J J CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook LcmIko No 135 A F A M moeta ovory flrat and third TiiftRduy of tho mouth nt 800 p in in Mnsonlc hull Chaules L Fahnestock V M Lon Conk Sec B B M Occouoxoo Council No 10 R fcS M moots on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p in n Masonic hull ItAirn A IlAQDERa T I M SylaEhteb Cuhueal Sec u A M Kinc Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every 11 rut mid thirdThursduy of each mouth at 800 p in in Mueouic hall Ciauenci H Gbay K P Clinton B Sawiee Sue KNIOIITHTEMPLAB St John Conimnndary No 10 K T moots on tho second Thursday of ouch month at 800 p in in Masonic hall Emkrhon Hanson E C Sylvkbteu Couueal Bee EA8TEUN STAU Euroka Chapter No 86 O E S moots tho second and fourth FridayH of oach mouth at 300 p in in Masonic hall Mrs Sarah E Kay W M Sylvester Cordkal Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noblo Camp No C0J M V A meets evory second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at a JO pm in Ganschows hall Puy assessments at White House Grocery J M Smith Clerk S E Howell V C BOTAL NEIGIinons Noblo Camp No 802 R N A moots every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 2150 p m in Ganschows hall Mus Mart Walker Oraclo Mrs Augusta Anton Kec w o av Moots second and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Markwad C C W C Moter Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodjjo No CI AOUW meots ovory Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hall B Gray Rec Fred Schlagul M W DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodco No 3 D of IL moots evory second and forth Fridays of oach mouth at 800 p m in Ganschows hall Mrs Laura Osburn C of H Mrs Matie G Welles Rec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No C23 H of Ii E moots every second and fourth Saturday of oach month at 230 in Morris hull Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E locomotive firemen McCook Lodpe No 599 B of L F E meets every Saturday at 7 30 p m in Gans chows hull I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec railway conductors Harvoy Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 500 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenbeugee C Con M O McOiure Sec railway trainmen C W Bronson Jodgo No 4S7 B of R T moots flit and third Sundays at 2150 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m oach month in Morris hall Neal Beeler M R J Moore Sec railway carmen Young America Lodce No 150 B R C of A meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall at 730 p in Cos Keeigee C C H Snydee Rcc Sec machinists Red Willow Lodgo No 587 I A of M meets very second and fourth Tuesday of tho month at o00 p in in Gauschow hail D O Hewitt Pres W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meots first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meots every Wednesday at 800 p m iu Masonic hall M Lvweitson C C J X Gaarde K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every Monday at 8 00 p m in Ganschows hall W H Ackeeman N G W A Middleton Sec eagles McCook Aerio Xo1514 F O E meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at S 00 p m in Diamonds hall Social meotings on tho first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckmax W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1120 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month atS00 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of oach month in Ganschow hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yaeger Adjt Ii OF G A B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meots on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Adeline Dole Pres Matie Welles Sec e e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of tho various members Mrs G H Thomas Pros Mrs- C H Meeker Cor Sec FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recommendations of peo pie who have been cured of coughs ani colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ova large part of the civilized world 4 MVs r F i it wmm mm 7f CWCZFW Base Ball Fever On - Zmiis I feel It coming on again this spring It always gets mo just about this time It steals upon me softly and it says The game Is called at 3 oclock now climb I squirm about and swear I will not budge The demon grabs me madly by the hair Next mrnutc I am rushing for a car And when the umpire bawls Play ball Im there My office boy Is acting rather strange Im dreadfully afraid hes got It too But if he gets away this year I know That boy must think up something that Is new lie lost grandmothers last year sixteen times His sisters wedding happened once a week And now