The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 22, 1908, Image 8

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Soeds nt II P Wnite Co a
Everything in drugs McUonnolI
Picturo framing Tbo Ideal Store
If itB meat you can got it at Marshs
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 8223 per
box Hubers
New lino of leap year Bryan and Taft
post cards a Uofers
McConnolls Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands 25c
Go to Heckrnans bakery for anything
in tbo stationery lino
Tuesday the Entro
ilifia Dutton a shower
Nous tendered
Grass flower garden and field seeds
at H P Waito Cos
Pure food demonstration at the
White House May 23
Go to Heekniaua bakery for your
Jresh bread caiios cookies otc
Hubor is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee You know the brand
No ollico is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
Your prescriptions are always filled
correctly at Woodworth Cos drug
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Cabbage sweet potatoe and tomatoe
plants McCook Greenhouse Co
For a cold drink prepared just right
try our fountain Woodworth Co
Godfrey Co aro operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Maguer Stokes
Dont worry about commencement
gifts Give books We have a fine line
of gift editions
L V McConnell Druggist
Alaska refrigerators are insulated
Trith xure charcoal They preserve food
perfectly II P Waite Co sell
Hires root beer the original root
beer made by Hires himself Its drawn
direct from the keg at five cents per
stein at Woodworth Cos druggists
We havo sold a wagon load of wall
paper this spring but our stock is still
complete Are you going to paper
so spe us
Woodworth Co Druggists
This evening Miss Kathryn Sawyer
will give a suit case or travelers
shower in honor of Miss Jeannette
Dutton and Dr William McDivitt at
the Sawyer home on Marshall street
A post card of one of McCook s best
buildings will give your friends the best
idea of our development and growth
and the substantial character of our
city See those at The Tribune office
C E topic at the Congregational
church for Sunday evening May 24th
Being a Christian at the Ballot Box
Bible reference Ps 28 l 9 Thos Tuck
er will lead Young people urged to at
Those owning autos may avoid enact
ment of severely restrictive ordinances
by refraining from too much speed in
the city especially at down town street
intersections Complaints of this char
acter are multiplying
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty one columns of good reliable
aews each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
3ome article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribune
Seeds at H P Waito Cos
Periodicals at Heckrnans bakery
Fruits of all kinds at all times at
Base ball goods at Heckrnans bakery
Full line
Say Drink Hires
root beer At
Paul Antons meats are guaranteed to
save you dontal bills
Pure food demonstration at the
White House May 23
Kodaks for commencement gifts
L W McConnell Druggist
Wall paper paints hard oil and all
color varnish stains at right prices
A McMillen Druggist
Rubber hose grass seed and all lawn
and garden supplies at II P Waito
A taste of McMillans ice cream and
ice cream soda
will convince you of itB
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
See Neill Bros about your door and
window screens Prices right Phone
black 312
The market does not have anything
in the cattle line too good for Paul
Antons customers
Large and stylish display of shirts in
fancy whites and colors at Rozell
Bargers Call and see
Magner Stokes keep their grinder
going some these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Boiler work sharpening lawn mowers
making keys repairing bicycles general
repair work Fred Brewer phone 88
The McCook Carnegie library board
will pay one cent each for every stand
ard magazine delivered at the library
Icecream cones for sale S800 per
1000 Also cone ovens Send for cir
B F Livengood Hastings Neb
We are tired of collecting bad ac
counts from our good customers After
June 1st cash only is our motto
Magner Stokes
Just a 25 cent bottle of Almond and
Cucumber Cream will make your sore
and red hands soft and white
Woodworth Co Druggists
A G Bump room two over McCon
nells drug store is agent for some of
Americas best insurance companies
Consult him
