The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1908, Image 6

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The Great Western
etltoto came on you
turns closest becavsa
it follows most closely
every law of nature
assisted by artificial
iforcos in the most ef
fective way
It is DalLbearing
which means easy run
nine ha low down
Large Supply Tank
The Crank is just tho
richt height to make
35vJJiK ffH Ty
If wflflf il
iK L
Jest xliuiy
tho machine
turn easy
Gears run in oil prac
tically sclf oilinc and
has wide base to catch
all tho waste
Made as accurately
as a watcb
increases your
yield of cream
and butter S15 per
cow each sear
Ask your dealer about
The Great Western and
dont let him work any sub
Its your money you oro
Koine to spend you should insist on having the best
The Great Western ia the worlds best c
Write just these words in a letter Send me
Thrift Talks by a farmer and your book NailOO
which tells all about the breeds dairy inc the car a
of milk etc They arc free Write now
SMITH MFG CO 153 Harrison St Chlcaao lli
H RWaite Co
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
CURES catarrh of the stomach
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
Hiss Ha M Briggs
will teach class on piano Grad
uate of Uothany conservatory
or Lindsborg KanB Studio at
homo of A G Bump Phone
Black 232 Scholars call or
phono for further information
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
taAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works ODlco in Poatoilke building
C H Botle C E Eldhkd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance I one U
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Mrinntr Nh
PoEtoflico Building MCL00 fieD
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Office over NcAdams Store Phone 1 90
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jnst across PI rrlr
street in P Walsh bnilding x ltVUUtt
Were Just
As Thankful
For a small package as a larse one
Each will receive the frame thorough
and careful attention If we get the
former it may in time grow to the later
by the satisfaction you will derive in
wearing our laundered work Family
washiug 3c per ponud
McCook Steam Laundry
Successor to G C Heckman
PHONE 35 West Dennlson St
Any time you find yourself in need of
plies for
your Office
just drop in and see if we do not have
exactly what you want whether it
be a box of paper clips or the latest
improved filing system
The TRIBUNE Office
fluiQfefeAVVfefefe fefefefefe
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 5
Footwear To Day an All Important De
tail In Modern Dress Dainty
Embroidered Slippers with
the Tea Gown
Shoes and stockings are all Impor
tant details in modern dress and a
glimpse into the shoe closet of the
fashionable woman is disheartening
indeed to the woman of moderate
means and a love of dress These are
the halcyon days for the woman with
an average sized foot for bargain sales
in footgear are bargain sales indeed
When it is possible to afford to have
shoes made to order it is far more sat
isfactory to do so but there is such
a wide range of sizes and styles to be
found in all the large shoe shops that
it Is not necessary nor in fact desir
able to slavishly follow any dictate of
fashion anent the pointed or square
toe the wide or narrow sole the low
cut low shoe or the fancy slipper to be
worn in the street with elaborately
embroidered stockings Again good
breeding is to be noticed The well
bred well gowned woman will not be
conspicuous If she can afford it she
will wear silk stockings plain ones
with perfect fitting well cut boots or
shoes of well polished or patent leath
er with her tailor gowns but she will
not go about in public streets with her
feet shod as for a ball The elabor
ate style of gown worn for the after
noon reception the tea gown the the
ater gown and the ball gown all de
mand in these luxurious days elabor
ate footgear as shown in our illustra
tion Suede shoes to match the color
of the gown and silk stockings to
match the shoes are considered smart
for the spring an1 summer
For winter the patent leather worn
with open work or embroidered silk
stocking is considered correct For
the tea gown are the daintiest of em
broidered satin slippers like mules
with stockings to match while for
the ball gown are satin or kid slippers
embroidered in crystal or rhinestones
or pearls with silk stockings to match
or instead of the embroidery will be
seen tiny bows of lace or lace edged
ribbon Gold or silver slippers are
also fashionable and are certainly ef
fective while a rather startling note
Is struck in the bright red satin slip
pers with tiny rhinestone buckles and
worn with silk stockings of exactly the
same shade of red
Smart Tub Dress
The girl who intends to have some
thing stylish and out of the ordinary
will make the skirt of her tub frock
from white linen and the coat from
pink or blue and braid each in self
colors Carrying out the same idea in
woolen materials the coat will be of
a darker shade than the skirt even
though the colors be the same
Before the material is stamped the
coat should be finished with the ex
ception of lining and facing and the
skirt completely finished By so do
ing the design can be arranged in ex
actly the position desired and the ef
fect will be much more satisfactory
than if first braided and then
made up
The cuffs and collar of the coat are
braided before attached If the gar
ment is of tub material it should be
laundered before worn
To iron it have well padded board
and lay the skirt right side down
With irons as hot as can be used
without scorching press material until
perfectly dry
Grace Through Dancing
