The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1908, Image 3

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movement calls attention to theTS
capacity of the Democratic party for
administration of government
Following are the principal planks
Once more the Republican party Jn
national convention assembled sub
mits Its cause to the people This
great historic organization that de
stroyed slavery preserved the union
restored credit expanded the national
domain established a sound financial
system developed the industries and
resources of the country and gave to
the nation its post of honor In the
councils of the world now meets the
new problems of government with the
same courage and capacity with which
It solved the old
The great accomplishments or
President Roosevelt have been first
and foremost a brave and impartial
enforcement of the law the prosecu
tion of illegal trusts and monopolies
the exposure and punishment of evil
doers in the public service the more I
errecuve regulation or the rates and
service of the great transportation
lines the complete overthrow of pref
erence rebates and discriminations
the arbitration of labor disputes the
amelioration of the condition of wage
workers everywhere the conservation
of the natural resources of the coun
try the forward step in the improve
ment of the inland waterways and
always the earnest support and de
fense of every wholesome safeguard
which has made more secure the guar
antees of life liberty and prosperity
These are the achievements that
will make for Theodore Roosevelt his
place in history
But more than all else the great
things he has done will be an inspira
tion to those who have yet greater
things to do We declare our unfalter
ing adherence to the policies thus in
augurated and pledge their continu
ance under a Republican administra
tion of the government
Party Makes Most of Resources
The United States now owns one
fourth of the worlds wealth and
makes one third of all manufactured
products In the great necessities of
civilization such as coal the motive
power of all activity iron the chief
basis of all industries cotton the sta
ple foundation of all fabrics wheat
corn and all the agricultural products
that feed mankind American suprem
acy is undisputed and yet her great
natural wealth has been scarcely
touched we have vast domains of 30
000000 square miles literally burst
ing with latent treasure still Availing
the magic of capital and industry to
be converted into the practical uses of
mankind a country rich in soil and
climate in the unharnessed energy of
its rivers and in all the varied prod-
With gratitude for all Gods bounty
with pride in the splendid productive
ness of the past and with confidence
in the prosperity of the future the Re
publican party declares for the prin
ciple that in the development and en
joyment of wealth so great and bless
ings so benign there shall be equal
opportunity for all Nothing so clear
ly demonstrates the sound basis upon
which our commercial industrial and
agricultural interests are founded and
the necessity of promoting their con
tinued welfare through the operation
of Republican policies as the recent
safe passage of the American people
through a financial disturbance which
if appearing in the midst of Demo
cratic rule or the menace of it might
have equalled tbe familiar Democratic
panics of the past
We congratulate the people upon
this evidence of American supremacy
and hail with confidence the signs now
manifest of a complete restoration of
business prosperity in all lines of
trade commerce and manufacturing
Since the election of William Mc
Kinley in 189 6 the people of this
country have felt anew the wisdom
of trusting to the Republican party the
control and direction of national legis
lation The many wise and progres
sive measures adopted by recent ses
sions of congress have demonstrated
the patriotic resolve of Republican
leadership in the legislative depart
ment to keep step in the forward
march toward better government
Only the obstruction and-filibustering
of a Democratic minority in the
last house of congress prevented the
enactment of a number of measures of
great public benefit the consideration
of which can only be intrusted to an
other Republican majority But many
wholesome and progressive laws were
enacted and we especially commend
the passage of the emergency curren
cy bill the appointment of the nation
al monetary commission the employ
ers and government liability laws the
measures for the greater efficiency of
the army and navy the widows pen
sion billvthe model child labor law for
the District of Columbia designed for
emulation by the states the new stat
utes for the safety of railroad engi
neers and firemen and many acts con
serving the public welfare
For Tariff Revision
The Republican party declares un
equivocally for a revision of the tariff
by a special session of congress im
mediately following the inauguration
of -the next president and commends
the steps already taken to this end in
the work assigned to the appropriate
committees of the congress which
are now investigating the operation
and effect of existing schedules In
all tariff legislation the true princi
ple of protection is best maintained
