V I ft fc IV t I Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINK KA8T DErABT No 6 Control Time 1027 V M 2 5ii A M 12 715 a m 10 725 r m MAIN LINE WK8T DEPAI1T No 1 Mountain Timo 950 a u 3 1112 P u 5 Arrives 8H0 p m 13 1025 am 15 1217 am imiekial line No 170 iirrive8Mountuin Timo 505 p m No 175deiaru 710 am Slcopiufr dining and reclining chair cars scuts frco on thrnli trains Tickets sold and baRKntio chucked to any point in tlio United States or Canuda For information timo tallies maps and tick ets call on or writo It K Foo Agent McCook Nubrufakn or L W Wnkoloy General Labson 4 Ker Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS N V Franklin will spend Sunday in Eu6tis Engine 704 is recoiving droppit re pairs this week A W Austin and wifo will be Hast ings visitors Sunday John Hunt and wifo will go to Lin coln Sunday on a short visit Doctor Smith left for St Joseph Mo last night after the family D O Hewitt went in to Omaha Wednesday evening on business Fireman Roy Hiller is entertaining his father and mother from Edgar Brakeman C D Chilton departed Wednesday on a visit to friends in Mis souri Engine 1912 is a new arrival from the Havelock shops on tho division this week Way car 1421S was pulled out of ser vice Wednesday on account of light business Bruce Berry is on the job in the trainmasters office while Rogers is on vacation Conductor A II Bagley was off mid week looking after some business matters in Akron Trainmasters Clerk Rogers and wife left last night for a weeks outing in the Colorado hills EngineB 1092 and 1331 have been run out of the backshop and the 1331 will be taken out today Engineer Ainsworth Monks has been having some trouble with a sore foot caused by a rusty nail Switchman Overleese of the Hol drege yard is on furlough and Warner of Oxford is relieving him Mrs E O Scott and baby departed on No 2 Tuesday morning to visit friends in Lincoln and Omaha Adam Getman aud family and J C Hoffman and daughter left last night for Fruita Colorado on a visit Theodore Diebold and R C True are in Akron part of the week repairing the gasoling engine of the coal chute Conductor Carmoney had Burns run on 1 and 6 while the latter engaged in a limited bout with hay fever this week The stationary boiler from the Hol drege roundhouse is in the shop here for new flues and several patches to her firebox W J Russell is off duty this week on account of the berious illness of his child a sufferer with a severe summer sickness Conductor Cox and crew with Engin eer Marshall have the pile driver at Oxford driving a foundation for a new concrete bridge Louis Meyers night man at Cam bridge has taken a long vacation and John White formerly of Indianola has taken the position C G Oman wife and daughter will leave this week for Fresno Calif to be absent a few weeks going by way of Billings Portland etc Albert Fredricksen night man at Trenton for some time has been trans ferred to Roggen Colorado as agent Harold Weyl from Stratton took his position at Trenton Engineer Jake Matz returned from his Denver visit Tuesday morning and resumed work on the Holdrege local Wednesday Mrs Matz went on to Franklin to visit her parents briefly The examination of conductors and engineers began Wednesday Train master Weidenhamer is conducting the examination and is handling the men in classes of ten or twelve half of them from each branch of the service D C Woodring superintendent of bridges and master carpenter of tho Lincoln division fell from the Burling ton bridge at Fremont Sunday and lost his life He received perhaps fatal in juries about the head in falling His body was not recovered from the river for several hours afterwards The Nebraska Military Acad emy Lincoln A high grade Military Boarding School for boys Ideal location outside the city vet close enough to derive all city benefits Large -well-equipped build ings forty acres of campus drill parade ana athletic grounds Strong faculty the best academic military business and industrial train ing Preparation fr college university or business A clean and inspiring school home Careful attention given to health habits and home life of boys Special department for boys under 12 j ears of age School opens September 16 1903 For information address B D Hatwabd Superintendent Bos 153 Lincoln Neb 7-3-mo THE WEST POINT RIOT i 5t Happened Durifj the Cadetship of Jeffersoh Davis Closely connectej with Benny Ha vens was the great cadet riot of Christ mas 1S2G In the middle of Jefferson Davis third year Before Christmas it was rumored through the barracks that Davis and other southern and southwestern cadets were going to ex plain to the other members of the corps the mysteries of eggnog Cadets Davis Tilghinnn and Temple were to get the necessaries from Bennys hut It seems that something prevented and others had to get the materials The authorities were suspicious and or dered the Inspectors to stay up all night to keep order This angered