I still have room to pasturo a few
more horses at 50 cents per month Call
on or write G B Heatherington Tren
ton Nebraska 5 15 2t
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
All accounts due the dray firm of R
M Douglass Co will be found at the
White House grocery Those indebted
to this firm please call Geo A Scott
Pleasing gift articles of utility and
durability are plenty in our superb
stock Select your gifts for graduates
here Something suitable at any price
you wish to pay
L W McConnell Druggist
Two young lads in West McCook
Deviny and Fahrenbruck by name be
came involved in a quarrel Tuesday in
which brick bats played a part to young
Fahrenbruck s personal appearances
For the next few days any adult
troubled with indigestion or stomach
trouble can obtain free a bottle of Cald
wells Syrup of Pepsin at Woodworth s
drug store Ask for it It costs noth
ing to give it a trial
Rubber Tire Rubber Tire
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Here are G W Predmores prices on
buggy wheels
Spot Cash for Black Rubber
WHEELS ys 1 11 11 1
36 and 40 in 1375 1700 2000 2800 3100 3700
3b and 42 m 1450
40 and 44 in 1500
42 and 46 in 1575
44 and 48 in 1650
37 50
White Rubber and Cushion Tires are ten per
cent in advance of the above prices New
wires are fifteen cents each Freight charges
must be prepaid on wheels shipped to us
G W Predmore Sons
Office Phone 197
Residence Phone Ash 3605
flcCook Neb
A Wishing Shower
Mra Leroy Kloven and Miss Stella
Fuller entertained the Owl Os Wednes
day evening at the Kleven home at a
wishing shower of cleverest particu
lars in honor of Miss Jeannotto Dutton
The bouse decorations were especially
notable The parlor in pink with a boll
of pink chrysanthemums over the
chandelier and pink crepe paper festoon
from the chandelier to the corners of
the apartment
Pink and white were the dining room
color scheme A bisque cupid was pen
dant over the table to which white rib
bon streamers attached at the four
corners from the chandelier Pink
paper festooning also was suspended
from the chandelier to corners of the
room Wish bones attached to ribbon
fell from the cupid to the table Punch
was served in a corner of the dining
room and hearts were the special dec
oration here
Paper hearts and cupids give a grille
effect to doorways
Guests were provided with paper hearts
and thereon were composed wishes for
the bride elect Mis3 Nellie Smiths skill
was rewarded with a place at the tablo
of honor with Miss Dutton
In the search for the ring dime and
thimble Miss Aimeo Menard Miss
Nellie Smith and Mrs G II Tbomn
were the respective winners and occui i
places with Miss Dutton at the tuldn
J F Forbes muse poured forth an
appropriately sentimental lay which
was orally interpreted by Miss Elizabeth
Bettcher and done in water colors by
Mrs W H Dungan
Theres nothing so rare as some day in June
With buzzing of bees and flowers all a bloom
When humming of insects must surely imply
The days too of picnics and smeary cream pie
When nature is smiling and life is a dream
And small boys keep dangling a worm iu the
With earnest endeavor and most ardent wish
That somehow or other theyll land a big fish
Theres nothing so rare then as some day in June
With buzzing of bees and flowers all a bloom
And so thats the reason ones thoughts turn to
With songs that bear singing of Good Summer
Theres music by bauds in pavilions and parks
Theres song of the robin and carol of larks
Theres sunshine and shadow iu woodland and
And sometimes the caw of a raven or rook
But all tell of Summer and summery skies
And mating of song birds and shooing of flies
And so thats the reason ones thoughts turn to
With songs that bear singing of Good Summer
We meet in the gloaming mid scent of the rose
And toast thee and roast thee like friendly
Awl Os
It seems quite auspicious this mating of birds
While Father Times linger points oft to June
And tongs of the robin and carol of larks
And bauds in pavilions resorts and the parks
Make music melodious while rhythm and tune
Are telling the story of one day in June
Thats why in the gloaming mid scent of the rose
We toast and roast thee like friendly Awl Os
We toast thee for happiness while were a wishin
Xoull never regret having metaphysician
For Psyche the goddess and ruler of mid
Has often made Cupid just go the thing blind
But Spring time and Summer and song of bird
