The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 12, 1908, Image 1

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Vf lift
Giving one of these
A Singular Life
The Sky Pilot
A Message from Mars
No 2 of the Junior Normal Course
j Monday June 15 830 p m
Reserved seats at McCon
nells 8 a m Saturday
June 13 50 cents
Help the Normal
Enjoy Yourself
Cox Carwln Wedding
Wednesday evening at 830 oclock
Miss Elizabeth daughter of Mr and
Mrs H J Cos was united in marriage
with James G Carwin of Wray Colo
The ring ceremony was performed by
Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega
tional church a score of relatives of
the two families witnessing the happy
union coming from Benkelman Neb
and Wray Colo After the ceremony a
wedding supper -was served The young
folks were quite handsomely remember
ed They departed on No 3 same
night for Wray fifteen miles from
which place they will reside on a ranch
Card of Thanks
We are more grateful than words can
convey to all the friends and especially
to the Ladies Circle Degree of Honor
and Royal Neighbors for flowers and
assistance during the illness and after
the death of our beloved mother
Mb and Mrs Fred Schlagel
Mr and Mrs George Beard
Mr and Mrs Warren Snyder
Get a Cook Book Free
at the McCook Hardware Cos with
all the best receipts It also explains
the advantages you derive from using
gas and a Detroit Jewel gas range sold
by the firm
BIx Locates Danbury Neb
Somebody has made the discovery
that Danbury is in Red Willow county
We knew it all the time Bis in
Lincoln Journal
Masonic Temple
t Theatre Benefit j
Players Club of McCook
announces the production
of the three act farce com
edy plentifully interspers
ed with Musical Special
Music by K of P Or
chestra Admission 50c
and 25c
This play Is given for the benefit of the
Masonic Theatre Enterpriseto which
the net proceeds will be devoted As
such it becomes a matter of community
tI HPWrf -
t Seats on Sale at McConnelPs j
j i
Largest Gathering Ever
The recoption and banquet of the
McCook high school last Friday even
ingin the new high school building was
the greatest gathering ever held by the
graduates of the McCook high school
in numbers and it was not a whit lack
ing in social and gastronomic success
Over ahundred members of the associa
tion were present and the meeting was
one of the memorable and noteworthy
ones in its history
The large auditorium of the new high
school building served the purpose of
the gathering magnificently Its decora
tive scheme was simple and rustic in
result the effect converging at the cen
ter of the room in a rustic well design
from which punch was served in granite
cups secured to the structure by bind
ing twine Wild grape vines were
utilized generously in drapery from the
electric lights at the corners of the
room to the well Palms rugs etc
gave an added touch of taste and com
The Pythian orchestra occupied a
nook in the northwest corner of the
room from which they poured forth a
wealth of harmony during the evening
The banquet was provided by the
banquet committee of the alumni and
served quite cleverly by the girls of the
eleventh grade
Sliced Piue Apple
Strawberries with Pulverized Sugar
Escalloped Chicken
Creamed New Potatoes
Combination Salad
Brick Ice in Class Colors
Angel Food Chocolate Mints
The banquet was served in the laboratory-room
The toasts were a spirited feature of
the evening with Supt G H Thomas
as toastmaster aptly introducing Fran
cis M Colfer whose presidents address
was one of the clever efforts of the
The response was delivered by Ralph
L Bosworth president of the class of
08 in happy vein
The Value of a Higher Education
was the subject of Earl O Vahues in
teresting remarks
Miss Lora LeHew spoke to the toast
One in Eight with pleasing emphasis
Life in the Old Building engaged
Mrs C R Voodworths reminiscent
thought with entertaining results
C L Littel supt of Hitchcock coun
ty spoke From a Distance but in no
uncertain tone and to the enjoyment of
his fellow alumni
So comprehensive a trinity subject as
the Past Present and Future engag
ed Miss Storers talents effectively
It was in the wee sma hours before
the enthusiastic gathering closed and
then with mingled emotions of regret
and satisfaction
Special Sales
Our selling is always special selling
It is always on the basis of the highest
possible value giving Cash selling
reasonable profits controlled expenses
always mean bargains to the customer
and assured if moderate success to the
merchant The prices prove it 9-
quarter wide pepperell bleached sheeting
25c yd Lonsdale bleached 10c Hope
bleached 10c Tourist bleached 7c yd
Good yard wide unbleached muslins 5c
yd Yard wide black taffeta silk 73c
Others 8115 and 8135 Give your pock
et book the benefit of the doubt The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Splendid Corn Fed Bunch
D C Marsh has just closed the pur
chase of a carload of fancy corn fed cat