No child should begin toe dancing
until 12 years old but much of the
art can be learned before that and
through dancing a little girl acquires
a grace a poise and freedom of move
ment which stands her in good stead
during the awkward age as well as for
the rest of her life
Higher Crowns and Trimmings
On the whole crowns and trim
mings seem higher and It is not un
common to find a high crowned hat
with a row of wings bristling heaven
ward all around it On toques the
mercury wings pointing upward and
backward will ire a popular trimming
for early spring
A Remedy That Dampened Hia Ardji
For Sitting
The head of a bureau in nu Impor
tant government department has long
been afflicted with a friend who calls
upon him regularly and sits down and
sils and sits and goes on sitting tiil
assault and battery becomes a virtue
The other day this sedentary bore was
In the full exercise of his functions
when suddenly the oflicial who had
been scrutinizing him closely cried I
knew it I was sure of it Confound
those oilice boys with their tricks on
strangers Theyve been putting glue
on your chair again Ill limmic bring
a sponge and a pail of waterj And
pressing with all his weight on the
shoulders of his victim to keep him
down he continued Dont stir youd
tear the cloth sure Nothing is half so
adhesive as glue on a cane seat chair
Here Jimmie moisten this gentleman J
so that we can get him loose Dout
spare the water the cloth wont shrink
or fade The faithful messenger
obeys and when the operation is con
cluded the official conducts the visitor
to the door and bids him farewell with
the remark Perhaps you Avant to hur
ry home and change your clothing so I
wont keep you Good by bless you If
your trousers are spoiled let me know
and Ill stop the prire of them out of
the pay of the infernal scoundrel if I
can find out who he was and to that
task I will devote all the energies of
my lifetime and the whole machinery
of the government Goodby The
scoundrel I thought for several days
past that there was something wrong
His friend goes like the visions of
youth never to return Argonaut
An Illegal Practice Which Has Fallen
Into Disuse
Closely allied to the making of coun
terfeit coins and usually combined
with that nefarious trade is whatis
known as sweating whlcnfcrequifes
considerable skill to accomplish suc
cessfully A rubber mold is nsod into
which a gold coin to be sweated is in
troduced and held with a clip
Copper wires having been adjusted
the com is immersed in a bath of
cyanide of potassium ami an electric
battery set going The action of the
electricity upon the coin in the acid
uniformly sweats the metal that is to
say causes so much of it to become
detached This process is gone through
with a large number of coins and the
gold deposit thus obtained is extracted
from the acid
It is for the purpose of detecting the
existence of such reduced coins that
bankers weigh gold coins in a balance
and if one is in the scale it will imme
diately be shown by the indicator The
light coin is then taken out and what
ever the shortage represents that
amount the customer will have to
make up or be fined
But all things considered sweating
is but a poor business says H L
Adam in his interesting book Tho
Story of Crime and evidently it is
thought so by the criminal fraternity
for it lias dwindled to a mere nothing
A sovereign weighs 12327447 grains
and the limit of error in the weight is
2 of a grain from which it may
readily be gathered that sweating can
not now be a very lucrative business
London Tit Bits
The Waist Came Back
The other day I hung my prettiest
waist out on the line at the kitchen
window said the flat dweller after I
washed it Then I forgot all about it
and when I went to look for it two
days later it was gone I rushed fran
tically down to the janitress and we
climbed together over the coal into the
area to look for the waist I lamented
deeply It was a beautiful waist We
couldnt find it The janitor came
from the next house and helped us
look but there was nothing doing I
came sadly in at the window back over
the coal and ascended to my sixth
story Hat
The next day I looked in the draw
er of my chiffonier and found tiie waist
there Say anything to the janitress
Well I reckon not New York Press
Curainn the Suffragette
Its all right Mary he said pa
tiently Go in for politics and stiid
for the London county council if yun
want to But remember out thing the
cartoonists will le after you as soon a
youre a candidate
I dont care
And theyll put your picture in the
paper will your hair out of curl and
your hat on crooked
Do you think thoy would do that
Of course And theyll make your
Paris gowns If ok like calico and say
that your sealskin eak i iuttion
William she said think Ill ju U
stay here iid make the Lome happy
London Tatler
Too Kr2rdous
Yessir admitted a waiter
be compelled to throw un my
Indeed What is the matter
More than I can put up with
governor insists on my
I sliali
eating mush-
rooms in the presence of customers to
prove they are edible fungi London
Tit Bits
No End of Trees
Did your ancestors have a family
tree Mr Maguire
Family tree is It maam One of
me ancestors controlled th intire tim
ber privilege of the garden of Eden
Cleveland riain Dealer
An Irish philosopher says Its a great
blessing that night comes on late in the
day when one is too tired to work
In Eloquent Speech Learned Jurist
Convinced Wife That Seven Foot
Strand of Hair Existed Only
in Her Imagination
One of the overture stories of the
last session of congress was told in
the cloak room by Senator Nathan B
Scott of West Virginia
It seems that a judge of his ac
quaintance had a very charming wife