by the imposition of sucb duties as
will equal the difference between the
ican industries and the benefits that
cost of production at home and
abroad together with a reasonable
profit to American industries
We favor the establishment of
maximum and minimum rates to
be administered by the president -under
limitations fixed under the law
the maximum to be available to met
titled but also to maintain the high
standard of living of the wage earners
of this country who are the most di
rect beneficiaries of the protective
system Between the United States
and the Philippines we believe in a
free interchange of products with
such limitations as to sugar and to
bacco as will accord adequate protec
tion to domestic interests
Financial Policy Approved
We approve the emergency meas
ures adopted by the government dur
ing the recent financial disturbances
and especially commend the passage
by congress at the last session of the
law designed to protect the country
from a repetition of such stringency
The Republican party is committed to
the development of a permanent cur
rency system responding to our great
er needs and the appointment of the
national monetary commission by
the present congress which will im
partially investigate all proposed meth
ods insures the early realization of
this purpose
The present currency laws have
fully justified their adoption but an
expanding commerce a marvelous
growth in wealth and population multi
plying the centers of distribution in
creasing the demand for the move
ment of crops in the west and south
and entailing periodic changes in
monetary conditions disclose the need
of a more elastic and adaptable sys
tem Such a system must meet the
requirements of agriculturists manu
facturers merchants and business men
generally automatic in operation
minimizing the fluctuations in inter
est rates and above all it must be
in harmony with the Republican doc
trine which insists that every dollar
shall be based upon redeemable in
and as good as gold
In line with the purpose here de
clared to secure by every wise means
greater safety and stability in the
banking and currency system we fa
vor the establishment of postal sav
ings banks on principles embodied in
the measure now pending in congress
and set for vote on Dec 14 next
Anti Trust Plank
The Republican party passed the
Sherman anti trust law over Demo
cratic opposition and enforced it over
Democratic dereliction It has been a
wholesome instrument for good in the
hands of a wise and fearless adminis
tration But experience has shown
that its effectiveness can be strength
ened and its real objects better at
tained by such amendments as will
give to the federal government great
er supervision over and secure pub
licity in the management of that class
of corporations engaged in interstate
commerce having power and oppor
tunity to effect monopolies
We approve the enactment of the
railroad rate law and a vigorous en
forcement by the present administra
tion of the statutes against rebates
and discrimination as a result of
which the advantages formerly pos
sessed by the large shipper over the
small shipper have substantially disap
peared and in this connection we
commend the appropriation made
by the present congress to ena
ble the interstate commerce
iHsoriminntione bV frni nriMrSZ S1n tO tuCtOllglliy investigate and give
Pblicity to the accounts of interstate
against American goods entering their
markets and the minimum to repre
sent the normal measure of protection
at home the aim and pur
pose of the policy of the Re
publican party being not only
to preserve without excessive duties
that security against foreign compe
tition to which American manufact
urers farmers and producers are en
ruaus we ueueve nuwevei luul iuu
interstate commerce law should be
further amended so as to give rail
roaas the right to make and publish
traffic agreements subject to the ap
proval of the commission but main
taining always the principle of com
petition between naturally competing
lines and avoiding the common control
of such lines by any means whatso
ever We favor such national
legislation and supervision as will pre
vent the future overissue of stocks
and bonds by interstate carriers
Anti Injunction Plank
The Republican party will uphold
at all times the authority and integ
rity of the courts state and federal
and will ever insist that their powers
to enforce their process and to protect
life liberty and property shall be pre
served inviolate We believe however
that the rule of procedure in the fed
eral courts with respect to the issu
ance of the writ of injunction should
be more accurately defined by statute
and that no injunction or temporary
restraining order should be issued
without notice except when irrepara
ble injury would result from delay in
which case a speedy hearing there
after should be granted
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
Nels J Johnson and wife to
Theodore M Phillippi wd to
lot 7 blk 15 2nd McCook 400 00
V Franklin and wife to Edward
F Newlon wd to lot 4 blk 21
1st McCook 1400 00
Charles H Boyle and wife to
Clifford Penney wd to se qr
31-3-30 1600 00
Lincoln Land Co to W C Bul
lard wd to lot 7 blk 26
McCook 150 00
Burton F Rohrer and wife to
SRHunt wdtonhfneqr
2 16-3-27 2900 00