Are humming iu harmonyLocik at June Third
The small boy is angling we echo his wish
That both of you land such au excellent fish
We toast thee for happiness still all a wishin
Youll never regret having metaphysician
May songs of the Summer and scent of the roc
Go with thee and bless thee as do the Awl Os
The poem booklet vase and set of
solid silver teaspoons were club gifts to
the guest of honor
A lunch in two courses was served
The color scheme iu pink and white was
indicated in the refreshments
Tiny gilded wish bones with small
hearts attached at end bearing initials
of bride and groom to be and small
sacks of rice were souvenirs of the oc
In the contest with a large wish bone
between Miss Dutton and Miss Smith
the former held the longer end of the
A satisfactory feature of the occasion
was the initiation of ten new members
into the club
Buried Here Today
Matt Heafy formerly a resident of
McCook for many years died at the
home of a relative in Diller this state
Wednesday He has been living with
his daughter in Omaha but recently
started for here on a visit He passed
away very suddenly The remains were
shipped here arriving last night and
burial was made this morning in Cal
vary cemetery after services in St Pat
ricks church conducted by Rev W J
Kirwin Among those present of the
relatives were Mr and Mrs J H Ben
nett of Omaha and Mr and Mrs S A
Miller of Denver
To Insure Prosperity
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
prosperity of the agriculturist is not duo
to chance but is the result of intelli
gent scientific business methods A
reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical and -approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment Only 125 for The Weekly
Inter Ocean and this paper one year
An Eleven-Inning- Game
The McCook high school base ball
team played an 11 inning game at Cam
bridge iast Saturday with the local
high school team there and finally
wrested victory from the Cambridge
boys by a score of 5 to 4 A fine game
Mrs Sarah J Wilson was born in
Newton Falls Ohio March 10th 1811
Was united in marriage with John
son March 10th 1871 at Rockvillo Mo
Four children wero born to them one
son and three daughters all living
Deceased camo to Hayes county this
state June 14th 18S5 nnd with hor
husband was a pioneer of that county
one particularly active in G A R
circles She departed this life at the
home of her daughter Mrs Mary Hahn
near Norton Dundy county May 13th
The remains wero brought to McCook
for interment Wednesday evening of
last week Services were held at the
homo of her daughter Mrs Joe P Kum
mer of West McCook RovGB Hawkes
officiating after which the remains
were interred in Longview cemetery
this city The husband and children
accompanied tho remains and wero pre
sent at the burial
We the husband and children of
Sarah J Wilson deceased wish to
express our heartfelt thanks to the kind
fiiends and neighbors who so greatly
comforted us in our loss To tho Sun
shine club and the Royal Neighbors of
America for their floral offerings and
to our former Hayes county friends and
John Wilson
Jay P Wilson
Marv Hahn
Hattie Christner
Zettie Kujijier
Seeking Her Erring Husband
Mrs Lillie Clark of Denver was in the
city Thursday morning seeking her
erring husband Homer D Clark of that
city in the hope of having him return
to Denver and to the support of herself
and two little girls
Clark who is manager of the Amer
ican Stock Co left Denver she claims
on No 14 Sunday morning and that a
Miss Palmer of that city a soubrette
in his company left the city on Sunday
afternoon on No 2 Both she claims
came to McCook The register of the
Palmer house on Sunday night shows
the presence of Mr Clark in the house
that night and his departure on No 2
Monday morning on the same train
Miss Palmer is said to have arrived
from Denver Check records at the de
pot show that ho checked two trunks
and a dog to St Joseph Mo on thnt
train and bought two tickets for that
city Mrs Clark states she thinks they
wont together to that city
Mrs Claik says that he left her two
years ago in Chicago and that she fol
lowed him to Denver and they appar
ently patched up the matter but that he
carried on this aff lir with Miss Palmer
within three blocks of their own home
She also claims that Clark is carrying
on his theatrical company on her money