the cadets and the preparations for the eggnog went on In the dark of the raoruing of Dec 23 the invitations were sent out Robert E Lee and Jo seph E Johnston declined J B Ma gruder Drayton C J Wright and oth ers accepted Davis was extending the invitations when he heard a rumor that Captain Hitchcock was abroad He ran back to No u north barracks where the refreshments were collected called out Put away that grog boys old Hitch Is coining and looked up to find that Hitchcock was already in the room Davis was sent to his quarters under arrest fortunately for him for after pome hilarious noise he went to sleep and did not get into the riot which then began The instructors and officers were chased out of the halls into their own rooms and there besieged The cadets obtained arms and organized the Helvetian league to protect themselves against the bom bardiers who they heard were or dered out to subdue them Davis room mate Walter B Guion of Mississippi was the leader of the Helvetians He secured a pistol and tried to shoot Captain Hitchcock Some of the offi cers were badly bruised with stove wood that the cadets threw at them After an hour or two the riot wove out Later nineteen cadets among them Guion were court martialed and dismissed Davis with others was kept long under arrest and given de merits Professor W L Fleming in Metropolitan Magazine NEW ENGLAND WITCHES A Small Record Compared With That of Other Countries Yankees have so long and so loudly confessed their ancestral sins that the facts in the case are little known So much is said about Salem that the exe cution of witches in Pennsylvania Is overlooked The scant score of persons hanged for witchcraft in New England causes more comment than the many thousands legally burned for that crime in Europe In all New England according to Nathaniel nawthorne nineteen per sons were executed as witches One more was accused of the crime and for refusal to plead was pressed to death after the custom of the day The facts concerning the widespread belief in witchcraft and the enormous number of witches killed may be found in any encyclopedia Haydns Dictionary of Dates says More than 100000 perished mostly by the flames in Germany Chambers En cyclopedia says In England and Scot land the witch mania was somewhat later in setting in than on the conti nent but when it did so it was little if at all less virulent the reformation notwithstanding The number of victims in Scotland from first to last has been estimated at upward of 4000 Dr Sprenger in his Life of Mohammed computes the entire num ber of persons who have been burned as witches during the Christian epoch at 9000000 Witchcraft persecutions in New Eng land took place in 1G92 They were all done in six months In England they continued till well into the next cen tury In 1SG3 a reputed wizard was drowned in a pond at Hedingham in Essex Says Chambers It was con sidered worthy of notice that nearly all the sixty or seventy persons con cerned in the outrage were of the small tradesmen class none of the agricul tural laborers being mixed up in the affair Springfield Republican A Book She Wouldnt Read There is one book of Mr Steven sons that I myself have never read said Mrs Stevenson once I refused to read it aud held to my refusal I make it a rule never to read a novel the scene of which is laid in a bygone age The author always deems it his duty to make his characters talk in what he considers the language of that period and I am always sure that ho doesnt know positively how they did talk so I wont read such hooks I would never ivad the Black Arrow and Mr Stevenson thought it such a good joke that he insisted upon dedi cating it to me Her Goodness Bridey My i a viry unod cool Wise Get out Her riither told nip she was jit trt IirT r her trt when you marriel her Bridey Ex actly She was ci enough not to continue her lessons on in Philadel phia Press Mixed Mrs Browne Shes forever com plaining but I think she merely lacks stamina Mrs Malaprop Ob no shes got it at any rate thats what the doe tor calls her disease She cant sleep you know Exchange Willing to Take Chances The Man Id give anything if you would kiss me The Maid But the scientists say that kisses breed dis ease The Man Oh never mind thaL Go ahead and make me an invalid for life Philadelphia Inquirer LAKE MANGISHLAK lis Strongly Perfumed Waters Are Mauve In Color Grasse clinging to its Alp high above the Mediterranean is supposed to give the stranger a headache on ac count of its perfume said a perfumer Grasse makes the worlds perfumes You see mountains of flowers there as In a milling country you see moun tains of wheat Tho odor is powerful but as far as headaches no But in the Caspian district there is a lake so strongly perfumed that if the stranger boats on it or swims in it he really gets a headache This lakes banks are of white salt crystals its waters are mauve in color and from it an odor of violets is exhaled