S u 1 J CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodso No 1U5 A F A M meets ovory first ntxl third Tunndny or tho mouth ut 8 00 p ju in Mnsonic hall Ciiaulkb L Faiikcstock V M Lon Cone Soc B H M Occonozoo Council No 10 R S M moots ou tho Inst Saturday of each month nt800 p m a Masonic hull Ralph A IlAanrno T I M SriVEHTKtt CORDEAL Sec n a m KiuR Cyrus Chapter No 33 R A M meets ovoiy Una und third Thursday of ouch mouthat 800 p in in MuEuuic hull CiaeenckH G day H P Clinton R Sawyeu Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAE St John Coinmundery No 10 K T moots on tho second Thursday of oacii month at 800 p m in Mobonic hull Emekson Hanson E C fayLVESTEE COKUEAL RtC EASTEHN STAR Eureka Chapter No SO O E S meots tho second and fourth Fridays of euch mouth at 800 p in in Masonic hall Mus SAEAn E Kat W M bYLVESTEE COEUEAL Soc MODEEN WOODMEN Noblo Camp No 003 M YV A meots ovory second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at 830 p m in Ganschows hull Pay assessments at t lute Uouso Grocery J M Smith CJork S E Howell V C BOYAL NEIGIinOES Noblo Camp No 802 R N A moots every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschows hall Mus Maby Walkeb Oracle Mbs Augusta Anton Rec w o v Moots second and fourth Thursdays at S o clock in Diamonds hall Chas F Mabkwad C C W C Moyee Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodgo No 01 AOUW moots ovory Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall C B Gray Rec Feed Schlaqel M YV DEGREE OF HONOR McCook LodRo No 3 D of H moots every second and forth Fridays of each mouth at 800 p in in Ganschows hall Mrs Laura Osuubn C of H Mrs MatieG Welles Rec LOCOMOTrVE engineers McCook Division No 623 R of L E meots overj second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at 230 iu Morris hull Walter Stokes C E W D Bubnett F A E locomotive firemen McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E moots every Saturday at 730 p in in Gans chows hall I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec railway conductors Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the secoud aud fourth Sundays of each mouth at 300 p in in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenbeeger C Con M O McClure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each month in Morris hall Neal Beeler M R J Moore Sec RAILWAY CARMEN Young America Lodge No 45G B R C of A meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall at730 p m Con Kreiger CC N H Snyder Rec Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of 31 meets every secoud aud fourth Tuesday of the month at00 p m in Ganschow hall D O Hewitt Pros YV H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets overy Wednesday at S00 p m in Masonic hall M Lawritson C C J N Gaabde K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at S00 p m in Ganschows hall YV H ACKEBMAN N G YV A Middleton Soc EAGLES McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets tho second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on the first and third Fridays R S Light YV Pres G C Heckman YV Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets tho first and third Tuesdays of each month atS00 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and and third Tuesdays of each month atS p m in tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets everj first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Ganschov hall Mrs YV B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yabgee Adjt L OF G A B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p in in Diamonds hall Adeline Dole Pres Matie YYelles Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at tho homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recommendation of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain3 Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it staple article of trade and commerce ovei t large part of the civilized world -vv Js fmvvr H3P58BHI ml usm WITH cwczfr Chance Shots When a girl is a sight few men care to look at her it it it It is harder any day to beg a living than to earn it iz it it The laughter of a child is the true music of the homo it it You can make a new reporter red headed hy using a blue pencil on his copy it it ft Occasionally we find a man who does not spend all he makes and usu ally he is married ft it ft Sometimes a woman Yvonders why it is that she got all her huggy rides before she Yvas married 0--0 Sing a Song Sing a sonp sing a song in do early mawnin Sing a song sing a song when th day Is bawnin Sing it sof an croon It low Lak a zephyr wingin slow Sing It in- de mawnin Sing a song sing a song In de noontime season Sing a song sing a song cause das al ways reasun Sing it while de sun am high An de breeze am cooin by Sort o soft an pleasin Sing a song sing a song in de evnln gladness Sing a song sing a song ease yo mind o sadness Sing It wif a thankful hart Sing it cause yo done yo pat Gist chuck full o gladness S The Vaz Our maid is YTery fond of poetry She eYTen reads mine but her faYrorite lines are You may break you may shatter The vase if you will If the vase costs 30 cents