The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1908, Image 2

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    i -
noted at D
Democrats In the Limelight
During the Partys National
Gathering Speakers and Of
ficers J jv i
chairman of
the Illinois dele
gation at the
Democratic national
convention at Den
ver Itogcr C Sulli
van who was prom
inent in making the
arrangements for
the gathering trav
eled to Denver by
automobile and took
n party -with him
They met with con
siderable mud on
the way so that
when they stopped
ar William J Bryans home near Lin
7n to pay their respects he jokingly
required of them if they would support
b pretty strong good roads plank in
tin- jIatform They agreed that such si
jitazux would have unanimous adherence-
There were six motor vehicles in
2Zr Sullivans party Including a big
ruaimercial car carrying baggage
and other requirements for
sath a trip
SSr Sullivan who was born in
111 in 1SG1 made his entry into
Illinois politics as custodian of the
ik County hospital In 1SSC he was
appointed a deputy collector of inter
act revenue and in 1S90 was chosen
link of the Chicago probate court Lie
sow a leading business man of Chi
cago being identified with a number
oI important corporations
Theodore A Bell temporary chair
sum of the Democratic national con
tention was the Democratic candidate
Sec governor of California two years
ao but was defeated He was born
an Vallejo Cal in 1S72 was educated
3n the public schools and was admit
ted to the bar in 1S93 He is a resi
dent of Napa and was district
3sy of Napa county from 1S94 to 1900
He served in the Fifty eighth congress
and lias quite a reputation on the Pa
cific coast as an orator Mr Bell was
znarried in 1S99 to Miss Anna Marie
ISIuller The former congressman has
oeene one of the leaders in the move
ment to keep the Japanese from set
tling In large numbers on the Ameri
can side of the Pacific ocean
ifbvernor Claude A Swanson of Vir
ginia chosen to second the nomination
of Mr Bryan for president served with
Mm at one time in congress He was
a congressman for a dozen years prior
to Ills election as executive of Virginia
In-the- latter position he achieved espe
cial prominence during the Jamestown
exposition when it often devolved
upon him to represent his state at
functions incident to the programme of
ibe fair He was only thirty when
3rst chosen to congress and his me
to the high posts ol conrressMai and
governor forms an interesting story
He was born at Swausanville IMttsrl
Timia county Va March o ISini In
Ms early childhood his father was
wealthy but leverses came and at the
age of fourteen yo m Swanson worked
as a laborer en his lathers farm He
age of seventeen
studied durinsr
moments am
it night and as a
when he
ia i ony t eei
vi s of ag the
earliert in which
e could be
he received a
r t class certili
t te to teach a
iiblif scheol lie
ets nnined t til
taie to make a
iiwyer of hiielf
and from hi sav
igs of tho yesr
without any other
tissistice at the
e entered the Vir
ginia Agricultural and Mechanical col
lege He entered the intermediate class
3ntE finished the year with the highest
distinction The following year he
TPOuld have entered the senior class
and received his diploma but was unable-
to do so on account of lack of
3imds He then went to Danville and
accepted a position in a grocery store
He joined a debating society and dem
strated the fact that he had in him
fire making of an orator His talent
was soon recognized and he was se
Seted to deliver an address before a
Tjaion of Sunday schools The audience
Tzray charmed with the power of the
jroung orator and four of Danvilles
3nerous and walthy citizens volun I
teornd to assist him in securing an
education He matriculated at
college Virginia and In
due time graduated with honors A
law course followed
One of the characters of the Demo
cratic national gathering at Denver
John I Martin sergeant at arms of
the convention has a laugh that is
exceedingly contagious Ills face
wheu he has on a broad grin makes
an interesting study Colonel Martin
established Ids headquarters at Den
ver some time in advance of the meet
ing of the convention and his face
soon became well known to delegates
Wm Z ISHil
Indeed all old timers knew him al
ready for lie has oiliciatcd as ser
geant at arms at several previous
conventions He is a St Louis law
yer and was born In ISIS He was
driver of a levee dray wheu he went
into politics and got elected to the
Missouri legislature Then he took up
the law and won fame for his conduct
of criminal cases He is prominent in
many fraternal orders and traces his