I know from how he lolls around Hes planning up some scheme to make a sneak Oh well this working all the time Is hard And yet I must pitch in today and dig Theres sevral most important matters up And one of them is well its pretty big Excuse me please The telephone doth ring Whats that Oh no I cannot go to day He is Youre sure that he will pitch the game Well yes I think Ill join you right away P S The editor requests that you fin ish this to suit yourself Uncle By leaves word that he intended to write another stanza but unexpectedly was called out on business Stringhalt Philosophy The sincere man can accomplish much it ft it Some people are like crows very noisy and little thought of it it A cracked hell and a cracked man always give forth unpleasant utter ances it it it Small griefs are always told Great griefs secrete themselves within a heart and have no tongue to break the holy silence it it it Nothing rests a city man so much after having the din of the city in his ears all day as the sweet gushing song of a brook crooning its way through fern decked banks and oer mossy stones Attractions Beyond the Alps lies Italy Amid the fragrant breeze And speaking of the fragrance there Is also limburg cheese -- - Harp Strums Spring is certainly putting out some very fine display advertising it it it The trouble with scolds is that after they have given you a piece of their minds they always have plenty left 3r it it Sometimes the small boy who goes fishing on Sunday and doesnt catch anything catches something when he gets home it it it No man is guilty until his wife catches him at it and then oftentimes she prefers to believe him rather than the cuckoo clock it it it The wise parson will preach special sermons for young ladies and in this way draw not only the young ladies but all the unmarried men in town it it it Telling your bachelor friend that your wife always cures your headache by rubbing it away is slight consola tion for the b f especially when your wife is absent on her vacation -- Fly Time Oh the summer time is near It is time for flies I fear There was one came on today In his buzzing sort of way Lit upon my nose and said Ho what makes this smeller red Its time for flies On their never ceasing raid In the butter they will wade In the milk theyll fall and die In the coffee and the pie On the bald mans head theyll skate At a very frisky rate Its time for flies Oh the tanglefoot will lie On the chair to catch the fly Sisters beau will come along All the world will be a song Then hell sit in it the goose Oh my goodness turn me loose Its time for flies -- Danger Ahead Kissing is infectious contagious and delirious It infects the sweetest and prettiest of young ladies and spreads among all her acquaintances As for the delirious part quite frequently both parties to the kissing game are insane on this one subject And to make kissing the more dangerous It very frequently leads to matrimony HvAtrYYvJXu CHURCH TOWERS They Are c Distinctive Feature of the Mexican View There is no country better worth vls itlntr than Mexico It Is very striking in crossing the border from the United States to note bow completely every thing changes Here there hardly seems anything man has constructed which harmonizes with its surround ings there everything seems to be en tirely a part of the country It is more foreign than Europe is now and constantly reminds one of the east Riding In some of the little traveled districts I could hardly believe that I was not in India The dust in- the road the thorn scrub on both sides with that pungent smell of the blos soms all reminded me of the country about Ahmedabad The plateau In winter the dry season Is very much like the desert long stretches of coun try with purple mountains in the dis tance without a tree in sight except where there is a town or where irri gation has kept a little green and a few trees have been planted Often the horizon is so distant that the mountains melt into the skj and per haps one catches a glimpse of the snow on one of the volcanoes The color is that of its own Mexican opal greens blues and reds Everywhere the distinctive features are the church towers and tiled domes rising above the towns The exteriors of these churches are always pictur esque and interesting but the interiors are usually disappointing for they have suffered much during many revo lutions and perhaps even more from senseless renovations There are a few still untouched where one can see them as nearly all were once entirely covered with richly carved wood heav ily gilded Gold was used thickly ev erywhere till the carving looked like solid metal I have seen much gold in churches