The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 12, 1908, Image 8

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Baseball goods at Hofors
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Wall Paper at McMillons drug storo
Say Drink Hires root beer At
New lino of loap year Bryan and Taft
post cardB a Hofors
Huber is still soiling Wedding Break
last CofTeo You know tbo brand
McCounells Fragrant Lotion for
innps and sunburn 25 cents
Tho subject of tho Christian Science
service is God tho Preserver of Man
No office is complete without a Red
Swarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
A delicious Mary Widow is waiting
Jbr you at Wood worth Co soda foun
One of our fine hammocks will make
summer comfortable 100 to 8750
L W McConnell Druggist
Liquid Veneer makes old furniture
iSok like new
A MoMillkn Druggist
Cabbage sweet potatoe and tomatoe
plants McCook Greenhouse Co
We make a specialty of the best toilet
articles creams powders and lotions
A McMillen Druggist
Godfrey Co are operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
jight prices
Delicious crisp appetizing potatoe
chips Magner Stokes sell them
Setter than mother makes
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
3ale by Magner Stokes
Souvenirs of McCook 2 t views of tho
town in a folder 10c each 3 for 23c
at Woodwokth Cos Druggists
This week P Walsh has laid Mc
Cooks first sidewalk glass It comes
high but makes a well lighted base
Mesdames H G Phelps and E H
Boan will hold a Dorcas kensington at
iho home of Mrs Phelps Thursday af
ternoon June 18th You are cordially
Messrs Ackerman Vanderhoof have
moved across Main avenue into tho
building recently vacated by the plumb
ing establishment of McFann Steph
enson C R Livingston occupies a
part of the building with his office and
If its drugs you want see
Woodwokth Co
Prunes in 23 pound boxes at 225 per
box Hubers
What is nicer on a hot summer day
than a delicious ice cream soda or sun
due at Woodworthsdrug store
O D O club met at tho home of
C A Fisher Wednesday afternoon in
one of their enjoyable gatherings
Tho Au Faits mot with Mrs S P
Hart on tho farm yesterday a whole
picnic wagon load of them enjoying tho
drive and meeting
Cameras all sizns and prices from
8200 up every one guaranteed Push
the button and they do the rest See
them at
Woodwokth Cos Druggists
There is but one thing greater than
McCooks professional ability in the
aggregate and that is their ethical mod
esty And professional cards are only
8G00 per
The Tribune is all printed at home
in McCook and local and county news
will be found on each and all of its eight
pages and is not by any means confined
to two or three pages Read them all
The Ladies Aid society and Christian
Endeavor society of tho Christian
church will give an ice cream social in
the church tomorrow evening Saturday
evening June 13th You are cordially
C H Haywood this week sold two
horses a Clegg Wright pacer and a
Ki Ti Bells trotter for 500 The pur
chaser being Mr Moore of McCook
He expects to enter both of the animals
in the fall races Cambridge Clarion
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty one columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribune
The new catalogue of the Grand Is
land Business Normal College of
Grand Island Neb is now being sent
out and should be read by every am
bitious young man and woman One
remarkable feature of this school is the
plan it has of giving students who wish
it time on expenses and allowing them
to pay after they graduate and have
been placed in positions Several from
this county have arranged to enter soon
It is said to be one of the greatest busi
ness colleges in the United States and
its catalogue is sent for the asking
liens Suits and Overcoats
3000 Suits at 1948
2500 1498
2000 1298
iSoo 1198
1500 998
1250 798
1000 598
750 398
3500 Overcoats at 2298
3000 1698
2700 1498
2500 1298
2000 998
1500 798
1000 and 800 Overcoats at 598
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Ono of tho largest assortments of souv
enir postals in town at Woodworth
Cos Druggists
Patronize home industry by smoking
B Y 10 cent cigar and the McCook Un
ion 5 cent cigar
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Ivan B Clark 22 and Florence Z
Clement 22 both of Bartley
Clyde Coleman25 and Sophie Patter
son 21 both of Indianola
Levi Armstrong 21 and Beulah
Yoarsley 21 both of Havana
Clifford E Rector 25 and Ada Mc
Aninch 20 both of McCook
James G Carwin 19 of Wray Colo
and Eliznbeth H Cox 20 of McCook
Bert Strausbie 22 and Luella Shaw
16 both of Cambridge Married by
County Judge J C Moore
A Little Batch of Stories Related by
an Englishman
The sultan of Turkey had sent the
queen of Spain a diamond triciet
She had the stones reset inearrings
and called the fact to the attention of
Fuad Pasha the Turkish envoy
His majesty replied Fuad will be
delighted that your majesty gives an
