The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1908, Image 1

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Hardware Co
This is No 1 Junior Normal
School Course
Reserved seat tickets on sale
at McConnells Saturday morn
ing Juno 6 at 8 olock
The Class Sermon
That was a stirring scene and occas
ion in the Methodist churchlast Sunday
evening when Rev Edkor Burton of the
Baptist church delivered the baccalaur
eate sermon before the class of OS
The church was filled to overflowing
by an animated and expectant audi
enco whose bosoms swelled with ex
cusable pride when the class of 08
twenty five in all marched in and as
sumed the seats of honor in the front of
the main section of the edifice
Rev Burton drew his text from Pauls
letter to Timothy and held up before
the class the seeking of the life that is
life indeed in eloquent and earnest
language It was a most excellent ef
fort worthy in conception and splendid
ly delivered The speaker referred to
the American the Anglo Saxon passion
for achievement and made a plea for a
high and chivalrous ideal of achieve
ment that the aim Bhould be nothing
less than thy God thy country and
truth The sermon throughout con
trasted the life of getting and the life of
hnint nrotravine a lofty and useful
character as the highest possible at
tainment in life
The effort of the large choir was in
spiring offering as they did a splendid
anthem in excellent style and finish
The decorations of the church were
simple but appealing patriotic- in
color and form
The service was union in nature all
the churches of the city joining and
dismissing their regular services of the
Some Staples
Mosquito netting 5c 9 quarter wide
bleached Pepperell sheeting 25c Ions
dale bleached muslin 10c lonsdale
bleached cambric 12c tourist bleach
ed muslin 7c unbleached muslins 5c to
ScSimpsons and American dress prints
6c Peerless carpet warp 22c lb Am A
2 bu grain bags 20c good lawns 5c yd
good ginghams 5c yd kitchen aprons
20c long sleeve aprons 65c childrens
fancy parasols 10c childrens fancy
beaded purses 5c mens muleskin
gloves 18c pair mens union made blue
denim bib overalls and jackets 39c each
white ones the same Best table oil
cloth 15c If you want your money to
go the farthest bring it here If you
want to discover the difference between
cash and credit price these goods else
where Your trade solicited The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
Splendid Corn Fed Bunch
D C Marsh has just closed the pur
chase of a carload of fancy corn fed cat
tle from William Byfieldthe well known
feeder of cattle of high grade These are
prime animals of the highest quality
and this juicy rich nutritious meat will
be furnished his customers at the mar
ket regularly now Finer meat than
this is not obtainable anywhere Bought
right for cash and will be sold right for
Gauze Underwear
for men women children and babies
Full line of union suits for all Full
line separate garments for all Extra
sizes for big people Prices from 10c
up to 8125 each The Thompson D G
C Actual cash values
Have You Seen
i busnries at the McCook
Either a bike
or with a top by simply
couple burs
olf a
Seeds at H P Waite Cos
I 4th of July Celebration
McDlvltt Dutton Nuptials
Wednesday afternoon of this week
some eighty or more guests assembled
at the farm homo of Mr and Mrs Will
ard G Dutton a few miles southwest of
the city to witness the nuptials of their
daughter Miss Jeannotto and Mr Will
iam E McDivitt
The ceremony occurred at four oclock
and was according to tho impressive
ritual of tho Protestant Episcopal
church Rector E R Earle officiating
in the uso of the ring coromonial
Tho young friends were united in the
mystic bonds in tho parlor undor a largo
bell done in white chrysanthemums sus
pended in a recess window which was
completely covered with white and pink
Races July 3rd and 4th
Four Races Each Day
At tho third stroke of the bell the
bride and groom approached Mrs Earl
O Vahue violinist and Miss Roma Mc
Divitt at the piano playing the wed
ding march by Mendelssohn The high
contracting parties were unattended
Little Mary Boyle and the little brother
of the bride Master Willard carried the
ribbons forming the isle The bride
carried an immense bouquet of brides
roses each of the guests subsequently
receiving one at the hands of the bride
The bride was charmingly gowned in
a creme crepe de chine over cream ta
fetta trimmed in mesh filet lace It was
a princess effect with yoke in gold