Democracy through a long line of an
cestors to the birth of the party
Representative Henry D Clayton of
Alabama one of the prominent Dem
ocrats at the convention is a native of
Barbour county Ala and a lawyer He
is serving his sixth term in congress
and was United
States district at
torney in Alabama
from 1S93 to 1S9G
Mr Claytons dis
trict in Alabama
adjoins that of
Griggs in Georgia
The two statesmen
went hunting one
day They stayed
out later than they
expected to and at nEXIJY D- claytox
sunset found themselves miles from
home and without food or drink They
trudged along until they came to a
cabin at the end of a lane they had
been following Clayton rapped on
the door An old man stuck his head
out of a window and asked v gruttly
What do you all want
We want to stay here all night
said Clayton
Well growled the man as he bang
ed the window shut stay there no
bodys heuderiu you
One of the prominent southerners
at the national Democratic convention
Governor Robert B Glenn of North
Carolina who was chosen to second
Mr Bryans nomination sprang into
national eminence a few months ago
during the conflicts between the or
ders of state and federal courts over
the enforcement of railway rate laws
Though he stands firmly for the legit
imate rights of the states Governor
Glenn believes in looking forward
rather than backward He said re
cently I long to see the day when
the name of Abraham Lincoln and
Ulysses Grant will be loved and re
spected in every nook and corner of
the old Confederacy and when the
names of Lee and Jackson will be
cheered in Maine Massachusetts and
Governor Glenn was a leading figure
among the state executives who as
sembled at the White House in May
to confer on conservation of the
BWt T iiiimnnifwftw
v mmmjgiis3jst
ii ri fnfrrnrff
rional resources and he was much in
terested in the passage of the bill pro
viding for nationalization of the for
ests of the southern Appalachian and
White mountains
Speaking of the results of the recent
conference at the White House Gov
ernor Glenn said
In mj judgment it was the greatest
meeting of any kind that has been
had in the United States since the
meeting of the constitutional conven
tion more than a century ago and has
given a better idea of how the state
and the nation cap operate without
friction or conflict
Where One Must Display Great For
mality and Prsciseness
Berlin Is organized for eating and
drinking and so are the Berliners or
ganized for it Scattered ail over the
city arc enormous places where food
is served wine halls where only wues
are served and beer halls which deal
in beer alone some of them most re
spectable and some not so impeccable
It is the rule that it is perfectly proper
to take your mother or your wife or
your sister to a beer hall or a wine
hall that is frequented by the officers
of the army They go only to the prop
er ones publicly
The etiquette of these places is most
formal If the hall Is crowded and
tables are scarce before you sit down
you draw your heels together and make
a military bow to everybody sitting at
the table you select then also you
raise your glass or stein to those at the
table when your refreshment Is served
On leaving you bow all around again
or the other people at the table bow if
they leave before you do The Ameri
can way of asking the others at the
table for permission to sit down Is not
ceremonious enough for the Germans
who are the most formally polite peo
ple in the world Samuel G Blythe in
Everybodys Magazine
The Story as It Is Recorded en the
In the early part of the last century
there lived in an old New England
town a Mr Church who in the course
of his pilgrimage through this vale of
tears was bereft of four wives all of
whom were buried in the same lot In
his old age it became necessary to re
move the bodies to a new cemetery
This melancholy task the much be
reaved widower undertook himself
but in the process the bones of the la
mented quartet became hopelessly
mixed Priding himself on possession
of a New England conscience Mr
Church would not under the painful
circumstances permit the use of the
original headstones but procured new
ones one of which bore the following
inscription Here lies Hannah Church
and probably a portion of Emily An
other Sacred to the memory of Emi
ly Church who seems to be mixed
with Matilda Then followed these
Stranger pause and drop a tear
For Emily Church lies buried here
Mixed in some perplexing manner
With Mary Matilda and probably Han-
Philadelphia Ledger
The Star Arcturus
It is probable that the star Arcturus
is one of the six greatest of all the
stars in the sky Notwithstanding its