It is Lake Mangishlak I visited it to see if I couldnt bottle it up and put it on the perfume market No go You see it Is the presence of the seaweed Polydcystia violacea that gives the lake its hue and smell When you bottle the waters the seaweed at oms after a few days die and rot Then the odor changes from violet to pah But if you are ever in the Caspian visit the Mankishlak peninsula and take a look at the lake It is in its way as curious as the asphalt lakes of South America New Orleans Times-Democrat SHE WAS INSULTED The Sting In the Letter That Came For Her Husband Harry love said Mrs Knew to her husband when he entered his home a few evenings ago Ive been dread fully insulted Insulted repeated Mr Knew in dignantly By whom By your mother My mother Flora Nonsense dear Shes the kindest woman in the world And how could she insult you She isnt here shes miles away But Harry she did insult me per sisted Flora and it was done in a ietter Show it to me Ill tell you about it A letter came for you this morning addressed in your mothers handwriting and so of course I opened it Of course said Mr Knew dryly It was written to you all the way through you understand Yes I undertsand that but where does the insult to you come in In the postscript When I read along to that it said Dear Flora Dont fail to give this letter to Harry I want him to have it Now tell me wasnt that an insult Pearsons Weekly Tho Unprodigal Son The president of a club of New York waiters said the other day of a par simonious young man He resembles a chap they tell about in Bucks county This chap lived alone with his father On the old mans death he would inherit the farm Well finally the old man took sick His end drew near The son sat up with him a night or two expecting him to pass away but he lingered on On the fifth or sixth night the son instead of sitting up put a lamp turned low very very low on a table by the bed and went off to his own room with the caution When you feel that it is all over with you father dont forget to blow out the lamp Washington Star A Rare Souvenir A curious souvenir is preserved in the Bank of England in the shape of a note for 1000 with which Admiral Lord Cochrane paid his fine when he was falsely accused of spreading with an interested object a rumor that Bo naparte was dead in 1S14 so as to cause a rise in the price of stocks The sum mentioned was raised in sub scriptions of a penny by his Westmin ster constituents The note is indorsed with the name of the intrepid but ill used salt and has inscribed on it a sentence in which he expresses the hope that one day he will prove his innocence and triumph over his ac cusers That consummation was not effected until eighteen years later when he was reinstated by William IV Loudon Telegraph Submarine Navigation The idea of the submarine is certain ly as much as 200 years old but most of the earlier plans were Hat failures In 1771 an inventor named Day lost his life during an experimental descent in Plymouth sound Bushnell of Con necticut in 1773 contrived a subma rine vessel propelled by some kind of screw Robert Fulton also in 179G invented a box which when filled with combustibles might be propelled un der water and made to explode under the bottom of a ship It is hard to say who was the originator of the idea of the submarine boat unless it was Day New York American A Hard Case His wife earns her own money Indeed I did not know she was employed Oh yes hard at it all the time What does she do Works him to give up New York Journal Why He Fretted Amateur Sportsman after shooting his best friend Too bad too bad But f thought you were a deer The Vic timDont fret Amateur Sportsman Dont fret Why man I promised my wife a pair of horns Illustrated Bits Whats the Use Ought we not to do something more for the preservation of our forests Oh whats the use answered Sen ator Sorghum impatiently Trees cant vote Washington Star FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Foi Salk A ladys saddle not a side saddle Make inquiries at this of fice for price and particulars Von Sale -room house nnd two lots Some One trees Price t900 In quire of IJarger at the clothing store Foit Salkok Thank One Ideal hot water heater good as new Wo have been usirifr it to heat our residence and greenhouse but as wo have a large greenhouse and boiler room under con struction and have purchased ai 50 horso power steam toiler wo have no further uae for the heater It is tho exact size and make as used in tho residoueo of Mrs Dr Easterday Will trade for a good carriage or horse or anything that I can use or will eell cheap for cash A real bargain L M Best For Kent A line ground floor furn ished room in the F D Burgess resi dence Phono black 102 To Rknt 5 robni cottage with bath Mrs J A Snydor 910 McFarland st 17 Fou Rent Some furnished sleeping rooms and one suito for light house keeping Frkd Bruns Lost A small ladys pocket book containing a till and somosmall