Grace Smith and bus to Henry
Shouse qcd to lot 21 blk 28
Indianola 1 00
Susanna Kennedy ot al to
Henry C Shouse qcd to lot
21 blk 28 Indianola 1 00
Charles A Scott and wife to W
C Bullard wd to lots 14 15
blk lSouth McCook 100 00
Frank H Cole and wife to H
Hoffman wd to lot 11 blk 7
Willow Grove 100 00
Thomas L Kelley to Patrick
McDonnell wd to lots 11 12
blk 30 Indianola 150 00
David Diamond to Mrs David
Diamond wd to east 50 ft 13
14 15 in blk 21 McCook 2000 00
Andrew F Lambert widr to F
J Lambert wd to sw qr 304
27 6500 00
Otto Weber and wife to George
E Carr wd to lota 1 2 in
C Esther park addBartley
United States to Amos Good-
enberger pat to ne qr 29-1-29
200 00
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune wants correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
1 iw m inMoiiu iyJtfjnawpaj1
The following proposed amendment tc
the constitution of tbe State of ITo
brazJca as horcinaftor set forth In fall
is submitted to tbo electors of the Statr
of ZTebraska to be voted npon at the
general election to be held Tuesday Xo
vembor 3rd A D 1908
tions two 2 four five 5 six bj
and thirteen 13 of Article six Mi oi
the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska relating to Judicial Powers
Be It BeBolved by tho Legislature of the
State of Nebraska
Section 1 Amendment proposed That
Section two 2 of Article six G of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read as follows
Section 2 Supreme court judges
Jurisdiction The Supreme Court shall
consist of seven 7 judges and a ma
jority of all elected and qualified Judges
shall be necessary to constitute a
quorum or pronounce a decision The
Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction in
all cases relating to the revenue civil
cases in Which the state is a party
mandamus quo warranto habeas corpus
and such appellate jurisdiction us may
be provided by law
Section 2 Amendment proposed That
Section four 1 of Article six t of th
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to rend as follows
Section 4 Supreme court judges
election term residence The judges oi
the Supreme Court shall be lected by
the electors of the state at large and
their terms of office except as hereinafter
provided shall be six years And said
Supreme Court judges shall during their
term of office reside at the place where
the court is holden
Sections Amendment proposed Thai
Section five a of Article six 6 of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as follows
Section 5 Supreme court judges
election term chief justice That at
the general election to be held in the
state of Nebraska in the year 1909 a
each six years thereafter there shall be
elected three 3 judges of the Supreme
Court who shall hold their office for the
period of six years that at the general
election to be held in the state or Je
braska in the year 1911 and each sis
vears thereafter there shall be elected
three 3 judges of the Supreme Court
who shall hold their office for the period
of six years and at the general election
to be held ip the state of Nebraska In
the year 1913 and each six years there
after there shall be elected a Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court who shall
hold his office for the period of six
years Provided that the member of the
Supreme Court whose term of office ex
pires in Jajyiary 1914 shall be Chief
Justice of thiTSupreme Court during that
time until the expiration of his term of
office And provided further that upon
the adoption of these amendments by the
electors of the State the Governor shall
immediately iinon issuing his proclama
tion declaring said amendments adopted
appoint four 4 judges of the Supreme
Court two 2 of whom shall be ap
pointed to hold said office until their
successors shall be elected at the general
election in 1909 and have qualified and
the other two 2 shall hold IhMr
until their successors shall be elected at
the general election held in 1911 and
have qualified
Section 4 Amendment proposed That
Section six C of Article six C of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as follows
Section G Cbief justice The Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
term for which he was elected He shall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court and in his absence the judges
present shall select one of their number
to preside temporarily
Sections Amendment proposed
Section thirteen 13 of Article six G x of
the Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read as follows
Section 13 Judges salaries That
judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of 4500 and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of 3000 per annum payable
Approved April S 1907
I Geo C Junkin Secretary of State
of the State of Nebraska do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copv of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State of
Nebraska as appears from said original
bill on file in this office and that said
proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the state of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the
general election to be held on Tuesday
the 3d day or isovemuer a u jyua
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska Done at Lin
