t p Jkijj -- ii iirirrriMifT 3f J S Sfc3 iolit In the Limelight Curtis Guild Jr Who Is Talked of For Vice Pres identA Lord Bishops Crusade Jo - c K Sx f iUKTIS GUILD Jr governor of Massachu setts who is recov ering from a seri ous illness is much talked of as a can didate for vice pres ident on the Repub lican ticket lie is a newspaper pain as his father was OURTIS GUILD JB aml betorc hinh took to politics naturally as several of his ancestors occupied posts of high responsibility under the state or fed eral government lie graduated from Harvard like all the Guilds for genera tions back except his father who pre pared for college but was prevented from graduating by family reverses He could repeat lines from Tennyson at three years old A few years later Se could recite entire plays of Shake speare and deliver them with proper 3pirit and Are At Harvard he was champion fencer and stood 00 per cent or over in all his studies It was his expertness in use of the 3word that caused him to take Interest 5n military affairs He was brigadier general of state militia at the out break of the Spanish war and went to Cuba as a lieutenant colonel and in spector general on the staff of General Fitzhugh Lee After the war Presi dent McKinley offered him a place on the Cuban reconstruction commission but he declined It also another offer that of the post of first assistant post master general He was elected lieu tenant governor of Massachusetts in 1902 and governor in 190G is forty sight jears of age and is now sole owner of the Boston Commercial Bul letin founded by his father and on the governor himself served from Mil collector to editor in chief Prince Wilhelm of Sweden who was 33arried a few days ago to the Russian Srand Duchess Marie Pavlovna is re aiembered as the handsome scion of F Hi ii vvrrn ii i mi ifcmTwtrwFir wrrinrTwiiincMnnrnnrfl Vvx a--- 2JUXCE WHiHEIilI OF SWEDES AND HIS BIUDE tfie Swedish royal house who visited America last summer to represent his country at the Jamestown exposition He commanded the cruiser Fylga which the Swedish government sent to participate in the naval display held in connection with the exposition and is known by his countrymen as the sail or prince He was born in 1SS4 and iolds the title of Duke of Soederaun The Grand Duchess Marie is about seventeen years old and is a cousin of the czar being a daughter of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovitch The cere mony took place at the Tssrskoe Selo jjniitce and was conducted with all th pomp and brilliancy characteristic of the Russian court The robing of th pretty little biiilo wv performed In the empress herself assisted by the owager orrrrc Ihor maid1 of lion and the ladles in waiting The brid wore on liar hsiil x jeweled diadem and from her rIiolcers hung a lorn trained niantk f twleny ve e lined with efnrv This train lorne in the procosxon by fhe row chamberlain Tle emperor hiiuseh conducted the bridal pair to the dais in front of the godei gate5 of the higi altar where the marriage was solem nized according to the rites of the Greek church After that ceremony there was another one more simple at which a bishop of the Swedish church officiated It was a picturesque procession wiiich was led through a slum district of London by the slum bishop the 3fght Rev A F Winnington Ingram whose visit to tills country last autumn attracted so much attention The Epis - 3- r V- The Marriage of Prince Wilheljn of Sweden and the Pretty Grand Duchcs Marie Pavlovna ef Russia i V a f copal church is generally conservative In its methods but during mission movements or special attacks on the strongholds of sin its clergy sometimes make departures from the customary stately and dignified ritual of the church The bishop of London has started a crusade against the public houses of his great diocese or saloons as they would be called in this country At certain intervals he enducts mid night marches through the worst slum districts gathering the people of the section up as the procession moves along On the occasion of the first march which started at 11 oclock at THE BISHOP OF LONDON happened in the fol night from the schools of the Church of St James the Less thousands of temperancework ers were in line car rying torches and acetylene lamps which shed a bril liant radiance through the squalid streets I have come to lead this gallant church army as a comrade and broth er said the bishop as he took his place at the head of the parade amid ringing cheers One ban ner carried at the head bore the invita tion Come Drunk or Sober another called upon the midnight roisterers of the district to Come Have a Drink With Me Before the roundup began a short service was held followed by the handing out of refreshments and sandwiches to the thirsty and hungry at the Church of St James the Less The march included in its route every public house and drinking bar In the district Hymns were sung in front of them and as the procession advanced Its ranks were swollen with the flotsam and jetsam of the streets including hundreds of drunkards and women of the unfortunate class The bishop had a great audience of such persons when he began his principal address