssvassMSNSMas vvs0ti4Qo1aaa vvssy l 2 A TTA11 ftt Ull If APQ ULUUUlVIlei JUt lillllfl YD 12JBMASZSS3ZSSS3KZ5 FOUNDATION If you want a CURBSTONE SIDEWALK or anything pertaining to Cement Work see i d Hi V KJ JU U IN U 4 Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main KOOIII 8 Between Dodge and Dennison Walsh Block i Vtfc VV -v