brightness it is so far away from us
that it is not displaced in position in
the slightest measurable degree as
we change our position 1SO000000
miles in our annual journey around
the sun Could we be placed midway
between Arcturus and our sun we
would receive thousands of times more
light and heat from the star than from
our sun and this notwithstanding that
the stars radiation is smothered by
a dense blanket of metallic vapors In
spite of its immense distance the star
is drifting slowly in a southwestward
direction over the face of the sky its
motion changing its apparent position
by an amount equal to the diameter
of the moon in the course of about
1000 years So great an apparent mo
tion must indicate an enormous veloci
ty in space New York Press
Peppermint and Tobacco
If you have a boy who has begun
smoking too early and whom you wish
to cure of the habit feed him pepper
mints Dr O Clayton Jones of Silver
ton England writing in the London
Lancet is authority for this simple
cure Dr Jones writes To break the
smoking habit in a youth there is noth
ing better than peppermint drops He
cannot smoke with a bullseye in his
mouth and even for some time after
it is dissolved tobacco will not blend
kindly with the taste that remains
Socially the cure may seem worse than
the disease but from a medical point
of view the sucking of peppermints is
far less hurtful A common bullseye
will prevent smoking for nearly an
hour so the amount of sweets used
need not be great
His Discharge
A touching instance of the humor
which never deserts a true Irishman
even in his worst troubles is recorded
A soldier was seen in the trenches
holding his hands above the earth
works His captain asked
What are you doing that for Pat
He replied with a grin as he worked
his fingers
Im feeling for a furlough sir
Just then a rifle ball struck his arm
just below the wrist Then a queer ex
pression of pain and humor passed
over his face as he exclaimed
And faith its a discharge Lon
don Answers
I didnt
So There Is
know you
intended to
We dont
But your wife told me she was out
looking at houses all day yesterday
Well thats true enough but dont
you know there is a vast difference be
tween looking at houses and looking
for houses
Not Very Consoling
Humorist The editor makes fun of
my jokes Spacer Well I dont see
that you have any kick coming Thats
more than you are able to do Chicago
He that blows upon dust fills- hl3
eyes with it Danish Proverb
At Fairview Farm
The Home of William Jen
nings Bryan Near Lincoln
Neb and Its Talented Mis
tressIn the Den s
VIEW the home of Willian
FAIR Bryan near Lincoln Neb hat
been the Mecca for many pil
grimages undertaken In connec
tion with the meeting of the Demo
crats in national convention at Denver
In anticipation of an increase in the
travel to the residence of the
1mtnW i ii i Milan jiaaw
i -
v if A3
gnished Nebraskan the local trolley
company made an extension in its
transportation system so as to afford
accommodation to those desiring to
pay their respects to Mr Bryan or
consult with him on various aspects
of the canvass
Fairview is an ideal home for a man
of Mr Bryans tastes and inclinations
The Democratic leader was born on a
farm and has always lovel the life of
a tiller of the soil even when the du
ties of his calling necessitated his liv
ing in a city or traveling much about
the country Now he has a farm of
his own and in the center of it a resi
dence which while not palatial or pre
tentious contains all the comforts and
conveniences for which one could ask
and affords room for his library and
the many souvenirs and relics which
he and Mrs Bryan have collected in
the course of their wanderings in dif
ferent parts of the world
The distinguished pair have had un
usual opportunities for making a valu
able collection of this kind
It should not be forgotten that Fair
view is the home of Mrs Bryan as well
as that of the man who is so prominent
in the politics of the nation Indeed
perhaps Mrs Bryan should have more
credit for making Fairview what it i
than her distinguished husband He
certainly would wish that credit to be
awarded her She superintended the
construction of the house the erection
of which was begun in 1901 Mr Bryan
being away from home much of tho
time during this period They had pick
ed out the site together some years be
fore when they used to take horseback
rides out from Lincoln and became im
pressed with the beauty of the scenerv
in the vicinity of the village of Norma
if fl 7feft
They bought a few acres at a time un
til they had a tract of about lo0 acres
Then they built their home on the