Refreshments were served after the
congratulations Ice cream and cake
in the dining room the cream being in
pink rose color and form In an upper
chamber Mrs Albert McMillen served
coffee and wafers in an Indian den of
appropriate decorations
The dining room was in white and
green evergreen vines trailing from the
chandeliers to the corners of the table
Mrs William R Starr served punch
from a prettily decorated corner in the
dining room
Large bouquets of brides roses were
displayed in the various rooms of the
Guest and witness books were arrang
ed for signatures at the head of the
stairway The books were hand made
and works of art
The gifts were superb and many
Tho out of town guests were Mr
and Mrs A E McDivitt and Miss
Roma McDivitt Mr and Mrs William
Fullerton Mrs T F Bartlett and Mrs
John Greusel all of Lincoln
Mrs H A Beale ushered the guests
into the dining room
Mrs H P Waite Mrs Leroy Klevon
Mrs O M Knipple and Miss Kathryn
Sawyer assisted in the dining room
Mrs A B Wood was in charge of the
guest and witness books
Those assisting were each the recipi
ents of a beautiful piece of hand-painted
china the handiwork of the bride
The bride has grown into charming
and popular young womanhood in our
The groom comes of a prominent Lin
coln family He was graduated from
the Medical College of Sioux City
Iowa with the class of 05 and locating
in our city has acquired a good practice
The young folks departed the same
night for the west to spend their
honeymoon visiting Utah sights and
seeing -the glories of the Yellowstone
Park Upon their return to McCook
they will go to housekeeping in a suite
of rooms in the McNeelyb lock on Main
avenue with the best wishes of a host
of friends and admirers
They will be at home after August
Plenty of Tan Hose
We have just received a shipment of
tan hose which makes our line complete
as follows Misses and childrens fine
mercerized tan in sizes 5 to 96 at 25c
and 30c Misses and childrens ribbed
tan in sizes 5 to 9 at 10c and 12c La
dies tan lace hose at 20c 25c and 35c
Ladies plain tan hose at 15c to 35c
Owing to the big demand for these
goods and their scarcity you will ap
preciate this opportunity The Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash values
Was Offered Supt Thomas
The election of E TJ Graff principal
of tho Rockford 111 high school to be
the nest principal of tlie Omaha high
school recalls the fact that Supt G H
Thomas of the McCook public schools
was offered tho coveted position which
carries a salary of 83000 per annum and
is one of the most sought after and
most highly prized positions in Nebras
ka schooldom
Mens Suits
at 1250 81000 8S50 8750 8650 and
500 Our 81000 black worsted suits
are prize winners Boys suits 125 to
500 The Thompson D G Co Act
ual cash values
Ideal Shirt Waists
The practical the handsome the
stylish in waists Largest assortment
at 100 to S500 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Reorganize Temple Board
The board of directors of tho Masonic
Tomplo Crnft hold a called meeting
Monday evening at which time the
board was reorganized Directors
Georgo Willetts and S S Garvey pre
sented their resignations which were
regretfully accepted by the board and
Messrs Patrick Walsh and Albert
Barnott were chosen to succeed them
This action was taken to give non-Masons
representation on the board in
harmony with the added opera house
Tho president was empowered to name
a building committee of five of which
three should be a quorum and Messrs
Patrick Walsh Albert Barnett M O
McCluro II P Sutton and L W Mc
Connell were named as such committee
The temple opera house enterprise
was discussed in general and The Tri
bune hopes at a very early date to be
able to announce the commencement
of the building at any rate the work
of excavation Plans and specifications
will be discussed and considered at an
early date
Meanwhile the work of securing ad
ditional stock subscriptions will be
prosecuted by the boomers
State Sunday School Convention
The State Sunday School Conven
tion meets in Fremont on June 9 to 11
W C Pearce of Chicago the superin
tendent of the Teacher Training and
tho Adult Departments of the Interna
tional Sunday School Association will
be here Mrs Lameraux of Chicago
will have charge of the Elementary
work Prof Eichorn the gifted leader
of music whom we all enjoyed so much
at the York convention will be with us
again and great will be tho loss if you