but none to equal that in Mexico Lockwood do Forest in Cen tury NO ALTERNATIVE The Jury Had to Teach the Pompous Judge a Lesson A certain trial judge in a certain state became so unpopular that the only way he could get a verdict for the state was to make his charge in favor of the prisoner When matters had reached this stage a famous feud fight er was arrested on a charge of murder and brought to trial The case which was the judges first murder trial at tracted much attention and the judge whose unpopularity arose from his vanity and pomposity greatly enjoyed his role as umpire of the law The case was a clear one against the de fendant and his guilt Avas so conclu sively proved that the judge even pre sumed to charge accordingly The jury retired and when they filed back into court it was noticed that they avoided the prisoners eye and looked unusually solemn Gentlemeu said the judge waving the clerk into silence have you reached a verdict We have said the foreman The judge opened a paper bag and drew out a black cap With au im portant look around the courtroom he placed this on his head and pulled it down until it met his ears Prisoner he said arise and look at the jury Jury arise and look at the prisoner Gentlemen what is your verdict The jurymen who had been whisper ing to each other nodded cheerfully at the prisoner Not guilty said the foreman Of course he said later Avhen ev ery one had shaken the innocent mans hand he was guilty all right and that was going to be our verdict but when the little judge put that black cap on his head and pulled it down over his ears like that there was only one thing for us to do and we did it New York Sun Graveyard Neighbors The agent for a cemetery company was expatiating on the good points of a certain lot Presently the prospec tive purchaser interrupted with the enumeration of several prominent fam ilies owning property there Is this lot near theirs she asked The agent admitted that it was quite a distance off Then said the woman I dont Avant it Id rather pay more and get in a good neighborhood The agent collapsed Has it come to the point he said where people consider their next door neighbors even in a graveyard New York Sun Business Sense In new lines of goods is where the profits lie The old standbys that ev ery dealer keeps have the prices all cut to pieces on them Get the new things ahead of the other fellows and make money on them Frequent change of the arrangement of your show cases gives the effect of new goods receiA ed The same old arrangement month in and month out no matter how many new goods looks like the same old stock Printers Ink Persuasive Your wife is somewhat strong mind ed isnt she Littlejohn Strong minded A furniture polish peddler came here yesterday and in five minutes she sold him some polish she had made herself London Tele graph An Easy Way One of the easiest and most effective ways of escaping the hardships of prison abuses is found In the simple old process of keeping out of prison Chicago Record Herald Honor the tree that gives you shelter Danish BARTLEY A notable wedding occurred at tho homo of Mr and Mrs D J Richmond May 17 at twelve m when Miss Mary and Mr Geo Teeters wore united in marriage by Rov Heggaman of Bartley About fifty guests were present Miss Vermnn of Freedom presided at the piano playing the wedding march Many fine presents were received by this worthy couple who will reside at Freedom Neb Something doing in Bartley Satur day last The town was full of people Tho Free Methodists preached on tho sidewalks and the Barlow show company band played in the streets The mer chants were busy supplying the needs of prosperous farmers and contented citizens of Bartley The now hotel will be opened June 1st A Mr Spangler from Merna is the proprietor who will cater to the wants of tho public A son of Fred Huntwork fell from tho foundation of a new house on the place and sustained a broken arm abovo tho elbow and a dislocation of the elbow joint A son of Mrs Kithcart is hero visit ing Ho is a physician at Battle Creek Michigan C E Matthews manager of the Farm ers elevator iB in Kansas this week visiting his parents and other relatives Percy Catlett is in charge of the Farmers elevator in the absence of C E Matthews Mr Shouse and family and Mrs John Rider and family of Indianola attended the Richmond Teeters wedding We notice Pure Food Commissioner Johnson wont allow farmers to sell rotten eggs How about fruit dealers consigning rotten strawberries to our merchants to be put on sale Miss Maud Myers of McCook is here on a visit the guest of Miss Mae Hain ing Wm Dunn near Freedom died Mon day Elder Isaac Clark of Beaver