brow of an eminent e conni ding a
view of tho country for miles around
The house itself is of chipped brick and
stone and of very pleasing architectur
al design Asjt the extensive grounds
are many tssg nl intel including
a swimming poo firI tio tainily are
fond of this sjnrt and Mrs Bryan is a
particularly gol swiior nd takes
pasm i s giving o - in tho art ro
women gestt who aro n jilopts in i
There L an oIJ fas tiovvr -
den of which the mists res of n
mansion is ospoei y f i 5 toe
are dogs an ho M ii or t e
anitu f - - U x
pots and tr io tl riling hi
back and driving
One of the rsi i rrin
homo which a fords iiei o
tn visito h to t i I i
third story which i tilled with treas
ures from many ianK Aztec ptitfry
curious weapons specimens of bi ds
and fish and other articles of scien
tific interest in almost sufficient num
ber to stock a museum
Speaking of birds recalls the story
told of Mr Bryans visit to a family
in New York in which there was a
little girl After dinner she sat read
ing some eastern fairy tales Sud
denly she looked up from her book
and said
Mr Bryan what kind of a bird Is
the bulbul
Its a brother to the coo coo my
dear Mr Bryan answered
See if You Can Untangle tho Knots In
This Problem
A young man named Enathlus de
sired to learn eloquence nnd art of
pleading aud lie bargained with Pro
tagoras the ancient Greek sophist for
instructions agreeing to pay one half
of tho fee down and the other half on
the first day ho gained a case It took
the young man so long to learn that
his tutor came to the conclusion that
he was delaying his start In business
to avoid paying the other half of the
fee so Protagoras sued him for the
When the case came up for trial Pro-
tagoras said to the young man You
act most absurdly young man be
cause In either case you must pay me
If the judges decide against you you
must pay and if they decide for you
you must pay for you will then have
gained your case
You are wrong replied the young
man I will win either way If the
judges are for me 1 will not have to
pay and if they are against me I will
not have to pay for this last was the
very bargain between us namely If I
did not win my case
The judges considered the case inex
plicable and as they could not see
their way to any decision they ad
journed the case to a day that never
came for any of the principals On
Protagoras side it was a case of los
ing when he won and on the young
students side winning when he lost
Why Man Gives Preference to Right
Hand Over Left
Right handedness and right eyedness
came with genus homo Dr George M
Gould has watched for them in squir
rels that use their front paws to hold
nuts cats that strike at insects in the
air or play with wounded mice and In
many other animals but he is certain
no preference is given to the right side
over the left
But in the lowest human savages all
over the world choice in greater ex
pertness of one hand is clearly present
One cause for its development is in
primitive military customs In all
tribes and countries since man used
implements of offense and defense the
left side where the heart lies has been
protected by the shield and the left
hand was called the shield hand while
the right hand was called the spear
Next to fighting came commerce
The fundamental condition of barter
ing was counting with the low num
bers one to ten The fingers of the free
or right hand were naturally first used
and all fingers today are called digits
as are the figures themselves while
tho basis of our numberings is the deci
mal or ten fingered system Every drill
and action of the soldier from ancient
Greece to modern America is right sid
ed in every detail Firing from the
right shoulder and sighting with the
right eye bring the right eye into prom
Her Protector
Well sir explained young Mr
Sooberbs it was like this I thought
my wife might be afraid of tramps so
I bought her a watchdog He was a
fierce looking bull and I reckoned hed
about fill the bill I got him in the
morning and had him sent right out
to the house When I got home that
night one of the toughest looking ho
boes you ever saw was sitting on the
porch What in thunder are you doing
here I asked Well boss says he I
come Iookin for a handout an de lady
she gimme 50 cents to stick around an
perfect her from dat dog o yours
Shes sure scared of im Kansas
City Newsbook
A Girl After His Own Heart
A Scotchman wishing to know his
fate at once telegraphed a proposal of
marriage to the lady of his choice
After spending the entire day at the
telegraph oflice he was finally reward
ed late in the evening by an affirma
tive answer