coln this loth day of July in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Eight and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirtv third and of this State the Forty
Seal Secretary of State
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Ne
braska as hereinafter set forth in full
is submitted to the electors or the State
of Nebraska to he voted upon at the
general election to he held Tuesday
November 3rd A D 1908
A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an
Amendment to Section 9 Article S of
the Constitution of the State of Ne
3e it Resolved and Enacted Sy the leg
islature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 Amendment That at the
general election for state and legislative
officers to be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday in November
1D0S the following provision be pripl
and submitted to the electors of the
state as an amendment to Section i Am
cle S of the constitution of the State of
Spction 9 Educational Eunds Invest
ment All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes the interest and
income whereof only are to be used shall
be deemed trust funds held by the state
and the state shall supply all losses
thereof that mav in any manner accrue
so that the same shall remain forever
inviolate and undiminished and shall not
be invested or loaned except on United
States or state securities or registered
county bonds of this state or registered
school district bonds of this state and
such other securities as the legislature
mav from time to time direct And such
funds with the Interest and income there
of are hereby solemnly pledged for tbe
purposes for which they are granted and
set apart and shall not be transferred to
any other fund for other uses
Section 2 Ballots Adoption That
at said election in the year 190S on the
ballot of each elector voting thereat there
shall be printed or written the words
For proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion with reference to the investment of
the permanent school fund and against
said proposed amendment to the constitu
tion with reference to the investment of
the permanent school fund And if a
majority of all voters at said election
shall be for such amendment the same
shall be deemed to be adopted
Annroved Anril 5 1P07
T Geo C Junkin Secretary of State
of the State of Nebraska do hereby cer
tifv that the foregoing proposed amend
ment to the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska is a true and correct copy of
the original enrolled and engrossed bill
as passed by the Thirtieth session of the
legislature of the Statp of Nebraska as
appears from said original bill on file in
this office and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
voters of the State of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday the 3d day
of November A D 1908
Tn testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska Done at Lin
coln this 15th day of July In the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hun
dred and Eight and of the Independence
of the United States the One Hundred
and Thirty third and of this State the
Forty second
Seal Secretary of State
MAlrf I I l 3-2-
iliif warn vP I
ft MMmimmmm j
1 KSEgslaB8IHiHHIIHKl if
The twenty second president of the United States also called the twenty-
uulll liiusmem uucuuse oi ins second election after an interim of one presi
dential term was born in 1S37 at Caldwell N J He removed to Buffalo if
Y in his youth and became a lawyer He was elected sheriff mayor and
governor and in 388 1 was nominated for president by the Democratic party
defeating James G Blaine Four years later he was renominated but was
beaten by Benjamin Harrison whom he In turn defeated in 1S92 Since hla
retirement from public lifo he lived at Princeton N J where his death occurred
Wednesday Juno 24 from henrt disease and complications His funeral was held
today Friday at Westland his Princeton home and was of a strictlv private
SITES I An ordinance Icrniud An Annniil A ppniprin
jiuiiaurj nuiiiriiiiiMii niiiuu oi uiu secretary
ititbuiiiKiou J line o jjun
Proposals will be received to be opened at
two oclock p in July Hi 1103 for the sale or
donation to the United States of a suitable site
centrally and conveniently located fur the Fed
eral building to be erected in McCook Nebras
ka A corner lot of approximately 120 x 130
feet is required Each proposal mut give the
price the character of foundations obtainable
the proximity to street cars sewer gas nnd
water mains etc nnd must be accompanied by
a diagram indicating the principal street the
north point the dimensions and grades ut the
land the widths and paiiim of adjacent streeflft
and alleys whether the alleys are public or
private and whether or not the city owns land
occunied bv sidewalks The vendor innf nnv
all expenses connected with furnishing evi
dences of title and deeds of conveyance Im
nrovements on the nronertv must be reserved
r I by the vendor but pending the commencement
of tne Federal building they may remain on
tho land upon payment of a reasonable ground
rent The grantor must however remove all
improvements on thirty days notice so to do
The right to reject any proposal is reserved
Eacli proposal must be sealed marked Pro-