do not hear them The Fremont peo
ple will furnish lodging and breakfast
for all credentialed delegates The rail
road fare is two cents per mile Pre
pare now to go
Paul S Dietrick State Office Sec
Those who perspire too freely in hot
weather will derive wonderful beuefit
from the use of our
To the tonic and cleansing effect of
ammonia it adds the refreshing fra
grance of violets Used after bathing
the hands and face it overcomes every
bad effect arising from excessive perspir
ation cools and soothes the skin and
makes it redolent of violets
L W McConnell Druggist
How About That Subway
With so many complaints about that
West McCook grade crossing and the
road leading to the same why not urge
the development of that subway propo
sition of the Burlington and settle this
ever dangerous question before some
one is killed or severely injured The
proposed subway would be an inconsid
erable item of expense to the company
and would provide the people a safe
road Urge the excavating of the sub
way and the making of proper ap
proaches to the same on both sides
Matinee Races Next Friday
The matinee races association will
pull off four races next Friday after
noon besides giving a guideless exhi
bition by Mr Moores horsa and some
broncho busting by Wray Col experts
The McCook band will be in attendance
and the running of trains from depot to
park has been provided for In fact
every arrangement is being perfected for
a racing event worthwhile
Meeting of Commercial Club
The regular meeting of the McCook
Commercial club will be held in the
club rooms next Tuesday evening One
of the important items for consideration
will be the details and arrangements for
the Fourth of July celebration Let
every member be present
Sunday Subjects
At St Albans Sunday June 7th
Whitsunday Celebration of tho Holy
Communion at 11 oclock in the morn
ing with Wbitsun sermon In the
evening at 715 prayer and sermon sub
ject The Doctor and the Church
Methodist Sunday school at 10 ser
mon by District Superintendent C C
Wilson and Lords supper at 11 Jun
ior League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Childrens Day programme by the chil
dren at S Third quarterly conference
Saturday night at the church All are
invited to all meetings
Be Well Dressed
That means a Stein Block suit They
are Americas leaders Prices from 1S
to 30 They look right and are right
Rozell Barger
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Jumps Into An Abandoned Well On
the Old Duffey Homestead
Dead Man Became Mentally Unbalanced
Over Fearing- the World Was About
to Come to An End
Monday morning of this week Jacob
Crocker a farmer living about teu miles
southwest of this city in Gerver pre
cinct committed suicide by throwing
himself headforemost down an aband
oned well on the old E F Duffey farm
The well is about 150 feet deep and his
death was instantaneous his back and
neck bbing broken in tho terrible fall
Tho dead man has been unbalanced
for some little time laboring under the
hallucination that tho world was about
to come to an end Saturday ho and
his wife came to town he to make some
legal arrangements for tho children on
the stated theory that perhaps the chil
dren might escape even if he and the
mother should be destroyed in the final
dissolution of the earth
While in the city Crocker was influ
enced to remain at the Commercial hotel
and to receive treatment from Dr Kay
He stayed at the hotel all night ate
breakfast in the morning went to St
Patricks church to mass paid his bill
at the hotel and started on foot for his
farm A few miles from the city he
met his brother Mike and his wife com
ing to town They all returned to the
farm together
His condition during tho following
night was such as to require tho assist
ance of neighbors to care for him
Early Monday morning ho succeeded
in escaping from his care takers and
ran toward the abandoned well The
brother and others sought to overtake
him but without success Arriving at
tho edge of the well he poised himself
for an instant and jumped in headfirst
The remains were brought to McCoote
Tuesday and after services in St Pat
ricks church in tho afternoon conduct
ed by Rev Kir win the remains were
buried in Calvary cemetery
The deceased came to America from
Austria and has been a resident of Red
Willow county for many years He
leaves a wife and seven children togeth
er with several brothers and sisters
Against Sunday Base Ball
We the undersigned most urgently