its a vase If it cost over 4 its a vaz If you desire to he recherche dont forget this o o o Timely Topic Dont criticise your neighbor Or stone his brindle pup Because lie kills the chickens That scratch his garden up Be friendly and be decent And keeps your chicks at home And save your wife a patching job Upon your trousers dome 0-S-0 Too Much Oil Out in my town everybody skates on roller skates that is most every body The other morning I was scoot ing along for the train when a fat little shaver about four years old red headed and robust came clutching wildly along the street on a pair of skates that evidently belonged to his big brother Seeing me he cried Dood morning I tan skate all right ony Danny hes put too much oil on my skates Transformation A friend of mine who is a great stu dent of Milton greatly fears the spirit of his father-in-law for the reason that Milton says spirits when they please may assume either sex He is afraid his father-in-law may visit him in visionary form some night and be his mother-in-law The Days of May Ah tho youthful days of May As we passed them on the way Days of sunshine days of love Days of rosy skies above Days when she was sweet and true Loving not a one but you Days of May Oh the sunny days of May When the world was just a play I was star of all the men She was leading lady then Neath the arbor nook arrayed Ah the moonlight nights we played Nights of May Oh the youthful days of May That hae flitted on away As adown the path we go Life is still a play I know But my May days now are ill She is leading lady still Im the goat SENSE IN EXERCISE Tho Weakness That Come3 With Great Muscular Exertion It is a curious fact that perfect health is not consistent Yvith high muscular development Professional athletes and all men who acquire phenomenal strength seem to lose In length of life aud activity Yvlmt they gain for a few years otyecord breaking powers I was privileged to see on several occasions Louis Cyr the Canadian giant who broke all weight lifting records IIo Yveighed 320 pounds and Yvas all solid bone and muscle I saw him hold his Yvife out at arms length Yvith one hand I jiyv him raise a 300 pound barrel from the Iloor to his shoulder using only one hand and arm I saYv him get down on all fours un der a platform bearing 4000 pounds of big men selected from the the audi ence and he raised the platform with his mighty back Yet this remarkable man Yvas muscle bound and crippled at thirty seven Yvhen he should haYft been at the height of his Yvonderful powers Kennedy the oarsman who won a diamond bolt for lifting Yvith his hands from the lloor absolutely Yvithout ap paratus a thousand pound weight was used up and crippled before he Yvas forty Dowd professional strong man and teacher of athletics wore himself out and died at forty -seven Common Sense In Exercise by Charles EL Cochrane In Metropolitan Magazine NATURE CURES Medicine Helps of Course but Faith Is a Powerful Factor Theres a truth at the basis of all this discussion of disease and its cure which despite the fact that it has been apparent for generations is still too lit tle understood by people in general In fact appearances would lead to the belief that it Is not appreciated by all physicians It is the truth that not the medicine but nature cures the ill Tho most that meuicine can do is to place the patient In a condition most favorable for the work of nature Here comes In tho value of this ele ment of faith It is the best possible help to nature the lirm belief that youll get well It may well take the place of many drugs It may in in stances displace the need of the physi cian Even the surgeon can do no more He simply cuts away debris puts the body in the best trim he knows how adjusts merely mechan ical breaks or displacements and Yvaits for nature to do the rest The physi cian who pours in an inordinate amount of drugs thinks he is assisting nature As a matter of fact he is sometimes impeding her The best physicians iu all except extreme cases use few med icines and those as mild as possible New Haven Register On Heaven If I could be out of physical pain said a lifelong invalid I would ask no other heaven If I could be in a place where I might know that my husband never could be killed on the train cried one of the gentle wor riers whose capacity for suffering is neither understood nor respected by the sanguine If I could take my children to a world where every time I hear a croupy cough my heart did not stand still with terror urged an other that would be heaYen for me The mulatto girl Yvho burst into joyful tears at first sight of a marble bust of herself because it was white had a glimpse of her heaven before its time Heaven must be like any other form of happiness only more so said a thoughtful man And the conditions of happiness are three a clean con science something to do and some one to love Elizabeth Stuart Phelps in Harpers Bazar They Go Together Henry said the young wife who had taken up physical culture how do you think I am built My dear replied her husband fond ly you are built like a Yvatch Thank you Henry And Henry Well If if I am built like a watch