tle from William Byfieldthe well known
feeder of cattle of high grade These are
prime animals of the highest quality
and this juicy rich nutritious meat will
be furnished his customers at the mar
ket regularly now Finer meat than
this is not obtainable anywhere Bought
right for cash and will be sold right for
Two Fine Games of Ball
The game of base ball at Cambridge
Monday between the Cambridge and
McCook teams was one of the best of
the season McCook losing by a score of
two to one Tuesday the same clubs
played on the home grounds here with
McCook winnner by a score of four to
two Both games attracted large crowds
and much interest
Flag Day Observed Monday
Next Sunday being the 14th and Flag
day the G A R post of our city re
quests that Monday the 15th be ob
served as Flag day and that houses and
places of business display the flag in
celebration of the 131st anniversary of
Old Glory
Gauze Underwear
for everybody Unions and separate
garments for men women and children
Extra size for big people 10c to 8125
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Charged With Jumping Board BUI
H A Dickson of the McCook panti
torium and manager of the McCook
baseball team was arrested at Oxford
Wednesday night charged by Kendlen
Stevens of the Palmer hotel with
jumping a board bill of 891 a criminal
offense Ho was taken from train 14 by
an officer and held until a warrant and
officer wero sent from here Ho was
brought back to the city last night on
train 3 and lodged in the county jail
until the matter can bo brought up be
fore Squire Berry
The Tribune understands that Dick
son had neglected or forgotten to pay
the baseball players and that an effort
will bo made also to adjudicate this
short coming during his presence in
the city
McAnlnch Rector
Wednesday evening at the home of
the brides parents Mr and Mrs E W
McAninch in Driftwood precinct this
county Miss AdaM McAninch and Mr
Clifford E Rector were happily united
in marriage Rev M B Carman of the
Methodist church performing tho cere
mony in the presence of the members
oi toe immediate families of the young
couple A wedding supper of bounty
and excellence followed the ceremony
Both of the young people are well
known to a large circle of friends and
admirers for their sterling character
and worth and the wish is general that
their married life may be happy and
prosperous The will reside on the
Rector farm on the Driftwood
Enters Twenty Seventh Year
The McCook Tribune May 29tb
190S entered the twenty seventh year
of its publication But these birth
days have become such a habit with us
that we almost forgot about it There
is however nothing new to relate in
this connection The past is the only
earnest of the future it is at least its
best token With the last issue in Aug
ust coming will close our consecutive and
continuous ownership and publication
of the paper a period of time practical
ly contemporaneous with the life of the
city of McCook and of the development
of the western half of Red Willow gout
Scaffolding Gave Way
Part of the scaffolding in the new
electric theatre building gave way
Tuesday morning throwing two brick
layers White and Smith by name down
to the first floor Both were slightly
injured White continued at work on
the job but Smiths arm was cut by a
nail in the scaffolding and was tempor
arily laid off The scaffolding did not
all fall and the trouble probably result
ed from a too heavy loading with brick
Charleys Aunt
The play to be given on the boards
next Tuesday evening by local talent
has for its laudable purpose the boost
ing of the temple opera house fund and
should be given a crowded house on
this account alone But you are guar
anteed your moneys worth in good
wholesome fun besides
Government Advertises For Bids
In another column of this issue will
be found the bids for the proposed Fed
eral building for McCook The re
quirement is for a corner space approx
imately 120x130 in dimension conven
ient and central in location
Dress Skirts 2 to 1250
Imported wire voiles at S875 to 81250
Fine batistes and chiffon panamas 8600
to 8750 Mohairs poplins and
ans at 8250 to 8500 Alterations free
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Memorial Sunday
The Woodmen and Workmen will
hold a joint Memorial day observance
next Sunday afternoon at three oclock
in the city park if weather permits
Rev Carman will preach the sermon
D of H Social
The social which was to have been
given last Friday will be held on next
Thursday evening at 730 oclock All
children of members are invited There
will be drills etc and refreshments
Carpenters Will Meet
The carpenters will have an open
meeting and smoker on Thursday even
ing June 18th at Bullards carpenter
shop All carpenters are invited to at
Good Games at Red Cloud
But McCook unfortunatley held the
small end of the close argument Last
Friday at Red Cloud the score was 1
to 0 and on Saturday 1 to 2
Be Well Dressed