but she was over neat and was for
ever brushing microscopic dust from
his clothes still all went well until
she started on the hair hunt After
that she never sat beside her husband
for five minutes but she perceived a
hair of some sort on his clothing and
hastened to remove it be It hair of
dog cat or human being
About this time there came to the
town a long haired lady daily exhibit
ing her seven feet of black hair to an
admiring audience The judge was
present at one of these exhibitions
watched his opportunity and secured
a hair
On the Sunday after his brief visit
to the long haired lady his last prep
aration for worship was singular A
corner of his handkerchief was care
fully arranged to peep from his coat
pocket and showing upon the white
background dangled an end of black
With marvelous patience he endured
the searching scrutiny of the good
lady beside him her eyes soon
reached his pocket but a chance to se
cure the hair without attracting at
tention did not arrive until the ser
mon began when the judge crossed
his arms and was evidently absorbed
in the eloquent utterances from the
pulpit A cautious Jerk broughtr away
a foot of black hair another yanlc an
other foot There was a little-surprise
that the end was not reined
a third foot came to light then a
pause to be sure that the hunt was
unnoted A fourth yank still no end
to that hair The good lady was exas
perated and yank number five was en
ergetic still no end The thing was
like a nightmare a damp chill came
over her but she was a determined
and courageous American woman
yank number six desperation talk
about nightmare it was a joke to
this One more pull and seven feet
of hair was on the seat between her
and the judge It could not be left
there for the sexton to marvel over
so it was hastily thrust under the
heavy cover of her hymn book
Quietly the judges hand slipped
down to the hymn book a moment
and the hair was in his pocket no
matter if it broke now The sermon
ended the ireful lady grasped the
book with relentless grip holding on
for dear life as she walked home
The front door closed behind them
William what did you have in your
coat pocket this morning
The judge looked at her with an
innocent and questioning gaze
You had this she went on sternly
opening up the cover of the hymn
book There was the flyleaf with the
name neatly written on it nothing
more absolutely nothing more She
turned pale and stared blankly at her
Could I have lost it she said
You could not have lost a speck of
dust from that book coming home
Mary he gravely assured her I
saw the extraordinary way you gripped
it What did you think was inside
Think she said indignantly I
know I had a hair there yards long
and she told the whole story
The judge surveyed her more in
sorrow than anger
My dear you have imagined the
whole thing this hair hunting is be
coming a positive mania with you
and he proceeded with a speech as
eloquent as any ever addressed to the
listeners in a crowded court Nation
al Magazine
Occident and Orient
All the great national questions dur
ing the next hundred years will cen
ter in the Orient according to Bishop
Brent of Manila He says The
home land will not suffer impoverish
ment by giving lavishly to her choicest
sons They are the very men who
ought to rejoice to go just because they
are strong and strengths unaltera
ble commission is to go to the
weak The east is calling some of
you and you must respond as be
comes men who knowing that they
can live this life but once are bent
on high adventure You must go
with that beautiful combination
of sympathy and tenderness and
strength which will study to under
stand the Oriental character The
old theory was that there is a gulf
separating east and west The new
and the true is that all that sepa
rates is incidental and all that
unites is fundamental We must
search for the essential and build
upon it out of the abundance of our
Few and Far Between
If men really would vote as they
pray remarked Goodley this would
truly be a happy world
Yes replied Wise but in that
case you wouldnt get some men to
the polls once in ten years
Wisdom of Solomon
Solomon had just ordered the child
cut in two
After election he hastened to add
Thus his reputation for wisdom was
established N Y Sun
No trespassing or shooting al
lowed on sections 15 and 10 in
Vnlley Grnngo precinct under
penalty of tho law A Ehkht
I hnvo good pnsturo for about
75 bond of cattle on sections 15
and 10 Valley Grango precinct at
40 cents por month
A Eiikkt McCook Nob
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGroffs
Phone 13
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiier Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
- 4 iw i J 11 ttfjM w j
Old Hickory 2 ply Rubber Roof
ing per square complete includ
ing Rubber Cement and Broad
Headed Nails 225
American Rubber Roofing 1 ply
per square complete including
Lap cement Tin Caps and
Nails 195
jUIiIdM uu
Level shallow to kmh wnter 1 pny expen
ds while here 50 t locate no locate no
pay 18 years rxpuriunct I furnish sur
vey corners on Ilomestcndti located Write
l u llaiihhiiw Laird Colo
House and lot in kcmhI condition on Idocl t
lot I North McCook for salo on terms Irico
1155 Write tn Ed Hiuishtiw Laird Colo
Contractors and Builders
Furnished Free
Phones Shop Ulack 321 Residence Mack U2
Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 S S GARYEY Mgr
J M Rupp
P O BoxJ31 McCook Nebraska
J H Woddell
McCook - - Nebraska
Will cry your street sales
for you any Saturday
A Edgar Hawkins
Phone Red 193
H H Evans
Phone Red 29 1
Contractors and Builders
Plans drawn and estimates furn
ished on application
McCook Nebraska