r STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OK THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn of McCook Nobraskn oti the tOth day of Juno 1008 A81ETH First MortBiigo Loniis S 121855 00 Stock loans 0310 00 Ileal cstato 028 W Delinquent intoreHt 10 GS KinoiiHos and tuxoi paid 202 05 Delinquent assessments 33 00 MAIIIMTIK8 Capital stock paid up 5 127019 08 Kcficrvo iiinil ihii w Undivided profits 3883 98 Other liabilities 221 05 Total S 13282a 51 Receipts and expenditures for tho year ending Juue30 1908 EECEirTH Ralanco on hnnd July 1 1907 378 SO Dues 20078 50 Interest premiums and linos 1122102 LoaiiB repaid 279G3 91 Real Estate Sales 180 00 Total 05121 20 EXfKNDITUKUS Loans 50690 00 Expenses 852 01 Stock redeemed 7092 71 Hills payable 3b00 00 Cash on hand 33S9J8 Total 0012120 State of Nebraska Red Willow County ps I F A Ponnoll secretary of the above named asocintioudo solemnly swear that the forego ing statement or the condition of said Associa tion true and correct to the best of my knowl edRO and foolief F A Iennkil Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of July 190S Stella Fujiek heal Notary Public Approved J A Wilcox WHMills Ta Hanson Directors BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach a I The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices motto your hopes keep it is flarshs He wants trade and by merit to The Butcher Phone 12 Hiss Ha M Briggs Swill teach class on piano Grad uate of Bothany conservatory of Lindsborg Kans Studio at homo of A G Bump Phone Black 252 Scholars call or phono for further information A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnelFs drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska 5SAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postofflce building C H Boyle C E Eldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance P one 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second lioor Poetoffico Building I BSfl 49 Were Just As Thankful just drop in and see if we do not have exactly what you want whether it be a box of paper clips or the latest improved filing s7stem The TRIBUNE Office McCook Neb GUNN DENTIST phos Oilico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook GATEW00D VAHUB DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS PIcCOOK - NEBRASKA Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location jnst across street in P Walsh building flcCook For a small package as a large one Each will receive the same thorough and careful attention If we get the former it may in time grow to the later by the satisfaction you will derive in wearing our laundered work Family washing 3c per ponnd McCook Steam Laundry V C BLAIR Prop Successor to G C Heckman PHONE 35 West Dennison St Any time you find yourself in need of Supplies for your Office S88V fefefefe V FKANKLIW PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 j V FRAHKUH DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT A PEDDLERS JOKE It Had a Sharp Turn That Took Lacked Relish A good many of the Sac and Fox Indians do not talk much and wheu they are in a store and see something they want they pick it up and pay for it When Tom LTall was keeping a drug store an Indian woman entered it and picked up a can of varnish and paid for it A few weeks later the same woman was in again and Tom asked her if she wanted another can She said no they couldnt eat the can she had Stroud Okla Messenger A Golf Outrage The Earl of Wemyss was on a Fife golf course on one occasion accompa nied by an old caddie nis lordship got his ball on one occasion so near the hole that to play it was as it appeared to liim superfluous So he simply tip ped it in with the toe of his tyoot The caddie revolted iustanter threw down the clubs and looked horrified When he found words to speak it was to say Elaug it me lord gowfs gowf Satin Ashes Small Nellie read aloud from her Sunday school lesson as follows And the king of Nineveh covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes This was a puzzler and finally she said Mamma what kind of ashes is satin ashes Chicago News Fault Finding Nothing is easier than fault fiudiub No talent no self denial no brains no character is required to set up in th grumbling business but those who ara moved by a genuine desire to do good have little time for murmuring or con plaint Most people who rob Peter to pay Paul forget the last part of the con tract wartftfi All the Fun Out of It One day a peddler of tinware stopped nt n country house in New England and leaving his horse and wagon at the gate went to the door where a big woman with a rather pleasant face met him He told her what he had for sale and succeeded in dispos ing of half a dozen articles to her Then she said that she had not money enough to buy more Well maam said the peddler Ill take rags If you have any I have none to sell answered the woman The peddler saw at least a dozen children all small about the house and the yard and he suddenly thought of a joke that he might play on the woman You seem to have plenty of chil dren he said Maybe you might sell me one of them and take the pay In tinware What will you give said the wo man Ill give 10 said the man all in the best tinware Well sir said the woman its a bargain ta your pick of the lot The peddler was surprised that his joke was working so well but he kept a very serious face and selecting a very bright looking little fellow of six years he took him up and put him on the seat of the wagon and then gave the woman 10 worth of such articles as she wanted Never doubting that the mother would repent of her bargain and give him to redeem the boy 10 in money the minute she saw him starting off he climbed up on the seat touched up his horse and