That means a Stein Block suit They
are Americas leaders Prices from 81S
to 830 They look right and are right
Rozell Barger
Gold stickpin bulldog head with
brilliant eyes Reward for return to
Suttons jewelry store S
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening june 12 1908
Opened on Last Monday Morning
Under the Most Gratifying
On the Opening Week the Largest in the
History of the Normal Schools List
of Those Enrolled and Other
Items of Interest
The McCook Junior Normal school
opened its six weeks session last Mon
day morning under most gratifying cir
cumstances with the largest enrollment
on opening week sinco the normal plan
was first adopted Tho full faculty
was on hand and everything opened up
in fine form and the work is progress
ing most satisfactorily
As to the faculty
Principal G H Thomas has civics
and reading in addition to tho general
superintendency of the normal
G A Gregory of Crete who was on
the faculty last year teaches geometry
school management beginners and ad
vanced algebra and music
W T Davis of Beaver City is a new
member He is instructor in arith
metic and mental arithmetic as well as
L W Colebank of Curtis is another
of the old faculty History orthogra
phy book keeping and agriculture are
his subjects
Miss Julia Bednar of Columbus is
also of the old guard Her subjects are
grammar algebra beginners English
composition primary methods
H M Garrett late principal of the
Beatrice high school and now supt
elect of the Ashland schools is a new
member and is charged with physology
botany physics penmanship and
A comparison of past years with this
may be illuminating
Enrollment first week in 1903 97
1904 103
1905 109
U906 160
1907 Ilu
190S 206
Hitchcock Hayes and Red Willow
counties are holding a joint institute
this week with 89 enrolled for that
work and 117 for regular normal work
One teacher from Bartley started for
Kearney last Friday but returned
home and enrolled in the McCook nor
mal Monday
The opening week enrollment at
North Platte is 167
Last year of the total of 197 enrolled
first week 151 were for the institute
work and 46 for normal
Rev M B Carmans chapel address
Thursday morning on Boys and Girls
was keenly appreciated
A music program this morning
Eighth grade graduation exercises
this afternoon with Deputy State Supt
Bishop present
Remember the famous Newens next
Monday evening
July 13th also Monday the Chicago
Glee Club
First week in July the Turner Art
Pictures an educational exhibit and
Hitchcock countys enrollment is 78
per cent larger this year than la3t on
opening week
Among those present in an official
capacity are the following county
supts Mrs M E West Hayes Leona
Fletcher Chase Claudia Hatcher Red
Willow C L Littel Hitchcock
Dr A L Bixby gave a short talk to
the normal Monday afternoon
The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Kind
Paul Anton has just secured about
fifty head of corn fed cattle to meet tho
needs of his meat market A finer
bunch of cattle have never been seen in
McCook indeed it is claimed for them
that the best markets of the country
cannot beat them These animals will
be served to customers of Mr Antons
market and the juiciest richest cuts
are guaranteed at reasonable figures all
the time These meats will almost melt
in your mouth
American Beauty Corsets 35c to 1
The best made the best known cor
set of them all is tho American Beauty
corset sold under a guarantee of satis
faction as follows Money back after 4
weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Sold
only by The Thompson DGCo Actual
cash values
Plain and Fancy Colors
Neat assortment of the seasons best
in straw hats Also soft hats in fancy
colors All fresh and up-to-the minute
Rozell Bargers Clothing Store
The Value of Your Property
whether farm or city depends on the
paint you use We have paints for all
purposes all ready to put on
McCook Hardware Co
mil i i j
tb title
BIx Sees Lunnon Town and Tells Us
The first number of tho Junior Normal
Entertainment Course was a lecture by
Dr A L Bixby of tho State Journal on
the generous topic London The
doctor recently enjoyed the priviloge of
seeing tho big town across tho pond at
the expense of Tom Ault and under
took to tell a fine audience in the audi
torium of the new high school building
Monday evening what ho saw of the
largest and greatest city on this terres
trial globe That ho succeeded in en
tertaining his audience goes without the
saying He did more too He instruct
ed with a generous allowanco of quiet
humor and simplo philosophy added
Altogether he had a pleased and good
natured hearing The doctor is the
candy boy every one allowed
That ruddy countenance suporimposed
over that expense of stiff white linen
shirt bosom amplo trunk within a lean
spike tail that kindly chuckle or
cluck well it is all a part of Bix and is
irresistible When the doctor wants to
get a rare whiff of irreproachable ozone