at 1 oclock in the morning The distinguished financier Henry Clews who recently received from the mikado the highest imperial decora tion given by Japan to foreigners has rendered many services to the Jap anese government He was identified with the establishment of the modern financial system of the empire and it s lowing huj ouuit s thirty seven years S ago a commission headed by Marquis s Ito came to the United States to study its financial system It was ac credited to Presi dent Grant who re ceived the members in a friendly man ner and then turned them over to Mr -V v 5 WV - KSA HENRY CLEWS Clews The suggestions he gave them I were considered very valuable and were largely adopted in the financial system finally chosen for the modern ized Japan The eminent banker has since kept in close touch with the statesmen of this remarkable country Mr Clews tells a story of an old dar ky he met one day trying to reason with a balky mule That your mule uncle he asked He am sab Does he ever kick Kick sah He dont have no ca sion to kick Is the one to kick sah Hes gettin his own way right along That grand old man Dr Edward Ever ett Hale is often absentminded One Sunday he visited the New York state reformatory at Elmira where he was asked to occupy the pulpit of the chapel and address the convicts When he arose he found every seat occupied Beaming with pleasure he astonished his hearers by saying I am pleased and gratified to see so many here today Judson Harmon who has been nomi nated for governor of Ohio by the Dem orcrats was attorney general of the United States during a part of the sec ond administration of President Cleve land He was born in Hamilton coun fee- V fcJ JTsi s ty O in 1S4G and is a son of Rev B P Harmon He grad uated from Denison university in 1SGG and from the Cin cinnati Law school in 1SG9 In 1876 he was elected to the bench of the com mon pleas court in Cincinnati and two years later to the superior court JUDSON HAEMON Ing until 1SS7 Qn resuming the practice of his profession he built up an extensive legal business and at the time of his appointment as attorney general by Mr Cleveland was supposed to be enjoying an income of about 923000 a year His choice for the post of attorney general was a sur prise to every one including Mr Har mon and was called one of the presi dents inspirations He held the of fice until two days after the Inaugura tion of President McKinley Two rted Willow Countj Decisions The recent session of the supreme court of the stnto of Nebrnskn handed down two decisions effecting Red Wil low county The first in effect declares that the election changing the locution of the school from Shiloh to Marion is valid The syllabus of this decision is as fol lows Jless vs Dodge Appeal Rod Wil low Aflirmed Fawcott C Depart ment No 2 1 A general denial puts in issue svery material averment in the petition 2 Where in an action against a school district to enjoin the changing of the site of the school house and the ap propriation of the moneys of the district for the erection of a school house on the new site plaintiff alleges that he is a resident taxpayer and qualified voter of said district such allegation is a ma terial allegation without which the pe tition would be demurrable and where such petition is met by a general denial the burden is upon the plaintiff to prove such allegation The other decision is in favor of the city of McCook and is in effect that the city has the right to vacate a cer tain part of lower Manhattan street if such action is desired Lee vs City of McCook Appeal Red Willow Tempoiary injunction dissolved judgment district conn af firmed Good C Department Xj 1 1 Where a part of a street is vacat ed the general rule is that only those property owners whose property abuts upon the vacated part of the street and those who are thus cut off from access to their property are entitled to dam ages on account of such vacation En ders vs Friday Neb 111 N W 110 followed 2 A private party cannot enjoin a threatened wrong where the injury which he 9ould sustain would be no other or difference from that suffered by the community generally 3 As a general rule courts will not enjoin the passage of unauthorized res olutions or ordinances by a municipal corporation An injunction should not issue until some effort is mado to en force the unauthorized resolutions or ordinances i When a city enlarges its corporate limits and annexes territory over which there existed a highway previously laid out and established by the county board such highway becomes impressed with the character of a street and the city council is the only body thereafter vest ed with jurisdiction to vacate such highway or street 8000 Appropriated for Site At the late session of congcess through the efforts of Congressman Norris McCook received an appropria tion of SS000 for a site tor a government building Postmaster McLean has re ceived from the office of the supervising architect of the treasury department the following statement of the methods employed by the treasury department in securing sites for federal buildings which may be of interest to our readers Upon the enactment of a law author izing the acquisition