drove off lie drove very slowly however for he expected every second to hear the woman call him back for how could he think for a moment that a mother would sell her child for a lot of tinware V But she did not call him back much to his amazement while as for the boy he was in high glee for he was going to have a drive Presently the peddler fearing that the joke had been turned on him drove back to the gate Lifting the disappointed little fellow down from the wagon he wpnt with him to the door where he found that the woman had just finished ar ranging her new tins nicely on her shelves I think the boy will not do after all said the peddler and you had better take him back and let me have my tins No sir cried the woman A bar gains a bargain and you must stick to it Why maam said the man sure ty you wouldnt sell your little son for a lot of tinware Oh answered the woman I have no children mister The boys and girls you see here are pauper children and as you seem to be a good sort of man Ill sell you as many of em as you want for 10 apiece The peddler stared at her for a min ute in speechless amazement and then turning suddenly toward his wagon he drove away as fast as his horse could take him But he left his tins behind him Pittsburg Press His Modest Request Your regular professional tramp has a sharp tongue and is not slow to use it when occasion arises A farmers wife had curtly refused the usual request for a nights lodging from a gentleman of this fraternity Well then maam said the tramp would you mind if I slept in that big meadow there behind your barn No said the woman in a magnani mous tone you may sleep there if you like One thing more maam said the tramp before I say good night Will you please have me called at 4 sharp 1 want to catch the cattle train to market San Fiancisco Chronicle ttaKtl8faK T frlKBaatgaiBe NEW SECRETARY OF WAR Luke E Wright Who Succeeds to Shoes of William H Taft Again The choice of Luke B Wright a life long Democrat to succeed William II Taft as secretary of war recalls the appointment of Walter Q Gresham of Indiana a lifelong Republican as sec retary of state during the second ad ministration of the late Grover Clove land Judge Gresham Avas postmaster general and secretary of the treasury In the administration of President Ar thur and was himself a candidate for the presidential nomination on the Re publican ticket in 1SSI and 1SSS In 1S92 however he supported Grover Cleveland and this led to his being in vited into a Democratic cabinet de spite his long associations with politi cians of the other camp It was an appointment which occa sioned much discussion at the time General Wright was classed as a Democrat when he went to the Philip pines His promotion from one Impor tant post to another since that time has come in consequence of his show ing especial capability for the LUKE E WRIGHT charge of the responsibilities thrust upon him When Judge Taft was calied to Washington to become secretary of war II r Wright who had been vice governor and had acted as governor general several times in the absence of Mr Taft stepped quite naturally into the shoes left by the latter lie served as governor general until lJOO when he became the first American ambassa dor to Japan in which post he was suc ceeded not long ago by Ambassador OBrien He was appointed to tho Philippines commission in 1000 by President McKinley who desired that the members of that body should not be all of one party He was only a boy when the civil war broke out hav ing been born in 1S47 It is said that in making the appointment the presi dent was influenced by the desire tG recognize that there is no longer any dividing line between north and south General Wright had three sons fighting lvu ins reuniieu country in tue war against Spain He is the son of a for mer chief justice of Tennessee and wa himself an attorney general for eight years lie married a daughter of Reai Admiral Raphael Semmes of the Con federate navy and of Alabama fame JOHN R MALL0Y Ohio Man Who Was Secretary of the Republican National Convention John It Malloy of Columbus O the secretary of the Republican national convention is known in the Buck eye State as the man with the stentorian voice Since 1SS9 with the exception of but two or three years ho has annually performed the duties of secretary of tke Ohio Republican state convention In 1S9G he was reading clerk at the convention at St Louis which gave Mr McKinley his first nomination for president and in IU00 when the national convention was held in Philadelphia he was chief assistant secretary He performed the duties of the same office at Chicago in 1901 Mr Malloy grew up in a political at mosphere As a boy in 1S73 and 1S74 J Wym I JOHN R MAIiLOl he was a page in the Ohio constitu tional convention At nineteen he was a recording clerk in the legislature Then he served for a time as a report er on a Colum bus paper He was clerk of the Ohio house of representatives for six years was a member of the state board of pardons was cashier of the Columbus postoffice and was state oil inspector under Governors Nash and Herrick He was a close friend and ardent admirer of the late Senator Hanna The Sfcte WON ON A BLUFF Way One Prosperous Merchant Got His Start In Business There is a prosperous merchant In Chicago today who owes his success to his donation of a 300O organ to a cfitircii at a time wheu he didnt have money enough to buy a hand organ This donation was a case of bluff pure and simple but the bluff worked and resulted in the subsequent wealth of the lucky bluffer John Smith was seeking capital to start In business for himself but as he had no security worth speaking of he could not borrow the money he needed When he had tried every person he could