change Finder will bo suitably rewarded upon returning same to N J Johnsons resi dence Girls Wanted At tho McCook Steam Laundry PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Wo chronicle a week of benefactions A bound volume The National Abritra tion and Peace Congress has been re ceived from tho proceedings committee of New York with the compliments of Mr Andrew Carnegie It has for it- frontispiece a fine full page portrait of Mr Carnegie who was president of the congress besides many portraits of men and women who were prominent in tho movement for universal peace The book is of largo interest to any student of present day international relations Mr A C Hippie has presented to the library two bound volumes of the Century one of the Review of Reviews and several other books while Mrs Coglizer donated The Story of the Seer of Patmos A large number of the Breeders Gazette part of them bound were brought by Mr E J Mitchell and another large collection of the Musical Courier by Dr Hare The library management would acknow ledge these gifts with thanks The dictionary may be said to hold a libaral education between its covers and that is a progressive student who knows how to use and cultivates The Dictionary Habit The library diction ary has been kept in hiding behind the door and must be ased for before being discovered A new adjustable rack has been added to the equipment this week and the big book may now be found in the main reading room where it is easily accessible at all times Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Frank H Coleman and wife to Thomas A Clapp wd to lots IS 19 20 blk 8 Willow Grove add McCook ISO 00 Charles T Harris widr to Al bert Shera wd to lots 12 13 blk 10 West McCook S00 00 Hiram C Rider and wife to Al len Barrett wd to lot 12 blk 18 Riverviqw cemetery 15 00 Nettie E Hamilton and bus to L D Barger wd to lot 1 blk 9 2nd McCook 1123 00 T M Brown to Ball Bros lease to lot 2 blk 54 Bartley 720 00 Taylor fll Cameron and wife to Jacob and Joshua Gerverwd to lot 1 blk 2 West McCook 1400 00 George F Pronger and wife to Elizabeth B Monks wd to lot 11 blk 13 1st McCook 1400 00 Sarah F Mann to W D Spencer wd to lot 1 blk 17 Indianola 10G0 00 GERVER Mr andJMrs John Rowland departed Monday for the haunts of their child hood in Ohio They also expect to visit relatives at various eastern points as well as taking a trip west H Beck who has quite large land holdings in this vicinity with his agent Peter Foxen and chaoffuer Dallas Di vine was looking alter his interests here Wednesday He reports corn in this immediate neighborhood as looking as well as any corn he has seen between here and home This is very flattering andjencouraging to us as we were fool ish enough to suppose we were not in it with those high priced land fellows Miss Ethel Lant is heme from attend ing normal at McCook A representative of the Grand Island business college was around getting the young people interested in acquiring an education to fit them for life work Thayer Rowland is working with Bert Goodenbergers heading gang Rev Young is putting in good licks on his new house The Relph Austin Header Co broke their header last week and had to lay off for a day or two Everybody who can is putting in good time plowing corn Those who are Btill harvesting are nervous because they cant Lets dress up clothes f rhPn nOW u x T G l t SitAbicS rjji i j L U911I we cler our store of II tle unner goods ve lve we sfyaJI keep 09 rpkiQ sucf low prices tlpt wlpetlper you wis unirer tipipejs or 901 you c99ot keep fron buyi9g tlpen fron us if you corrje to our store Ve re eo9te9t to cler out tle rest of our unner stock for very low prices I9 our store tle dollars will jurrjp riojlpt out of your purse because tlpey will feel tlt it is di cringe to rendd9 U9spe9t wle9 dollar C9 get so 117UC17 Wo9t sone of tese tlgs terrjpt you AW wsl fabrics t reduced prices 09e lot of Cdvs dlpoes 7 7 c 09e lot of C9VS oesB 9 8c forrner price 09 prt of tlpis lot ws 5150 Cordially C L DeGROFF CO BxvsssssNssssai NAwvcsaSBNai v LET US PROVE TO YOU MR FARMER JEk dEjhJHL bw v the Big Noise raised by the Mower and Binder Trust is only to make Ne braska farmers pa their large ousted lines forced by Kansas Oklahoma and Texas G W PREDMORE SONS have Mower Knives Sections Wearing Plates Clips Pitmans and Pitman Straps Boxes and Bolts Guards and Guard Plates all kinds and sizes of Rivets for the McCormick and Deering mowers and we can soon get them for any other that you ma have We have bought from the same manufacturer for iS years the same goods and we are selling at the same old price We are not controlled by any trust combination or associa tion We buy for cash and sell for cash Come and hear our whispering and we will sell you the goods G W Prcdmore Sons McCook Shop Phone 19 Residence Phone Ash 3605 SESBSSBvlSSssVuNSVSBSaSEIBSSSrs NBNSSZISSKSSo WHI TE HOU Ask Scott About It Tea and offee IS THE BEST Fone 30 i