and a genuine welcome come again
Something Doing
The best prints manufactured Simp
sons American Garners Allens and
others are on our counters now at five
cents a yard and no special sale oithor
The best table oil cloth is only 15c in
our store at all times Amoskeag apron
ginghams are regularly 6c yd without
any fuss or pretense Mosquito bar is
5c yd right along Good lawns 5c a yd
Other washable summer goods at 6J c
7Jc 10c and 12Jc and on up to 65c
Theres only one string attached to our
offers they are always for cash and
only cash Our store is your shortest
cut to the factory at all times Tho
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Death of Baby Burney
A great sorrow came to Conductor
and Mrs G L Burney last Friday
afternoon in the death of their infant
son The dear ones earthly life was
brief and full of suffering j ot its trans
lation into tho Kingdom drew cruelly
on tho parental heart strings They
have fullest and tenderest sympathy
Interment was made in Longviow cem
etery on Saturday
Attention I 0 0 F
All members of the Odd Fellows or
der local or visiting are requested to
meet at Ganschow hall next Sunday
afternoon June 12 at 2 oclock to
participate in the regular Decoration
day services of the order Bring flowers
with you that we may decorate the
graves of the departed members
By Order of Committee
Surprised By Her Children
Mrs Catherine Snyder was happily
surprised by her daughters Mrs M O
McClure and Mrs R C Cole Wednes
day afternoon at tho home of Mrs
Cole on the occasion of the 71st birth
day of the mother A number of neigh
bors and friends assisted in making the
occasion a happy one to Mrs Snyder
Ladies Muslin Night Gowns 50c to 2
Lace and embroidery trimmed also
with tucks and hemstitching ample in
sizes neatly and strongly sewed made
of muslin cambric and nainsook See
us before buying The Thompson D G
Co Actual cash values
Fourth of July at Osburn
Osburn camp M W A will celebrate
the Fourth of July at Churchs grove
with a great variety of attractions races
sports games dances and the usual
affairs of the day See their bills for
complete particulars
The Chatham Fireless Cookers
saves ninety per cent of the fuel wheth
er electrical gas coal oil or wood and
will cook even beans which require
longer time than any thing else Call
and see them at the McCook Hardware
Fresh Vegetables
For vegetables in season gathered
from the garden each day call phone
1352 before 7 a m and they will be
promptly delivered
G H Rowland
The Name Quick Meal
means a good deal to those who use a
gasoline stove The burners are large
no smoke less oil and perfect cooking
McCook Hardware Co
Mens Suits 5 to i35o
We invito comparison of our suits
with any offered by anybody Quality
counts The Thompson D G Co One
price plain figures cash only
Be Comfortable
Summer is here and alpaca coats are
a necessity to comfort We can fill
your wants in blacks and grays
Rozell Barger
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Miwwnii p - -- h
ftiwmi fwuiiiiftnii
May deposit money with us in
her name and subject to her
order only All business confi
PWalsh C FLehn
Presidtnt Vice President
C J OBrien Cashier
Notice To Normal Students
Anything you may need in the
line of tablets pencils book keep
ing blanks etc can be obtained
at our store
Woodworth Co Druggists
Marriage or Charles W Hamilton
From a Michigan paper wo learn of
the marriage of Mr Charles W Hamil
ton of our city and Mr3 Emma Luskey
of Rentoul Illinois the ceremony being
performed at the Congregational parson
age at HopkinsStation Michigan Wed
nesday of last week
The Tribute offers its congratula
Heavy Rain North Of Town
The section of country lying north
and northwest of town extending as
far northwest as Wauneta and coming
down within a few miles of tho city
was visited by a fine rain Sunday night
Tho fall here was slight
LeGore RItchie Nuptials
Miss Lila LeGore of Lincoln and Mr
Charles D Ritchie of our city wero
united in marriage in Lincoln Wednes
day of this week Miss Edna Waito of
our city was one of the bridesmaids
Ready for Your Inspection
Two piece suits coats and pants only
in summer weights stylish and tasty
garments for men and young men
Good selection at right prices
Rozell Bargers Clothing Store
For Sale
Beautiful set of books 25 volumes
Ridpath Library of Universal Litera
ture Perfect condition One fourth
cost price Rev G B Hawkes
Keep Your Food Sanitary
with one of those nice refrigerators sold
by McCook Hardware Co The prices
are very low quality considered
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
4th of July Celebration
I Races July 3rd and 4th
i i
Four Races Each Day
Cash Beginning June l v
g On and after June 1st 190S I
ii shall sell meats on a strictly cash
v basis This action is made
X cessary by business conditions
it and will be strictly adhered to -
Paul P Anton
It v
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens hank
S Phone 283