denounce all Sabbath desecration and
especially Sunday base ball It is a
violation of the state and the city law
as well as the Divine law It corrupts
our youth it is a discredit to our city
and an insult to the observers of the
Sabbath We respectfully ask those
who have the authority to atop it and
at once Signed
Mrs J W Wimer Pres W C T U
Mrs J G Inglis Vice pres WCTU
Mrs C H McBride Secy WCTU
Rev M B Carman Pastor M E
Rev G B Hawkes Pastor Congrega
tional church
Rev Edker Burton Pastor Baptist
The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Kind
Paul Anton has just secured about
fifty head of corn fed cattle to meet tho
needs of his meat market A finer
bunch of cattle have never been seen in
McCook indeed it is claimed for them
that the best markets of the country
cannot beat them These animals will
be served to customers of Mr Antons
market and the juiciest richest cuts
are guaranteed at reasonable figures all
the time These meats will almost melt
in your mouth
Note of Appreciation
We desire to extend our thanks to the
Revs Ains worth Hawkes and Burton
for their kindly services on Decoration
Day Also to the M E church for the
use of same to the press and to all
others who by donations and help made
the Decoration Day services a success
J K Barnes Post No 207
Fifty Inch Silk Coats Received
of lustrous black taffeta silk trimmed
with silk soutache with silk fibre
braid and with silk curl braid on cuffs
around collar and also on front and
back very handsome and stylish jind
very cheap at the price 10 The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Plain and Fancy Colors
Neat assortment of the seasons best
in straw hats Also soft hats in fancy
colors All fresh and up-to-the minute
Rozell Bargers Clothing Store
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges
will keep you cool and do such baking
as you want Sold and put in by the
McCook Hardware Co
Get Your Lawn Swings
and hammocks at the McCook Hard
ware Cos
The Class of 1908
Iinnnsolt Hondo CnpricciosoMciulolsiiotiii
Uartholody Miss Deborah I kckinim
Invocation Hcv G 15 Unwkus
Vocnlsolo Miss Huth L Wielio
Salutatory Jliss Ida Mcrlo IUikkIos
Address Hon V E Andrews
Vocnlsolo Miss EUio M Campbell
Valedictory Mr Edward OHourko
Presentation of Diploma Mr C V Harnos
Vocal solo Judith ConconoMrslFMeKonnn
Benediction Rev M 11 Carman
Mabiov M Austin The Man With The Hoc
ItALlii L Rodwoimr A Restriction on Foreign
Immigration to the United States
Helen M Hukns Manners
Elsie M Campiikll Our Class in ltto
Huth Gwendolyn Campiiell Tho 20th Century
Matie G Elbeut Tho Music World
Eaule F Enhight Hapid Transportation in
tho Future
Ethel V Glandon Uncrowned Queens
John P Ham Tho Making of a Constitution
Leonard M Hammel Our Navy
Maude G Heoenbekgek Some Great Amer
ican Educators and Their Work
Leon L Hines Defenso of tho Corporations
Anna Claiee McKenna Promises of the Fu
William W Morris Governments of tho
World and Effects on People
Mary Novotny Significance of Greece
Edward ORourke What America Has Dono
for tho World
Emma M Pade Amoricas Contribution to
Tressa T Rector American Poets of To
day and Why so Few
Alta Belle Roberts Tho Art of Study
Besse M Rowell Appreciation of Nature
Ida Merle Ruggles Tho Balance Wheel
Lillian E Schmidt Tho Poets Mission
Clarence M Sosierville Is Imperialism
Advantageous to the United States
Margaret L Thompson Right Living as a
Fine Art
Ruth L WiEnE Masters of Music
The twentieth annual graduating ex
ercises of the McCook high school in
the assembly room of the now McCook
high school building last night packed
the large room to overflowing The
class graduated was tho largest in tho
history of the McCook high schools and
tho scene was very impressive
The address to tho class was made by
Hon W E Andrews auditor of tho
treasuryand an eloquent and thoughtf u
and natriotic effort it was on the in
spiring topic The Model and the
The vocal efforts of Miss Ruth Wiehe
Miss Elsie Campbell and Mrs P F Mc
Kenna were each up to the splendid
traditions of those popular artists
Miss Ruggles as salutatorian and
Mr ORourke as valedictorian of tho
class acquitted themselves most credit
Miss Heckmans piano solo was ren
dered with her usual technical skill
and sympathetic interpretation
Tho members of the 12th grade enjoy
ed a picnic on the Willow at Loomis
on Wednesday and the 11th grades are
having that pleasure today
The 11th grade will serve the banquet
at tho Alumni reception and banquet
