The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1908, Image 5

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li A
TH ktl VJSS Co
ieHSV Ki3e
Sales Manager
HWMwriwum n mumm
ompdnv likes to see
new tvble -linen
ounbonnet 3bie3
Doit you tlpigk good njedd testes better
iex it is spread 09 spotless tbleclotl
AxA you kiow oi iqucl you yourself ei
joy opeig out krdsone Iedivy big Iire9
iowdys you soil lots of tble Iigei yd
towels Do9t you tlpigk it vould be veil to
get njore
ill you 9ot tlpefl kfter redidiig tle priees
ve 90V nke 09 Iityes eoipe to our store id
see tese values we tell you bout
Pure Ii9e9 t 50 c
A better polity t 7 5c kpd S5c
Our 10 0 aupd 150 values unsurpassed
No 6
Heatherbloom Petticoats 1 S inch shirred
flounce come in pink blue brown and
black the 500 values now q
priced PZOy
Axminster Rugs size 3x6 feet g
a 600 yalue now p4 I V
Mens Work Shirts the 50c and
60c values now priced
Mens Dress Shirts roo and
125 values now priced at 5C
m WMUffu wmftiiawwgi
On SHOES we save you from
75c to 150 on every pair Remem
ber we are going out of the shoe
We will continue giving un
matchable values in HOSIERY as
long as the stock on hand lasts
Remember This Sale Positively Closes Saturday June 27th
Time Card
McCook Neb SllBj
Central Time JO 27 p m
a M
J I ill ill
14 942 P M
10 723 P M
No 1 Mountain Time 950 A M
it it
5 Arrives
Xo 176 arrives Mountain Time
Xo 175 departs
1142 p M
830 p M
1025 a M
1217 A M
505 p M
710 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write R E Foe Agent McCook
Nebraska or L Wakeloy General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Mrs R E Foe went down to Red
Cloud first of the week on a visit to
the horuefolks
Engineer Zajicek was working with
his engine Saturday when he told his
helper to open one of the valves and
by mistake he opened the blow off
cock Mr Zajicek was standing in
front of it and as it had 200 pounds
pressure on it struck him hard For
tunately it was covered with dust and
dirt so as to form a protection as it
struck him or he would have been scald
ed worse As it was he was bruised
as he was thrown against the tank
and not scalded seriously He is get
iDg along nicely and will soon be out
again Oxford Standard
Automatic Block System
Engineer William H Watson of Los
Angeles Calif who is here on a visit
guest of Engineer S Viersen is the
inAentor and patentee of an automatic
block system which seems to be the
most perfect automatic absolutely cer
tain yet offered to the public in that
needed line
It seems to provide for practically
every emergency and is attracting the
attention of railroad men here as it
does everywhere he exhibits the details
of the patent
It seems destined to be one of the
great factors in avoiding the accidents
which now cost American railroads so
much money and so many lives annually
Rosebush Buys the Plant
The McCook Cement Stone Co plant
was purchased end of last week by H
N Rosebush the well known cement
stone man who assumed charge of the
plant out on West Dennison street
Monday morning Mr Barger we un
derstand contemplates removing from
the city The plant in Mr Rosebushs
management will be in good hands
Ergotine Is Tried on Chickens Digi
talis on Frogs
A lot of sorry looking chickens dogs
and cats loafed in the black ill smell
ing yard of the great chemical plant
We use these animals to test our
drugs on said the chemist They
come in very handy They more than
earn their board
Ergotine is a drug we test on chick
ens It is a simple test If a dose of
ergotine fails to turn a chickens comb
black -we knoAv that the drug is for
some reason or other worthless
Hasheesh we test on clogs Hash
eesh is made of female hemp buds
Male hemp buds have no medicinal
value yet some dishonest dealers put
male buds on the market and since
they resemble the female buds precise
ly it is impossible to detect them save
by an actual test Dogs given hasheesh
get drunk and happy if the stuff Is
Digitalis the heart stimulant Is
tested on frogs We inject a drop of
it into a frogs stomach and in the
kymograph or heart recording ma
chine we study the changes that take
place in the frogs heart action Thus
we get a very accurate knowledge of
what our digitalis can do
Do we ever test drugs on ourselves
Oh yes indeed often Chemists have
lost their lives chemists have gone in
curably insane through too rash a
bravery in testing drugs on their own
persons Los Angeles Times
The Raven
Writing on Birds In Christian Leg
end and Symbol in the National Re
view Rev R L Giles says
The raven is looked upon with divid
ed feelings He is the bird of ill
omen par excellence Corvo di mal
augurio is indeed the Italian equiv
alent of the phrase and Ungluck
srabe the German one According to
the fathers he is the emblem of pro
crastination with his ciy of Cras
eras Tomorrow tomorrow His
not having returned to the ark has al
ways beenrememberedagaiust him Yet
he too is a pious bird He played his
part in the Christmas mystery It was
said that at the hour of the great birth
the crock crowed Christus natus est
the raven croaked Quando the rook
cawed Hac nocte the ox mooed
Ubi the sheep bleated Bethlehem
and the ass brayed Eamus This Is
found as early as the fourth century
His Gratitude
The Medical Record tells of a man
who was cured of blindness by a sur
geon remarkable for his unprepossess
ing appearance When vision was
fully restored the patient looked at
his benefactor and said
Lucky for you young man I did
not see you before you operated or I
would never have given my consent
3 - - 1-
i imm
inirjwiilUnimiinriliniiwMBtwmijimni hkiwuhi HlllJyitliijiiMiBumiiiiUjJiS
V fo
1 A Great
And the hundreds of satisfied customers who have taken advantage of this great sale the past week make good our assertion that DEPENDABLE
MERCHANDISE PRICED RIGHT will always find buyers And we feel assured that with still greater concession of prices the LAST SIX DAYS
OF THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SALE will prove to the people of Red Willow county and vicinity that when Honest John H Grannis holds a
special sale it is a Golden Opportunity to supply your wants at a saving of dollars and you can not afford to miss it
We Quote a Few Items out of the HUNDREDS that Await You
Next Week
Lonsdale Cambric per yard i 1 C
Lonsdale Bleached Muslin per q
yard OC
Amoskeag Staple Check Gingham
per yard OC
Best LL Brown Sheeting per
yard OC
72 inch Bleached Damask 75c
value per yard
raised by the Mower and Binder Trust is only to make Ne
braska farmers pay their large ousted lines forced by Kansas
Oklahoma and Texas
G W PREDMORE SONS have Mower Knives
Sections Wearing Plates Clips Pitmans and Pitman Straps
Boxes and Bolts Guards and Guard Plates all kinds and
sizes of Rivets for the McCormick and Deering mowers and
we can soon get them for any other that you may have
We have bought from the same manufacturer for 18
years the same goods and we are selling at the same old price
We are not controlled by any trust combination or associa
tion We buv for cash and sell for cash Come and hear
our whispering and we will sell you the goods
G W Predmore Sons McCook
Shop Phone 19T Residence Phone Ash 3605
BkKVsacBvBsaEars vsssxs vsnssxi Brssnsisas sasjBsjigrvja
Lest Ye Forget
Scotts Fone No