Before Referee Keyes
The case of Bradford Kennedy Co
against William DeMay was heard be
fore Referee II W Keyes in our city
Monday and Tuesday E B Perry of
Cambridge appeared for the company
and Starr Reeder for Mr DeMay
The case involves a lumber bill Referee
is having the evidence type written for
his perusal before making a report and
decision to the district court
OConnell Stevenin
Miss Kate OConnell and Mr E A
Stevenin wero united in marriage in
Denver last Saturday From there
they went to Kansas City on a short
visit going from that point to Chick
asha Oklahoma where they will make
their home The bride grew into
womanhood in our city The groom
was formerly employed by the Burling
ton here Congratulations
Hasheesh the Strange Drug That Is
Used In the Orient
Hasheesh that strange drug which
has given our language its word as
sassin a man so frenzied by the drug
that he accomplishes murder is used
by the Persians Turks and Egyptians
in a manner akin to the use of opium
by the Chinese It is the product of a
plant grown in large quantities in the
Peloponnesus southern Greece in the
district about Tripolitza The plant
grows to a height of about four feet
and its branches are thickly covered
with small leaves and studded with
tiny seeds
The entire plant stalk and branches
is cut within a few inches of the root
and laid out in the sun to dry The
branches are then rubbed to separate
the seeds and these in turn aro ground
into a fine powder which constitutes
the drug The drug has the power of
inducing sleep and producing pleasant
and fantastic dreams Continued use of
hasheesh renders its devotees wild and
reckless and results in a complete
wreck of their mental and physical
For this reason the Egyptian govern
ment prohibited the importation of the
drug and entered into a convention
with Greece to prevent its exportation
from there to Egypt where the con
sumers of hasheesh are very numerous
The drug is practically never used in
Greece but is now exported to the va
rious ports in England Austria France
and Italy and from thore much no
doubt ultimately finds its way to
CURES catarrh of the stomach
w J
kms mb
30 Percent Discount
on All Jacket Suits
and Think
This moans a big saving to
you and this great reduction
will clean our stock in short
order This is what wo want
and these suits aro what you
need Every garment wo are
showing is this seasons style
and thoy havo not boon mark
ed up to allow for this great
reduction but you actually
get tho following regular
Palmer Gannonts at this
10 percent discount
All 81500 Suits
reduced to
All 1750 Suits
reduced to
All S2000 Suits
reduced to
All 2250 Suits
reduced to
All 82500 Suits
reduced to
All S3000 Suits
reduced to
All S3500 Suits
reduced to
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnlsliing s
when you by a Two Row Listed Corn Culti
vator but buy an up-to-date four lever ma
chine Both the
This sale begins Saturday flay 23
and as our stock will not last longat these prices you had better come
During next week wo also offer
gain values
Call and examine our special bar-
THE CHARLOTTE CORDAY HAT is among the new creations
we are showing this week in our up-to-date millinery department They
are the latest rage in the East and you are invited to call and inspect
our complete assortment of Trimmed Hats and Sailors
Phone 56
222 Main Ave
Dont Make I
Mistake I
made by the
Moline Plow Co
made by the
Midland Mfg Co
are thoroughly first class in every respect
The do perfect work Sold by
and the y
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn G6
Wheat S3
Oats 40
Rye GO
Barley 55
Hogs 4 SO
Butter good 1G
Eggs 12
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
George W Teeters 26 Freedom Neb
and Mary M Richman 23 Bartley
James R Doyle 37 Wallace Neb
and Nettie L Polzel 17 Dickens Neb
William H Foehlinger 21 McCook
and Myrtle Isabell IS Falls City Neb
Married May 20th by county judge
Pure food demonstration at the
White House May 23
Seeds at H P Waite Cos
Patronize home products
equal to any you can get
Whole Wheat Rye and Graham
Flour Special prices on lots of
ten sacks or more
SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food un-
excelled in 2 lb packages
All kinds of Mill Feed
Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc
Orders Promptly Delivered
E H DO AN Prop
Phone 29 FlcCook
X- 1