dont yon think I should haY e a few jeYV els And then Henry frowned and said the man YYho compliments a woman is an idiot A Force Proportioned to Its Frame The Yvar of 1S12 has proved that our free government like other free gov ernments though slow in its early movements acquires in its progress a force proportioned to its frame and that the Union of these states the guardian of the freedom and the safety of all and of each is strengthened by every occasion that puts it to the test James Madison Not In Her Class Mrs Spenders I wonder how youd like it if I ever got new womanish and insisted upon wearing mens clothes Mr Spenders Oh I havent any fear of you ever doing that Mens clothes are never very expensive London Opinion Good at Keeping And you call yourself honest do you Sir I keep the commandments That must be because youve got an idea that they belong to somebody else Cleveland Leader Resented And how did you come to marry him I didnt come to marry him an swered the womanly little woman in dignantly he came to marry me First the thick cloud and then the rainbows arc Bonar ji ijygcgri3 mmummmmmmmm INDIANOLA Charles Boas visited in McCook Wed nesday W F Herman of York Neb visitod relatives and friends tho first of tho week Mrs Purvis and daughter of Bartley were the guests of W H Smith and family Saturday Lloyd Pinch of Cambridge visited in town Friday F W Deffer visited in town the last of the week Mrs Harry Brown and children drove up from Bartley Saturday Grace Smith of McCook visited rela tives in Indianola Saturday Tho program given by tho grammar department last Wednesdny ovening was well attended ful and proved success- Wayne Ilethcote of Danbury visited relativos in Indianola Saturday C S Quick arrived home Sunday morning from Kansas City Mo Florence Middleton of McCook visited relatives and friends in town Sunday Miss John Baldind and children of Edison came in on No 5 Sunday even ing for a visit with relatives and friends Miss Porter of Overton Neb was tho guest of Rev A D Burress and wife the first of the week Silby Orman returned Sunday even ing from Bartley where he has been working John Harrison and wife of McCook visited relatives in Indianola Sunday Mrs C B Hoag visited relatives in McCook Sunday Mrs George and sister returned to their home in Cambridge Sunday George E Shouse visited in McCook Saturday Sidney Atkins of Box Elder visited friends in Indianola Sunday Mr Pennington of McCook visited at the home of John Townley Sunday Mrs A N Lee of Hastings visited at A L Smiths the first of the week Nora Silvernail left for Haiglor Tues day morning for a visit Arthur Colling came in Tuesday morning from Seibert Colorado where he has been visiting for some time Mr and Mrs Amen are the proud parents of a baby born Tuesday I A Sheridan left Wednesday even ing for Lincoln A large crowd was in attendance here Decoration day Rev M B Carman delivered a fine oration in the opera house to an immense throng of people The day was an ideal one W Sheets and daughter of Bartley were in town Friday The program given by the high school Thursday evening was largely attended and highly appreciated Edith x Me Williams returned home from Danbury Thursday Sam Minniear of Danbury was in town Thursday I M Beardslee of McCook was town Saturday in GERVER Another rain 31s All come and bring your children to childrens day exercises at the Dodge school house on the 14th commencing at 2 a m The base ball game Saturday between the Prairie Dogs and the Banksvilles ended in favor of the latter by one score Our Sunday school is pretty well at tended but there are more who should come Remember good influence in childhood always helps in after life no matter what theocation Rev Smith preached to a good audi ence last Sunday Come and hear him every two weeks Sunday base ball seems to be the fashion Too bad the men and boys cant devote one day in the week to the Creator to whom they owe their very existence Corn listing is about a thing of the past Very little replanting done Farmers are in their corn early with cultivators Frank Hawkins is helping to move a depot for the B M The house warming at Charles Lof tons was well attended and all enjoyed themselves Sympathy goes out to the Tirrill family and to Ira Kennedy in their bereavement It was unfortunate we didnt hear of the funeral in time to attend RED WILLOW Nearly every body in the community went to Indianola Decoration day Paul Smith Yvent with Mr Byfields car of cattle to St Joe and then on to Topeka Ask Paul what took him to Topeka Mr and Mrs Smith Miss Rozelle and Gabriella Longnecker attended the school entertainment on Thursday eve ning at Indianola and were much pleased A pleasing feature of tho Alumni banquet was a recitation by little Blos som Longnecker and Geraldine Dolan daughters of those who graduated as Lu Beardslee and Nellie Elmer Dont miss the V S shoe sale June 9th mammoth yv ymmi WiS WViwyiSiiMi Fourth of July at Box Elder In BoIIes Grove Amusements Good flusic Addresses Two Balloons Will Go JJ p Base Ball Foot Races Novelty Races Address by Hon J R McCarl Refreshments and amusements of all kinds on the