ear to what comes from Constantino
To the same Fuad an Englishwoman
Impolitely said How many wives
have you
The same number as your husband
madam said the wily Turk The
only difference is that he conceals one
of his and I do not
When Robert Lowe married and said
With all my worldly goods I thee en
dow he grumbled to his wife after
ward And at the time I hadnt a
brass farthing
Oh but my dear you forget there
Is your genius
Lowe replied Well you cannot say
I endowed you with that
In a much older story Frederick the
Great Is represented as saying angrily
to the English ambassador of the day
England is now without an ally upon
the continent except God
Sir Hugh Elliott instantly replied
Yes sire but God is an ally that de
mands no subsidy From Rambling
Reminiscences by Sir Henry Drum
mond Wolff
Your choice of all Ladies Oxfords in the
house for 198
Boys 100 and 75c Knee Pants at 58
Boys Colored Shirts all sizes at 33
Mens All Linen Collars regular 15c line at 04
3500 Worth of Ladies Hens and Childrens
Shoes at 34 12 and 14 of the Regular Price
gfviriwrfB rxwrya
We exchange any or all goods not satisfactory to the
buyer and in case we have nothing to please you we will
refund your money
Childrens Fancy Knickerbocker
and Buster Brown Suits
70 Suits 3 to 8 years now 159
65 3 to 9 259
50 359
100 3 to 10 448
75 498
The above line is new goods this season and we have
all sizes
Boys overcoats to fit and match The above named
suits at very low prices
We have the Largest and Most Complete Stock of
Gents Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps in Western Ne
braska and will sell them cheaper than anybody Be sure
and see them
Extra Special Reductions
for Next Week in Shirt Waists Dress Skirts Jacket
Suits Silk Suits Summer Dress Goods and Millinery
Read over these reduction prices and beforo you buy do yourself tho justico of visiting our storo and com
paring tho values shown in our STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE ASSORTMENT with those offered from stocks car
ried over from year to year None of our goods aro lof t ovors but wo offer you at those special sales now and
seasonable merchandise
Great Slaughtering of Shirt
As a leader this week we make you the fol
lowing reductions in waists
All S950 Not Waists 675
All 750 Silk Waists 5 75
All 000 Silk and Net Waists 475
All SoOO Net and Silk Waists 375
All S375 Silk Waists 325
All 8300 White Waists 248
All 8250 White Waists 198
A11S200 White Waists 148
All 8125 White Linen Waists 98
All 8100 White and Black Lawn Waists 88
One Lot of Colored Waists worth as a
high as 8150 each go for Oo
Two Specials in Silk Dresses
82000 82200 and 82300 Shirt Waist and Jumper Suits reduced to
Your Attention
is called to our
great showing of
In this department we are offering Sues-
ino Silks in all colors at per yard 47jC
Handsome Silk Mulls all colors 25C
Shadow Silks in beautiful combinations
of color and design Jl5C
Others charge you 35c and 50c for the same cloths
Special Prices in Millinery
We have a large assortment of trimmed hats
and sailors now on hand wo are offering at reduc
tion prices Call and get our prices Youll not
need to look elsewhere
A Big Saving in Dress Skirts
Regular 400 and 8500 Skirts go for 248
Rogular 550 and 8600 Skirts go for 348
Regular 700 SSOOind 8900 Skirts for 548
Dont Overlook These Suit Re
83500 Suits are going for 2450
2250 Suits
2000 Suits
1750 Suits
1500 Suits
82700 Princess and Shirt Waist
Dresses reduced to v5 1 7c 5
We have had the crowds this week and every
body seems well pleased Jwith the treatment they
have received
Mens Colored Shirts all sizes regular 1
and 125 as long as they last at 29
Mens 3 Slickers Fish brand at 148
Mens Rain Coats all kinds and sizes at
nearly onehalf regular price
Young Mens Clothing
100 2 piece Suits fancy Scotch plaids and stripes
sizes 30 to 3S Regular 1250 now 479
1 5o 3 piece Suits 1000 448
75 1750 998
100 Boys Suits consisting of Blacks Blues
and Fancys long pants sizes 12 to 20 years at 448
This line New Goods this season We have all sizes
50 Boys Knee Pant Suits 8 to 15 years 129
85 189
100 329
95 Ci 498
Boys Overcoats 850 to 1000 now 498
1200 to 1400 now 798
Rubber Goods About 12 Regular Price
lises Telescopes Trunks at Less than Mfg Price
We Pay Your Railroad Fare to flcCook and Return with a Purchase of 2500 or More
H G Phelps McCook
Distributor of the Great Bankrupt Stock of Harry Simons
Summer Dress Goods
Batistes in border designs per yard 20C
Beautiful Batistes and Lawns per vard
15c 12ic 10c and 5C
Dont miss looking over our stock beforo you buy
We will save vou monev
We Sell Every Day AH the Time
Best Calicos at 5c per yard
Table oil cloths 15c
Lonsdale Cambric 12c
All other Dry Goods at proportionate prices
w JJr Jl
222 Main
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Furnishings Phone 56
mm K2
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