this evening in the new high school
Nearly a Thousand This Week
Although other matters have been
very pressing this week the solicitors
of stock for the temple opera house en
terprise have booked almost ono thous
and dollars worth more stock
Previously reported 2647 Y
B M Frees additional 50
McCook Brick Co 15
W E Corwin 10
Charles Starr 5
George Elbert 3
W O Russell 2
David Deveny 1
Total 2733
Ladies Skirts
from 81250 down to 200 The line in
cludes fine imported wire voile skirts
at 1000 and 1250 fine chiffon pana
ma skirts at 650 to 900 fine batiste
skirts at 600 and 650 panama sicil
lian and mohairs at 500 down to 250
Alterations free and prompt The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
We Have Special Paints
for gas and gasoline stoves stove pipes
floora and porches lawn furniture sinks
and bath tubs wagonq and implements
Floor wax crack and Beam filler
Bronze and aluminum paints etc Look
around the home and note the many
places where these thing would beautify
L W McConnell Druggist
Increased Salary of Postmaster
Beginning with July 1st 190S the
salary of the postmaster at McCook will
he 2200 being an increase of 100 and
showing an increase in the receipts of
tho office for the year ending March 31st
1903 of 1000 McCook is gradually
nearing the city delivery period
The Next Log roling Meet
The next log rolling meet of the
Southwest Nebraska association will be
held in Alma August 13 14 If Mc
Cook wants the meet of 1909 she wants
to get busy
Boost For McCook
Better service good goods and less
profits with cash on delivery after
June 1st Magner Stokes
Be Comfortable
Summer is here and alpaca coats are
a necessity to comfort We can fill your
wants in blacks and grays
otrt J h ttit f
h II ilJV
Should know tho charact
er and tho standing of tho
bank with which ho deals
Tho business roputntion
of our directors is suffic
ient guarantco that tho
intorostsof every deposi
tor will bo carefully pro
PWalsh C FLehn
President Vice President
C J OBrien Cashier
Taylor Succeeds Thomas
Mr Charles W Taylor of Lead South
Dakota has been elected superintend
ent of the McCook high schools in suc
cession to Mr Georgo II Thomas who
has served with much satisfaction and
success in that capacity during the past
eight years but who recently resigned
to engage in tho business of banking in
his home town Harvard Mr Taylor
formerly was superintendent at Genova
but recently has been in business at
Lead South Dakota from which place
he comes to assume the responsibilities
of our superintondency Mr Taylor
comes with a fine record as a school
man and from what The Tribune
learns the present high standard of our
schools will be maintained by the new
superintendent Wo give him hearty
welcome Mr Thomas will remain dur
ing tho six weeks session of the Mc
Cook junior school however
Corset Comfrt
consists in wearing tho jierfect fitting1
American Beautv Corsets which come
in gauze in batiste in coutil in girdles
in ribbon girdles in low and in medium
cut corsets with extended hip with
hose supporters attached at 35c 50c
75c and 100 Money back after four
weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Sold
only by The Thompson D G Co Act
ual cash values
Notice to Taxpayers
The Board of Equalization of Assess
ments will meet June 9th 190S and will
remain in session at least three days to
equalize the personal and real estate
assessment of Red Willow county for
1903 as required by law All persons
interested are hereby notified
Charles Skalla County Clerk
Ready for Your Inspection
Two piece suits coats and pants only
in summer weights stylish and tasty
garments for men and young men
Good selection at right prices
Rozell Bargers Clothing Store
For Sale
Beautiful set of books 25 volumes
Ridpath Library of Universal Litera
ture Perfect condition One fourth
cost price Rev G B Hawkes
Farmers Give Us Your Order
for a Deering Harvester or Header and
get the easiest running machine made
Dont wait till it is too late to get one
in time McCook Hardware Co
Get a Good Refrigerator
at the McCook Hardware Co sand save
what vou are now throwing away
Wanted Position as housekeeper in
small family No washing Address
L B D Arapahoe Neb
Cash Beginning June 1
On and after June 1st 1903 I
shall sell meats on a strictly cash
basis This action is made ne
cessary by business conditions
and will be strictly adhered to
Paul P Anton
23 3G
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens hank
Phone 283