grounds This will be a grand old fashioned celebration and you nro all welcome and will bo nicely entertained COMMITTEE DANBURY Tho leading sport in Danbury now is tennis Mrs II N Lord and three youngest children are visiting in Orleans this week Mr and Mrs Macy of Cedar Bluhs were Danbury business callers Tues day Married at the brides homo at this place Miss Mary Greenway and Chas Thomas Wednesday evening of this weok Congratulations Mrs Harry Shepherd and daughter are visiting in Benkelman this weok Mr Shepherd accompanied her as far as McCook Mrs Stephen Boyer of Denver Colo visited relatives in Danbury Monday Miss Phyllis Sargent and Fred Dow of Indianola were Danbury visitors Sunday The home talent play of this place given at Indianola was reported as a success About 65 was taken in Mr and Mrs Herman Wintjen were called to Texas last Monday on account of the serious illness of Mrs Wentjens son Ollio Collings and family of Indianola were Danbury visitors last week Mrs Whitaker of McCook is visiting in Danbury this week Miss Alice Delong departed for Lin coln to attend institute last Sunday via Indianola The young people Yvith the assistance of the ministers of this place organized a union endeavor last Tuesday night to be held at each church every alter nate Sunday W S Stilgelbouer and family were Lebanon visitors Wednesday The Barlow Walton Bros show was fairly well attended at this place It was considered a good show for tho size by a majority of the people V S clearance sale of shoes starts June 9 190S at 9 oclock a m BARTLEY C W Keys and family of Wilsonvulo attended Memorial Day exercises in Bartley Miss Sallie Hamilton is down from Wellfleet Y isiting old friends Bert Stevens returned from Fairmont Monday evening Miss Grace Curlee and Miss Blanch Miller of Lincoln spent Memorial Day here Rev Leonard of Bloomington made the Memorial address The opera house was well filled with a pleased audience Lyman Jenning came in on No 5 Monday evening from Connecticut where he has resided the past few years He has property interest in Bartley which he camo to look after Mr Sallack of Boone Neb is here looking after the three farms he owns near Bartley Dr Mackechine of Indianola made a professional visit in Bartley Tuesday Mr Spangler and family from Merna Neb moved into the new hotel Wed nesday and will soon be able to accom modate the public in the best of style Percy McMahon of Lincoln is in Bart ley and vicinity this week taking orders for publication by the Advent church Twins 2 of a kind Good pair to draw too Roosevelt notified no race suicide here Arnold Wheeler carpen ter and contractor carries one on each arm Two pretty babies born Wednes day night June 3rd 03 to Mr and Mrs Arnold Wheeler BOX ELDER No services in the Methodist church next Sunday eening on account of quarterly conference at Garden Prairie Mrs Bible is very sick Sidney Atkinson spent Sunday in Indianola A number from this place attended Memorial services in McCook last Sat urday Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs W Y Johnson of McCook Mr and Mrs JKGordon visitod Mrs Georgo Shields Inst Sunday aftoruoon Mr and Mrs Chas Bolles havo moved into tho house just vacated by his brother S D Bollos Miss Minnio Wilson who has boon staying with her sister Mrs Earl Notley of McCook hns returned home Miss Artie Beole who hns been work ing for Mrs T Campbell is visiting her aunt Mrs Bert Ilocktnan beforo return ing to her homo in St Ann Tho Box Elder boys played ball with tho St Ann Woodman nine last Satur day on the Spring Creek diamond Tho scoro stood 9 to 6 in favor of Box Elder SAINT ANN Mis3 Eva Fitzgibbons is homo from Kearney Nebraska where she has been teaching school Tho dance in the Woodman hall at St Ann was Yvoll attended Tho Somorvillo brothers are putting up a new windmill and pump Mr and Mrs Guisport and Mr and Mrs Honry Kolbot wore visitors at Joseph Harrs Sunday raiM FRANK HEISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PfOll 1114 1420 24 LAWRENCE DENVER COLO Plan Now To the Pacific Coast Very low round trip rates com mencing June 1st for attractive coast tours only SG000 slightly higher via Shasta route and Puget sound To Chicago and East Republican convention excursion tickets at low rates in June also summer excursion rates in con nection with conYention and sum mer tourist rates to eastern re sorts To Colorado and the Rocky Mountains Daily excursion rates commencing June 1st to Colorado Utah Wyoming the Black Hills Yel lowstone Park great Democratic convention at Denver in July Homeseekers Rates First and third Tuesdays to the west including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Val ley where large tracts of rich ir rigated lands are being opened for settlement by the government and by private companies Write D Clem DeaYer Burlington Land seekers Information Bureau Omaha excellent business open ings in new growing towns Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost R E FOE icket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets YVonn Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets Sold by AMCiYlILLEN McCook Nebraska uWCMlui