Crossing was sent for to preach the fun eral discourse DANBURY Mr and Mrs Jas Springer are the proud parents of a baby girl born Fri day May 15th Clifford Burbridge of McCook attend ed the commencement exercises at this place Friday Leon Huett of Beaver City attended the commencement exercises and alumni banquet at this place last Fri day and Saturday nights Born to Ambrose Ruby and wife a baby boy Tuesday May 19fch Mr and Mrs J L Sims and Mrs Otto Puelz departed Monday night for Omaha Mrs Sims and Mrs Puelz going for medical treatment Miss Minnie Pool of Lebanon visited from Friday until Monday at the Mc Donald home attending the graduating exercises and banquet Dr W A DeMay was a McCook vis itor the first of this week Mrs Green and daughter Hallie and Mrs Morgan and daughter Alta Avere Indianola visitors Monday Mr and Mrs Wm Kendall received news of the marriage of their son Henry who lives at Oakland Calif W R Burbridge returned to his home in Franklin Nebr after a weeks visit with relatives Mrs H E Waugh of Lebanon was a Danbury visitor between trains Tues day Misses Katie and Sadie Greenway were Wilsonville visitors the latter part of this week Misses Sadie and Dora Greenway were McCook viitors last Saturday RED WILLOW The stork called on Mr and Mrs Clifton Friday night leaving a little daughter Hazel Bellair is helping Mrs Jacob Randel who is boarding the men who are building the elevator Lincoln Smith returned to Lincoln last Friday after making a visit of two Aveeks with his brother F C Smith Otto Gladys and Fay Randel spent Sunday with their Uncle Frank Hess Jacob Randel lost a fine young horse which became Avrapped in a loose barb wire cutting it so terribly it had to be put out of it misery On Sunday Ben King and family at tended a joint birthday dinner of his father and mother at their home near McCook GRANT too late for last aveek A nice rain put the ground in good shape for corn planting John Wesch has put 50 acres to corn up to date Clyde Hartman who has been work ing on the Morlan ranch for the past three months is on a lay off and is visiting relatives and friends here A large interesting ball game took place Sunday on the home diamond between Grant and Traer Over one hundred people were present to witness the game Miss Gertrude Hartman left Monday for Hastings Mis3 Daisy Albrecht is staying at home with her mother again Mrs Albrecht and family visited her son Roy Sunday INDIANOLA George Sheppard was at Cambridgo on business Wednesday Mack Goddard of the oastorn part of tho state was in town Thursday Earl Glandon of McCook visitod in town Friday and Saturday Ollio Gotchall of near Danbury was in town Friday Mrs Sullivan and son of McCook visitod relatives in town Friday Mrs II N Colling who has been quite sick is improving Mrs R L Duckworth and childron visitod in Cambridgo Sunday Miss George visited at her homo in Cambridge Saturday and Sunday Frank Lamborn of Wilcox Nebraska visited at W II Walkers the first of the week Jacob Lauderock wife and daughter of Omaha visited at C II Russells tho first of tho week Mrs Walker Andrews of near Dan bury visited relatives in town the first of tho week The M E ladies held an exchange in Colemans new brick store Saturday and realized a generous income Mrs J L Townloy is visiting over at the Beaver with her mothor Mrs Springer Mrs W Thompson is quite sick Ethel Silvernail loft Tuesday morn ing for Haiglor Nebraska for a visit with relatives F W Deffer of Holdrege arrived on No 13 Sunday and is the guest of Miss Hazel Phillips Walton Barlow Bros show Fri day was well attended Ami Teel arrived homo Monday morning from Excelsior Springs whore he has been for the last few weeks Mr McCallum left for Excelsior Springs where he goes for his health A N Puckett and niece Edith left last Friday for Fairbury on a short visit Miss Edith McWilliams is visiting in Danbury this week A large number of young people at tended the speaking contest at Bartley Saturday night A feAV from Danbury attended the county examination in Indianola Mon day Mrs James McCallum left Monday evening on No 11 for Excelsior Springs Willie Dunn a son of John Dunn died at his home near Freedom Tues day morning of pneumonia Leonard Smith shipped hogs to St Joseph Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs H Shouse and daught er Jennie attended tho wedding of Mr Teeter and Mary Richmond Monday north of Bartley J Fritz shipped a car of hogs to St Joe Tuesday evening Father T L Kelley Avas in McCook Sunday Mrs Adams of the east visited with her sister Mrs James McClung the first of the week R F D NO I A coal shed and storage room has been built where the barn on the