of a site for a Fed eral building the treasury department invites through a local newspaper pro posals for the sale or donation of a suit able corner This advertisement gives buch information as to the dimensions of the site and the general requirements as will enable preparation of proposals The offers are opened in Washington at the time stated in the advertisement and as soon thereafter as practicable an agent of the department is sent to make a personal examination of the proposed locations and such others as he deems desirable Upon this report together with representations in writing from other sources the department selects the site and if the property is to be ac quired by purchase accepts the offer of the successful bidder subject to the conditions stated in the advertisement and the Attorney Generals approval of the title Whenever the department is unable to purchase an acceptable site at a reas onable price or where acceptable title can not be secured by voluntary convey ance a selection is made and the title acquired by condemnation proceedings in which the price to be paid is judic ially determined The buildings if any on the site should be reserved by the vendor to be removed upon notice after paymont for the land has been made Generally notice to move is not given until the construction of the federal building is about to begin if the vendor is willing pending such removal to pay a reason able ground rent Plans for public buildings are taken up in the order in which the titles to the sites therefor are vested in the Unit ed States and the contracts for their construction are let at as early a date as practicable Farmers Attention 1 am receiving cream for the Fair mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar antee good results You get your checks every shipment To those part ies that are delivering cream to other creameries if you will divide give one half to me I think after a few ship ments you will bring it all to me M Walsh Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office A Notable Visitor McCook briefly entertained n notable visitor Suturday and Sunday in the person of Very Rev M F Fallon O M I D Df of Buffalo New York Pro vincial of tho Oblates of Mary Imma culoto of the first province of tho United States Tho Very Rev Fallon is one of the best known priests in tho great diocoso of Buffalo not only in his sacerdotal ofiico but ns a brilliant lec turer and a man of largo and command ing influence Ho preached tho sermon in St Patricks church Sunday morning at 1030 oclock using as his subject The Catholic Church which is pro nounced ns having been one of tho ablest ever heard by his auditors In this connection tho Provincial took tho opportunity of thanking tho congrega tion of St Patricks parish for tho warm reception accordod Father Kirwin and the hearty cooperation extended Fath er Lawrenco missionary accompanied the Provincial They are just returning to Buffalo from a mission of three months in Canada extending from Winnipeg Manitoba to Vancouver British Col umbia They left for the east Sunday night A Bouquet From Blx McCook is enterprising The people sooni united in going after and getting the things thoy need In a command ing location stands the new high school building in architectural beauty one of the handsomest in the state with the inside a model of comfort and con venience It cost the city 10000 If Lincoln does as well in proportion to population her new high school building will cost 833000 exclusive of furnish ings Wont that be nice But this city doesnt propose to stop at a high school building Already 27000 has boen subscribed for a Ma sonic temple and opera house and that sum will bo increased a third in order to erect such a building as the place demands Another big thing the city is reach ing after is a municipal water plant Tho present one under private owner ship has not given universal satisfac tion and the people are inclined to get into the class with Lincoln at the risk of being accused of faoringpaternalism Mammoth Building Tho contractor is just completing the cement floor in the new cattle barn on the state fair grounds at Lincoln This barn is a mammoth building 17x 233 and will have stalls for 63G head of cattle superintendents office and toilet roonia and the total cost will exceed 23000 Cattle Superintendent O E Mickey of Osceola reports the receipts of en tries daily and the management con fidently expect that the ample pro visions for caring for cattle will result in the largest exhibit Aug 31st to Sept 1th ever held in Nebraska A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office JMJIlWllL HHWHrnnmm - - MasterWorkman Sailors Prido Eglantine CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Biblo Bchool at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E nt 7 p m All aro welcome R M A ins worth Pastor Episcopal Preaching Eervices at St Albans church at 11 n m nnd 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these sorvicos E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M 1 Bait st Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Christian Science Sorvicos Sun day nt 11 a m nnd Wednesday at 8 p m Meetings held in tho Diamond block Room open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to -1 p m Science literature on sale Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by pastor Junior C E nt 3 p m Senior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 Tho public is cordially invited to these ser vices G B Hawijes Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 8 p m Junior Leaguo at 1 Epworth Leaguo at 7 Prayer meet ing Wednesday night at S p m You are welcomed and made glad at this church Sunday school every Sunday in South McCook at 3 p m M B Carman Pastor The Farmer The happiest man in this beautiful land of ours to day is tho successful farmer In tho evening when ho is tired from his days labor he sits down with his family of boys and girls and is undisturbed by tho maddening noise and evil temptations of tho great city Banks fails railroads go into the hands of tho receiver booming towns collapse all business stagnates but tho farmer can snap his firmers at all these things He spends his leisure hours reading his farm journals under his own vino and shade tree and smiles as ho glances across his broad acres of wheat oats and corn Ho Is the mon arch of all he surveys And bringing up his boys and girls to follow the straight and narrow path way ho gives to the nation its best blood Many of the worlds best and greatest men and women were sons and daughters of the happy farmer The American farmer is to be envied and if he is not content with his lot ho is lacking in wisdom Which do you think is the happier tho contented farmer or the city man Institute Paper Filed 30000000000 Mortgage Saturday last Right-of-way xgent Westover of the Burlington filed with the clerk of Red Willow county a mort gage covering the value of Q system running to tho Central Trust Co of New York city in the vast sum of 300- 00000000 The filing fee was 1870 This is by all odds the largest filing ever made in this county The mort gage will be formally filed in each coun ty in the state Pick Jolly Tar Ivy Old Statesman i liwii m im ji ii i f ifp A tag from a 10 cent piece will count FULL value A tag from a 5 cent piece will count HALF value Willi lf Save your tags ffom M0E J T TISLEYS 16 ot feb head Hatisra 61 Big Four Old Peach Old Honesty Black Sear Real Estate Filings The following ronl estnto filings have been made in tho county dorks office since last report George Lelond nnd wife to Mnry Lydon wd to pt lot 2 blk 8 pt lot 1 blk 9 1st add South McCook 600 00 Rua Mitchell and wifo to Goo Lelaud wd to lot 2 blk 8 lotl blk 9 1st add South McCook 300 00 Mnrgret S Lydon and hus to William Sullivan qcd to so qr so qr 15-1-27 100 Mnrgroc S Lydon guard to William Sullivan g deed to so qr so qr 15-1-27 975 00 Georgti II Thomas and wifo to Stophen Finn wd to lot 3 blk 12 1st McCook 2300 00 Sarah A Jarvis wid to Henry Conrad wd to o hf se qr 31 w hf sw qr 33 3 27 450 00 Andrew Shorman to Lizzio Sherman wd to lot IS blk 9 GthMcCook 330 00 Clarence B Gray and wifo nnd Francis Cain nnd wifo to Emma Jeffries wd to lots 10 11 12 blk 2G 1st McCook 7000 00 Emma Jeffries and hus to Franklin PRatliff and Fran cis Cain wd to w hf lots 10 11 12 blk 2G 1st McCook 4000 00 R W Devoo and wifo to Frank Hnckenkamp wd to nw qr 5-4-30 400 00 Nels J Johnson nnd wifo to Harriet B W Young wd to lot 12 blk 13 McCook 2100 00 Peter C Voge and wife to Henry W Voge wd to so qr 5G 20 nLf 293 23 1 00 Henry Voge sing toFrantz Arp to wd 5-6-20 nw qr 29 3 2S 10 500 00 Allen P Day and wife to John L Sargent wd to lot 3 blk 33 Indianola 2000 00 Henry C Ilobrook et al to James R Vance wd to ne qr 2 4 29 4750 00 Charles E Gray to Catherine Gray wd to n w qr 9 2 27 1 00 Uuited States to Charles E Gray pat to nw qr 9 2 27 150 For Best Article The Republican Congressional Com mittee offers 150 for the best article not exceeding 1000 words on tho sub ject WHY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SHOULD BE SUCCESSFUL NEXT NOVEMBER The competition is open to nil In judging tho merits of contribu tions consideration will be given not only to style arguments and facts pre sented but to tho convincing power and it should be born in mind that Members of Congress aro to be elected as well as President and Vice President No manuscripts will be returned but will be tho property of the Committee The best article will be widely used both in tho newspapers of the country and in pamphlet form The reward will be made and check sent to the successful contestant about August 13th Manuscripts must be mailed not later than July 13th to Literary Bureau Republican Congressional Committee Metropolitan Bank Building Washington D C Leaf THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO St Louis Mol uufnrf AY 5K3 Tenpenny Bridle Bit IV N Tinslcys ffettsrsl Laf Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many gr useful presents as shown by catalog Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Razor 50 Tags Gentlemans Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 75 Tags Ladys Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags 60 yd Fishing Reel 60 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home write us for catalog T