If I were you suggested the opera
tor when he delivered the message
Id think twice before Id marry a
girl that kept me waiting all day for
my answer
Na na retorted the Scot The
lass who waits for the night rates is
the lass for me Everybodys Maga
Origin of Bostons Glory
Even as early as the days of Henry
VIII some sort of volunteer force
had existed in England and what is
now the Honorable Artillery company
was formed at that time and became a
center of instruction for the city train
ed bands during the time of Cromwell
The Honorable Artillery company may
be counted among the things which
crossed in the Mayflower for in 1G3S
was formed the Ancient and Honora
ble Artillery Company of Massachu
setts London News
To Think About
She seems like a very nice girl
One whom it would be safe to mar
Oh no No girl is safe enough for
that But shes nice enough to think
about marrying if you only know when
to stop Life
Cupids Hearty Appetite
You know said the soulful youth
music is the food of love
Nonsense replied the practical fel
low My love prefers lobster salad
terrapin and other expensive fodder
Philadelphia Press
Will my husband live doctor
Well madam if he doesnt hell
come mighty close to It Judge
I f 7 nrrrr
Conducted oy the McCook W C T U i
Advice From the Wrong Source
At last n great discovery has been
mado It took the editor of a liquor
paper to mnlco it Ho runs a paper in
Detroit called Truth which like an
other organ of nearly tho same name
published in Now York should bo called
more properly Untruth
Well this is what Truth says in re
vealing its remarkable discovery to the
world Tho trouble and bnd feeling
that exists in so many of tho Protestant
churches to day is caused by some of
its preachers who attempt tn speak up
on tho subject of tomperanco who do
not know tho first principle of human
nature How much moro good they
would do if thoy dovoted moro of their
valuable time sticking to tho more
beautiful stories the Bible tolls
The writer of this paragraph evident
ly does not know that a preacher is not
a mere teller of beautiful stories He is
a prophet And a part of the prophets
duty is to denounce ovil Tho liquor
business is a frightful ovil It is de
stroying the life of the individual and
tho nation No preacher with a con
science can keep quiet in the presence
of this blistering curso To devote
more of his valuablo timo sticking to
more beautiful stories tho Bible tells
night be agreeable to the man who is
debauching tho people but the preacher
would be faithless to his calling
No The pulpit is pitted against tho
saloon Tho preacher must fight the
iniquity wherever it shows its head It
is a part of his business The Bible
makes it so And it is in a large mea
sure the faithful and persistent preach
ing of temperance and prohibition by
tho pulpit that is responsible for the
present tidal wave of reform It is fill
ing the hearts of the liquor people with
dismay but makss the heart of right
eous folks to rejoice Ep worth Herald
Tho Demorest medal contest will
take place at the AI E church Tues
day evening July 28tb at 830
Music duet Pizzicato
Misses Hccknian and Dungau
Prayer Kev Carman
Kecitatiou A Political Parade
Clara Itaukiu
Kecitatiou Drop la Mary Rozell
Vocal solo Selected Kuth Wiebo
Recitation The Tramp Mildred Daugherty
Kccitation A Soak in Wum Barrels
Mabel Handel
Duct Selected Nina Tomlinson Millie Elbert
Recitation Taken by SurprisoVcda Cadman
Recitation Vera Fitzgerald
Music Solo Dcr Freischutz Weber
Miss Heckman
Presentation of Medal
Music America Audience
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
E M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m Al
are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M I
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p
m Meetings held in tho Morris block
Room open all the time Science litera
ture on sale Subject for next Sundav
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m C E at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing every Wednesday at 8 p m The3
public is cordially invited to these serv
ices Rev F W Leavitt of Franklin
Neb will preach July 2G both morning
and evening No preaching Aug 29
and 16 G B Hawkf3 Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching by tho pastor at 11 and S
Morning subject Be Good Evening
Lessons from the BaseBall Diamond
Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting
Wednesday night at 8 A cordial wel
come to all
M B Carman Pastor
Jinue to Dttlld irir Ktln a
trial will make you a ppminmt
tocicr Satisfaction L immnt
money refunded
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