think of who would be likely to have the necessary cash and the incli nation to lend it and had been turned down he conceived the Idea of present lug his church with an organ I Young Napoleon John Smith there fore ordered his organ and allowed the future to look out for itself The uiaciurers oi ine organ never mougiu 6f questioning the financial standing of the philanthropist who was handing out 3000 organs and agreed to have the instrument sot up in the church on time Of course J Smith was not a bud that was born to blush unseen nor did he hide his beneficeuce under a bushel lie managed to bring in at least the flute stops no matter what the subject of conversation Not only did the young Napoleon advertise himself by means of the church onrau but the pleased minister and the equally pleas ed congregation spread the news of his gift During this time John did not allow any alfalfa to grow under his feet On the pretense of consulting some wealthy member of the congregation about some minor details of the organ he would drop into an office and be fore he left casually would mention tho subject of the company that he was forming Most of the men that he thus saw thought that it would be a good thing to be associated with a man who was making so mucB money that he was able to hand out i000 without missing1 It so that allwere aixious to take stock in J Snlitirs company Long before the time came for the first pay men on tle organ Smith had gathered eiKxigh money to start his business and vwjs dxring so well he had no difficulty In borrowing the amount needed to make the payment From that time he has made mouey so fast that now he could give away several 5000 organs and pay for them as well Chicago Tribune MEXICAN POLITENESS In the State of Michoacan Chivalry Is Compulsory If any man opines that the days of chualry and the true knight errant spirit have gone forever let him start forthwith on a far southward journey not halt his steps until he brings up in the town of Morelia which is the capital of the Mexican state of Michoacan remarked a traveling man Having arrived in Morelia he will at once see that the chivalrous spirit sun survives i was down there not long ago and the gallantry of the men and their extreme readiness to extend courtesies to the fair sex pleased and surprised me When I noticed the alacrity with which the native males jumped up on the crowded street car to offer their seats to the first senorita that entered I thought to myself how much more gentlemanly are these Mexicans than many of my own coun trymen They do not wait to see if some other man is going to get up but each tries to beat the other in cour teously proffering his seat to the lady I spoke about the matter to the pro prietor of the hotel and immediately he began to laugh You must understand senor said the innkeeper that the governor of our state issued a decree that if any man keep his seat in a street car thereby compelling a woman to stand he is liable to arrest and a fine The police have been instructed to execute mis order severely and I think this has much to do with the prompt polite ness of which you speak since n me of our population wishes to become in volved with the police and to be pub licly branded as lacking in gentility Baltimore American She Had Red Burns The philanthropic lady was visiting a Glasgow slum and had just been ushered into a house where the good wife was engaged washing Her en deavor was to elevate the minds of the poor and she asked Have you read Burns In answer the good wife bared he brawny arm and displayed a lame red mark saying Theres wan I got thN morn wi the steam o the pot bilin ower But efter a a burns aye red Must Have Had Experience Never mind dear he said renssiw ingly as she raised her sweet face from his shoulder and they both saw the white blur on his coat it will ad brush off Oh Charlie she burst out sobbing hiding her face again upon his whitey shoulder how do you know Som erville Journal Both Ways Woman Now that I have fed you are you going without doing your work Tramp Oi couldnt wurrnk on an Impty stomach mum an Oi nlvir worruk on er full one so there yez be Smart Set Making Headway Nervous Traveler to seat companion How fast should you say you were traveling Companion who has been Sirting with the girl across the way About a smile a minute Life - - m Government Land Level shallow to good wnter 1 pijy expen Te while here 30to locate Jteno 18 experience I rniLi wi years Wnto Homesteads located vcy corners on Kd Hauslmw Laird Colo i i nnil onnililinii on block 1 lot lNorth McCookfor sale on term Price m Write to xu iiniisuuw a uu v NEILL BROS Contractors and Builders EstimateJ Furnifhed Free mm Phones Shop Block 321 Itcsidenco Ulack 312 ii Updike Grain Co raymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL KOK COAL Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjp OfR P O Box 131 McCook Nobraska A Edgar Hawkins Phone Ited 193 H H Evans Phone Keel 201 HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builders Plans drawn and estimates furn ished on application 1 21 2m McCook Nebraska E P OSBORN J W WBNTZ OSBORN WENTZ Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone 13 EvarsarsaNavENBNafSKsapTMsa F D BU11GESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA kBBBSSSKSBVJPsJEV WBBaJPIVl jyi WtmWLmWmmmmmma mmmmK I Iff jlixfiiiMMyBl FBANK SEISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PM01E 1114 1420 24 LAWBENC5 nFNVro rm n l fc A t t f x ri Rubber Roof I eg Old Hickory 2 pIy Rubber Roof ing per square complete includ ing Rubber Cement and Broad Headed Nails 225 American Rubber Roofing 1 ply per square complete including Lap cement Tin Caps and Nails 195 I BARMTT I LUMBER CO MM M i T f 1 I m i 1 Ah c 1 k a I I