Cosal for Federal building site at McCook Ne
raska and mailed to the Secretary of tho
Treasury Supervising Architect Washington
D C No special form of proposal is required
or provided
Geo IJ Cortelyod Secretary
The state of Nebraska Red Willow county
In the county court In the matter of the es
tate of James H Short deceased On reading
and filing the petition of Mrs Lena L Ghering
praying that administration of said estate may
be granted to her as administratrix Ordered
that July 11 A D ltOS at one oclock p in is
uaaiKucu mr Hearing aiu pennon wnen ail
persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said
county and show cau5e why the prajer of pe
titioner suouici not oe granteaana that notice
of the pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said county for three success
ive week- prior to said of hearing
Dated this 13th day of June 1908
J C Mooke County Judge
In the county court of Red Willow county
Nebraska State of Nebraska county of Red
Willow ss
To all persons interested in the estate of
Jacob Crocker deceased On reading the pe
tition of Jra Crocker praying that the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to Michael
Crocker as administrator It is hereby ordered
that you and all persons interested in said
matter may and do appear at the county
court to oe ncia in and lor said county on the
29th day of June A D 1903 at one oclock p
m to show cause if any there be why the
prayer of the petitioner should not be granted
and that notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune a
weekly newspaper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
9th day of June A D 1908
seal J C Mooke County Judge
CURES catarrh of the stomach
turn Hill aiinronriatiiig such miiii of mun v
as an- deemed iieci ari tmlefrav all
ary exjienses and liabilities of the city of
McCook in Red Willow Nebraska as
shown by the estimates heretofore made for
the current fiscal year and to Iey a tax on
the taxable projerty within said city for the
payment of the same
Re it ordain d by the major and council if
the city of McCook
Section I That the following sum- of money
he and the same hereby are appropriated to de
fray the necessary expenses and liabilities of
the city or McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska for the current fiscal icar
Salaries of olliters S 1CC0 01
Supplies elanns and elections 30B 0O
Making and repairing alleys streets
and cro s walks 000 00
Firemen and supplies 1 S00 CO
Rent on water troughs street sprink
ling and for Hushing sewer 2500 IX
Lighting streets 19X101
Interest on bonds and sinking funds 5j00 00
Maintenance of free library 1100 00
Maintenance of sewer 1000 U
Section 2 That there he and hereby is leried
on the taxable property within the corporato
limits of the city of McCook in the statu of Ne
braska for the purpose of defraying the ex
penses aforesaid the following tax namely
Genera fund in mills
Water fund mills
Light fund mills
Library fund 2 mills
Sewer fund 2 mills
Interest on bonds and sinking funds 1 mills
Section i This ordinnnce shall take effect
and be in force from and after its pas age ai
proval and publication according to law
Passed and approved this 22nd diiy of June
A D liOS J H Stephens Mayor
Attest H W Coxovmt City Clerk
C C Everts William Weigent William Wy
ginr S T Ridgeloy Matie A Stewart Matthew
Stewart A II Williams Elizabeth A Compton
Sallie F Hamilton Jennie Hell Turner Cora L
Campbell James X Campbell Lee A Ketch
and William Ketch defendants will take notice
that William Jeffries plaintiff has fib d his
petition against said defendants in tie- di triet
court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob
ject and prayer of which are to quiet the title
of the plaintiff in the northeast quarter and
the north half of the northwest quarter and
the southeast quarter of tlie northwe t quarter
andthewest half of the southeast quarter of
section four -1 township four 1 1 range twenty-nine
29 in Red Willow county Nebraska
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the west half of the
quarter of section twenty seven 27 and tho
northeast quarter and the north half of tho
southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of
tlie southeast quarter of section thirty three
33 and the northeast quarter and eti t half of
the northwest quarter and east half of south
east quarter of section thirty four CM all in
townsjiip five 5i range twenty nine in
Frontier county Nebraska and for a decree
that the defendants and each of them be de
creed to have no interest in or any claim lien
or title to said premises or anj part thereof
and that the plaintiffs title thereto i good and
valid and that the defendants and each and all
of them be forever enjoined from asserting or
claiming any right to or right of possession of
said premises or any part thereof
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 2Uth day of July 1
Dated this 10th day of June
William Jeffries Plaintiff
By Boyle Eldred his attorneys
The Tbiiju ne all home print
See Bullard Before
Buying Elsewhere
l V swv
Attention Builders
Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main
Between Dodsre and Dennison
If you want a
or anything pertaining to Cement Work see
Rooin 8 J
Walsh Block t