Luth eran church property used to be The barn was destroyed by fire some time since John Knobs is painting his house to the improvement of its appearance J P Notley has just completed 230 feet of cement walks in the yard at the Shadeland stock farm It is doubtless one of the finest yards in Red Willow county They had an acquaintance party at the home of Carl Schuetz last Satur day evening and a pleasant affair it was Mr Schuetz and family are com paratively newcomers Mr and Mrs T A Endsley were guests of the Broomfields Sunday R D Rodgers was in the Ash Creek neighborhood after calves Tuesday of this AAeek A E Price enjoyed a visit from an old comrade of company L Third Nebraska regiment end of last week BOX ELDER Mrs W J Miller is able to sit up most of the time now Mrs Wm Raine returned to her home in McCook Sunday D B Doyle Sr is on the sick list caused by being stung by bees Mr and Mrs S C King gave a din ner last Sunday in honor of their birth day Mrs A T Wilson and Minnie visited Mrs Earl Notley of McCook last Satur day Mrs Peterson of Osborn spent Satur day and Sunday with Mrs WJ Miller- J L Campbell and family of Osborn visited Saturday and Sunday with his brother T M Campbell and his sis ter Mrs A T Wilson For Sale One 11 h p Star engine tender and tank 32x52 Port Huron separator self feeder weigher and wind stacker Price 1000 F B Amanx Bloomingtion Neb Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar antees satisfaction in fitting glasses f AV1 TEMPERANCE COLUMN Conducted by the McCook W C 12 AAAVtfAiVV 1 t a j Wo nro glad to wolcomo Mrs Boarda ley prosidont of tho Union at Bortrnnd who has recently movod hero niJINK A WA8TKIC I figured out years ago said a pros porous farmer that with very moder ate drinking I drink an aero of good Innd every year so I quit Uoro is a tomporanco lecture dono up in n small parcel convoniont for handling WOKLUS TEMlKItANCK CKNTKNNIAL Ono hundred years Imvo passed sinco tho formation of tho first tomporanco society in modorn history Tho groat ndvanco that tho causo has mado dur ing tho contury is apparent to nil think ing persons and can but cheor tho hearts of all lovers of righteousness and thoso Avho seek to upbuild tho kingdom of Jesus Christ in tho earth To colo brato this groat event n groat Worlds Tomporanco Contonnial congress is to be hold at Saratoga Springs Now York beginning Juno 1 1 1908 and continuing through the remainder of tho month in which all churches young peoploH societies Sunday schools and temper ance organizations nro invited to par ticipate It is to be feared that too many of us aro narrow and old fashioned whon it comes to working nlong tomporanco and reform linos Any man or woman of to day who reads tho nowspapors and talks of and thinks about things knows that men of all classes the most suc cessful business men professional mon and tho working men are taking part in this work as never before Read tho papers of tho west as well of tho east Last Sunday nearly ovory church in DonAer was holding election services Many of the preachers both morning and evening Avere telling thopeoplohow to vote and preaching for tho causo of tomperance singing temperance songs etc Look how tho W C T U wo men in many states this spring havo worked during election times Oh let us all take more intorest and awaken to the fact that this great tomporanco waAe that is sweeping over our country means something Lots got out of tho old fashioned rut and each man and woman do something for tho good causo FRANK RHSTLEl ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER Pt ONtllM 1420 24 LAWntNCt DENVER COLO fsimWSJi38iMtW Plan Now To the Pacific Coast Very low round trip rates com mencing June 1st for attractive coast tours only 86000 slightly higher via Shasta route and Puget sound To Chicago and East Republican convention excursion tickets at low rates in June also summer excursion rates in con nection with conAention and sum mer tourist rates to eastern re sorts To Colorado and the Rocky Mountains Daily excursion rates commencing June 1st to Colorado Utah Wyoming the Black Hills Yel lowstone Park great Democratic convention at Denver in July Homeseekers Rates First and third Tuesdays to the west including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Val ley where larye tracts of rich ir rigated lands are being opened for settlement by the government and by private companies Write D Clem DeaA er Burlington Land seekers Information Bureau Omaha excellent business open ings in new growing towns Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best Avay at the least cost R E FOE Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb X